HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-04-1875. Burrell Nor ford N ~ B. ~ilman T.H.Desper P .L .i~ay E, iq. Barg amin E.A ,Simms~ Jr. Russell ~.Preddy J.E~Abell S.P.Nottingham~ 4r. ~ ~Y. Sutherland W.H. ami th ~.A. Gentry B.B .~urruss H.G. Naddell Schuyler Harris Lewis Huff T,O.Ecott Natiomal Bank & Trust Co H.A.Ha~en ~ .~. Ga~ th A.G.Bell ~.L.~aupin Eva W.mau~in C .E. ~or an W~o,Fife J .~ason Smith Bessie JOnes A.L.Bennett 'John Nesley ~oint Health Dept Bureau of Pub. Welfare ~.M.Fray B.C.Baker Civil Juror 11, i0 " 8.20 ~' 8.60 " 12.90 " 7.80 ~ 6.60 " 10.50 n,. 6.80 n 7.60 Gr and Jury ~. 80 " E .-70 " 3.50 , '~ 3.80 n 3.101 n 3.40 ;i 3.50 Salary ~an & Feby 172.82 interest due 4/1/34 1,250.00 Salary for ~arch 350.00 " 200. O0 " 125. O0 " 341.66- " 100. O0 ~ 225. O0 ';~' ............. 533.33 ~lai',y f.6i~... _Jhn; ,'Feb .- & Ma:¢. 307.50  alary For March 32.00 alary for Feby & march i54.14 ~alary for March 48.00 Appr for quarter 1,500.00 Appr for' ~arch 400.00 3 days finance Board 2E.8a 2 days finance Board 13,80 Chairman A ~egular meeting of the Board of County Supe~i.s~a. was_~held at the Court House of the said County on the 18th day of April, 1934. Present: J.M. Fray, Chairman, C. Purcell NcCue, E. J. Balla~d,_ J. A. O'Neill, P. H. Gentry, and W. H. Langhorne. Minutes of the last ~egular meeting were read_and.approved. M~. W. L. Maupfn, Clerk of the Circuit Court_of. Albemarle .County_, _havlng indi- cated a desire tO be relieved of the. office ~d duties of Clerk of the Boa~d of County Supervisors of this .County, Mr. H. i. Haden is designated as Clerk of_said Board of County SUt~vi.sors, and thereupon Mr. Haden entered upon the discharge of his duties as such. In the matter of establishing a public ~oad from Route No. 22 to ~Route No. 731, through the lands of ~. B. Belk, C. & O. Railway Company, ~he County School_Board of Albemarle County and the Keswick Hunt Club: ..... Upon suggestion to the Board of County Superviso.~s cf..Albemarle]County that proceedings heretofore Saken in this matter are open to .question_andmay be invalid, and upon further suggestion that the route heretofore p~posed on:..the lands of Keswlck Hunt Club may advantageously be changed, it is o~dered that p~oeeedings, heretofore taken herein be and the same a~e abandoned, vacated and annulled. In the matter of establishing a public road from Federal-State Route No. 22 $o Route No. 731, in proximity to Keswick Public School: Application having been made to the BOard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County 1~ the County School Bo~d of Albemarle County, and otherS, to establish a Public Road £~om Federal-State Route No. 22 to Route No. 731, through the lands o'f Keswick Hunt Club, The County School Board' of Albemarle ..County,_J. B. Betk and Ches- apeake & Ohio Railway Company, it is o~de~ed.that 'P. H. Coleman, S. P. No~.tingham, Che~sleyHaden, C. E, Sta~kweatheP and Phillf~%'S. PuPcell, ~esident f~eeholders of this County~ any three of whom may act, be and they a~e hereby appointed viewers, lishing the same; they shall as early as practicable after receiving this order, proceed to make the view, and may examine other routes and locations than the one proposed, and if of 6pinion that them e is a necessity for establishing a public rOad~ they shall l~cate the same, return a map or diagram th~eof, with a report .to the Board, stating their reasons for .prefe~ri.ng the location made, the probable cost of establishing the location of such road, the convenience and inconvenience that will. resu~lt as well to in~i~duals as to the public, whether the said road will be one of such~mere private convenience as .to make it proDer that it should be opened, estab- lished and kept. in .orde~ by .the perso~..or .persons.for .whose convenience, it isa. de- sired, whether any yard., garden or orc. har~ will. hav.e to_be take~; the names of the landowners on such route, which of such. landowners require compensation, what will · be a J~ust compensation to the .land. owners requiring compensation for the land so ~aken, and for the ~_~ages to the residue_ of.~.the, tract, if any, beyond the peculiar. benefits to be derived in respect, to such reside, _from the road to be established; and all other facts and Circumstanc~.s .in. thei~ opinion useful in enabling the Board t'o determine the expediency .of. establishing the Road; and they shall file such po~t._with the. Clerk of the Board; In the event that some. of the landowners do not require compensation, and they will execute written: consent, giving .the .~righ.t~of wa~ in quelstion, the said viewers shall obtain, suck. consent, and ~eturn.. it..: with thetr, report; Provided, however, that the~ .Chaix~man of...the. Highway Commission, sometime called the State Highway Oommissioner, .shall forthwith be notified of and made a party to these proceedings, and that he. shall, likewise ~e notified of the time and ,.place of meeting.of the viewers herein desi~ated, In the matter of an application of Gilbert S. campbell and others, to es- tablish a public road, approximately ~/100 of a 'mile in length between State Routes Nos. ?2g and'. ~, through the lands of the County School Board of Albemarle County: The Board doth ~ appoint P... H.. Coleman, 'S. P. Nottingham, Chesley Haden, -C. E...-Starkweather and Phtllip S.. Purcell, resident freeholders of this County., any th~ee~.of, whom ~, .act, Viewers ~,~ ~iew the. route..,of~..the aald proposed road, and re- port to the Board as soon as practieal~.~ the con~entence and inconvenience that will result, as. well ~o.~ indivi~aals as..to public,..l~.~._~ha..said ¥oad Shall~ be established as proposed1, espe:cially_ if any yard, ~garden. or .orchard, er a~y p~rt thereof, wilt~in .such case have to. be taken, and whe~her~ the said roadwill be such mere private con- venience as to make it proper that the same shall be established and kept in order by the person or persons for .whose con.venience~it is desired. They may exami'ne routes · other than 1the one ~proposed and r sport .upon the:~ one ..they prefer, with their reasons for the preferenc, e;_ .they will st~ate the name .of the land owners on said route and ,what will b~ a ~us.t c~mpensation to those ~equiring the same, for the lands be taken and th~ damages ~o the residue of the 'tracts, beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue; and they shall.~stlate any other fact or circumstance useful in enabling the Board to d~.termine the expediency of granting said application, and they will return with their report a diagram or map showing the ~oute thereo£,l;~and an'estimate o~ tho'.probable costs of establishing the And it appearing that the Chairman.of the State Highway Commission has heretofore been notified of these p~oceedings, and that a representative of the State Highway Department, viz., Mr.. W. M. Go. se, has viewed the locations and.' Has introduced before the Boar. d a tentative sketch-of-, the ~oad.acceptable to the Highway · of Title ( 3n NOo~ Item HighwaY-Department in conjunction with establishing such road. 0mmotion .of W. H. Langhorne, seconded byE. J. Ballard., i.twas Ordered that a fee of $1.~0 be charged bythe Clerk of~the Ci,~cuit Court for recording chattel deeds'of tx-~at for leans secured from the Chm~lottesvtlle Production Credit Association. - 0m motion of C. Purcell McCue,. seconded byJ. A1. O'Neill, P. H. Gentry and H. A. Haden were 'appointed a Committee to confer with the City Officials with reference to Board of City Prisoners. Om motion of C. P~rcell Mc0ue, seconded by J. A. O'Neill, it was ordered"that apparatus for taking fingerprints, be pUrchased f.om the Sheriff's office. On motion of C. Purcell McCue, s.e~onded by E. J. Ballard, it was ordered that a new roof ~be put on the house owned by the County near White Hall. On motion by C. Purcell McCue, seconded by J. A.-O'Neill, it was ordered that W. 0.; Fife amd H. A. Haden confer with State officials with referenc~e to portion of salaries to be, bourne by the State.~ On motion by J. A. O'Neill, seconded byE. J. Ballard, the Commonwealth's Attor- ney 'was. authorized to secure medical .assistanCe. when acting in the capacity of Coromer. On motion, duly seconded, the. BudgetfoP Albemarle County, beginning July 1, l~54,.and ending ~une 30, 1935, was~unanimously, adopted: ,f.Function Title of Item 100 101 131 141 199 199 2OO 201 213 214 218 Compensation and Mileage of Members Cl&~rk of Board Compensation of Sheriff for Attending Nee%tmgs Compensation of Supt. SchoOls Road Viewers · ax Refund Advertising Auditing Insurance Premiums-- Workman' s Compenmation Rent Safe Deposit Boxes Telephone and Telegraph Service STINATES Traveling Expenses GENERAL FUND Yea~ -Ended June 3_0~. ApP~OP-- 'Expendi riation Year End- ing June 30,' 1934 Approp- riation .$1ooo.0o $l lS.W $1ooo. oo oo-oo zoo.co 319 Total Boa. COUNTY EXE 10~ $O,O0 30,00 30,00 _ Year.Ending..June. SO, 1935.~ Proposed'in',rease~e~'reas~ AitOW~d EEpendl-0ven Year.Under by tures Ending .Year End- Ju~e. 30, ing June Board $15oo. o .. $ 50o.oo. $ 200.00 -o- 30o00 -o- 948.82 1044-?0_ 948.52._ 948.82 -o- 1~.00 ...... 26,5G ,o- 30.00 30.00 -o- 169'18. -o- -o- -o- -o- 19.5,0. -o- 200"00 . 200.00 -o- -o- 500-00 500.00 -o- -0- 61.21. -o- -o.-.~ 8.90 -o- -o- 14.93 Contribution, Chamber of Commerce, Library.,etc.6100.0O S~ationery, etc. ~d 8~unty Supervisors ~UTtVE'S OFFICE -o-'- $1500.00 -o- 200.00 -o- 30.00 1100.00 6000-00 -b- 948.82 ~O- 30'00 '0- -0- -o- 200.00 -e- 500.00 -o- 110.90 .o- $~8294.82 100.00 100.CO 15'00 15.00 -o- 100.00 -o- 15.00 I0.00 10.00 -o- t0.00 ~ompensation of Oounty Executive $ .o. $40!9.~. 1500.00 -o- tpo33.se $855.00 4500.00 1500.00 $ -~' $ 'O- 8oo, oo $2800.00 $ -o- $ 200.00 Title of Funct~,ion .... ~ __ Approp~ ~endi- ri. ation tut e NO, of Fun¢- NO eof 'tion Item T~tle o lb C~N~ E~CUTI~'S OFFI~ (Con,'d) 218 Telephone and T~leg~aph ~Year End- lng June 30. 1934 A~prop. ria~ion Expendi? · Ov, tut e s June .30. $ zoo. _ $ lOO.OO 212 P~emium onBond -- -c~ -o- 57.50 S7.50 220 Traveling.Expense --0-- -0-- ~50.00~. 50.00.~ 10 $19 S~-a~ionery, Printing, ere. 'To~al~Oounty. Executive's 0ffiee DIRECTOR OF FINANCE OFFICE Compensation of Director of Finance 105 Clerk of Cou~t recording De~linqu~nt s Compensation of Assistants 350.00 350.00 550.00 400.00 50.00. · -'-~.;/;' _.-o,?: .-0-:,4': 6400.00 6400.00.. 200 Advertising 200,00 381.,65 _ 200,00 SO0,O0 100,00. 2t5 212 P~emium on Bond -o- 218 ~elephone and Tele. g~.aph~ Service -o- S19 S~tatione~. etc. Total Director of Finance Office BO~D OF EQUALI~I0~ 1~ Compensation of Members COMMISSIO~R ~ OF ~~E OFFI~ -0- .-o- 625.0~.. .625,00 100.00 100.00 S I02 COmpensation 'of CommiSsion- er and Deputies $5779.40 21.5 Repairs to Machines 218 Telephone and TeleE~aph Service ~ -o- _S19 Stationery, etc. .~100~:00 To~al COmmissioner Revenue O~fice~5~7~..40 COLLECTION AND D!SBURSENENTOF TAXES 102 Compensation of Treasurer a~nd Deputies Clerk"of Court rec~din.g delinquents 350,00. 200 Advertising 200.00 14.60 -o- -o- .-o- 5~.!~ 50.00 -o- -o- 43,25_. ' .I00.00 .-o- -o.~ 49o.85 $?ss0*oo. $ -o.. $ -o- 350.00_~ S50.00. -o._ ,-o~ 381.6§ 200.00 -o? -0- 212 .- Premium on ~ond 681.66 681.66 681.66_ -o? -o- 215 218 Repairs Telephone and. ~ele,g~aDh Service -o- 19.6R., -0- -0.~ 6g.55 59.40 62.55 .... -o- -o- --O" -',0-- Slg Stationery and Primting 475,00 349.70 475.00. Total COlleCtion and Disbursement of Taxes $!~6g,.21 ~033~,~8 $9649,21 4 RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS 1D1;Compensation of Clerk of Court 200 Adv~erti sing ~04 Book Bi~idi~ 215 Repairs. etc. 218 Telephone and Telegraph Servi ce $1500.00 $1500.00 -0- 9.60 lg~23 12.25 -o- 65,57 57.00 59'-45 $1500.0~ $1500.00 $ -o- -O- -~- -O- 12,2~ 12,25 -o- -o- 50..00 50.~0 57.00 62"77 S.T7 ~ndeP ~ !ear End- mg un~e Boa -o- $ lC -0- 8 -0- 5 -o- $400 -0-- -O- 710 -O- 30t -a- 62 -o- 10 -o- 50~ 5779.40 $ -c -O- 50.00 -¢ I00.00- -¢ ~92g.40 $~ -c 7880.00 $ -c 350.00 200.00 -o 681.66 -o 62.55 -o 475.00 -o, -o- $4!00. -O-- -0- -O- 12. - O- 50. No. of I~tem OIROUi T OOU] 10~ CompE 1DS Relic 120 _Oompe 121 Ju~o~ 1~2 .Ju~y 218 Tele~ 102 Oomp~ ~t8 Tele~ Total Off lc ~I~ ~STIC lO1 Comp~ 102 Compe Total POLICING ~0~ Compe l~ Compe lO? Oeron 108 Ce~n ~8 Telep Serv~. ~0 Traw ~19 Statt ~99 Total Poltc CONFIN~NT 10~ Compe 111 ~oc~o 2~8 Telep ~ e rvi 506 Clean 507 Disin 510 Foe~ To~al Confi ~iso~ FIRE P~VEN~ ~0~ Fo~es POOR ~LIEF S~9 Oofft~ .Titla~, of. I~em ~T nsation of Judge f Attorney nsa~ion of Relief Judge s, Witnesses, etc. Commission hone ~and Telegraph ce onery, Printing, it COurt t S ATTORNEY t S OFFICE nsat~On of Commonwealth's ney . - hone and Telegraph e p ,ner~, tinting, nwea!th ' · Atto~Dey ' s E'S COURT nsation of Clerk asation of Justice INVESTIGATING nsatiOn' of sheriff asatiOn of Deputies er ' s Jury ~one ~d TelegraPh ~ing E~enses ~ne~, ~d ~inting .l~eous ~ng and Investigating AND CARE OF PRISONERS msation of Jailer ~one and Telegraph ~ng Material and Smpplies ~ectants ~pplies ~ement ~d Care~ of iON AND ~TINCTION Fi~e Extincti~n Service Year Ended June _30. I93~ ing.JUne ApProp' Expent~:~l~l- SO, 1934 riatton ~re ~ Approp- ............ ri~ti.on. .Yea~.End- .... ~earEndinE.JuneSO, 1935 Proposed Increase. Decrease-Allowed Expendi- O~emYear Under Endtng,~ Year End~ by tures June SO, lng June 193A ..... 30, 1934 Board $1200.00 $1062.09 1600'00 -~ 30.00 55.95 t10.00 -o- t247.00 t600.00 -S0.00 SO.OD 64,75 55.95 12.00 -o- $1062.~S $-c- 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1600.00 ~o- 30.00 -o- $137.91 $i062-~09 -o- 100.00 -o- 100.00 -o- 1600'00 -o- 3OjO0 55'95 -o- -o- 10.00 I0.00 -o- 55.95 .10~00. SL~00.O0,$~O. eO SL~.00,~ .$1200.OO. $-o- $4000.00 -0- -0-- .0- 45,00 -O- 4.5'00 $1245.00 $I200.09 $1245.00 10.00 ..... 10.00. -o- -o- .o. .{5.00 ~0~ $1210.0a.~ $!O.Oq_ $4~.0,0 $~0oo.00 $ -o- $ ',o. $ -o- $' -o- $-o. $-o- $ 720.00 $.o-, ~222o.00 ~$12o0.oo ~1~0o.oo $~oo.oo ~00.00 ~. .o. 250.00 -o- 250.00 -o- ~o~ -0- 82.00 150.00 350.00. 200.00 -o- S.00 .-e.- -o- -o,- $ -o. $3000.00 250.00 4500.00 :50.00 75.60 50,00 100o00 50.00. -o-. -o- 45.75 -o- -o- -o.. -o- -0- '-O- -0- -0- -.0- $1500.00 $1410.10 $1650-00 $1650.00 $250.~ $250.00 100.00 ~0~ ~0~ ~600.00 -o- 12.5~ '.0- 25.00 25.00 -o- 25.00 -o- 42.55 '-o- 50.00 50.00 -o- 50,00 ' 150.00 84,41 140.00 100.00 -o- 40,00 100.00 480.00 147.40 4~0'00 400.00. -o- ?0.00 400,00 -o- 116.10 -o- -o- ,o~. ~o- -o-. $630.00 ~o2.9~ ~61o.oo $575._0Q.. Svs..oq. ~o.oo ~vs.qo $5oo.oo $~:~3.34. $8oo.oo $8oo~.qb .o- -o_-_ Ssoo.oq 65.00 $ -387.oo ~ 65.oo $ 15o.oo $85.oo $ -o- $ 15o.oo Title of Pano~i~o_n Nc.of ...... ' .... = Func- No,of 8b POOR RELIEF (Cont'd) 701_,.,Gontributton to R&lie f -of Poor Year Ended 'Yea~ End- June ~Oj,:i:!~$: ing June riatton tuts Approp- ri at i on 5520.00 $ 5500-00 Proposed Incmeasa..~Decrease Allew~ .~res Ending Year ~d- J~e 30, lng June ~Bo~ 1~4 ~0, 1~54 ~ 4920.00~-$..o, $ 580.00 $.~492~ ?Og Contribution to Chi,1- dren's Home 705 ContribUtion to Dis- trict Home Total Poor Relief -o- 250.00 -o- -o .... o. -o- -~ 3750.00 5267.25 ~500.00_ _ ..,er. 500.00 350( $1.9565.00 $~S474.. 95.. $~5,00 .... $!gE~O,OO .... $85,,00:..$~080. O0 $~ Sc JUVENILE COURT lOg Compensstlon of J~dge Sd-LUNACY CON~ISSIONS g PUBLIC HEALTH 1~8 Vital Statistics Regis- tra~s $' -o- $ 409..§0 $ S40,.00~ $..400.00 ~60.00 -o. $ 40< 229 Appropriation to Joint Health Department 6750.00 6785.01 600,0.0.0._ 6000.00 -0- 709 Appropriation to Univer- sity Hospital Total Public Health 1000.00 1000,00 800,_QQ_ .o- Sw o. sa: 4;a :. $71_ o.0 o- lOa ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 11 12 30~ Building Material and Supplies ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE ~D HOME EOONOMIOB 114 Farm Demonstrato~ -o- $302.~1 -o- '~'o~ llB Home,Demonstrator 199 Compensatfon. of..Stenog- rapher $1494.00 $1S~7.00 1080.00 1(~1.~01 480.00 480.00 218 Telephone and Telegraph Service ~ ..54.00 Total Advancement of AgricUl- ture and Home Economics YROTEOTION OF LIVESTOCK AND ~OWDS 116 COmpensation of Game Warden 317 Record Books and. Tags $ S78,00 160.00 750.00 8750.00 26~.50 504 Fowl-Claims 502 Livestock Claims ~0I. Rabies T~eatment Total Protection of Livestock and Fowls 13 ~ELECTIONS $~00.50 112 Election Officials $2700.00 214 Rents -o- 2gg Voting Lists, Prepa~ing, I~inting and Posting -O- Ssvoo.po 319 Stationery, etc. 399 Stove Total Elections MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 19 Capital Outlay 61.30 $29~9.3!~ $ 381.50 115.25 17.25 1630.35 9.50 $2153.8~ $1867.46 87..00 351.80 57.25 8'06 $236.5.5? $1328.00 $12~5.00 ..... o- gBO.O0 960.00 -o~ 384.00 38.4.00 -o- 54.00_ .54,00 $ 336.00 160.00_ 750.00 2~50.00 356.00., -o- 150.0.0 .... .o. 750.00.:. -o- 2500.00. -0. $4~oo. oo $39g8.:5:0:... ~o.__.. $21oo.oo Ssooo.oo $ -o- -0- 100.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 -o- '0- --0' '.O' $e7o0..oo $1000.0o $$Go0.oo $80.00 -o- 96( -o- 384 -O- 10,00 15C ?,0.oo aoc _41.50 262 3m.5o $s9 99 10o.00 $eoo¢ -o- 100 100.00 500 ~-o- $1o0o Title of ~nction ........ of c- Ne.of n . It em · Title ._of_ I~em MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS (Cont'd) 207 Electric Current Year Ended- Year End- Year. Eroding June 30' 1935 June .30._!!_9~ f~g' ~June -P~_,opose~. Inc~se::DS~rease AllOWed ApproP-. Expem~- 30, 1934 E~endi-- ~r Y~- Und~ riation ~ure tures. Ending Year End- by Approp ...... J~e..30, ing June $ ~'0.,'.) ~ 347.34 $ 310.00 $. ~00.'00.. $.. 90.00 $-o- $ 400.00 210 Insurance~' Premiums~-Fire -o- 115.57 256.3~ 250.00_ -o,. 6.37 250.00 211 21'5 223 Insurance Premiums--Liability Repairs Water Servi~e -o- 30.00 -o- 30.00_ 30.00 .... .o- 30.00 2500'00 6288.64 400.00 600..00 ...... 200AO0 ........ o- 600.00 ~o- 100.00 100.00 100.00 -o- ~ -o- 100.00 306 Cleaning Material and Supplies- -o- 129.27 ~O0. OQ. 400.00 .- 307 Disinfectants -o- -o- '-:'500,'00: 100.00 .o--' "~-~'~"400~00 100.00 311 Fuel Total Maintenance .of Buildings and G~ounds GRAND TOTAL 6,70.16, ~- 20., O0 600. O0 ......... 80.00 .... o- 600.00 $~148..D0 ...... $8~74'g8 $3i62.3~ ~40~6,00 .... . ..... $.1400.00:_~. $506.37 - AL~~, vIRGINIA - ' ' REVENUE ESTIMATES ' FOR THE I~EAR ENDING JUNE 30. 1935 GENERAL ~TND Source nticipated Sutplus s. linquent Taxes June 30..::, $ -o- $1RO00-O0 10116.13 -0- 8538.48 8000. O0 YearEnd ~tncPease Estimate Over Year' Under Year Esti~aSe Ending Ending June June 30. 30. 1934 1934 $ 6000.00_ $ -o- $6000.00._ $ 6000.00 4000,00 4000.00 -o- 4000.00 8000.00 -o- -o- 8000.00 ale of P~operl ~nt of Pr.oper~ ,fund--City o: · er Licenses og Fund Trs. aa: ~pitation Tax [ne s ra~fe~ Fees ~scellaneous ees Clerk's O~ ~es Commonwea~ Office ~d of P~iso~ ees Sheriff' s ~fund--State ~tal Revenue Current ~unt to be R~ ~tal Revenue ;y 5502 ;Y -o- Charlottesville 5428.65 4500.00 500.00 gO00.O0 2700.00 350.00 '0' -O- 6155.33 · lice -o- th's AttorneY's --0-- 908.34 -o- 3591.66 '908.34 SOO. 00 -O~ 2~.00 300.00 1850.00 -o- 150.00 1850,00 250.00 250.00 -o- 250.00 6000.00 '4000,00___ -e- 6000.00 gTO0,O0._ -o- -o- 2700'00 200.00.. 200.00 .... o- 200.00 400.00 50.00 -o- 400.00 91.66 91.66, -o- 91.66 -o- -o- -o- 8000.00 Office -o- f Virginia -o-~ ¢ ~her than from ~axes $S8872 ..~e i sed by Current Levy :equired ~0-- --0-. --0-- --0-- --~3. --0- -0-- -0- ~0-- 'O-- 'O-- $32050.00 ~30700.00 $8_591,66 $9941.66 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by Current Levy Delinquents on Baais of 15% Levy Required Assessed'Value of P?operty Rate of Levy $20528.20 $12340853.00. $.195 2500.00 6500,00 6000.00 4166'66 $57866 %66. 20528.20 $78394.86 ALBEMARLE COUNt, VIRGIN iA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, .1938 OHARLOTTESVILI~ ~DISTRiCT. DEBT ~FUND Tit!.e...of. Funatio~_- No. 'of -' - Func- No.'of tion Item __Title ~of Item 2O DEBT SEE~VIGE 800 Redemption of Bond~ 803 In~erest on'.-Bonds Total Debt Service Year End;' ing June ~0, 1934 Approp- riation $18850.00 ~o~o.~ Propo sedT' 'Incr:ea~ ...... Dee~.ea~se Al.lOwed Expend&.__ Ove~,. Y. ea~,:~e~: Year ~ding Ending BY tu~es J~'a.30, ....... J~e 30, Board 193& 193.4 $16577.25 -Q~< $2072,7~ $16577.25 10~00.8~ $,2_7~77-?~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTtMA~S FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~5 CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT DEBT FUND Year Ended June 30, 1933 (Actual) Year Ending June 30, 1934 (Estimated) ~ne 51~ease Estimate Miscellaneous Revenue: Delinquent Taxes Interest on Investments and Bank Balances Total Revenue Other than From Current Taxes Amount to be raised by Current Levy Total.Revenme Required $ ;o- $ -o- 3560.78 2400.00 56.4T -0- $ S617,25 $ 2400.00 26805.16 26960.00' = $30422.4~ $29360._0q $. -o- $ -o- $ -o- 3.000. OO 600.00 .... - o- 68T.20 687.20 .0- 23490.55. _ -o- .~ 3469;45 CALCULATION. ,OF LE~Z Amount $o be raised by Current Levy Delinquents on basis Of 15% Levy Required- Assessed Value of Property 'Rat e of Levy $23490.55 4145.39 ~054111.00 $.90 ALBEMAR~E COUNt, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE SO, 1934 Title"' of Function No. ' of Func- No. of tion Item Title of Ztmm 20 DEBT SERVICE IVY DISTRICT DEBT FUND Year End- ing June 30, 1534 Approp- riation ...... Ye:.a..?~_ Ending June .30,. 193_5 Proposed · Expendt- Ending Ending tures Jane 30, June 30, 1934 1934 800 Redemption of Bonds $4400.00 $4382.92 -o- $17.78 8~ Interest_on. Bonds Total Debt Set%ice 4200.00 4200,00 ..... rq', -or _ $8882.22 -o- $17.78 3000,00 687.so $368?,20 ~llowed '" ~_oar, d_.. .382.22 ~20o.0o ALBEMARLE CO~UNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE. ESTIMATES kNTICIPATED SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1935 DISTRICT DEBT FUND Year Ended Year Ending June 30, 1933 June 30, 1934 (Actual) (Estimated) $ -o- $ -o- ,Year Endf -JUne 30, :1935 ~entative Increase ....... Decrease Final Es~imst~:-~-.Owe~. Year Under Estimat~e_ ~d~g Year End. Ju~ ~0, ing June $ -o. $_._.o. $ -o- $ -o- Miseellaneous Revenue: Delinquent Taxes Interest Qn Investments ~- and Bank B~lances 11~7.45 600.00 600'0Q -o~._ ~o- 600.00 ?oo.oo 7oe.op .... o- voo.o Total reven~e other than ~urrent Taxes from Amount to. l: Curre: Total Re?em Title of .of on Item DEBT SEHVIC 800 Rede 803 Into Total Debt S ~TICI PATED SUR Niscellaneou Delinquent raised by ~t ~ Levy .e required ~nction... Title of .I~em ~ption o~ Bonds ?est on Bonds )rvi ce PLUS Revenue: TAxes Interest o.~ Investments and B~n .~ Balancgs Total reve ~ue Other ,than Current Levy $1576.86 ~ 600.00 7841.84 8000.00_ CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to'be raised by Current Levy Delinquents on Basis of 15% Levy Required Aasess~drValue of Property Rate of' Levy $~3oo.Qo . $~Oa._O0 ....$ -o- $13oo.oo 7282.22 .......... -o;- $?282.22 $91!265.00 $.94 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 'EXPENDI .TURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 193~ RIVANNA ~IS'TRiCT' DEBT"FuND Year End- ing June ~0, 1934 ApProp- fission- 717,78 $ 8950.00 ........ 'Yea~-.jEndin~ JU~e":30J-..1935 Propose~, Increase Deore~se Qaer Year Un~erYesum 'Expend[- Ending~ Ending tures June~30,~'~June 30, ~ _'~'.~ i934~. ' 1934 $ 8780'18_ 11722.50 1i~22.50 $20502-68 ...... ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE SO, 1935 RIVA~NA DISTRICT DEBT FUND Yea~ Ended Year Ending June 30, 1933 June. 30, 1934 ~Ae~u.al ). (Estimated) $ 2333.62 $ 1300.00 1092,~60 1650~00 $ 3426.22 $ 2950.~0 Allowed Board -o- $169._82 $ 878o.t8 _Year_Endin~.JU~e~30, I~35 Tentative Increase ~eCrease Final Estima.te O~er Year ~hder Year Estimmte Ending_ Ending June_ 30, June 30, l~_.5!,__ .1934 _ ~ __ $ lSOO. OO $ 2oo,oo $ -o- $15oo.oo 33~.00 1700,00 -o- 3350.00 $ 4850.00 $1900,00 $ -o- $4850,00 CALCULATION OF ~,VY Amount to .be raised by Curt%hr Levy Delinquents on basis Levy required Assessed Value of Rate of Levy $15652.68 $.78 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1935 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ~DEBT ~FLqID T%tleof ..Function No..of Func- tion Item ..Title..ef I~em 20 DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption of Bonds 805 Interest on Bonds Total Debt Service Source ANTICIPATED SURPLUS Mi soellaneous Revenue.: Year End+nE"~ J~le 30, t934 ApProp- riati on ~e~poSsd ~ In~e.~ase Ending E~ding Boar, June 30, Ju~e 30, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES -o- $23169 600.5_ 0 12749 6oo. 5o $35918 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1935 SCQ~SVILLE ~ DISTRI CT DEBT EU~D Yea~ Ended Year Ending .. : ~en~ative ....... In~eaae_.. D~c~ease Final J~{ne 30, 19.33 J6ne 30, 1934 Es%ima,~e Over Year ~dea-Yea~ Es_ti~ ~ ading Ending (~Ctual) (Estimated) $ -o- $ -o- June 30, ..... 1934 $ -o- $ -o- ae 30, t934 Delinquent Taxes 4571.93 2700.00 2000.00 -o- 700.00 Interest on Investments and Bamk Balances Total Revenue Other than Current Taxes 3S..78 -o. 350.00 4606.71 $ 2700.00 Amount to be raised by ~arrent Levy 167_32;$5 _ 2!t50.0~ Total ~evenue required CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount of be raised by Current Levy Delinquents on Basis of 15% Levy required Assessed Value of Pl~opler~y Rate of Levy $ 2350.00 _.. $ 33568.85 $33568.85 5925._9~ $2157761.00 $1.84 350o00 $7 12418.85 .o-~ _ 35q~_ )0.00 $2350. 45 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Title of F~ sf ~- NO. of Item Title of Item FOR THE YEAR Eh~DI~G JUNE 30, Ig$5 SANUEL MILLER 'DISTRICT DEBT FUND Year End- ing June 30, 19~ APprOp- riation Year~Ending Ju~e-30, 1935 Proposed Increase Dec.ease .Allowed~ Expendi- Over~'¥earT~l~Y~arE~g ~img By tures June 30, June 30, Board I~34 1934 DEBT SERVIGE 800 Rede~mption of Bonds 803 Intei~est en Bonds Tetal Debt ~ervice !ICIPA TED SURPi £f so ellaneeu s Delinquent ~ Intere st "on Bank Bola ~otal revenue Current u~ount to be Levy ~otal Rever~e Title of .of ~c- No. of ~n I t em DEBT SERVI Ct 800 Red, 803 Int~ Total Debt $ 8200.00:~ 1~600.00 ALBEMARLE C0~, VIRGINIA R~~ ES~MATES FOR THE ~ ENDING ~E ~0, 1~ S~UEL .~L~R DISTRICT D~T ~D T~ar End~¥' ~' June ~0, 1~ ~e ~0, 1~ (Ae~al) (ESti~ted) ~US [evenue: ~nve stments and ~ces ~ther thom from :axes ~sed by Cu~ent ~equired $ -o- $ -o- 2826..33 1800. O0 30~.42 ISO0.O_q $ 313.3.75 $ 340Q. 00. 21179.50 22400, O0 CALOU~ATION OF LEVY ~mount to be raised by Current Levy Delinquents on Basis of Levy Requi~ed Assessed Value of Prop?try Rate of Levy $16599.98 $8399.95 ~..-o. -o?. .I850.00 unction Title of Item mption of Bonds ~rest on Bonds $16599,98 15750.00 Ten~att~e Incr~ease Dec.ease Final Estimat-~ :1~ O~,er Year~U~l~r Year Estimate End~ng Ending June ~ 30~ June 193~ .... $ -o.. $ .o. $ -o- $ P..500. 0.0 ....... "/O0-O(1 ......... c- 1500.00 $ 400Q.O0 $ 28349.95 5949~, 98 .o. $32349.98 ..... $100-00 $28349.98 .500 ...9.4 $24~98218.00 .. $1.34 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EEPENDI TURE ESTIMATES 2500.00 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,- 1935 WHITE HALL DISTRICT DEBT FUND Yea~ End- lng June 30, 1934 Approp riation $4000.00 $ glO0.O0 $1 lVO.OO Year Ending June 3Q~ 19.35 ,. Proposed Increase Dee~eaae Allowed Exp~endi- Ovei, Yeaz- Uz~e~ Yea~~ By Ending Ending tures June 30, June 30, Board $4770.85 -o- $4329..15 $4?70.85 5050.0Q -o~ !o20.OQ SOSO.O0 $9820.85 -o- $5349.15 $9820.85 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1936 WHITE' HALL ~DISTRTCT -DEBT FUN~- '~ Souro $ ANTICIPATED SUPLUS Miscellaneous Revemue: Yea~ Ended Year Ending June 30, 1933 June 30, 1934 ( Actual (Estimated) $ -o- $ ~ -o- Tentative Increase Decrease Final ~mv~ ~ Ending Ending June_ ~0, June ~0, . _ .193~ .... 1934 $ -o?~ $~ -o.$ -o- .Delinquent Taxes Interest on Inves~ents and Bank Balances Total. Revenue other than Current Taxes 2600.83 1200,00 -$ ~v84.9o $ 1GO0.O0_ ?a._ :~ 200.00 1000.00 1000.,D0 ....... 750o.00 ........ -o- 1000.00 $~,obo.~ $750.0o. $2000.00 Amount to be ~alaedby 9urrent Levy Total Revenue Required 1292.6..!0 ~ !372_0._0© $15'711.~ $15170.00 CALCULATION OF LEVY "/820.8_ __ 5 j,p-___ 5899.[5 Amount to be raised by Current Levy Delinquents on Basis of Levy required Assessed ~Value o£ P~operty Rate of Levy $7820.86 ~1380.t5 ALBEMARLE cOUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1936 SCHOOL Y~ear Ended June~ 30, '~!933T Title of Function_ Ap~op- Expendi- :Ne~f ri a ti on t~:me -~0. Of ~ Title of Item 170 SCHOOL BOARD Year End- ing June 30, 19S'4' ApProp- riation Pro.pos.ed. Increase... Decre Expendi- .~ng Endin~ J~e 30, June ComPenSation of Member's $ 640.00 Freight,~ Express and Drayage 40.00 $5o5.0e~ $54o.eo~ 66.00 40.00 $ 5~e.oo $ -o- $-o.: 40.00 -o. -~- 218 Telephone, Tele- ~g~aph and Postage~3~.O0 . 326 School Census .... o- . ~Otal School Boa~ $~1~0 !Tb · SUPERINTENDENT' S OFFIOE~ 2S0.00~ 350.00~ 3~5. O0 -o- 600.00 600.00 $6o0.o.,o__ 25.0~ - log 0ompensation of Secretary $1080,00 135 Travelimg Ex- pease of Super- ~ in~endent $109S.00 $1080.00 600.00 500.00- 500,00- :$1o8o.00 $ -o- -0- 500. O0 -o- -o- 141 0ompensa~ton of Superintend- .ent 1998,00 lggs.00~ 1998.00- 1998.00' -o- -o- 141 Compensation of Superintend- ent, BOard of 'Supervisors' Part -0- -0-- 949.00 949.00 Board $ 540.00 _40.00 325.00 600.00 -$1080.00 500.00 1998.00 949.00 ALBEMARLE COUNt, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTI MATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1935 SCHOOL FUND 'Year Title of 2~anctton ....... ASp~ oD- Expendi- riation tu~e No. of It em ~i~!e_~.of Item SUP~INT~D~NT..' S OFFICE ~( Cont ' d) Year End- ing June 30, 193'4 Apprep- rid t i on Year EndinE_ June 30. 1935 ._ I~roP°Sed '~InCr~ase~ De~r'e~se Al'l'~ed E~n~ ..... Gwer~Year Unde~ Year Ending · -~ng by j~e/3~, June 30, Board 1934 193~ 319 Office Supplies T~otaI Super~Dtendent, s.~ Office tNsTR1~oTiON1.! 109 Secr~t~r~ to the P~inci- pal atl~S~ottsville ... $:1. 486.~005 1~3 CompenSationS' of ~incipals 1560~.00 Compen ~ation of Teachers ~ation of Super- in Charlo~t e svi lle myle~ 134 135..':.Oompen visors 221 Tuitio and Sc $ $;.ne.oo $!2o.0o $ leO. co $3698'00.~i. ~03,~._.:.$3698.0_. 0.-: ..... ~.. $~..64.7.00 $949,00_ '486.00~ 166O4.0O 104~55.00 100219.00 100000.00 486.00 ~ 486°00 $ 14999.00 14999.00 ~101966.00 1966.00 3O5 321 Librari 322 Vocatii Su Total Inst~ TRANSPORTA~ 136 SChool County ~10 Insur~ 219 Contra, 300 Tires, 312 Gas, O~ Total Trans' HOUSING 119 Wages 210 Insura 214 Rent--< 215 Repair~ 223 Electr~ S06 Jantto~ 311 Fuel ~ Total Housi~ CAPITAL OUTI~ 403 .Furni~ 400 Replac, and Bo( 601 Tempor~ Total Capite DEBT SERVICE 805 I~teres~ 80~ P~inclpa 6896.00 6896.00 5996.00 22000.00 .25203.00 23~57.00 Classroom Supplies 529.00. 600.00 TextboOks furnished Pupils 100.00 .... 125.00. 5996.00 -o- Le S mal Educational )plies [erien ION Truck Drivers-- T~ucks ~e on Trucks ~to~s Repairs and Upkeep .1 and G~ease ~ortation $000.00_- 6~9.00 ,f Janitors ~ee on Buildings ~ffice and" Upkeep c Current ' s Supplies d Water ~g Y mens ~f Trucks ~ 26120.00 2363.00 1479.00 1479'00 -*O- S00.00 S00.00 -o- .2000.00 ?.1~52.~00. -o~ 150.00. 136.00 138.00 $~.459Q.005~49155.00 ..... $_1}3~_36.00 ...... $~329.00 $1850.00 $ 850.00 $1710.00 $1755.00 $ 45.00 -o- -o- -o- 1000.00 1000.00 3700~00 3622°00 5~94.00 3794.00 -o- 2500-00 1920.00 1518.00 2000eO0 1.600.00. 1574..O0 1365.00' 1600.00 235.00 $~6~0.00 $~9~6,:~. ~3.8~ ...... $!0,~9.00 $ 3000.~ $ 2053.00. $ ~600.00 $ 9100.00 $ -o- 1800.00 1840.00. 1900.00. 1900.00 -0- 531'~0 444.00 480.00 486.00 6.00 6000.00 5.304.00~ 3000.00~ 150~.(~ -o- 3!4-0~ 260.00. 350.00. SO0. O0 -o- 625.00 550.00.. 550.00 600.00 50.00 4809.~ 4611.00. 4000.00 . ,.4400.00 400.00 $17079,00 $~2,.00~ $12880..00 . $_11.286,00 $29~3..~ ... $1666..00 $2600.00 40Q0.~ ry Bldg. Earlysville 1 Outlay $69~3.00 --Lit e~ary Fund l'-Litera~y F~nd 92'518 ,O0 4473.00 , 3671.00 ..... --0-- .__ 1200.00' $ 2000.00 $ -o- -0- $ 1~0..1~ -o- ~647.00_ $2428.00 $ 2700.00 _-o-__._ 87o0+0q $ -o, $ 486.00 -o- 14999.00 -o- 101966.00 -o- 5996~00 -o- 26120.00 -o- 1479.00 .0- 300.00 248,~00 1752.~ -o- 138-,0p -o- $ 1V55.00 -o- 1000.00 -o- 3794.OO -o- 2000.00 -o- 1600.00 $ o1 9.oo $ 500.005 2100.00 -o- 1900.00 -o- 486.00 1500.00 1500.00 50.00 300.00 -o- 600.0~ 'O'' 4400.0~ $600.005 3500.00 -0- 171.00 35.00.00 5500.0_ . 0 4.300.00 ,,0- 5500.00 $110o0.00 $~300.p0 $771.00511000.00_ $ 2428.00 -o- 8?oo. qq -o- $272'005 2428.00 -o- 8700,00 ALBEMARLE COUNTy, VIRGINIA EXPENDI TU~E ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR-ENDING JUNE 30, 193§ SCHOOL FUND Title of ~nction No.of Func- Nc.of tion Ieem Title of' Item CITY'S PART OF DAWSON FUND GRAND TOTAL Year Ended~ Approp- Expendi- riation ture ~8~.00 ~-1_ 9.E,916 ;~ ~ F J ~ mmm J ~ .ing Jane P~oposed.. Incneaae .... Decrease All ~ 1,~,Over.,.Year Under Yea~ 30, 1934 EXPendi' Ending Ending Approp- ~res June. ~0, ~une~1 ~ O, B r ia ~ on .... ~ ...... 1934 1934 -o-_ _ $28St00. : .... $283.00. . .. _-o ..... o- ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Souroe ~Rural SUPe~-vi sio~ 'Vooabiomal Education To~al Seato ~adS .Cm~ty ~m~: Balance begi~img of Yea~ Dean quent T~es :Total County ~ds Other ~nds: Gifts f~om Foundations ~i~ion--Other Counties ~Sal~ of ~pplies Imsm r ~e $ Sal~ ef Real Estate DawSon ~nd ~ ~nt~$ and Rebates Total O~her ~ds Amount~ to be raised by: .~ OarPent Levy ~otal Revenue Required REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1935 SCHOOL FUND ~¥ear Ending- June 30, 1933 $81'716.00 6060.00 3291.00 ~91067. O0 $ 82?9.00 ~3qo....00 '¥~r .Ending _ Xe:a~_(Ending June 30~ 1935 June 30, 1934 Tentative Increase Ddcrease Fin~ (:Estimated) - Estimate .... OV~-Year '~de~ -Yea~ .... - End~. ~nding Es- .J~e.3~,. .Jdne 30, . $73467.00. $85555.00 ~$12088.00 4564.00 4564.00. -o- 2340.00 281~0,.00 470.00 $92929,00 $12558,00 $~037!.00 ~ ~ .--_~.~=~ $12000.00 $ -O- x34oo.oo .... 4oo.oo $ 4q0. 0 $13400.0o $ 300.00 -$ 400.00 $ 400,00 2999.00 gO00. O0 2000.00 12.00 20.00 gO.O0 -o- 4000.00 5500.00 -o- g60.O0 -o- 985.00 985.00 g85.00 _-o~__ 30,00 -0- $4289.00 $76~5.00 $8905.00 $112.935.00 $113466.00 88~2q too $201058.00 -0. $12 -o- $85551 -o- 4564 -o-- ~8'1~ -o- $9292~ 88000.00 $201466.00 88000,00 $20323_4.0~ )00.00 $ -¢ -o- 1340C 000.00 $1340C. $ -o- $ -o- $ 400 -o- -o- 2000 -o- -o- 20 1500.00 -o- 5500 -o- ~60.00 -o -o- -o- 985 $15oo.oo$:~o~oo $14058.005121190.(E~$!15234, -0- $14058.0051_~2~ The Boar~ proceeded to lay the County levies for the year 1934 and ordered that the Detector or'Finance of the County of Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable ~real ~state and all taxable tangible personal property, including machine~y and tools not a~sessed as real estate at the general-reassessmen~ of lands in 192§, used o~ em. 'ploye~d in a manufacturing or mining business taxable by the State on Capital; including publi~ service corporation prooerty (except the rolling stock of railroads ope~ated by steam)~, based upon the assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certi- fied ey it to the Bo~d of County Supervisors both as to location and valuation. ;go-o0 For General County purposes, Thirty Cents ($.30) on every cna hundred dollars worth of said property. For County School purposes, Eighty-five Cents ($,85) on _every_. ona hundred dollars worth of said property. For tnteras.~__and..Sinking Funds for _District Road Bonds,_the_.Di~aator of Finance shall, levy and collection all of said ~propertyas follows to-wit: (1) In the Charlottesville.District One Dollars ($1.00) on every one hundr ed dollars_. _worth of_ sai d...propert~. (2) In~ the Ivy District One-DOllar .($1.00) on every one hundred dollars (3) worth of said property. In the Rivanna. Disi:;~,ict Eighty. five Cents ($.85) on eve~.y one hundred do!tarsworth of said property. (4) In .the SamAel..Miller~Di~ric~..One Dollar. ($1.00) on every one hundred dollars worth of.said property. (§) .In ~the Scot.2sville District One Dollar_and Ten Cents ($1,10) on evtry one hundred dollars~wor~h of'said property. ($) In the White Hall Distri~tEighty, five Cents ($e85) on every one hun- dred dollars worth of said'prOperty. Communication from the citizens Bank~ and Trust Company~.requ~s21ng that the County deposit a portion of its funds in said bank was presented. - 0n motion duly. seconded~lt~wa~ ordered that when more funds are available for deposit and the office of the Di.r. ecter of FinanCe is in Such shape that he is in posi- rich.to handle, more. accounts, a. portion of County funds may be deposited with the Citizens Bank andTrust Company. ~-..Thefollo~ing claims were p~esented, examined, and allowed,~and.ordered to be certified to the Director of Finance..for payment: Noe .Payee ~ ~ Amount Refund of Taxes ' Assessment"~for Fire Losses .~ Reimbursement, l~mg Dis.~anea Calls Balance, 1~34. SubscriPtion Services, 1~3~, Imdigent Patients Telephon~'RentL-Judg~ Smith~. SerVices, Imques~, ~ffie ~J. Via T~lephone Rent--Sheriff Smith Burial of Cecil Williams Re~t *f Re-emPlOyment Office. Elect~tc Current for Re-employ. ~ Of-£ice Services., S~m' Walton Expense Allowance for Ap~,il', 1~34 PremiUm on Bond. Clerk Circuit OOurt Telephone R~nt-~Cou~ty- ExeC ~!i~0ffice ~ "ff.I~Dt~e e~or~ ~f ~tnance Off Office ~pPties for Diree~to~ of Finance Office Supplies fo~ Director of Finance P~inti~g Delim~ent Tax Notices Repairs $~ ~Ak Chai~ 1 ~in~enance COupon Bock E~e~nse~ te Rie~ond Telephone Rents-- Fa~ and~'Ho~ Dem. Agent $~$$ Clerk's Office Gas Bill--Jail Print ing CiVil W~t s Office Supplies fo~ Clerk Supplies ~rnished S~ ~ F~reat~ Fi~es Ba~y f,r Na~ch, 1~ 1 Sheep killed 1 Sheep, lamb,~il~d 1. Sheep, 1 l~b, kille~ 4 sheep, 3 l~ps, killed lOS 109 110 111 112 114 115 ll6 1.1~ 118 119 1.20 121 122 124 12"/ M. A. Dudley Alb. Home 'MUtual Fire- Ins.' COo C. Purc'~ll MeOue Ch' vi lle' & Albemarle Cham'6e~ of Co~m?,erce Unive~si.~y of 'Virginia S, E. ~b. Se~v. w. A. Kyger S. E. ~b. Se~v. Co~p~ J- F. Bell J. Z. Holla~y, Har~i s Radio Service Dr. L. ~, Roberts O. B. H~is, L. C ~ Huff E. E. Bibb S~ S. TJel Hanekel-CitfZenS Ins. Co~p. S. 'E. ~b. Serv. Co~p. S. E..~b. Serv. Co~p. Anderson B~os. Book Store 12~ConWayP~inting Co., Inc.' 128' Crozet Print Shop. 128~ J. B. De~sper & Son 129 Remington Rand, Inc. 1SO W. 0. Fife 181 S. E. Pub. Serv. Corp. 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 City of Charlottesville Crozet Print Shop Jarman' s~ Inc. C. W. Sandridge Sto~e/.~2. Virginia Fores~ Service Ruth Bur~ss Mrs. B. D. Miller T. L. White Lively Roach Mrs. D. T. Michael 143 W. Abbott Smith 10.50 1.20 8.25 100.00 800.00 5.55 5.00 4.75 25.00 15.00 1.00 '19.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ?.45 3.90 16-95 1.50 22.50 3.00 10.00 17.52 14.15 1.35 6.00 2.35 10.00 33.95 24.25 26.6? 63.34 3-00 4.00 3.00 30.00 144 ~, W. Bishop 145 Basil G. Moon. 146 Geo. H. Whit,on 147 Chas. Bailey 148 D. D, Dickerson 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Va. ~mblie Serv. Co. M. R, Smith C. M. Woodward 168 169 172 Sheep killed Lamb kil led Sheep killed Lambs killed 3 Goats k$11ed Electric Current, Court House.and Jail Plumbing Repairs at Jail Plumbing Repairs at Jail A. F. Golding Repairs to Court House Sensibaugh-Ritchie Else. Co. Ele etm~alRepairs, Court House and Jail Southern Sanitary Co., Inc. Cleaning SupplieS for Court House Everett Waddey COmpany '~ae Daily P~ogress John H, JOnes Cha s. ' Kine & Son Co.. Ime · J. P. Grove J. C. CoUlter, M. D. R. T. Ergenbright, M. D. W, B. Co!,burst, J.P. W. Abbott Smith, D. S. W. H. Paine, M. D. J. Mason Smith, Sheriff D~.. EdWard .D. Davis, Jr. D~. Robert L. Page W. G. Cook, D. S. C. G. Cook, Justice T, 0. Scott Melton Jones Office Supplies--Mi~te Book Budget Published Food SuPplies for Jail, troves, Wood Food Supplies for Jail Salary for March, 1934 LunacT--Henr~y Austin Kidd " " " "and T.E. Brown " Thomas Edward B~own , d' H. A. Haden Dir. ef Finance,Re-imbursement to Revolving Fun . 'Stamps Relief Judge Cheek Writer Labor Plastering at CoUrt House Binding BOok for Clerk Painting at Court House Freight on ReCord_BOok Lunacy--Robert. . M~y Salary for March, lP34 176 Board of Public. Welfare 174-~ ~. M. Purcell, Treas,' of Va. 175 National Bank& TrUst Co. 176 H, A. Haden 177 Margaret T. Woodward 178 J. F. Garth 179 A. G. Bell 180 W. L. Maupin 181 ~Eva W. Maupin C. E. Moran W. 0. Fife A. L. Bennett Board of Public Welfare Board of Public Welfare Bessie Jones J. Mason Smith G. Stuart Hamm John Wesley W. Abbott Smith H. J. Haney E. Mo Powell C. S. Huffman W. S. Cook 1~6'J. H. Jones 1~? T. 0. Scott 198 C. G. Greet ~199 Ruth Burruss 200 M~s. Bessie Dunn Mille~ 20I Melton Jones 202J. P. Grove 1 182 18~ 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 19~ 194 195 ~ ~Amoum~: 25.00 2.85 10.00 14.20 9.00 59o03 5.00 1.90 201.25 40.50 4.50 47.lZ 27.00 181.53 6~'84 24.00 5,00 10.00 4.00 3.50 5.00 5.50 $ 56.80 10.00 12.50 8.25 25.00 65.00 1~5.00 *.55 31~.!0 6.00 5.?0 3.00 86.41 28,00 Federal Emergency Relief Funds. ' ~. 3000.00 State's Portion Dog Ei*ense Collections ~82.15 COupons maturing May X, 1984 Feb., Mar. 3425.00 350.00 t00.00 200.00 125.00 341.66 100.00 225-00 333.33 83.0? Direct Relief._for A~r. 300.00 Administration_" - 100.00 32.00 Salary for. April, 1934. If ,! ,1 ' Appropriation for ReimburSements for Stamps; Jan. & Feb. Salary for April, 1934 tt '! ff J. M. Purcell, Treas. of Va.,State Colleet~from.3/1/S4 to.4/14/34. 250.00 19.00 48.00 1~5.00 90.00~. 60.00 50.0~ 50.00! 75.00 86.41 24.25~ 26.67 53.33 28.00 ~4.90 692.65 A regmlar meeting of the Board of .County Supervisors was held at the Court House of the said County on the 16th day of May, 1934. Present: ~. M. Fray, Chairman, G. Purcell MeCue, E. J. Ballard, J. A. O'Neill, P. H. Gentry, and W. H. Langhorne. Mi~lutes of the last regalar meeting were read and approved. Upon motion by J. A. O'Neill, seconded by E. J. Ballard, it was ordered that the Clerk of the Circuit Court bea'uthortzed _to have a land book copied. IN THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ROAD FROM FEDERAL-STATE ROUTE NO. TO ROUTE NO. ?SI, IN PROXIMITY TO KESWICE PUBLIC SCHOOL: At the regUlar April Meet- ing, 1934, of the Board of County Supervisors, it was ordered that S. P. Nottingham, Chesley A. Hadon, P. H. COleman. C. E.