HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-12-012041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 ~047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2062 ~053 2054 2055 2056 ~057 2058 2059 2060 2061 g062 2063 2064 2065 2066 20 67 2068 ~069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2'077 2078 2079 ~080 208~ 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 Mrs. J.P.Btair J. 0. Thurman ~;~ .Miller Au~.tin W. Flin$ P. C. ~inor 0. L. Smith S, T. Vnit e J.Terrill ~aupin Sr. D.L. e W.W. Driscol~ Mae W. Driscoll L. L o Clark Walter Head W. T. Gibson J. F. Lsather s E .H.Warner J. E. Gibson F. E. Alexander C. Lm. Dunc an S.H.Dawson Eldridge Jones T. E. Sellers Henry C.Page H. T. Huff 'W. ~. Tha cker A. T. ~mr r er C .W. Frick H. L. Webb Hugh ~ · ~lark W.~.Preddy ~.Z .Sutherland ~m C,Hariow P. C .Minor J. 0. Thurman G. W., Smith Election Jury service (S mos) 1-~1000. ~o. bond bought 2-$2000. ~o. bonds bought H.Ashby Harris B.O.Jones ~ Charles~[ancey~ Treas Dist. Ba. Joint Poor home Robert Garrett & ~ons National Bank & Trust co. Janitor for c.H.-salary Secty to Farm Demonstrator ~X%EX~EE~ Judge's salary School Supt~s salary Monthly appr for outside poor Admr of ~ Farm Demonstrator (2 mos) coupons November Election water for C.H.&. Jail Lights for Jail Telephones for Co ~ffices State monies Lights for C.H. State Appr for Outside poor State monies John Wesley Bessie Jones Treasurer of Virginia A o L. Bennett County Board Public ~elfare T.0.Scott T National~ Bank & rust Co P,P.Thomas City of Ch~vil~e Va. Public Service Co. Sq~th East Public Service Co T~easurer of Virginia Virginia Public Service Co. . s rginia Z.O0 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.0O 3.00 5.00 il.O© 10.80 3.00 3.0O 3.00 3.00 1.00 ll.00 9.80 ~.00 3.00 tl.00 1.00 ~4.60 25.20 15.60 19.50 3.50 21.00 18.80 19.00 24.00 25.80 14.00 3.80 2.60 3.10 3.10 4.0O 3..~0 4.~0 514.97 1,061.81 2,139.17 48.00 32.00 1~062.09 79.07 300.00 100.00 192.82 1,536,25 3.00 25.00 9.71 31.20 20,130.20 24.08 2,000.00 25,736.54 ~__~Chairman 'At a duly called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ held at the Court House. of said county on the 1st day of December 1933. Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, E.J.Ballard, W.H.-~anghorne, P.H.Gentry andJ.A.0'Neill. The Board having unanimously offered Mr. Weth Burnley the position of County Executive, accepted with regrets the following letter, ,~t December- i, 1933. Honorable Board of Supervisors Albemarle Virginia Gentlemen: your offer to me of the Co~ty Executiveship of Albemarle was a very gracious act and it would~ greatly please me to accept this office but due to the large number of unfinished proj.ect~s 'now ~ pending in the City, and also to the fact that the City uounciz 't is desirous that I continue my work with the Cz y, i regret to inform you that it will be impossible for me to serve you in the capacity of County Executive. The City is profoundly interested in the new form of government which you gentlemen are about to set up, and it is the desire of ~the C' ~ty Commissioners that as City Manager_.i shall work with you in the closest cooperation and I wish to pledge, therefore, myP~-he.arti~st good-will for the success of your new undertaking.~~- If~a't any~.~time my humble advice or counsel can be of any service to you I Will consider it a priveiege to serve you~.~ ~Trmsting. that our cordial relationE will continue to exist, I am Cordially yours, SETH BUR.NLEY Mr. K.C.Naylor's check for $200.00 for rent in full for the county home to November 1st 1933 was presented to the board and the clerk was directed to ~urn it over to the county treasurer to be credited to the county fund. In ge: Appointment of County EXecutive. On motion of J.A.O'Neill and seconded by E.J.Ballard, it is ordered, that a committee, consisting of Messrs. Fray, McCue and Gentry be appointed to examine into the qualification of the several candidates for the position, of County Executive and report back to the board at an adjourned meeting ~o be held on Dec ~th 1933 at lO:00 A.~o its findings and recommendations. The Board adjourned to meet again on the @th day of Dec, 1933, at 10:0G~M. ~hairman At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ .held at the ~ourt House of said county on the ~th day of December 1933'. Present~ J.~oFray, ~airmau, ~.~urcell McCue, P,H.Gentry, E.J.Ballard, J.A.G!Neill and W,HoLanghorne. Absent: none. ~HEEEAS, the General ~ssembly of ~irginia, Acts of 1932, Chapter 368, page 727~ by authority yeS't-ed in it by Article 7, Sec. ll0, of the Constitution of Virginia, enacted a law providing for the organization on government of counties, to become .effective in any county in ~irginia When submitted to the qualified voters thereof in an election held for such purpose and approved by a majority of those vo~ing thereon, and WHEREAS, the qualified voters of Albemarle County, .Virginia, at a special election held on the 2nd. day of May, 1933, by a vote of thirteen hundred and ninety-five (1395) to seven hundred and ten (710), voted to change from their present form of government to the county executive form as provided for by said Acts of 193~ Chapter 388, page ?27, and WHEREAS, in order to put the county executive form of government into operation it becomes necessary to a~point a county executive as provided for by sec ~77E (29) of said Acts of l~3E, Chapter 368, and WHEREAS, at a former meeting of the Board of .Supervisors a committee, consisting of ~essrs. Fray, McCue and Gentry, was appointed to examine the qualiii- cations of the several applicants for the position of county executive and report '~baCk to the board at'~n adjourned meeting to be held on December 9, 1933, its