HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199000015 Plan - Other (not approved) Preliminary Site Plan 1990-02-16GENERAL -ONSTRUCTION NO'T'ES FOR SITE PLANS 1. The abbreviation V.D.O.T. made hereafter ref cts to. the 11'rgiiiia Departinnit of Transportation. The terin County ?tfers to the Cointy of Albemarle, Virginia. 2. Prior to commenc!'lle"t of any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit for said construction shall be obtained from V.D.O.T. 3. All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise rioted. 4. Erosion and silttion control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 5. All slopes and disturbed areas arc to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Ma:iirium allowable fill or cut slope is 2:1. Where reasonably obtainable lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be achievrd. G. All drainage inlcts shall have a 2 -inch local depression. 7. raved or rip -rap lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the Director of Engineering, or his designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 8. All traffic control signs shall conform with the. Virginia Manual for Uniform 'Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. 9. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class 111. 10. All underground pipe installation shall be performed in accordance with a1pplicable OSHA safety standaLds. L UU d5 d U L I I I L y e as e men r itUk A SITE. D � A'. OWH�15 -lof� awjEf" THE bF _NA, e-10 3f-COVAD 5T Z? -901 h0H L'ANCII'llw-I r. 0 - box -ro 6 ( , CHH Koll EbIll LLE., VA. U90(o LF_ A �_P�Etq C�Er '. 1. rl - G I W F)-unpw 21 rn8cu- aq H011,_ IN 1310t\Y19LIA RLOHG HOB-�H SIDE Of I �.KEEH FDMEF) DRIVE. tLEV. 11U_ (o(o LOCHIE0 Off �L,`)H L62H_L_: C -I t2�� CJ1 RIC rho K)SED USE I rIF-F-11riq q FiECREOJIOH 5UIL0)II`­ISj_HEICjHq 30 f�- - ; i LAND UDS.SCHEDULE, • bUtLDIHC, 101c100 S.f. 0 n C • vin � (q'IE [I Eo 5c)"Al5 af. 0170 Rc. 3 E!. , e) 1,5 'C' - F 0.15 F)c 7 L , 13 � 5-f. I CDC) 0A) I ._f Ac. tUIL_r)IHC-j SQ. rc)0,1inCit : t3)IL-I5 af. PARCEL �1 M Eec, E : I. T 0)C. -±- j 100 JR f LOOD �LRH = 1 ELEV. _Po 5 fF)C t-5 DW,5 HC� LIF_ MTHN 5'30o S.f' (1 9PI7ri S -F.) = C) S'F.) �e\jjtjq'�fr�_ -. rnir1r-9 CIf CULF)'fl()d; q(f)o 9D.F. Ho SF49u'� 13toul8w • 5 F-MVLO-fEC3 woh'KIHC� Lobbj : ),700 13-r. Fhoroi5f'o Ift HlfDnFlH-� 15 LoCf=JEO -0, or AU_'!51DE5 C>;Ivic' Bull_owcf. '[OTALrARNNq hEQUINED= 1()5 SrACEbMHOE I ION 1'0 b� rn C I- e, -t- CI_ PiUFYI Corivul vlH qHt OLI5, CourWr rRriKiriq Lc)��qDitj(� Sl _SFf-�cf . 1-0 C), D r,.c. 5�oce5 (lob ,3rncE5)@- 3-/, (,F-(ctdo= 3 i ­,.c. sp�ceS EEq (, h -c, 5rn(--E-5 movIDEO /fo, c3E or; Ij'. I-. 1C. J, APPROVAL & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICE AUTHORITY DEPj-, OF ZONING' CO. FIRE OFFICIAL OF HIGHWAYS VIRGIMIA DEPT, OF WEALTH q,f6i 6FE VICINITY MAP n.t.s. RffDLE Of CON ENT5 13HF F-11, 0I,4E_— 51 )c.rugH 13 11 EE 1N/0 LAIHDSCE)rt v W" COH sr), K 10 ra DE -JAILS E�0510kl '9 AUG PLANNINC3 DIVIS)10N SHEET I /� FILE NUMBER Gl,*,I; .l{AL C CfISTRUCT1011 1KYT'ES FOR SI'Z'E PLAITS 1. Tire abbreviation V.U.O.'!'. made hereafter referf, to th(' V:t.rginia Department of 'transportation. The tern County fefers to the County of Albemarle, Virginia. 2. prior to commencement of any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit far said construction shall be obtained from V.1). 0. T. 3. All paving and drainage related materials and construction nr�thods shall conform to current specifications and standards of V.D.O.T. unless otherwise rioted. 4. Erosion and siltation control measure's shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, gcading or other construction. S. All slopes arc! disturbed arras arc to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Maxinum allowable fill or cut slope is 2:1. Where reasonably o tamable lesser slopes of 1:1 or batter are to be achieved. G. All drainage inlet, shall. have a 2 -inch local depression. 7. Paved or rip -rap lined ditch may be rerluiced •.+herr In the opinion of the Drrl'ctor of Engineering, or his dtsiy,oc, it is deemed neces3ary in order to stabilize a dra)llaye channel. U. All traffic control signs '11.111 cvnfonn ..ith the bicrlinia 1•lanusl for Utjiform 'rI.tlffic ConttoI Uevzcc„ latest edition. 9. Unless otherwise 11 ted all Concrete pipe shall be ic•inforced concrete pipe - Cl is,; III. 10. All underground pi ", instnllilt inn :hail !e per fol 111('d in accordane„ with ill, licable (,;IIA safety standards. 6 GENERAL 11AIER , SEWER CONDI I 100 1. :Jock shall be subject to Inspect loll by Al bemnr le f'­unty Service Authority inspectors the Cuntrnrror will he responaible for notifying the pr,,i,er Service Authority gfficials at the atatt of the work. Z. The locatloll of exIating utilitlrs across rhe Iitip of Che proposed worse are nor nereanar fly nn the plsins and where nhuwn, are onl approximately t-ot rest, the Conrrnctnr shall on fila own int lative Locate all underground Itnes and structures as necessary. J. All materials and construction shall comply with General `dater and Sewer Constructimr, Specifications as adopted by the Albetr,arle County Service Authoi ity on Jan. 29, 1983, amended Dec. 20, 1954. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5.The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying "miss Utility" (1-800-552-7001) . b. All water and sewer lives shall have a winimum of 3 ft. of cover measured from the toi of pipe, over the centerline of the pipe. 7. 20' wide easemenrs, centered on the pipeline shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority, except .+here the Ifne is in a public road right -of -:ray casement, In which case the access easement shall also be dedicated as a utility easement. 5. Uuc'tlly iron pipe --,hill be used in fill nrr.ts, to less oSj c-npactton Can be obtained and certified by an apps,:.- d testing lah, at the Owners expense. 9. 3t min. separation rel;iIre,l her.. r•en _.iter This :nil sly:r,,: se•.: r•r culvert or f" srparat1•n c.•lie(i tc.i in.nl.r'ed lice )" t!'fck IIIE,RMA-Cl-.1. pipe 1l13t11frt Inr1 io I' x chvel s red by NII, r A. Inc. or equal apl•rn,.r•I by Inc•^irle I<e Authnrlty. I14u13tImI ter extend i' hovers <int r Ilnr• f rnI e I t 11, both dIrectInns or 5 beytuvi ends of culvert 1:I.on r;tr,tl Ir•1. 4 o\vr��r ,SHE- SEr�lof) Ct:.Wp) 2.10 SGcovlo 5''. rI . r cl^1�RLo � �i=•�vt1 �_� , r� jz901 1::v_VE L.0 ( LR R.V. C_. Qo. hot] LHP V� t 1H1 I P 0 box 0 8 (D HI(9fRL0 jJE-WIL1,E ) VA. 2290(n LE HL �r �RENCE I.M. (oI W - F)tc,j ION ?_1 PHRCEL 2H O.5 . 705/ 33q E . rl. n. HAIL IN 51 7 \YHL1� F)LOrICI HOKH SIDE Of 4KEEHe)RIH"l DKIVE, . LOCH J CD Off 31 J E PLAN Q �a �Proxirizl'�e loCnition of CA)Sling fire hydrnn j LAND8C_F) ' E. SChiE OULf, IOC, (Ap) INC -I 5rHCES @ I lNjl�_RIOr, SNHO� �REE� 10 5fnuei = II INgIERIoft SHeoI _ `Ff:ES f'�EC L11 ED 17 IrJTEf. loft SHADE-G'RELS pRD\lIDED A5H o - 131,4" CAL.. r ' J q WILLOW 06)t`, I' (0 E�RADrof'o ���� 1'r 1'!y" cnu. MIN. (�nG� g WhIt 0oq\"10o0 I"_ l,lyn CAI.. Mira. H CPL. r'IIN. R 1 �iU551AN OLIVE 1'r - 1 i/y" CAL MIN. NCIL ALt LAND5CRrINCv IO P -)E MAIN�C�INED HND r� EfLHCEO S1^I000D F-)Nj DIET. Q x ~ Lo o 0 cc Cj a\ 0 .j W7 CY% J 0 f, CO x� Q).. �t i Z 5 p S I C ri'F F S 1) ��1 - t'r �iO7 d � . AC tNt��� R ;I I : SALE ��� i �* �,� � 0 HOL� 1 tt - q iu? n� � .•..•, -, J CP,_ 9 --�,. I I CAS SERVICE coU> REs�; la OUR INTERVAL f00 A 3 i I DATE ' 1 I r �j1,fl� OP`s lg - 12 ��� �-._v..... � HILLsiD(:1LF_ afj. t P� 21 1 0190 1�L` PL `�� '� 01 ---- T. J`�' - -- - : COH��rr�1oN 0050 E E, lr E-1 N O 10\�5� \� 0 \5 �O� 1 z�r+Ir��c c-1 M�C�ISi Ei�I� HL D15 ICT1 C! A?il_0 JE5VILLE. I`1rggISjm,-)L A hO VOSED USE : tIF-r ,priq `r REChEA jj0 I F)UILDINC HEICVlj =30 LAND USE SCHLDULE- , bU[LDIHq IO,CA00 0.f. 15c/0 0.25 FIC, 'WFILT)/�(-)VE.fNEII l 30, Ht5 S.f, -11 % 0,70 Ac • o('FN 3Z,b18 J'1'• I' c/o 07.75 HC 'TOTAL, -zLl, I5,f. I000i. 1.7 Hc. -L2LPL 5WL0IHCj 5O. r001�() L : 1611'15 s. f. G P ' H.C. 5FACE5 (105 S�ACE5)@ 3% (,Ft-td1)= 3 H.C. SFACES NEcQ I CD HTC. SrHces rr�ov,DEo Ir,IHL �HvErNEN� 3rf_CIr ICCI'1or15 10 [3F_ C3H5ED oN I.�.E.I'j,F'o f •Ic i `nom J� of 1 O f1 Acf. VICINITY MAP n.t.s. SHEET 219 FILE NUMBER 706e - • AtDi11iy1���1A�tVE/OPPiCE 21900 3.r 0 �V?_Oo j = l5 SrActsi 100 �P, f L000 'LAIN = '101 ELEV. TH15 ff%0 ✓RT'f DOE5 NO� LIE. \\hThlr1 • A55r ri�L� A�SEH 5,300 (1 5�f r5 'F-} - 71 ',PHCFS \Vfftfi,gHm. ', CJOL18l E 3EC)L (f1111.) S EC1Fll �'UTi�t75� ?85 S• (I 5��125 .) = I `� PAC 5 �E�VINCI ��Y� �RIrIE�I • CIt�CULAIIC7N 9f�0 5,r. - No 5recr-l:J I3tGUIIRW 6 iM��O�� WORKING A' �t'l15 (AC111'J�. Lobb] ° 1 700 5." Ho 5 ' , C' � � E-)cE5 j'caulm-o WilrW iN�DrL 3k 15 of -FH �D �v1TN1N 3�0' U� ALl_. 51DE3 O� �HE 13Ult_01NCT. 70j'HL. rARKINq MEQUINED=; = 105 SFACE3 [0(i)�)P(gCcS + 51 H 0- rLICAI ION'1I_0 5F M 0 0 E 5EfeFPjEL" q. 1108 L'OM?L( \VI�W'jN Al fS. CC'lirt(' rRfSKlriq rn0V[Df_0 LoAfJ1N 5 fl�CE G P ' H.C. 5FACE5 (105 S�ACE5)@ 3% (,Ft-td1)= 3 H.C. SFACES NEcQ I CD HTC. SrHces rr�ov,DEo Ir,IHL �HvErNEN� 3rf_CIr ICCI'1or15 10 [3F_ C3H5ED oN I.�.E.I'j,F'o f •Ic i `nom J� of 1 O f1 Acf. VICINITY MAP n.t.s. SHEET 219 FILE NUMBER 706e - d" R w U) < 0 -�r > in Z tr) 0 0 -T- W rf b 2 D A w 0 ;> fj ri� w ;- :,:) F- -7" A L - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0 --4 7- z 7 T--- --- 0 4- 4 i 4 -u 7' -j 4- ---- --- 7 _4 4 J t 4 �J Co i 7-1 j, j I . rr . ..... J- -4 4­ tl j 10 - t + L J J-1 J 4- --T + -2; 7- a) E, A 1 S'ji I j 4 J. I J A - ----- -A t t 4 -4. T -- E- --- -- -- J 41 �L - A .-A T 'J _j -T 4- T 4- - + j L L L IS T t -4 T A t t IT -T I T- ------ -41 i Pill ------ 4- - ----- If 4 T .4 L--� A 4 7 4 7 L f T 7 7 4, - T, L 4 6 -4, -J -T- -7-7 4 4-- A— 4- -T 4 0 j t L -i- 7- 4 1 T IT 4 4 4 A ----- --- 4 . ...... . j-. 4- 4 4 T t7. 'F7 4 -T- 4 T 4-4 T 4- 4 T- A -+7 + 4- f 4 t -T T 3 -4- -4- L 4-- 4 -4 -11 T 4 4 -4- —T ----- — f +1 F T- T— -7 4- 4= T r T -T- F 4 — —4 --T 7- _4 -7- . T - I . - -11, ! 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T (�Iqy 1P JNCR bE�ds a lytroyis' I li� - - I I , I 1 1. 1.. t L ' ' - TO � - '­�. iu - 12, 0 00 e WiRi 1 12 plastic, Weep 4 - Gib -ih-t�ICK-Del -mbddrqf�l dr -t-- L f cis y y r 1 - . I ciom ISO t r I C 1�0 it I -it- J4 j 8, Ft Tom up, 1. T-- 7-1- --Sijnd-�,-c ea0-,-ory -4-1 hordw'o and'horibid Alluvial r .. . . .. I I ! . i I : ; I i '. Z 4+ J . L ID -+-4— 4 _7 .1. VUBABUSH. 4- r r CERT. NO. �cleeqs-scrre :'40� Com e5 an -a --!TQL' -e� opac pr in f I pe. 154- 17 655 T- I -4 54L 71.3 -(b) 78 LAND i- L i -4- + 7-- r -11A N D ---H GO N, 3 R A X, A R- E jl T -1-Y F-4 4--� I _Y0 �T -- ---- D E 3 R D- E R EIGMI NIG 4 A -- -J-r t� i -E 4 ENT WIR61M IL � - T- - i ­ -1 t-1 1. i - -­ I ­ il , - , - - I �- --j'----- ---- i- - - I - L __.,o_ k I � I I I , -- - '­ - - ' I i . � J- �--- 4 1- im — I I i - I ` - r -4- J-1 4- v I Ho 7- L -A R if% I f 7- A -F r 4- L L: HAL I r If-,)- --T-F - — ­� I - - ­ -, - -- l- - - �-­I- r A L��- L r i j I I , 1, 1 L' �— — -- —1, - J, 1� ---- ---- 14-f- i- -4 J ...... 1- ij­i L-� T�' F 3 Tw AY FrIDEPAL AID SHFET PLATE 34�ll CROSS SECTION-ri LJr4F- IT'TELEDYME PIRiNTED IN I