HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-03-17[ I..N t'.\ fiX. ! ~:00 P %1. MAII('I! I~ It)'), N,..%.orl,_ ~c_%~ig.[J;_. I:Y / L)q_7'_-?~ (_ '2[J[![ } J )l'-t'r;L[ Call to Order. BUDGET WORK SESSION: 1:00 Budget Overview of Major Issues - Robert W. Tucker, Jr. 1:30 General Government Critical Issues/Funding Priorities . Administration Judicial . Public Safety . Human Services , Parks and Recreation , Community Development . Supplemental Funding Constitutional Officers . Discussion: Salary Compression Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Adjourn to March 19, 1997, 1:00 p.m. County of Albemarle BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEMORANDUM 03-~4-97P12:46 ~C TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Roxanne W. White, Assistant County Exccuti DATE: March 14, 1997 RE: Budget Work Sessions Attached is the proposed schedule for the budget work sessions and a copy of the presentation that will be the focus of Monday's work session. Monday's presentation and budget review of General Government follows the same sequence as we have followed in the past, Le. by functional category of administration, public safety, human services, etc., but focuses more on the critical issues within each functional area, rather than going through the budget document by each department or agency. During the discussions of each functional category, the Board will have the opportunity to raise questions or to bring up other issues or funding requests that may have not been touched upon in that functional area presentation. Department and Agency Heads have been notified of the change in the work session format and have been invited to attend if they wish to, with the understanding that their particular department or agency may not be discussed if no further elaboration or questions are requested from the Board. If issues or questions on general government's operating budget cannot be addressed within Monday's time frame, the following Monday's work session (3/24) has been set aside for any follow up information or discussion requested by the Board. The work sessions on Monday, the 17m and Wednesday, the.19'h will be set up inthe Totier Room {Room 235) to hopefully provide a better presentation and discussion of the budget issues. The work sessions on Monday, the 24m and Wednesday, the 26~h (if needed) will be back in the Board's regular meeting room. Attachment RWWrww Albemarle CounW Executive's Office 401 Mclntire Rd. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 i804) 296-584l ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSESSION SCHEDULE MONDAY, MARCH 17 Totier Room -Room 235 (5/6) County Exec~itive's Recommended Budget 1:00 Budget Overview - Robert W. Tucker, Jr. 6 - General Fund 1:30 General Government Critical Issues/Funding Priorities Administration Judicial Public Safety Human Services Parks and Recreation Community Development Supplemental Funding Constitutional Officers Discussion Salary Compression WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 Totier Room -Room 235 (5/6) School Division, GIS, Personnel Issues 1:00 School Division -Dr. Kevin C. Castner, Ms. Karen Powell 2:00 Geographic Information System - Current and Future Issues/Demonstration 3:00 FY 1997/98 Capital Budget Long-Term Financial Projections 3:30 Continuation of General Government Critical Issues, if needed. MONDAY, MARCH 24 Review and Discussion 1:00 Review of Board of Supervisor Issues/Funding Priorities Remaining criticalissues and questions, if needed Matters for consideration from other work sessions Proposed allocation of Board's Reserve fund Setting of tax rates for public hearing WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 1:00 Meeting Scheduled for Other Matters, if Necessary P.O. Box 203 Charlottesville. Virginia 22902 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of the Sheriff Albemarle County Courthouse T,W. Hawkins Sheriff Telephone: 804-972-400l Fax #: 804-972-4065 March 12, 1997 Charlotte Humphries Chairperson of the Board'of Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Dear Mrs. Humphries: There are several items that I need m address in my current budget request. I would agree with the County Executive's recommendations, with three noted exceptions below. First of all, I would like to speak to the Scottsville issue. I appreciate the Board's cooperation in allowing that function to get started and to assist the citizens of Scottsville for the past several years. That function has now grown into a very highly successful operation, and is operating very smoothly and exceeded all expectations. It has proven to be a cost effective cooperative effort with much success with the Albemarle Police Department, saving them many man hours in response to problems in the Scottsville area. The citizens of Scottsville are very pleased with the results and have agreed to totally fund the operation beginning July I, 1997. t have enclosed a newspaper article that gives an example of the many positive things that are happening as a result of the joint efforts of the Board of Supervisors and the Albemarle County Sheriff's Office. The Board deserves a pat on the back for their help in getting this very successful project offand running, Now the town counsel has decided to continue this at their own expense. The problem is that the Deputy who was assigned to Scottsville has decided to stay on with the Town of Scottsville, and the County Executive has made the decision ro not replace his position within this organization. Instead he has decided to use the funds that were being used to pay his salary to make the two part time court security positions that were made FUll time last year, permanent. I disagree with this position. I was counting on that officer to help me with the current needs of the Sheriff's Office. I desperately need the services of that officer to return from Scottsville on July ~1. I have enclosed documented figures that will justify this request. March 12o I997 The second issue I would like m address is the request for radio equipment. I have been the Sheriff now for 10 years, and I have requested the necessary funding m purchase the necessary radio equipment numerous times. This is a serious public safety issue that needs to be addressed immediately. We are only asking for $8,680 to purchase high band radios so my officers w/Il have contact w/th the 911 Center, and the other police departments in this area. We had a situation that happened last summer when the County Police Deparrmem was overwhelmed w/th calls for emergency service. We put 9 fully trained and certified officers in the field m respond to calls and provide valuable assistance to the Police Deparanem, and the citizens of this County. The problem was that both the 9t 1 Center and the Police Department had a serious problem communicating with us due to the fact that we had no high band radios in the units to allow us m communicate. This is a serious public safety issue that needs to be addressed immediately. We are constantly dealing with situations that require us to conummicate with the 911 Center and area police departments, and it is absurd not to consider funding this request of $8,680. This is a small amount of money to fix this problem. It is far better to spend this money now than to allow an officer to be seriously injured as a result of not being able to communicate with the 911 Center and area police departments. The suggestion that I find the money somewhere in the current budget is unreasonable, since there is absolutely no fat in my budget whatsoever. The third and final issue that I would like to address is the request to have my employees placed on the County Pay Plan. We are only asking for $~8,980 to bring my employees up m par with other county employees. The previous decision by the Board not m include my office in the County Pay Plan needs to be revisited. It is time for the Board to realize that I am your Sheriff, and my people consider themselves County Employees. They are treated that way by me and by other county staff. It is long overdue that this situation be addressed and that in the name of fairness they be compensated as an equal with other County Employees. In reference to another statement made in the report to the Board by the County Executive's Office, regarding the continued increase of local funding vs. State funding for the Sheriffs Office functions. The Albemarle County Sheriffs Office through actions of the Board. first by creating a regional jail in 1975, and then by creating a Police Department in 1984, are directly responsible for puffing the wheels in motion to take away the only two sources this office has to use existing formulas to acquire more state funded positions needed to carry om the duties of this office. [ am powerless to force the state to give me more manpower since the only formulas are for law enforcement 1- 2,000 population and for jait officers 1- 3 prisoners population. Theie are no formulas for Sheriffs like myself that have neither. The only place I can rum to for resources is the locality. It is unfair to place the blame on me for this situation, since the Board initiated the actions to form the regional jail and the Police Department, and therefore, deprived me of the means to adequately staffmy office. The only place I can turn to is the locality for assistance. The only thing I request is that I receive the same consideration as the Police Department. in the past ten years they have doubled their staff March 12. 1997 and again this year it is recommended that they receive three new positions, ar a cost ro exceed $150,000. All I ask for is equal consideration on budget manners. In my opinion it is time for the two organizations to be considered equal on budgetary matter. Any consideration you could g~ve me would be deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Terry W. Hawkins Sheriff of Albemarle County TH/mpc COUNTY OF A~ REMAR[~E O~ce ~ t~e Sheri~ Albemarle Count~ Courthouse Februa~ 27,1997 Robert W. Tucker Jr. County Executive County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville Va. 22902 RE: Current Workload Evaluation Dear Mr. Tucker: Over the past 12 weeks in my new role as Chief Deputy I have developed a new opinion of the work performed by each deputy. I had no idea hew hard each member worked to make each day a success. While a member of the police dept. I was part of a work study, not surprising it was determined that the average work day logged for each police officer was 4.3 hours a day (ie, documented traffic stops, calls for service, etc.). No one in this office has ever factored in collateral work time needed to make each deputies assignment in the Sheriffs' Office a successful one. Using tke police dept's information/formula, each officer logged jus~ over fifty percent of their work day. Looking at the current workload indicators within the Sheriffs' Office and using the figure of 5.0 hour of work each day. This office is under staffed by 3 positions. If we factor in each employee has collateral work before and after each assignment plus vacation time,holiday time and DCJS training, reducing a work year by 30 days, we should be at 14 staff employees based on the current 1996 figures of 15,660 man hours. This conservative figure of 15,660 man hours is actual hour of labor worked. ( 1FTE for every 1150 man hours ). Currently we have i1 deputies in place to handle the 15,660 hours. Two Sergeants and nine deputies share this work load. Lt. Layman is often required to serve in court, serve papers and transport, taking away from his daily assigned role. Lt. Layman must each day make sure all the courts are staffed and that transportation orders are carried out along with criminal warrant assignments. Our two Sergeants unlike the police, work assigned areas within their divisions, they perform the same job as a deputy plus provide supervision to their employees. We need and should have according to the figures, 14 staff deputies not 11. Please allow me ~o go over the manpower history as I understand it~ In FY 94/95, we had 3.89 positions locally funded. 10 comp. board. (13.89). 0 Scottsville. In PY 95/96, we had 4.26 positions locally funded. 12 comp. board. 1 Scottsville funded.(17.26). This came about due to a comp.board increase of 2 and county funding of 2 part-time. in FY 96/97, we have 5.0 positions locally ~unded. 12 comp. board. and 1 Scottsville funded.(18.0). Due to 2 temp. upgrades. ~n FY 97/98, I am told there will be only 3.26 locally funded. 12 comp board and 2 Scottsville funded.(l?.26). The county would be reducing it's funding by 1.74 positions. I was not given or provided this factor in preparing t~e budget and there fore failed ~o prepare an expanded budget form to address this element. Please note that ~he figure of 3.26 positions is even less than 94/95 funding of 3.89 positions. Factoring in that the city is sharing tn this local funding process of 2 positions, the county would be providing less towards personnel. The city being 2.0 position and the county .63 positions 2 times if funding were kept the same our total number of 18 employees would factor in 12 comp. 2 city, 2 county and 2 Scottsville, still well below our needs. Included in this report is a break down of man hours worked in 96 for your review. I am sorry to say that we are in need of reorganizing our current record gathering system, so much of wha~ these deputies do each day goes unrecorded. (ie.processing prisoner, fingerprinting applicants, processing for D.A. etc.). Also overlooked in the past and not factored into our daily operations as I mentioned earlier are required DCJS training, vacations time , overtime/comp taken , injuries and sick leave, some 30 days of time. All of these time management issues take away from our staffing and require us to work ever day below needed levels. In closing, again let me say the volume of work performed by each deputy in this office with it's terminations,injuries and retirements has been overwhelming. Michael ~-~Lugar, Chief Deputy Albemarle County cc: Sheriff T.W.Hawkins Mr. Richard Huff ~ ~p ,¢ f~ · ~ o om communz~,,/ needed to ge~ Scot~sville ;s COUNTY OF ALBEM~ Offic~ of the She~ff A~bemade Counw Cou~house mA. Roxanne Wh~+~,Ass~st~t County From: Michael Lugar,Ckief Deputy, A.C.S.O.~ Date:01/23/97 Re: 97/98 Budget After reviewing your questions, I have listed our response ~n the same order. 1. I reviewed the history of expenditures in this line item and can't understand or explain why we have a history of only or less, except that some officers may not be sending their uniforms to the laundry, it's my desire to improve the standards ~n this office and to do so means to improve personal image. The math is, two uniforms cleaned a week per deputy. Cost S3.00 per uniform. With 17 FTE's in uniform, m~nus two weeks vacation, it comes nc $5,100.00 per year. 2. I must have misunderstood the process. I did leave ou~ of the base line Form #4 those figures. I did prepared expanded budget forms explaining these requests with ~he understanding they would be plugged in if excepted. However ! did change form ~3 to reflect the base line reques~ for 97/98 and provided a copy to your office on the morning of 1/17/97 before our meeting time. Please no~e form #3 shows (370000 a~ $5,100.00, 600900 at $2,500.00 and 601000 at $8,680.00). These figures are also shown on supplement budge~ form $3 which is called additions to baseline, which I took ~o be in place of baseline. 3. Please no~e that on form #7 I reflected Veh# 30 and Veh# 159 as needing to be replaced in this budge~ Also no~e tha~ both Veh.#888 and Veh#79 are in need of replacement this 97./98 budge~ which would show a need for four replacements. It was recommended by your staff that we should try and be consistent each year so as to better provide for future requests. With this in mind I felt it prudent to attempt a program by which we would comply. 4. The radio's would operate daily on our current high band frequency already in use by this office. However just as the other agencies in the area have the ability to communicate with each other so would we. 5. I have reviewed my office needs, a stand alone system is all that is needed so long as one of our computers is connected to the LAN. However if you feel differently, we can talk about this at any time. 6. The comp.board does fund the current positions listed in your memo. Sgt. Wright,Sgt. Jones and Lt.Layman. 7. We have made no service level changes to the court except co increase them as needed with comp.board deputies. I have reviewed your Sheriff's staffing history form and your staff changed 2 FTE positions to part-rims, this is where the refection changed. Beth Berry and Stoddard need to be kept as full-time to support the ever growzng needs of the courts. The Sheriff has also asked that we mee~ with your review staff and speak to the budget issues. I know that due to scheduling problems we missed the first date, however the Sheriff feels it Lmpo~mnt we try and get back together as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and help it this matter. Please call him with a new time and date. cc: Sheriff T.W.Hawk±ns County of Albemarle, Virginia Memorandum To.· From: Date: Re: Sheriff Terry W. Hawkins, Albemarle County_~She,(dS' Executiv~ Roxanne White, Assistant County ~ lanuary 17, 1997 FY 1997/98 Budget Request After reviewing your reques'ced budget for FY 1997/98, the executive budget staffhad a few questions on your requested budget and FY98 staqfing allocation: 1. Please justify your request for $5,100 in laundry/dx clean/ng expenses in FY98, in light of your historical spending in this line item The attached printout shows actual laundry/dry cleaning expenditures of less than $3,000 annually since FY94. (See Attachment 1) 2. The mount of police supplies (601000) requested for FY 98 is $0 Is this intentional? Which three vehicles would your department like to replace in FY98? (Your baseline request includes funding for two replacement vehicles, and a separate expansion requests funding for a third.) 4. Regarding your expanded request for radio equipment, what frequencies would these radios be attuned to? What plans do you have to ensure communication with the ECC? Are there any additional costs associated with being able to communicate with the ECC? 5. Why isn't network hardware requested along with the new computer requested for Deputy Lugar? Wouldfft this computer be connected to the LAN? 6. Does the Compensatic~n Board fund the following Deputies at the ranks listed below: Deputy Wright Sergeant Deputy Jones Sergeant Deputy Layman Lieutenant 7. Finally, in light of the staffing analysis completed this summer for your department, as welt as the Board of Supervisor's recommendations that 1) staffing ratios of local and Compensation Board employees fimded positions be maintained for both Juvenile Cour~ 401 Mclni~re Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22902 ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROPOSED BUDGE~ WORKSESSION SCHEDULE MONDAY~ MARCH 17 County Executive's Recommended Budget 1:00 Budget Overview - Robert W. Tucker, Jr. General Fund Capital Fund Trends and Five-Year Projeeti0ns 1:30 General Government Critical Issues/Funding Priorities 0 Administration Judicial Public Safety Human Services Parks and Recreation Community Development WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 School Division, GIS, Personnel Issues 1:00 School Division - Dr. Kevin C. Castner, Ms. Karen Powell 2:00 Geographic Information System - Current and Future Issues/Demonstration 3:00 Supplemental Funding Constitutional Officers 3:30 Continuation of General Government Critical Issues, if needed. MONDAY, MARCH 24 Review and Discussion 1:00 Review of Board of Supervisor Issues/Funding Priorities Remaining critical issues and questions, if needed Matters for consideration'from other work sessions Proposed allocation of Board's Reserve fund Setting of tax rates for public hearing WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 1:00 Meeting Scheduled for Other Matters, if Necessary t~ BOP. RD OF SIJPER¥ISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of County Executive 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville. Virginia 229024596 t804) 296-5841 FAX f804) 972P4060 03-14-97P12:30 RCVD March 14, 1997 To: Chairman Karen Lilleleht and Members of the Albemarle Housing Committee Dear Karen and Committee Members, I am writing to request your input and recommendation on the recent request by the newly formed Charlottesville Housing Foundation/Thomas Jefferson Housing Improvement Progrmn (CHF/TJHIC) for $50,000 in administrative and operational support funds to address affordable housing issues within the Region Ten Planning District. Their request was not included for funding in the County Executive's Recommended budget due to the lack of available fonds, as well as the short mm mound time for reviewing their proposal, which was only submitted on February 5. Before the County commits local funds of this magnitude toward a housing program, I feel it is critical that the Board of Supervisors and the County Executive's Office have input from the County's H6using Committee. Specifically, I think it would be helpful if the Committee could address the following issues~ The Housing Committee's Resolution adopted in May, 1995 stated that the: "current proliferation of local housing non-profits creates an environment of competition for limited resources and recognition; duplication of programs provided; difficult service coordination and customer service on shared-projects; duplication of administrative costs, especially staff" You requested that the County and the City convene representatives of AHIP, CHIP (no longer in existence), CHF, Jordan Development Corporation and Midway Housing Development Corporation to come together to explore the feasibility of a new organization into which these local non-profits might be reorganized. Although the County and City met several times over that summer to explore what such an organizational structure might look like, as I explained in my July 16 letter to the Housing Committee, these discussions were put on hold until we determined if the newly f6rmed CHF/TJHIC merger would meet the objectives of this single, new organization. It is now time for the County and City to address the following questions related to the CHFFrJHIC reorganization and their pending funding request: Does this reorganization provide the "one organization" which the Housing Committee envisioned? Will it improve the competition for limited resources and recogintion? Does it duplicate other programs already in existence in Albemarle County? Will it improve service coordination and provide better customer service to the community? Will it eliminate duplicative administrative and staffing costs? Since this organization's scope ~s mgionai, not just City/County, how and when will the other local non-prefits be brought into this organization? How should the federation concept initially discussed as a way of incorporating the needs and interests of all the non-profit be pursued with these two organizations? Since this merger represents only one of the housh~g non-profits referred to in your resolution, how and when does AHIP need to be brought into the organizational discussions? How would the Housing Committee respond to AH][P's March 10 letter to the County Executive? Finally, how would the CHF/TJHIC funding proposal rank with the Committee's priorities, given that the Housing Committee is considering other funding requests of their own_ such as tap fee waivers and a revolving loan fund. For your information. I have attached a copy of the CHF/TJHIC budget request and the AHIP letter. I also plan to be at your March 21 meeting to provide any additional information and/or respond to any questions you may have on this issue. Although the Board will not have the benefit of your input in time for their March 17 worksession when the CHF/TJHIC proposal is reviewed, it would be extremely helpful to have your comments prior to the Board's third work session on Monday, March 24. Thank you for your time and consideration of these issues and questions. As the Board's appointed Housing Committee, your insight and recommendations are critical to the Board 'and the County Executive's Office when requested to make funding commitments of this magnitude for affordable housing in Albemarle County. Sincerely, Roxanne W. White Assistant County Executive c: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Attachments RWW/rww 03-10-97I?~:56 ;.RCVD , - .AI BEMARLE HOUSING IMPROVEMENT IaROGRAM: ,"! 70014xP, pas STP~T. Sun~ 100 · CH~LOTn~WL~. VI~tC~IX~ 22903 ° 804-293-5708 · F~80,~29~-4~o4 March 10. 1997 Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive Albemarle County 401 Mcintire Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Dear Mr. Tucker, This letter is written at the request of Ginnie McDonald in response to tJ~e question raised in your February 24 correspondence to Bruce Kirtley and George Loper. On February 27, AHIP President Anne Kavonaugh, Vice-President Nick Munger, and Executive Director Theresa Tapscott met with Mr, Kirtley and Mr. Loper to discuss these matters. At our invitation, representatives of CHF and TJHIC attended the AHiP Executive Committee meeting on March 3 to continue these conversations. During both meetings, there were discussions about what services the combined TJHIC/CHF organization could offer to Albemarle County. The response by the representatives of the newly combined organizat'mn was that for the near future, their priorities will be organizational activities and project development, and that actual service deliver,j would come later. Mr. Kirtley and Mr. Loper emphasized that tbey do not wish to take any actions which could weaken AHIP, nor seek funding which would come at AHIP'se~pensa. We discussed at length the need to insure the services provided in the future by this new organization complement, rather than duplicate, AHIP's capac~. The attached addendum outlines AHIP's current activities, and capacities. AHIP endorses the County Housing Committee's Resolutions of May 18, 1995, calling for housing agencies to e~plore the possibilities of reorgan~ing in order to achieve economies of scale, and we also welcome the opportunity to work with other groups in the Planning District to develop more efficient and effective housing detivery services. AHIP supports the concept of an organization designed to streamline housing activities, reduce compet'~iton for resources and recognition, build the capacity of other non-profits, and serve as a conduit for privately raised funds in ~e region. We feel strongly that such an entity should involve all the Iosalities and area non-profits during its organizational planning and des'~n, and throughout its decisien-making process, se as to establish an effective system of checks and balances and to insure accountability to all funding sources. As always, AHIP we{comes ~he opportunity to participate in the ongoing effort to improve housing initiatives for the rog[on. Sincerely, Anne Kavanaugh President-Board of Directors Theresa Tapscott Executive Directar cc: Ms. Roxanne W. White Ms. Virginia McDonald Mr. Bruce Kirtley Mr. George Loper Albemarle County Board of Supervisors f ADDENDUM: CURRENT PROGRAM ACTIVITIES OF TH~ ALREMARLE HOUSING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (AHIP) Rehabilitation: AHIP is currently providing housing rehabilitation services to Iow income home owners in Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville. AHIP provides outreach counseling, technical building assistance, and general contracting services, it is projected that AHIP will complete 35-40 rehabilitation prcYjects in AlbemaHe County and 12-15 rehabs in the city during the current fiscal year (July 96-June 30). Goals for FY are to complete 40 and 18 respectively. AHIP leverages approximately $900,000 from outside sources to accomplish its goals. Emergency Home Repair Program: The Emergency Home Repair Program serves approximately 75 families in Albemarle County each year. Albemarle County provides one staff position, and administrative support, and AHIP leverages funds from other public/private sources to complete the construction projects. Neighbors Program: The Neighbors Program utilizes volunteer labor, private contributions, and available public/private funding sources to rehabFitate and build homes for Iow income families. Clients served through the Neighbors Program typically have needs that cannot be met by tTaditional resources available to AHIP. Volunteer labor and private contributions are used to ~fill the gap~ between what is available, and actual job cost. New Constructton/Home Sales: AHIP maintains an ex~nsive waiting list of Iow income families who wish to purchase their first homes. AHIP staff provides initial screening of individuals to determine their readiness to purchase. If an individual is ready and eligible, AHIP works to locate an affordable home and assists with financing. [t the individual does not qualify for one reason or another, he/she ~s referred to the Albemarle Office of Housing's Housing Counselor. In order to provide affordable units for Iow income families to purchase, AHIP has begun to build modest units throughout Albemarle County as needed. AHIP is capable of building and selling homes for significantly less than for~profit developers because of its non-profit philosophy and the administrative base provided byAlbemarle County. AHtP has made home ownership possible for even very iow income families by applying the volunteer labor of the Neighbors Program to further reduce cost. 5. Rental Housing: AHIP currently has several rental irons in the fire: -AHIP has optioned a piece of property in Albemarle County in order to conduct site studies to determine the feasibility of developing 16 single family homes. If feasible, tt~ homes would be rented to Iow income county residen~ at below market rents. It is proposed that this project .would be financed in large part by the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. -AHIP is partnering with the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE~ to develop several units of transitional housing for SHE clients. The program is being designed to provide some short term (6 weeks to 1 year), and long term (1 year to 3 years) rental housing. AHtP would be the owner, and manager of the units and SHE would provide support services, and ongoing counseling for residents. AHIP is currently searching for an appropriate site. The e~pectation is that Program Design wilt be completed by June of 97, and funding will be sought after July 97. -it is AHIP's intention to purchase and rehabilitate scattered site homes throughout Albemarle County (and perhaps the City). These homes would be rented to low income families participating in the County's Family Self Sufficiency Program at below market rents. Upon completion of a family's FSS contract, the home would be offered for sale to the occupant.~ Proceeds from the sale ofthese units would be rein,/ested in other scattered site rehabilitation projects. AHIP currently owns one unit, has a contract on one unit, and~ would like to purchase six more before the end of FY 97. Technical Assistance: Since expansion into the City of Charlottesville, AHIP has been able to provide tachnical assis[~ance to several other non-prof'its in the regiom AHIP hired two full time individuals in order to provide outreach and technical assistance for city rehabilitation projects. The quantity of work in the city however, is not suffioient to support full time positions, therefore the barance of these positions ~s being "sold' to other area non-profits. These groups ara often small, one or two person operations, and cannot afford full time employees. They can however afford to purchase services on an as needed contractual basis. Services provided to date include: -Charlottesville Housing Foundation (CHF): AHIP staff completed funding applications for the expansion of CHF's Stepping Stone project in the City of Charlottesville. ANIP staff also prepared CHF's Neighborhood Assistance Tax Cradit Application in the fall of 1996. AHIP staff is currently providing technical assistance and project management services for CHF's Steppingstone e~ansion. -Nelson Community Development Foundation (NCDF): AHIP is assisting Nelson prepara a Community Development Block Grant application by completing housing inspections and work write ups required by DHCD. In addition, AHIP is negotiating a contract with NCDF to provide inspections and estimating/procurament services for their Indoor Plumbing Program and CDBG (i~ funded). -Jordan Development Corporation: AHIP has been in conversation with the Jordan Development Corporation regarding possible staffing of the final phase of development of the Meadows in Crozet. Jordan isa totally volunteer organization, and therefora must hire consultants to cempleta development projects. By utilizing AHIP's ex~sting administrative base, it is felt that the project can be developed at a lower cost. AHIP is also working with Jordan to purchase two Of their single family homes in the City of ChaHottesville, and Jordan is considering a requestby AHIP to provide $10,000 of funding for the Neighbors Program. -Greene County: AHIP contracted with the TJPDC to build a single family home for a Iow income family.