HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-01-02 WHEREAS, H.A,Hdden h. as duly qualified and giv ~e~.~bomd~.as~..Director of ~'inance as required by law, and, ~HEREAS, under said law the powers and duties Eevenue for Albemarte~ County and of the Trea'su~er of transferred to the DirectOr of Finance, and ~REAS, pursuant to said law, J.Pendal Ga~th, ~ ~ommm.~s'~moner~ef~'~evenue, whose of ~ce expires December ~l, 19~ has turned over hi~..~, o£F.i~.:~ te~'H-,A.Haden, D irector of ~inanee of Albemarl'e County as required bY~.~.l~.~.~.~a~-~.~-s.~?~eeepted a ~position of assistant in the office of Director o.f ~inanee, and~ WHEREAS,. G.Stuar% Harem, former Treasurer o.f.alhema~le~....-8~.,, whose office expiates Decemb'er el, 19$5 as provided by said la~. al.~h:~mgh d~manded so to in the preenee of the Board by H.A.Haden, Director Co~mty refused to t~rn Over his office or any of the :. CoSnty. pre~e~y.'in his posses claiming that his did"~not expire on December 31, t.~.. but-~..~t~"h'e was entitled to hold office until December 31, 19S5 ........ NOW THEREFO~ BE IT RESOLVED, that the Co~uty aE~orney..take such steps as may be proper, to require G.stuart' Harem to....tU~n o~.ver ~nd DireCtor of Finance all...lCoUnty property now in his poss.es~i~.~ea::~:~..including' eEpecl all records relating to taxes, and cash on hand.or on deposit in~."any-Bank. ~ n ...... ~~ Ch'airma A dulY called special meeting of the Board of Count~_. Supervisors was held January ~nd 1934 a.~ the COurt ~ouse of Albemarl~.¢ounty.,.. .~:ir~.inia. Present: ...P...N.Gentry, Vic.e. Chairman, ~. utc ~eli. ~..~c~x~e, J.A.O~Neill, E.J. On motion by.. N~.. Langhorne, seconded by Nr~.~ G~aill the following resolution was unanimously adoPted ~EREAS, under. ~the.. County ~xecutive..form of go~ernment, ~ly adopted and effective January 1, 1~i as the. form of organization and ~go. Ee~nment~' of Albemarle county, the powers and. duties of the~Treaau~er of Albem~rte-~County have been transf.erre&~by law to the Director of WHEREAS, H.. aden has been duly elected and has q .u~t-~.ified, siren bond and taken office .as ~Dir. ector of Finance of Albemarle County.., . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board. o£~,.C~um.$~.~pervisors of Albemarle County that H.A~Haden be and he ial.he~.e~a.m~horized to COmUn_.terzign all checks on funds., c~f: the Co~..on.v~.~.~:. . deposit in the Peoples Natio~ual Bank of Charlottesville~ Virginia and/~r in the Na.tlonal~.~a~mk.~.and'~'~!~s~':~D~mp~ny of Charlottesville, ~m_.gmnia,in the Pla:ce. and stead of Go~Dma~..~t~_..Hamm, fo~mer ~reasure of Albemarle County. . · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED .~at all checks on ~.~ ~in~erest accounts of the County Shall also be signed by C.Purcell NcCue, :Q~hairman of the ~'inal~me Committee of the Board.:~z~.:w. ell as countersig ed by ~he Dissector of Finance and. checks on all other ~nds of .the-~'County shall be signed by J.N. Fray, Oha.i~man of the Board in addition to ..~eing coL~utersigned by the Dir~ec~or of....~i~ance, . ~0 At a Regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle COunty~ Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the l?th, day of January 19~. present: J.N.Fray, Ch~irman, C.~urcell ~cCue, J.A~0'Neill, P.H,Gentry, W.HoLanghorne and E.J.Ballard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. IN RE: sale of Jones property. WHEREAS, at a former meeting of the board, Er. R.L.Wood offered six hundred dollars ($600.00) for the Jones property and deposited with the treasurer of the_~ County ~lO.00 earnest money and, WHEREAS the sale of the proRerty has fallen through, Therefore on motion of E.J.Ballard and seconded by J.A.0~Neill it iE ordered that the sum of $10.00 be refunded to ~r. R.L.Wood. The Auditor of Public AcCounts filed with the board an audit of the assets and disbursements of the R.F..C. fund handled by ~r~ H.E.Dinwiddie. In the matter of opening a public road from Federal Route ~to Route ?~l through the lands of J.B.Belk~ Chesapeake & Ohio ~ailway Co., CO~unty School Board of Albemarle County and Keswick Hunt Club, fo~.~good cause shown it is ordered continued to the regular February l@~ meetin of the board, and On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the clerk ~ssue subponeas to J.B. Belk, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co., County School Board of Albemarle County and the Eeswick Runt Club to appear before the Board at the Court House of said cou_uty on the ~st day of February 1~8~ at lO:O0 A.E. to show cause, if any, wh~ the report of viewers aubmitted ~t the regular December 15~ meeting of the board in the matter of a public road through their ~ands should not be adopted. On motion of C.Purcell EcCue and seconded by J.A.0~Neill it is ordered that the rrgular meeting of the bo~.d be held on the Srd Wednesday of each month at 9:80 A.N. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by W.H.Langhrome it is ordered that the 01d ~ecretary road from Er. Whitted~s in ~luvanna County through the lands of wm. Sadler, A~p. Brown, ~attie Brownin~ and W.Howard Robertson to its junction with the Scotts~ille- Woodridge road at a mile nowth of Jefferson Nills be and it is hereby accepted as a county road. On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by ~.A.0~Neill the ~upt. of Schools and the~.School Bo~ard of Albemarle County are authorized to make application to the P.W.A. to build a teacherage at Crozet, Va. the building to cost $6000.00 ~nd the land $1000.00. Nr. John Faris who was elected as a member of the County Board of Public Welfare at the special meeting held on the 1st day of January 19S~, 5 On Lotion of ¢.Purcell ~CCue and seconded by W.H.Langhorne, Mr. C,T.O'Neill was unanimously~ elected as a member of said Welfare Board. The Clerk is directed to summon ~.Melton Jones, Game Warden: to appear before the board at its regular February 1954 meeting. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment viz:-- ~o. to whom paid object amount. ~248~ 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2279 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2E86 2287 2288 2289 2290 229"i 2292 2293 2294 2295 22:96 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2305 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 ~309 2510 2511 E312 E313 E314 2316 ~317 2~18 2519 2320 ~3321 ~322 ~323 2324 R.B.Fray Grand Jury M. C. Harlow ,, Jno. N.Tidd H. G. Waddell ,? H.M.Bowen Percy Brown E. T. nodes ,, W.W.Driscoll , E.B.Parrott Civil Jury Wm. G.Houchesn O.Hunt er Ballard Thomas G.Wayland Charles W. ~rrer Prentice ~osenkrans ~,Xlbur ' $, Smith Vernon C.Critzer A..H .Bolick ,, T.A.Doilins " W.O .Estes ,, C. S. Arms trong " Jno W.Baird Jno 2. Tyler Frank E.Wolfe Richard Kennedy H. T.Wiley Dora Beck,.8upt Outside Poor J.~ason S~ith Board services etc C.Purcell gcCue County Home attendance etc " telephone calls P.H. Gentry Finance Board etc j.F.Garth G. Stuart Hamm Bichmond Office Supply Co Conway Printing Co. Scottsville i~ews Daily Pro_gress Jarmans, lnc. Monticello Hotel Dr. A.D.Hart F.C.Pederson, St. Forester C~'.Sc~ndridge Store ~2 .ha ~er & ~rge.ss ~ .P.Grove Dr. A.A.Sizer Dr. Hunter Williams W. T. Dameron N.Garland J, ~. Wolfe Dr.. G. Eob er t s Dr. E.D~io Davis Jr. E.p. aupin W.~. Colthurst Dr. J,T.Walker Dr. J.O.Munday W ~ B. Oolthur s t RuthoBurruss M.n,smith Edwards &Morris A.K. & Hull &Oons inc Jones Mrs. Helen Lannagan Er tt 'old iCom~ell ag e Maupin D. N. Madi¢ on ya~Ce~, 'teas joint home $ 4.00 E. 60 3.50 3.10 4.30 3.80 4.30 4.50 !1.6O 17.50 2~.20 19.00 4.00 15.20 i0.4O 4.50 8.70 4.50 4.50 2.80 4.50 4.50 15.60 22.50 19.50 5,000.00 32.50 66.40 5.75 12.80 Salary for Dec. ~33 etc Comr.Hev.328.00 Treasurer Supplies for Treasurer Delinquent list Scottsville Dis. for county supplies for Clerk lunch for jury et'c Coroner Forest Fire outside pauper Walton burial of outside pauper Judge Juv. Court Lunacy ~oroner Lunacy 6olored farm demonstrator Home Demonstrator plumbing for Court H. & Jail Uourt house and ~ail Labor at O.E. lime for jail supplies for Jail salary game warden sheep killed by Heimbursem~nt of earnest money ~ounty pension Joint home acct. 2 mos 628.45 8.52 3.00 45.90 229.50 1i. 25 5.75 20.00 .60 i0.00 25.00 24.00 5.00 5.90 lO. lO 2.00 ~.00 5,. 60 5.00 5.48 3.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 3.50 24.25 26.67 100.75 4.50 1.00 .50 15.75 28.00 12.76 6.00 6.00 20.00 35. O0 8.00 5.00 6.00 2.50 29.56 lO. O0 50.00 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2339 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 ~355 ~356 ~367 2358 ~359 2360 2361 236~ ~ary A. Page ~rs. L. Deyerle Dr. · E. L.'~' cQuate Treasurer of Virginia Mary ~.B. Shack elford H - E .Ma r tin marry' T.Huff ~arth:a J. Terrell J. M. Elli son ~'r s. A~. ~. ~ ~nwl ck ~rs. Annie ~c~uary Mollie F. Phillip Kate L.Phillips Marl .~cruggs A. D. Dabney ~ ~. ughes A.L.Lane Jno Wesley Eliza Kirby J.M.Purcell, Secty-Treas A. L. Bennett County Board pUblic welfare Mis s B. E ;-Tate Mrs. L.G.Roberts Agnes V.Austin Bessie Jones Va. Public Service Co Treasurer of $irgina South East Public Service Co W. B. Bibb B. F.Eianniny ~. Public ervmce Co j. W. Parr Dora Beck, Supt Ardelia Lamb ~essie R.Fox Vital statistics btate monies Vital Statistics County pension Vital statistics holding court for circuit Judge Vital statistics Sanitor Court House County pension ~ppr. Shenandoah Nat. Park S~ool Supt salary Appr for outside paupers Admr of outside paupers~ appr. Vital statistics Secty to Farm Demon Lights for Jail State monies TelePhones for county Vital ~tatistics Lights for Court House Vital statistics Outside Poor Cot~uty pension Vital statistics 3.50 4.50 200.00 742.75 8.00 8.25 7.25 7.75 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 6.00 ll. 25 8O .00 4.5O ti. O0 48. OO 50. O0 000. O0 79.07 300. O0 100. O0 4.50 8.00 8.75 32.00 10.48 551.23 35.40 8;75 6.00- ~4.40 4.50 000. O0 50. O0 9.25 Chairman. At a duly called meeting of the County Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Court the 31'st. 'day of ~anuary 1934. County, Virginia, held at the Rouse on ~ ' Present.: J.~.Fray, bazrman, C. Purcell McOue, P.H.Gentry, J.A.O~Neill w.H.Langhorne and E.J.Ballard. In the matter of the premium on the bond of G.$tuart Harem. On motion of C.Purcell c~ue and seconded by ~.H.Langhorne the board upon advice of couneel refused to pay the premium on the bond of GoStuart Harem. On Motion of E.J.Ba!tard and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is unanimously ordered that the sum of ~5,000.00 appropriated to shenandoah Park be paid. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by w..J.Batlard it is ordered that the following named per-Sons recommended by the county executive be appointed assessors, namely: S.S.~:Teel, R,F.Black, L.G.Huff, c.B.Harris Jr. and E.E.Bibb at a salary of $450.00 each and it is further ordered that the said assessors make such reports as the county executive may prescribe. On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry, it is unanimously ordered that Mr. Haden, county executive, in conjunction with. the City of Charlottesville rent a room for Mr. Lewis of the C.W.A. On motion of w.H.Langhorne and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the two assi~ents in the treasurers office be paid the same salary per month as