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F1NAL 7:00 P.M. S'EJ.q'EMBER 17. 1997 ROOM 2,tl. COUNTY OI.:FICE BUILDING 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I0. ll 12. 13. 14. 15 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance. Moment of Silence. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. Consent Agenda (on next sheet~. Request by the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc., to adopt a resolution approving the CharlottesviIle Industrial Development Authority issuing IDA bonds for construction of a facility located in Albemarle County. ZMA-96-25 River He soc ~equests withdrawaL) SP-97-30. U.S. Cellula~ To~e~ (lief) (Sig~ #69). PUBLIC ~-~L~NG on a request to construct cellular teleco~u~mticatio~s tower o~ 2 ac zud LI. TM58,P37G. Located on S side of Morganto~m Rd (At 738). approx 1.1 mls W of Rt 250. I~ Ad. Sa-mud Miller District. ,'This site is not located in SP-97-32. _Blue Ridge gqL~ne Clinic (Si~ #60). PUBLIC HEAPING on a request to est~bli& equine veterinary hospital [20.~,2(1)] iu e~stLng s~mcture ou 3.96 acs in 12BckoDr Pddge PUD in Earlysvi~e. TM30_P110. Znd PUD &- designated 1LA_ iu Comp Plan. Access to p~oper~y is from Millington Rd (Rt 6653. White Hall Dist. tThis site is not located in a designated growth area., SP-97-33 Oak Union Baptist Church. PUBLIC HEARING on a request to add dining hall addition to existing church on approx 0.708 acs. TM42. P8I. Znd RA. Located on W sd of Owensville Rd (Rt 676) at intersect of Whippoorwill Rd Rt 839). Samuel Miller Dist. ,This site is not located in a designated growth area.) Approval of Minutes: September 6 and November I. 1995: and March 19 (N). 1997. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Executive Session: Legal Matters. Certify Executive Session. Adjourn. CONSENT AGENDA FOR APPROVAL: 5. i Ragged Mountain Natural Area Amended Conditions, deferred from September 3.1997~. 5.2 Appropriation: Various Funds. $I56.048.77 ~Form #96080,. 5.3 Appropriation: FY 1996,'97 Year End Adjustments - General and School Funds. $170,400 t Form #96085). 5.4 Appropriation: Comprehensive Community Corrections Act Grant. 8424.507 (Form #97006~ 5.5 Appropriation: Education. $118.296.70 Form #97013,. 5.6 Appropriation: Criminal [ustice Planner Grant 98-B9168. $68,480.50 I Form #97015). 5.7 Appropriation: Various Funds. S12.617.936.74 I Forms #97014. 97016. 97017,. 5.8 Adopt Resolution authorizing the Fire and Rescue Division to file an application for a Dry Hydrant Grant 5.9 Proclamation proclaiming September 27_ 1997 as Albemarle County Farm Tour Day. FOR INFORMATION: 5.10 Final construction costs on the Monticello High School: Avon Street Connector Road informaUon and FY 1997 1998 to FY 1999/2002 Operating costs. 5.11 Status update on FY 1997-98 Capital ImprovementS Plan Projects. 5.12 1997 Statement of Assessed Values for Local Tax Purposes for Raikoads and Interstate Pipeline Transmission Companies {on file in the Clerk's office~. 5.13 Copy of letter dated August 25.1997. from the Department of Education to Kevin C. Casmer. Superintendent. providing notice that an apphcation for support tmder Tide I of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994. as amended by Public law 103-382 for school year 1997-98- has been approved. 5.14 Memorandum dated August 26. 1997. from Melvin A. Breeden. Director of Finance, providing notice that the County's current pay and position plan meets the requirementS of the State Compensation Board. 5.15 Copy of Planning Commission minutes for August 19. August 26 and September 2. 1997. 5.16 Copy of minutes of the Board of Directors of the Albemarle County Service Authority for a regular meeting held on July 17. 1997. and a spedal meeting held on July 29. 1997. 5.17 Copy of minutes of th~ Albemade-Chadotresville Regional lail Authority for a special meeting held on lune 30. 1997. and regular meeting of July 10. 1997. * 5.18 Memorandum dated Sep~tember 11.1997. from Bill Mawyer, Director of Engineering & Public Works. re: Trees for Route 29 Project. 5.19 Letter dated September 15.1997. from B. Keith Fowler. Senior Environmental Engineer, Department of Environmental Quality, to tire Honorable Charlotte Y. Humphris, Chairman, re: Reissuance of VPDES Permit No. VA0076244 - Stone Robinson Elementary School. David P. Bowerrnan ~o Charlotte Y. Humphris COUNTY OF Al REM,RI F Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mdntfi'e Road Charlottesville, ~ir~inia 22902-4.596 (804) 2965843 FAX {804) 296-5800 Walter E Perkins Sally H. Thomas MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive V. Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development Ella W. Carey, CMC, Clerk--~---- September 22, 1997 Board Actions of September 1 ?, 1997 The Board took the following actions at the September 17, 1997 meeting: Agenda Item No. 1 Cai1 to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., by the Chairman. Mrs. Humphris. (All members of the Board of Supervisors were presem except Mr. Marshall. } Agenda Item No. 4, Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the PUBLIC. Mr. Michael Weber, Mr. Dan Burke, Mr. Bill Rockwell and Mr. Jim Kaufrnan expressed concern over the Rivauna Sew~ and Water Authority's (RSWA) findings of contaminants in the ground water near the Ivy Landfill. They asked that the Board close the Landfill. Mr. Tucker said beginning in 1998 municipal solid waste will no longer be buried at the Landfill. l'he RSWA will soon put out a RFP to remove CDD from the Landfill. A decision will be made after reviewing the bids. Regarding the plume, remediation is being considered by staff and others to be implemented in the next few weeks. He expects an update at next week's RSWA meeting. Regarding any policy change, the RSWA is changing its mission and getting out of the landfill business evenmally. Agenda Item No. 5. Consent Agenda. Item No. 5.1. Ragged Mountain Natural Area Amended Conditions ~ deferred from September 3, 1997 ~. APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1, The trail must conform genemlly with the proposed plan and be approved by the Water Resources Manager, ensuring that the protection of water quality is of paramount priority; Printed or~ recycled paper i, Memo to Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Climberg Date: September 22, 1997 Page: 2 The ICF and the County will continue to work with adjacent landowners to minimize adverse impacts in the development and use of trails; The ICF will conduct a general survey of naturaI heritage resources and design trails to avoid areas with identified resources; The County will work with the City of Charlottesville and the Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority, including an annual review, to ensure that use of the Ragged Mountain area, including trail use and fishing, does not adversely impact water quality; A Site plan must be approved by the Planning Commission; and While the ICF generally supports the prohibition of hunting and trapping of animals in the Ragged Mountain Natural Area, the County believes that there may be a need to reduce certain animal populations in order to protect the area. Any measures to control animal populations must be in collaboration with the state game biologist and/or the Department of Gmne and Inland Fisheries. Item No. 5:2. Appropriation: Various Funds, $156;048~77 (Form #96080). APPROVED. Original Signed form forwarded to Melvin Breeden. Item No. 5.3. Appropriation: FY 1996/97 Year End Adjustments - General and School Funds; $170,400 (Form #96085). APPROVED: Original signed form forwarded to Melvin Breeden. Item No. 5.4. Appropriation: Comprehensive Community Corrections Act Grant, $424,507 (Form #97006). APPROVED. Original signed form forwarded to Melvin Breeden. Item No. 5.5. Appropriation: Education, $118,296.70 (Form #97013). APPROVED. Original signed form forwarded to Melvin Breeden. Item No. 5.6. Appropriation: Criminal Justice Plarmer Grant 98-B9168, $68,480:50 (Form #97015). APPROVED. Original signed form forwarded to Melvin Breeden. Item No. 5.7. Appropriation: Various Funds, $12,617,936.74 (Forms #97014, 97016, 97017). APPROVED. Original signed forms for~varded to Melvin Breeden. Item No: 5.8. Adopt Resolution authorizing the Fire and Rescue Division to file an application for a Dry Hydrant Grant. ADOPTED the attached resolution. Item No. 5.9. Proclamation proclaiming September 27, 1997 as Albemarle County Farm Tour Day. ADOPTED the attached proclamation. Memo to Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V. Wayne Climberg Date: September 22, t997 Page: 3 Agenda Item No. 6. Request by the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc., to adopt a resolution approving the Charlottesville Industrial Development Authority isstfmg IDA bonds for construction ora facility located in Albemarle County. ADOPTED the attached resolution. Agenda Item No. 7. ZMA-96-25. River Heights Assoc (Sign #25). (Applicant requested withdrawal.) APPROVED applicant's request to withdraw ZMA-96-25. Agenda Item No. 8. SP-97-30. U.S. Cellular Tower (Ivy) (Sign #69). PUBLIC HEARING on a request to construct cellular telecommunications tower on 2 ac ;md LI. TM58,P37G. Samuel Miller District. DEFERRED SP-97-30 until October 15, 1997 to allow staffto prepare a written record for the Board's consideration. Agenda Item No. 9. SP-97-32. Blue Ridge Equine Clinic (Sign #60). PUBLIC HEARING on a request m establish an equine veterinary hospital [20.4.2(1)] in existing structure on 3.96 acs in Hickory Ridge PUD in Earlysville. TM30,P110. Znd PUD & desi~ated RA in Comp Plan. White Hall Dist. APPROVED SP-97-32 subject th the following two conditions :recommended by the Planning Commission: The clinic shall be for equine care only- and shall be operated in accordance w~th the plan described in the applicant,s description, attached to staffreport as Attachment B, and the information contimed in the letter dated July 23, 1997, sent to homeowners, and attached to the staff reporL as Attachment C (copies attached); and The applicant shall obta'm a commercial entrance permit from VDoT for the existing entrance to the proposed clinic from Mockernut Lane. Agenda Item No. I0. SP-97-33. Oak Union Baptist Church. PUBLIC HEARING on a request to add dining hall addition to existing church on approx 0.708 acs. TM42, PSI. Znd RA. Samuel Miller Dist. APPROVED SP-97-33 subject to the following three conditions recommended by the Planning Commission: This special use permit is for worship and church related activities only. Day care, pre-school or other such activities shall require an amendment to the special use permit; The proposed building will be similar in appearance to the architectural drawing titled, "Oak Union Baptist Church", received August 8, 1997; and 3. The applicant will add gravel to the parking lot to raise it to the road pavement surface. Memo to Robert W. Tucker, Jr. V~ Wayne Climberg Date: September 22, 1997 Page: 4 Agenda Item No. 12. Other Mat~ers not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. At the request of Mr. Tucker, the Board adopted the attached Resolution of Intent to amend Chapter 2, Administration, Article IV of the County Code to allow member s of the Airport Commission to serve three terms. Public hearing to be held on October 8, 1997. Mr. Perkins mentioned that the Farm Bureau and the VEC Farm Tour will be held on September 27, 1997, at Henley's Orchard and the Jones' Horse Farm, Events include: a flee lunch at the White Hail Community Center, a tour of the White Hail Vineyard and Winery, and a tour of a buffalo farm in Free Union, AgendaltemNo. 13. Exeentive Session: LegatMatters. At 8:45 p.m., the Board went into Executive Session. Agenda Item No. 14. Cei~ify Executive Session. At 9:30 p.m., the Board reconvened into open session. Agenda Item No. 15. Adjourn. At 9:30 p.m., with no fitrther business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. /lbh Attachments: 13 cc: Richard E. Huff, 1I Roxanne White Kevin C. Cas~er Larry Davis Amelia McCulley Bill Mawyer Bruce Woodzell Richard Wood Jan Sprirdrle Yadira Amari File ~:~ACHMENT B( Paul R, rStephens, and. R. Reynolds Cowles,, Jr., dba, a, partnership~'request'a special use permit for Lot 68 in the Hickory Ridge Subdivision to allow operation of an equine veterinary hospital and office, The original building was constructed as a horse drawn carnage showroom and repair facility. The adjoining stable is a customary center aisle a horse barn. The carriage building lends itself to easy conversion to an equine veterinary office and surgery. The existing landscaping beautifully screens this building from Mockernut Lane. Currently the building needs extensive outside repair and maintenance. It now houses a boot last shop and landscaping equipment. The barn is now rented as an equine facility. Adjoining paddocks are also n use. Blue Ridge Equine Clinic- our veterinary practice and hospital now operates under a special use permit at 4699 Catterton Road. 2 miles away from the Hickory Ridge site. We have expanded to our limits on the present property and need room to fully service the needs of our clientele. We currently have i~our equine veterinarians and operate a full service surgical and hospitalization facility. We conduct a large ambulatory practice from our site. There are several horses seen as outpatients at the clinic each day. We believe that the Hickory Ridge site lends itself to such a conversion without affecting the character and beauty of the site and makes full use of the onginal intended use as an equine facility. BlueR dge ' ' nlC ..... Inc. Equme :. h July 23. 1997 To: Hickory Ridge Homeowners Paul Stephens and Reynolds Cowles - equine veterinarians propose to move our equine veterinary clinic to the Hickory Ridge Carriage Facility and barn - Lot #68 in the PUD. This lot was originally used as an equine facility and is zoned for business. Our use would be congruous with the initial plan. Blue Ridge Equine Clinic is composed of four veterinarians- Drs. Stephens, Cowles, Dagner and Casinella. 80% of our practice is ambulatory on the farms of Albemarle, Orange, and Nelson counties. We enjoy an active equine referral practice to our surgical and hospitalization service now based on Catterton Road. This would be housed in the barn and carriage (clinic) building at Hickory Ridge. Our referrals are for the diagnos~s of complex lameness and surgical problems, along with medical cases. Surgery and lameness is the bulk of our case load and we operate a wide variety of orthopedic and gastrointestinal conditions. Dr. Paul Stephens is a board certified surgeon and chief of that service. Our plans for Hickory Ridge are as follows: 1 .) The existing buildings would be utilized as is. 2.) The only interior changes will-be made in the carriage building and this consists of Creation of a surgery suite in the back great room. 3.) Both the carriage building and the barn will be resided to beautify and protect the buildings. 4.) Existing fences do not conform to tot boundaries. These fences would be replaced. 5.) We will have only two small port-a-paddocks for hospital cases and will not utilize the existing paddocks running out to 665. 6.) We would propose that the Bowers Trust allow us to reseed, fertilize and create an esthetic turf on these areas. 7.) We will use existing plantings as is. 8.) The small white barn in the lower SW corner is split with the property line. We propose to the homeowners that it be painted and repaired as we wou~d use our half as a tractor shed. 9.) We will create a small 40 x 80 level area in back of [he building where existing mulch piles now stand. This will be an exercise ring for evaluation of lameness cases, This area will be tightly fenced., The surface will be well maintained and watered.- As you are currently aware the existing buildings at Hickory Ridge are in disrepair. We will beautify and maintain this area ~n a manner fitting for a referral equine hospital. We feel our present facility speaks for itself and invite everyone to come and observe the present clinic. There are a number of common questions that we would anticipate and would offer these comments-for your consideration Q. What kind of traffic will use the facility? A. We have four practice vehicles and four lay employees who would drive to the clinic each day. We have an average of two horse trailers visiting dally Monday through Friday. On the average we have a night visit once every two weeks for an emergency surgery. These are usually concentrated in the spring during foaling season. Q. How will animal waste be handled? A. We wilt containerize all stall waste and it will be disposed of off the property. Q, What about dead animals? .,, A. There are occasionally carcasses to dispose of whether due to euthanasia or an animal that died. We have a disposal service that picks up such cases. A dead animal will be enclosed completely in a holding area until picked up. Q. What about chemical wastes? A. ,We comply fully with all environmental and OSHA regulations. We are strong environmentalists. Our disinfectant use is primarily chlorhexidene which is extremely safe. Plain soap and water does most of the job. We use about 1 gallon of a cold sterilization agent - glutaraldehyde - a month for surgical instruments and this goes in the normal septic system in very small quantities, Q. How about X-rays or nuclear wastes? A. Our X-ray machines are used mainly on the farms and are portable, We will have one machine in the clinic building and all radiation safety standards required by the state are followed. There WOuld be no scatter outside the area. We use a radionucletide as licensed by the NRC for diagnosis of bone problems in the horse. This is about 4 cases per month. These animals are isolated for 48 hours in our barn until they return to normal background levels. The stall bedding is held for 4 days until normal and then dispensed of in a normal fashion. These procedures are strictly monitored and all regulations are complied with. There is no danger to our workers or to anyone off site. Q. What about exterior lighting? A. We will use existing courtyard lights at night when a case is coming in and then the lights will be turned off. In the barn, lights will be on if we have technicians there at night taking care of cases. We will need a small lighted sign at the entrance of 665 to guide horse trailers at night. This sign will be turned on when a case ~s expected and turned off after arrival - perhaps on for 2 hours at a time. Our proposed sign would be 18" x 32" and tastefully simple. Please see our current sign at Catterton Road. In summary, we are all excited with the prospect of utilizing the wonderful carriage facility at Hickory Ridge to house Blue Ridge Equine Clinic. We strongly believe that you will find us to be good neighbors and that our renovations and enhanced esthetics will add beauty and value to our community. If you have questions do not hesitate to call Brian or Sam or Drs Cowles and Stephens directly. We would love the opportunity to show you what we do and what our plans are and to answer any questions or concerns that you might have. A free flow of communication usually dispels problems and we welcome such. Sincerely Yours, R. Re_vnalds Cowles, Jr..D..V.~. Pau R. S!ephen. s, B.V.M.J" ,/.-:- f%,~ ) -..,~ .. . COUNTY OE ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Melvin A. Bmeden. Director of Finance Ella W. Carey, Clerk. CMC ,,~t2~-- September 23. 1997 Board Actions of September 17, 1997 At its meeting on September 17. 1997. the Board of Supervisors took the following actions: Item No. 5.2. Appropriation: Various Funds, $156,048.77 (Form #96080,. APPROVED. Attached is the signed form. Item No. 5.3. Appropriation: FY 1996 '97 Year End Adjustments - General and School Funds. $I70.400 I Form #96085 ~. APPROVED. Attached is the signed form. Item No. 5.4. Appropriation: Comprehensive Community Corrections Act Grant. $424 507 (Form #97006~. APPROVED. Attached is the signed form. Item No. 5.5. Appropriation: Education. Si 18.296.70 (Form #97013 . APPROVED. Attached is the signed form, Item No. 5.6. Appropriation: Criminal Justice Planner Grant 98-B9168 $68.480.50 · Form #97015L APPROVED. Attached is the signed form. Item No. 5.7. Appropriation: Various Funds. $i2.617.936.74 ,'Forms #97014. 97016. 97017 ,. APPROVED. Attached are the signed forms. Item No. 5.8. Adopt Resolution authorizing the Fire and Rescue Division to file an application for a Dry Hydrant Grant. ADOPTED the attached resolution. Agenda Item No. 6. Request by the Jefferson Area Board for Aging. Inc.. to adopt a resolution approving the Charlottesville Industrial Development Authority issuing IDA bonds for construction of a facility located in Albemarle County. Memo To: Melvin A. Breeden Date: September 23. 1997 Page 2. ADOPTED the attached resolution. Agenda Item No. t2. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Adopted the attached Resolution of Intent to amend Chapter 2. Administration. Article IV of the County Code to allow member s of the Airport Commission to serve three terms. Public hearing to be held on October 8, 1997. t ewc Attachments ( 11 ) cc: Roxanne White Richard E. Huff. II Robert Walters Kevin Castner Jackson Zimmerman Memo To: Melvin A. Breeden Date: September 23, 1997 Page 2.. ADOPTED the attached resolution. Agenda Item No. 12. Other Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. ADOPTED the attached Resolution of Intent to amend Chapte 2, Administration, Article IV, of the County Code to allow members of the Airport Commission to serve three terms. Public hearing to be held on October 8, 1997. /ewe Attachments (11) pc: Richard E. Huff, II Roxanne W. White Robert Walters Kevin Castner Jarl<son Zimmerman Terry Hawkins Carl Pumphrey Bill Mawyer Fred Kruger Tom Hanson Pat Mullaney V, Wayne Cilimberg Amelia McCulley Shelby Marshall Lany Davis Jim Heilman John Miller Kathy Ralston James Camblos, IV Girmy McDonald APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 96/97 NI3MBER 96085 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW X ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND GENERAL/SCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: FUNDING FOR FY 96/97 OVER EXPENDITURES. EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100012040300203 1100013020110000 1100031020110000 1100031020129900 1100039000561405 1100059000563000 1100059000579100 1211262230113200 1243362420331200 COUNTY ATTORNEY REGISTRAR SHERIFF SHERIFF CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS SCHOOLS-ATT/HEALTH SCHOOLS-FAC MAINT SPECIAL LITIGATION S44 WAGES WAGES 42 O/T REIMBURSABLE 27 FIRE/RESCUE CREDITS 8 DISTRICT HOME 6 TAX RELIEF 2 WAGES 5 MAINTENANCE 34 000 00 700 00 000 00 000 00 800 00 000 00 000 00 900.00 000.00 TOTAL $170~400.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BAIBLNCE $130,500.00 2230051000510100 SCHOOL FUND BALANCE 39,900.00 TOTAL S170~400.00 REQUESTING COST CENTER: FINANCE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 97/98 NUMBER 97006 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND CRIMINAL JUSTICE GP~ANT PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: FUNDING FOR 97/98 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS GRANT. EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1152029406566120 OAR $311~469.00 1152029406566140 CENTILAL VIRGINIA JAIL 32,508.00 1152029406566150 REGION TEN 78,530.00 1152029406562500 TJ PLANNING DISTRICT 2~000.00 TOTAL $424,507.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2152024000240440 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS $424,507.00 TOTAL $424,507.00 REQUESTING COST CENTER: COUNTY EXECUTIVE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE / / / DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 97/98 NUMBER 97013 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL X TRANSFER NEW X AD%~RTISEMENT REQUIRED o YES NO X FUND SCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: FUNDING FOR SUMMER NUTRITION PROGRAM, STATE TRUANCY FUNDS AND ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL AT MONTICELLO HIGH SCHOOL. EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1300263105301210 1300263105271000 13~0263105600900 1300263105210000 1390263105600000 1300263105139300 1300263105600200 CONTR3~CT SERVICES SELF INSURED VEHICLE & EQUIP. SUPPLIES FICA MATERIALS & SUPPLIES PT/WAGES-FOOD SERVICE FOOD SUPPLIES $75.00 215.00 400.00 994.50 1,000.00 13,000.00 29,400.20 1225461101114100 1225461101210000 SALARIES-TEACHER AIDE FICA 7,281.00 557.00 1225461101112600 1225461101112700 1225461101210000 1225461101221000 1225461101231000 1225461101232000 1225461101241000 SALARIES-PRINCIPAL SALARIES-ASST. PRINCIPAL FICA VRS HEALTH INSURANCE DENTAL INSURANCE GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 1,147.00 51,683.00 3,954.00 6,347.00 2,000.00 63.00 180.00 TOTAL $118,296.70 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2300215000150101 INTEREST ON BANK DEPOSITS $700.00 2300216000161204 SCHOOL CAFETERIA SALES 44,384.70 2200024000240604 TRUANCY 7~838.00 2200051000510100 SCHOOL FUND BALANCE 65~374.00 TOTAL Sl18.296.70 REQUESTING COST CENTER: EDUCATION APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE / / DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 97/98 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ~ FUND PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: NUMBER ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW YES NO GRANT FUNDING FOR DCJS CRIMINAL PLAiYNER GRANT. 97015 X X EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1152029409300000 PURCHASED SERVICES $61,347.00 1152029409580300 REFLINDS 7,t33.50 TOTAL $68,480.50 REUENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2152019000190207 2152019000190216 2152019000190217 2152019~00190218 2152019000190221 2152033000330408 215205t000512004 CITY OF CI-IARLOTTESVILLE CENTRAL VA. REGIONAL JAIL COUNTY OF GOOCHLAND COUNTY OF NELSON T J PLANNING DISTRICT DCJS GRANT TRANSFER FROM G/F S3,865.00 6,180.00 1,030.00 515.00 7,133.50 45,892.00 3,865.00 TOTAL $68,480.50 REQUESTING COST CENTER: FINANCE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCALYEAR 97/98 NUMBER 97016 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND GENERAL~SCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: REAPPROPRIATION REQUEST FOR INCOMPLE I ~ FY 96,97 PROJECTS, EXPENDITURE COST OTR~CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100011010800201 1100011010800610 1100012040800700 1100012141800700 1100021060800101 1100032011311000 1100032011331601 1100032011601100 1100039000561405 1100041000312700 1100042040390001 1100042040390010 11000420405104.30 1100043002331200 1100043002800201 11000,~.3003600500 1100053013800200 1100081010130000 1100081010312700 1100081010350000 1100081010800100 110008 t 017331100 110008 t 017350000 1100081017550400 1100081 040800901 1211461311312390 BOARD OF SUPV BOARD OF SUPV COUNTY A"I-FO R NEY FINANCE CLERK-CIR. CT. FIRE/RESCUE FIRE/RESCUE FIRE/RESCUE CONTRIBUTIONS ENGINEERING SCUD WASTE SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE STAFF SERVICES STAFF SERVICES STAFF SERVICES VPA PLANNING PLANNING .PLANNING PLANNING PLANNING-E911 PLANNING-E911 PLANNING-E911 ZONING EDUCATION FURNITURE & FIXTURES $2,600.00 RENOVATIONS 7,600.00 ADP EQUIPMENT 300.00 ADP EQUIPMENT 20.900.00 MAC & EQUIP 11,970.00 HEALTH SERVICES 900.00 R&M-RADIOS 400.00 UNIFORMS 5,135.00 SPCA 2,440.00 PROF SERVICES 300.00 KEENE LANDFILL 17,000.00 CURBSIDE RECYCLING 2,4-00.00 TIPPING FEES 9.500.00 R&M-BLDG 63.900.00 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10.600.00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 400.00 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 900.00 P/T WAGES 2,320.00 PROF SERVICES 18.000.00 PRINTING 12,000.00 MAC & EQUIP 15,790.00 R&M-OFFICE 6,200.00 PRINTING 2.000.00 TRAVEL-EDUCATION 1,500.00 RENOVATIO NS 4-,500.00 TRAINING 4,000.00 TOTAL $223,555.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $219,555.00 2200051000510100 SCHOOL FUND BALANCE 4-,000.00 TOTAL $223.555.00 REQUESTING COST CENTER: FINANCE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOF; SIGNATURE DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 97/98 NUMBER 97017 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW X ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND GENERAL/SCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: REQUEST FOR USE OF CARRYOVER FUNDS FROM FY 96/97. EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1t0001302C540200 1t0001302C800100 1100013020800200 1100021010130000 1100021010601200 1100021010800101 1100021020580000 1100021020580100 1100021020601200 1100021060120000 1130021060130000 1100C21060332100 1t00C21060350200 t100~21060800101 1100021060800201 1100022010800101 1100031012930210 1100031013120000 1100031013310000 1100031013800100 1100031013800100 1100031013800200 1100031013800200 1100031013800311 1100031020800301 1100032011800100 1100032011800520 1100041000130000 1100041000312700 1100041000550400 1100041000800701 1100041000800710 1100041021332300 1100042040120000 1100042040510430 1100053013110000 1100053013571700 1100053013571700' 1100053013110000 1100053013800501 1100081010520300 REGISTRAR REGISTRAR REGISTRAR CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT COURT GEN'L DIST CT GEN'L DIST CT GEN'L DIST CT CLERK-CIR CT CLERK-CIR CT CLERK-CtR CT CLERK-CIR CT CLERK-CIR CT CLERK-CIR CT COMM. ATTORNEY POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE SHERIFF FIRE/RESCUE FIRE/RESCUE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING STREET SIGNS SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE VPA VPA VPA VPA VPA PLANNING LEASE/RENT MAC & EQUIP FURNITURE & FIXTURE P/T WAGES BOOKS MAC & EQUIP MISC EXP DUES & MEMBERSHIPS BOOKS & SUBS O/T WAGES P/T WAGES MAINT CONTRACTS BINDING MAC & EQUIP FURNITURE & FIXTURE MAC & EQUIP-REPL GRANT MATCHES O/T WAGES PROF SER A/V TRAINING EQUIP EVIDENCE EQUIP COMPUTER TABLES SECRETARIAL FURNITU RADAR UNITS COMM. EQUIP MAC & EQUIP HAZARDOUS MAT'L EQU P/T WAGES PROF. SER. TR3~VEL-EDUC ADP EQUIP-REPL SOFTWARE SIGN REPLACEMENT O/T WAGES TIPPING FEES TEMP. SOCIAL WORKER TEMP FOSTER CARE AI TEMP ILP WORKER TEMP FOSTER CARE AI VEHICLE-REPL TELECOMMUNICATIONS $750.00 15,825.00 680.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 760.00 75.00 2,000.00 540.00 7,090.00 9,790.00 1,000.00 6, C00.00 4,C00.00 900.00 11,290.00 11,002.00 10,500.00 5,100.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 8,000.00 4,650.00 8,680.00 24,950.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 55,000.00 2,800.00 7,500.00 500.00 8 700.00 8 000.00 24 000.00 11 440.00 2 609.00 tl 100.00 20 I00.00 15 000.00 1 230.00 1100081010800100 1100081010800200 1100081010800901 1100081017520300 1100081017800201 1100081030320000 1100081040800501 1100081040800300 1100081040800700 1100081040601200 1100081040800901 1100083000130000 PLANNING PLANNING PLILNNING PLAITNING-E9tl PLANNING-Egtl HOUSING ZONING ZONING ZONING ZONING ZONING EXTENSION SER MAC & EQUIP FURNITURE & FIXTURE RENOVATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FURNITURE & FIXTURE TEMP HELP VEHICLE-REPL COMM. EQUIP ADP-EQUIP CODE BOOKS RENOVATIONS P/T WAGES 350.00 1~050.00 750.00 465.00_ 300.00 9,729.00 19,500.00 2,300.00 7,900.00 750.00 4,700.00 4,035.00 TOTAL $380,490.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ************************************************************************ 2100051000510100 GENEP. AL FUI~D BA_LANCE $370,440.00 2100~33000330022 SOCIAL SERVICES-FEDEP_AL 10.,050.00 TOTAL $380,490.00 REQUESTING COST CENTER: FINANCE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOA.RD OF SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 96/97 NUMBER 96080 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW X ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED o YES NO X FUND VARIOUS PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: YEAR END ADJUSTMENTS EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1155293010930000 CPS-FUND TRANSFER $95.85 SLIMMER NUTRITION PROGRAM 1300263105119300 1300263105210000 1300263105271000 1300263105301210 1300263105600000 1300263105600200 1300263105600800 1300263105600900 SALARIES FICA SELF INSURED CONTRACT SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES FOOD SUPPLIES VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE EQUIP.& SUPPLIES 10,110.57 773.45 211.46 414.62 2,413.13 23,675.99 93.00 894.40 1310761101312700 DRUG EDUCATION GRANT 9,113.99 1311763325601300 FAMILY LITERACY GRANT EDUC. & REC. SUPPLIES 36.77 1311960211601300 STONY POINT-96 TIG EDUC. & EEC. SUPPLIES 991.76 1312060212601300 WOODBROOK-96 TIG EDUC. & REC. SUPPLIES 223.78 1980072050910024 1980072050920024 1331061120119400 1331061120134100 1331061120420110 VISITOR'S CENTER LOAN PAYMENTS INTEREST SUMMER SCHOOL FUND SALARIES-AFTER SCHOOL P/T WAGES-TEACHER AIDE TRANSPORTATION 29,000.00 39,000.00 12,000.00 17,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL $156,048.77 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2155251000510100 2300216000161204 2300233000330230 2310724000240233 2311751000510100 2311951000510100 2312051000510100 2980015000150229 2331016000161222 CPS FUND BALANCE CAFETERIA SALES USDA SUMMER PROGRAM-CITY DRUG EDUCATION GRANT FAMILY LITERACY FUND BALANCE STONY POINT-96 TIG FUND BALANCE WOODBROOK-96 TIG FUND BALANCE VISITOR'S CENTER-RENT SUMMER SCHOOL-TUITION $95.85- 13,122.50 25,464.12 9,113.99 36.77 991.76 223.78 68,000.00 39,000.00 TOTAL $156,048.77 REQUESTING COST CENTER: FINANCE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE / DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FiSCALYEAR 97/'98 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION NUMBER 97O16 ADDITIONAL TRANSFER NEW ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND GENERALfSCHOOL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: REAPPROPRIATION REQUEST FOR INCOMPDc ,b FY 96/'97 PROJECTS. EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100011010800201 '~00011010800610 100012040800700 100012141800700 100021060800101 100032011311000 100032011331601 100032011601100 100039000561405 10004.1000312700 100042040390001 100042040390010 100042040510430 100043002331200 100043002800201 10004.3003600500 100053013800200 100081010130000 100081010312700 100081010350000 1000810108001 O0 100081017331100 100081017350000 100081017550400 100081040800901 211461311312390 BOARD OF SUPV BOARD OF SUPV COUNTY ATTORNEY FINANCE CLERK-CIR. CT. FIRE/RESCUE FIRE/RESCUE =IRE/RESCUE CONTRIBUTIONS ENGINEERING SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE SOLID WASTE STAFF SERVICES STAFF SERVICES STAFF SERVICES VPA PLANNING PLANNING PLANNING PLANNING PLANNING-E911 PLANNING-E911 PLANNING-E911 ZONING EDUCATION FURNITURE & FIXTURES $2,600.00 RENOVATIONS 7,600.00 ADP EQUIPMENT 300.00 ADP EQUIPMENT 20.900.00 MAC & EQUIP 11,970.00 HEALTH SERVICES 900.00 R&M-RADIOS 400.00 UNIFORMS 5,135.00 SPCA 2,440.00 PROF SERVICES 300.00 KEENE LANDFILL 17,000.00 CURBS1DE RECYCLING 2,400.00 TIPPING FEES 9.500.00 R&M-BLDG 63.900.00 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10.600.00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 400.00 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 900.00 P/T WAGES 2.320.00 PROF SERVICES 18,000.00 PRINTING 12,000.00 MAC & EQUIP 15.790.00 R&M-OFFICE 6,200.00 PRINTING 2,000.00 TRAVEL-EDUCATION 1.500.00 RENOVATIONS 4-,500.00 TRAINING 4-,000.00 TOTAL $223.555.00 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1100051000510100 GENERAL FUND BALANCE $219,555.00 2200051000510100 SCHOOL FUND BAL~qCE 4,000.00 TOTAL $223.555.00 REQUESTING DOST CENTER: FINANCE APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOFi SIGNATURE DATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 97/98 NUMBER 97014 TYPE OF APPROPRIATION ADDITIONAL TPJ~NSFER NEW X ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED ? YES NO X FUND CAPITAL PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: REAPPROPRIATION OF SCHOOL ~2qD GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUI~DS AND STORMWATER FUNDS. EXPENDITURE COST CTR/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1900041022850955 1900060100800665 1900060100800679 1900060100950042 1900060100950087 1900060202312350 1900060202312375 1900060202800200 1900060202999999 1900060203312350 19300602~3800200 1900060203800605 1900060203999999 1900060210800605 1930060210800901 1900060210800949 1900060211312350 1900060211800901 1900060212312350 1900060212312375 1900060212800200 1900060212800901 1900060212999999 1930060213800901 1900060214312375 1900060214800605 1900060214800901 1900060215800952 1900060251800949 1900060252800605 1900060255800200 1900060301312350 1900060301312375 1900060301800605 1900060301800903 1900060302800200 1900060302800605 1900060302800903 1900060304312375 1900060304580000 1900060304800605 AVON STREET SCHOOL BO2LRD SCHOOL BOARD SCHOOL BOARD SCHOOL BOARD BROWNSVILLE BROWNSVILLE BROWNSVILLE BROWNSVILLE CROZET ELEM. CROZET ELEM. CROZET ELEM. CROZET ELEM. STONE ROBINSON STONE ROBINSON STONE ROBINSON STONY POINT STONY POINT WOODBROOK WOODBROOK WOODBROOK WOODBROOK WOODBROOK YANCEY ELEM CALE ELEM CALE ELEM CALE ELEM AGNOR-HURT BURLEY MIDDLE HENLEY MIDDLE SUTHERLAND ALBEM~ARLE ALBEMARLE ALBEMARLE ALBEMARLE W ALBEMARLE W ALBEMARLE W ALBEFLARLE MONTICELLO MONTICELLO MONTICELLO ROAD CONSTRUCTION ADA STRUCTURAL TECHNOLGY LABS IINDERGROUND TANKS ENERGY MANAGEMENT ENG./PLANNING CONCRETE/STEEL TEST FURNITURE & FIXTURE CONTINGENCY FUNDS ENG./PLANNING FURNITURE & FIXTURE CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUNDS CONSTRUCTION BLDG. RENOVATIONS MAINT. PROJECTS ENG./PLANNING BLDG. RENOVATIONS ENG./PLANNING CONCRETE/STEEL TEST FURNITURE & FIXTURE BUILDING RENOVATION CONTINGENCY FUNDS BLDG. RENOVATIONS CONCRETE/STEEL TEST CONSTRUCTION BLDG. RENOVATIONS GUARDR-AILS MAINT. PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION FURNITURE & FIXTURE ENG./PLANNING CONCRETE/STEEL TEST CONSTRUCTION ASBESTOS REMOVAL FURNITURE & FIXTURE CONSTRUCTION ASBESTOS REMOVAL CONCRETE/STEEL TEST MISC EXPENSES CONSTRUCTION S475,986.73 10,549.34 20,379.85 1,467.45 4,321.35 ~1~.94 4,291.78 50,000.00 1,765.95 11.658.64 30,000.00 11,51!.66 42,788.41 1,200.00 24,694.71 3,076.00 358.88 161,113.83 5,778.64 318.14 47,367.78 153,505.18 83~132.61 20,971.48 605.30 1,984.52 505.30 367.00 2,390.35 174,835.3t 4,328.94 839.27 500.00 61,074.74 1,300.85 39~955,76 97,830.85 909.45 5,375,99 30,298.18 4,110~817.57 1900060304950074 1900060410800605 1900060410800665 1900060510800901 1900061101800700 19000621S0800700 1900062420800663 1900062420800672 1900062420800673 190006242080C685 1900062420800949 MONT I CELLO C.A.T.E.C C.A.T.E.C VEHICLE MAINT CLASS/INST ADM.- TE CH FACILITY MAINT FACILITY MAINT FACILITY MAINT FACILITY MAINT FACILITY MAINT RECREATION FACILITI CONSTRUCTION ADA STRUCTURAL BLDG. RENOVATIONS ADP EQUIPMENT ADP EQUIPMENT CARPET REPLACEMENT CHILLERS HVAC IMPROVEMENTS VDOT-LAMBS ROAD MAINT. PROJECTS 275,000.00 1,423.25 14,000.00 21,091.65 679,341.67 4,427.16 436.02 21,699.47 17,739.83 2,032.07 348,239.82 TOTAL SCHOOL CIP 7,086,004.69 1901012140950004 1901012200800700 1901031010950005 1901031040800650 1901032010800510 1901032010800523 1901032010950092 1901041000800960 1901041000800961 1901041000800962 1901041000800963 1901041000800964 lg01041000950011 1901041000950022 1901041000950035 1901041000950039 1901041000950059 190104100C950072 1901041000950073 1901041000950090 1901041000950091 1901041020950024 1901041020950051 190104102095008t 1901043100580411 1901043100800665 1901043100800666 1901043100800901 1901071000800664 1901071000800665 1901071000800668 1901071000800949 1901071000800986 1901071000950009 1901071000950015 1901071000950016 1901071000950018 1901071000950019 1901071000950025 1901071000950026 1901071000950028 1901071000950029 1901071000950033 1901071000950034 1901071000950044 1901071000950045 FINANCE INFO. SERVICE POLICE DEPT EOC-OPERATION FIRE DEPT FIRE DEPT FIRE DEPT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING STREET IMP STREET IMP STREET IMP COUNTY OFF BLDG COUNTY OFF BLDG COUNTY OFF BLDG COUNTY OFF BLDG PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS ~ REC PARKS & REC PARKS ~ REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC PARKS & REC ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ADP EQUIPMENT SATELLITE RECEIVERS BUILDINGS-CONST. SERVICE VEHICLES FIRE PUMPER-REPL FIRE HOUSE STREET LIGHTS ST. LTS.HYDRAU./COM ST.LTS. HYD/GEORG. ST LTS-WHITEWOOD/GE ST LTS-GEO/COMM HYDR. ROAD SIDEWALK ASPHALT PATH-GEO NORTH BERKSHIRE MEADOWCREEK PARKW KEENE LANDFILL PARK ROAD EXTENSION SIDEWALK-FIFTH ST IVY ROAD BAR. RD SIDEWALK LANDSCAPING-29 N AVON ST/RT 20 REVENUE SHARING RDS A.D.A. COMPLIANCE ADA STRUCTI/RAL FACILITY MAINT. BLDG. RENOVATIONS SECURITY SYSTEMS ADA STRUCTURAL ADA-SCHOOLS MAINT. PROJECTS PLAYGROUND IMPROV. SCOTTSV COMM. CTR WALTON TENNIS CTS CALE BASKETBALL CT WHITEWOOD ROAD JOUETT TENNIS CTS GREER RECREATION RIVANNA GREENWAY RED HILL RECREATION WARREN FERRY WALNUT CREEK TOWE PARK ATHLETIC FIELD STUD DIXIE LEAGUE FIELD 184,423.21 17 809.07 21 526.05 339 978.90 3 496.00 250 000 00 648 638 46 40 000 O0 16 000 00 16 000 00 12 000 00 16 000 00 32 978.30 13 000.00 3 800.00 28 584.61 170 588.35 41 000.00 78 000.00 51 667.00 11 000.00 179 945.12 27 377.34 204 914.90 65 940.81 88 144.05 120 114.89 4,731.48 8,196.50 238 905.37 95 857.58 14 854.80 27 388.15 54 353.21 12 400.00 2 359.00 30 000.00 12 400.00 3 512.02 100 000.00 14 684.48 20 000.00 75 000.00 143 144.00 20 000.00 36 000.00 1901071000950047 1901071000950074 1901071002800650 1901073020800949 1901073020950076 1901081010950001 1901081010950002 1901093010930004 1910041000800975 1910041000950093 1910041035312400 19100410358~0975 1910041036312400 1910041036360000 1910041036800750 1910041036800975 1910041039800975 1910041041800975 1910041043800975 1910041049800975 1910041050800975 1910041053800975 1910041054800975 PARKS & REC PARKS & REC TOWE PARK LIBRARIES LIBRARIES PLAITNING PLANNING TP~ANSFERS TOTAL GENERAL CIP ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FOUR SEASONS FOUR SEASONS BIRNAM/WYAIRIDGE BIRNAM/WYNRIDGE BIRNAM/WYlVRIDGE BIRNAM/WYNRIDGE LICKINGHOLE LYNCHBURG FOUR SEASONS WOODBROOK WINDHAM/JARMAN PEYTON DRIVE RICKY ROAD TOTAL STORMWATER GRAi~D TOTAL BEAVER CREEK PARK 765.40 RECREATION FACILITI 43,851.97 BUILDINGS-CONSTR. 18,334.70 MAINTENANCE PROJ. 66,675.39- N. BRANCH LIBRARY 4,223.10 HYD./RIO BIKE PATH 43,000.00 OLD BROOK-SIDEWALK 1,011.35 TRS. TO SCH CIP-AVO 71,371.94 3,845,947.50 STORM WATER 99,000.00 DRAINAGE STUDY/PLAN 231,660.86 PROF. SER. ENG. 12,164.54 STORM WATER 75,053.70 PROF. SER. ENG. 1,546.45 ADVERTISING 300.00 PURCHASE OF LAND 3~000.00 STORM WATER 85,785.98 STORM WATER 204,510.42 STORM.WATER 17,500.00 STORM WATER 20,000.00 STORM WATER 53,000.00 STORM WATER 82.075.60 STORM WATER 15~,447.00 STORM WATER 39,895.00 1,081,939.55 $12,013,891.74 REVENUE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2900051000510100 TRILNSFERS APP. FROM FUND BAL. $7,014,632.75 2900051000512031 TP~ANSFERS TRS. FROM G/F CIP 71,371.94 TOTAL SCHOOL CIP 7,086,004.69 2901018000189916 2901024000240231 2901024000240430 2901051000510100 MISC CATEGORICAL AID CATEGORICALAID TRA/~SFERS CHAMBER OF COM./29N DEPT.OF TRANSPORT. 250E LANDSCAPING APP. FROM FUND BAL. 18,000.00 144,000.00 44,234.00 3,639,713.50 TOTAL GENERAL CIP 3,845,947.50 2910051000510100 STORMWATER APP. FROM FUND BAL. 1,081,939.55 GRAND TOTAL $12,013,891.74 REQUESTING COST CENTER: FINANCE , APPROVALS: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR S I GNATURE DATE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 09-' MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive September 11, 1997 RE: Ragged Mountain Natural Area - Amended Conditions At your meeting on September 2, 1997, you requested staffto develop amendments to the original conditions recommended by the Planning Commission for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to the Ragged Mountain Natural Area The amendments are shown below for your review and approval at your meetkng on September 17th. (1) The trail must cortform generally with the proposed plan and be approved by the Water Resources Manager, ensuring that the protection of water quality is of paramount priority. (2) The ICF and the County will continue to work with adjacent landowners to minimize adverse impacts in the development and use of trails. (3) The ICF will conduct a general survey of natural heritage resources and design trails to avoid areas with identified resources. (4) The County will work with the City of Charlottesville and the Rivauna Water & Sewer Authority, including an annual review, to ensure that tic p~oposal, inclndh~g hldircct effects su& as increased boatiiig access, use of the Ragged Mountain area, including trail use and fishing, does not adversely impact water quality. (5) A site plan must be approved by the Planning Commission. YrT~ile the ICF generally supports the prohibition of hunting and trapping of animals in the Ragged Mountain Natural Area, the County believes that there may be a need to reduce certain animal populations in order to protect the arec~ Any measures to control animal popalations must be in collaboration with the state game biologist and/or the Department of Game and Inland Fish eries. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. RWT,Jr/dbm 97.098 pc: Mr. David J. Hkschman Mr. Patrick IC Mullamy Mr. V. Wayne Cilimberg COUNTY OF ALBEMA EXECUTIVE SUM MARY AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - Various Funds SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request approval of appropriation #96080 in the total amount of $156,048.77 to cover FY 96/97 over-expenditures. STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Huff, Castner. Breeden. Ms. White AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: ~~ DISCUSSION: The following programs exceeded budgeted projections for FY 96/97 and require additional appropriations. In all cases the revenues from the program are adequate to cover the expenditures. Program CPS Prevention Grant Summer Nutrition Program Drug Education Grant Family Literacy Grant Stony Point - 1996 Teacher Incentive Grant Woodbrook - 1996 Teacher Incentive Grant Visitor's Center Summer School Amount 95.85 38,586.62 9,113.99 36.77 991.76 223.78 68,000.00 39,000.00 Total $1561048.77 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the additional appropriation appropriation form #96080. totalling $156,048.77 as detailed on attached 97.170 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY sg-q -gv o4:' 4 ,CVD AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - FY 96/97 Year End Adjustments General and School Funds SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request approval of appropriation 96085 in the total amount of St 70,400.00 to cover over-expenditures in various County and Education departments. AGENDA DATE: ITEM NUMBER: September 17. 1997 ACTION: INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes STAFF CONTACT{S): ~ Messrs. Tucker, Huff, Breeden, Ms. White ~ R~EVIEWED BY: / , DISCUSSION: The following over-expenditures were incurred in FY 96/97: Department Explanation Amount County Attorney Special litigation related to reversion. $ 43.925.72 Registrar Salary supplement for assistant resulting from registrar's 674A 9 extended absence. Sheriff Approximately $27.000 of this amount results from overtime 68,119.74 associated wilt private security for which the County receives reimbursement. Revenues from this source exceeded the expenditures by $12,000. The remaining amount resulted from the replacement of Deputies, Contributions Increase cost related to the free decal and tax credit provided to 8,787.47 volunteer fire and rescue members. Charges incurred from District Home. Under projection of tax exemptions related to the Tax Relief Program for the Elderly and Handicapped. Education Attendance and Health salades exceeded budget. Facil~ Maintenance exceeded budget projections. All of the above over-expenditures can be covered w'KNn FY 96/97 revenues. 5.538.22 1,558.57 5.873.10 33,740.06 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the additional appropriations totalling $170,400.00 as detailed on attached appropriation form #96085. 97.169 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - Comprehensive Community Corrections Act Grant EXEOUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request approval of Appropriation 97006 in the amount of $424,507.00. STAFF CONTACT{S}: Messrs. Tucker, Breeden, Walters, Ms. White AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: CONSENTAGENDA: ACTION: X INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes ///~~ REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: The Coun~ of Albemarle serves as fiscal agent for the Jefferson Area Community Criminal Justice Board (CCJB). In that capacity, the County receives and appropriates funds awarded to the CCJB by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The County contracts with community agencies to provide the services stipulated in the grant. DISCUSSION: For FY 97/98, DCJS awarded $424,507.00 to the CCJB to be allocated as follows: Offender Aid and Restoration for pretrial and community correcfions services at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail and community correcfions services at the Central Virginia Regional Jail Central Virginia Regional Jail for pretdal services Region Ten Community Services Board for the Mohr House, a Public Inebriate Center Community Criminal Justice Board for office expenses $311.469.00 32.508.00 78,530.00 2.000.00 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of appropriation 97006 in the amount of $424,507.00. 97.165 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMAREE~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ r~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - Education SU BJ ECT/PROPOSAI. JRE~IUEST: Request approval of appropriation #97013 in the total amount of $118,296.70 for the Summer Nutrition Program, State Truancy Funds, and Assistant Principal at Monticello High School. STAFF CONTACT{S): Messrs. Tucker, White, Castner, Breeden AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: BACKGROUND: At its meeting on August 11, 1997, the School Board approved appropriation for the Summer Nutrition Program, State Truancy Funds and the Monticello High School Assistant Principal. DISCUSSION: · Apprepdation of $4~ 984.70 for the Summer Nutrition Program. Charlottesville City Parks & Recreation Department contracts with the Albemarle County School Food Service Department to provide lunches for their summer nutrition program. This contract with Charlottesville Parks & Recreation provides Albemarle County Schools with a potential revenue source and close to year- round employment of some food service employees. Charlottesville City benefits through receiving high quality, good food prepared specifically for young children. To accurately track the total expenses and revenues generated by this program, a separate fund code has been established. This will prevent the possibility of co-mingling of National School Lunch Program and non-school lunch monies. Apprepdation of $7,838.00 in State Truancy Funds. Truancy funding from the State became available during FY 96-97 and Walton Middle School was the only Albemarle County School to qualify. This funding is broadly targeted at truancy issues and allows each school to design a program to reduce truancy. Dudng FY 96-97 Walton used these funds to pay for teaching assistant time to work with children experiencing attendance issues Funding for this program will be continued for FY 97-98. Re-apprepfiation of $65,374.00 for Monticello High School Assistant Principal During its March 10. 1997 meeting, the School Board approved the hidng of an assistant principal for Monticello High School. Since this approval was not made during a budget work session and was done following the publication of the School Board's Proposed Budget, it was not included as part of the adopted budget. Funding for this position, as discussed by the Board on March 10, 1997, was to come from fund balance. Due to administrative reappointments approved by the Board, funds were also needed in the Salaries-Principal line item as well as in the Assistant Principal line item. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the appropriations as detailed on form #97013. 97.164 COUNTY OF ALBEMARl E - ?^o :37 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BO^P,D OF AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - Cdminal Justice Planner Grant 98~B9168 SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request approval of Appropriation 97015 in the amount of $68,480.50. STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Breeden, Walters, Ms. White AGENDA DATE: September 17. 1997 ACTION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X ATTACHMENTS: Yes R EV,EWED BY.'~''~ ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: BACKGROUND: Grant funds are being requested to fund a cdminal justice planner for the Jefferson Area Community Criminal Justice Board (CCJB) serving the nine participating localities under the Community Corrections Options Program. This grant has been approved for a second year. This position will collect data, assess cdminal justice needs in the nine-county area and assist the CCJB in developing a strategic plan for community criminal justice services. Although the position is housed and supervised atthe planning district, the position serves as staff to the CCJB. Project Director for the grant is Jim Camblos, Commonwealth Attorney, DISCUSSION: The criminal justice planner wilt be funded by a $45.892.00 Department of Criminal Justice Service Services (DCJS) grant and $15,455.00 in local match for a total of $61,347.00. The local match will be provided by the nine participating localities. The County of Albemarle's match is being funded by current budgeted expenditures. Revenues for the 1996/97 year exceeded expenditures by $7,133.50. The excess will be refunded to the DCJS. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of appropriation 97015 in the amount of $68.480.50. 97. 168 COUNTY OF ALBEMAR F Do EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - ..... AGENDA TITLE: Appropriation - Various Funds SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request approval of appropriations #97014 #97016, and #97017 totaling $12,617,936.74. STAFF CONTACT(S): Messrs. Tucker, Huff, Breeden, Ms. White AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: X ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: iTEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: Yes DISCUSSION: A preliminary review of the County's four major funds shows the following results from FY 96/97 operations. Also included below are actions which have been taken since July 1, 1997, and current requests being made at this time. GeneralFund Projected Fund Balance based on FY 96/97 Budget Actual Revenues to Budget Variance Actual Expenditures to Budget Variance Preliminary Fund Balance @ 6/30/97 $14,428,381 622.446 + 1,181,860 + $16,232,687 Actions approved for FY 97/98: Budgeted Fund Balance Appropriation for Avon Connecter Road Appropriation for Planning Study Remaining Fund Balance $ 770,687- 627,221- 150,000- $14,684,779 Current Requests: Reappropfiafions (Attachment #1 1 Appropriation #97016) Request for Carry-Over Funds (Attachment #2 / Appropriation #97017) 219,555- 370,440- Remaining Fund Balance $14,094,784 Schools Projected Fund Balance based on FY 96/97 Budget Actual Revenues to Budget Variance Actual Expenditures to Budget Variance Preliminary Fund Balance @ 6/30/97 $ 190,000 305,619 + 410,346 + $ 905,965 Actions approved for FY 97/98: Budgeted Fund Balance Monticello High School - Assistant Principal Remaining Fund Balance Current Request: Reappropdation for Training (Attachment #1 / Appropnation #97016) Remaining Fund Balance $ 75,000- 65,374- $ 765,591 4,000- 761.591 Capital Improvements ~ General Projected Fund Balance based on FY 96/97 Budget Actual Revenues to Budget Variance Actual Expenditures to Budget Vadance Preliminary Fund Balance @ 6/30/97 Actions approved for FY 97/98: Budgeted Fund Balance Appropriation for Avon Connector Road Appropriation for Juvenile Detention Study Remaining Balance Current Request: Reappropriation for on-going projects (Appropriation #97014) Remaining Fund Balance $ 88468 137,933- 4,353,666 + $ 4,304,201 $ 318000- 281,079- 2,593- $ 3,702,529 3,639,713- 62,816 Capital Improvements - School Projected Fund Balance based on FY 96/97 Budget Actual Revenues to Budget Variance Actual Expenditures to Budget Vadance Preliminary Fund Balance @ 6/30/97 Actions approved for FY 97/98: Budgeted Fund Batance Remaining Fund Balance Current Request: Reappropdation for on-going projects (Appropriation ~97014) Remaining Fund Balance $ 385,476 388.875 + 71014,685 + $ 7,789,936 $ 100,000- $ 7,689,036 $ 7,014,633- $ 674,403 Storm Water Fund Reappropriation for on-going projects $ 1,081,940 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the appropriations detailed on the attached appropriations forms #97014, #97016, and #97017 totaling $12,617,936.74. 97.171 Attachment #1 The following requests are submitted for reappropfiation of funds from FY 96/97. All requests are based on items ftmded in FY 96/97 and not completed by June 30, 1997, or items purchased in FY 96/97 which had not been received by year-end. Department Board of Supervisors County Attorney Clerk - Circuit Court Fire/Rescue Contributions Engineering Solid Waste Staff Services VPA Planning Planning - E911 Zoning Schools Reques! Amount Furniture ordered and renovations in progress $ 10,200 but incomplete at year-end. ADP equipment ordered but not received at 300 year-end. ADP equipment ordered but not received at 20,900 year-end. Project to install Dak card system not completed 11,970 m year-end. Items to equip paid firefighters funded in FY 96/97 6,435 but not purchased by year-end. Last quarterly billing from SPCA not received 2,440 until September 1997. Purchase order outstanding at year-end. 300 On-going programs related to water quality, 28,900 curbside recycling, and tipping fees. On-going building maintenance projects 74,900 primarily for Court Square buildings. Purchase order for furniture not paid at year-end. 900 On-going projects incomplete at year-end and 48,110 filing system. Building Locator System 9,700 Renovations incomplete at year-end 4,500 Training project for General Government employees 4,000 funded in School Human Resources budget incomplete al year-end. Total $ 223,555 Attachment #2 The following requests were submitted for the use of carry-over funds from FY 96/97: Department Board of Elections Circuit Court General District Court Clerk of Circuit Court Commonwealth Attorney Sheriff's Office Police Department FirefRescue Engineering Street Signs Solid Waste Social Services Planning Request To purchase 3 young machines, a workstation for the Deputy Registrar and additional rental storage for voting materials and supplies. Part-time wages for a summertime law clerk, legal books and a replacement fax machine. To purchase a judicial robe, books, dues and pencil gavels for children who visit the court. For overtime wages, part-time wages for temporary help, a maintenance contract on microfilm readers, additional binding cost and to purchase three typewriters, two personal computers, and additional lateral files. To purchase a fax machine. Vehicle Radio Upgrade. To purchase additional equipment and services that were deferred in the FY98 budget and to provide matching funds for three criminal justice grants. To purchase external defibrillators, Haz-Mat supplies and a Personnel Accountability System O'AS). Part-time wages, consultant fees~ travel expenses, DP equipment and soRware. Sign replacement. Overtime for recycling coordinator and tipping fees for bulky waste collection. Replacement vehicle, temporary custody worker and temporary foster care staffmatched by federal funds. Speaker phones, dictaphone equipment, 3 file cabinets, a replacement chair and office renovations for the design planner space Amount $17,255 4,500 835 28,420 9OO 8,680 59.142 28,950 75,800 8,700 32,000 60,249 4,145 Department Balance $ 12,906 6,386 5,439 43,918 470 (75,838) 71,719 42,702 76,921 164,869 84,000 138,006 Housing Zoning Extension Service For temporary parr-time clerical support. One replacement vehicle, pagers, two computers and upgraded printers, code books and minor renovations. Temporary part-time help from 2 to 3 days/week. 9,729 $ 15,467 35,150 48,863 4,035 4,035 $380,490 $ 639,863 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle Fire and Rescue Division is seeking funding for a Dry Hydrant grant to be administered jointly by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and the Department of Forestry; and WHEREAS, the grant would enable installation of a Dry Hydrant at Chris Greene Lake in Albemarle County for the purpose of providing water to extinguish fires at that property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby authorizes the filing of an application for the above-described grant and atrthorizes the Fire and Rescue Division to receive such grant funds for this purpose and perform all acts in connection with the application as may be required. [, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County by vote of 5 to 0 at a regular meeting held on September 17, 1997. oard of County S~6ervisors / COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Carl J. Pumphrey. Division Chief Fire and Rescue Division Ella W. Carey, Clerk, CM~_~ September 23, 1997 Board Actions of September 17, 1997 At its meeting on September 17, 1997, the Board of Supervisors adopted the attached Resolution authorizingthe Fire and Rescue Division to file an application for a Dry Hydrant Grant. /ewc Attachment RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle Fire and Rescue Division is seeking funding for a Dry Hydrant grant to be administered jointly by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and the Department of Forestry; and WltEREAS, the grant would enable installation ora Dry Hydrant at Chris Greene Lake in Albemarle County for the purpose of providing water to extinguish fires at that property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereby authorizes the filing of an application for the above-described grant and authorizes the Fire and Rescue Division to receive such grant funds for this purpose and perform all acts in connection with the application as may be required. I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a tree, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County by vote of 5 to 0 at a regular meeting held on September 17, 1997. CSefk. Board of County S~ervisors / / RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Albemarle Fire and Rescue Division is seeking funding for a Dry Hydrant grant to be administered jointly by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and the Department of Forestry; and WHEREAS, the grant would enable installation of a Dry Hydrant at Chris Greene Lake in Albemarle COunty for the purpose of providing water to extinguish fires at that property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, ¥irginia, hereby authorizes the filing of an application for the above-described grant and authorizes the Fire and Rescue Division to receive such grant funds for this purpose and perform all acts in connection with the application as may be required. I; Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing wTiting is a true, correct copy Of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County by vote of 5 to 0 at a regular meeting held on September 17, 1997. Board of Coma~ ~/t~ervisors WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS. WHEREAS, WHEREAS. WHEREAS, WHEREAS. NOW. THEREFORE. ALBEMARLE COUNTY FARM TOUR DAY September 27, 1997 the Comprehensive Plan gives highest priority to agriculture and forestry as land uses in the Rural Area: and the citizens of Albemarle County in the 1994 Albemarle County Ptanulm, Needs Survey rated "preserving natural resources and open space" and "preserving farmland and forested land" as the fourth and fifth most important planning priorities for the County; and agriculture and forestry contribute significanflyto the regional economy by enhancing the scenic and historic landscape that brings employers and tourists to the area; and agriculture and forestry also boost the County's economy through market sales, employment, support activities; and Albemarle County is among the tog 25 counties in Virginia in terms of the market value of aggricultaral products sold: and maintainingland agriculture and forestry use enables the County m grow at a measured and deliberate pace, giving the County time to plan for services; and the Board-appointedAgricultural and Forestal Industries Support Committee recommended that educational programs be developedto improve the public's general understanding of agriculture and promote the community's appreciation of its rural areas; and the future of agriculture and forestry in Albemarle County depends on the actions of the farm and forest owners and the support of elected officials and citizens: I, Charlotte Y. Humphris. Chairman, on behalf of the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors. do hereby proclaim SEPTEMBER 27, 1997 as: ALBEMARLE COUNTY FARM TOUR DAY and commend the Albemarle County Farm Bureau and the Piedmont Environmental Council for their efforts in educating the citizens about the importance of Virginia's number one indusay--agriculture, forestry and conservation--to our community. £ ~e B~d'of Co~ty S~ ~ 39-i2-97~B:d6 ReV3 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA TITLE: Monticello High School Capital and Operating Costs SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Final construction costs on Monticello High School and the Avon Connector Road Information and FY97/98 - FY99/02 operating costs. STAFF CONTACT{S): Messrs. Tucker, White AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes (2) REVIEWED B ~'.'~'x~ ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: X BACKGROUND: At the October 3 Board meeting, two questions were raised about the final construction costs for Monticello High School and the breakdown of the projected $1.3 million dollar operating costs for FY98/99. DISCUSSION: Attached is a breakdown of the $29.5 million dollar cost of Monticello High School, as well as the final $2.5 million for the Avon Road Connector, Also included is a breakdown of the ongoing operating costs for Monticello High School over the three-year period FY97/98 through FY99-00. As you will see in the outlined costs for FY98/99, no new buses are included in the total cost of $1.29 million. Any new buses would be included in the School Division's growth budget for FY98/99, if needed, RECOMMENDATION: This information is provided for the Board's information only and does not require any action. 97.172 Sheet1 Monticello High School & Connector Road (1) Project Costa High School Road Total Construction 21,500,475 2,227.899 23,728,374 Sustainability (includes Design & Construction) 1,833,333 1,833,333 Contingency 167,444 65.490 232.934 ArchitecTure 1.048,748 125,314 1,174,062 Inspections/Testing 99.000 15,000 114,000 Utility Relocation 30,000 11,597 41,597 Traffic Light 43,000 43,000 86,000 Furniture/Fixtures 2,130,000 2,130,000 Computer Ecuipment 614,000 614.000 Equipment/Materials 382 000 382.000 Water/Sewer Connection 60,000 60,000 Miscellaneous (2) 60,000 60,000 Off Site 40,000 40,000 Land 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total Project Costa 29,468,000 2,528,300 31,996,300 (1) Excludes $400.000 for purchase of County land adjacent to High School & $275,000 to construct. light and irrigate playing fields atthe High School, which was funded within the Parks & Recreation CIP. (2) Miscellaneous costs include preliminary investigations, mail, printing, and surveying. Page 1 Monticello High School Additional Operations Budget Expenditures. 1997/98 Principal ( I) $6~,234 Office Personnel CA V (1) $29,755 Benefits (k30) $29,697 Supplies/Telephone, Etc $15,000 Athletic Suppliment $4,500 1997;98 TOTAt. $148,186 1998'09 :\ssista~t Principal (3 ~ $ i 68.17 I Guidance Director (I) $48,697 School Psychologist ( 1 ) $453388 Police Officer (1) $31,925 Bookkeeper (1) $24,092 Office Assistant 1II (4) $89,820 Computer Operations Coordinator ( 1 ) $27,733 Custodial Supervisor II (1) $25,848 Lead Custodian (1) $20,929 Custodian (9) $152,514 Maintenance WoTker I (1) $19...507 Gronndskeeper (1) I $18,181 Benefits (x.33) $222,026 SL BI'O'I'AL $894.83 I Insurance S 10.!)00 Utilitms $144.000 I Custcxtial Supphes S 18.00(} Maintenance Supphcs S15.000 O~ crttm¢ $8.000 ..~cti~ il]cs. Athlctics $200.000 1998:99 TOTAL $1:289.831 1999'2000 Tcchno[og.~ MainT,'l'rain mg SI9.500 TOTAL OPERATING C, OSTS SI .457.517 *All Salaries are based on Midpuim - 1997/98 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: CIP Project Report - FY 97~98 SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Status update on current ClP projects. STAFF CONTACT,S): Messrs. Tucker, Huff, Mawyer AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: CONSENT AGENDA: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: ACTION: INFORMATION: X ATTACHMENTS: Yes BACKGROUND: REVIEWED BY: Staff has been working to identify an appropriate format for reporting the status of ongoing CIP Projects. Although substantial information is kept on each project, the goal had been to provide a status in a simplified summary fashion and is presented for the Board's review at this time. DISCUSSION: The attached report shows, by project manager, each of the major CIP projects that are being tracked according to their budget, scheduled completion, the pement complete for each phase and any notes which may be applicable for the project. You will note that the County ClP staff is currently managing $86.3 million worth of capital construction in vadous stages of completion. Although the largest project, Monticello High School at $29.7 million is a substantial portion of this, it should be noted that many of these smaller projects often entail a great deal of staff work to bdng to fruition. RECOMMENDATION: Staff' presents this information for the Board's review and comment if any to improve this summary. Staff intends to provide this type of update on a monthly basis for the Board's and the public's information. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 97.163 STERLING Cale Addition WAHS Renovations Rt 20 Connector Road Hydraulic Rd Sidewalk Dottier Park Shelter/Restroom Monticello H.S. Chiller RepL AHS/Holtymead Greet HVAC Renovations PREP Facility Subtotal Glass Cmzet Addition Stony Point Addition Trees [or 29 Stony Point Parking and Playfield WAHS/CATEC Roofs High School Technology Ed. Labs Site Impr 0NAHS, Yancey)- VMF Facility Stone Robinson Addition Crozet Park Field Subtotal Lilley Brownsville Addition Woodbrook Addition Replace Roof, COB UST Removal ~ Regional Jail Murray High School Renovations Henley Middle School Addition UST Replacement ~ COB AHS Phase III Renovations Regional Jail Addition Juv. Detention Facility Old Crozet School Imprv. County Facility Imprv. Subtotal COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS FY 97198 PROJECT REPORT Scheduled Budget; C_ omDletion % Compl te~_ 930,000 07/01/97 100% C 2.700.000 08/30/97 98% C 2,528,300 11/01197 55% C 33,000 11130/97 50% D 56.000 12/30/97 10% D 29.743.000 06/15/98 30% C 668,000 07IQ1/98 90% P 306.000 07101/98 90% P 2,900,000 05115/99 30% P $39.864,300 884.645 08115/97 98% C 1,204,667 08115/97 92% C 18C.000 05/30/98 95% B 193,000 06130/98 20% D 1.022.500 08/01/98 50% P 230,000 08101/98 05% P 407,200 10130198 80% P 437,000 10/30/98 80% P 2,664,000 05/'30/99 70% P 640,000 06130/02 80% P $7,863,012 1.773.470 08t15197 92% C 2.245.550 08/15/97 92% C 130.000 11/30/97 10% D 50.000 12/01197 60% D 920,000 08/15/98 50% P 2.385,500 05/15/99 50% P 120.000 10/30/98 05% P 650.000 08/01/99 05% F t4,978;792 10101/99 75% D 7,200,000 04/01/00 05% P 280.000 06/30/00 10% P 420,000 05/30/00 05% P $31,153,312 Court Square Painting 74.254 10/30/97 Keene Landfill Land Acquisition 100,000 10/30197 Visitor's Center Roof Painting Project 10.000 11/15/97 Keene Landfill Monitoring 125,000 06/30/96 Keene Landfill Remediation 277.000 06/30198 Courts Space Needs Study 50.000 06/30/98 Old Real Estate Building Drainage Design 15,000 05/30/95 COB Maintenance Program: Information Services Renovation 30,000 06/30/97 Board Of Supervisor's Clerk Area Reno 12.000 08/01/97 Conference Room Furniture Replacem 20,000 08/30/97 05% C 50% B 90% D 75% B 10% P 75% P 80% P 99% C 99% C 99% C Updated 08/13197 Warranty Stage Arch. Selection Needed On Hold by Building Services On Hold until Fall LEGEND: P = Programming D = Design B = Bid C = Construction Misc. Carpet Replacement Human Resources Renovations Building Code and Zoning Renovation Planning Department Renovations New Sound System for Board Roam HVAC Control System Street Lighting: Airport Acres Rio/Old Brook Road Hydraulic/Commenweaith HydraulicJGeorgetown Whitewood/Georgetown Georgetown/Commonwealth Subtotal KELSEY North Berkshire Road Moores & Meadow Creek Studies Airport Access Funds Agreement Seat Parking Lot. COB Branchlends Wetland Dedication West Leigh Ddve Rural Addition Meadowcrk Pkwy Engineering Berkmar Dr. North Extension (Close out) Meadowcrk Pkwy Envim. impact Master Drainage Study GE Fanuc Ind. Access Project Lickinghole Basin (Close out) Design Standards Manual Brooke SW/Erosion Correction Projects: Eastbrook Dr. Drainage Improvements Kropf Drainage Improvements Hasko Drainage Improvements Minor Ridge Drainage Improvements Woodbrook Channel Phase 11 Rio Hills Basin Dedication Windham/Jarman Gap Channel Peyton Basin Williams Woodbrook Channel Phase I SW/Erasion Correction Projects: Brookmere Rd. Drainage Improvements Patrick Drainage Improvements Westmoreland Ct. Drainage Impravemnt Ricky Road Lynchburg Road Storm Sewer Four Seasons Channel Four Seasons Basins B[rnam Basin 10.000 08/30/97 12,000 09/30/97 10,000 09/30/97 7,000 09/30/97 10,500 10/30/97 30,000 06130/98 1,5g0 12/30/97 0 12J30/97 16,000 06/30/98 16.000 06/30/98 12.000 06/30/98 16,000 06130/98 $854,254 3,800 10/30/97 184,600 08/30/97 900,000 09/30/97 30,000 11/30/97 21,000 12/30/97 300,000 12/30/97 191,000 06/30/98 1,000,000 06/30/98 800,000 06/30/98 205,400 06/30/98 267,000 06/30/98 1,972.880 06/30/98 50,000 06/30/98 8,072 08130/97 1,550 08/30/97 4.870 08/30/97 30.000 12/30/97 35,000 12/30/97 5,000 12230/97 82,000 12/30/97 156,500 12/30/97 20~65 08/30/97 4,250 08/30/97 2,500 12/30/97 30,000 12/30/97 39,900 06/30/98 17,500 06/30/98 23,100 06/30/98 96,100 06/30/98 98,485 06/30/98 Subtotal $6,580,772 TOTAL $86,315,850 95% C 80% D 80% D 80% D 99% C 80°/0 B 90% D Under Review by VDOT since 6/10 90% D Under Review by VDOT since 6/10 05% D Under Review by VDOT since 7/28 05% D Under Review by VDOT since 7/28 05% D Under Review by VDOT since 7/28 05% D Under Review by VDOT since 7/28 05% D 95% D 75% P Co. Attorney Revising 10% D 20% D 25% D BOS Approved 50% P Planning Coordinating 100% C On Hold by Co. Attorney 00% P Planning Coordinating 00% P Funds for Next Watershed 10% D 100% C On Hold by Co. Attorney 10% P 05% C (Jerry) 95% C (Jerry) 05% C (Jerry) 05% P Pending RHH Final Site Plan 05% D (Jack) 05% D (Jack) 05% D 10°/o D 50% C (Jerry) 05% C (Jerry) 25% D (Jer~) 10% D (Jerry) 05% D (Jerry) 05% D (Jerry) 10% D (Jack) 10% D (Jack) 10% D (Jack) LEGEND: P = Programming D = Design B = Bid C = Construction BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 09-05-97P03:2~ RC P 1997 Statement of Assessed Values for Local Tax Purposes for Railroads and Interstate Pipeline Transmission Companies VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT of TAXATION COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 2120 RICHMOND 23218-2120 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~9-02-97P03:09 RCVD August25,1997 Mr. Kevin C. Castner Superintendent Albema~ Coun,~ Public Scho~Is 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Castner: Your application for support under Title I of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994, as amended by Public Law 103-382 for school year 1997-98, has been approved for the amount of $~, This amount is less than your total FY98 allocation. At your convenience, please prepare a project amendment to reflect this adjustment in funding. This project is exDected to be operative from August 1.1997 to S_eptember 30: 1998, per information contained in your application and has been assigned STATE PROJECT NO.~ Please follow the instructions listed below when requesting reimbumement under Public Law 103-382, Title I, (Educationally Depdved Children - LEA CFDA 84-010A): · Submit reimbursements monthly. · Send original and one copy of reimbursement to our office. · Attach supporling documentation e.g. tTavel expenses, invoices, etc. to original reimbursement. e Make one copy for your files. If you should have questions, please feel free to contact us at (804) 225-2901 or (804) 225-2869. SCJr:GHl:hmt Enclosure copy: Sincerely, Title I Specialist George H. Irby, Director Office of Compensatory Pmgrame Francine W. Hughes, Title I Coordinator ,/Chairman, Board of Supervisom COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of F~nance 401 Mclntire Road Charlol~esville, Virginia 22902-4596 Telephone (804) 296-5855 69-02-97P05:08 ....,~ BOARD OF SUPERVLS©RS MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Supervisors Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance ~ August 26, 1997 State Compensation Board - Position Classification Plan Current State Compensation Board policy requires an annual certification that a locality has a position classification plan in effect which meets their minimum requirements. The County's current pay and position plan meets their requirements. Attached is a copy of the annual certification submitted to the State Compensation Board. MAB/bn Attachment FAX (8041296-5811 YDD (804) 9724012 AvailabiliW of Funds Upon reallocation of a position m a higher salary grade, the incumbent's salary may increase not more than four steps, or to the next range minimum, whichever is the greater increase; funds will be available within my base Compensation Board budget for this purpose. Re-certification I understand that tiffs delegation may be rescinded by the Compensation Board if I do not attend re-certification training as provided by the Compensation Board, Audit: I agree to maintain such job descriptions, classification specifications and supporting documentation necessary to support all position classification decisions made subsequent m my certification of delegation of authority, and make such records available ro the Compensation Board upon request in accordance with the provisions of § 14.1-50, Code of Vir.einia~ 10. Notification to Govemin¢ Body I have provided a copy of this certification to my governing body. (Sig~amre~ (D~¢) CERTIFICATION OF POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN TO: COMPENSATION BOARD FROM: Melvin Breeden/ County of Albemarle Officer L6cality The positign classification plan currently in effect for this office, adopted on July 1, i996, incorporates all of the following features: Date 1. Job Description A detailed job description is maintained for all positions. Class Specifications Class specifications are maintained for all grades which addresses distinguish/ng features of the work performed by each grade level. Assimunent of Duties Duties are assigned to positions based upon legitimate needs as determined by the Constitutional Officer, unrelated to race, gender, national origin, age, religion, political affiliation, or disability. Review All job descriptions and classification specifications are reviewed au least every zwo years to determine the appropriate level of classification. Knowledge of Position Classification Matters I am capable of mak/ng appropriate and lawful decisions regarding position classification in my office by virtue of my: Attendance at Compensation Board sponsored tmirfing X Participation in the locality pay plan (Other) (Provide information) Compensation Board Policy This office is and will remain in compliance w/th the Compensation Board Delegation of Position Classification Policy dated May 1, 1997, and any subsequent changes. COUNTY OF ALBE~RI ~,., ,,., ,., ~,,~.~ ~ ~ ~,, Department of [n~i.eerin~ & Public ~D OF SUPERVISORS TO: VIA: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Board of Supervisors Bob Tucker, County Executive September 11, 1997 Trees for 29 Project A construction contract has been awarded to Windridge Landscaping of Charlottesville totaling $115,741 to provide trees for the subject project. The landscape improvements will be located between the Hydraulic Road and H/lton Heights Road intersections of Rt. 29 North. The fall and spring planting programs are anticipated as follows: Location Hydraulic to Seminole Ct. Seminole Ct. to Greenbrier Dr. Greenbrier Dr. to Branchiands Blvd Shopper's World to Fashion Square Albemarle Square to Woodbrook Dr. Woodbrook Dr. to Schewels Schewels to Hilton Heights Rd. Number & Type of Tree 15 Swamp Oaks 22 Honey Locusts 19 Lacebark Elms 15 Swamp Oaks 27 Lacebark Elms 14 Honey Locusts 35 Hackberrys Schedule April/May '98 Nov 3-26 '97 Nov 3-26 '97 April/May '98 Nov 3-26 '97 Nov 3-26 '97 Nov 3-26 '97 In an associated effort, W'fil Rieley and Associates has been hired to develop a Master Plan for landscape improvements in the median from Free Bridge to the 1-64 bridge on Rt. 250 East. We have allocated up to $10,000 from the Neighborhood Plan Implementation Program to fund replacement of the existing Trees and plant beds. Completion of the work is anticipated this fall. Future maintenance of the landscaping will be the responsibility of the County. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. BtM/ss Copy: Rick Huff, Deputy County Executive Pat Mullaney, Director of Parks & Recreation Lisa Glass, Project Manager of Engineering & Public Works File: billWees3 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Industrial Developmem Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia ("Authority"),has been asked by the JeffersonArea Board for Aging, Inc. ("Borrower") to approve the ~ssuance of revenue bonds by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia ("Charlottesville Authority") in an mount not to exceed $1,000,000 ("Bonds") a portion of which will be used to finance the Borrower's acquisition, construction and equipping of a center for the provision of comprehensive services for the elderly consisting of approximately 23,600 square feet to be located at 675 Hillsdale Drive, in Albemarle, Virginia ("Project"), and has held a public heating on September 8, 1997; WItEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds o£private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; WHEREAS, Section 15.1-1378 of the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act. Chapter 33, Tire 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act"), provides that if a locality has created an industrial development authority, no industrial development authority created by a second locality may finance a facility located in the first locality unless the governing body of such frrst locality concurs w/th the inducement created by the second locality; WltEREAS, the Project is located in the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("County") and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County; WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds. subject ro the terms to be agreed upon, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA: The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Charlottesville Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Virginia Code") to permit the Authority to assist in the financing. The Board concurs with the resolution adopted by the Charlottesville Authority and approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Charlottesville Authority for the benefit of the Borrower as required by Section 15.1~1378 of the Act. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or the Borrower. Pursuant to the limitations contained in temporary Income Tax Regulations Section 5f. 103 -2(f)( 1),this resolution shall remmn in effect for a period of one year from the date of its adoption. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia this 17th day of September, 1997. erk, Board o~Sup~isors / County of Albemarle.4', Virginia / / [SEAL] Page 2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOAP~D OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia '"Authority"), has been asked by the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. ("Borrower") to approve the issuance of revenue bonds by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia ("Charlottesville Authority") in an mount not to exceed $1,000,000 ("Bonds") a portion of which will be used to finance the Borrower's acquisition, construction and equipping of a center for the provision of comprehensive services for the elderly consisting of approximately 23,600 square feet to be located at 675 Hillsdale Drive, in Albemarle, Virginia ("Project"), and has held a public hearing on September 8, 1997; WHEREAS, Section 147(t) of the lntemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; WHEREAS, Section 15.1-1378 of the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 33, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act"), provides that if a locality has created an industrial development authority, no industrial development authority created by a second locality may f'mance a facility located in the first locality unless the governing body of such first locality concurs with the inducement created by the second locality; WHEREAS, the Project is located in the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("County") and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County; WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to the terms to be agreed upon, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA: The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Charlottesville Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(1) of the Code and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Virginia Code") to permit the Authority to assist in the financing. The Board concurs with the resolution adopted by the Charlottesville Authority and approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Charlottesville Authority for the benefit of the Borrower as required by Section 15.1-1378 of the Act. The approval of the issuatice 0~the Bonds does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or the Borrower. o Pursuant to the limitations contained in Temporary Income Tax Regulations Section 5f. 103-2(f)(1),this resolution shall remain in effect for a period of one year from the date of its adoption. 5. This resolution shall take effect ilmnediately upon its adoption. Adoptedby the Board of Supervisorsofthe County of Albemarle, Virginia this 17th day of September, 1997. {~dle}k, B'oard of Sup~isors / County of Albemarle. ~¢~rg~ma Page 2 COUNTY OF ALBEMAREB PE v soRs EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rc D AGENDA TITLE: IDA Financing - JABA SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request by the Jefferson Area Board for Aging for the Board's approval of the Charlottesville Industrial Development Authority issuing IDA bonds for the construction of a facility located in Albemarle County. STAFF CONTACT(Si: Messrs. Tucker, Huff AGENDA DATE: September 17, 1997 ACTION: X CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: BACKGROUND: Jefferson Area Board foraging, Inc. proposes to construct and equip a center for the provision of comprehensive services for the eldedy consisting of approximately 23,600 square feet to be located at 675 Hillsdale Drive in Albemarle County, Virginia. This facility is proposed to be financed by the issuance of Industrial Development Authority bonds not to exceed $1 million. IRS regulations give tax advantages if the bonds are issued by a locality that does not expect to issue more than $10 million in debt in any one calendar year. Albemarle County intends to rssue well in excess of $10 million of school debt in the current year and, therefore, JABA has asked the Charlottesville Industrial Development Authority to issue the bonds for the facility to be located in the County. DISCUSSION: IRS regulations require that the County approve the bonds being issued by another jurisdiction's Industrial Development Authority. The Albemarle County Industrial Development Authority held a public headng on September 8, 1997 and is, by resolution, recommending to the Board of Supervisors that the attached resolution approving of the issuance and the resolution of inducement bythe City be approved. This resolution does not financially obligate the County in any way in this transaction. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the attached resolution Charlottesville Industrial Development Authority. be adopted approving the issuance of the bonds by the 97.167 MWBB, LLP 9/10/1997 16:49 PAGE 2/25 RightFAX RESOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA AUTHORIZING TH~ ISSUANCE OF UP TO $1,000,000 REVENUE BONDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF JEFFERSON AREA BOARD FOR AGING, INC. WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("Authority"), is empowered by the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 33, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act"), to issue its revenue bonds for the purpose offinuncing facilities for use by organizations described in Section 501 (e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), which are exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to Section 50 l(a) of the Code and whose primary purpose is providing services for the care of the aged and protecting and promoting the health and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia; WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request f~om the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc., a Virginia nonstock, nonprofit organization (the "Borrower"), requesting that the Authority issue its revenue bonds to assist in financing the aequisition, constmetinn and equipping ora center for the provision ofcomprehansive services to the elderly m be located at 675 Hillsdale Drive in the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("Project"); WHEREAS, such assistance will induce the Borrower to locate the Project in Virginia and benefit the inhabitants of the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville and the Commonwealth of Virginia, either through the increase of their commerce or through the promotion of their safety, health, welfare, convenience or prosperity; WHEREAS, preliminary plans for the Project have been described to the Authority and a public heating has been held as required by Section 147(0 of the Code and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the Borrower has represented that the estimated cost of the aeqnisition, construction and equipping of the Project and all expenses of issue will require an issue of revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,000,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CHARLO I-fESVILLE, VIRGINIA: It is hereby found and determ/ned that the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project will protect and promote the health and welfare of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville and their citizens and that the Borrower is an organization described/n Section 501(c)(3) of the Code which is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to Section 501(a) of the Code. MWBB, LLP 9/10/1997 16:49 PAGE 3/25 RightFAX 2. To induce the Borrower to locate the Project in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and particularly in the County of Albemarle, the Authority hereby agrees to assist the Borrower in financing the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project by undertaking the issuance of its revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 upon terms and conditions mutnally agreeable to the Authority and the Borrower. The bonds will be issued pursuant to documents satisfactory to the Authority. The bonds may be issued in one or more series at one time or fix~m time to time. 3. It having been represented to the Authority that it is necessary to proceed immediately with the acquisition, planning and construction of the Project, the Authority agrees that the Borrower may proceed with plans for the Project, enter into contracts for land, construction, materials and equipment for the Project, and take such other steps as it may deem appropriate in conneefiun with the Project, provided, however, that nothing in this resolution shall be deemed to authorize the Borrower to obligate the Authority without its consent in each instance to the payment of any moneys orthe performance of any acts in connection with the ProjecT. The Authority agrees that the Borrower may be reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds for all expenditures and costs so incurred by it, provided such expenditures and costs are properly reimbursable under the Act and applicable federal laws. 4. At the request of the Borrower, the Authority approves McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe, L.L.P., Richrunnd, Virginia, as Bond Counsel in connection with the issuance of the bonds. 5. All costs and expenses in connection with the financing and the acqursition, construction and eqffxpping of the Project, including the fees and expenses of Bond Counsel and Authority Counsel, shall be paid by the Borrower or, to the extent permitted by applicable law, from the proceeds of the bunds. If for any reason such bonds are not issued, it is understood that all such expenses shalI be paid by the Borrower and that the Authority shall have no responsibility therefor. 6. In adopting t~s resdiutiun thc Authority intends to take "official action" toward the issuance of the bonds and to evidence its "official intent" to reimburse fi.om the proceeds of the bonds any expenditures paid by the Borrower to finance the acquisition, planning and construction of the Project before the issuance of the bonds, all within the meaning of regulatinns issued by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Sections 103 and 141 through 150 and related ~ctions of the Code. 7. The Authority recommends that the City Counei! of the City of Charlottesville_ Virginia, approve the issuance of the bunds. g. No bonds may be issued pursuant to this resolution until such time as the issuance of the bonds has been approved by the City Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia and by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle. MWBB, LLP 9/10/1997 16:49 PAGE 4/25 RightFAX 9. This resolution shall take effect mediately upon its adoption. -3- September 8, 1997 Board of Supervisors Albemarle County, Virginia Albemarle, Virginia Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia Proposed Financing for Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. (the "Borrower") has requested that the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia ("Authority"), recommend approval to the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia of £mancing of the acquisition, construction and equipping of a center for the provision of comprehensive services to the elderly located at 675 Hillsdale Drive, in the County of Albemarle, Virginia (the "Project"), by the issuance of revenue bonds by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia in an an~ount not to exceed $1,000,000 ("Bonds"). The Authority has conducted a public hearing on the proposed finanmng of the Project and has recommended that you approve the issuance of the Bonds as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. Attached hereto is (1) a certificate evidencing the conduct of the public hearing and the action taken by the Authority, (2) the Fiscal Impact Statement required pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.1-1378.2, and (31 the form of resolution suggested by counsel to evidence your approval. Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia CERTIFICATE The undersigned Secretary of the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia ("Authority") certifies as follows: 1. A meeting of the Authority was duly called and held on September 8, 1997. at 4:30 p.m. in the Executive Conference Room, fourth floor of the County Office Building, 401 Mctntire Road, in Charlottesville, Virginia, pursuant to proper notice given to each Director of the Authority before such meeting. The meeting was open to the public. The time ofthe meeting and the place at which the meeting was held provided a reasonable opportunity for persons of differing views to appear and be heard. 2. The Chairman announced the commencement of a public hearing on the application of the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. and that a notice of the hearing was published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in Albemarle County, Virginia ("Notice"), with the second publication appearing not less than six days nor more than twenty-one days prior to the heating date. A copy of the Notice has been filed with the minutes of the Authority and is attached as Exhibit A. 3. A summary of the statements made at the public hearing is attached as Exhibit B. 4. Attached as Exhibit C is a tree. correct and complete copy of a resolution ("Resolution") adopted at such meeting of the Authority by a majority of the Directors present at such meeting. The Resolution constitutes all formal action taken by the Authority at such meeting relating to matters referred to in the Resolution. The Resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded or amended and is in full force and effect on this date. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Authority, this 8, day of September, 1997, Authority of Albemarle County, Virgima (SEAL) Exhibits: A - Copy of Certified Notice B - Summary of Statements C - Resolution -2- EXHIBIT A 09/04/97 11:$6 F.~X 8049757214 DAILY PROGRESS ~003 THE DAILY PROGRESS 685 W~ST RIO ROAD CHAP. LO~SV~LE, VIRQri~IA 22906 CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION here,by certify- that the at~hcd notbe wa, published in "Thc Daily Progr:ss', a ~w~spaper~in Char_lott~W/le, VirginiA an;t appeared ia t~ iasuca(s) dated Given Under My Hand This 3a~e No The D~ily Progress Pul~liahing Fee $ ~ ,~, ~ 0~/04/97 11:$6 F3_X 8049787214 DAILY PROGRESS 0O2 TI-IE DAILY PRO@RESS 655 WEST RIO ROAD CI-DkRLOI-i-ESVILLE, V!RGIN'IA 22906 CERTiFICATION OF PUBLICATION I hereby certify tha~ ~hc attached notice v,'a pubi~hed in "The Daily Pro_m~ess'; newspaper i~ CharlotteswSll¢, Virglni~, aad appeared in the issue~(s) dated Gives Under My tlanc[ This Ianie Norr/~- - Credit Manaser The Daily ProD'ess EXHIBIT B TO CERTIFICATE Summary of Statements Representatives of the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. and McGuire, Woods. Battle & Boothe, L.L.P., bond counsel, appeared before the Authority m explain the proposed plan of financing. No one appeared in opposition to the proposed bond issue. EXHIBIT C RESOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY RECOMMENDING APPROVAL BY [THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE.II: VIRGINIA OF A PROPOSED $1,000,000 BOND ISSUE FOR THE BENEFIT OF JEFFERSON AREA BOARD FOR AGING, INC. WHEREAS, Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. ("Borro~ver") has requested that the Industrial Development Authority o~Albemarle County, Virginia ("Authority"), approve the issuance of up to $1,000,000 in revenue bonds by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virgima, a portion of the proceeds of which will be used to acquire, construct and equip a center for the ~rovision of comprehensive services to the elderly consisting of approximately 23,600 square feet to be located at 675 Hillsdale Drive, in Albemarle County, Virginia ("Project"); WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Authority regarding the Borrower's request, and the Authority desires to recommend approval of the Project and the proposed bond issue to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALBEMARLE C(~UNTY, VIRGINIA: l The Authority recommends approval of the proposed bond issue by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia. 2. This resolution ~hall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted this 8 day of September, 1997. Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR PROPOSED BOND FINANCING Date: September 8, 1997 To the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia Applicant: Facility: Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. Elderly Care Services Center Maximum amount of fmancing sought $1.000,000 Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality $ N/A Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rares $ N/A Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rares $ N/A Estimated merchants' capital tax per year using present tax rares $ N/A Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally $ 184,829 Estimated number of regular employees on year round basis 45 Average annual salary per employee $ 11,827.20 ~4~ lhl~irma~, Industrial Development A]~t~ority Albemarle, Virginia (~ of RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS. the Industrial Development Authority of Albemarle County, Virginia ("Authority"), has been asked by the Jefferson Area Board for Aging, Inc. ("Borrower") to approve the issuance of revenue bonds by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia ("Charlottesville Authority") in an mount not to exceed $1,000,000 ("Bonds") a portion of which will be used to finance the Borrower's acquisition, constmctiun and eqmpping of a center for the provision of comprehensive services for the elderly consisting of approximately 23,600 square feet to be located at 675 Hillsdale Drive. in Albemarle, Virginia ("Project"), and has held a public hearing on September 8, 1997; WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds; WHEREAS, Section 15.1-1378 of the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 33, Tire 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act"), provides that ifa locality has created an industrial developmeut authority, no industrial development authority created by a second locality may finance a facility located in the first locality unless the governing body of such first locality concurs with the inducement created by the second locality; WHEREAS, the Project is located in the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("County") and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia ("Board") constitutes the highest elected govermnental unit of the County; WltEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS. a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to the terms to be agreed upon, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Charlottesville Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Virginia Code") to permit the Authority to assist in the financing. 2. The Board concurs with the resolution adopted by the Charlottesville Authority and approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Charlottesville Authority for the benefit of the Borrower as required by Section 15.1-1378 of the Act. 3. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds does nor constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Projeet or the Borrower. 4. Pursuant to the limitations contained in Temporary Income Tax Regulations Section 5f. 103-2(f)(1), this resolution shall remain in effect for a period of one year from the date of its adoption. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia this of September. 1997. day Clerk, Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle. Virginia [SEAL] -2- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia '22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS C6_'~ 6-9~, A~ ~: 2~ RCVD June 13, 1997 Wendell W. Wood General Panner P O Box 5548 Charlottesville, VA 22905 RE: ZMA-96-25 River Heights Associates Ltd Dear Mr. Wood: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on June 11, 1997, per your request, deferred the above-noted petition to its September 17, 1997 meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely; V. ~Wayne Ci~mberg /' fi Director ofPlarming & .¢ommun.i~f Development vwc/jcf Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey 8en~ by; UNI?ED LAND OORP 9?24126 09/17/97 2:09PM dOD 210 Page .%cpt,.mb~,r I i . T997 09-?~-97°02:29 ~CVO 975-3334 975-D267 BO~Box5548 ~ Charlottcsvillc, Virg[nia 22905 ~ (8(}4)'~1JC51~ FaxfS04) 94g~ll~g~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY $8-t9-97A11:i? RCVD AGENDA TITLE: SP 97-30 US Cellular SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST:. Proposal to construct a 140 foot telecommunications tower on Tax Map 58, Parcel 37G. STAFF CONTACTtS): Messrs. Tucker, Huff, Cilimberg, Fritz AGENDA DATE: September 10, 1997 ACTION: X CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: ATTACHMENTS: RENEWED BY: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: INFORMATION: BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission recommended approval of a special use permit for US Cellular near IW on July 22, 1997 with cond~ons. Based on additional reviewstaffis recommending minor modifications of the Planning Commission's conditions. DISCUSSION: Condition 9 is modified based on the work of the County Attorney's office and the applicant in order to provide a more comprehensive condition. Condition 11 s a new condition which is recommended by staff as necessary to insure compliance with condition 6. No other changes to the conditions have been made. Recommended Conditions of Approval: Tower height shall not exceed 140 feet. The tower shall be designed to allow an increase in height up to 199 feet. Any increase in height above the 140 feet shall require amendment of this permit. 2. Compliance with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. There shall be no lighting of the tower unless required by a federal agency. All tower lighting shall be shielded so as to minimize visibility from the ground. Staff approval of addi~onal antennae installation. No administrative approval shall constitute or imply support for or approval of the location of additional towers, antennae, etc., even if they may be part of the same network or system as any antennae administratively approved under this section. The tower must be designed and adequate separation provided to property lines such that in the event of structural failure, the tower and components will remain within the lease area. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within 90 days of the discontinuance of the use of the tower for wireless telecommunication purposes. Tower shall be located as shown on Attached plan titled "Schematic Site Plan U.S. Cellular @ Precision Sports Surfaces, Inc.' and initialed WDF 7/11/97. Except as specitically required by the Federal Aviation Administration of the Federal Communications Commission, transmission structures shall use colors such as gray, blue or green, which reduce their visual impacts. The permittee shall allow other wireless telecommunications providers to locate on the tower and site and shall provide the County, upon request, verifiable evidence of having made a good faith effort to allow such location. Verifiable evidence of a good faith effort includes, but is not limited to, evidence that the permittee has offered to allow other providers to locate on the permittee's tower and site in exchange for reciprocal r'~hts on a tower and AGENDA 3'ITLE: SP 97-30 US Cellular September 20,1997 Page 2 10. 11 site owned or controlled by such other provider w~thin Albemarle County. The pe~mittee also agrees to execute a leper of intent prior to final site plan approval stating that it wilt make a good faith effort to allow such location and will negotiate in good faith with any other wireless telecommun{cations provider requesting to locate on the tower or site. The tower shall be of lattice type construction, A report shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator once a year, no later the July 1. This report shall state the current user status of the tower. Specifically, the report shall state if the tower is being used for wireless telecommunication service. Staff recommends that, should the Board choose to approve this request, it be subject to the conditions listed abave, 97.154 3575 Morgantown Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 August 9, 1997 Bill Fritz. Senior Planner Planning Commission 401 Mc, Ir~yre Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 AUg ! ~ 1997 Dear Mr. Fritz: Der:fL We would like to register our opposition to the installation of a cellular tower near Dettor, Edwards and Morris on Morgantown Road, Albemarle County. We think that U. S. Cellular should seek another location more remote and away from school children and homes. Sincerely, William F.'Cassidy - / COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. ol~ Plannir~j & Communii~' Development ~101 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (8o~) 2966823 July 23, 1997 . Mark Keller 301 East High St Charlottesville, VA 22902 SP-97-30 U S Cellular Tax Map 58, Parcel 370 Dear Mr. Keller: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on July 22, 1997, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: Tower height shall not exceed 140 feet. The tower shall be designed to allow an increase in height of up to 199 feet. Any increase in height above 140 feet shall require amendment of this permit. Compliance with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. There shall be no lighting of the tower unless required by a federal agency. All tower lighting shall be shielded so as to minimize visibility from the ground. Staff approval of. additional antennae installation. No administrative approval shall constitute or imply support for or approval of, the location of additional towers, antennae, etc., even if they may be part of the same network or system as any antennae administratively approved under this section. The toWer must be designed and adequate separation provided to property lines such that in the event of structural failure, the tower and components will remain within the lease area. Page 2 July 23, 1997 The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within 90 days of the discontinuance of the use of the tower for wireless telecommunication purposes. Tower shall be located as shown on Attached plan titled "Schematic Site Plan U.S. Cellular ~ Precision Sports Surfaces, Inc." and initialed WDF 7/11/97. Except as specifically required by the Federal Aviation Administration or the Federal Communications Commission, transmission structures shall use colors such as gray, blue or green, which reduce their visual impacts. The permit holder shall make available unutilized space for collocation of other telecommunication facilities, including space for those entities providing similar, competing services. A good faith effort in achieving collocation shall be required of the host entity. 10. The tower shall be of lattice type construction. A modification of Section has been granted to allow location of the tower as shown on Attached plan titled "Schematic Site Plan U.S. Cellular ~ Precision Sports Surfaces, Inc." and initialed WDF 7/11/97 Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on August 13, 1997. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, William D. Fritz, AICP Senior Planner WDF/jcf Ella Carey Jack Kelsey Amelia MeCulley g:. Anderson Hord STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WILLIAM D. FRITZ, AICP JULY 22, 1997 AUGUST 13, 1997 SP 97-30 U.S, CELLULAR lIVY] A :Ii n'- r0 · l' The applicant is proposing to construct a 140 foot self supporting lattice tower to provide Cellular Phone service for the IW area. Currently cellular phone service is spotty in the area with some areas having no coverage, while other areas have a weak signal. This tower is not to improve capacity in the area, but is instead intended to provide coverage. Staff has indicated the location of the proposed tower and access to the tower on a topographic map which is included as Attachment D. Petition: Request to construct a cellular telecommunications tower on a 2 acre parcel zoned LI, Light Indusu'y. Property, described as Tax Map 58, Parcel 37G, is located on the south side of~Route 738, Ivy Depot Rd., approximately 1.1 miles west of Route 250, Ivy Rd., in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. This site is not located in a designated growth area. Character of the. Area: The location for the proposed tower is on the Precision Sports Surfaces, Inc. property within the Dettor, Edwards and Morris Industrial Park. Housing in the area is located along the roads east, north, and west of this site The topographic map, Attachment D, shows the location of these houses. The closest dwelling to the proposed tower is approximately 800 feet distant. Approximately 29 houses are located within 2,000 feet (0.4 miles) of the proposedtower. A number of commercial uses and industrial uses are also located within 2,000 feet of the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section 31.2.4,1 of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval. Planning and Zoning History_: None Available. Comprehensive Plan: Staff notes that in order to construct the proposed tower very limited clearing wilt be required. Therefore, the only impacts reviewed for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance is the impact of the tower itself. This site is located in the Rural Areas of the Comprehensive Plan. However, this site is zoned LI, Light Industry and was included in the Village of Ivy before that designation was removed from the Comprehensive Plan. Currently the Comprehensive Plan contains limited review criteria for the siting of telecommunication towers. The Open Space Plan does provide some guidance for the protection of identified resources of the County. However, no resources are identified in the Open Space Plan which would potentially be affected by this application. This tower is intended, primarily, to provide service to the Route 250 West corridor and the Ivy valley. Some improvement in service on the 1-64 corridor will also occur. Route 250 and 1-64 are designated as an Entrance Corridor Overlay District, but this tower is not in the district and will have only limited visibility, if any, from these roads. Because this site does not lie within the Entrance Corridor Overlay District and therefore this proposal has not been reviewed by the ARB, Adjacent uses include industrial development and Murray Elementary School. Staffhas reviewed all components of the Comprehensive Plan and can find no comments which would tend to indicate that a tower at this location would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF COMMENT: Staff will address the issues of this request in three sections: 1. Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 704(a)(7)(b)(I)(II) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. [copy attached] Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detrinlent to adjacent property., The proposed tower is located approximately 18 feet from the closest property line and does not comply with the setback requirements of the ordinance. The tower location is shown on ~ attachment D. The location is near a proposed building as shown on the plan. The top of the tower will be well above the tree line. (Staffestimates are that trees in this area are 60 to 80 feet tall.) This will offer opportunities for collocation in an area which has been identified as not having substantial collocation options, but will increase the visibility of the tower. That is to say, that a taller tower may be more visible, but the greater the height and the more of the tower which extends above the tree line the greater the ability of the tower to serve multiple users. All existing service providers have identified the Ivy area as a search area for new facilities. The proposed tower is located approximately 800 feet from the nearest dwelling, 900 feet from a Day Care Center and 1,000 feet from Murray School. Based on staff review, this tower will be visible from dwellings along Route 738. Lighting of the tower is unlikely as the tower is under 200 feet in high and staff has included a condition restricting lighting unless required by the FAA or other federal officials. The visibility of the tower from residential property may be considered a detriment. However, staff is not able to determine if the detriment is substantial. Additional information may be provided by the public during the public hearings on the issue of potential impacts. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby, In reviewing the character of the district staff has taken into consideration that this site is located. in an industrial area which is partially developed. The Comprehensive Plan does not recognize this as an industrial area and shows the entire Ivy area as Rural. This tower will be a stand alone facility. This will result in a changein the appearance of the area. Staff does recognize this introduces a new tower to a location at which no towers exist. Multiple stand alone tower locations could ultimately have the cumulative effect of changing the character of the Rural Areas as shown in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff does note that the applicant has contacted other providers regarding collocation and has provided information on the company's collocation policy, attachment C. Collocation on this tower may eliminate the need for other new towers in this same general area. The prese~nce of the school and day care center, along with the existing industrial developmem, has established a non-residential character to the immediate area. The presence of a tower at this site would change the appearance of the area. However, staffis does not find that this request would change the character of the district. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, Staff has reviewed the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as stated in Sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 with particular reference to Sections 1.4., 1.4.4, and 1.5 (Attachment E). All of these provisions address, in one form or another, the provision of public services. The use of mobile telephones clearly provides a public service as evidenced by the expanded and rapid increase in use. Based on the provision of a public service, staff opinion is that this request is in harmony with the purpose and intent of these sections of the ordinance. Section 1.4.3 states as an intent of the Ordinances "To facilitate the creation ora conveniem, attractive and harmonious commumty". The provision of this facility does increase the availability and c0nvenienee for users of wireless phone technology. with the uses permitted by tight in the district. The proposed tower will not restrict the current uses, other by-right uses available on this site or by-tight uses on any other property. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance, Section 5.1.12 of the ordinance contains regulations governing tower facilities and appropriate conditions are proposed to ensure compliance with this provismn of the ordinance.. and with the public health, safety and general welfare. The provision of increased communication facilities may be considered consistent with the public health and safety and general welfare by providing increased communication services ~n the event of emergencies and increasing overall general communication services. The Telecommunications Act addresses issues of environmental affects with the following language, "No state or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such emissions". In order to operate this facility the applicant is required to meet the FCC guidelines for radio frequency emissions. This requirement will adequately protect the public health and safety. Section 4,10.3.1 of the Zoning Ordinance Section states: "The height limitations of this chapter shall not apply to barns, silos, farm buildings, agricultural museums designed to appear as traditional farm buildings, residential chimneys, spires, flag poles, monuments or transmission towers and cables; smokestack, water tank, radio or television antenna or tower, provided that except as otherwise permitted by the commission in a specific case, no structure shall be located closer in distance to any lot line than the height of the structure; and, provided further that such structure shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet in height in a residential district. This height limitation shall not apply m any of the above designated structures now or hereafter located on existing public utility easements". By the requirements of this provision the proposed tower would need to be located a minimum of 140 feet from the edge of the property. The proposed tower is located approximately lg feet ~ from the closest property line. Staff opinion is that this pmvismn is designed to prevent undue crowding of the land and to prevent safety hazards should a tower fall. Historically, towers reviewed by the County are approved subject to a condition requiring approval of a tower designed to collapse in the lease area in the event of stractural failure (such a condition is proposed by staff for this request). This condition protects the public safety. Staff has historically supported requests for modification to allow towers to be located closer to the property line than the height of the tower when no option to relocate exists. Relocation of the tower to provide more than an 18 foot setback is possible. However, due to the size and configuration of the property the tower cannot be relocated to meet a 140 foot setback. The maXimum setback which can be achieved on this property is approximately 125 feet. In previous applications denial of the modification request would require relocation of the tower to areas of critical slopes or to areas which would require a substantially taller tower. Relocation can occur on this site with a minimal increase in tower height and without impacting critical slopes. If a modification is approved to allow relocation to an approximately 125 foot setback rather than the 18 feet requested by the applicant, the tower would remove land from potential industrial use. Staff has not considered this of prime significance as this area is not recommended for industrial use in the Comprehensive Plan and the preservation of industrial development options is not critical to this location. The property nearest the proposed tower is also zoned LI. The nearest Rural property is 300 feet distant. staff can support a modification to reduce the setback below 140 feet. However, staffopinion is that the tower should be relocated on site to achieve the maXimum setback possible. Approval of a modification will not adversely impact the adjacent land as it is zoned LI. (No setbacks are required between Industrially zoned property other than those imposed by the building code.) Therefore, staff is able to support a reduction in the setback requirement to allow the tower to be located less than 140 feet from the nearest prop&ty line. The setback should be the maximum which can be obtained on this site. Section 704(a)(7)(b'}(B(IB of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The re_malation of the placement, construction and modification of personal wireless facilities by any state or local government or instmmentali _ty thereof shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. Neither the Comprehensive Plan nor the Zoning Ordinance prohibits the provision of personal wireless service. Staff does not believe that the special use permit process nor the denial of this application has the effect of prohibiting the provision or personal wireless services. The applicant has not demonstrated that there are no other locations within the propos~ed area of service currently available for new tower construction. For this reason, staff does not believe that denial of this application would have the effect of prohibiting the provision of services. The applicant has worked with staff in an effort to identify any suitable location for collocation which would eliminate the need for construction of a tower. No potential collocation sites have been identi.fied in this area which would provide coverage in the Ivy area. Alternate sites for the construction of a new tower have not been discussed. SUMMARY: Staffhas identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: The tower will provide increased cellular capacity which may be considered consistent with the provisions of Sections 1.4, 1.4.4 and 1.5; 2. The tower will not restrict permitted uses on adjacent properties. The tower will provide collocation opportunities in an area identified as not haying substantial collocation options. Staffhas identified the following factor which is unfavorable to this request: 1. There is an existing reasonable use of the property. While staff has not identified the visual impact created by the tower as a substantial detriment to the existing nearby residential area, staff does note approval of this request will introduce a new tower to an area of nearby residential development from which the tower will be visible. Staff opinion is that this request generally complies with the provisions of Section of the ordinance and therefore recommends approval. Should the Board choose to approve this request, staff has provided conditions of approval and supports the modification of Section Appropriate language for this modification is included~ In the event that the Board chooses to deny this application staff offers the following comment: In order to comply with the provisions of the Telecommunication Act, should the Board choose to deny this request, staff r_equests consensus direction from the Board regarding the basis for the denial and instruction to staff to return to the Board with a written decision for the Board's consideration and action. RECOMMENDED ACTION; Staff recommends approval and offers the following recommended conditions of approval: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Tower height shall not exceed 140 feet. 2. Compliance with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. There shall be no lighting of the tower unless required by a federal agency. All tower lighting shall be shielded so as to minimize visibility from the ground. Staff approval of additional antennae installation. No administrative approval shall constitute or imply support for or approval of, the location of additional towers, antennae, etc., even if they may be part of the same network or system as any antennae administratively approved under this section. The tower must be designed and adequate separation provided to property lines such that in the event of structural failure, the tower and components will remain within the.lease area. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within 90 days of the discontinuance of the use of the tower for wireless telecommunication purposes. Tower shall be located as shown on Attached plan titled "Schematic Site Plan U.S. Cellular ~ Precision Sports Surfaces, Inc." and initialed WDF 7/11/97. The Planning Commission only must take the following action in order to permit the tower as requested by the applicant: A modification of Section has been granted to allow location of the tower less than 140 feet from the property line, provided that the tower shall be located the maximum distance from any property line. ATTACHMENTS; A - Location Map B - Tax Map C - Applicants Information D - Topographical Map E - Purpose and Intent of the Zoning Ordinance. TOP SP-97-30 U.S.CELLULAR TOWER- IVY ALBEMARLE ]ATTA(.,:HMbN I UI .COUNTY SP-97-30 (IVY) 57 74 · ~,,,..-- _-,,,~..ii~-.. -,:.. SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT SECTION 58 SAMPLE PHOTO June 12, 1997 ATTACHHENT C] Northe~ ~gion 288P r01 Bedfo,. 4H 03110-5145 Office: (603,533-2201 Facsimile: I603J 533-2277 UNITED STATES RECF_..i t 1 7 1997 ' Planning De: ! WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS William D. Fritz County Of Albemarle Dept. of Planning and Community Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Dear Bill; Just a note to bring you up to date on our initiatives regarding co-location for other service providers at our proposed Ivy s/re. [ have had communications w/th two other providers. A. CFW - I have received a verbal expression of interest and willingness to co- locate at an Ivy site. They have not agreed to this specific site but are definitely interested in a site in the area. B. 360 Communications - I have called and written to them regarding this site and have received no response. We are not opposed to co-locations in general at our sites. [f however the co-locator is a competitor of ours, then we usually insist on reciprocal locations, i.e. you can go on one of our towers if we can go on one of yours. I think the need for a site in the Ivy area is ~vell known and I hope this information is helpful. You also understand that the tower may need to be higher to accommodate numerous co-locators due to the need for antenna separation. Please call me if I can be of further assistance. Very trtfly yo~ X759 ./ SCALEIN FEET 1.4 PURPOSE AND INTENT This ordinance, insofar as is practicable, is intended m be in accord with and to implement the Comprehensive Plan of Albemarle County adopted pursuant to the provisions of Title 15.1, Chapter 11, Article 4, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and has the purposes and intent set forth in Title 15.1, Chapter 11, Article 8 As set forth in section 15.1427 of the Code, this ordinance is intended to improve public health, safety, convenience and welfare of citizens of Albemarle County, Virginia, and to plan for the future development of communities to the end that transportation systems be carefully planned; that new community centers be developed with adequate highway, utility, health, educational and recreational facilities; that the needs of agriculture, industry and business be recognized in future growth; that residential areas be provided with healthy surroundings for family life; that agricultural and forestal land be preserved; and that the growth of the community be consonant with the efficient and economical use of public funds. (Added 9-9-92) Therefore be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, for the purposes of promoting the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the public and of planning for the future development of the community, that the zoning ordinance of Albemarle County, together with the off icial zoning map adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance, is designed: 1.4.1 To provide for adequate light, air, convenience of access and safety from fir~, flood and other dangers; 1.4.2 To reduce or.prevent congestion in the public streets; 1.4.3 To facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community; 1.4.4 To facilitate the provision of adequate police and fire protection, disaster evacuation, civil defense, transportation, water, sewerage, flood protection, schools, parks, forests, playgrounds, recreational facilities, airports and other public requirements; 1.4.5 To protect against destruction of or encroachment upon historic areas; 1.4.6 To protect against one or more of the following: overcrowding of land, undue density of · population in relation to the community facilities existing or available, obstruction of light and air, danger and congestion in travel and transportation, or loss of life, health, or property from fire, flood, panic or other dangers; 1.4.7 To encourage economic development activities that provide desirable employmem and enlarge the tax base; (Amended 9-9-92) 1.4.8 To provide for the preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and other lands of significance for the protection of the natural environmem; (Amended 9-9-92) 1.4.9 To protect approach slopes and other safety areas of licensed airports, including United States government and military air facilities; (Added 11-1-89; Amended 9-9-92) 1.4.10 To include reasonable provisions, not inconsistent with the applicable state water quality standards to protect surface water and groundwater defined in section 62.1-44.85(8) of the Code of Virginia; and (Added 11-1-89; Amended 9-9-92) 1.4.11 To promote affordable housing. (Added 9-9-92) 1.5 RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT This ordinance is designed to treat lands which are similarly situated and environmentally similar in like manner with reasonable consideration for the existing use and character of properties, the Comprehensive Plan, the suitability of property for various uses, the trends of growth or change, the current and future land and water requirements of the community for various purposes as determined by population and economic studies and other studies, the transportation requirements of the community, and the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services; for the conservation of natural resoumes; and preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestal land., the conservation of properties and their values and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the county. (Amended 11~1-89) 1.6 RELATION TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN In drawing the zoning ordinance and districts with reasonable consideration of the Comprehensive Plan,. it is a stated and express purpose of this zoning ordinance to create land use regulations which shall encourage the realization and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. To this end: development is to be encouraged in Villages, Communities and the Urban Area; where services and utilities are available and where such development will not conflict with the agricultural/forestal or other rural objectives; and development is not to be encouraged in the Rural Areas which are to be devoted to preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and activities, water supply protection, and conservation of natural, scenic and historic resources and where only' limited delivery of public services is intended. (Amended 11-1-89) Attention! All residents of Ivy and surrounding area! Please sign this petition to oppose application SP-97-30, construction of a 140 ft. tall cellular communication tower, east of Route 0738, and urging the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to likewise oppose this construction. Name Address Attention! All residents of Ivy and surrounding area! Please sign this petition to oppose application SP-97-30, construction of a 140 ft. tall cellular communication tower, east of Ronte #738, and urging the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to likewise oppose this construction. I Attention! All residents of Ivy and surrounding area, Please sign this petition to oppose application SP~97-30, construction of a 140 ~r ~H ~ communication tower, east of Route g73'8, and ~g ~ ~bemarIe County Board of Supe~sors to lilrewise oppose this construction. Name ~ Address Attention! All residents of Ivy and surrounding area! Please sign this petition to oppose application SP-9%30, construction of a 140 ft. tall cellular communication tower, east of Route g738, and urging the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to l~ewise oppose this construction. A b b ~ss / I Attention! All residents of Ivy and surrounding area! Please s~tgn this petition to oppose application SP-97-30, construction of a 140 ft. tall cellular communication tower, east of Route #738, and urging the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors to likewise oppose this construction. Name Address Grassmere Farm Owners' Association PO B~x 344, Ivy, V~ginia, 22945 (8O4) 295-7802 September 17, t997 Ms. Sally H. Thomas Supervisor, Samuel Miller District Albemarle Board of County Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Ms. Thomas: We, the undersigned, are writing to express our opposition to application SP.97-30, construction of a 140-font tall cellular communications tower. Having carefully selected the Ivy area of Albemarle County as our home for it's scenic beauty, historical significanceand wonden~ quality of life, we are wgorously opposed to environmental changes that will adversely affect our community. We regard the construction end presence of the cellular telephone tower proposed under application SP-97-30 to represent just such a misguided project that is neither well-considered nor needed. Specifically, the 140-foot tall towar will be a permanent and persistent eyesore that will command the view of many Ivy residents. We worry that the presence of the tower, blocking our beautiful mountain views wilt have a detrimentally economic impact on our property. The tower, tall as a fourteen-story building, is hardly compatibJe with the Roufa 250 corridor's designation as a Scenic Histodc Highway. Further, the proposed tower location close to the Murray Elemental3/School will present a hazard to community children; both during its construction and as en attractive nuisar',ca once put into ooeration. We support the sound application of technology. However. we do not find justification for this application. Many of us who live near the proposed tower site are cellular telephone users. We recegnize~ and accepted gladly the tevel of service available to us in our community when we chose to live in Ivy. We considered the level of cellular telephone service to be in proper batance with other, more significant quality of life factors. In this letter we affirm our past judgement to favor the Ivy we selected ever the Ivy that will be subjected to the severely detrimental impact the 140-fcot tower application SP-97-30 will create. We urge you to j~in us in opposing consfl'uction of this fourteen-story tall tower by voting to deny application SP-97-30 and urging the other Suoervisers to do likewise. Sincerely: Members of the Grassmere Farm Owners' Association Name Signature Street Address Telephone 'Name Si ague Street Address , Telephone ~ · Name Street Address Name S~gnature t Street Address Telephone ' Piedmont Environmental Council Statement to the Board of Supervisors on Sp-97-30, U. S. Cellular September 17, 1997 Several weeks ago, we asked you to defer action on several special use permit applications for CFW Wireless until you hired a consultant to make sure that an adequate level of service could be provided with as little impact as possible on the County's neighborhoods and landscape. Here we are again. Without the assistance of a consultant with expertise in telecommunications, you have only the applicant's perspective on several important points: 1) Whether this tower is necessary to provide an adequate level of service. 2) Whether any opportunity exists to place a panel or antenna on an existing tower, building or structure. 3) Whether a shorter tower, or several shorter towers sited less visibly, could provide an adequate level of service. The more towers you approve, the harder it will be for you to defend yourselves legally when you want to deny an application~ We urge you to defer act'mg on this request until you have the objective engineering expertise you need to make sound, defensible decisions. ~ 4~6 ~ Walrenton, Virginia · 20 188 · 540-347-2334 · Fax 540-34g-9003 :, Virginia · 22903 · 804-977~2033 · Fax 804~97745306 DaSd P. Bowerman Charlotte ¥. Humphris Forrest R. Marshall. dr. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Superwsors 401 McInfire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 f804 296-5843 FAX (804/972-4060 September 3. 1997 Charles S. Martin Walter F. Perkins Sally H. Thomas Blaine, Steven W Dettor, Edwards & Morris Dettor. William T Jr Keller, Mark Smith, Roger B or Norma L Willis, James H or Sue H Re: SP-97-30 - U. S. Cellular Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is to notify you that the above-referenced petition has been deferred from September 10, 1997, until SEPTEMBER 17, 1997. The public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m., in Meeting Room #241 Second Floor. County Office Building, 401 Mclntire Road, Charlottesville, Virg nia. If you need any additional information, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, /ewc cc: V. Wayne Cilimberg William D. Fritz Printed on recycled paper McGumuWooDs o= ~., w,~,~:o5 RCVD BATTLE &BOOTHE Court Square Building Post Office Box 1288 Charlottesville, Vh'ginia 22902-1288 BOARD OF SU?ET<VIS©RS Telephone/TDD (804)977-2500 · Fax (804)980-2222 Steven W. Blaine Writer's Direct Dial 804/977-2588 September 2, 1997 Ms. Ella Carey, Clerk Albemarle County Board of Supervtsors County of Albemarle 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville VA 22902-4596 United States Cellular: SP-97-30 Dear Ms. Carey: This will confmn our phone conversation earlier in which my client, United States Cellular, agreed to accommodate the Board's request to move the public hear'rog on SP-97-30 from September 10, to the September 17 meeting. We understand that our matter will be first the fu'st public hearing on the agenda ar such meeting. SWB:ctg cc: Mr. Mark Gartley Mr. Mark Keller ALEXANDRIg ' BALTIMORE - BRUSSELS · CHARlOTTeSVILLE · JACRSONVILL~ · NORFOLK - RICHMOND - TY$ONS CORRER - WASHINGTON. DC - Z~RICH e BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 40] Mclntire Raad Charlottesville, Virginia gg902-45% (804) 296-5823 August :21, 1997 Mark Keller 301 East High St Charlottesville, VA 22902 REt 8P-97-30 U S Cellular Tax Map 58, Parcel 37G Dear Mr. Keller: The Albemarle County Board of Supermsors, at its meeting on August 13, 1997, deferred the above-noted request to construct a cellular telecommunications tower to its September 10, 1997 meeting. This request was deferred because the public notice sign had been removed. Ify0u have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Director ofPlann~g & C(omm~ Development VWC/jef cc: ~lla Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey 3OARD OF SUPEg 7ISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Deo[. of Planning & Community Developmem 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296~5823 September 4, 1997 R. Reynolds CoMes c/o Blue Ridge Equine Clinic Box 278 Free Union, VA 22940 RE: SP-97-32 Blue Ridge Equine Clinic Tax Map 30, Parcel 110 Dear Mr. Cowles: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on September 2, 1997, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: The clinic shall be for equine care only and shall be operated in accordance with the plan described in the applicant's description, attached to staff report as Attachment B, and the information contained in the letter dated July 23, 1997, sent to homeowners, and attached to the staff report as Attachment C. (Copies enclosed). The applicant shall obtain a commercial entrance permit from VDOT for the existing entrance to the proposed clinic from Mockernut Lane. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on September 17, 1997. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. Page 2 September 4, 1997 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please de not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Susan E. Thomas Senior Planner SET/jcf cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Phillipa S. Bowers STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: SUSAN E. THOMAS SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 SP 97-32 BLUE RIDGE EOUINE CLINIC Applicant's Pronosal: Blue Ridge Equine Clinic is requesting approval for a special use permit, to relocate its veterinary operation (SP'S 78-73, 79-59) from a private farm on Catterton Road (State Route 667) to an existing commercial building built as a carriage showroom, in Section 3 of Hickory Ridge P.U.D. offBuck Mountain Road (State Route 665) on Mockernut Lane (State Route 1072). The clinic is staffed by four veterinarians (three vets and one intern) and four full time employees. The applicants are also requesting that the Planning Commission waive Section 5.1.11 of the Zoning Ordinance, which would require soundproofing of the clinic facilities. An estimated 85% of the clinic's business is ambulatory, with the remainder being referrals to its hospitalization and surgical service which would be located in the showroom building. The clinic serves horses exclusively, and it is one of the only facilities equipped for surgery and post- operative care between Leesburg, Blacksburg and the Richmond area. Management anticipates that an average of two horse trailers daily would visit the facility Monday through Friday, with one night visit for emergency surgery once every two weeks. Under the applicants' proposal, the adjacent sixteen stall horse barn would undergo minor interior modification for use as a recovery facility for equine patients. No regular boarding would occur, and it is anticipated that most horses would stay there briefly. Although in the past the adjoining open space has been used as paddocks, the clinic does not plan to utilize this common area. Management does plan to create a 40 x 80 level area behind the showroom for evaluation of lameness. A location map is included as Attachment A. The applicant's description and justification are included as Attachment B. An informational letter sent to adjacent homeowners is included as Attachment C. Petition: Petition to allow operation of an equine veterinary clinic [, 5.1.11] on Lot 68 ot'Hickory Ridge P.U.D. Subject lot consists of approximately 3.96 acres withthree existing structures. Access is from Mockernut Lane, offBuck Mountain Road (State Ronte 665), in Free Union. This site, described as Tax Map 30 Parcel 110, is located in the Whitehall Magisterial District. l'he property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development. and is designated Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan. It is not located within a Development Area. Character of the Area: The structure proposed for conversion to a clinic was built to house a horse drawn carriage shop and showroom. Most recently it has been used for the manufacture of boot lasts. The adjacent horse barn has been used for boarding since its construction, and currently is rented by polo players. Adjacent properties in Hickory Ridge P.U.D. are residential and open space, with a second horse barn facility located to the east off Buck Mountain Road, also in Hickory Ridge. Land use in the general area is agricultural/forestal and residential. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval. Planning and Zonine History_: The Hickory Ridge P.U.D. was approved in August, 1973. The final plat for Sections I and II was approved February 4, 1974. The final plat for Section III was approved November 30, 1988. Comprehensive Plan: The Hickory Ridge P.U.D. is designated Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan. Equine veterinary clinics are considered supportive of the agricultural industry and generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF COMMENT: Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the rieht to issue all snecial use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property_. Staff has visited the area and is of the opinion that the impact of the equine clinic on surrounding uses may be less significant than historical impacts from the carriage enterprise and boarding and riding activity. In fact, activity at the site may be expected to stabilize since the showroom buitding and barn will now be owned and operated by one entity for one purpose, rather than the multiple uses and interests occumng now and in the past (barn occupied by boarders, boot last manufacture and rental units utilizing showroom building, landscaping contractor using grounds). ?roposed modifications to the facility will primarily be internal renovation in the showroom building, and general repair of the exteriors of the buildings and the grounds. These impacts should positively affect adjacent properties. Access from Mockemut Lane will not change. The applicant has met with the Hickory Ridge homeowners both at the proposed and presem clinic locations. A question and answer infonuation sheet has been prepared and distributed, included as Attachment C. It is staff's understanding that the response to the clinic proposal from homeowners at Hickory Ridge has been positive. that the character of the district will not be chan~ed thereby. Lot 68 was developed originally as a commercial area for a horse drawn carriage shop and showroom. Coaches were built on site and displayed in the large main section of the building. Presumably, the barn was needed for stabling of horses associated with the carriage enterprise, and in fact the original property owner was active in the sport of driving. The Hickory Ridge P,U.D. conceptual plan blends residential and equestrian activities, with amenities such as barns (residents' horses only) and trails. Proximity to the Farmington Hunt Club and other horse facilities is emphasized in the development's marketing materials. The P.U.D. is located in a part of Albemarle County characterized by agricultural activity, particularly horses and cattle. Blue Ridge Equine Clinic's present facility is located two miles away on Catterton Road (State Route 667) and retaining the medical service in the area would be desirable from the standpoint of convenience, public need and transportation. Staff believes that the proposed relocation of the clinic to Hickory Ridge is consistent with the character of the district, and a good adaptive re-use of the showroom. (The Building Official has inspected the building and found it to be satisfactory for use as a veterinary hospital and office.) It appears'that only a limited range of uses could utilize the existing buildings without major changes to the structures, and increased impact to adjacent properties and/or public services. Thus, the clinic appears to be a use for the property which maintains the character of the area while utilizing the existing improvements effectively. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. Staff has reviewed the purpose and intent of the ordinance as stated in Sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. Stafffinds no conflict with these provisions of the ordinance. Staffnotes that this request to 3 establish an equine clinic at Hickory Ridge P.U.D. forwards the intent of the ordinance as stated in the following Sections: 1.4.8 "To provide for the preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and other lands of significance for the protection of the environment:" 1.5 RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT "This ordinance is designed to treat lands which are similarly situated and environmentally similar in like manner with reasonable consideration for the existing use and character of properties,.., for the conservation of natural resources; and preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestal land, the conservation of properties and their values and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the county." While this is not a public use, it does serve a public need and supports agricultural activities in the rural areas. with the uses permitted bv right in the district, The veterinary clinic use as proposed will not restrict permitted residential uses on adjacent property, and supports the established agricultural use in the area. It is consistent with the original development concept of Hickory Ridge P.U.D. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance. Commercial kennels, veterinary and animal hospitals are required to meet the following standard, as set forth in Section 5.1.11 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, provided below: "Except where an'maals are confined in soundproofed, afl-conditioned buildings, no smacture or area occupied by animals shall be closer than five hundred (500) feet to any agricultural or residential lot line. For non- soundproofed animal confinements, an external solid fence not less than six (6) feet in height shall be located within fifty (50) feet of the animal confinement and shall be composed of concrete block, brick, or other material approved by the zoning administrator." (Amended 11-15-89) 4 "In all cases, animals must be confined in an enclosed building from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Noise measured at the nearest agricultural or residential property line shall not exceed forty (40) decibels;" (Amended 11-15-89) The applicant is requesting a waiver of this standard on the basis of several factors. Horses will be stabled in the barn only for the period of their recovery, generally a few days. The facility will not be otherwise used for boarding. Horses are not normally noisy animals, and unlike dogs, horses do not become more noisy when confined. In fact, they may be more subdued due to the effects of medication. It appears that this requirement in the ordinance is intended for a different type of animal and situation than the proposed clinic. Staff has not received reports of excessive noise as a result of the current rental barn use. Thus, staff can support the applicant's request for a waiver to this standard. and with the public health, safety and general welfare. There are no major issues affecting public health and general welfare associated with this application. In fact, it should make a positive contribution to the above-cited criteria by continuing to provide veterinary care in an agricultural area and appropriately re-using an existing building. Under the applicant'splam theissue of deferred maintenance will be addressed and the condition of the facility greatly improved. The most significant health and public safety issue is traffic. Based on the applicant's submitted operating plan, the following daily traffic can be expected: l) four veterinarian's vehicles generating a minimum of 16 vehicle trips per day (vtpd) [weekdays], since the practice is primarily ambulatory and each vet could be expected to visit patients on a daily basis; 2) four employee vehicles generating a minimum of 4 vrpd [weekdays], since two employees will reside on site in the existing rental apartments; two horse trailers bringing animals to the clinic per weekday on average, one emergency visit per two week period generating a minimum of 4 vtpd [weekdays], with occasional night emergency visits; and, 4~ assorted service vehicles, horse owners visiting the clinic to pick up medications, UPS tracks, etc. Staff does not find the potential traffic impacts from this proposal to be substantial, and believes that traffic will not exceed counts associated with the multiple uses occurring on-she previously. 5 The Virginia Department of Highways (VDOT~ has indicated that a commercial entrance permit will be required for the facility. Albemarle County Engineering staffhas measured the existing entrance, which meets VDOT's 30' commercial width standard, and does not recommend any additional improvements. SUMMARY: The proposed equine clinic is appropriately located, in an area designated Rural Areas in the Land Use Plan with good access from Mockernut Lane and Buck Mountain Road. The clinic would be a good adaptive re-use of the existing facilities, one which supports the equestrian orientation of the residential development and maintains a veterinary service in the area. No significant noise or visual impacts to the adjacent residential lots are anticipated, and traffic impacts appear to be moderate at most. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Two (2) actions by the Planning Commission will be required: 1) approve (with conditions) or deny the special use permit; and, 2) approve or deny the request for a waiver of Section 5.1.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends approval of the special use permit, subject to the following conditions: Recommended Conditions of Au~roval: The equine clinic shall be operated in accordance with the plan described in the applicant's description and the information contained in the letter sent to homeowners. The applicant shall obtain a commercial entrance permit from VDOT for the existing entrance tO the proposed clinic from Mockernut Lane. Staff also recommends approval of the request to waive Section 5.1.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Applicant's Description C - Informational Letter Sent to Homeowners A:\SP9732.RPT ALBEMARLE 54, COUNTY [ATTACHMENT AI !/ · °'-,-- -' '°L_ ........... AND WHITE HALL, JACK JOUETT CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICTS SECTION ./ :5O Paul R. Stephens and R. Reynolds Cowles, Jr., dba a partnership, request a special use permit for Lot 68 in the Hickory Ridge Subdivision [o allow operation of an equine ve~ennary hospital and office. The ongina building was constructed as a horse drawn carriage showroom and repair facility. The adjoining stable is a cus'~omary center aisle a horse barn. The carnage building lends itself to easy conversion to an eou~ne veterinary office and surgery. The existing landscaping beautifully screens this building from Mockernu~ Lane. Currently the building needs extensive outside repair and maintenance. It now houses a boot last shop and landscaping equipmenT. The barn is now rented as an equine facility. Adjoining paddocks are also in use. Blue Ridge Equine Clinic- our vetennary practice and hospital now operates under a special use permit at 4699 Catterton Road, 2 miles away from the Hickory Ridge site. We have expanded to our limits on the present property and need room To fully service the needs of our clientele. We currently have four equine vetennarians and operate a full service surgical and hospitalization facility. We conduct a large ambulatory practice from our site. There are several horses seen as outpatients at the clinic each day. We believe that the Hickory Ridge site ends itself to such a conversion without affecting the character and beauty of the site and makes full use of the original intended use as an equine facility. Blue Ridge Inc. I ATTACHMENT C l July 23. 1997 To: Hickory Ridge Homeowners Paul Stephens and Reynolds Cowtes - equine veterinarians propose to move our equine veterinary clinic to the Hickory Ridge Carriage Facility and barn - Lot #68 in the PUD. This lot was originally used as an equine facility and is zoned for business. Our use would be congruous with the initial plan. Blue Ridge Equine Clinic is composed of four veterinarians- Drs. Stephens, Cowles. Dagner and Casinella. 80% of our practice is ambulatory on the farms of Albemarle. Ora'nge, and Nelson counties. We enjoy an active equine referral practice to our surglcai anc hospitalization service now based on Catterton Road. This would be housed in the barn and carriage (clinic) building at Hickory Ridge. Our referrals are for the diagnosis of complex lameness and surgical problems along with medical cases. Surgery and lameness isthe bulk of our case load and we operate a wide variety of orthopedic and gastrointestinal conditions. Dr. Paul Stephens is a board certified surgeon and chief of that service. Our plans for Hickory Ridge are as follows: 1 .) The existing buildings would be utilized as is. 2.) The only interior changes will be made ~n the carriage building and this consists of creation of a surgery suite in the back great room. 3.) Both the carriage building and the barn will be resided to beautify and protect the buildings. 4.) Existing fences do not conform to lot boundaries. These fences would be replaced. 5.) We will have only two small port-a-paddocks for hospital cases and wilt not utilize the existing paddocks running out to 665. 6.) We would propose that the Bowers Trust allow us to reseed, fertilize and create an esthetic turf on these areas. 7.) We will use existing plantings as is. P]O. Box 278 · Free Union, Virginia 22940 · (804) 973-7947' 8.) The sma white barn in the lower SW corner is split with the property line. We propose to the homeowners that it be painted and repaired as we would use our half as a tractor shed. 9.) We will create a small 40 x 80 level area in back of the building where existing mulch piles now stand. This wilt be an exercise ring for evaluation of lameness cases. This area will be tightly fenced, The surface will be well maintained and watered. As you are currently aware the existing buildings at Hickory Ridge are in disrepair. We will beautify and maintain this area in a manner fitting for a referral equine hospital. We feel our present facility speaks for itself and invite everyone to come and observe the present clinic. There are a number of common questions that we would anticipate and would offer these comments for your consideration. Q. What kind of traffic will use the facility?. A. We have four practice vehicles and four lay employees who would drive to the clinic each day. We have an average of two horse trailers visiting daily Monday through Friday. On the average we have a night visit once every two weeks for an emergency surgery. These are usually concentrated in the spring during foaling season~ Q. How will animal waste be handled? A. We will containerize all stall waste and it will be disposed of off' the property. Q. What about dead animals? A. There are occasionally carcasses to dispose of whether due to euthanasia or an animal that died. We have a disposal service that picks up such cases. A dead an mai will be enclosed completely in a holding area until picked up. Q. What about chemical wastes? A. We comply fully with all environmental and OSHA regulations. We are strong environmentalists. Our disinfectant use is primarily chlorhexidene which is extremely safe. Plain soap and water does most of the job. We use about 1 gallon of a cold sterilization agent - glutaraldehyde - a month for surgical instruments and this goes in the normal septic system in very small quantities, Q. How about X-rays or nuclear wastes? A. Our X-ray machines are used mainly on the farms and are portable. We will have one machine in the clinic building and all radiation safety standards required by the state are followed There would be no scatter outside the area. We use a radionucletide as licensed by the NRC for diagnosis of bone problems in the horse. This is about 4 cases per month. These animals are isolated for 48 hours in our barn until they return to normal background levels. The stall bedding is held for 4 days until normal and then dispensed of ~n a normal fashion. These procedures are strictly monitored and all regulations are complied with. There is no danger to our workers or to anyone off site. Q. What about exterior lighting? A. We will use existing courtyard lights at night when a case is coming in and then the lights will be turned off. In the barn. lights will be on if we ,~ave technicians there at night taking care of cases. We will need a small lighted sign at the entrance of $65 to guide horse trailers at night. This sign will be turned on when a case is expected and turned off after arrival - perhaps on for 2 hours at a time. Our proposed sign would be 18" x 32" and tastefully simple. Please see our current sign at Catterton Road. In summary, we are all excited with the prospect of utilizing the wonderful carriage facility at Hickory Ridge to house Blue Ridge Equine Clinic. We strongly believe that you wilt find us to be good neighbors and that our renovations and enhanced esthetics will add beauty and value to our community. If you have questions do not hesitate to call Brian or Sam or Drs Cowles and Stephens directly. We would ,ove the opportunity to show you what we do and what our plans are and to answer any questions or concerns that you might have. A free flow of communication usually dispels problems and we welcome such. Sincerely Yours, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS August 22, 1997 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept, of Planning & Community Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 22902-4596 (804~ 296-5823 08-25-97A89:00 RCVD Edward Adams Oak Union Baptist Church 2132 Owensville Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP-97-33 Oak Union Baptist Church Tax Map 42, Parcel 81 Dear Mr. Adams: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on August 19, 1997, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: This special use permit is for worship and church related activities only. Day care, pre- school, or other such activities shall require an amendment to the special use permit. The proposed building will be similar in appearance to the architectural drawing titled,'Oak Union Baptist Church," received August 8, 1997. The applicant will add gravel to the parking lot to raise it to the road pavement surface Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comanent,at their meeting on September 17, 1997. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary loy Scala Senior Planner MJS/jcf cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Ella~ar/ey STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: MARY JOY SCALA AUGUST 19, 1997 SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 SP 97-33 OAK UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Apnlicant's Proposal: The applicant proposes to locate a one story detached building of 864 square feet adjacent the existing church to be used for Sunday school and fellowship hall. No bathroom or kitchen facilities are planned. Petition: Proposal to locate a one story detached Sunday school and fellowship hall building adjacent the existing church on 0.708 acres zoned RA Rural Areas [10.2.2(35)]. Property, described as Tax Map 42, Parcel 81, is the location of Oak Union Baptist Church on the west side of Route 676 (Owensville Road) at its intersection with Route 839 (Whippoorwill Road) near Owensville in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District. This site is designated Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan. t~See maps - Attachment A). Character of the Area: This site is wooded and open, with Oak Union Baptist Church, the church cemetery, and parking area in close proximity. Whippoorwill Hollow subdivision is adjacent to the west. Other properties in the immediate area contain single family dwellings on small parcels. There are several large acreages across Owensville Road to the east, RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval with conditions. Planning and Zoning History: None available. Comnrehensive Plan: This site is designated Rural Area, and is located within the South Fork Rivanna River Reservoir watershed. The Open Space Plan shows this area and the area extending to the north and east as important farmlands and forests. Oak Union Baptist Church is a surveyed historic site. The Growth Management goal states, "Protect and efficiently utilize County resources by: A. Emphasizing the importance of protecting the elements that def'me the Rural Area: 1) Agriculture and forestry resources; 2) water supply resources; 3) natural resources; 4) scenic resources; 5) historic and cultural resources; 6) limited service delivery.. Of these, the protection of agriculture and forestry resources is the highest priority. B. Designating Development Areas where a variety of land uses, facilities, and services are planned to support the County's future growth, with emphasis placed on irrfill development." Staff opinion is that the applicant's proposal to locate an activity building adjacent to the existing church does not affect agricultural or foreslry resources, water supply resources, natural resources, or scenic resources. Because the church is existing, and the proposed building will not cause an intensification of use, the proposal will not affect the existing level of service delivery in the Rural Area. A Natural Environment goal states, "Protect the County's natural, scenic, and historic resources in the Rural and Growth Areas." An Objective is, "Conserve the County's historical and cultural resources, including historic sites, structures and landscape features; archaeological sites; and other unique man:made features." Staff opinion is that the applicant's proposal supports this goal and objective by protecting a historic resource. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources has determined that the proposed building will be compatible with the existing historic structure. (See VDHR letter dated 5/29/97 ~ Attachment BJ STAFF COMMENT: Staffwilladdress eachprovisionofSection31.2.4.1 oftheZoning Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves tmto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding bv the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to ad_i acent ~)ropertv, Stuff opinion is that the proposed building will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property. The proposed building will be located to the rear of the existing church. The church cemetery is located to the south. A substantial buffer of trees exists between the site and the subdivision lots to the west. The proposed building will be visible from Owensville Road and Whippoorwill Road. The parking area in front of the church will remain unchanged. No changes in hours or days of operation are anticipated. Ihe church is currently used for Sunday services twice a month, with approximately 30 people in attendance. The new building will be used for Sunday school. Once a year the new building will be used as a fellowship hall for a special Homecoming event. The Zoning Department comments are attached. ~See memo dated 8/7/97 - Attachment C/. Zoning staff has determined that the applicant's proposal is not an intensification of use, that no site plan is required, and that the existing parking is adequate, with no improvement m parking required. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby. The applicant's proposal will not change the character of the district. 2 and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, Staff has reviewed the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, relation to the environment, and relation to Comprehensive Plan as stated in Sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6, and has found this application to be in harmony with these sections. Specifically, this request will not diminish or adversely affect a historic area, and further provides for a community need (i.e., church facility). with the uses permitted by right in the district, ]'he use will be in harmony with uses permitted by right in the district. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance, Section 5.0 conta'ms no additional regulations for this type of use. and with the public health, safety_ and general welfare. The applicant's pJroposal will promote the general welfare by provid'mg for the church's needs. There are no health issues. Staff opinion is that the limited use of the church does not create a public safety issue. The Virginia Departmem of Transportation comments are attached./See letter dated 7/18/97- Attachment D). They are recommending that a sight easement be obtained on the property across Owensville Road, that the existing entrance on Owensville Road be defined, and the grade of the parking lot raised approximately 0.5 foot. The applicant has tried unsuccessfully to obtain a sight easement from the adjacent owner. The applicant would prefer not to defme the entrance. but is willing to add gravel to the parking lot to raise it to the level of the road pavement. There is a three board fence along the front of the property across Owensville Road, where VDOT is recommending a sight easement. There are widely spaced walnut trees between the fence and the road. Virginia Department of Transportation has clarified that the fence is not a problem but the trees should be cut. It appears m staff that oncoming traffic fi:om the south is at least partially visible through the fence and trees. The fence area is well maintained. The speed limit fi:om the south is 40 mph and becomes 25 mph just before the church. In the other direction to the north, sight distance is adequate with the speed limit being 25 mph for some distance. The existing gravel parking lot and road entrance are approximately 100 feet long. VDOT is recommending a defmed entrance at the south (west) end of the lot adjacent the cemetery, where the lot is a few inches lower than the road surface. Staff opinion is that the currem and proposed use of the church does not warrant entrance improvemems as recommended by VDOT. Staffnoted during review of Mt. Amos Church, SP 96-51, that a benchmark to evaluate an application is VDOT's requirement of a commercial entrance for three dwellings (30 vehicle trips/day.) This Oak Union Church use would generate about 17 vehicle trips per week, less traffic than a single family home. SUMMARY: Staff opinion is that this request is in compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval with conditions. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: This special use permit is for worship and church related activities only. Day care, pre- school, or other such activities shall require an amendment to the special use permit. The proposed building will be similar in appearance to the architectural drawing titled,"Oak Union Baptist Church," received August 8, 1997. The applicant will add gravel to the parking lot to raise it to the road pavement surface. ATTACHMENTS: A - Maps B - VDHR letter C - Zoning memo D - VDOT letter MTN. C 0 sP 97-33 Oak Union Baptist Church -1ATTACHMENT Al jV~. .BEMARLE COUNTY 400 4001 IATTACHMENT A] Oak Union BaG Church ALBEI~IAi~L~ 29 ,/ NHITE HALL, ,JACK D SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICTS \ \. sEcTION -r2~ 180 WHITE HAIl, &N~UEI JAOK JOUETT DIS' COMMONWEALTH of V, R iNfA Alexander Wi~e. Jr.. Director Department of Historic Resources IATTACHMENT BI 22I Governor Street Richmond. Virginia 23219 May 29, 1997 Mr. Ed Adams Oak Union Baptist Church 2132 Owensville Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Oak Union Baptist Church Expansion Dear Mr. Adams: Thank you for submitting the architectural plans and elevations for the new building to be located at the Oak Union Baptist Church site. The new building, as proposed, will not be attached to the historic church building. The location, scale, massing, and materials planned for the new building appear to be compatible with Oak Union Church and the project appears to meet The Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Historic Properties. Should the project as presented on May 29th change, or if the Department of Historic Resources can be of any additional assistance, please call me at 804/371-0827. Sincerely, William Mills Crosby Historic Architect TELEPHONE: (804) 786-3143 TDD: ~804) 786-1934 FAX: (804) 225-4261 Building Code Information (804) 296-5832 COUNTY OF ALBEMAR! F Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 Mclnflre Road, Room 223 Charlottesville. Virginia 22902-4596 FAX (804/972-4126 TTD (804) 972~4312 (804~ 296-5875 MEMORANDUM TO: Mary Joy Scala, Senior Planner FROM: Jan Sprinkle, Chief of Zoning Administration DATE: August 7, 1997 RE: Oak Union Baptist Church John Grady and I visited the site this afternoon. We scaled out 17 parking spaces which is exactly what we estimated that they need for the current sanctuary which is their area of assembly. The addition of a 24' x 36' structure for Sunday school and fellowship hall not an intensification of use, and therefore, no site plan, no improvement to pkg, etc. is required. I would like you to inform the applicant that due to the location of the new structure and the odd shape of the lot, we will need to locate irons on the property lines prior to building permit issuance to insure that the building can be constructed without violating setbacks. I know that they don't currently have a plat of their property, and I want to try to address this ahead of time. dUl,[~lS' 97[FRIJ DAVID I~ GEl'IR 15:32 VOOT TEL:80~ '-~ 37S9 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIOH 701 VDOT WAy CHARLO'1'TESVILLE, 22911 A, G. TUCKER August Publio Hearing Submittals Mr. Ron Keeler Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA. 22902 Dear Mr. Keeler= Listed below please find our commente for August sut~ittals. S~-9~-32 Blue RidGe E_=uine Clinic.. RRute 665 The,existing entrance has adequate sight d/stance, however it does not meet commercial entrance requirements. The entrance should he a minimum of ]0 feet wide at the right of way 1/ne, with adequate radius to meet need of horse trailers, oak Union Baptist Church, Route 676 This existing siteldoes not have a defined entrance on Route 6?6 and it will be difficult to obtain full commercial sight distance without a sight easement on another property acrose the road. Tkis should be pursued, however the existing entrance can be enhanced by making a defined entry near the western property line and raisin9 the ~rade of the existing parking lot at this point by approximately 0.5 foot, There is a thin sliver of land parallel to Route 839 that prevents the church entry into this road, but an effort to obbain would be worthwhile since it would allow for a safer access. In any even= the uncontrolled access should be eliminated and a defined entrance pursued, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (80~) 296-5823 August 1, 1997 Mr. Edward Adams Mr. Ralph Smith Oak Union Baptist Church 2132 Owensville Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: SP 97-33 - Oak Union Baptist Church Dear Sirs: This letter is to notify you that your above-reference, ALBEMARLE COUNTer TUESDAY, ~4 ALBEMARLE COUNTY WEDNESDAY, SE ~gs as follows: Both of these meetings will be held at TOO p.m, Meeting 401 Mclntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. You will re one week prior to the Planning Commission meeting. YOU OR YOUR, REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRI~ __-- filding, genda THESE MEETINGS. If you should hax~e any questions or concerns about'this petition or schedule, please do not hesitate to contact me at (804) 296-5823 ext. 3386#. Sincerely, Senior Planner MJSfolb ~:~s. Ella Carey To: Members. Board of Supervisors From: Ella Washington Carey, CMC. Clerk~ Subject: Reading List for Semember t 7. 1997 Date: ~e~)~em~)er ' I 1997 Se~)tember 6. 995- Novemt)er .. 995- March 12. 997- Page - 17 0~em #7b) - Mrs. Humonns Page 17 (item #7b) - 35 (item #13} - Mr, Martin Page I - 15 - Mr. Marshall Fc~-t-F:~c3-5 ~ ......... 0) - M~oweFman ~age 35 (item # I 0, - enm - Mrs. Thomas All - Mr. Marshall RESOLUTION OF INTENT BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby adopt a Resolution of Intent to consider an ordinance to amend and reordain Chapter 2, Administration, Article IV, Airport Commission, of the Code of the County of Albemarle, in Section 2-30, Compensation and term of office of men, ers. This amendment will allow members of the Airport Commission to serve three terms. FURTHER REQUESTS that a public hearing on the proposed amendment be properly advertised for the October 8, 1997, Board meeting. I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is true, correct copy of a Resolution of Intent adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on September 17, 1997. Supervisors SEPTEMBER I 7. I ~7 EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION I MOVE THAT THE BOARD GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 2. 1-344(A) OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA UNDER SUBSECTION (7) TO DISCUSS PROBABLE LITIGATION REGARDING A PUBLIC SAFETY MATTER AND TO CONSULT WITH LEGAL COUNSEL AND STAFF REGARDING SPECIFIC LEGAL MATTERS RELATING TO REVERSION. RESOLUTION OF INTENT BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby adopt a Resolution of Intent to consider an ordinance co amend and reordain Chapter 2, Administration, Article IV, Airport Commission, of the Code of the County of Albemarle, in Section 2-30, Compensation and term of office of members. This amendment will allow members of the Airport Commission to serve three uerms. FURTHER REQUESTS that a public hearing on the amendment be properly advertised for the October 8, meeting. proposed 1997, Board I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregolug writing ls urue, correct copy of a Resolution of Intenn adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on September 17, 1997. Supervisors