HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-11 David P Bov~rrnan
Cha rlotte~ville
Charlotte Y. Humphris
Fotrest R. Marshall, Jr.
Office of Board of Supervisors
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville. Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 972-4060
TO: Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executzve
FROI~: Ella W. Carey, Clerk ~
DATE: March 12, 1996
SUBJECT: Board Actions of March 11, 1996
Call to Order an 1:05 p.m.
It was decided by agreemenm of Board members that funded and unfaded
mnems would be included on the reconsideration list.
Budget Overview of Major Issues by Mr. Tucker.
Board of Supervisors - No change recommended.
County Executive - No change recommended.
~uma~ ~e~ources - No change recommended.
County Attorney - Add $8,840 in additional funding for a part-time Law
Department of F~nance - No change recommended.
Information Services - No change recommended.
Registrar - No change recommended.
Circuit Court - No change recommended.
General District Court - NO change recommended.
~ag~strate - No change recommended.
Charles S. Martin
Walter F, Perkins
Sallk H. Thomas
Printed on recycled paper
Page 2
Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
March 12, 1996
Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court - No change recommended.
Clerk of Circuit Court - No change recommended.
Commonwealth's Attorney - Delete $8,172 to supplement the salary of an
Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney.
Sherif~ - Add $38,275 to upgrade (2) parn-time Depuuy Sheriff's no full-
clme positions currently in Juvenile Court. Consider extending the agreemenn
with the Town of Scottsville for Law Enforcemenu Services through July 1,
Agenda Item No. 3. Other Matter not Listed on the Agenda from the
Mr. Tucker said Senator Couric had notified him that there would be more
funds available to Albemarle County relative to the Composite Index. He
should have some firm figures by next wednesday.
Mrs. Humphris asked for a chart showing the expanded requests recom-
mended for fundin9 and the expanded requesus non recommended for funding.
Agenda Item No. 4. Adjourn no March 13, 1996, au i:00 p.m. The meenzng
was adjourned au 3:22 p.m.
Larry Dav~s, Esquire
Richard E. Huff, II
Roxanne White
1. Call to Order. 1:05 p.m. by the Chair. All Board members were present (Perkins
arrived at 1:02 and Bowerman arrived at 1:05). All present were Mr. Tucker. Mr. Huff.
Ms. White and Mr. Davis.
County Attorney - Added $8,840 for part-time law clerk
Commonwealth's Attorney - Deleted $8,172 to supplement salary of an Assistant
Commonwealth's Attorney.
Sheriff- Added $48,275 to upgrad the two half-time positions currently in Juvenile Court
to two full time possitions. Extended agreement for another year to allow deputy in
Town of Scottsville.
Mrs. Humphris Said she had problem with following funded recommendations and
unfunded; wants to see a chart that has the unfunded in total dollars and
recommendations for funded in total dollars in separate columns.
Agreed to ada or delete item from funded list
Bob announced that Senator Couric notified him that there will be more funds available
to the County relative to the Composite Index. Should know some firm numbers by
next Wednesday.
4. Adjourn to March 13 1996, at 1:00 p.m Motion by Bowerman, seconded by
Martin to adjourn to March 13.
Agenda Item No. (Note: This number does
not change if this item is deferred to some future date.
This sheet is moved forward with all of the paperwork.)
Item Name
(For County Executive's information, please note name of
person who will be making presentation to the Board. )
Request Made By ~~/~
On (Date)
This form is to be used when scheduling an item for a Board
of Supervisors' agenda. This form will NOT be distributed
to anyone, but is intended only for use by the Clerk in
scheduling the agenda. Please fill out one copy of this
work sheet (it may be handwritten) and return with the orig-
inal of any paperwork yqu wish no have forwarded to the Board.
For Clerk's Use:
Appointment Confirmed with (name)
On (Date)
By (Name)
Telephone? Mail?
Materials Received with Request?
Note: On
(Yes) (No)
appeal of site plans or subdivision plats, be
include Planning Commission minutes with paperwork.
Form. 2
Scottsvilie Law Enforcement Agreement
Request to enter into a new service agreement with the
Town of Scottsvitle and the Albemarle County Sheriff for
the purpose of having the Sheriff furnish law
enforcement services in the Town.
Messrs. Tucker, Huff, Ms. White
March 11, '1996
Yes~ ~
On January 31, 1994, the Town of Scottsvills, the Albemarle County Sheriff and the County of Albemarle entered
into a tripartite service agreement for the purpose of having the Sheriff furnish law enforcement services in the
Town. On December21, 1994, the agreement was amended when the County agreed to allow one locally county
funded deputy position to be assigned for law enforcement services in the Town of Scottsville until July 1, 1996.
This amendment specifically indiceted that after July 1, 1996 no locally county funded deputy positions shall be
assigned for law enforcement services in the Town.
As part of his 1996-1997 budget request, Sheriff Hawkins asked that funding be continued for 1996-1997 for the
locally funded deputy to continue to provide law enforcement services in the Town. Concurrently, Sheriff Hawkins
requested that .~74 additional FTE's be~ provided his Office. for addifiOnaJ manpower needed in the
Charlot~es~/ille/Albemarle Juvenile Court, by exp~nding two part time positions to full time. The county 'Executive s
budget recommendation is to,move the~caliy, fur'~fed deputy, who Js~cur~ently assigne:d ~o~tl~e ~own. e~SCott~v~l~,
~th~.;Jluvenile Court effect v~ July 1, 1996 a~'anet COst t'o t~t{~..Oount~'-~ $~1~2-~' -r~is net cost represents the ioss
of some reimbursement for the benefits of this position by the Town of Scottsville, but is consistent with the signed
agreement dated December 21, t994. A[[emat[vely,!the co~t t~;apgrade the two:hat~+~m~positio.ns~cu~entlyir~
ju~e~Jte ~urt'.to-~0 full ,time posit ohs JS estimate(~ a~t~ $3~ ~7$~f0~'~t-he:. 74FTE i~ea~s~:
Given the identified need for additional manpower in Juvenile Court, staff felt that the agreement with the Town of
Scottsville had served its purpose to allow Scottsville to get on its feet following its boundary adjustment and that
the manpower could be best utilized in Juvenile Court which would serve the entire County for a relatively modest
cost. Should the Board choose to pursue a new agreement with the Sheriff and the Town of ScottsVille, a new
agreement would need to be authored in that the 1994 agreement had no provision for an extension.
December 21~ 1994 (Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 16)
A, attached hereto, such services not being provided by other
firefi~hting servioes; and,
WHEREAS, in consideratiQn for its financial assistance, the
County requires the Fire Company to provide such firefighting
services; and,
WHBREAS, the parties desire to put such agreement in writing.
THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
(1) The Fire Company will provide firafighting and emergency
medical first responder services to the County in the area de-
scribed on Schedule A attached bereto~
(2) The CoUnty will assist the Fire Company financially as it
determines in its sole discretion from time to time so long as the
Fire Company continues to provide such services in the described
WITNESS the following siquature$ and seals:
Agenda Item NO. 12. Authorize Chairman to execute Scottsville!s Amended
Service Agreement for law enforcement services~
(The Execufive Summary ~tates that in January of 1994 the County, Scotts-
ville and the Sheriff enteredinto e tripartite Service Agreement which
authorized the Sheriff to act as Chief of Police for Sco~tsvilte and to
provide law enforcement services for the Town. The purpose of ~he Agreement
was to take advantage of potential funding from the State for an additional
deputy or deputies which would provide law enforcement services for the Town
at no cost to the county.
The 1994 Service Agreement specifically provided that the salaries of any
used for law enforcement purposes in the TOW~ "shall be paid solely
the State Compensation Board". When the Compensation ~oard considered the
request for funding the deputy positions, it denied the Sheriff's reques~ for
the Scottsville positions. The Sheriff filed a lawsuit challenging that
denial which was settled when the State offered to fund tWO additional Court-
room security positions for the County in lieu of the law enforcement posi-
tions for Scottsville. The Sheriff a~d Scottsville now wish for the COunty to
allow a county funded deputy to provide the law enforcement services for
Scoftsville until July 1, 19S6. This request is proposed in consideration of
the fact that the cost of the position is offset by the additional funds
approved for the courtroom security positions which are approved effective
January 1, 1995. Those positions resulted solely from the Sheriff's request
for the law enforcement positions for Scottsville. The approval of this
request requires an amendment to the Service Agreement.
the attached Amended Service Agreement.
Mo=ion was offered by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to authorize
the Chairman to execute the following Amended Service Agreement.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
(The Agreemen~ is set out below:)
THIS AGREEFZENT, made and entered into this 21st day of Decem-
ber, 1994, by and between the ToWn of Scottsville, Virginia,
(hereafter "Town"), the Sheriff of the CoLulty of Albemarle,
Virginia, (hereafter "Sheriff"), and the County of Albemarle,
Virglnie, (hereafter
ia, duly approved a boundary adjustment, "Agreement ho Relocate
(19~0), as amended, on Se~teSer 27, 1993; and,
Code of vi~inia (1950}, the TO~, the Sheriff, ~d the County
A. Raymon Thacker, Mayor
Approved as to Form:.
ToWn A=torney
Walter F. Perkins, Chairman
Approved as to Form:
County Attorney
Terry W. Hawkins, Sheriff
Calls within Town Limits
Comparison of Calls Handled by
County Police Department and Sheriff's Office
January 1- December 31, 1995
Accident 7 21
Alarm 9 6
Animal Problem 2 3
Annoying Phone Call 2 t
Assault 4
Assist Agency 4 1
Assist Citizen 5 2
Burglary 3 2
Domestic 5 7
Dog Problem I 1
Disorder 7 4
Drug Violation 2
DUI 4 4
Escort 2
Fire 1 1
Forgery 2 1
Fraud 2 2
Hit and Run 2
Info 2 1
Intoxicated Subject 4 9
Larceny - Shoplifting ~ 1 1
Larceny from Vehicle 3 1
Larceny 3 I 5
Liquor Violation ~ 1
Littering 1
Lost Property
Mise 7 5
Calls within Town Limits
Comparison of Calls Handled by
County PolDze Department and Sheriff's Office
January 1- December 31, 1995
Missing Person 1
Missing Juvenile
Moving Veh Viol 16
Motor Vehicle Theft I 2
Natural Death 1
Noise 6
Parking Violation 2 1
Road Hazard 3
Sex Offense 1
Suspicious Cireum. 11 . 2
Suspicious Pets 2 ' 5
Suspisions Vehicle 1 8
Threats 4
Traffic - Mist 1
Trespassing 3
Unauthorized Use
Vandalism 8 6
The totals in this report compare init/al/primary response to an incident. There may be calls that Sheriffs Office
personnel or County Pohce personnel assisted as back up unit which are no; counted in these totals. In
addition, these total reflect only information on file with County Police Departman~. There may be other
self-initiated activities by She~ffi's Office personnel not documented in the ACPD reporting system and
thus not reflected in this report,
The Police Department records system does not clearly document calls within the Town. Any calls answered by
Sheriffs Office that may be in Tows or County (ie. Rt 6 or Rt 20 only identifying information) was
assumed to be within the Town Limits. Any calls answered by County Police personnel not clearly
marked Town of Scettsville were assumed to be outside the Town limits.
Some calls handled by Sheriffs office were referred to County Police after the init'mi report, per the Memorandum
of Understanding. This work load has not been identifted in this report.
Madam Chair and Members of the Board of Supervisors:
I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the School Board's Proposed Budget with
you. Before I begin my remarks, I want to express the School Board's appreciation for
the Supervisor's longstanding support of education through both the Operating Budget
and the Capital Improvements Budget. This support has enabled Albemarle County to
maintain an excellent school system that is both an asset and a soume of pride in the
community. I believe this support needs to be both recognized and commended.
The FY 1996-97 budget has presented a number of challenges to the School
Board. For the coming school year, enrollment growth of approximately 237 students is
anticipated. As we all know, growth requires additional expenditures for teachers.
buses, materials, furniture, books, and other essentials. For the current fiscal year, the
school division wilt receive about $2.94 million, or about 4.8% in additional funds to help
support almost the same level of enrollment growth. For the coming fiscal year,
however, the revenue picture is not as favorable.
Although projected revenue from the county is somewhat higher than
anticipated, revenue from the state is projected to decrease by about $586~ 000 over the
current year based on the Govemor's Proposed Budget. It is possible that the
decrease could be even larger as a result of the budget passed by the General
Assembly. Unfortunately, we will not have this information for several days. The
pdmary reason for this decrease is a significant rise in the division's Composite Index,
which measures the county's ability to pay in comparison to the rest of the state.
Albemarle County's Composite Index increase was the third largest in the state and
resulted in the largest dollar decrease in the state. I know that staff has previously,
through Mr. Tucker, provided you with specifics about the Composite index. The main
factors causing this increase have to do with the significant differences in Albemarle
County's increase in sales tax collections, real estate values, and per capita income as
compared to the rest of the state based on the 1992-93 data upon which the new
biennium's Composite Index is based. If Albemarle County's Composite Index had
remained the same, an approximately $1.1 million increase would have been realized
instead of the projected decease, a negative swing of almost $1.7 million.
Compounding this loss of revenue are an additional required payment of
$92,000 to the Virginia Retirement System and an approximately $300,000 loss in
federal funds supporting self-sustaining programs such as Title I, which provides
remedial support to our most at-dsk students. The school division also faces the
additional pressure of aligning its curriculum with the revised Virginia Standards of
Learning and purchasing the necessary materials and textbooks to support this effort.
While the School Board is supportive of the state's efforts in this area, it is for all
practica{ purposes an expensive unfunded mandate that we must address even as the
state provides us with a significantly deceased level of funding. I would also note that
inflation continues to take a toll on the school division's budget, especially in light of the
fact that school and department budgets have been "level-funded" for the past four
In light of this difficult situation, which makes this year's budget significantly
different than last year, Dr. Castner reluctantly submitted a budget that thoughtfully
attempted to address these challenges. His proposed budget recommended significant
staffing reductions, a decease in funding for Albemarle High School and Western
Albemarle High School, and a proposal to change school starting and dismissal times to
generate savings in the transportation budget. The School Board, while extremely
supportive of Dr. Castner in making these difficult recommendations, could not in good
conscience support a decease in the school division's current level of instructional
Therefore, the School Board has subm~ed what should be characterized as a
maintenance of effort budget that restores proposed decreases in staffing, restores
proposed funding decreases for Albemarle High School and Western Albemarle High
School, provides partial funding to support alignment of the county's curriculum with the
Standards of Learning, including the necessary textbooks and materials, and provides
partial funding to support remedial services lost because of decreases in federal
funding. The proposed budget also provides for a 2.5% salary restructuring for
employees, plus vesting. We are currently studying the recommendations of the
consultant's study in order to determine specifically how this restructuring would be
implemented. Transportation savings generated by changes in school starting and
dismissal times are part of the proposed budget, although the Board plans to review
recommendations from a study committee concerning this issue before adopting a final
budget. I would also emphasize that the proposed budget does not fund a number of
priorities, including full funding for SOL alignment and textbooks, needed HVAC
positions, technology support positions, recruiting initiatives, and several other critical
areas. Further, the proposed budget does not even begin to address areas such as
elementary foreign languages and expanding programs in the arts, which have been
community concerns for several years.
When you examine the School Board's Proposed Budget, you will see that the
School Board is asking for additional funding that percentage-wise is consistent with the
4.8% increase for the current year to support an almost identical level of growth. I
should also emphasize that we anticipate being in a similar situation a year from now,
needing approximately 5% new revenue ~[ust to support growth and maintain effort. The
decrease Jn state funding and the loss of federal funds makes it necessary to request
increased local funding just to stay even. I understand the many needs you must
consider in adopting a county budget. I would ask you to consider the unique situation
faced by the School Board and provide the funding necessary so that our schools are
not forced to go backwards.
A number of Board members and staff members are here to assist you with your
questions. Again, thank you for allowing me this opportunity to speak to you. The
School Board looks forward to a continuing and positive working relationship with the
Board of Supervisors in order to provide the county with an excellent educational