HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-12-09 The City is profoundly interested in the new form of government ~h_ich you gentlemen are about to set up,iand it is the desire of ~the City Commissioners that as City ~anager~ shall work with you in the closest coop~ration and I wish to pledge, therefore, my~he~artiest good-will for the success of your new undertakinE~-~ If~t any-tim~ my humble advice or counsel can be of any service to you I Will consider it a privelege to serve you~ I am ~Trusting that our cordial relationE will continue to exist, ~ordially yours, SETH BURNL ~EY TT ~r. K.C.Naylor~s check for $200.00 for rent in full for the county home to November 1st 1933 was presented to the board and the clerk was directed to ~urn it o.ver to the county treasurer to be credited to the county fund. In Ee: Appointment of County EXeoUtive. On motion of J.A.0'Neill and seconded by E.J.Ba~llard, it is ordered that a committee, consisting of Eessrs. Fray, McCue and Gentry be appointed to examine into the qualification of the several candidates for the position of County Executive and report back to the board at an adjourned meeting ~o be held on Dec ~th 1933 at lO:0O A.~. its findings and recommendations. The Board adjourned to meet again on the 9th day of Dec. 1933, at 10:00~M. Chairman At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia~ .held at the ~ourt House of said coun2y on the 9th day of December 1933. Present~ J.~.Fray, Chairmam, C.Fu~cell McOue, P.H.Gentry, E.J.Ballard, J.Ao0.!Neill and W,H.Langhorne. Absent: none. WHEEEAS, the General Assembly of ~irginia, Acts of 1932, Chapter 368, page 727~ bY authorit~ ve~ted in it by Article 7, Sec. ll0, of the Constitution of ~Virginia, enacted a law Providing for the organization on government of counties~ to become effective in any coUnty in ~irginia wren submitted to the qualified voters thereof in an election held for such purpose and approved by a majority of those vo~ing thereon, and WHEREAS, the qualified voters of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a special election held on the 2nd. day of May, 1933, bY a vote of thirteen hundred and ninety-five (1395) to seven hundred and ten (710), voted to change from their present form of government to the county executive form as provided for by said Acts oF 193~, Chapter 368, page 727, and ~I~EREAS, in order to put the county executive form of government into operation it becomes necessary to aSpoint a county executive as provided for by sec 277£ .(29) of said Acts of 1932, Chapter 368, and ~HEEEAS, at a former meeting of the Board of .Supervisors a committee, consisting of ~essrs. Fray, NcCue and Gentry, was appointed to examine the qualiEi- cations of the several applicants for the position of county executive and report ~back to the board at-an adjourned meeting to be held on December 9, 1933, its The c-o~ittee iS performance of its duty this day report as follows: ',Your committee after a cmreful examination of the several applicants, both as to experience and qualification, respectfully recommend the appointment of ~r, H.A. Hade~ Charlottesvi~lle~ Va. as county executive at a salary of $4200.00 a year'~, THEREFORE on motion of Mr. J.A~O'Neill and seconded by~'~r. E.J,Ballard E ' and by a unanimous vote of the board mr. ~.A.Haden was appointed County xecutlve for Albemarle County, Virginia, begi~ng January 1st. 1934~ at a salary of ~4~00.00 per annum. Dr. McQuade, County Health ~ffice~ habeing been requested by Dr. W.F.Draper, ~tate Health Commissioner, to take over his duties for a short period, a~peared before the board and asked permission to comply with Dr. Draper~s request, Therefore on motion of~ C.Purcell McCue and seconded by E,$.Ballard it is unanimously ordered that a leave be granted Dr.. McQua~e to assnme the duties request by the State Health ~ommissioner. Resolved that the Board of Supervisors, the County School Board concurring, request the State Board of EdUCation' to suspend the payme.nt of the principal on $ Dolla=s due the Literary Fund for bonds amounting to Eight ~housa~d (8,000.00) Resolved that Mr. A.L.Bennett, Supt. of S. chools~ make application for funds from the C.W.A. to build schools at Earlysville, Stony Point, Fry Springs and B elmomt, and BE I~T FURTHER RESOLVED that the County School be permitted ~0 borrow from the 'Literary Fund and amount not to exceed -Thirty Five ThouSand ($35,000.00) Dollars. ~F~Ohairman. At a duly called meeting of the Board of Supervisors of albemarle County, Virginia~ held at the ~urt House of said county on the 12th day of December 1933. Present: J.M.Fray, .Chairman, C.?urcell ~cCue, E.~.Ballar~! P.H.Gentry, J. A. 0 ! Neill and ~.H. ~anghorne. The purpose of the meeting of Board was to confer ~with the County Board of Welfare and interested citizens in regard to way to use the man hours allocated to Albemarle County from the c.W.A. ~~. Ohairm~n.