HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-08-16At. a~ ReEular meet'ix of the Board of Supervisors~ 0f AILb_~marle County, Virginia, hetd~.-a~t-:the Court House~ef. said County on the 16,th ~y~,~of.~::August 1933. Pr-es?nt,:~-~M:~Fray~ Chairman,. C..Purcetl NcCue, Langhorne and J.A.0 ~Neill, '~*mi.~%es of the'l~st meeting weYe read and-approved. ~ A delegation of citizens appeared before the ~Board to enquire about the repair an~.~ma"~U~enance_of roads in Albeaarle.¢0unty m~er th~i~Byrd~ ~oad Plan, and after a .~thorough_ discussio~ o£ th?e matter, upon-motion of P.H.Oengry and secorded bY,~'l-~A.O'Neitl~.tho, following resolution was ad~pted, ~ESOLVED:~That the Chai~ma~ of th~.Boar~d .appoint a committee of three, one from?the~¢eunty at large, one~ fr0m ~the University of Virginia and one from ths?~ard~of~S~pervisor~, to lnves.~tiga~te:~he workings of the Byrd ~ad Plan in Albem~t~e.~¢au~ty ........ "Whe'reupoh,-:g.~..~a~,' Chairman of the ~Board, appointed the followi~qE co~lttee;~,.l~. ~:E,,~r~/ayland of HeardS., l~a., from ghe ~.Oomnt7 a:g large and also designated ~,s ~airma~of.~e Co~ttee. ~=~.~~tman~ of Charlottesville., from the ~vers~g~amd ~. ~C. P~cell lc~ue of flro~ood, Va. from ~e .Board of Superviso~ s ...... . IN RE:~O0UNTY GOVERNN~NT. Whereas the General Assembly of Virginia Aa~of. 19~2. Chapter page ~2?~.~.amthority vested_in it by ~r~lcla-~-sec,. 110 of the Constitution of Virginia,~-enacted~ a~,~law~Providing for the orga~za~ion and. government of counties to become effective iz~.~arAv~ county ~&n ~i~giUla when submitted~to the qualified voters thereof~In an election held for suc~. Rurpose~ and, approved by a majority of these voting-the~eon,~aad ..... Whe~eas the quatiEied~vot~s~f A~,~bemarle County, ~irg~uia, at a special etectionheld on ~the~'~ dav of Nay 19~ by a?--~vote~ o~. Thirteen hundred and ninety five (1~95). to seven hundred an4~-~ea 6710). voted to change from their present £~tof, government to the· COunty Executive ~e~m as pr, evided for by said Acts of 1932,~-Cha~er~S~8 Page .727 and -Whereas-.some mem~ems~'!~f--~the Board~e&z~of~ opinion that said Chapter , ' l 368 ~age g27 Acts of 19g~ should, be given as. ~air,and impa~t~.a t~ial free from amendments a~..~the 1933 Special and' t934, Re~u~ta~r~.~,s~ss~o~s~?o~.the 6eneral Assembly o~ ~irginia. ~ · .THEREFORE ON~MO~IG~f C~Pura.l!?~e,~.and seconded by P.H.Gentry the followings.resolution was adopted, ..... RESOLVED.-. ~a.~..~-~'members,~ of~ the~Nouse of~ Delegates ~. and the SCanter representing ,the~ ¢o~nty.-Jef~ Albemarl~e~in the~ae~al Assembly of ~irgi~a of 1933 ~d 1.9~ ~are~hereby requested to vote~ against ~ .proposed change or ame~ent _of Chapter 3~ pag~e~.~TST~as en~~by Gem~ Assembly of ~irgi~a of 1932 ~d ~ :~ ~ ....... BE IT ~E~RT~R~-RESoE~ED ~at.~e el~ of this board is hereby directed to transit a~copy of ~e~foregoi~ resolutiom~t~.the~-~~s of the HouSe 0f~ ~ ~Delegates a~?Se~to~ rep~esenti~ the~0ounty ef Albe~rle t~ show the disPoSition of ~e Be~a- ~of 8~peR~sors ef Alb~arte-.~,~y,~ Va..~tn ~smatter. ........ Qn..motion~ of.C,Purcell ~cCue and seconded ~by. -~.A.O'Neill the followin r e Soiuti om was'''~ a~epted. ~ Be.it Resolve~-that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of SUperVisor of Albemarlet~¢eunt~-b'e .and they are hereby authorized., to.make., and to .execute on -behalf of said.: uo~ty.~:-ap'p~cat.ien~and certificate~of nedessity tO the Hon. John Garland Pollard.,. Ge~e=ne.r .of Virginia, for the snm.,o£.~956.O0, und.e~ provisions of the Federals'Emergency Relief Act of 1958, to be used for ~he period of August and September,...19~, in-fUrnishing relief to needY, and distrassed people and in relieving the~h~hip .r'esulti~g from' unemployment ~i~'Albemarle .County, Said ~pplication..a~ certificate of. the necessity: to ~a..on the. form ~ubmitted at this meeting,, and a-:copy, of w ht.ch..~s appended to.~.this resolntion. On~moti.on ef,:p.H. Genbry a~d...seConded by,-J~A,O.~Neilt the contract With J.B. KeEle~ be' approved.viz: ..... ~..~M~HEREAd, ~J~B,~egtey has SUAbmttted to ~the Beard of Smpervisors~ ~of'Albemarle ~omnty~ am,~Jbffer to pm~ehase, ~at the price of iBA~0.00, ~he tract of land, with improvements the~eon#~containin~ 28~.~,~r~e~m,~ mor~e...or less, and known as the .County~'Poer~ He~se"~ ~act; .and WHEREAS, J said~0ffer~.is embodied in an agreement, executed July ~!st, 193~ by said J~,]~.~egley., in. words and £ig.~ures as follows: ..~)$EHQR~Ni" OF. AGREEMENT, made this~..26th, day of JUly., 193~, by and between The Board o.f .Sup~vlsors":o£...-%l:~e~le,-Ceunt¥.:, 11 ~ar ~ of the first part, and. J.B' X.egley, party o.f - W I T N E. S.S~E~TL~~.~*...~ - ~.a~-:,.-~he-~,S-aid~ party of-.~-.~the fi.~a~.~..part has agree&.to' sell, ~nd the said party of 'the second part.-~has.~ee~ to p~.~se~:.~t, certain lot or Parcel of 269 acres,?:more, o~l~s, this ~le bei~ made ~... ~e. ~o~da~ and not by the acre,. ~d--subject to the: reservations -'~d-..exceptio~ hereafter contained. · .~e :considerm~ien.for the afores~.~la~s is to be the s~ of $'~50'. of ~mc s~ $IG,OO~has~ ~s~day-~be-e ~ pai~ in cash by the parity .of ~e Second part to the Tr~sure~ .e~ ~th~a~Ze~,'~Y.,-- the reeeiP~,,of~which' is ac~owledged, $t8~6.~ seco~ is.~. be~...paid in eq~l, a~ instalment $ of $908.~. each, on.or before one, two,. three-a~..fOu~,-.,~ea~s from the date of ctoSl~_ '~"~'~'s~tr~a~em,~,~,~:¥..said deferred installments, to..be evidenced by bearing date~-.¢otempe~eously with the deeds Nov. 1, 1.933.~at t~e rate of 6% per. ann,~_m, pay ,- tly--~tll, paid, containing waivers: ~. the homestead exempti¢ upon, the pr~pe-~ty~-: he.=einbefore mentioned, which and~delIve~ed cot~ p°r~neously with delivery a deed' f~:~:,~s~.~i~.~e~ ~o..the~.~.said p~ty of the · ~;~.-- ~.t-..~!.:s~e~ssly u~.erstood-~at there~is reserved ~d excepted from this ' ' " ~ .... ~ ' .... sate ~--~-~..~eximately 2 acres of land, .w~..~,~provements thereon, located on~-the~-'So~th, side.of ~e present h~hway, or 'S.ta~e ~Oad, ieadi~ from Charlot~esv~le toLyhe~~ upon which there is at present, a most een~e~en~./~eut e, or routes, from the~ ~ublic "r~ad%~tQ.. ~sa£~jS~hoOl property, and .the ~.right~: o~;'tm~re:~smd' ~egre~s to~ a~ ~.ff~m~ the .'-~pri:n~ ¥~,~r ~ water -SUpply 'used bY :.~i~. School, -and~-ldeated ~ar. the' .aFores~d~ SchoOl ~.lot. It, is 'understood and ag. reed,, h~w~ver~"~ha~ in.~.'th'e:?eve~%~-that the aforesaid, tract of apProximately.2 acres sh~ c.e~$e, t~o b.e-~msed~ for, Schooi p~posea,~ and. .In the further event that the .pa~y?,ef.~.:th.e-first part. here.to shall tHen~have the~-~igh~ ~o to do and desi~res to se:lt"~e~-s'ame, ~then.~o~:paYment of the sum. o,f, '50.00, in'-ea-sh, the aforesaid party of-.~h~;:-f~s~,pa~t ,.will .convey ,~th.e~..said let of approximately 2 acres, reserving the improv~men~-s~.,-~/%e~eex~,..to,;the party .of the; ~e.cond part-he=et~, or to whomever he may dir?.~'t,'% · is .-und.rstood a~ ag~e-ed,.between_~.tha~,~arties 'hereto that so long ~s the bala~e~'~ef.~-~,e pu~:chase,,mone~.;~e~erred to~ abo;ve~ Shall. ,.remain unpaid, the said party ',f'?t~ne~,-seeend~,~Pa~?wi~i:keep and maintai~insurance on the improvements on 's'aid p2ope'r~,~n'~s'Ome~ re-s~po~sible Insurance Company fo~. the full insurable, value of such impro~'¢ements'~ loss. if;any. ~to be. payable~ ~to .the ~rUe~ees in said deed of -~s,t~ as~.~their, interest .maY-appear, ........ ,~Zt is~£urShe~-~e~stoo&-and~,~..agree~ he.ween-the-parties hereto that~. posSe.ss:io~of~.the~-p~emises cove~ed~b~.~.~h~is agreement,, shall be delivered, if possible on or befO~e~ the lat..day ~of .Novem~er,.~ 19~,. through th~p~ ,of the second part hereto,:ahat~,p~,.~ ~De~,~e~title~ ~ocompe!.dellve~y of such possession by She party of the f&~s~.~pa~t~prior t~the.?lst. ~ay ~ Decem~er..19~ .... ...... .-~e said party of the ,seco~p~t~omises a~ agrees.to pay the afore- said SUm~o2~.$tS~O.~'.~66,..-,om.,or ~.before the T1St'~ daY ef November.,- 1933~ and'~to execute and deliVer .t.~e.~bonds afo~e,said~am4. :deed'~'of trms2~.:aeeuzing the same cotemporaneously with deI~very te.~.,h~m of~ a deed-~een~e~!ng.~-.title:~to..: the pro,petty; it being understood that ~e '~ Sale.. coVer.e~ ~b~ ~is agreement~,~S~mI't-~h~ve~ the approval ~ and rati£ic~tion of the circui~t Court :,~Alb emarle~:-,-Coumty.~ ~S. prevlde~?~ Seo:~Xo~ ~?~ of.~the .~de. Of ~irginia~ .... IN TESTINONY ~HE~OE.~ .Th,e Board .of ~?.upervisors ~f Albemarle Oounty. has cause'd:fits ~name~'to~e~slgned~'~e~ete Dy.. J;,M.:,.,ray, its..hairman, and its 'seal to' be hereunto ~af,ftxed~ and a~tested~By ~W~,~L..mau~in,· ~its, clerk, and~. ~the. Said. J.B Jaegley has affixed his,.~signature~ amd -.seal this. 31' day of..~ly,.t'9~3:,~ "~THE, BOAE~-~OE .S~PER~IEORS OF ALBEMARLE~ COUNTY ....... · '~!-By~~ J..M.,~ray, Chai. ,~rman WHEREAS, i~t is .eons!dersd and .determined~.h~tha Beard of S~Pervisors of i~ re~mlar meeti~ this~. ~d~ ~assembled~ ~at the s~ is a for-said t~d~ with the.,improvements~ thereon, and that ~e te-~s~'in~ s.~d agreement, ce~t~ned ar~ ~reaeo~ble,~-~m~e~%~,~ ~a~%~.fully warranted; .~-~.~ .... -~TI.~ Tm, THER~ORE, RESOLVED that-it is~ ~o~,the-~ he,$%~, interest of the of Albe~=le-~~ sell..sai~, ~ract or parcel of ,~iand, cont~ni~ as aforesaid 269 acres more o~-~mlSSs9 (sale bei~ bF~the.~ ~und~ ~d not by the acre)~ sUbject to'the res e~vati~e~na'~and e. xeep~lo.~,m 'a~d~ the stipplations ln~s. aid agreement, specifically contained, for the~sum.~f $5450..00 a.ud ~upom~.the .terms aforesaid, and It is hepeby ordere~that'said sale be made pursuant ~'~to Se=tion·.-S725 of~. ~the Code'of ~irginia~ 'the 'hal=man and this ,~ ~.~%~BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED, that C Clerk of Board be and ~t~is.,:d~y, ~sub~i,t,te~ to ,the Board for comsideration; and cOmmonWe~ltht s A~to~:~.~ is ,~eeted,.to .t~e ~ such, .~tion,, tO,..sec~e cogitation of s~i~-~s~e~-'~':~e"~Bt-:rc~'t 'C.o~t .of'.<~arle as m~be~cess~ry ,and approD~ate ,:;,- ........ ~ 7~; On motion-of C. Purcell-McCue andL seconded by- j.A. otNeill -it ,is or,ere& tTra~t;~'~J~.~s~r~:.~ .~lerk~, have the,old, order book £ixed ~ ~ ......... The~,~2ollowing olaims were ~presented, exam~ed ~nd approved "and ordered to be certi£ied :to:-.the~easmrer Ir~tng D~ .,..L;G,Hoberst E.P.~aUpin i.G.Cook 1425 1426 1.427 1428 1429 14:39 1431 1432 1433 14.34 The 1435 ~.We 14~6 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 for ,what;; purpose state, mOnies,? Box re~t. fo.~ .'supe~-vi_sors ~alary for Corotar. '0£ Salary for.~ ~eas~er ~upplies ~or ~~=eas. Fo~$. for Clerk &-J'.P. LUnch-for extra ~e=i~f~ 2edi'cal attention atrial, suppl&es ,.~ J~il 144.5 -Dr..~, L~G~Roberts 1448 W.S. Cook 14~ .... Dr o T,H,Daniel 14~8 Dr. ~,L~ea -t449 1450 J.H.Jones .14~l:~ 1452 C.D.6reer tA53 :Ru~, Burruss 1454 Bessie. D.~llier 1456 1457 H.W',Hunt 1458 E.B.Pugh t459 146° - ,,· . ~ - ',amount, 1462 . Nay .Birekhead 146~ Austin ~-"-1467' W'~',.V~~ ".v. Oeo,.~, A.~Glbson~ ~.T.Shiflett- ,- ~,W.Davts C,S'Huffman W..C,Thacker . .- ~ R.R.Ho~ard ~--.-~... -. ~ · C.S. Huffman 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1477 H '1478 1479 1481 C'~ Samuel H.Dawsan Barg~n Ir~ Fray Augus4~ ,~,P~imary- Eleegion fl. ff f~ $ 440,17 1.45 14~00 .75 144.50 '2,,00 5.00 -5.50 .5.48 ~ . 0.01: 5. O0 5.50 5.00 5,00 5.00 '4.00 3 50 3 ~'50 24,u5 6,66 3.33 37 ,~0 10.80 3.00 1.00 3.00 ~ 3.00- 3.00 -1.00 12".60 3,.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 11;00_ 3,00 3,00 3,00 11.20 3.00 3. OO 3,00 1.00 8.~ 3.00 3-00 3,00 10.80 3.00 -3.00 3,00 1 ..00 10.80 3.00 3.00 .... t.00 ~.00 10.80 ~.00 1485 !486 1487 1488' 1489 1490 1491 -1492 ~ O. 1493 '1494 ~: H 1495 H 1496 '. 1497 ;O2 1500 Pa~: ~hiteman 1501 1502 1503 · T 1504'. 1505 ~A,~--L, Blair 1506 1507 1508 J ~N';Br~ke~b~h' 1509 A ;D ;' ~ bev~ns 1510 G,E{Vande,~ender 1511 S~'<t; G~Nhit e 1512 E ;:~-,Eero!d, ~ 514 1515 1519 A~ N;-,G~dner 1521 1522 ~.,NJ: arri~~ 1623 ~C.Nelson Beck 1524 ~W,B.,Cr addock 1528 1527 1528 152~ 1530 1531 1582 15~ 15~4 15~5 15~6 1537 15~8 1539 ~I540 15~ 1542 I545 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 ~0 1552 155Z 1554 Sam H,Hughes Mrs... Sam .Hughes '.J.W.Campbel~ . C .-v ;~inor : llb ~art e :~o tor-. Co ~,Y.Sutherland ~ ~ ~aloney C .N. Garne tt j,S,~orris H.G, Waddell W.H. ~targ ell 'J,R ~ ~:8~-s iS~m i563 1584 1565 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 158~ 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 591 159~ 1595 1594 J.F. Do~herty p.H,Leake R.'.G~ir ckhead Mrs; Ba~n~e. B.Batis Jno Mayo ~, T,Goodwin R ,.L ,Marshall Dr, Blair p. C.~imor ~rry J.Te~rel~ S'~l~ite W-~D;~auPin A.K.,~ant ~W.W..~iscOll ~alter~ Head W.T. Gibson ~F.E jAlexa~de~' J.E.Gibson ~C,L.C~can Midw~ E~ect~ric Ci~ of.~Ch' v~ne J .E.Jarmam Dette~ Elliott Ce. MelOn Jo~s J.H Mrs. J.W.Shackelford Mahone ~adison Dan Owen ¢ .E. DUrham T'.o~. Pace J.l/.Farish Mrs. H.H, Lannagan J .~.Bro cke nbr ough Bessie .Jones JOhn Wesley A.L.B ennett County Board Pubile Welfare Va.~lpublic Ser~ce Co~. L.F-~.Smi-th ..... Electiom aking 'suppti,es- .to ~/'~il raining picture fer~'.H. SUpplieS_for i% for Game W~den~ s .s~ary stock killed by..degs ~lec~ion H~use Sup~-'to SChools mA~O for 0utsid'e ~Pa~pers ~or-Jail .., ;,~ ~or~..telephone 3.00 3. O0 3.00 3.00 1.00 8.50 3.00 8.50 1,00 3.00 3'.00 9.80 3.00 3,00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3,00 3~00 9.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 1,0o 8.40. 3.00 3.00 3,00 5. O0 14.40 3,00' 3.00 3.00 9.80 ~,00 6,.40 4.00 3.00 ~.00 S.0o 1.00 6.5O 3.00 4.00 3, 50 ~.oo 7.50 7.50 ~.00 10.00 '3.00 3.00 '3.00 5. O0 lO.SO 3.00 '3.00 I -3,00 6.40 ' 6.40 3.00 1.00 3.60 3.00 28°00 .4.50 14.50 i5.00 45. O0 2.50 9..00 3.00 6.00 3.00 .96 2.16 3. O0 3~.oo 48. O0 79.07 lOOJO0- 6.35, 4.65. At a Spectal~,Mee.ting of the Board of Supervisors o£ Albema~le C~un~ty, Virginia, held at...,.~the ~ourt HouSe of said County on. the lst~,day of September 1933.. Pr e sent :._ $..M,Fr ay, '. Chai~man, ¢ .Pure ell-, ~.cCme-. ,W .H. Langhorne, E .J. Ball ard, P.H.Gentry and J.A.OiNeill .... ' ..... . On motion ef~-~w.H.Langho ~.r~a,.~and-~see~nded ~y,~Q. Purcell, McCue the following resolution was adop~ed. -~ , .... An ordinance p~oviding for the~,~.tsauanea of licenses and for the charge and collection of lie,ense~ .taxes to:manufacture, be~.t~le~,am~Sell, wi.thin the CoUnty of Albemarle,. Beve~aEes as here~n.-~e~ned~ Be it ordained ~ th.e ~eard ~f Supervisors ~ef Albemarle County, Virginia, as follows~ .... ~ 1. The te~m~,."beve~r.a~es, as~used in this ordinanc.e~means beer,. ?lager beer~, ale, porter,wine, stmila~£ermented malt.,~and~mous iiquor~and~ frUit 'juiCe containi~ one-half of one per centum or mo~e or alcohol by volume, and not more than 'three- and two,tenths per con.mm of alcohol ~,~.weigh,t,. ..... ~ The .term."~penson, as .nsed in ~t~Is ordinance, means an individual, partnership, association or corporation. ~, 3. That on amd after~ September4~, 193~, a lie,em-se tax.~f°r ~-the privilege of manufacturing.~ bottling and selling beverages, as h~eL~.~d~ined, within the.~ County of Albemarle is hereby assessed and~-.s~at! be eollecte~ ,~fof ~the uses amd ~ purposes ...of said Comnty. as followS: ......... .. (a). For each manufacturer, $2~00. .... - (b)For each bottle~, $25.00. (C) For each .. wholesal.r~,~;i[~2...~.O0. (d) for each retailer~. $5.00.~ (~) For .each .~s~tributing house ~er. place used in whole or. in part for ~25.00. distributlmg beverages, among, retailera,, ~' The foregoing, li.~enses.~shall be ~$~essed-~b~ the. Commissioner of-the ~evenu~ of the CoUnty,. and tko license taxes p~o~v£~ed herein~shall be. collected by the,~ County Treasurer .£~r~ ~tke. year 1933,..beginnt~ on ~h~,~ af.ter,_September 4, 19'3~.--and ending December 31, 1933, and the, ,.assessme~ts and ,collections here~d,e~, shall be reported to the Board .of Supervisors ef th~¢eun~¥~..:,a~ the Reg~ar,MO~ly Meeti~s of the Board. .. - ~is ordinanee~shal~beeome~-~feetive~fe~m,.~ ~he date~ ef its adoPtion.