HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198000018 Action Letter --~"~~·c.c~_c='c~__~··~-c.~~___ File jg/ cc: ~~. CJ J_ .'000',," Sincerely, Any~~estions you have regarding this notification should be directed to Mr. Robert rùcker at 296-5823. In regard to a petition by Roy Wneeler Realty Company for a zoning map amendment on property owned by 1'. n. Faulconer Estate, the apPlicant wishes to proffer ~~at the use permitted in the district not include banks and ,savings and loan institutions. In addition" the applica.c'lt proffE·rs t."at access to parcels A and B be restricted to Route 855." ItSs?te:cber 25, 1980 The Alb~,arle County Board of Supervisors at its meeting October 8, 1980, appro·v-ed Z~·:':;'-80-18to rezone Tax Map 60, Parcel 24, part thereo-f, frem A-1 to CO Co~~rcia1 Office wit.~ the following proffer as amended and vergally agreed to by the applicant at that meeting,: Dèar .Sirs: Re: Request for ZMA-80-18 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION 22901 Roy v~eele~ ?-ealty Co. 401 East 5iqh S~reet Charlottesville, Virginia IDETTE CMARUe: KIMSEY PLANNIE:R NANCY MASON CAPERTON "&.ANNE" October 9, 1980 a&:NIOR PLANNER DOUGLAS W:. ECKE'L, .S0412QS·SS23 414 EAST MARKEi' .sTRE£T CHARL-OTTESVILLE. VIRG1NIA 22901 ROBE'RT W. TuCK'ER. JR:. DIAEÇT:Ol't Q"....LAHNINO AONAL.O S. KEELER ASSI8T.....NTOH:tECTOR OF p1../t.NNJNO Department of Planning .~'~1''''l (jd.} OF - ~Ri ~- ~.. ~!>?:-b~ ~~"'''W!-,r.~'r.~ .~þ§g ~ -~ ALL INFOkMATiON REGARPL"G PI(0fJ:J\TY J~' fRüM ~0L!l(ES DEEMED IŒL!AßLE. A~D IT IS SL8:>!:nfIJ ~tJBJfçr ~O EII.1(üRS, O'.HSS~ONS.· CHA~GE Of Pi/. !CE', PIUOR SALE OF:·V.!1'BÐi~AWAI. .',VIT\iO'" ;>;'01:!Ci REALTOR '~, ··SER'$!CE Is- OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT" ti , ---."'C'l'<:t>' t-""" if"~\ ¡, -~4,^ ., V, ; .' .' - \f51\ /'1/1* '/ . /'1 "'_' . . \~c_.~\ ::-¡ :cl.9 19&tr~1 : . ',........ ',"-I ~.. .,.:/ " -', ,', - ':,:';!;;:,¡\rj '!.;'--~-i /, nF ''-::/ :::;. . ~'-;';"ð'EV·"~ ro "-':'~lfjr¡f\J..; _< /j--. ',.,' --<. / /:;..,,--0.. --"\{;r." / ' ¡/ }.,. - ~-..'-- ""::: '''¡'!/ ':";:-;' \",": DSC/plm ¡ I Sincerely, if¡ (\ 'ir", ¡ ~ a..,...rL--Y /,) '-t.-~7""'C-"\. David S. Callaghan In regard to a petition by Roy \\1heeler Realty Canpany for a zoning map amendmerlt on propertyawnffi by P. ,H. Faulconer Estate, the applicant wishes to proffer that the use permitted in the District not inclu:'le banks and savings and" loan institutions. In addition, the appliçònt proffers that access to the site vJOuld be restricted to Rt. 885. GentlEmen: 25 1980. Seme:nber 'f"'.¡;¡¡", - v'J{j "¡·TvO""".. ''''"''-. _ . ' . ¡ . .tAlb~t:Jj~iJi I' rrr¡! I-¡:::; I';::;J I;::;; ,-¡ ;:~.~~1~~1, I"p_~~~ ~if (, S£pa919'~8(J' I/Ilf!]! (/ '''~- . h If u tr/_:_::~ / t:¡{i·~j"':--,... . .rf.I!¡. I' ','- ~ ::;...:....'.,.j Ìf J" .[ ..... 80;-fRE; OF \"!~,-, ,- '-:::' 0:!1 ....Vl C¡êV1S(h7'$ Re: Request for ZlVlA-80-18 Clerk of the Board Board of Supe...rvisocs County of· Albe:nar Ie COill1ty office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 "\'Vheeler Bunding-" Coun Square" (Zip Code 22901) 401 EAST HiGH STREET _ . . 804 296-4171 TH~ VIRGINIA R~AL ESTATe CLeARING HOUSE ~~~'1~,~~, (ITY-SUBURBAN A~D COUNTRY PROPERTY' ''''ALTORS NA"'ONAL "''''''K''''!NG !"'Sr'TUTEO· FARM'" !..ANO 'NST'''-u,"g . NAT,ONAL A$SOG'AT'ON oF' ""'ALTo.." . A"''''R'CAN ",,",APTE"'. ,,,-,e:R,,,,,,.,O"='_ "'EA.!... eSTA"" ,"",."FJ'l..>.TION ,.' MET_ ""O"'OLITÀN "'''''''''''N,G'ON ANO "'",,,,,,"',.... RE"'- """TATE: "XC'HANGaRS . NA.,.,ONAL.,. F""....... ESTA"''' "'''CHANGE " ""'A'-. ESTAT'" ","'cURt,IIÕS:A"'C SYNO'C...7,o.... INS"t'lTUTE:.' v....."'''''..... FAF>M BURSAU "''''ERIC",,'' soe-ntTY OF FAR'" MA"'-AOËR"" AND ,;>U,;>""O,. "'>"PRAIS"'RS ~if~'YJ>Q H~""""",~ ri" :~~ ~'~æ ~ ~.~.T"-;¡- - c ""'" 11m