HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198100021 Action Letter ~=',~','~. ,"'~..._,~r_~_="'.'~".."_ -~~,"~~~ - - __ ".. '~--~-____'~__ "$.tiac!u:t\ept {Proffer) ,;s1r ,!1CC: 'Mr. E. 1i!orris Çhisholm buJ-t~ Stuart L. Richard Department of Planning Sincerely, ~fyou shouJ4 have any questions. concerning this action and ·notificatìon, please ~ontact Mr. Ron Keeler at 296-5823. ',~e Albemarle ,County Board of Supervisors at its meeting on July 1, 1981, ,approved the ~ove-referenced petition NITH PROFFER (attached) and also required "a JIotation on the'zoning map that thi,$ rezoning was approved because of the ti,ng uses on the property.. ,,;,DearMr . Boggs: BE: ZMA-81-21 E. Morris chisholm Proffered ,.cMr. ''Michael T. Boggs, Vice President ;;1!aley, Chisholm and Morris, Inc. dPost Office Box 6398 ,.~arlottesville, Virginia 22906 NANCY MASON CAPERTON SENIOR PI-ANNER t(ATHE!;RINE L. IMHOFF P~NNF.R PRJNCIPAL PL.ANNER D~þartment of Pl¡¡¡.nning IiJ04/.2'ge~~a23 414 EAST MARKET $-TREET CHARLOTTESVILkE. VIRGIN)A 22901 July 6, 1981 _t:fiOBERTW. TUCKER.'JR. ;d)¡1RECTOR,OF Pj..ANNJNCiI RONALD S. KéELER ,A&S-JSTANT DJRECTOR OF PLANNING R. KEITHMABE <: ;("t. . ,.o\)~ ,r; OF ç The present.uses of· this property inClude, but are not limited to, the follow~ng: . .. çQntractor'soffice . (heavycoilStruction,. building constru¢tion and hauling);. eqµipment mai¡;l"t;enance and. r~pair$hpp; ·clea.~g andþa~ntihgoþerations;.}f~atland metal fabrication; welding ope~ti.ons ; fuel ,gasolinß,oil, and :waste oil st9rage ~and dis- trifji),tion; helicopter lancl.:iJ):garea; eqµiþJl1entand cQI1.Struction materi1it:Lsstorage; two-wayþrivate· 1:þ:W . radio communications base st<j.tion'and tovler; mobilehomesitß; saw mill; wood chipping and log storàge; forestry and agricultural uses. I hereQY profer, as a condition to this application för Ligh,t Industry Zooing, to restrict this property from the follol"ing peTI1lìtteduse.s, as described in Article III, Section 27.2.1 of the Albemarle COlmty Zoning Ordinance: 1. COIl1JYo1.]n(J.i~,of'¿Wêgs ... ...... 2. Fire stations ........ 3. Manufacture, . . . . . .. (Thccept wood and metal fabrication, welding operatioos) 8. Assembly and fabrication ........ 12. Public uses ........ I havemmed. this;ra.1j.d the adjacent 590 àcres, for 31 years and. have leased the area included in this application t? ¡'fuley, G'1ì.sholm& Morris, Inc..· since 1965 although equipment.wa5 stqred on site previöus to that time. Haley, Chisholm & Morris, Inc., the present lesseß of this property, wishes to expand its present office personnel and this rezoning is necessary to make its operations conforrnìng and to pe11nit this eJ<;- pansion. Please find enClosed an application for Zoning Map Amendment of the property described thereon. Thìs letter and the attached sketch are hereby submitted as a part of this application. Dear Sirs: Zoning Department 414 E. Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 COlmty of Albemarle May 1, 1981 HALEY, CHISHOLM Be MORRIS, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS POST OFFICE BOX 6398 CHARLOTIESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22906 TELEPHONE NO. (804) 973-5634 \...~, r~·-' " E. Morris Chìsholm ~~ Respectfully submitted, Thank you. Please find the enclosed topographìc ¡nap showing the outline of the 10 acres 1JIlder application. A boundary survey ,rith actual metes and bmmds of this 10.00 acres will be provided prior to final apprõva1 of Lhis application. Please advise if additional information is needed. May 1, 1981 -2- Zoning Department HALEY, CHISHOLM & MORRIS, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS POST OFFICE BOX 6398 CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22906 TELEPHONE NO. (804) 973·5634 ,'~'~" " , , r¡ \6~ \J. ~ ¿IY' 9ì ,/1 /) 't,('lv J r;y (; 4// c /1) ./ 1\;\ r[\\J/ \ , Ii' ~ --- -k.~. ' ~\ , /.'.3 At3 t///',30 ' ð/GJ:?"f' ~. ~Çj ~\j \\)\j .\\,¡ f:!~ <: I~ O(ß , \ 0° ·1JO {) ~I); r "',- ."E.;Vl C.liI8Ii¿?LM··· 10. 0Q::)AC.r<::6 .~ A./\v:y,-::; .Q,/<:ÀU!;."tvj \ ' . .- - --~_.__.__._---..., ---'-'- ~"'" -~~- f8;¡~ ,)\1 ~.. l¡- I"-' ~~ , ~ IS) 1IJ f\ ~ ,IJ t'./:J !!(j ;v ~l§ (Ij ~ ....- , . E M Cft fSHOLt¥! tJð. 288 ~ P. 407 RESIDUE 53¡:¡rAcrð:a" -,...-- 7õ eørlr¡Sr///ð--7 ð03·/¿;'/?0//M_. . A' ry ;."/,,0,7" -"'L . . ~/"'q "'. SKETCH 9HONING;/·· -- /({l,C(OO Ac-rçe ~ðffi"né!q' b~e MCh&!?d/m bé!//77 q ~C7r/7CY7 "'7ThiS' 5413 rAc/O. AS 611"w/7 C?/7'7àt« M""''p .3/- 23 a..l'fê.o?kõ>- Ie;: ð8¡ 8<::q1e /" = 200' tc g,... pCtlrc",-l ('1\0. :0 /1 ¡ Lf .<: ~. ·10 ~._\\I \;)\1\ ~') f--' '\~ /Cbo'7õ 'fi . .-." - ;t7T.......~.ST!,- _ _ '" 'I'r?''''~''' ~,.... ' l''''~_ Þ.r-; . r· .-"""'y . ~-7;;;¡.~~~ ~ _.F'~/r,..~_~ ~~?4a --- S 2.-8?3'd:;>? d4¡q4F ?r. ·Ch. â="";-/oz'r",8;-'/!,? ~ o.ð~fZ-?=:"3~ ,.q(b~q/",# , - ?'?4,?/ ~ .5(, /0. '