HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-03-21At a'Eegular meeting of the County ~Bo~=d..o.f-Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at.. the~court house of said county on the Blst day of Narch, 195A. Presen.~: ~ ~.N.Fray, 'Chairman, ~.Purcei1 ~e~Oue,~J.,..A.O' Neill, W.H. Langhorne, P..Gentry and-.,~...Ballard. ..~h.e~$nutes o'f the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of C.Purcell N.c~e and seo~-nded .by..J..A._O~.N. eiil it is order.ed that the old deed and.will..5ook numbe~ one~.h~..rebuilt at a cost of .SiXty five ($65~00) Dollars. In the matter .of establishing a~.public road frOm Federal Acute No. 22 to Route 'No. 731, through the .la~dz~of .~.$,Belk.,.~.~&.~..O.. ~ail~ay '~omp~.$y, The County School BOard of Albemarle County and.~the..~es~.~Hu~t-Glub: . . The Board of Super~sors ~o2 Albemarle County, at a reg~ar meeting held at the Co~..House of said Oo~ty, on the 21st day of February, 1934, havi~, by an order then entered, appointed-B,C...B~er,~..-E~ .Herold, H.G,.. '~addell, C.W.Bailey and E.E.martin, five disinterested.resident ~freeholders of the County of Albemarle, (~th authority to ~ t~ee to act) as.~o~issioners, whose duty it shoed be, after bei~ d~y sworn, to meet at 1L~o:~clo.~ A..M...on .~e~ary ~Sth 19~, go on the grounds a~ over the road...pr.~posed to be establ~.~.aS a public road, thro~h the lands of ~J-.B.Belk and others, as per_.re~o~..of ~e Vi-e~ers theretofore made, and assess the d~ages, tf ~y, to the .la~S that ~ll:. ~es~t.to them if. said road is established as a public d- ~ ~ '" roa, a~_Co~is~ioner.s:~:H.V, erold, B.C,~ Baker, ~.R.~artin and C.W.Bailey havi~ met on .the ~8th day of Februa~, 193A, ~d,~ as .appears ~by certificate appended to their report, ha~.ag, been. d~y ~swo~n,~ and said Co~ssioners havi~, as directed, filed ~eir r~ort herein at this present~me~e~ti~, of t~s Board,~. whi~ said report, ~th the certificate appended., is in .worda and ~igures, as follows: W CO~I SS~O NERS~ ~ REPO ET STATE OF VIRGINIA, ~ COUNTY OF ~~, TO WIT: ~ ~.~. Eva W,Maupin,--a~ Depm~ Clerk,. in~..and, for the Co~ty a$~resaid, do certify ~a~ H.V.Herold, .B.C.Bake~, E,R~.. ~.~a~tin ~nd..Oh~lie..B~iley have this day made oath before me ~at' they:wi'll~.fai~fnlly, and impartially ascertain ~at will be a just -compensation for such land (or for such inter.est or estate i.n the land) of the free-hold whereof J.B.Belk is te~nt.,~ ~d for such othe~ .pr°perty as is proposed to be taken by the Co~ty ~ klb~a~l.e fo~ a public road, award the d~ages, if a~, resulting to the adjacent and o.the~-p-re~ty of...~d tenant or .o~er and-to the property of a~ other person, beyond.the pec~iar benefits that ~ll accrue to such properties respectively from the .~eonsi~t~ ~d operation of a .~ublic road from ~ederal State Route ~22 to Route ~TSl,_ throu~ the ~nds ~of J.B..Belk, Keswick Hunt Club and Co~ty School Board of Albe~e~.County..a~d C.&.O. $ ........ ~.R and will properly certify the s~e. Given ~der my hand this 28th day of February:,~ 19SA. -~.~E~a mW,&~aupin, Deputy Clerk To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of .~he Co~ty of albem~le: We, B.C.B~er,: C,~.B~l~, E.,V~.~He~old and E.R.~artin, co~issioners appointed ~ your Honora~e Body ~.to.: ase. ert~.n.~what. ~ll be a just. compensation for whereof ~,B~.Be~. is tenant, and for such other property as is p~,eposted to be taken by the Com~ty.,o£ Albemarle f'or a public road from Federal ~tate ~out.e ~2E to E0Ute ~731 through the...lands of. J.B.Belk, Eeswick Hunt Club and Co.unty_ ~ehool Board of Albemarle County.'-and-'.¢.~&..0~R.R. and to assess the damages,.?i.f-a~y~, resulting to the adjacent or"~th~e~-vpro,~erty of said tenant or owner~ beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue te said.properties respectively from the ¢onstr,uctio.n. and operation of the said public roa~. ,,,:do.certify that on the E8th. ,day of February, 19~4, the day designated in the said order~ we me.~ together on the said part of the land. (x) the limits of which were them.~and there described to us as follows: A .s.t~ip-of:,land ~0 feet wide Beginning at-~a-,~po.~? on. the ~outhern ~argin of the Jefferson Highway and extending south E6°~l~ E E~.8 feet: to the margin of 0.&.0.Ry at a point about 4§ feet ~'est of the old property .line of ~odgers and Ev. erett as sho~.n on plat hereto attached, and after being du~y, aworn, upon a review of the part aforesaid and of the adjacent and other property' of said owner who would be damaged in their property by the construction and operation of the, said road; and upon sUch evidence as wa's ,he£ore us, we are of opinion and do ascertain that. fo.r_the said part..(~r for the interest or estate in the part) 'and for the other property so taken, ~0o00 will be a just compensation. And the damages to the.adjacent or other property of said ~tenan~.or_ owners by reason of the construction and operatio~..of the said roa.d,~ beyond the .peculiar benefits that will accrue ta-said properties respectively from the construction and operation of such road,.a~re,~(xxx), none. ..... ~Gi~en under our hands this ~8th. day of February, 193~. Bo¢.Baker C.W.Bailey H. ~.Eerold E. ~. ~ar tin" . . And the said Board of SUpervisors having consider, ed the above mentioned report at length, and no cause, deemed good in the opinion of the Board, bein~ shown against the same,, it was, on motion duly made and seconded, ordered that the aforesaid report be and the- s~ame was accordingly confirmed ....... it was further ordered that J.B.Belk, the owner o~-a portion of t~e lands taken for the purposes of said road~ be compensated_in the..sum of ~40.00 the amount of compensation and damages allowed to him in the afor, e.said Commissioners~ report; and that.in_ the event of. his refusal to acc-e~.t ,the same, this sum be paid into 0oUrt~ for his.~.account~ to enable construction work to proceed~ certain public spirited citizens having offer,ed to put the road in acceptable condition. ~ · ,The.committee consisting of Nessrs Gentry a~d Haden.appointed at a former meeting;..e,f.¥.the~ board to confer with the Southern ~ailway Company in regard to the side track at the .county's property in the City of CharlotteSville, made their report and on motion .of C.purcell ~cCue and seconded by J.A~.0'Neill it is ordered that..the commi~t, ee be continued to. the next meeting with po~er to obtain bids. .,. On-motion of C.~urcell NcCue and Seconded. ,by~J..~...0..'.,Neill the ,~oard of County ~uperviSors respectfully petition the State .~ig~hway Commission to surface the following, routes in. the secondary system of highways in Albemarle County~ Wirginia, as these two routes hava been prepared twice for surface treatment: ~irSt: Route number 6~t, Spri-ng Hill ~oad~ , Second: ROute number 6~$, Highland Highway..,~ from,, end of macadam to On motion of E.J.Ballard and seconded by ~A.O~Neill~ the Board of County Supervisors ~respectfully petition the State Highway ~ommis~s.ion to take into the secondary-sYStem~-~e.£ highways in Albemarle County the following roads. ' Eir~s.~: Road from Miss ~lossie Rea~ s barn through th~.,~ lands of the said Flossie Rea and o~her~ to the ~armans Gap Eoad in~ite Hall ~agisterial Distric ~eeond: Eoad from route ~ZO to old county ro~ad~ through the property of ~.S.Oarpent'e~ .~atance of about lO/100 of a mile. OR~motion~of C.Purcell N¢¢ue and seconded b~H..Langhorne it is ordered that. ~he ~rial Justice system to be put in operation as of APril 1st, 193~ if feasible. ~his matter is refered to the Commonwealth, s Attorney for investigation. te On motion ef E..~.Ballard and second~dby2 H Gentry, H.A.Haden is put on District Home Boa~d~in place and stead of C.Purcell ~¢Cue, r~esigned.~ On motion of E.J.Ballard and seconded by~A~'Neill it is ordered that the fee of J.S.G~a~es of $1000.00 be paid. ~r.o Graves represented the county in the case of Saden~vs, Hamm. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the salary of Clerk and Commonwealth's Attorney commence at January 1st. 1934 and~that~..all of the fees collected fromL, that time ~be turned over to the county. The Sheri~.s salary to commence on April ls.t ,1~4. One. motion of ~N.H~Banghorne and sec~nded.,by O.~u~cell ~cOue it is ,premium on ordered that the/bond of..~G,6tuart Harem of $113.61 be paid. On motion of ~,H.Langh~ne and ~econded by~ C.Purcell McCue, it is ordered that G.S. tuart Hamm, Treasurer, be paid at~the ~ate of $~00.00 per month for January a~dFebruary 1~34, ~'~hat mr. Bell be paid at the..rate of $1~5.00 per month for-January and Eeb~uary 1934 and that ~rs. Helen H.Humbert be paid at the rate of $83.33 per month for ~anuary and ~ebruary~ 1~34. On motion.of G~PurcellMcCue and ~ G seconde~by~R...entry it is ordere~ that a revolVing fund o~ One Thousand($1,O00.90) Dollarsbe turned over' to H.A. Haden~ Conn~y mxecutive. On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by P.E.Gentry report of committee adoPted as follows: " March ~O, 1~34 To the Members of the Board ef County Supervisors, Albemarle Gounty, Virginia. Gentlemen: At a recent meeting of the Board~. the undersigned were appointed as members of a committee to investigate and make recommendations as to proper salaries to be fixed for officers and their deputies who had formerly been on a fee basis. Your Committee has had numerous meetings and conferences with each of the. principals involved, as well as the Judge of the Circuit Court, to ascertain, if ~ossible~wha~w~uld be a fair-estimate of ~the ~ees to be received from these officers, as well as the amount of work involved, when each officer and deputy is placed on a salary, basis. However, there are so many uncertainties to be taken into consideration, such as the effect the repeal' of the prohibition laws will have on the fees a~eruing to the Commonwealths Attorney and the Clerk of the Court, as well as the Sheriff, that your.-Co~itte.e has concluded that the only fair procedure to follow, either.to the Countyor the officer involved, would be ~o fix a salary at this time, with the distinct understn~ing that, after a reasonable time had elapsed in which the Board would have-an opportunity to determine the actual amomnt of work involved in each case~ as well as the revenue to be derived from the various sources, that any ad- justments would b.e made WhiCh may be necessary to m~e the salaries commensurate with the services performed. -. Zour Co~m~ittee, therefore, recommends that 'the following salaries be fixed: DEPARTMENT OF-~.LAW ENFORCEMENT: Commonwealth!s Attorney Sheriff One Deputy One Deputy One Deputy to Act as..Jailor -One part time -Deputy part. time Deputy DEPAHTMENT OF RECORDS: Clerk One Deputy One Deputy $4,000.00 per year, Salary and expenses, plus an allowance of ficts, per mile for Travel on official. business. ~3,000.00 per year, plus an allowance of 6ets per mile for Travel. $1,500.00 per year, plus an allowance of 6its. per mile for Travel. $1,080.00 per year, plus: 6c2s. per mile for travel $9.00.00 per year, plus house, fuel, water, lights and-telephone. $720.00 per year, plus an allowance of 6 cts. per mile for travel for miles travelled outside of' a radims of five miles' o£ his headquarters. $600.00 per year, each plus an allowance of'6 ets per mile for Travel for- miles travelled outside of a radius of five miles of his headquarters. $4,100.00 per year, plus premium on official bond. SE,?O0.O0 per year 1,~O0.O0 per year. Respectfully submitted, C P.H. Gent~y, . hairman ~ .J. Ballard .j.A. 0 ~. Neill .... On motion of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded' by E.J. Natlard, H.J.Naney one of the Sheriff rs Deputies be appoin.ted County Traffic- Officer. · ~ On motion of E.J.Ballard and seconded by O.Purcell ~c~ue it is ordered that..W.M.Madison be paid for ..two sheep that were killed by dogs some time ago, this settles the question as to the nUmber otc up to this date. The .following claims.~ were presented, examined and allowed and Ordered to be certified to the Director of Finance for payment viz: Amount -t. ' 5, 6. 7. 9. lO. 1-1. 12. 14. -15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 24. 26. 27 34. 36. 37. 38. ~9. 40, 41. o , L. ~..a. up~in, Clerk hn we s~ ey . D. Bowdler .O.Scott A. T ,.Bro ~ning ~.L.Keister Treasurer of Va. Co. Board Public ~el. Appr for ~arch Jack son' ~Beal Vi tal s tati stic s H.A.~aden, Di~. Fin. Revolving Fund H.A.Haden J.~.Garth W.L.~aupin C. E. Mcr an EVa N.~aupin W,O.Fife G.Stuart Harem " A.G,Bell H .H. Hum~er t P .H.GentrY E. J. Ballar d Va. Public Set. Co L .G.Huff .~B.H_arris, ~r. S. ~. ~eel ~932 taxes p~id-t~ Tr~ap thru mishake anitor~s sa±ary zor ~e~y · · .Binding and rebuilding order book 1744 Salary for December !33 Farm demonstra~o~ Judge in disbarment p~oceedings State collections January and Feby.~ ..... ~ieby salary Salary for Jan & Fpby " per or,er 1;I T~ TT 1~ 4. days finance committee Lights for Court HOuse and Jail Expense allowance for ~arch -4arg~ret ~Woodward~ Stenographic work from Jan 1st to Ech. 3tst J.~.~raves~ fee. in suit Haden v. Hamm otc W.Abbott mith Road viewers etc ~ugh F..Simms. running road lines etc ~Out_hern Ribbon Co Carbon paper for Commr. 2ev. E.I~osweil,'Ag~ncy ~o.unty':s portion of Harem Bond Va. ~rinting °flice ~rmnted f~rms for ~reasurer Conway ~rin~ng Uo Supplies for Treas Jarmams, Ine'. Su~p!ies for Co. Everett W~addey Co 2 deed books~' ~uc. book and. Index to deeds Burroughs Adding ~ch Co. ~onticello HOtel F.D~Pederson, St. ~or. C.~.~andridge Store #2 Chas Zancey, Treas 4~. Hi rvi~ Inc. 43. J & ~o 44. J.Z.Hoiladay, Jr. · ~f? ~"" 1~ ~-; ~, ~ '-;' ~ .~.. Grove 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51, 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. '59. 60. ). ser~ Corp Dr. J.~¢. ~olfe Dr. E.D.Davis Jr. Dr. ob efts H, ~ aney J.R,Wingfield, Jr. Dr. A.D.Hart Dr. ~.~bbott Smith C~G..Greer Ruth Burrus s Bessie D.miller ~ Co City Insurance Co ~ S~y~er ChtvilleHardware Co ~elton Jo~es Nott oster ~ . .Boyce ~.H.Best 1 ribbon for adding machine part pay Sheriff~ s lunch forest fire outside pauer~ s board operating expenses for 2 mos and 1 burial Burial of outside paBpers -~' office rent ree~mploy service Judge Juv. court ~'eby salary. Telephone rents-march inquest Daniel ~iller "unacy--~Oodson ~ Lunacy ~alary for February Coal for C.H. Zoleo Pine ~leaner · Premium on policy Bldg ~ax for G.H. Mci stener i coil spring for fail Game Warden~ s salary i lamb killed i crippled 2 yoes killed ~ sheep killed as per order 4 sheep killed 4 goats l0 sheep killed, 7 lambs damaged -l lamb killed $ 84.32 .. -. 48. O0 65. O0 86.41 15.10 17.14 6,719.11 400. O0 ii.00 1,000. O0 350.00 200. O0 683.32 450. O0 2OO. O0 666.67 400.00 250. O0 166.66 25.60 27.60 39.19 25.00 50, O0 25. O0 25,00 25. O0 1,000 · O0 4.50 25,00 24. O0 113.61 2,75 3.25 1.90 195.13 .75 2.25 .97 t0.00 515.18 165.00 10.00 7,50 24.0:0 36,45 5.00 6,72 6,90 7.28 2 .'00 5~00 5.00 3.50 24.25 26.67 53.33 32. O0 33.75 35.78 30. O0 4.00 ~.94 .20 28. O0 5. O0 lO. o0 6.00 12. O0 ~.00 45. O0 2.00 538 75. 7~ 9~ i00. iOA. Burrel! Norford P.L.May E' i~. Bargamin E.A,Simms, Jr. Hus sclI ~,Pr eddy J. E ~ Abell S.P.Nottingham, Jr. ~;Y. Sutherland W. H. Smi th '~, A. G entry B.B.~urruss H. G. N addell Schuyler Harris Lewis Huff l:0-Scott '.atlonal Bank & Trust Co H.A.Ha~en ~ .~.Oa~ th A.G.Bell W.L.~ampin Eva W,~upin C.E.~oran N.0,Fife J ;Mason Smith Bessie Jones A.L. Bennett -John ~esley ~olnt Health Dept Bureau of Pub. Welfare J.M.Fray B. C.Baker' CiviI Juror 11.i0 ~ 8. ~0 " S. 60 " 12.90 n 7.60 6.60 " 10.50 i. 6.80 n 7.60 ~rand Jury 3.80 E.?0 ~ 3.50 , " ~.80 " 3.10 ~ 3.40 " 3.50 Salary aah & Feby 172.82 interest due 4~1/~4 1,250.00 Salary for ~arch 350.00 " 200. O0 " 125 ' O0 " 341.66'- ~' 100 · 00 t~ 225. O0 ~ ........... oo3.33 ~alary. f~or~ .Jan. ,_ eh.- & Mar. 307.50 ~atary for March 32.00 Salary for Feby & march 154.14 ~alary for ~arch 48.00 Appr for quarter 1,500.00 Appr for Aarch 400.00 3 days finance Board ~.80~ ~ days financ~ Board 13,80 % Chairman A regular meeting of the Boa~d of County Superviso~s._.~aa.held at the House of the said County on the 18th day of April, 19~4. P~esent: J. N. Fmay, Chairman, C. ~cell Ne~e, E. J. Balla~d,~ $. A. O'Neill, P. H. Gentry, and W. H. Langho~e. Minutes of ~he last ~e~la~ meeting were ~ead.. ~ approved. M~. W. L. Nauptn, Clerk of the Ct~c~t Cou~t~uf_Alb.ema~le Count~_,.~havt2g indi- cated a desire t0 be ~elieved of the. office ~d duties of Clerk .of the Boa~d of County · Supervisors of this .County, M~. H. A. Haden is designated as Clerk of~ said~Board of County Sup~iso~s, and thereupon M~. Haden entered upon the disc~ge of ~s duties as su~he tn the matte~ of establishing a public ~oad f~om R~te No. 22 to _Route No. 731, t~ou~ the lands of J. B. Belk, C.~ & 0. Railway Comp~, ~he Coun~I. SchoolBoard of Albe~rle O~nty and ~he Keswiek ~nt Club: ~ Upon suggestion to the BOard of 0oun~y Supervisors o~..~Albe~rle_~Oounty tha~ proceedings heretofore taken in this matter are open to ques~ton_~dmay be invalid, and upqn ~rthe~ ~ggestfon that the route heretofore p~posed ~n.the .lands of Keswick Hunt Club may advantageously be eh~ged, i~ is ordered ~t proeeedingsheretofore t~en herein be and the same are abandoned, vacated ~d annulled, In the matte~ of establishing a public road from Federal-State Route No. Rou~e No. ~1, in' prox~ity to Keswi=k ~blie School: ApplicatiOn having been made to the BOard of Ooun~ $~pervisors of Albem~le C~nty ~ the County School Bo~d of Albemarle C~nty, ~d othe~s, to establish a ~blie Read fr~ Federal-State Route No. 22 to Route No. 751, throu~the lands Kes~ek Hunt Club, The County School Board of .Albem~le .County, J. B. Belk and Ohes- apeake & 0~o Railway Comply, it is ordered that P. H. Coleman, S..P. Nottingh~, Chealey'Haden, C..E~ St~eathe~ and Phillips;S. ~rcell, ~esident freeholders of ~s County~ any t~ee of whom may aec, be ~d they a~e he,by appointed viewers, whose ~$y it sh~l be to e~ne such Road and ~por$ upon the expediency of estab-