HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-06-20 A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors. was. held at the Court House ofI ssid County on the 2~th day of June, 1934. Present: J. M. Fray, Chairman, C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, J. A. 0'Nell P. H. Gentry, and W. H. Langhorne. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Citizens living in the vicinity of Jopling's Ford requested that the Board recommend ~to the Highway Commission that bridge be constructed at this. poir~. The following resolution, offered by Mr. McOue, and duly seconded, was adopte~ by the following recorded vote: Ayes: C. Purcell McOue, E. J. Ballard, and P. H. Gentr~y; Noes: J. M. Fray and W. H. ~.anghorne; Absent:. J. A. O'Netll~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County SuPervisors of Albemarle C~ounty that the Highway-~ommission be and is hereby requested to construct a .bridge. b~$waen Albemarle and Nelson Counties at Jopling's Ford. IN THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ROAD FROM FEDEEAL-STATE ROUTE NO. 22 TO ROUTE NO. 731, IN PROXIMITY TO KESWICK PUBLIC SCHOOL: The Board of County Supervisoz at a regular meeting held on May 16, 1934, having~ordered t/~at process to summon J. B. Belk, Keswick Hunt Club and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company,to appear at this meeting of June 20, 1934, to show cause.why the report of the Viewers heretofore filed in the above styled matter should not_ be adopted and process having,~e~^duly~xecuted; thereupon J. B. Belk appeared through his attorneys and made objection to the establish- menthol said road as laid out in Viewers' Report;m~ and the Board having heard testi.~ony on behalf of the said J. B. Belk,. ordered the matter continued until the next regular meeting of the Board and determined that upon adjournment of the Board at the June meet. lng ~he~' W~uld convene on the lands~.and themselves view promDective routes. Upon motion by Mr. McOme, .duly ~econded, it ~was ordered that application be made tO the Virginia Emergency Relief Administration for $6,8~1.67 of Federal~Funds for Relief PurpoSes in this county for the month .~f June, 1934. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, sub~i~e~'.$-tatement of expenses of' the De- partment of Finance. for the month of May, .193~4,. one-third of which is to be borne by the Share, which statement was examined, .verified s_nd approved. An estimate of the cost of constructing County's portion of sidetrack adjacent to its' property on the Southern Railroad was SUbmitted and upon motion by Mr. Langhorne, duly Sme=onded,.!~e~Ohairman was authorized to execute this agreement. // IN THE MATTER OF AN AP~PLICATION OF GILBERT S. CAMPBELL AND OTHRR S, TO EBTAB- LISH A PUBLIC ROAD BETWEEN STATE ROUTES ?29 AND ~3, THROUGH THE LANDS OF THE COUNTY -SCHOOL BOARD OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY:' The Board of County Supervisors having erd'e~e~ at meeting!m°f ~ 16, 1934, that process to. summon the County School Board of Albemarle OountyI 'tO appear at this, the' June, meeting b~ issued to show cause, if any they can, why the report of the Viewers in the above styled matter should not be adopted; and the said 'County ~ehool BoaNi of Albemarle County, having this day filed with the Board a resolution emD~Ying the consent of the said County School Board to the establishment ~e<~. ~ead above refer~ed to and particularly described in the report of the Viewers here tofore filed, it is, therefore, ordered that the report of the Viewers dated April 18, 1934, be and the same is hereby adopted and the road as described in said report and in diagram the~-ewith returned is hereby established as a public road without gates. The following is the Viewe~ Report referred to: 557 VIEWERS ' REPORT .STATE OF VIRGINIA, County of Albemarle, To-wit: To the Honorable-Board of Supervisors of the County Of Albemarle: ~ne undersigned viewers appointed by your order made on the 18th day of~ April, 1984, respectfully report~ that we went upon the lands proposed to be taken for a public road from RoUte ?29 to R~ate ?33 on the $Oth day of April,1984, and report, thereupon as follows: let. The convehtenee er-inconvenience that will result as well 2nd. to individuals as to the public is as follows: Mather of public convenience--no private inconvenience. The said _road wilI not be one of sUch_mere private cOnven- ience as to make it proper that it should be opene~ and kept in order by the person or persons for~ whose, ennvenience it is desired. No, it will not. No yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken. None. The names of the land oWners on such route_are as follows: The County School Board of Albemarle County. §th. The following named .of said~ land owners re. re compensation. N one. 6th. A Just compensation to the land owners requiring compensation for the said land so taken for the damage to the residme of the tract beyond' the peculiar benefits to be derived in res- peet to such residue from the road or landing to be e stab- lished ~are as. follows: None e Vth. The following are the other facts~ and circuiaStances which in the opinion of your viewers are useful, in.enabling your Board-to determine the expediency of establishing ..or altering the said road: A plat showing the .004 strip, of laud .used to_locate said road.is .~et~urned with this report. All of which is. respectfully submitted, 4th. S. P. NOTTINGHAM CHESLEY A. HADEN P. H. COLEMAN C. E. S~~THE~ P. S. PURCELL (sx e ') (SIGNED) (SIGNED) (SIGNED) Upon motion by !W~A. O'Neill, duly seconded, the following resolution was unanimous ly adopted: The Chairman of this Board having communicated with the other ~ m~mbers of the Board and secured their approval, executed on the llth day Of June, ~1.934., an option, to..A.S. Osbelt for a~period of fortyrfive days to purchase, property of the COUnty located in the City Of Charlottesville ad~1acent to ~he orouert_v of the Southern Railway Company for a price of $~-~000'00 net to the County of Albemarle, the D~rchaser to pay all real estate commissions on the sale, as well as to pay all costs in connection with the proposed sidetrack, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tee Board of County~ ~.per~isors of Albemarle County that the ac- tion of the Chairman i~ exerting the above described option be and is hereby ratified. Commaxntcation from H. G. Shirley, State Highway Commissione~,~w~th refer- once t~ resolution adopted_ a~ the .May, 1934, meeting of the Board was presented. The following claims were presented, exmained, and allowed, and ordered to be ~erti. fied to the Director of Finance for payment: No'.. ~, P~ee ~ount SOS, '~.~-0. HUff SC9 ]AnderSon Bros. Book Store, Inc. 310 ~Bavnes ~er Oo~oration SI! ~Jackson Beal,J. P. 312 'Albemarle-Nichie Co., Inc Sl3 ~Ch~rl~ttesville Abattoir 314 jCha~lottesville Hardware Co. 315 S16 ~0ha~lottesvtile Supply Co. ~, B, Oolthu~st, J. P. SI? *Conway P~inting Co., Inc, ~318 ~Justice C. G. Cook 319 ~W. S. Cook, D. S. 320. Crozet Print Shop 321 W. T. DamevOn,..Sergeant 322 ~T, Ho Daniel, M. D. 32~ ~D~. ~. D. Davis, 324 ~D1stz~ct BOard Elliot t I ce Co., Inc. ~D~. R. T. Ergenbright ~P. H. Gentr2 Balance due for Assessing RiVanna District for the year 1934 Office Supplies and Equipment for the C' E. and D.F. 4.25 Flour~ and Meal Bin for Jail and Material for iOoalBin at O. H. and Screen Doo~.ab~ Jail Lunacy--Si~ey F. Tapscott, Food Supplies fo~ Jail Food Supplies for Jail Padlocks fo~ Jail ~d Miscell~eo~s Supples for C. H. and Ja~ Repairs 13.47 Complete Water Closet for Jail 14.70 Lunacies--Alias A~te~s Norvell, Mis s SalVe. ~liae St~ephens 0ffice~SUpplies for C. E. and ~D. F. ~.00 ~aCies--S. 0. Kline and Howard .Rogers Lunaeies--S.~ 0. Eline and Howard (~18,90) Re,ers and' Mi~ea~ge fo~ MAY.,' 193~- 25.40 ~i~tng Fo~s fo~ D. F, and _Clerk 14.~ Lunacy--Sidney Tapscott,.~ Jr. 3.00 L~acies--Allus A~tems Norvell, Miss Sallie A~ae Stephens i0.00 ~nacy--Howa~d Ro~ers Go. of Alb. Portion of. Serating Expenses of DiStrict H~e f~ ~o months endi~ April SO,. 19~ ...... Ice Tickets fo~ C. H, ~.~O ~nacy-.S.O.Kline 1 Day Finance Co~t tree ~-~2.39 3.00 15.46 1.19 325 ~. M. Gleaaon & Co. 329 $31 333 334 335 336 33~ 338 339 34O 341 342 343 344 345 346 34? 348 S49 'Food Supplies for Jail ?. A. Haden, Director of Finance, Reimbursement for Expenditures 'I~. A. D. Hart ~ameson Book & Athletic Store H. J. Haney, D. S. ~ercy Harris, M. ~D. ~. S. H~ffman Jarman~s , Inc. ~has. King & Son Co., Inc. W. T. Ma~tin Hdwe. Co. D~. R, L. Page E. M. Powell M. L. Rea, M. D. Remington Rand, Inc. ~. Mason Smith, Sheriff ~. Abbott Smith~ D. $. B. E. Pub. Service Corp. R. N. Stephens L. R. Stinson, M. D. Mrs. M. L. Stout from Revolving Fund~ as follows: Extra Help, D. F. ~£flce $7V.00 Advertising (Taxes) 2.88 S~amps 75.00 Special At tormeys 45.00 Allowance for Cook at Jail 12.50 Food Supplies for Jail~ 51.81 Repairs to Buildings 64.46 ~ Chairs for C.H. 18.00 Commission .on. Coupons Paid 3.13 Lunacies-.S. 0. Kline and AIl~ remus .~Norvelle Office Supplies for Clerk's Office Mileage for May, 19~4 Lunamies..W.S. Beal and Sidney F. Tapscott Balance due for Assessin~ .Scottsville District for the year 1934~- Co. Portion Room Rent for Nati°nal Re-employment Office for.. period ending June 8, 1934. Mileage for May, 1934. Office ~i~pplies for Clerk and Printing for D. F. Food Supplies for Jail Door Spring and Key for C. H. ~cy--Howard Roger s Mileage fo~ May, ~934 .Lunacy--Miss Sallie Alice Stephens Ribbons COUpon Book for Clerk. Lunacies--Miss Sallie AliCe S.tephens, Allus _ Ar remus No, ye.lie . Mileage for May, 1934 Telephone Service for June, t9.~_ Coffin fer Wm. Snowded ~ies--Sidney Tapscott, Jr. and. William S. Beal Mileage and Attendance, Lunacy, 30.68 346'78 i0.00 31.62 10.00 250.00 7.80 12.43 . 8.45 45.16 .65 5.00 9.60 5.00 ?.00 6.20 32.16 38.87 15.00 ~10.00 No~ ~ 350 351 J. L. Robinson S. S. Teel 362 Virginia Fore s.t Service 363 Va. Public Service .Co. 364 355 356 357 358 359 380 3.61 362 363 Albemarle ~Farmers Co. Ma~y Alexander H. B. Beddows J. F. Bell P. E. Blackwell Butler. ' s Store Wm. Dawson S. R..~ D~rrett Edwards Piggly Wiggly R._N. Estes 364 J. M, Fray-& Co. 36.5 J. R, Kirkpatrick 366 W. H. Martin 367 Maupin Bros. 368. J. L. NayloP 369 Proffit Exchange 370 N. H. ~h 3~1 ~s. J. R- Roberts 3~2~ A. J. S~th 3~ C.W. Sandvi~e Store 374~ C~ncelled 3~5 J. E. aprons. SV6 Matilda ~e ~.ell 3~ ,'. F. A. West 3~8. J. M. ~t~e 'Co.,' thc.. 3~9- M~s. J. W. Wi.l!i~s 380~ Mrs, R. L. Wlnebavge~ $81 C. A. Fitzgerald ~2- Rosa Gibbs 383- L. E. ~nday- 384 W. B. Tilman 385~ Geo. H. ~itten 386~ Geo~gie P. S8~. J. W. M. Witten 388 National B~ & T~st 389 R. F. Black 390 H. A. Haden 391 Margaret T. Woodward 392~ J. F. Garth $93 A. G. Bell $94 A. L. Benuett 395-W. L. Maupin 398- Eva W. Maupin 397~ C. E. Moran 398~ W. O. Fife 399° J. Mason Smith 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 W. Abbott Smith H. J. Hauey ~'~ M. Powe ll ~ S. Hmffma~ W. S. Cook P. M. E~ltott Board o2~ Public Welfare 407 J. P. Grove 408 Bessie JOnes 409 ~T. O. Scott 410 C. G.-G~eer 411 ~ Ruth Burruss 412~ M~s. Bessie Dm~n Miller 4IS- John Wesley 414 Melton Jones 415~ J. M. F~,ay 416 O. ~reelt Me~e 41~ ~ W. H. ~horne 418 J.A. O'Neill 419 .P.H. Gen~y 420 ~E. J. B~iavd 3 J, M. ~rcell, Treas. of Va. 4 ~ J. M. Purcell, Treas.~ of~ Va. 1 ~ Payroll A/c 2 ~ Willie M..Boswell 3 . Lucy Powell 4 ~ Helten Humphreys 5 ~ Isabel Shallop 6 ~ Ruth Nelson ? Virginia Smith 8 ~ Nancy Van Laer 9 - Louise Williams 10 ~ Garland J. Thomas llo Emergency Relief Payroll A/e 12 Therese Molyneaux 13 ~Va. E. R. A. 14 J. G. Thomas 0bi. ct Lunacy~-S. 0. Eltne Balance due f~ Assessing Char. lOttesVille~.~d IVy Districts fay hb~ yea~ 1934 Forest Fires Electric Service f~r May ~d pa~t of J~e ~;-?C, H. a~_~Jail Welfare Account Welfare Account Welfa~ AccOunt ~elfa~e We~are Account Wel2~e we~are Aecoun~ Welfare Aecoun~ ' Welfare We~are We~a~e Acao~t Welf~e Account We~a~e Acc~t Welf~e Acc~t Welfa~ e Account Welfare Accost We~are Accent Welfare Account Wetf~e Acco~t Welfare Account Amount $ 2.00 350.00 56,99 22,17 4,00 4~ 6,00 26.00 21.00 48,00 8,00 8.10 4.00 22.00 8.00 8.00 27.07 6.00 5.~0 3,00 '5,00 16.25 10,00 Welfare Account Welfare Account Welfare ACc cunt Welfare Account Welfare Accoun~ Welfare Account Ch~ckens~_kitled by dogs Shaep~aud Lamb killed by dogs Chi c kens.kill, d~ bY dog Lambs killed by Dog: 1 Ewe killed by dogs Lamb~ killed by dogs ---Turkeys killed ~y dogs Coupons maturing ~ly 1, 1934 In .fall for asses.sing.. Samuel Ellen' Distpiot foP~ the year 1934 SalaPy for June., 1934 Salary for June~1934 S~la~y fao_ June, .1.934 ~ Salary f.or June, 1934 Salary fo~.. June, 1934 Salary fop ~ne.., 1934 S~z~j fee June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary..fav June, 1934 Salary f.or June, 1934 Salary~ for ~ June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 SalarT .fo~ June, 1934 Salary fo~_ June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary fo~ June, 1934 Appropriation for Adm_nmst~ation for June, 1934 Salary fo2 June, 1934 Salary fey June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for Fune, 1934 S~la~y for June, 1934 Salar~ for June, Salary for June, 193,4 BaI~r~ fer June, lCJ~ 8.00 12.00 14.00 14.60 17,50 2.30 7.67 2.20 15,00 5.00 6.00 18.80 10,375.00 A~tendanae Mee~gs Bal. of At t endanae Mee~..ings_ Bd...of.. mOe~... ~p $ AttenClance .Meetings 'Bal.. of. Attendee, ~ Meetings Bd,~.. of .GO. ,~ S~p. Att~d~ee:Meeti~s Bd. e~_Ce. ~.Sup. Atten~nce Meetings Bal. of ~Ce._ ~. License Fees oetleeti~ns fer~ ~J~ua~y, 450,00 350,00 100,00 200,00 125,00 79.07 341,66 100,00 225.00 333.33 250,00 125,00 90.00 60~00 50,00 50.00 75.00 100.00 24.00 32.00 86.41 26.67 53'33 48.00 28.00 218,40 78.00 7 .o0 ~.00 ~4'00 69.00~ February, March,.Apri.l__an~May, 1934:371.25 S tat e O olle_ et ion s_. for. May,_ 1934 PaF~el! for week ending 5/24/34 Salary for May, 1934 Salary for May, 1934 Salary for Nay, 1934 Salary for May, 1934 Salary for ~y, 19~4 Sala~ fo~ May, 1934 Sala~ for ~y., 1934 Sal.a~y for May, 1934~ S~a~y for ~y, 1934 P~oll; for week en~ng 8/31/34 S~a~y for May, 1934 Seed and Fertilizer ~!~eage fo~ May, 1934 1,552,69 '171.45 75.00 20.00 30,00 30.00 100.00 75.00 41.13 33.87 119.17 231.15 3V.50 1,679,24 10.20 16 17 18 19 20 22 ~4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 55 36 37 38 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 $4 5~ 56 57 58 59 6O 61 65 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 74 76 78 79 8O 81 8~ 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 gO 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 lO0 Virginia Smith W. M. Boswell S. E. Public Service Corp. Albemarle Farmers AT~ Goods Store A. . Bell Blackwell' s Stere Butler' s Store Central Market, Inc, Charlottesville Hardware Co. L. L. Chiles The Country Store, Inc. J. H. Craig Crozet Pharmacy ~. T. Duffer C. S. Dea~e Mrs. J. A. Early Ferneyhough' s Store Fit zhugh Bros. Florence Nightengale Gibb' s Store H. M. Gleason Green Sp~ings Store T. P. Haden P. B. Hall C. S. Huff man Jarman I s, Inc. The Jefferson Shop L. R. Eenney Lea Bros.& Purvi s W. H. Martin J. T. Maupin MaUpin Bros. E. J. T. Maupin Merit Shoe Store Midway Cash Store Mrs. B. F. Mitchell Mitchell Merchandise Co. J. L. Naylor Ohas. T. Payne Tom Payne N. W. Pugh Co., Inc. Piggly Wiggly C. · Powell L. B. Powell Proffit Exchange C. W. Sandridge Sandridge Store, ~ T. J. Sellers Smith Bros. (Campbell) E. M. Smith J. E. Sprouse C' C. Steed Valentine & Hull Jas. D. Via Va. Alberene Co~p. C. C. Wade Wayland Commissary J. M. White&Ce. -S. T. White L. R. V~itten Mrs. J. W. Williams Mrs. R. L. Winebarger C. H. Wood Wood, Vest Coal Co. A. K. Wyant R, A. yancey City Water Dept. William Smith Dr. W. H. Paine E. R. Payroll A/c Mrs. W. B. Goddin M. H. Cason C. L. Roberts Payroll A/c Willie M. Boswell Lucy Powell Helen Hump~eys Isabel Shaffer Euth Nelson Louise Williams J. Garland Thomas Therese Mo lyneaux .Virginia Smith Lucy Waddell E. R. Payroll A/c Mileage for May, 1934 Mileage for May, 1934 Telephone and Telegraph Serv. May May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acer May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Adct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Ac ct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct.- May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May ACct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Ac ct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May Acct. May-Acct. Water Rent--Gentry and West Rent Medical Service Payroll for week ending 6/14/34 Rent to June 16th June Rent June Rent Payroll for week ending 6/21/34 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary f or June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Salary for June, 1934 Payroll for week ending 6/28/34 55.05 44.65 25.55 11.50 23.50 12.00 81.00 6.00 4.46 24.50 18.50 4.00 1.75 45.50 15-50 1.00 4.00 18.53 6.00 9.50 16.50 4.00 13.00 7.50 15.50 23.90 6.46 4.37 11.50 24.00 39.50 21.85 23.50 8.59 6.00 t5.00 26.50 12.O0 10,00 8.00 11.96~- 6.00 27.00 8.00 12.00 57.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 161.80 23.00 29.80 10cO0 20.00 5.00 7.50 12.00 12.00 1.35 4.00 62,00 4.50 15.00 215.65 8.00 3.00 3.00 200.95 75.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 100.00 75.00 119.17 37.50 VS.00 30.00 21~60 _., Chairman