HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-17 ACTIONS Joint Board of Supervisors/School Board Meeting of July 27, 1998 July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM Callto order. Presentation of resolution of appreciation. PRESENTED RESOLUTION to representatives fi.om Luck Stone Corporation a resolution of appreciation for their part/n forging a good relationship with the County. Health/Dental Contract 1998-99. AWARDED CONTRACT for healthcare services to QualChoice, with rates as shown on page one of the executive summary, less $10.00 per each proposed premium. AWARDED CONTRACT for dental coverage to Delta Dental. Other matters not listed on the agenda from the Boards. Mr. Baker distributed a memorandum from Mr. Frank Morgan regarding plans for the Monticello High School dedication. Mr. Baker distributed a dra~ of a report listing the Board Superintendent's priorities for 1998-99. The f'malreport will be distributed upon completion. 5. Adjourn. Distribution list: Board of Supervisors (6) County Executive and staff(10) Kevin Casmer Larry Davis ASSIGNMENT The meefmg was called to order at 6:30 p.m. All members of the Board of Supervisors were in attendance except Mr. Martin. None. None. None. None. Resolution of Appreciation WHEREAS, the Luck Stone Corporation has served the Albemarle County Community and Albeni~arle County School Division as a cooperative partner from the business sector; and WHEREAS, the Luck Stone Corporation has demonstrated considerable cooperation and community spirit with its adjacent neighbor, the Albemarle County Stone-Kobinson Elementary School, by working closely with the schooh and WI-IEREAS, the Luck Stone Corporation has been a true and ardent supporter of educational, after-school and volunteer programs sponsored by Stone-Robinson Elementary School; and WHEREAS, the Luck Stone Corporation was the recipient of the first Annual Stone-Kobinson School Good Neighbor Award in 1997; and WHEREAS, the Luck Stone Corporation demonstrated exceptional generosity by donating 9.3 acres of property to Albemarle County for use by the Stone-Robinson Elementary School as an instructional and recreational facility for the school and community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that on this day of luly 27, 1998, the Albemarle County School Board and the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors hereby recognize and thank the Luck Stone Corporation r. for its exemplary service to the Albemarle County community. [ohn E. Baker, Chairman Forrest P~ Marshall, Chairman ~C. Casmer Su~rintendent Albemarle County Public Schools ~b~m W~~ .Alb Board qfi oun~y Supervisors COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Health/Dental Contract 1998-99 SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Recommendation to execute contracts for health and dental coverage and set rates accordingly. STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker. Caster, Huff. Brandenbur~er, Mor~an AGENDA DATE: July 27, 1998 ACTION: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS ~/~~ REVIEWED BY: / BACKGROUND: Attachment 1 presents a memo from the Health Care Executive Committee to the County Executive and Superintendent which outlines the current year's process and recommendations for Health and Dental Insurance. It should be noted that this year's process emphasized a strong communication component including a number of focus group meetings held with various employee groups to ascertain their thoughts regarding the County's health and dental coverage as well as an Em ployee Advisory Committee that was used to disseminate information up and down throughout the organization regarding our process Lastly, an employee survey was used to ascertain the current level of satisfaction with the current carrier and to solicit issues, if any, with our current coverage. The procurement process used to solicit proposals identified selection criteria that included, in addition to price: such items as, breadth of the provider network, claims paying ability, financial stabil~y, coverages offered, etc. DISCUSSION: In the analysis for health cars, the finalists were Tdgon and QualChoice of Virginia. Trigon was net recommended by the Health Care Executive Committee due to the inability to provide coverage equal to or greater than what employees currently are provided today. Further, it was determined that Trigon's HMO product, which most closely resembled QualChoice's plan, did not include the University of Virginia Hospital or any of the University of Virginia doctors in their provider network. RECOMMENDAT ON As a result of this procurement process, the Health Care Executive Committee has recommended that the health care contract for 1998-99 be awarded to QualChoice of Virginia at the following rates: EMPLOYEE PREMIUM QC II QC II QC III QC III POS POS Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium ACTIVE EMPLOYEE Employee $69 $78 $31 $35 $10 $10 Employee + minor $148 $167 $75 $85 $30 $34 Employee + spouse $353 $410 $238 $269 $126 $142 Employee + family $435 $492 $296 $334 $165 $187 EMPLOYEE PREMIUM QC II QC II QC III QC Itl POS POS Current Proposed Cilrrent Proposed Current Proposed Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium RETIREES Employee $240 $281.72 $202 $238.75 $181 $213.75 Employee + minor $319 $370.75 $246 $288.75 $201 $237.75 Employee + spouse $534 $613.75 $409 $472.75 $297 $345.75 Employee + family $606 $695.75 $467 $537.75 $336 $390.75 There are no funds anticipated to be used from the medical reserve account and the recommendation includes a provismn that the QC II and QC I]1 plans no longer be offered for new enrollment but be retained for those employees currently enrolled in those plans for next year, Retirees, under this recommendation, would continue to pay the same total premium as active employees with retirees set to pay the entire cost for the plan. The Committee also recommends that the County continue to monitor retiree claims costs for any adverse impacts to the plan, This recommendation contemplates a Board contribution of $2,445 per full~time employee and retains the prescription drug coverage as it existed at the-beginning ofthe plan year, This would rescind the recent partial formulary changes implemented by QualChoice last spring thereby allowing our participants to have prescriptions drugs filled and covered by the plan as prescribed by their doctor. By way of comparison with our local job market, staff did analyze the employer contribution by both the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia for their health cam plan. The City of Charlottesville currently contributes $2,851/employee ann ually and the University of Virginia currently contributes $2.556 for single coverage and $5,088 for family coverage for its employees, as compared to the Board contribution of $2,445/employee for Albemarle County. Single coverage for City employees is current SO/month and $6/month for University of Virginia employees. Should the Board choose to increase the Board contribution se as to reduce the monthly premium for its ~mptsyees, each additional $5 per month contributed ($60 per year) would cost appro~mateiy $24,534 for local government and $84,532 for the School Division. A $5 increase in the Board contribution would lower the employee only contribution from $10 per month to $5 per month and would lower the increase on the family plan from $22 to $17 per month on the family Point of Service Plan ($187/month to $182/month). The Health Care Executive Committee recommends that for the 1998-99 Dental Plan that the contract be awarded to Delta Dental of Virginia to retain a fully-insured plan. The recommendation includes an option for all employees to select either the same plan as is currently offered (basic) with no change in benefits or a second plan (high optionl which would add coverage for sealants at 80% and crowns at 50%, decrease the maximum annual benefit from $1,500 to $1,000 and increase the indMdual deductible for corrective sen/ices from $25 to $50. Those employees selecting the high option plan would do so strictly at their choice with no penalty if a small number of employees actually choose the high option. It should be noted that persons selecting the high option, however, must agree to say in that plan for at least two years. Employees would not be allowed to opt into the high option plan, take advantage of the higher benefits and opt out of the plan the following year. This requirement was ~mposed as a condition of offering the plan by Delta Dental. The Board contribution for the dental plan is budgeted at $73 annually for full-time employees and the rates under this recommendation are as follows: I BASIC PLAN J HIGH OPTION EMPLOYEE PREMIUM Current Proposed Proposed Employee $5.91 $6.41 $14.38 Employee + one $13.52 $15.11 $28.62 Employee + 2 or more $28.64 $32.42 $51.33 98.134 MEMORANDUM To: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Kevin C. Castner, Superintendent From: HealthCare Executive Commiffee RE: 1998-1999 Medical and Dental Care Programs Date: July20, 1998 The County's HealthCare Executive Committee has completed a review of our medical and dental ptans for 1998-1999. Part of this review process included seeking negotiated bids for medical and dental services. Tho foCUs of our review has been to str'rve to offer employees medical and dental plans that provide quality health care in a cost effective manner. This memorandum outlines the current status of our medical and dental plans, provides a synopsis of the results of our negotiated RFP process for medical and dental insurance, and the Committee's recommendations for these programs for 1998-1999. Background: Last year the County renewed it's medical insurance with OuatChoice of Virginia and requested proposals (RFPs) from careers for our dental program. That process resulted in our continuing with QualChoice but ~ three changes in the benefit design and a change in premiums. The RFP process resulted in awarding our dental insurance to Delta Dental of Virginia at a one year rate. There were no changes in the dental benefits being offered to employees. MedicaIPlan: QuatChoice of Virginia offered the same three-tiered medical plan for the past two years. Spedfmaliy, QuatChoice II and QualChoice II1 and their managed care plan called Tdple Option Point-Of-Service. Enrcllments have remained fairly steady over the past two years with 98% of employees electing the Point-Of-Service plan. QualChoice Enrollment Point-Of-Service 2082 (98.0%) QuatCtmice II 14 (0.6%) QttalChoice Iii 29 (1.4%) Total 2125 Our medical plan is sail-insured. To protect the plan against large or unexpectedly high total claims the County purohased two re-insurance programs when we changed to QualCholoe of Virginia. One re-insurance limits out'liability for a single claim to $'100,000 (Specific Stop Loss) and the other reqnsurance limits our liability for total claims (Aggregate Cap). Our first year with QualChoice resulted in total claims exceeding the Aggregate Cap with the excess being absorbed by the re-insurance carrier, Lincoln National Lincoln has refunded the County $445,872 with an additional $347,861 still being audited. In addition to protecting the plan liability through re-insurance, Qua[choice also put their administrative fees at risk through performance guarantees. QuaiChcice has refunded the Coun~j $317,837 for not meeting these guarantees in the first year of the plan. The higher total claims in the first year did result in a significant rate increase at renewal last year of 21.7%. This increase was covered in three ways: First, the Boards' contribution was budgeted to increase from $1,740 to $2,000; second, employee rates increased; and third, the balance was offset by using $541,5~4 frOm the medical reserves. We are projecting a 13.3% increase in claims for 1998-1999. We also are covering the one-time use of the medical reserves which results in a total program cost increase of 22.4%. This total cost projection is reflected in the budgeted Board contribution increasing from $2,000 to $2,445 (22.2%) for 1998- 1999. We are now nine (9) months into our current plan-year and the 'year-to-date' financial information indicates total claims will not exceed our Aggregate Cap limit. Claims will also be within the performance guarantee of Qua[Choice. Dental P/an: After reviewing proposals last spring the committee recommended continuing with Delta Dental. The 1997-1998 proposal reflected a 6.5% increase. This rate increase was funded by an increase in the Board contribution from $60 to $63 and using about $19,522 from the medical reserves. The Board budgeted an increase in their contribution from $63 to $73 for 1998-t999 in anticipation of a small rate increase and the possibility of expanding the dental benefits. Financial Status of the Medical Plan: The committee ,continues to recommend a goaiof a20% to25% ('97-~g8) of claims forthe medical reserves. Based on projected claims through the end of~ ou~ ctm~e~ pPa~ yeats, ~September 30, 1998) the estimatect resales shou[e~ be e mi~um $t,543~49. Th~s reserve inc[~dee~the monies received from both Liacotn National a~'~tQua[cl3oice as well as~ mon[ea fr~em the sale of Trigort stock. 1998-1999 Procurement Process: With the significant increases in medical claims and ever the changing complexity of medical/dental insurance, the decision was made to obtain professional services to assist the County in the development and procurement of our health insurance plans4 The firm of Slabaugh Morgan White and Associates, under the direction of Mr. David Morgan, has worked with the Executive Committee in developing the proposal for next year. We also solicited employee feedback on our medical and dental programs in bvo ways. An employee committee representing the General Government, School Division, Regional Jail end Albemarle County Service Authority has met througtlout the procurement process. Second, based on input from the Supedntendent's Teacher Advisory Council a survey was given to about 2100 participants in our QualChofce medical program. We received over 588 responses. On a scale of ~1 - Poor~ to "5 - Excettenf', 508 (86%) of our employees rate their overall satisfaction with the Qua/Choice program as a 3 or better. A summary of the survey will be sent to employees in the open enrollment package in AugUst. in March the County requested proposals (RFP) for medical and/or dental insurance. We received f'we proposals for medical insurance and sD< proposals for dental insurance. After considerable analysis and negotiations we are recommending our medical insurance he awarded to Qua[choice of Virginia and our dental insurance be awarded to Delta Dental of Virginia. HealthCare Executive Committee Recommendations for the 1998-1999 Medical Plan: 1. Award: OualChoice of Virginia 2. Funding: Retain a seE-insured plan but continue to purchase Aggregate Cap and Specific Stop Loss reinsurance. 3. Reserve: No offset required from the medical reserves. 4. Number Of Plar~sl: Retain the 3-tier medical plan with no changes in benefit design. However, because of the Iow enrollment in the QC tl and QC III plans it is recommended that these plans no longer be offered for new enrollmenL Current subscribers would be allowed to remain in these plans for next year. 5. Retirees: Continue to se{ retiree premiums the same as for active employee. Continue to monitor retiree claims costs for any adverse impacts. 6. Rates: a. Retain the Board contribution at $2,445 per full-time employee; b. Retain the prescription drug coverage that existed at the beginning of the plan last year. This would rescind the changes implemented by QualChoica last spring; and c. Increase employee premiums, The proposed rates are shown in Appendix 1. HealthCare Executive Committee Recommendations for the 1998-1999 Dental Plan: 1. Award: Delta Dental of Virginia 2. Fundinq: Retain a fully insured plan. 3. Reserve: No offset required fi~om the medical reserves. 4, plan: Offer ~vo plans. One plan is the same as our current plan (Basic) with no change in benefits. A second plan (High Option) would, a. Add coverage for sealants (80%) and crowns (50%); b, Decrease the maximum annual benefit from$1.500 to $1,000; c. Increase the individual deductible for corrective services from $25 to $50; and d. Persons electing the High Option must agree to stay in that plan for two years. 5. Retirees: Continue to set retiree premiums the same as for active employee. 6, Rates: a. Retain the Board contribution at $73 per full-time employees. b. Increase employee premiums. The proposed rates are shown in Appendix 2. Attachments Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Proposed 1998~1999 Medical Plan Premiums Proposed 1998-t999 Dental Plan Premiums HealthCare Executive Committee: Richard Huff Frank Morgan William Brent Robert Brandenburger MeJvin Breeden Michael Thompson John Isom Appendix 1 Page 1 of 2 ALBEMARLE COUNTY 1997-1998 MEDICAL INSURANCE PLANS RECOMMENDED PLANS AND PREMIUMS - TOTAL CHARGES The Executive Comm~ee is recommending retaining the three medical plans for 1998-1999. The three plans are QualChoice II, QualChoice III and QualChoice Point-Of-Service Triple Option. Active and Retiree total monthly premiums are the same. The following table reflects the recommended total monthly premium for active employees and retirees. The premium includes the employer and the employee combined cost of medicat care coverage. QC II QC Il QC tlf QC III POS POS Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Premium Premium Premium Prem~m Premium Premium POMCY t PLAN CHARGES Employee $261.65 $281.75 $217.61 $238.75 $191.89 $213.75 Employee + ~nor $349.67,, $370.75 $270.05 $288.75 $217.21 $237.75 Employee + Spouse $585~ 13 $613.75 $448.63 $472.75 $333.05 $345~75 Employee + family $664.59 $695.75 $511.65 $537.75 $382,20 $390.75 Appendix 1 Page 2 of 2 ALBEMARLE COUNTY 1998-1999 MEDICAL INSURANCE PLANS RECOMMENDED PLANS AND ~ PREMIUMS The following table reflects the recommended out-of-pocket premium each full-time active employee will pay based on the Board's contribution of $2,445 per plan year. Retirees pay the full premium. QC Il QC II QC I11 QC III POS POS EMPLOYEE Current Proposed Current Proposed Cun'ent Proposed PREMIUM Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium ACTIVE Employee $69 $78 $31 $35 $10 $10 Employee + minor $148 $167 $75 $65 $30 $34 Employee + spouse $353 $410 $238 $269 $126 $142 Employee + family $435 $492 $296 $334 $165 $187 RETIREES Employee $240 $281.75 $202 $238.75 $181 $213.75 Employee + minor $319 $370.75 $246 $288.75 $201 $237.75 Employee + spouse [ $534 $613.75 $409 $472.75 $297 $345.75 Employee + family $606 $695.75 $467 $537.75 $336 $390.75 AppendA2 ALBEMARI-E COUNTY 1998-1999 DENTAL INSURANCE PLAN RECOMMENDED PLAN AND PREMIUMS - TOTAL PREMIUM The Executive Committee is recommending two plans for 1998-1999, the Basic plan and a High Option plan with Deltal Dental of Virginia. The following table reflects the recommended total monthly premium for active employees and retirees. The premium includes the employer and the employee combined cost of dental coverage. BASIC PLAN HIGH OPTION POLICY/PLAN CHARGES Current Proposed* Preposed** Employee $10.91 $12.49 $20.46 Employee + one $18.52 $21.19 $34.70 Employee + 2 or more $33.64 $38.50 $57.4't * Basic Plan -- Two-year rate guarantee ** High Option - One-year rate guarantee RECOMMENDED PLANS AND EMPLOYEE PREMIUMS The following table reflects the recommended out-of-pocket premium each full-time active employee wilt pay based on the Board's contribution of $73 per plan year. Retirees pay the full premium. BASIC PLAN HIGH OPTION EMPLOYEE PREMIUM Current Proposed Proposed Employee $5.91 $6.41 $14.38 Employee + one $13.52 $15.11 $28.62 Employee + 2 or more $28.64 $32.42 $51.33 "'lle Tr~on l~e~l~ns - pm"c, present To: Monticello DedIcation Planning C~mmittee From: Frank E. Morgan, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services Date: July 21. 1998 Re: Next Meeting As a follow-up to our first meeting, I've had the opportunity with Mr. Baker's help to "flesh out" some additional details, as follows: · Draft Committees and possible members · Draft Program · Draft letter to possible committee members inviting them to a planning event August 20 These items are attached. I'd like to have a meeting on Thursday, July 30 at 7:00 p.m in Room 331 of the County Office Building to finalize these areas so that we can move ahead. Please conta~ my secretary, Anne Breeden at 296-5877 to indicate whether or not you will be able to at~end. Please review the attached information I~dOr to the meeting and be prepared to make suggestions you might have. Feel ..See to give me a call if you have any questions. My phone number is 296-5877. See you on the 30=! FEiV~ab "Tlte Tra~io~ Se~Jt~ - Pas/:, Preset. & F~tlllre~ Monticello Dedication Steering Committee July 30, 1998 AGENDA 6. 7. 8. Date - Sunday, October 25 (Only date Governor Gilmore is available) Theme - "The tradition begins -past, present, and future." Speakers - Governor Gilmore. Dan Jordan (Monticello), and Kathy Thornton (UVA professor and astronau0 Each will speak to a part of the theme: Jordan - past Gilmore - presen[ Thornton- future Proposed Committees/Membership (Attachment I) Draft letter to Committee Members for Planning Event on August 20 (Attachment II) Draft Program (Attachment III) Next Steps/Other Issues 10. Attachment I Committees - Roles and Suggested Members Steering - Overall planning and oversight of event. Formal program agenda. Members: Frank Morgan, Irving Jones (Co-Chairs), A1Reaser, John Baker, Ken Boyd, Carol, Hurt, Nancy Barnes, Sheulta Brown, Sarah Woods, Susan Gilkey, Cheryl Brown, Jim Huneycutt. Ceremony/Musiefrours- Arrange all music, Honor Guard (County Police?), and tourguides. Suggested lvlembers: Susan Nothnagle, other faculty - who? Invitations/Protocols/Guest List - establish a guest list and seating plan. Plan for ushering of guests. Arrange for boutonnieres for special guests. Suggested Members: Steering Committee, BOS member, Lee Catlh~, Steele Howen Setup/Decoration/Platform/Cleanup - Coordinate setup and cleanup with Building Services personnel. Arrange and decorate platform and decorate other areas as appropriate. Suggested Members: Head Custodian, Pam Snyder, Art teacher; 2 l~arenrs, Local business - who? Parking/Security- Arrange for parking on site, over flow parking, police coverage, other supervision. Suggested Members: Willie Smith, John Miller (or designee), School Resource Officer, Roger Mello Publicity/Media/Photography -Publicize even~, including news releases and media coverage. Take photos and video of event. Suggested Members: Denny Barb,rio, Lee Catlin, Photography teacher, Tina Fuller/Mary Edgar, Local photographer - who? Hositality - Arrange reception and guest book. Arrange refreshments for committee meetings. Suggested Members: Pat Carlson, Morfica Davis, MHS Cafeteria Man.ger, Local Business -who ? Commemoratives/Momentos-Designanddevelopinvitationandotherkeepsakesforgue_sts. . ~ Suggested Members: Jhn Eimore, Art teacher, Local business-who? Community Involvement - Seek sponsors and donations for committees. Suggested Members: Lori Koehler, Kevin Castner, BOS member, School Board member, Irving Jones, Frank Morgan, Monticello representative, UVA representative, PVCC representative Administrative Support- Oversee mailings and other correspondence. Suggested Members: Anne Breed,n, Lucinda Erbach, 2 parents - who? to ttee[lo school "The Trad~ffon Be~tns- Past, Present & Future" Attachment H Augu~ 1,1998 name ~street~ ~c~y~ Dear <{greeting~, The opening of Monticello high School in August year signals one of the most significant community triumphs of the past two decades. We are anxious to celebrate this momentous occasion in a manner commensurate with its importance. We ask you to join us in planning for the school's Dedication. On August 20. 1998 we will host a Buffet Supper, Orientation. and General Meeting, for individuals we hope wilt be able to help us plan for this event. This meeting will be held at Monticello High School from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Your participation is important to us. At this meeting, the Division Superintendent, Dr. Kevin Castner, and the Monticello High School Principal. Mr, Irving Jones will give an overview of our planning progress to date. a description of the Dedication Program on October 25, 1998. and an outline of the Committees that will necessary to make this an outstanding event. At the meeting we will ask you to serve on one of the following committees: I Ceremony/Music/Tours 2. Invitations/Pretocol/Guest List 3. SetuplDecorationlPlatform/Cleanup 4. Parking/Security 5. Publicity/Media Photography 6. Hospitality 7. Set-up/DecorationstPlatform 8. Community Involvement 9. Administrative Support Please RSVP to Anne Breeden in the office of Assistant Superintendent for Support Services. (804) 296-5877, by August 15a regarding your attendance to the Buffet Supper and Orientation. If you cannot attend the August meeting, we still invite you to serve on_ o_ne of the committees outlined above. If you wish to make a monetary or in-kind donation, please indicate that to l~Irs. Breeden when you call, We look forward to your involvement in this very special community celebration. "The Tradition Begins." Sincerely, The Monticello High School Dedication Planning Committee Attachment III Dedication Program Draft · Sunday, October 25, t998 at 2:00 p.m. · (Incidental band music, in the gym and at the entrance, played during the arrival and seating of guests. Starts at 1:30 p.m.) · Tt~ME ~The Tradition Begins - Past, Present & Future" · Master of Ceremonies - Mr. Jones · Mr. Jones asks for all to rise for the posting oft he colors (2 minutes) · Posting of the Colors - Albemarle Co. Police Honor Guard (5 ntinutes) National Anthem (5 minutes) · Mr. Jones Introduction of Dr. Casmer & Mr. Tucker · Welcome - Dr. casmer & Mr. Tucker (10 minutes) · Recognition of Honored Guests - Mr. Jones ( 15 minutes) · Introduction of the Governor, Dr. Jordan, Dr. Thornton (in-mm) Mr. Jones (9 minutes) · Remarks by the Governor "Monticello - The Present" ( I0 minutes) · Remarks by Mr. Jordan "Monticello - The Past (10 minutes) · Remarks by Dr. Thornton "Monticello - the Future (10 minutes) Choral Selections (10 minutes) · Introduction of Jack Clark, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Baker, President of Student Council - Mr. Jones (1 minute) · Presentation of the Monticello Keys to Mr. Jones and President of the Monticello Student Council by Rancom Wildman Representative - Mr. Baker & Mr. Marshall (5 mimrtes) · Stand for "America the Beautiful (5 minutes) · Retire the Colors - Mr. Jones (5 minutes) TOTAL (91 minutes) Lapsed Time to 3:36 p.m. Thank you to the community - Dr. Casmer (2 minutes) Invitation to Guests for Refreshments and Tours - Mr. Jones (2 minutes) · Incidental band music while g-uests leave the gym and at the entrance (I 5 minutes) · Tours of Monticello High School (60 minutes) · End of Tours and Refreshments Lapsed Time to 4:35 p.m. Platform participants Governor Gilimore, Dr. Casmer, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Baker, Dr. Thornton, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Jones, President of the Student Council Honored Guests · (A Spec/al Seating Section will be designated, they will be given boutonn/eres and be will escorted to their section. At the Celebration, Mr. Jones will recognized each, by name.) · Albemarle School Board · Albemarle Board of Supervisors · State Legislators · Albemarle County supervisors · President of UVA * President of PVCC * President of Monticello PTSO · Past (6-years) Albemarle County School Board Members & Albemarle County Board of Supervisors _ · Mayor of Ch~lotteswille · Superintendent of Schools- Charlottesville · Selected Corporate & Comm~.mity Leaders · Celebration Committee Chairs A Listing of Corporate Sponsors, Community Sponsors and Volunteers will be placed in the program as an insert. 1998-1999: A Banner Year for Albemarle County Schools We begin the school year with an air of excitement for our students, staff, and community. The formal dedication of Monticello High School on October 25 will be a community celebration of significant achievement for Albemarle citizens. This comprehensive high school, the first tc be built since the 1970s, will provide a state-of-the art facility with educational innovations and oppommities for students and citizens alike. In addition, the redis~cfing of school attendance boundaries resulted in an imdepth analysis o£the needs of all of our schools. Thus, we start the school year with students attending schools with faculty, curricula, and most of the resources needed for each unique school population. Consistent programs of study are now in place £or middle and high schools. The new Standards of Accreditation, including the Standards of Learning Test Program, ensure that academic standards are consistent for all students and schools within the Division and across the state. Albemarle students will f'md that they are superbly prepared to meet their challenges. The seven-period class day will enable students to take the increased course requirements and still have opportunities for electives in the fine and practical arts. The Career Pathways Program ensures that parents and students know the course work needed for careers in business and marketing; engineering, science, and technology; health and human services; and arts media and technology, whether a student goes to work upon graduation or continues his education. These "career paths," developed with input from local business and institutions of higher education, and address the educational targets of the Standards of Accreditation. This year will see an even wider range of alternative programs to meet different learning styles a~ud interests, The Bright Stars Program for preschool children will be expanded to Cale Elementary. Additional resources will be provided for academically deficient students. Vocational offerings will be increased at CATEC. Construction ora new facility for severely emotionally knpalred students will begin. Course work to earn Advanced Placement Diplomas will be available at all high schools. New computers will facilitate the seamless integration of technology to support learning across the curriculum. For the second successive year, the Board/Superintendent Joint Priorities will serve as a benchmark for the short-term Division goals. These Priorities, combined with the Division Strategic Plan and the Individual School Improvement Plans, will continue to move us toward the goal of helping all students achieve academic success. The full implementation of the Academic Leadership Program, wri~ its defined Divisio-n-levdl and School based instructional roles, will ensure consistent student support and mentoring and provide a formal plan of accountability. I share with the other Board members, teachers, and support staffthe great sense of excitement as we anticipate a banner year for Albemarle County Schools, I encourage the entire commumty to make 1998-99 a year of increased interest and involvement. Your participation will make Albemarle County Schools an even grea~er asset m Albemarle County. ~' John E. Baker, Chairman Albemarle County School Board