HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-05-16144 ~., W. Bishop 145 .Ba'sil G. Moon Geo. H. Whitten 147 Chas. Bailey 148 D. D. D[okerson 149 150 151 152 153 184 155 156 157 I~B 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 1V1 172 O ect Va. Public Serv. Co. M. R. Smith C. M. Woodward 5 Sheep killed 1 Lamb killed 1 Sheep killed 4 Lambs killed 3 Goats killed Electu~ic Curre~t, Court.House .and jail plumbing Repairs at Jail Plumbing Repairs at Jail A. F. Gelding Repairs to Cou~t House Sensibaugh-Ritchie Elco. Co. Ele c~-~slRepairs Court House and Jail Southern Sanitary Co., Inc. Cleaning Supplte~ for Court House Everett Waddey Company The Daily P~ogress John H, JOnes Chas.~King & Son Co., Inc. J. P. Grove J. C, Coulter, M. D. R. T. Ergenbrlght, M. D. W, B. Oo!thurst, J.P. W. Abbott Smith, D. W. H. Paine, M. D. J. Mason Smith, Sheriff Office Supplies--Mfr~te Book Budget Published Food Supplies for Jail, ~toves, Weed Food SUpplies for Jail Salar~j for March, 1934 Lunacy--Hesry Austin Kidd " " " "and T..E.Bro~ " Th~as Edward B~o~ Amount 25.00 2'85 14.20 9,00 39°03 5.00 1,90 201.25 40.50 4.50 47.12 27.00 181.~ 6~.84 24.00 5,00 lO.O0 4.00 3.50 5,00 ~.50 H. A. Haden, Dir. of Finance,Re-imbursement to Revolving Fund:~ 'Stamps $ 56.80 10,00 12.50 8.2'5 25.00 65°00 135.00 '.55 313.10 6.00 5.VO 3.00 3.70 86.41 28.00 Relief Judge CheCk Writer Labor Plastering at CoUrt Hen.se Binding BOok for Clerk. Painting at Court House Freight on ReCord_Book~ Lunacy--Robert, ti M~y ti Il ti ,ti D~. EdWa~d..D. Davis, J~. D~. Robert L. Page W. G. Cook, D. S. C. G. Cook, Justice T, 0. Scott Melton Jones 175 19'6 19"7 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 18';' 188 189 190 191 193 194 195 196 197 17$. Board of Public Welfare 174<. ~. M. ~rcell, Treas. of Va. National Bank & TrUst Co. H, A. Haden Margaret T. Woodward J. F. Garth " " " " A. G. Bell " " " " W. L. Maupin " " " " Eva W. Maupin " ti " " C. E. Me,an " " " , W. O. Fife " " " " A. L. Bennett " " " Feb. Mar. Board of Public Welfare ' ' Board of Public Welfare Bessie Jones J. Mason Smith G. 'Stuart Hamm John Wesley W. Abbott Smith H. J. Haney " " ti . E. M. Powell " " " " C. S. Huffman " " " - W. S. Cook "' " " " J. H. Jones " " '" " T. O. Scott " " " " 198 O. G. Greet " " " - .lgg Ruth Bur~ss " " " . 200 M~s. Bessie DunnMiller " " " " 201 Melton Jones " " " " 202 J. P. G~ove " " " " 1 Federal Emergency Relief Funds. State's Portion Dog 'Ei~ense Colle6tions~ Coupons maturing May l, 1934 Salary for Apt. il, 1934 3000.00 582.15 3~25.00 350,00 '100.00 200.00 125.00 ~41.66 i00.00 225.00 333.33 83.07 'Appropriation for Direct Relief for A~r. 300.00 " " Admlnist~ati. on_" · 100.00 Salary for Ap,~i 1, 1934 Reimbursements for Stamps, Jan. & Feb. Salary for Apt. it, 1~34 ti ti ti ti J. M. Purcell, T~eas. of Va.,State Collect£~$.fr~m 3/1/34 32.60 250.00 19.00 48.00 125.00 90.00 60.00 50.00 50,00 ~5.00 86.41 24.25 26.67 53.33 28.00 24.00 I regalar meeting of the Board of County Supervisors was held at the Court House of the said County on the 16th day of May, 1934. Present: ~ M. F~ay, Chairman, C. Parcell MoCue, E. J. Ballard, J. A. O'Neill, P. H. Gentry, and W. H. Langhorne.~ Mill~tes of the last regular meeting were ~ead and approved. Upon motion by J. A. O'Neill, aeconded by E. J. Ballard, it was ordered that the Clerk of the Circuit Court be authorized .to have a land book copied. IN THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ROAD FROM FEDERAL-STATE ROUTE NO. 22 TO ROUTE NO. ?~1, IN PROXIMITY TO KESWICK PUBLIC SCHOOL: At the regUlar April Meet- ing, 1934, of the Board of County Supervisors, it was ordered that S. P. Nottingham, of whom might act, be and they were appointed Viewers to view a route, a~d report upon Wne expediency of establishing a public froad from Federal. S. tate Route No.~ ~ to Route No. 731, through the lands of the Keswick Hunt .Club, J~. B. Belk, C6un~ School~ Bo~d of Albemarle County and Chesapeake ~d Ohio R~lwal ~Company, ~d by said ~der further ~reeted that the Chairman of the Highway Co~ssion, s~et~es called the State Hi,way Co~ssioner, should be ~de a pa~ty to .~e p~oceedings, and n0~tfted of t~ time and place of meeting of the Viewe~; and it now appea~ing that ~he sa~d Chai~ of the Highway Co~ission dUly acknowledged.~s~e~vfce of notice ~ of the' 9~oceedings and service of a copy of said o~de~'~ And the said Viewers having ~ly metU~ned thei~ F~o~t,- in w~iting,- aeuom-- panied~by a map o~ plat., ~de by Hugh F. Si~s, S. A. C,~ ~ho~i~.~the pro9osed~ ~oad, and f~om w~eh tt appea~s that the land-o~e~s affected a~e J~.~.~B.' Belk, the Keswt~k Hunt Club and Chesapeake and Ohio Railway ComDany. The~efo~e~ on motion duly made and seconded, it ts 0RD~ED~ t~t the ~le~k of this' Board issue D~ocess to su~on J. B. Belk, Kes~ek Hunt~. Gluh and Chesapeake and Ohio Railway O~mD~Y to apDea~ before the Board of Ooun~y.~_e~fs.0PS~uf~Albema~le County~ at rheim ~e~la~ meeting, to be hsld at the Cou=~ House.~ef..~ said CounSy, at ~:~0 A~ N., on the ~Oth' day of June, 1~, to show cause, .lf~.anT~.they can, whY~ the said ~po~t, In the ~tter or.establiShing a public ~oad t~ough thei~ land~, ~hould not be~ adopted~ H. A. Haden, 'Dt~ecte~ of Finite, submitted e~tima~ e~ ex9enses expected to be incurred tn the operation of office of the Directo~ of Fin~ee fo~ the y~a~ ending Decembe~ ~l, l~. ~is estimate was ex, ned, reviewed and app~o~ed as sub'ted. H. A. Haden, Dt~ec~o~ of Finite, su~itted statements ef~ expenses of ~he ~D~. p~t~n~ of Fiancee ~ the months of Janua~, Feb~aa~, March, anti.April, 1934, one- third of which Is to b'e'bo~ne 'by the State, w~eh ~statements were ex~ined, verified and approved. Following eo~epe~ce between the Judge of the Ct~cult Cour~ and the members of the ~B~ard of County Supervisors, the sala~ of the T~tal .Justie.e on and after July l~ 1954, which was fixed by the Judge ~at $1,800.00 pep yea~, was .unanimously oved by the Boa~.~ by the followi~ retched vote: Ayes= J. N..~ F~a~., C~ ~ce11 Uue, ~E. ~. Bal~a~d, J. A. 0'Nell1, P~ H. Gent~, and W.-.H. L~o~ne.; Noes: ~None. ~ Re~es~ of J. B. Kegley was 9~esented to the Board for an eXtension of time on bonds secured by deed of t~st on the old poor farm. U~on mo~ion by C. ~Pcell-NcCue, Seconded by E. J. Balla~d, tt was o~de~ed t~t J.~ B. Kegley be g~anted the extension of time fo~ the p~a~t of bonds '?~qnested, 9~ovided intePeSt at the ~ate of 6% ~eP a~ eonti~es u~til paid. Velbon E. Ke~, Secretary of the O~lettesville and Albemarle Ch~be~ of Com- mePce, ~equested that taxes on t~ ai~pomt p~operSy be remitted fo~ ~eh length of time as the City .of Charlottesville le~ses this p~ope~$y for use of an ai~poPt. Upon motion by C. ~cell NcCue', seconded by P. H. Gent~, tt was o~dered that the taxes on the at,oPt 9~ope~ty be re~tted so long as the City oF Charlottesville leases s~e for the p~9osa~ of an atrpo~t~ ~e fell~ing P~solutf0n was unanimously ~opted: ~E~AS, the ~ads tn th~ secondary syst~ of highways in Albe- marle C~n~ have greatly dete~io~a~s~nee being taken ove~ by the StaSe, and ~REAS, in the opinion of bhe Board of County ~pe~viso~s of Albe~rle Count, this is occasioned by t'he failure of the State High- way Co~ission to allocate to Albe~rle C~ty its p~ope~ share of the funds provided for this purpose, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE'SOLVED that the State Highway CommissiOn be and it is hereby respectfully petitioned to allocate sufficient funds for the proper maintenance and is- provement of .roads in the secondary system of highways in this county. IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION OF GILBERT S. CAMPBELL AND OT~RS, TO ESTABLISH A pUBLI-C ROAD BETWEEN STATUE ROUTES 729 AND 733, THROUGH THE LANDS OF THE COUNTT SCHOOL BOARD OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY: At the regalar April meeting~ 1934~ of the Board of County Supervi~sors, it was ordered S. P. Nottingham, Chesley Haden, C. E. Starkweather, P. H. ¢olema~ and Phil S. Purcell, any three of .whom might act, be and they were appointed Viewers to view a road and report upon the expe~iency of eStablishing a public road from State Route No. V29 to No. 733, through the lands of the Coun~ty Schoal Board of Albemar~le County. And the said Viewers having duly re~u-rned their report, in writing, accom- panied by plat or diagram thereof., showing '~he proposed road, and from ~ieh it appears that the only land owner affected is the County School Board of Albemarle~County. ~ THEREFORE, on motion duly made.and seconded, it is ORDERED that the Clerk of this B~ard issue process t~ sumumm~the 'County School Board of Albemarle~Coun~to ap- pea~ before the Bo~d of Supervisors, at their regular meeting to~ be held at the Court House of said Count-y, at 9:30 A. M., on the 2Otb day of June, 193~,~ to show cause, if any the~y .can, why the said ~eport should not be adopted. ~ The following claims were presented, examined, amd allowed, and ordered to be certified to the Director of Finance for payment: ~g3 ~AndersOn Bros. Book Store, Inc. Office Supplies for C.. E., D- F., a~d Bd. Of Sup. 20~ O.W. Bailey Services as Commissioner on Road 2.00 ~0~ ~. 0. Baker Services as'Commissioner ~00 206 Barnes Lumber Corporation Lime for Jail 1~60 207 E. E. Bibb Balance due for Assessing White Hall.District for the year 19~4 Maintenance~ding Machines, Olerkand Director of Finance Food Suppliesfor Jail Food Supplie.s_for Jail 0leaning Supplies and Materials Servicesas Viewer on Road Water and Gas'for O. H. and ~ail 208 ~Burroughs Adding Machine Ce. 209 Chas. King& Son Co.., Inc. 23.06 210 Charlottesville Abattoir Co. 2.$1 211 Charlottesville Hardware 0o. 10.54 ~I2 P. H.. Coleman 213 ~i~y of Charlottesville 26.49 214 W'. B. Co~thurst Lunacy--Eber C. Demasters 2.00 Office Supplies and 21~. Conway' P~inting Co., Inc. 216. W. S. Cook 217 Dettor, Edwards & Morris 216 R. T. Ergenbright, M. D. 2Ig W. O. Fife 220 ~ilmore, Hams & Snyder, Inc. Rel~airing Linoleum 221 Chesley Haden ~e~ices as Viewer on Road 222 .~. A. Had~n, Director 'of Finance Reimbursement for Expenditures Printing,foE i!.?S Mileage for April, 1934 /anc~ 24.98 Paper Towels for Court House 4.78 ~acy--Eber 0. Demaste~.s ~.~ Traveling E~enses--Ric~ond,Fee Com, 8~4~0 !~SO 2~00 from Revolving Fund: Stamps for D.F. ~2.00~ Cleaning Supplies 13.19 Extra H~tp 16.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics 17.2~ Telephone Service .?0 Lock Repaired 1.~0 Food Supplies for Jail '62.40 Plumbing Repairs, C,' H. 18.60 Transportation on Bonds 11.92 Electric Lamps 3.29 P~int ed Forms 17.00 Fingerprint Equipment 2.92 Envelopes 5~.86 304.6.3 223 H. J. Haney Mileage ~er A~ril, 1934 24.00 224 C. B. Harris, J~. E~ense Allow~ee fo~ May, 1934 50.00 228 A. D. H~t, M.D. ~nacy--Ebe~ C. D~ters ~.0~ 226 H. V. Herold Settees as Ce~issiOner on Road 227 L. C. ~ff Ei~ense Allow~ee for May, 1~4 25.00 22~ C. S. Huf~an Mileage f~ A~il, lg~ 15.96 229 J.H. Jones Equipmen~ and Food Supplies fo~ ~il 22.42 No...~e 230 251 232 2~ 235 258 259 240 241 W. B. Jones E. R. Martin Monticello Hotel S. P. Not~iz~ Services as Member of the Elec- toral Board for Year..~1933 So,ices as Commissioner on Road She~f.'s Lunches Se.~/~.ices as Viewer on Road Philli~ S. Purcell Services as Viewer onRoad Richmond Office SupPlyCo., Zmc. Omitted CapitatienBook_ C. W. 'Sandridge Store ~a2 Acct. SamWalton .for April,_1934 J. Mason Smith J. M~SOnm.S~i.t~ Sheriff M. R. Smith W~ Abbott Smith S. E. Public SEPT. COrp, 242. Spalding Baking Co. 243 ~244 246 24? 248 C. E. Starkweather S. S. Teel.' Tiefel-Side~sCo. Valentine & Hull Virginia F~est Service Virginia Public Service Co. 249 250 251 254 255 258 261 263 264 266 268 269 271 2?4 2?6 Vt~ginia Stationery Co., F. T. Wood C. M. Woodward W. A. Barksdale L. E. Fielding LeWis S. Fu!¢he~ Joseph Griffin, Jr. C. B. Harding U. B. Mackreth Ca,roll M. Maupin Gallie Smith C. Lewis Sutherland R. ~. Wtnebarge~ R.A. Yaneey, ~. W, M. ~a~ke George N. Douglas W. W. R. B. Fray W, A. Gentr~ E. T. R0des W. H. Smith M. Y. Sutherland Kaufman'$ Sons C. S. Armstrong, Agent A. B. Hancock E. L. Johnson Gee. B. Layne H- T. MCAllister· 277 Mrs. Nina. Sappah Reimbursement for payment to. J. J, Leonard for bringing Dogs from Faber, Va.. and return I~nacy--Eher C~ Demasters Plumbing Repairs at C" H.. Mileage for April, 1954 Telephone Service ~for May, 1934 Bread Account for Jail ~for~ Apri 1 SerVices as ¥iewe~ Expense ~lowance for~ May' ~1~ Fingerprint SuD.Dlie s Caal for O. H. ~d Jail Forest .F~es Electric Se~v~e a~ C.H., Clerk's . Office ~ J~.l fen~April ~ Ck, Reg. ~ets ~and T~sfe~ Cks. R~d of' T~es Pl~bing Rep,s at J~l Civil Juror Civil Civil Ct~t J~or Civil J~o~ Civi 1 Juror Civil Ju~o~ Oivii Oi~il Civil JUror Civil G~nd ~ror G~and Ju~o~ Gpand Juror G~: Ju~o~ G~d.. Ju~o~ G~d Ju~o~ Grand ~ Juror Grand Juror Cle~ng for P~iSener Ewe and L~bs Killed by ~Dogs Sheep killed by Dogs Sheep killed ~ Dogs L~a killed by Dogs ~ ki!led ~by Dogs D~stie Rabbit killed by Dogs 278~-i~os. L. Ro~Ser, J~. Chi~ekens killed by Dogs~ 279 ~. A. HadeS, Director of Finance Balance of April.Allattment, 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 2 Hen~ B. Gordon National Bank & Trust Co. H. A..Haden Margaret T, ~oodward ~J. F. Garth A. G. Bell A. L. Bennett W. L.' Mauptn Eva~ W. Maupin Ce E~ Mcr. an W. 0~ Fife J. MasOn Smith W. Abbott Smith H. J~ Haney E. M. PoweI1 ¢. S. ,Huffman W. S. Cook ~ M. Elliott ~ard of Public Welfare CanCelled J. P. Gro~e Bessie Jones 'Mrs. BeSsie Dmnn Miller Ruth Burrus s T. O. Scot~ C. G. Greet John Wesley Melton ~YOnes J. M. Purcell, Treas. of Va. F. E. R. A. Fends Court Order for Special Attorney Coupons maturing June 1~ Salary for month of May, Salary_ for month of M~y, 193~ Salary for month of May, 1.934 Salary for mo~th of May, 19~. Sala~ fo~ month of May, I~34 Salary for month of May, 193~ Sal~y for month of May, S~ary for month-of May, 1934 Sal~y for month of_ ~y, 193~ Sala~ fo~ month ef ~y~,~ I~A Salary~for ~th Of May~ 1~3~ Sala~ for mon~of~ ~y, Salary for month or'May, 1R~A Sa~ for month of May, 1~ Sa~ for month_ of May, Salary for month of May, 19~4 Appropriation fo~ A~nis~ra- ti~ ~for ~he mon~ of ~y, l~ Salary for~ m~th. af May, 193A Salary fo~ mon~ of May, Sala~ fo~ month of May, 19~ Salary for month of May, Salary for month of Nay, 19B~_~ Sal~ for month of May, l~ Salary fo~ month of May, 1~ Salary for month of May, Stat~ ColleCtions from to 4/s0/s , nc. Amounl~ $ 42.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.16 10.00 10.00 3.90 4.00 33.60 51.70 44.70 2.00 25.00 6.00 35.50 7.40 34.22 65.53 16.93 1.75 5.80 I4.00 18.00 14.00 18.00 16.50 19,00 ?-60 20.50 22.50 8.20 4.40 3.50 4.10 3.50 4.30 2.50 3'80 1.00 32.00 4.00 3.50 4.20 2.45 1.00 12.65 1,00~.OO 10.00 1,486.2B 350.00 100.00 200.00 .125.00 79.07 ~34!.66 100-O0 225.00 333.33 250.00 125.00 90.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 ?5.00 100.00 24.00 32.00 53.33 26.66 86.41 24.25 48.00 28.00 826.36