HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-01-01 At a~ dUly Called meeting of the Board of County ,~p~ervi~-S~r.s;~. of
Albemarle County.,. ~Virginia, .held at the Court House~ of said
lst-day ,of ~anua~y 19Z4.
'Present: J.N.FraY, Chairman, C.Purcell NcCue,
O' Neill, P.H,Gentry. and E,J:Ballard. ......... - ....
~e General Assembly of Virgi~a, Acts of 19~2,'~ ChaD~ter ~8~ page
e~cted a law pro~idi~ for ~w forms of organization and Go,orient of
Co~ties. ~suant to-'the terms of ~at statute the qualif.ied~wot~erS of
Albe~rle County at a speci~ election held on the 2~, day of May, ~9~ voted
to .cha~e the existi~ form of Gover~ent to the C.o~ty Exeeu~ve ~orm of
Gover~ent as ~own by an order entered by ~e Circuit CouP. of,.~bema~le County
Nay 8, 19'~ ~d spread in Law Order Book ~ page ~1,.~1 a ~eep~?~e~Of bei~
spread in the minutes o.f the ~a~ 17, l~ meetim~ of ~the B°ard:oE~Supervlsors
of '~lbemarle ~ounty (~inute Book 1920 t~ page ~88).
At ~e gener~ election held ~ove~er ~, 19~ the q~lified voters ef
elected as members of ~e Board of ~Co~.~pervisors of
Albe~rte Co~ty for the term begi~ January .1, 19~ and e~i~ De~:ember
19~5; ' '~
~-.N.Fray~- C.~urcell ~c~ue~. P~E. Gent~, E,$.~lla~d~. ~..A.0~Neill,
duly qu~ified .and given bo~zl as required by law as_shown by orders
en~ere~,.by ~he Circuit Court of Albemarle County December 27, 1933'-and 'spread~
48 page 229,. etc. ~.
~e first or organization meeting of the Board of county Supervisors
of ,Albemarle,, '¢omnty was held at the Court ,House ofsaid-.County on the first
day of January,,:. 1934 for the purpose of organizing and p~ovi~ng ..fo~ the
~erformance of the governmenta~ ~mnctions of the Oount~, unde~ the~C~Unty
ExeCutive form o2 Government.
C. Pur cell ~-,~¢ '~ue,
. P..H. ~entry
and, ~/~E.Langhe~ne.
~e!.Board was called to-~order~, .a~nd on motion duly seconded., C.
purcell Merci was. unantmGus.ly elected .,temporary Chairman .....
· he~ Temporary Chairman tooE.~.-th~e, chaz~- and eatled~,~or ,nominations
2or Chairman of ~,th~e Board,. J,M.Fr'ay was nomin~ted,~.by~,P,E~Geutry and seconded~'
by E.J.Ballard and was unanimously eledted as Chairman of~the Board-for the
year 1934.
~e ~Ch~irman of the Beard then took the chair and called for n~minati.
for Vice Chairman of the Board. P..H.Gentry was nSminated by~Purcell McCue
and seconded ~by J.A.,O'Neill and was unanimomaly elected ~iee~i~airman of the
Board'for the year 19~4.
On motion of ¢,Purcell McCue and seconded by~.E,J,Ba!l~rd, H,A.Haden
EEREAS~, the decision Of the Supreme Court-.of Appe'als..~o~ ~trginia_in
that suit may-' have a very material bearing on the interests~o£.-~&l~bemar~'~.e~CoUnty
and its Government .... .~.. -' ·
NOW ~HEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the~Board of COun~ty.~ S~perv-i~sor~J. of
Albemarle County that John S,Graves, ~pec~al Counsel of the Boar~b~.~z.nd..~he is
hereby directed to ~sk leave to take part in the ~roceedinE~...~
and if permitted by the Court to file a brief on b.ehal£~ ef~h~i~C~u~y~'~s~n~t~e
such part .in~.the proceedings as he may be permitted, to the end~ th~t'~%~h~'~omrt
may uphold the constitutionality of said Act and approve the g.o~e~en~"-'~f counties
organized and governed thereunder.
t~e Coun. ty..Executive recommended J,F.Garth as .an~emple~ee.~e~'~he
DeparSment.of Finance. On motion of E,J,Ballard and second~d~b~$~A,G~Neill~
J,F,Garth~as~unanimously elected as en employee of~the ~epartme~t of~ina~ce
at a salary 'of $~00,00 per month, ~
On motiOn of N,H.L~anghorne, seconded ~! E,J, Ballard, il~was~resolved that
the State Auditor of Public Accounts be reqUested to ma~e ~a~udit of the records
of the County including the office of Treasurer, Board of Supervisors, School Board
and the Commissione~ ef nevenue~ from the date of the task~au~i~down to as near
the date of the completion of the audit as practicable ....
On motion~yE,J,Ballard and seconded by P,H,Gent~ it. was moved and
unanimously Eesoved that the resolution appointing John ~S, Graves as_Special
counsel be reconsidered,
on motion of C.Purcell MCCue and seconded by 2.Ni~Gentry, John S, Gr~ves
is appointed County Attorney, and pursuant to Chapter 368. of the~.ACts of the
Assembly of 1932 all legal work of the County of a civil, na~tur~e is transferred
from the office ~of.~.the Attorney fo~ the ~ommonwealth.~to the office of County
Attorney. The County AttOrney shall attend all meetings~ of~.ths~Board of~ County
Supervisors and act as legal advisor to the Board~ and prosecute~-~.-n~-~e~.e~d all
legal proceedings to which the ~ounty is a party and per£o.rm.ls~¢h other duties
as may from time to time ~be required of him by the Board of County. Supervisors,
9~pon motion ~of .J,A.,.O~! Neill and seconded.~.by P,H,Ge-~t~:~he~.~2ollowing
resolution was adopted.
WHEREAS, the General~ AssemblY of-Virginia~, Acts of .1S32,..-.Chapter 368 p.
727 enacted a.l-aw~.:pro~din~.. £er new'~fomms of. organizatio~n and government'-of counties.
Pursuant to the terms of' that statute-the Gu Iified ~o.tprmS ..of .Albemarle County at
a special election held on ~he 2nd, day of May, 1~33 voted by .a vote of 139B for
and 710 against, to change the 'existing form of Govennment~..~to:~the county eXeCmtfve
form of Government as shown by an order entered by the O~rcuit C
~ ourt of
Albemarle County May 8, 1933 and spread in Law Order ~ook' 48...page~ il, and
WHEREAS, at the general election held Novembe~ ~?.,:..I~$.~...~he :~qUalified
voters of'Al-bemarle ~ounty elected a Board of County Superviso~.s~ of Albemarle County
~EREAS, H.A,H~den h~s duly qualified and gi~e.n?~bomd-~aa~ Director of
~inance as required by law, ~d,
W~REAS, u~er s~d law ~e powers ~d duties oE~ She~Oe~i~ener of
Eev~ue for Albemarle Co~ty and of the Treas~er of
transferred to the Director of Finance, and
~HEREAS, pursuant to said law, J,Fendal Ga~th,~Go~i~s~sioner~ef-Eevenue,
whose office expires December ~l, l~ has turned over his~ of~e~ te~H~A.Haden,
Director of ~i~nee of Albemarle Cowry as req~red.
~osition of assistant in the office ef Director of
~E~EAS,m ~' . 8tuar~ H~, former Treas~er~ o~ .~l'o. ema~e~.~o~ whose
office e~es Dec,her Sl, 19S5 as provided by said la~ al~hom~h d~manded so to
in ~e preence of ~e BOard by H.A.Haden, DirectOr
Co~ty refused to t~r~ over .his office or ~y of the~ CoSnty~ ~.~%y"Tn his posses
cl~imi~ that his ~?~;~?~ot expire on Dec,bet ~1, ~.: ~t.~::.~-t~.~he was
entitled to.hold office until December ~l, 1965
NOW ~EREFOEE BE tT ~SOLVED, that the Co~ty aE~n~._t~e such steps
as may be proper, to. require G.stuarb-Hmmm to~.~t~n o~er ~nd det~iq~~E~;~aden,
Director of Finance all.~]~o~ty property now in his poss~asst~:~m~includi~ e~Deei
all records rela%i~ to taxes, and cash on hand-s.or on .deposit in-~y Ba~.
A duly called special meeting of the Board of Coun~Y~ ~Pe visors was
held January End 19S~ -a~ the C6urt House of Albemar!~Count¥~.-~irEinia.
Pres.ent~ ~P~.H~Gentry,~ ~ice Chairman, G.Purcel!~.~¢~x~e, ~.A.0! Neill, E.J.
Bal~d and W,~.~angho~e
On motion by ~r'. Langhorne, seconded by ~r.~ G~'~ei'll the following
resolution was unanimously adopted
WHEREAS, under~ ~the County Executive.£orm of go~ernment, duly adopted
and effective January l, 1934 as the form of organization and .~go.~e~nment~ of
Albemarle County, the Dowers and duties of the.~Treaau~er of Albema~r&e.~Oounty
have been transf~e~re~by law to the Director of
~ WHEREAS, H.A.aaden has beeu dUlY elected and ~has q~alified, given bond
and taken office as Dir~ector of Finamce of Albemarle County.,
Albemarle County that H.A~Haden be and he ia. he~e~.~..a~%horized to ~co~terzign all
checks on f~nds ~f the Co~u~.~ on deposit in the Peoples National Bank of
Charlottesville, ,Virginia and/~r in the NatienaL,.~-~k~and~.-~.r~a~t,~C~m~any of
Charlottesville~ ~irgir~ia,.in the p~z~¢e and stead of ..~ua~t~Eamm, fo~mer Treasure
of Albemarle County. :~ .
BE IT ~ETHER RESOLVED that all checks on-~A~ interest accounts of the
~. ~hairman of the ~inance Committee
County shall .also be signed by C.Purcell ~c~e, C
of the Board'~as~.w~ell as countersiE ed by ~he Dirm~eCtor of Finance and checks on
all other funds~ of '-the~ County shall be signed by F
.~ . J.N. ray, Chairman of the Board
in addition 'to ;being countersigned by the Director of~ ~i~anee,