HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199400062 Plan - Other (not approved) Minor Amendment 1995-04-05GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS REVISED: March 1, 1992 1. Prior to commencement of any construction wIft any existing public right-of-way, including connection L any existing road, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from Virginia Departmnent of Ti ansportatign hara-affar nlifwpuiatwl v n n T I I REVISED: OCT. 14, 1994 qVI 2. All paving and drainage related materials and construction* methods shall conform to current specificafi, IMPROVEMENTS TO REAR PARKING LOT and standards of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise noted. h�-ILk/ 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided In accordance with the approved erosion conn plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. FEB. 14, 4. Ail' slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and muiched. Maximum allowable fill or cut sl 11 q45 is 2:1. Where reasonably obtainable, lesser Mopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. 4 'a' 7 5C14E4-, 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2 -inch local depression. Iq 0 z: 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat fined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the'Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or his designee, It is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 4 T-��Z:' 7-0 /,A,/ V r` til 1. All traffic control signs shall conform wfth the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latfst COUNTY COMMENTS edition, 3 TOP 0 4 4 LL 3 A,11.,4 Z: L �q 7' Unless otherwise rioted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class Ill. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction 4 Industry (29 CFR Part 193). 5. 4L 5� 'P!AYE 0, /077 -;A PAVES� 4 R C -AJ jP 6 3 7 _0 45 U-`- 1,C7 5 Et a3 11A Z323 7CC C�411\1,401AAI Rev. D ec. /,S, 1978, Dcle/o cljrr-' 00-16/e 3}rlp r'?g 4 C) jj-E,K CZG'A-447:;6 f0AJVE,*<A 2& K' :;'�=A,1,4 7x-1 /-/'cF 4, EAZ/ ira AS EL -IV 0.4 Z 53 110 -'E-Es To 'O'E o_!J'�/Eo Z , -1 4 e 3 0 r:" -5. C, 0 47. AY 510=S11 1995 Z2 Z:74 A a 55 110 3, All r;L,4,1& -"5 -ro '3'E A/, L}Z- -0 V�"// Z Co e 711 r, g p Plan, E OEL? J o ��'A -S 4 /4 --1A -SA- LL VE xx COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 0I I Izo Itl DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS REVISED: March 1, 1992 1. Prior to commencement of any construction wIft any existing public right-of-way, including connection L any existing road, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from Virginia Departmnent of Ti ansportatign hara-affar nlifwpuiatwl v n n T I I HENRY J. PRICE T.M. 45 parcel 68E ZONED R-15 7-0 -7- %F?Z Av IV07L-,' To USE 0,47-A 5 /7 Z' a All AIJ G 10. C10 Ac-. cT� 041,111- OF SPACES �5. 3 C1 0 0 BE b'Sf 0 0 IV PS 3 01-7 PS-; S)UPFA CES S C L) Z 0 A,--,' --- R :�',4 V/ ? -7 >" A/0 /A-/ Z 0 7- 19-3 tr 3) SE 100"', - Ai- 26'-0" 4301,1Z CZ?OLIVO. CHARLOTTESVILLE T,M. 45 parcel 68C ZONED R-15 -SI 47'�E5CVH TE5T 350)EIA,16�45 e a 0 113IS14Z/014 N L. Q7-) ,-1. ,�5-6 -15 --,5Ad 7-LICeK -?I �=4E G C op 4zb ' ` J v 4 !Alfy� 7,43-0 Z Z' 1!3 5 .+'"' C7 WALMART STORES, INC. T.M. 45 parcel 68D5 45�4 4�7 ZONED HCS0 A -5 -v -:3 72'; ,U 7'0 0 ...d;,t'� � M ` � � A 0 C,:R 7-10 n I Mq,- Z' 0 k $ -ro P 4 7,3 /"= 2000 `3 5T0R-A-'L7,12A/A5 -o .9:5;' /&457,diLHO, A -1733�, A 0 V. 41 00 2 00 P V > P0 4 MOIR (67 V //VV A.1 V "Ef - ----- -------- Li e4 --t- -0- To P /All IA -"l I AMENDED -SITE PLAN WA 7 Q) 11111141 TZ7 re ,A-/ 0.7-C ,1 REVISED: 7 - 14! REVISED: OCT. 14, 1994 qVI 2. All paving and drainage related materials and construction* methods shall conform to current specificafi, IMPROVEMENTS TO REAR PARKING LOT and standards of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise noted. h�-ILk/ 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided In accordance with the approved erosion conn plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. FEB. 14, 4. Ail' slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and muiched. Maximum allowable fill or cut sl 11 q45 is 2:1. Where reasonably obtainable, lesser Mopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. 5. All drainage inlets shall have a 2 -inch local depression. Iq 0 z: 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat fined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the'Albemarle County Director of Engineering, or his designee, It is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. T-��Z:' 7-0 /,A,/ V r` til 1. All traffic control signs shall conform wfth the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latfst COUNTY COMMENTS edition, TOP 0 4 4 LL 3 A,11.,4 Z: L 8. Unless otherwise rioted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class Ill. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction 4 Industry (29 CFR Part 193). 5. 4L 5� 0, /077 HENRY J. PRICE T.M. 45 parcel 68E ZONED R-15 7-0 -7- %F?Z Av IV07L-,' To USE 0,47-A 5 /7 Z' a All AIJ G 10. C10 Ac-. cT� 041,111- OF SPACES �5. 3 C1 0 0 BE b'Sf 0 0 IV PS 3 01-7 PS-; S)UPFA CES S C L) Z 0 A,--,' --- R :�',4 V/ ? -7 >" A/0 /A-/ Z 0 7- 19-3 tr 3) SE 100"', - Ai- 26'-0" 4301,1Z CZ?OLIVO. CHARLOTTESVILLE T,M. 45 parcel 68C ZONED R-15 -SI 47'�E5CVH TE5T 350)EIA,16�45 e a 0 113IS14Z/014 N L. Q7-) ,-1. ,�5-6 -15 --,5Ad 7-LICeK -?I �=4E G C op 4zb ' ` J v 4 !Alfy� 7,43-0 Z Z' 1!3 5 .+'"' C7 WALMART STORES, INC. T.M. 45 parcel 68D5 45�4 4�7 ZONED HCS0 A -5 -v -:3 72'; ,U 7'0 0 ...d;,t'� � M ` � � A 0 C,:R 7-10 n I Mq,- Z' 0 k $ -ro P 4 7,3 /"= 2000 `3 5T0R-A-'L7,12A/A5 -o .9:5;' /&457,diLHO, A -1733�, A 0 V. 41 00 2 00 P V > P0 4 MOIR (67 V //VV A.1 V "Ef - ----- -------- Li e4 --t- -0- To P /All IA -"l I AMENDED -SITE PLAN WA 7 Q) 11111141 TZ7 re ,A-/ 0.7-C ,1 REVISED: 7 - 14! 7 -C -)P 504.1.00 7.5 REVISED: OCT. 14, 1994 qVI E- IMPROVEMENTS TO REAR PARKING LOT 50 4S &I C 7-C) Z7) I S R 3 4 D 0 A-11AJ<3 h�-ILk/ E 177 0 AJ L AV;� FEB. 14, -M �J d' ,4 V,4 11 q45 1995 : EXTENSION OF REAR LOT TEZ) Ok; U 5. Iq 0 z: IAJq 5, 1995 REVISED PER ALBEMARLE T-��Z:' 7-0 /,A,/ V r` til ;.-^APRIL 0 t,4 TzE-/-7- /,A D /5 T)R IC -7 COUNTY COMMENTS TOP 0 4 4 LL 3 A,11.,4 Z: L a3,5? 00 437 -,7 4 A 5. 4L 5� 0, /077 1,C7 :ZcV V 0 V !-777 TO 5,IOVV EIV 7-0 vf Rev. D ec. /,S, 1978, Dcle/o cljrr-' 00-16/e 3}rlp r'?g 4 C) 7 -C -)P 504.1.00 7.5 REVISED: OCT. 14, 1994 E- IMPROVEMENTS TO REAR PARKING LOT 50 4S &I C 7-C) Z7) I S R 3 4 D 0 A-11AJ<3 h�-ILk/ E 177 0 AJ L AV;� FEB. 14, -M �J d' ,4 V,4 11 q45 1995 : EXTENSION OF REAR LOT TEZ) Ok; U 5. Iq 0 z: IAJq 5, 1995 REVISED PER ALBEMARLE T-��Z:' 7-0 /,A,/ V r` til ;.-^APRIL 0 t,4 TzE-/-7- /,A D /5 T)R IC -7 COUNTY COMMENTS 4 4 LL 3 A,11.,4 Z: L 4 A 5. 4L 5� 0, /077 1,C7 :ZcV V 0 V !-777 TO 5,IOVV EIV 7-0 vf Rev. D ec. /,S, 1978, Dcle/o cljrr-' 00-16/e 3}rlp r'?g 4 7 -C -)P 504.1.00 7.5 CERT. NO. x+4.17-3 (b) (--) 655 4 7a, :LAND V I N C. " I L 1- 1A M 13), R'V,) U 5) A-1 Ell A�JD SVRVEY0,RS- -IAiVD P--!AjW%1f-RS j�,A 1R LL 0 T T S V 1 L h�-ILk/ E 177 0 AJ L AV;� -M �J 11 q45 CERT. NO. x+4.17-3 (b) (--) 655 4 7a, :LAND V I N C. " I L 1- 1A M 13), R'V,) U 5) A-1 Ell A�JD SVRVEY0,RS- -IAiVD P--!AjW%1f-RS j�,A 1R LL 0 T T S V 1 L