HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-02-21of H.A.-Haden~ County Executive vs. G.Stuart Hamm etc. is decided and it is
further ordered that John S.Graves, County Attorney confer with H.W.V~'alsh~ Atty.
in regard to the salary of G.Stuart Harem pending the decision of the above
mentioned case.
At a Regular ~eeting of the County Board of SuperViSors of
Albemarle County, Y'irginia, held at the Court ~ouse of said County on the ~lst.
day of February 1934.
Present: $.~.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell ~cCue, ?.H.Gentry,
J.A.O,Neill, W.H?anghorne and E.J.Ballard.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
In the matter of opening a public road from Federal State
Eoute ~2E to Eoute 731 through the lands of J.B.Belk, hesapeake & Ohio Railway Co
Eesw~ck Hunt C~ub and the County School Board of Albemarle Co'unty.
p.C.~inor, J.O.Thurman and J,B~._E_egley, three of the viewers
appointed on Novem~$1~t~lg~ to view said road, filed their~ m?eport on the
BOth day of December 1933 and the board being of opi~nion that said report was in
due form 'and should be adopted, ordered the Clerk ~o summon J...B. Beik, C.& O. Ey Cc
Kesw!ck HUnt Club and County School Board of ~Albemarle County..to appear before
the board-on the lTth. day of' January'lg34 to show good cause, if any, why the
said report should not be adopted~and on the 17th day of january 1934 for good
cause shown the matter was continued to February £1st, 1~4 and the Elst day
of February 1934 in obedience to the summons the Eeswick Hunt C~lub and the County
School Board of .Albemarle County by its proper officers appeared and accepted
the sa~r~port, the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. failed to appear and Nr. J.B.
Belk appeared in person and by counsel and excepted to said report and asked
that said report be quashed and set aside and if that coul~ not be done, that
Commissioners be appointed to assess the damages.
Thereupon the Board overruling the motion to quash and set
aside said report, doth order that said report .be adopted and spread u~on the
minutes of the board and that B.C.Baker, H.~.Eerold, ~.G.V~'addell, C.W.Bailey
and E.R.~artin, freeholders, are appointed commissioners, any three of Whom after
being duly sworn may act, whose' duty it shall be to meet on the grounds and go over
the road proposed to be adopted as a public road through the lands of J.B.Belk
and others, as per report of viewers,, and assess the damage~ if .any, to the
lands that will result to them if said road is adopted as a public road.
They shall meet at ll A.~. ~ebruary 28th 1934, and shall make
their report to the Board on the 2lst day of ~arch, 1934.
We the undersigned viewers by your order made on the l~th day
of No~vember,19~3, respectfully report that we went upon the lands proposed to be
taken for a public road from Federal ~tate ~oute #~ to Eoute 731 through the lands
of J.B. Belk, Keswick Hunt Club and County School Board of Albema~e County and
C.&.O.Ry Co. on the 18th day of December 19~ and reRorted thereupon as follows:
1st. ~ne ce~wenience or inconvenience that ~ill result as well
to individuals as to the p~blic is as follows:
Convenience to ~the public.
~nd. The said road will not ~e one of such~mere ~rivate
convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by
the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired.
~rdo No yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken.
~th. The names of the land owners on such route are as follows:
J.B.Belk, Eesv~Eck Hunt Club and County School BOard of Albemarle
and C. & 0. R.R.
5th. The following named' of said land owners require compensation~
6th. & ~ust compensation to the land owners reGuiring compensation
for the said land so taken and ~fOr .the damage to ti~e residue o~.~the tract beyond ~he.
peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road or landing
to be established are as folloWs:
As there is a small damage to one land owner, J.B.Belk, we recommend
that the County pay a damage of Fifty dollars ($50.00)
7th. The ~follo'~ng are the other facts and circumstances
which in the opinion ~ of your viewers are useful in enabling your Board to
determine the expediency of establishing or altering the said road;
The Eoute is as per attached plat or sketch.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
J. 0. Tharman
J. B. aegl ey
P. ~. ~ino r
On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by J,.A.0~Neill it
is unanimously ordered that the representatives in the G~neral Assembly Support
House Bill ~50 amending the 19SE Acts providing for optional forms of County
On motion of $.A.0!Neill and seconded by C.Purcell ~cCue it
is ordered that theBoard retire $19,000.00 bonds.
On motion duly seconded the Chairman appointed H.A.Haden and
P.H.Gentry to confer with the Southern Railway Officials in regard to the ~$~y~s
property in the Oity of ~harlottesville, Va.
On motion of ~Purcell ~cCue and seconded by E.J.Ballard it ia
ordered that H.A.Haden and W.L.~aupin be appointed a committee to take. up with
Miss Beck, Director of Public Welfare~ the matter of disbursements and reports of
the C.W.A. expenditua~es.
On motion of J.A.O'Neill and seconded by E.J.Ballard it is ordered
" ' ~ ~ 1934
that ~elton Jones~ ..Game Warden, appear before the board at 9.30 A.M. arch 21, .
On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by $.A.OTNeill it is
ordered that the re~olution passed at the regular August 1933 meeting of the board
be recinded.
The following claims were presented, examined and approved and
ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment viz:--
No. to whom paid ob ject amount
2363 J.Irv~.ng Maup.~n vital statistics $ ~.50
2364 Mrs. Charles ~ing " 4.00
2365 ~he Michie ~ompany printing briefa Haden ~. Hamm 78.75
E366 Jno 5.Graves reimbursement in -, '~ 83.95
2367 Anderson Bros Book store Commr of Rev.~s office 4.05
2368 Henry A. Haden " 12.50
~369 Crozet Print Shop ,, $~2. and Clerk $8. 20.00
~370 Conway printing ,Co , 9.25 and ~eais. $3.25 12.50
2371 Jarmans, inc ~ Treasurer's supplies 1.70
2372 J.F.Burch Atty appointed by the ~ourt lO.O0
~73 Dr. A.D.Hart coroner lO.O0
E374 F.c.Pe~erson, St. ~'orester Forest Fire 1.7~
2375 C.W.Sandridte outside pauper,s board lO.O0
~376 J.P Grove Judge Juv. curt 24.00
2377 Dr. Jas King Lunacy 5. O0
~378 Dr. David C.Wilson " 5.00
2379 N.B. Coithurst ~ 2.00
E380 J.Mason Smith ~ 3.50
EZ81 P.M.Elliott "& taking patient to Staunton 6.50
2382 Dr; w.A.Kyger ~ ~.00
2583 Dr. ~.L.Baptist , 5.70
2~84 E.B. ~r thing ton , 2,00
2585 Dr. R.T. Ergenbright ~ 5. O0
2~86 Dr. H.L.B~otist
~ ~,- .... 5.70
2887 C.W. Bailey
2588 Bessie D.Miller Home Demonstrator 2 mos 106.67
2589 Euth Burruss ~ 26.66
2590 C.G.Greer Col. Farm demon 24.25
2591 City of Charlottesville water for 3 mos 25.00
2592 M.~. Smith ~lumbing etc 15.00
2593 Albemarle Home Mutual Inc. ones place 2.40
~894 Valentine & Hull coal for ~ourt House & Jail 87.75
2595 C.~oodward repairs to C.H. 1.65
2~96 W.A:. Carpent er jury commr. 15.00
~597 S,S.Teel ~ 15.00
2898 S.S.Teel adyancement for asses~or 25.00
2~99 .B.Har~ris ~ ~5. O0
2~00 L. C-. Huff ~, 2~ · O0
2401 E, ~,Bibb ~ 25. O0
240~ Melton Jones Game Warden '~8.00
2403 Bernie Hearts Stock killed by ~ogs 3.00
2404 J.H.Huckst ep " 6. O0
-2405 Mrs. Geo ~hitten '~ 5.00
2406 G .B. Layne ,~ 9.00
2407 Mrs. Rosa Gibbs , 3. O0
2408 J.A. Shirley ~ ~4. O0
2409 S. E. Boy e e
2410 W.A. Cu~d ~, 1.50
2411 Treasurer of Virginia state monies 120.10
2412 e~ A.naden Salary for January 1934 350.00
2413 J. ~' ' ~arth '~ '" 200. O0