HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-09-20504 At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginia, held at the Court House of said ¢o~.~,,,..0~_ ~?~,.0~th day of September, .1933. ~resent~ .J.N.Fray, J. oA.0,Neill,A W.H.Langhorne, E.~.Ballard and '£,H. .Gentry. The minu~es of the last meeting were read and approved. Qn. motion of ¢.Purcell Mc0ue and seconded by E.~.Ballard the following resolution is~ adopted. .I.t appearing to the Board that it will be. necessary for the School Board of Albemarle to borrow some.money with which to pay its expenses between now the the colIection of t~he 193~ taxes, it is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albemarle County and the Superintendent of School's of Albemarle County be and they are hereby authorized in the ahem and on behalf of said County of Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bamk or banks to borrow the necessary amount, not to exceed $15,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said county as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements and also by such obligation or obligations pledge 1933 taxes for the On moti.on o~ C.Purcell ~c0ue and secemded by- ~...Ballard the following resolution~as adopted. ~HEREAS at a meeting of the Board. of Supervisors held on the 15th day of ~arch, 1.9~, the '~tate Highway Oommission was requested to surface treat route number 115 in Albemarle ..County from its intersection with ~,S.~ighway #29 near G~apel C .hurch to Burnleys, and ~1~EREAS it was the intention of the Board to request the surface treatment of said roUte ll~ to its intersection with the ~AY Point and 0~ange Aoado THEREFORE ON MOTION of ¢.Purcell C Mc ue and seconded by ~.J.Ballard the Board Of Supervisors r~espectfully petition the ~tate Highway Commission to surface treat route 115 from its intersection-with-O.~.Highway number 29' near ChaPel Ohureh by Way of Burnley .to its intersection with the ~to~v .oznt and Orange Road. On motion .of ~, Purcell ~cCue and seconded by~ E~ J.Ballard. the following resolution is adopted. .~ BE IT RESOLVED, that -the Chairman and ~lerk of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle County be, and they are hereby, authorized to make and to exe-e~.--e on behalf of the said. 0O~ty, applicatiom and certificate of necessity to the Honorable ~ohn Garland Plllard, ~overnor of Virgi.nta,_ for the sum ef $5000.00 under provisions of the Federal Emergency HOlier Act of 19~.~, to be. used for .the period of October, November and December, 19Z~, in furnishing relief to needy and distr%essed persons and in relieving the hardship.resulting from unemployment in Albemarle County; the said application and certificate of necessity to be on the form submitted at this meeting, a copy of which is app.ended to this resolu~i.o~. Un motion of.C.purcell Mc~e an4 .seconded by P.H.Gentry the following resolution is unanimously adopted. A copy of. the assessments made by the ~tat.e..~orporation Commission of Virginia for the year 1933, upon the properties of the Railroad Companies, Telephone and Telegraph Companies, ~lectri¢ Light and Power ~ompanies, .Express and Tramsmission Companies, located within the County of Albemarle, having been laid before the Board at this meeting, and examined and compared by the said Board, amd the Board being of the opinion that the same are insufficient and~ incorrect, BE IT HESOL~ED, directed to inquire into and investigate said assessmentS, and to ascertain whether omissions have occurred or corrections should be made in an7 or all of the said assessments. motion duly seconded the fullowing resOiution was unanimously adopted, RESOLVED, that the state Highway Commission be and it is hereby requested to pay te the~0ounty of Albemarle ~he sum ef Five'Thousand TWo Eundred and Seventeen Dollars. and fifty cents ($5,217.50) representing the balance now due the County for purchase of County ~oad EqUiPmerit by the State on April 20th, 1932, and be.it furthe~esolved,~.that a copy of this resolution be certified to the State Highway 0ommission. On motion of ~.H.Langhonne and seconded by P.E.Gentry it is ordered that Seventy five ($?~.00) Dollars be appropriated to the UniversityHospital for treatment of George Kennedy in full. P.E. ~ entry On motion of C.Purcell NcCUe and secluded by G it is ordered that the sale of the Jones Property be left entirely to ~r. J..~.Fray. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be certified to.the Treasurer for payment ~iz: 1599 1600 1601 1602 1-603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 .i 61o 1611 161~ 161~ 1614 1615 1616 I617 1618 I619 1620 1621 162~~ 16241 1625 16'Z6 i6~7 16 s 16~9 16~'0 16~1 16~4 16~5 16~6 16~7 16~8 1639 1640 I64t 1642 164~ 16~ 1645 1646 1647 · o whom paid B, C.Baker E.$.Ballard P.E.~entry J.F.Oarth Crozet Print Shop G.Stuart Hamm Burroughs Adding Mch Co ~ichmond office ~upply Co W.L.~aupin Jar~ans, Inc. Remington Rand., Ine~ Everett Waddey Co. j.P.Bell Co Conway Printing Co C .Sandridge Co. J,P.Grove ~.Abbott Smith .Davis ~r~ 2Oberts Ge . 4.W.Freed endine eer Bessie D,Hiller PUS S . K. Snead ~utual Co ~llard ~hemical Co Albemarle'Mi~hie ¢0. Inc. Chas King.~& Son Inc Ellio~t ~ce 0°..~Inc,~ Melton Jones Nellie Cook Miss D. Vonunt er .Mrs. N.J. Tomlin berts ~ah0ne Co :s Orchard Co ob ~ie et~ ~.$mo. unt Finance Board 15. ~0 - 6.90 " 15.80 . 1~.80 Corotar. of Rev._ salary- ~52.92 S~pplies, for ~ommr.. ~f Rev.~tc Treasurers salary 617.95 Reimbursement for supplies .75 repots to Treasurers ~maehine Ta~ t~ckets for Treasurer ~i6.00 recording delinquent lamds supplies £or~treasurer Carbon paper for ~lerk D~ed'Book~ etc ~for Olerk Binding Land ~ook etc envelopes otc for Ol.erk ~eleg~ams for~heriff 2 cot%ers eases .outside pauper's Doard burial for outside pauper 2 coffins for outside paupers Judge Ju~. court Lunacy e~c colored Farm Demonstrator Home Demonstrator Asst Home'Demonstrator repairs to .Court House premium for poor house farm materials for COurt house Ooap for ,curt'House drinking cups otc supplies for Jail, soap ete Ice for Court House Game Warden Stock & fowl killed by dogs ~90.60 3, 50 6.0O 102.75 9.00 1.05 10. O0 I0.00 10.00 5,00 24. O0 4.00 ~. 25 5.65 6.40 5.00 5.00 5,00 3.00 3'25 24~ 25 53 ~ 33 26.67 5j85 12.55 1.11 12.50 14.25 19 .I0 3.75 28.00 3.00 12. O0 13,05 4.50 43.50 9,00 I2. O0 1653 Charles $istrict Board - - .~ 532,28 1654 Dora B.Beck .Extr~a~App_r f~orpoo~ ~ ' ' 956.00 1655 Univ, in ru~±~ for ~eo..aennedy 75.00 1656 C.F-. ~ new jeckets on boo~S~ i~.¢lerks ~ffice at $3. each 96.00 1657 Joint .' He~ ~ept neal~ appr l~ 500.00 1658 -Be sSie~ Jones Secty for Farm Demon 32 00 1659 John ..We sle~ Sa~ t~r ~ ' 48.00 1660 City of Oh.-~Ile ater for Co~t ~ouse 25.00 166~ Va~.: PUbtic.~ervice Co. Lights for Jail 7.2~ 166E Co~ty'B~rt public welfare ~onthty appr. for ~or ~0.00 A-d~. Of=Appr for poor 100.00 1664 A.L.Bennett ~mpt of ~ch~Ols'. ~s~lary 79.07 1665 SouthEast~ublSe Service Co telephones for ce. 'offides ~9.55 1666 ~a, pu~lC~erviCe Co. lights for court house 14.0~ 1667 State~ Treas~er State mo~es 520.00 1668 T.0~cott Farm demonstrator 2 mos 172.82 At a Reg'a!ar Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia., held at thee Court House of salad county on the 18th day of October 193~. Present: J-~-Fray~Chairman,~_ C.PurceI1 NcCUe, E,J.Ballard,~ · P.H,Gentry, J.A.0, Nef'll and W.H.~Langhorne. -~ The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of .C.PureeI1 ~McOue and seconded by J..A.O'Neill 'the following resolution was adopted. The commonwealth!s Attorney of the County having reported the result of-his investigation of assessments for 1933, made by ~the State Cerporat~n CommiSsion upon properties of Railroads, Transmission, Telephone and Telegraph and Public Service CorporatiOnS~ in .the County of Albemarle. BE IT RESOLVED, that he is hereby directed to make further inquiry and investi- gation into. the assessment of properties of the Virginia Pubic Service' Corporation within this County for ~the said year 1933, On motion of P.~ H.Gentry ~nd seconded by.O.Purceli McCue the sum of $200,00 is appropriated to the Chamember of Commerce of the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle .for the ensuring year. On motion of C.~urcell NcC~e and seconded by J.A.0'Neill it is ordered that the sum of $10.00 be paid D.F.~wbray for w~$k done on the cou~ty property and also that the sum of $13.58 be appropriated to Mrna. Mowbray for fUr~ther improvements. On motion of C,Purcell McCue and seconded by'E,J.Ballard it is. ordered that the sale mof ~th~e Jones~ property to R.L.Wood for the sum of $600.'00 by ~.M,FraY acting under a f$'~m.er resolution of~ the board, be confirmed and W.0.Fife, Commonwalth,s Atty is directed to prepare the necessary papers. On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by W.H.Langhorne it is ordered that the claim of A.B.O,Durrer $~r ~4 turkeys, killed by dogs be allowed.