HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-12-20 At a Re,ar Neeting ef Board ~of ~upervisors of Albemaroe County, Virginia,. held at the COUrt HouSe of said .~C°m~y on the ~Oth d~y of December', 195~. Presen~t: J.~,~ray, Chairman, C, urcell meC~e, ~w~.H.'LanghOrne, E.J.Ballar~ and1-4',A,O, Nell' t. . ~ · - ~ The.-!minutes of the last~ meeting, were-read and. approved. ? ~-.~.At ~- a ~egular NOvembe~ :-mee$i~.~. oE~:~th.e- Boa~d following viewers, ~- P. O~mi~r, J'. 0.~~,: ~. D.a~lladay, or a~ ~ree of. th~.;, repor~t on the ~ advisability.- of:relocatin~ th~p~B~:~'ro~~; ~om Feder~ State~oute: ~ to Route TS1 ~ough~ the lands of Club, CoUnty School Board.of. Albemarle ~°~mmty and the?.C:~.&~-O,~.~.~'-'comp~y~ The.said Viewers have this day-.:submitt'ed theirs'. being of' option that sai~ report~ is in due. form and should%be on motion d~ty Seconded it is ordered that the ~.~:lerk issued subpoena:~:'to~:~J.B~ Belk, Eeswick Hunt Club, ~.:.,,om~ty. SChool Board of Albemarle Com~ty and .company to appear b:efore the Bo.ard .of ~upe~visors ef~..Albemarte:i Co~tY. at the Court house of sa~d..County.on the 17~h day of. Janua~ 19~4, at ll:O0..A~, to .show cause, if any, why the said report in the matter of a puhll¢.road.....th~ou~h:.~y~r'.~t, ands should not be a:dop~ed. on mation .of~P.:~Gent~y. and seconded .b¥.~..Purcell NeCue the following resolution was adopt'ed, ..... BE IT~ ~E$O~LVED~-that 'the?Supt. of~.S¢~hools.~.and~_-the S'chO~t~..~Board of Albemarle County be-and~ .they are hereby authorized to make applica-tion for-..~fusdS under the C.W,A. to h~ld new~ school buil~ngs at Earlysville and Sto~ Point and ~ auditori~ at ~ed Hill and Greenwood. ~ ..... At the rJg~-ar November 19~3: meeti~ o~ the ~-, ~tate representati~e-~was requested to ge over a proposed raad fr~m ~.,~ ~T~s. in Fluva~ COwry Se its Junction with ~e Seot~sville-~oodridg~a road ~'~t one mile nor~ of Jefferson,and =eporb back to th~eboard at its~ next rsgmlar ~ti~~ -'the~ of incorporati~ ~e~said road in the seCondary~ syst~...a~-h&ghwaYs. Mr. Gose .~-~ls" day in ob~nee~e ?~e above, requ~t-repe~te~ tha~ he, ~r. ~Nagen,.~District "~nee~--a~ mr. E ~H~.~Selv~e, r~esident ~ e~ ineer ~. of~F~uva~a'~' ~bunty went over the proposed ~ road ~and that in ~eir epi~en it ~uld not be advisable to incorporate ~e said~road in ~e se~nda~' system of highways, but~that if theL citizens would secure ~the ri~t of ways, grade a~ b~l~._t~.~rOad,~.~%~e state would be ~iii~ng to accept it.- _ ~_ ~--~ On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Messrs Fra~ and McCue be added to the building committee. On motion- of-~P.H..Gentry and~ seconded~ by C.Purcell~ _ ~e the following ~.esolution was-~dopted. ~- · ..... ~ Be it resolved, that '-~he Chairman and Glerk of the Boa~-~.~oT, ~u~er~i.sors of A~arle and theY are hs~reby authorized to make a~e~eCum~e~-o~~ ~he~s~d co. tv aD~lieation and e~r~,~%m~t~ ~ n~~v e~"~':'~~ A delegation of citizens from Crozet appeared brfore the board, and requested the county to ~a¢cept ~the: fee simple title to so much la~d as:~t~.:~eaessar~y to lay' sidewalks' im ~e village of Crozet and the Board after, a thorough~ discussion of the matter Was of opimi~n~t~at,it was to-the best interest 6f the~eibi,z~ns ~of C~ozet to accept the proposition~ therefore~ on motion of~arcell N~Cue, a-nd . ~ seconded by-W.H.Langhorne the folloWSng resolution was ad~pted,, . ' '~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Oou~Aty ,of-~Albe~a~le:a~Cept a ~d~e~:~om, the~ citizens of Crozet conveying so mmch land-.as is necessary ~. to lay ,sid~ks ~long th~'highways upon--condition that the county will' not be done or for the maintenance and repair of the, said_sidewalks. T~he ~t~ewing elaims~" were presented, examined,~'' a~:~.p~ed'i and '" Or~dered' t~ he, certified ~o~ the.Treasurer fe~ payment viz~ ....... --, ~- ..... ~ ~0'9~ ~100 ElO1 ~10~ =105 ~lO6 ~107 El08 ~111 ~114 '2121 . ~I22 2127 Ei~9 ~lZO ~lZl 213~ ~I35 ~136 2137 2138 2140 2141 2142 2143 Eib5 2147 ~148 21~9 ~151 E152 2153 Tg whom paid. Chamber of ommerce P.¢ ~reas J,F, Garth. G.Stuar~ Hamm Virginia ~rinti~g 'O,f~ice PPintimg Co In¢.  ee-Lox Mfg Co .L,~aupin Crozet Print Shop W.u,~ife ' westech Union Dr., A-D.Hart J ~ederson, st. forester Ldge Beai Dr. z~ ~. B.. arly D. mller SS Chemical Co ~ EleCtric Co W.', ChLvllle Hdwe Co. City of Chvitle ~a. Workshop for the Biin~ ~etton Jones ~rs. L.M.Toms Allen Luke Dr, 'i Natt s s J.N.Fray C. Put cell NeGue P.H .G en~t?y J.A,O,.NeilI E.J.Ballard Head Viewer Audit of County T~ea.s, · sa~-ary. Cmmmr of ~Reimbursement of stamps otc ..... · oo 2.00 .. ~.. 2.00 -2".00 . 675..9:~ oo Cour~ " .... for tri su i eS for call for Sherif:~ Coroners F~r~st fires board outside pauper · .~udge JUV. ~me Deme,nstrator colored Farm D~on. ~8 ballot bo~es soap for Court House lights for C.N. S~p-plies ~for C.R Wor~ 'at ,C.H. supplies for C ~H ~ail coal for C.H.&.J ail cot pads for Jail salary game. w~den sheep etc killed by-dogs, M- salary comm. attorney 's~ary for. 3.90 -5.77 .60 'visors supervisors t0. O0 2.00 . 8.60 5.00- 5.80 "- 5.00 .-. - ~-~" 53' 33. 26., 67 24.25 60. O0 19.E5 · . E.80' !.7~ 1.00 8.12 3~7, 50 34,80 "ES. 0 0 12.00 2.:'00' .48:~ O0 6,00 .... 6oG, OO 6O0,00 750. OO .:. ...... ~:~'-75~ 0 0 ,78~ O0 ...... 6~,. O0 66; 50" 62.10 2155 ~156 2157 2158 2159 2161Bes sion. J-ones. 2162" 'Tre~e~.:~ e£~. Virgini a 2163 2164 2165 2.166 2167 2168 2169 ~170 EI~i 217E 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 218~ 2188 2190 ~192 2193 2194 2195 2196 x 2197 2198 ~!99 2200 2202 2~03 2204 2205 2~06 2208 2209 2210 2211 .2212 221~ 2214 2~16 ~2'18 ~219 2220 22~21 2222 2223 2224 ~2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2236 '2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2~42 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 Co. Gibson Emma.)ha~le:n.. ~ar~y,:~.a .all ~rs,. ~he.edo~e Herndon Nary ~F.Head O.,D.~utchin~n ~,~,~H~hrey Sa~e. ~C.~ing J.P~ .' eathers ~lten E~deree Ida ~r s ~*~ G,,~O .~n ~r s. ~,w~,.~a~pin a~. ~. C ~ar sh Mrs,--, Be~ ~cAllister. Mrs. F,~c~ee Fa~e .A.~oOre a~s. ~ene ~aickie ~ra.~T.G~M~chie Mrs. RebecCa A?ace Eliza Patterson Sallie C. ~erki~ ars. -M.P.P Ice Lue~Quarles Jas a.BoDer, ts ~r~. A.J.~odes L.C.San~idge I sabeIle ~an~idge ~s. A,J.Shiflett Ma~la A.~le tt Mary Mi.~r?a,Tom~s Lucy-'-~.'.Turmer .. Hoberta-.~C.~ood ~- lhoit ~ore D,P.~oodson ~,s., J~,E,,White Nat~t Bank & Trust Co. T~ansfer Secty go Fa~m~emonstrator State monies · Jard. tor Court House state m'onies fdr p~Or Coupon mon~§y appr. fo~ fleaith Appr for poor of appr for 'state monies lights for c.h. & Jail T*lephones for County pension for 1934 Coupon mo~ey of ~d_s. 8,734.74 · '.t, 747.03 ...... .7 .~.689'. 37 5, 20~, ?0 3;2.00 19,20 48.00 - 1,000.00 Zl, 625.00 1,500. 00 ' 300.00 I00.00 1'55.61 39.23 38,'95 50,0.0 5o.o0 .. 50,00 '50,00 ~, 50, O0 50,00 50, O0 50,00 50, O0 50, O0 50',00 ..... 50,00 ....... 50 ~. O0 · · 50. O0 50. O0 50.00' 50. Oo 50,00 '50,00 - 50.00 50 ~ O0 50. O0 :, ......... 50.00 ¢-~:.-'.: 50.00 - ,~-." 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 150. O0 -. ~ 50,00 ~ · 50,00 50,00 50,00 .-.. -- 50,00 50',00 ~. 50,00 ..... 50 ,.00 50,00 ......50, O0 .... 50 · O0 . -. .... 50. O0 ......... 50,00 50, O0 50,00~ 50,00 50,00 50, O0 50,00 50,00 50,00 50, O0 50,00 ~50. O0 50, O0 50,00 ~-,- 50, O0 -.- 50.00 ~0.00 50. O0 50. 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