HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-20 Budget Work SessionMarch 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
March 20, 2000, at 1:00 p,m,, Room 235, County Office Building, Mclntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia,
This meeting was adjourned from March 15, 2000,
PRESENT: Mr, David P, Bowerman, Mr, Lindsay G, Dorrier, Jr,, Ms, Charlotte Y, Humphris, Mr,
Walter F, Perkins and Ms, Sally H, Thomas,
ABSENT: Mr, Charles S, Martin,
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W, Tucker, Jr,, Assistant County Executive,
Roxanne W, White, Assistant County Executive, Thomas Foley, Budget Manager, Anne Gulati, County
Attorney, Larry W, Davis, and, Clerk, Ella W, Carey,
Agenda Item No, 1, The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p,m,, by the Vice-Chairman, Ms,
Agenda Item No, 2, Consent Agenda, This item was skipped at this time and will be discussed
later in the meeting,
Agenda Item No, 3, BUDGET WORK SESSION- FY 2000-2001 County Operating Budget,
Issues from Prior Work Sessions:
Mr, Tucker said the executive summary which was forwarded to the Board for this meeting has
been revised again because some of the figures have changed, Adjustments to the Board's available
contingency reserve, as well as additional funding initiatives to be discussed at the work session, were
summarized on Attachment A (see below), As a result of miscellaneous salary adjustments, a $15,000
reduction in proposed Legal Services contingency fees in the County Attorney's budget, plus miscellaneous
revenue adjustments, the Board's available contingency reserve totaled $48,533,
Attachment A also lists items identified for further discussion from the Capital Improvements
Program, These items include: $55,000 for CALAS' capital facility request (funded with General Fund
Balance revenue), and $330,000 over ten years for the Paramount Theater Renovation project (funded with
County Tourism revenues),
Board of Supervisors' FY 2000-01 Operating Budget
County General Fund
Beginning Board Reserves
Less County Executive Adjustments
Reduction in Legal Services Contingency Funds
Constitutional Officers Salary Adjustments
Miscellaneous Salary Adjustments
Plus Resource Changes
Transfer Adjustment- School Technical Suppor~
Revenue Adjustments (ABC Profits and Rolling Stock)
Reduction in Budgeted 599 Funds (based on General Assembly)
Net Ending Reserves 48,533
Board of 8upervisor's Funding Initiatives for Discussion
Expanded Employee Relations Coordinator to Full-time @ 21%
Election Official Pay Increase- Registrar
Local Stipend Increase for 5 staff members- Commonwealth's Attorney
Additional Operating Expenses- Sheriff ($725 Revenue Offset)
Public Safety
0.5 FTE Evidence Properly Clerk Expansion (Jan Hire)- Police Depar[ment
1,0 FTE Civilian Patrol Suppor[ Assistant- Police Depar[ment
2.0 FTE Traffic Officers- Police Depar[ment ($70,000 Revenue Offset)
Additional funds for Training and Continuing Education- Fire/Rescue
Reimbursement/Resale of Training Materials- Fire/Rescue ($2,900 Revenue Offset)
1.0 FTE Volunteer Coordinator- Fire/Rescue
Engineering & Public Works
1,0 FTE Engineering Inspector III for CIP- Engineering
0,5 FTE Expansion of Half-time Custodian to Full-time- Public Works
Human Development
GAIT Nursing Clinic- JABA
Cost * Amount
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Parks and Recreation
Nor~hside Library Sunday Hours
Additional Staff Hours at Scottsville and Crozet Library Branches
Community Development
Local Funding for 1,0 FTE TJPDC Criminal Justice Planner
CTS Extended Bus Service to WaI-Mar~ on Route 29 North
CTS Increased Service on Route 5
CSA Fund
Full Funding
Additional Initiatives Funded $67,469
Remaining Board Reserve Fund 48,533
* Net cost to County after offsetting revenues
General Fund Items for Further Discussion
Funding for Virginia Discovery Museum through Tourism Funds
Police Crime Analyst (Funded)
TJPDC Criminal Justice Planner (Not Funded)
School Division
School Board Reserves 60,000
School Board Funding Initiatives For Further Discussion Cost Amount
Additional Funding Request 1,918,758
Remaining School Board Reserve Fund 60,000
Capital Improvements Program Items for Further Discussion
CALA$ Capital Facility Request (Funded with General Fund Balance)
Paramount Theater Renovation & Restoration (Funded with Tourism)
Annual Funding Pr~ect
Cost Year(s) Total
55,000 FY01 55,000
33,000 FY01-10 330,000
Mr, Tucker said $145,000 can be added to the Board's Reserve shown at the top of Attachment A,
A savings in medical expenses have been realized through negotiations with the County's HMO, That
amounts to $145,000 for General Government and $463,000 for the Schools,
Mr, Tucker said that all of the unfunded initiatives the Board members had proposed for funding
during the work sessions are on the funded list, That list totals $657,459, Any capital costs related to those
items could be deleted and paid with one-time moneys, Implementation of some programs could be
delayed until January to cut costs by one-half,
Mr, Tucker said Attachment A also shows that the Virginia Discovery Museum has been funded
from Tourism Funds, the Police Crime Analysis position is funded, and the Criminal Justice Planner position
for the Planning District Commission is listed for further discussion, The School Board Reserve is $50,000,
Their additional funding requests total $1,9+ million, CALAS's one-time expense of $55,000 is proposed to
come from the General Fund Balance, If the Board decides to fund the Paramount Theatre renovation at
the reduced amount of $33,000 per year for ten years, it would also be funded with Tourism Funds,
Mr, Tucker said he had previously mentioned the possibility of there being a savings with the
Virginia Retirement System (VRS), VRS has now agreed to reduce the rate for one year, That savings
would be approximately $700,000 in one-time costs, The School Board does not plan on using this money
for any recurring expenses, There are costs for school buses, textbooks, and other one-time capital costs
where these funds could be used,
Mr, Tucker said staff has also furnished the Board with information on what a one-half cent
increase in the real property tax rate would generate in revenues, along with a listing of a 40/60 percent
breakdown between General Government and the Schools, That was done on increments up to five cents,
Ms, Thomas asked if any Board member had a general question before discussing the unfunded
priority list,
Mr, Bowerman asked what part of the unfunded $1,9 million for Schools is for capital costs, Mr,
Frank Morgan said there is $200,000 for the Textbook Fund and $273,000 for bus replacements, The
School Board has discussed the VRS amount and indicated that it might be used to help fund bus
replacement costs,
Ms, Thomas said several people had been asked to attend this meeting and speak about specific
items, So they do not have to sit through the entire discussion, she will ask that they be allowed to speak
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Ms, Nancy O'Brien was present concerning the Criminal Justice Planner for the Planning District
Commission, Ms, Thomas said the Board had received written material from Ms, O'Brien since the last
discussion of this matter, Ms, O'Brien said she also sent an E-mail to each Board member, She said the
criminal justice planning group has always been at the Planning District Office, but has not been in the
budget until this year, It was a grant-funded position awarded to Albemarle as the lead agency, That grant
is no longer available, She is seeking funding in an amount of $13,000+ to continue the criminal justice
program, PDC staff has gone to the other localities with this same request, She does not think this position
would duplicate what the Police Department is planning to do, The criminal justice planner would pick up
the person when they enter the system and stay with them through the entire process, She then introduced
Mr, Dave Pastors, Albemarle County's appointee to the Criminal Justice Board,
Mr, Pastors said H,B, 202, new legislation, added additional responsibilities to the Criminal Justice
Services Board beginning July 1, It will now have the responsibility of reviewing all criminal justice grant
requests, Many of the appointees to that board are mandated by law, It would be difficult for them to
monitor resources without a criminal justice planner to review requests for grants,
Ms, O'Brien said that locally they have been asked to continue working with the drug court, the
General District Court and other parts of the system, There are issues that need to be addressed, They
have been collecting data for three years and they are now ready to do full-scale planning, Also present
today is Mr, Tom Von Hemert who just last month took the position of criminal justice planner,
Mr, Dorrier asked if the other planning districts are hiring analysts, Ms, O'Brien said it is being
handled in different ways in the various districts, There are about nine criminal justice planners working at
this time, Mr, Dorrier asked if the other planning districts would have a better chance of getting a grant if
they had a planner, Ms, O'Brien said she feels they would, Mr, Dorrier asked if this planner could help
write grants for the Albemarle County area, Ms, O'Brien said "yes," The Planning District has a pretty good
track record in obtaining grants, but it does not receive all grants for which it applies,
Ms, Humphris said even after she read the analysis of a Police Department Crime Analyst and a
TJPDC Criminal Justice Planner, she still did not have any idea whether one or both positions were needed,
She needs a clarification since she finds the duties for the criminal justice planner very vague, To her it
sounds like someone sitting in an office producing a lot of statistics,
Mr, Pastors said the focus of the Criminal Justice Planner is broad, This person would hope to
unify Charlottesville/Albemarle and the surrounding area, There are a lot of common interests among
sheriffs, commonwealth attorneys, police chiefs, magistrates, attorneys, everybody in the criminal justice
system, Up until this date, everybody had been doing their own thing, The idea of a criminal justice planner
is to develop new community programs to divert individuals from the local jails, thus creating a savings,
Locally there is a plan underway to look at the individuals who have been before the General District Court
more than once, These people will be targeted for treatment and therapy instead of having them involved
in Iow level crimes, with the possibility of going on to felony offenses,
Mr, Bowerman asked if these operations have been locally funded in the past, or State/Federal
funded, Mr, Pastors said it is usually a combination of local and other funding, He does not want to focus
just on this issue, The criminal justice planner helps the overall system work better, Also, the Criminal
Justice Board is mandated to have representatives from every locality in the planning district, and it is a
good group of people, but it doesn't get much done if there is no planner to push them forward,
Ms, Humphris said the key to her is that the Criminal Justice Board cannot function meaningfully
without a planner, That is the same as any other committee appointed by the Board,
Ms, Thomas said she also wonders whether two positions are needed, It appears to her that the
position in the Police Department will provide a more extensive crime analyst, thus doing away with a less
expensive sharing of a criminal justice planner, She asked if there is any indication that the Governor will
sign H,B, 202, Mr, Pastors said it was passed almost unanimously by both the House and the Senate, He
said that bill also contained changes to make representation on the criminal justice boards more flexible,
Ms, Thomas said to her that makes a difference, If all requests for criminal justice grants are now
to be passed before this Criminal Justice Board and it has no staff, she would be concerned about
Albemarle's chances of receiving a grant,
Mr, Dorrier asked if Ms, O'Brien could estimate the monetary value of any grants that might come
to this region for the $54,000 requested, Ms, O'Brien said the absence of community justice planning
leaves the community with no idea of the issues in the criminal justice system, how those issues affect the
budget or how they effect your ability to live in your community, There is no sense of how the court system
actually works, and there are issues that could be addressed to make the system work better,
Mr, Bowerman said he thinks the request should be included as a separate and distinct item from
the request of the Police Department for a crime analyst, He thinks it weaves together the type of approach
that is not only reactive, but that is proactive in terms of trying to lower the jail population,
Ms, Thomas asked how the Board members wanted to proceed as it discusses the list today, Do
they want to take "straw" votes or real votes? Mr, Dorrier said the money for the criminal justice planner will
be a recurring expense, Mr, Tucker said it is shown as being funded in the amount of $13,848, but the
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Board had said to put it on the list entitled "General Fund Items for Further Discussion,"
Mr, Perkins asked how Albemarle's proposed cost of $13,848 was determined, Ms, O'Brien said it
was based on population (just Charlottesville, and Albemarle and Nelson counties),
Ms, Thomas said the next item which needs to be discussed is the request from the Paramount
Theater, She asked if any Board member had a question,
Mr, Bowerman said, even though the Theater is in the City, he believes it has a direct benefit to all
citizens, This money would be paid from the Lodging Tax and to the extent that people can be retained
longer in the community, it is a self-fulfilling repayment,
Ms, Thomas said Mr, Bowerman evidently thinks $33,000 a year over a ten-year period is a
reasonable amount, The funds would come through the Tourism Fund, Mr, Bowerman said the Board
needs to be aware that approval of this request might set a precedent, People in Scottsville are attempting
to restore a theater in that community, He thinks the City should also be part of that project in the overall
plan of tourism, and the social aspects of such an item,
Mr, Perkins asked if the City has tourism funds which they must spend a certain way, Mr, Davis
said the City does not have the same statutory limitations; tourism moneys are just general fund moneys for
Ms, Humphris said when the Board discussed this request before, it sounded reasonable, When
she took a tour of the facility, it was obvious to her that the major benefit from the theater will belong to the
City, but there will be spillover and benefits to the County in other ways, She believes the amount proposed
by the County is quite generous,
Mr, Dorrier said he agrees with what has been said, He would like for the County to have some say
in the use of the facility from the standpoint of making sure that groups from Albemarle have access to the
Mr, Shelton Andersen said the project is $6,6 million, and they are asking both the City and the
County to become participants in a project which they feel will serve both well, It addresses issues of
economic development in the City, but it crosses over into areas of education, Their plans call for
educational programming to be hooked directly into the school systems, The tourism population will be
well-served by the Paramount, The plan is to have programming going on as often as possible, He said
that even though the amount of money requested is a large number, it is but a small portion of the total cost
of the project which is at a critical stage at this time, Money from both the City and the County will help
them to obtain private funds,
Ms, Thomas asked if the Board wants to discuss whether to move the Virginia Discovery Museum
request into the Tourism Fund, Ms, Thomas said if there is no discussion, she will suggest that the request
go forward,
Ms, Thomas said another item to discuss is the CALAS Capital Facility request, Mr, Alex Gulotta
from CALAS was present to answer questions,
Mr, Bowerman said since CALAS will be borrowing funds, could the request be handled over a
period of years? Mr, Gulotta said CALAS will be borrowing part of the money, They would like to get as
many funds up-front as possible in order to minimize the amount of money to be borrowed, They need to
lower their occupancy costs which this year have been about $32,000, but next year are expected to be
nearly $82,000, Their offices need to be in reasonable proximity to the courts, They hope the City and the
County can help them over the next two years because that is when the money is most important, CALAS
just signed a two-year lease, but at the end of that time they will have to move to another space,
Mr, Bowerman said this would be a contribution to a non-profit organization, He assumes that in
this case it would be an organization that could go out of business, Mr, Gulotta said MACAA and JABA and
some of the other not-for-profits have obtained one-time capital grants rather than loans, so the situation
would be the same, In some ways, it is better because they are controlled by a board appointed by the
Charlottesville/Albemarle Bar Association which has a substantial role in setting up their governing body, If
they should go out of business, their assets, pursuant to the Section 501(c)(3) law would go to another not-
for-profit organization, He said that CALAS has raised $70,000 thus far, They have not really gone to the
public for contributions yet,
Ms, Thomas asked if the request could be funded over a two-year period, Mr, Bowerman
suggested putting half of the funds in the FY 2001 budget and the other half in FY 2002, Mr, Dorrier said
that makes sense to him, Mr, Tucker reminded the Board members that these funds would have to come
from the General Fund Balance, so it does not have to be on the unfunded priority list,
Mr, Bowerman asked how much had been taken from the Fund Balance during the current fiscal
year, Mr, Tucker said there is still $435,509 in the Fund Balance which has not been allocated,
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Mr, Gulotta asked if he could mention the Board's proposal at City Council's public hearing tonight
without binding the Board to the expenditure at this point, Mr, Tucker said there seems to be a consensus
of the Board to fund one-half of the request next year out of the County's Fund Balance, Ms, Humphris said
she wants to be sure the County's expenditure is contingent on the City also funding the request, Mr,
Gulotta said CALAS has asked the City for $110,000 and told them it could be paid over two years,
Ms, Thomas suggested beginning the discussion with Administration, and the items entitled
"Expanded Employee Relations Coordinator" and "Election Official Pay Increase," She said the Board
received a very good description of the election issue, but nothing on the employee relations coordinator,
Ms, Humphris said she is in favor of leaving in the $5200 for the election officials, She has no opinion on
the other issue, Ms, Roxanne White said she believes the Human Resources Department will be able to
reorganize and fund that position full-time, so this item can be dropped from the list, Ms, Humphris felt it
should be deleted, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier agreed,
Ms, Thomas said the next item is Judicial; local stipend for five staff members in the
Commonwealth Attorney's Office and additional operating expenses for the Sheriff, Mr, Bowerman agreed
to both of these requests,
Mr, Tucker said the Sheriff's request for operating costs could be reduced by $5100 which are one-
time furniture costs, Ms, Thomas asked if this request was contingent on the Sheriff receiving approval
from the Compensation Board, Ms, Gulati said there were two separate requests from the Sheriff, One
request was for operating costs and the other request was for additional deputies,
Ms, Thomas asked for an explanation of the $26,900, Ms, Gulati said it is for various operating
expenses within the Sheriff's department where he feels the budget is deficient, The other request is for
training deputies, and nothing will be heard from the Compensation Board until at least Friday,
Ms, Humphris said if $5100 can be taken out for capital items that leaves the request at $21,844,
Ms, Thomas asked if the request comes about because there is a new sheriff and he is doing
things in a different way, Mr, Dorrier said the Sheriff is short of staff, He also has quite an ambitious plan
for the department, Ms, Humphris said she is not sure the County's taxpayers are willing to fund his entire
plan, Some of the things the Sheriff has requested seem to be incidental things, Mr, Bowerman said the
Sheriff listed a lot of things which are necessary for the efficient operation of the Sheriff's Department, In
looking through his budget request, he believes the operational costs requested are legitimate,
Ms, Thomas said the $21,844 will stay on the list, There were no objections expressed,
Ms, Thomas next mentioned the requests under the category of Safety,
Mr, Bowerman said he would like to talk about the request for a full-time volunteer coordinator,
Looking at the budget, one sees the cost for the eight paid firefighters, If a volunteer coordinator were able
to recruit, retain and effectively train volunteers, it would be a good investment because part of the concept
is continuing the volunteer system supplemented with paid staff,
Mr, Perkins said he thought that someone already had those duties, but maybe there needs to be
someone with just those duties, Mr, Bowerman said no one at the current time has that written into their job
description, There is no one who has the training to effectively keep people coming into the volunteer
system and to resolve issues which come up from time to time,
Ms, Thomas asked if all the fire/rescue staff is fully utilized so that one of those people could not
take on these duties, Mr, Bowerman said he thinks the assignments currently placed on staff are "outside
of the box" with this job description, He feels strongly that this needs to be a specific individual who has
talents in this area,
Ms, Thomas said the Board did not discuss the request from the Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr,
Dorrier said he understood the request to be a shift of funds from non-salary to salary, Mr, Tucker said that
is basically correct, Mr, Camblos has revenue in his budget which can be used for this purpose, but the
shift has to be approved by this Board, Mr, Dorrier said he believes this should be approved, (Note: Mr,
Bowerman left the room at 2:15 p,m,)
Ms, Thomas suggested the Board return to a discussion of Safety, Mr, Tucker noted that on the
request for two traffic officers there is a significant amount of capital involved, so that request could be
reduced from $73,954 to $16,284, The remainder of the cost is from a grant,
Mr, Tucker said that for the Volunteer Coordinator, the $56,956 can be reduced to $53,206, (Note:
Mr, Bowerman returned to the meeting at 2:18 p,m,)
Ms, Thomas said the Evidence Clerk was identified as a need, Mr, Dorrier said that position
really needed, Chief Miller said they had two part-time people in this position, and one of them has now left
the County, leaving only a half-time person, Ms, Humphris said the Board has been talking about this for a
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long time, and she believes it is time to add the position,
Ms, Thomas asked about the position for a Civilian Patrol Support Assistant, She said Mr, Martin
was very interested in this position, but she does not remember why, Chief Miller said it is a non-sworn
position for a person in the office who takes reports, etc, on the daylight shift, helping to relieve officers of
this duty, Mr, Tucker said this person could be hired in January, thus cutting costs in this budget, Ms,
Humphris said she would prefer that it be funded beginning in July, All Board members agreed,
Ms, Thomas asked about the 2,0 Traffic Officers, She asked when the grant mentioned for this
program will expire, Mr, Tucker said it is a COPS three-year grant, Mr, Bowerman said drawing down this
money helps even though at some time the County will have to pick up the entire cost, Mr, Tucker said the
COPS grants have helped the County to increase its ratio of policemen to the total population, Ms,
Humphris asked the ratio at this time, Chief Miller said the ratio is at 1,25/1000 and the goal is 1,5/1000 per
Ms, Thomas mentioned the $3100 for reimbursement/resale of training materials for the
Fire/Rescue Division, All Board members agreed to leave this item in, She then mentioned the additional
funds for training and continuing education for the Fire/Rescue Division at $12,500, Mr, Bowerman said he
did not know enough about this one to comment, Mr, Dorrier felt that the cost of training is a small amount
to pay for all of the volunteer activities, Ms, Humphris agreed, Mr, Bowerman agreed, but said he could not
articulate a direct rational, Mr, Foley said it is for an advanced level of firefighter training, Some of the
advanced training would cover hazardous materials spills, leaks and accidents, and commercial building
Ms, Thomas moved to the next category of Engineering & Public Works, The first item is a full-time
engineering inspector for capital improvement projects, Mr, Tucker said that amount of $66,105 can be
reduced to $51,135 by taking out capital items, Ms, Thomas asked if this position could be started in
January, Mr, Foley said that would not create a problem, Ms, Gulati said the revised figure would be
$25,568, It was so agreed,
Ms, Thomas then mentioned the request to expand a half-time custodial position to full-time, It was
agreed that this request should remain on the list,
The next category was Human Development, and the GAIT Nursing Clinic for JABA, Ms, Humphris
said that in years past the Board had discussed the resources available for County Government to spend
and there is no way the County is able to deal with providing health care beyond what it does for the Health
Department and the small contribution to the Free Clinic, She asked if the Board members had discussed
that aspect, The GAIT Program is probably excellent and much needed, but she is not sure the County
taxpayers should be funding such a program instead of the money coming from the State, which should
fund the program,
Mr, Dorrier said he knows the program is very popular in the Scottsville and Esmont Centers, Ms,
Thomas said the County had budgeted $76,000 for the Health Department which is getting a four percent
State increase next year, She said the Board has put real estate tax dollars into health, but the Board had
discussed that when funding the Free Clinic, She asked if there is anyway to put this program into the
Health Department since the County funds the senior centers in those areas, Ms, White said the Health
Department would say they do not have the staff to do the program for that amount of money, JABA is only
asking for help in funding that position, JABA already provides the service using a grant from the Health
Care Foundation, but those grant funds have expired,
Ms, Thomas said if $5000 is only a portion of the cost, who is paying the other costs? Ms, White
said there are other JABA funds which are now going toward funding that position,
Mr, Dorrier asked how many people would be served by that $5190, Ms, White said she did not
know, Part of the program is to get the people they work with to the centers where they can receive some
medical testing for diabetes and cardiovascular-vascular problems, It is a very good program, People who
are not able to come to the center receive a home visit,
Ms, Thomas said that on page 29 of the Program Review Committee Report, it is suggested that it
might be more appropriately the purview of other health care providers, Mr, Bowerman said he did not want
to go backward, If this program is providing a needed service that was funded with a grant, and it was
getting out to a population that otherwise would not be served, and getting them either the social or medical
attention that they need, this seems like a small price to pay to continue the program,
Ms, Humphris said she understands how good the program is, but believes that next year the
request will be much larger, and suddenly the County will be in the health business, She just needs to
know where approval of this request will lead the Board, Ms, White said there were no questions from the
budget review team about the benefit of the program, Questions concerned the possible expansion of the
program into other sections of the County in future years, Mr, Bowerman said he believes that if the
services cannot be provided by the Health Department, that would be something the Board would have to
deal with, He would hate to drop the program, Mr, Tucker said it could be approved as a pilot program for
only one year,
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Ms, Thomas said there are two Library issues under the category of Parks and Recreation, There
is the proposal to fund Sunday hours at the Northside Library, and additional staff hours at the Scottsville
and Crozet Branch Libraries, The argument in favor of Sunday hours was the fact that people in Earlysville
have been asking for more library services, It was thought that this could be accomplished best at the
Northside Branch, Ms, Humphris was in favor of the Sunday hours at Northside,
Ms, Thomas asked Mr, Dorrier to comment on the request for additional hours at the Scottsville
branch, Mr, Dorrier said the Library has become the hub of the community, and it is basically under-staffed,
Mr, Perkins said he has no additional information about the request for the Crozet branch, He has read that
due to the increase in circulation, additional stafftime is needed,
The Board members agreed that these two requests should stay on the list,
The next category mentioned was Community Development, Ms, Thomas said she supports the
request for a full-time TJPDC Criminal Justice Planner, The other Board members agreed,
Ms, Thomas said there is a request for extended bus service to Wal-Mart and also on Route 5, She
said the Board has received additional information which shows that the number of riders on the Wal-Mart
line is expected to increase greatly,
Mr, Bowerman said he did not like the non-response from CTS about the bus service to Whitewood
Road and the Colonnades, Staff noted that CTS is looking into this matter, but did not have any information
available in time for this meeting today,
Ms, Thomas said Ms, Helen Poore told her that ridership on the bus route to the Colonnades has
not increased, but the apartment complex across the street is experiencing a great increase in ridership,
She intends to have the bus drivers actually keep track of where everyone gets on and offthe bus to make
this determination, Ms, Humphris said that is odd, A major discussion took place on whether to change the
route, and the Board specifically said it needed follow-up information to decide if a change is justified,
Ms, Thomas said she was more favorably impressed with the request for the Wal-Mart service than
she was with service on Route 5, She favors the service to Wal-Mart,
Mr, Dorrier asked if this is just a start in public transportation for Albemarle County, Ms, Tucker
said the County has had Route 5 for a while, and also pays for service along Route 29 North, This would
be an extension of that service out as far as Wal-Mart, The County also pays for bus service to Pantops
Shopping Center, The County has been providing urban CTS service for many years,
Ms, Humphris said the cost of extending bus service to Wal-Mart would cost $47,930 for an
estimated 25,000 passenger trips the first year, The extended service on Route 5 would cost $36,515 for
15,000 additional passenger trips the first year, If she has to pick one of these routes, it would be the one to
Wal-Mart, Ms, Thomas said it works out to be $1,92 a trip for passengers to Wal-Mart and $2,43 a trip for
passengers on Route 5, She agrees that Wal-Mart seems like the better service to choose,
Ms, Humphris asked if the bus service to Wal-Mart should be approved on a trial basis, with some
expectation that it will meet the expected ridership,
Mr, Bowerman said it is only one stop, so they should be able to count the people getting on and off
the bus,
Ms, Thomas suggested staff remove the $36,515 for Route 5 from the list, No Board member
Ms, Thomas mentioned the last item under General Government and that was the CSA Funding in
the amount of $200,000, She said she understands the County will have to pay the $200,000 before the
end of the fiscal year, The question was whether to put it directly in the budget, or take it from the Fund
Balance, Mr, Tucker said staff has suggesting taking funds from the Fund Balance if an expenditure is
under projected, It continues to do so,
Mr, Tucker suggested that while staff is working out a final Reserve Fund figure for the Board to
consider, that the Board take up the Consent Agenda,
Agenda Item No, 2, Consent Agenda,
Ms, Humphris said the percentages based on population shown in the WIA report indicate that
Albemarle County should have seven representatives and Charlottesville three, yet Albemarle has been
reduced to six and Charlottesville increased to four, She wants to be sure all the Board members see that
Albemarle County should have seven members, Mr, Tucker told her it was done because there are more
businesses located in the City, However, membership was to be based on population, and population was
used for all localities other than Albemarle, Ms, Humphris said she does not understand the logic behind
the change, Also, on Page 5 under Businesses, it should show 50 percent instead of 25 percent, Ms,
Humphris said with the amendment on Page 5, and with the note on Page 2, she would move approval of
the Consent Agenda, Mr, Bowerman gave second to the motion,
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 8)
Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin,
Item 2,1, Workforce Investment Act (WIA)Interlocal Agreement,
It was noted in the staff's report that the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) which goes into effect on
July 1, 2000, requires participating localities to appoint a Workforce Investment Board composed of
Required One-Stop Partners and Business Representatives, Albemarle County, as one often counties in
Planning Districts 9 and 10 which comprises the Consortium, will be represented by a proposed slate of
One-Stop Providers, as well as six business representatives who must be approved by the Board, The
process and procedures to form and implement the local Consortium and the local Workforce Investment
Board are outlined in an Interlocal Agreement that must be approved by all the participating localities,
A draft of the Interlocal Agreement to implement the Workforce Investment Act has been
forwarded to the Board members for their review, The major points of the Agreement are:
A consortium of Chief Elected Officials (CLEOs) who will implement and provide general
oversight to WIA, One of the first responsibilities of the Consortium is to appoint the WIA Board
who will carry out the activities of the WIA;
The Consortium will contract with The Thomas Jefferson Planning District to administer the
Federal WIA funds;
The City of Charlottesville will be the fiscal agent for the WIA funds;
The CLEO's will select and appoint their own business and industry representatives based on
the percentage of population, Albemarle will have six appointments to make from a list of
applicants; and
The CLEO's will also appoint representatives of the One-Stop Partners, who represent
categories set out in the Federal Act, e,g,, the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), a
community-based organization, Vocational Rehab, education, an economic development
organization, a housing authority, etc, These positions will be nominated to represent both
Planning Districts as best as possible,
The Consortium of CLEOs will set up its own internal organization and nominate representatives
whose responsibility will be to communicate the activities of the Consortium back to their respective
governing bodies, Mr, Charles Martin and Ms, Virginia Daugherty have been selected to represent Planning
District 10 in the Consortium,
The appointed Workforce Investment Board is charged with designating the One-Stop operator
or system in cooperation with the CLEO's,
The Workforce Investment Board will also appoint a Youth Council,
Staff recommends approval of the Interlocal Agreement which authorizes the establishment of a
Consortium and Workforce Investment Board,
By the recorded vote set out =bove, the Bo=rd =pproved of the Interloc=l Agreement which
=uthorizes the estsblishment of = Consortium =nd Workforce Investment Bo=rd noting th=t on P=ge
5 under Businesses, it should show 50 percent inste=d of 25 percent, =nd on P=ge 2 membership
should be b=sed on popul=tion, which would give Albem=rle seven members. (Note: The =greement
is set out I=ter in the meeting.)
Item 2,2, Appropriation: Capital Funds for CAD System, $1,930,255 (Form #99063) and Authorize
County Executive to Execute Agreement,
It was noted in the staff's report that the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system is a multi-agency,
multi-jurisdictional computer system for the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and University of
Virginia's Emergency Communications Center (ECC), This system will support the City of Charlottesville
Police and Fire Departments; Albemarle County Police and fire departments; volunteer emergency medical
services; and, University of Virginia Police Department,
CAD is a system of computer hardware, local area networks, and computer software that will be
used by ECC call takers and dispatchers to receive and dispatch emergency (911) and non-emergency
calls for service, The CAD system will help the ECC improve responsiveness to the public's calls for
emergency help; enhance emergency responders' on-call safety; manage the increasing 911 call volume;
interface with other public safety computer systems; and, enable the use of other public safety
computer-based technologies,
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 9)
A 911 call to the ECC is currently handled by the dispatcher through a manual process, CAD will
replace the manual dispatch procedures with computer-based records that link directly to the
computer-based regional police records system and fire departments' computer systems, In addition,
CAD will provide dispatchers with a visual display of the location of the call, as well as the location of
dispatched units,
An interjurisdictional team composed of technical and public safety representatives from the City,
the County and the University began designing and identifying the specifications for a CAD system over two
years ago, A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued approximately one year ago, The County serves as
the fiscal agent for this project and the County's Purchasing Division supervised the procurement process,
The County Attorney's office reviewed and finalized the contracts,
The total cost of the CAD system is $1,894,255 which will be allocated among the three
jurisdictions according to the funding formula for non-medical dispatching costs at the ECC, This formula is
calculated annually based on the calls for service, population, and number of Part I crimes for each
Since the County will act as fiscal agent for the project, an appropriation in the amount of
$1,930,255 (which reflects the City, County and University shares of the CAD System cost [$1,894,255] as
well as the additional funds needed to purchase the fire/rescue records management system [$36,000]), is
requested, The County's share of the CAD System project ($820,023)will be funded through the Capital
Improvements Program using E911 Fund Balance revenues in the following amounts: $715,100 (FY '00)
and $104,923 (FY '01), Funding for the Fire/Rescue Management software will come from current CIP
Fund Balance revenues,
Staff recommends that Appropriation Form #99063 be approved in the amount of $1,930,255, and
that execution of the Three-Party Interjurisdictional Agreement (Printrak International Inc, Agreement) be
By the recorded vote set out =bove, the following Resolution of Appropri=tion w=s =dopted,
=nd the County Executive w=s =uthorized to execute the Three. P=rty Interjurisdiction=l Agreement
(Printr=k Intern=tion=l Inc. Agreement):
FISCAL YEAR: 1999-00
NUMBER: 99063
1 4105 31061 800306 COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (C,A,D,)
1 9010 12200 800700 INFO SERVICES-A,D,P, EQUIPMENT
2 4105 16000 160503 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
2 4105 16000 160502 CITY OF CHARLO'FI'ESVILLE
2 4105 16000 160512 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA
2 9010 51000 510100 CIP FUND BALANCE
1 9010 31000 800306 CIP-C,A,D
2 9010 51000 512023 CIP-TRANSFER FROM E911
14101 93010 930010 E911-TRANSFERTOCIP
2 4101 51000 510100 E911 FUND BALANCE
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into in triplicate this 22nd day of March, 2000, by
and between the County of Albemarle, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Common-
wealth of Virginia (hereinafter, the "County"), the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, a Virginia
municipal corporation (hereinafter, the "City"), and the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia (hereinafter, the "University"), also referred to herein as the "party" or
WHEREAS, the County is the fiscal agent for the Charlottesville/University of
Virginia/Albemarle County Emergency Communications Center (hereinafter, the
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 10)
"Communications Center"), created pursuant to a joint services agreement dated
January 20, 1984;
WHEREAS, as fiscal agent, the County will be entering into license and
maintenance agreements related to computer hardware and software with Printrak
International, Inc, (hereinafter, the "Printrak agreements")on behalf of the County, the
City and the University in order to establish a computer-aided dispatch (hereinafter,
"CAD") system;
WHEREAS, it is estimated that the one-time costs associated with the CAD
system (consisting of the Printrak agreements and other related costs) will be one million
eight hundred ninety four thousand two hundred fifty-five dollars ($1,894,255); and
WHEREAS, it is desirable that each party to this agreement expressly authorize
the County to enter into the Printrak agreements as the fiscal agent for the
Communications Center and to administer those agreements, and assure that funding for
the CAD system will be available,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants
contained herein, the County, the City and the University hereby agree as follows:
1, The County is authorized to enter into the Printrak agreements as the fiscal
agent for the Communications Center, and to administer the Printrak agreements,
2, Each party's respective pro rata share of the parties' one-time costs for the
CAD system is as follows: the County: 43,29%; the City: 47,92%; the University: 8,79%,
3, On or before March 31, 2000, the County shall appropriate the sum of eight
hundred twenty thousand and twenty-three dollars ($820,023); the City shall deposit the
sum of nine hundred seven thousand seven hundred twenty-seven dollars ($907,727)
with the County; and the University shall deposit the sum of one hundred sixty-six
thousand five hundred five dollars ($166,505)with the County, These sums are based
on each party's respective pro rata share identified in section 2, but is exclusive of the
annual costs associated with the Printrak maintenance agreement, calculated on March
7, 2000, and the total cost may be subject to future changes requiring additional
appropriations and deposits by the parties, based on the same percentages identified in
section 2,
4, The maintenance and upgrades of the system obtained under the Printrak
agreements, and all other CAD system operating expenses, shall be included in the
Communication Center's annual operating budget and shall be funded on the same
basis as other operating expenses of the Center,
5, Each person signing this agreement acknowledges that he is authorized to
sign this agreement on behalf the entity he represents,
(Si,qned) Robert W, Tucker, Jr,
County Executive
(Si,qned) Gan/O'Connell
City Manager
(Si,qned) Leonard W, Sandrid,qe
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
(Note: At 2:50 p.m., the Bo=rd recessed =nd reconvened =t 3:06 p.m.)
Agenda Item No, 2, Ms, Thomas said that during the break, it was discussed that the WIA
Agreement/Report might contain what can be referred to as a clerical error, Perhaps the Board would want
to reconsider its unanimous approval of the Consent Agenda,
Mr, Bowerman offered motion to reconsider the action taken on the Consent Agenda, Mr, Davis
said the Board can just reconsider the vote on the WIA Agreement, Mr, Bowerman offered that motion,
The motion was seconded by Ms, Humphris, Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin,
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 11)
Ms, Thomas asked for either discussion of, or a motion on, this item,
Ms, Humphris said because the formula used to determine the number of appointees to the
Council is according to population, and because that was not followed for the City of Charlottesville and the
County of Albemarle, she would offer motion that the Board request that the number of representatives
from the business sector be changed to what it should be which is seven for Albemarle County and three
for the City of Charlottesville,
Mr, Davis suggested that the Board approve the agreement with that change, Ms, Humphris said
her motion is to approve the WIA Agreement with the change stated above because it is incorrect as shown
in the document, The motion was seconded by Mr, Bowerman,
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin,
(The 3greement is set out below:)
to implement the
The purpose of this agreement is to create a Consortium of Chief Local Elected
Officials (OLEOs) to set forth the process, procedures, and responsibilities for
implementing the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)in the City of Charlottesville and the
Counties of Albemarle, Culpeper, Fauquier, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Madison, Nelson,
Orange, and Rappahannock, The WIA requires Chief Local Elected Officials (OLEOs) to
take certain responsibilities and actions which are enumerated in this document and to
form a working relationship with the Workforce Investment Board,
Area covered: The localities named above have been grouped together and
approved as a WIA area by the Governor of Virginia,
Consortium of OLEOs formed: By this agreement, the Chief Local Elected Officials
form a consortium for the purpose of implementing the tasks and performing the
continuous oversight responsibilities set forth in the WIA,
Administration: The local governments have named the Thomas Jefferson
Planning District Commission (TJPDC) as the administrator, working with the
Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission (RRRC),
Grant recipient: The City of Charlottesville will be the grant recipient,
Fiscal Agent: The Thomas Jefferson Planning District will be the Fiscal Agent for
WIB funds, The TJPDC will make monthly financial reports to the Consortium, in writing,
The audit will be conducted with the TJPDC audit, according the requirements of all OMB
and federal regulations,
Responsibility for use of funds and implementation of the WIA: Under the WIA the
final responsibility for use of the federal WIA funds and for carrying out the tasks set forth in
the WIA rests with the OLEOs, The OLEOs, as a Consortium, shall enter into a contract
with the TJPDC to perform certain tasks on behalf of the Consortium, Liability insurance for
the OLEOs will be provided out of the administrative funds,
T=sk One: The first task of the Consortium of CLEOs is to cre=te the Workforce
Investment Bo=rd.
Workforce Investment Board (WIB): The activities of the WIA are carried out by a
WIB appointed by the OLEOs, The composition of the WIB is mandated in the Act, The
WIA requires 51% of the appointees be from private sector business and industry, The
remaining 49% are mandated categories in the Act,
WIB Membership: The total board membership is to be shared by the two planning
districts on the basis of population, The population distribution in the two planning district
areas is 59% Thomas Jefferson Planning District and 41% Rappahannock Rapidan
Regional Commission, The attached chart illustrates the distribution of the membership, If
a planning district does not make all of its allocated appointments, those board positions
will revert to the other planning district for appointment,
WIB Appointment Process: The appointments to the WIB are to be made by the
OLEOs using the following process:
Business and Industry:
1, Letters will be sent to business and industry organizations soliciting
nominations to the Board, In TJPDC, this will be done by Piedmont Virginia
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 12)
Community College; in RRRC, bythe planning district, In the future
other business/industry organizations may be requested to assistin
generating nominations for the private for-profit sector,
An advertisement will be placed in a paper of general circulation in each
planning district by TJPDC, The notice will include a nomination form,
Persons may nominate themselves,
Nomination forms will be sent to TJPDO for distribution to the OLEOs, By
law, OLEOs must select from those nominated,
Each CLEO will select the number of business and industry appointments
based on the percentage of population in the respective planning district,
This results in the following distribution of business/industry appointments
by locality:
1997 Population
38 100
79 200
17 700
13 600
24 100
13 900
59% 186600
% % x 16 Proposed
20,4% 3,27 3
42,4% 6,79 '7
9,5% 1,52 2
7,3% 1,17 1
12,9% 2,07 2
7,4% 1,19 1
100.0% 16
PD-9 1997 Population % % x 11 Proposed
Culpeper 32,100 25,1% 2,76 3
Fauquier 52,000 40,6% 4,47 4
Madison 12,500 9,8% 1,07 1
Orange 24,500 19,1% 2,10 2
Rappahannock 7,000 5,5% 0,60 1
41% 128,100 100.0% 11
314,700 27
PD-9 and PD-IO Total
If a locality does not fill all its allocated business positions, the Consortium will
assign those positions to one or more other localities,
One-Stop Partners: The Act sets forth certain categories of representation, the
One-Stop Partners, To insure the correct distribution of categories and voting consistent
with the population distribution, the attached chart mentioned above also sets forth the
planning district origin for those categorical appointments, The following process will be
used to appoint persons who meet these requirements:
1, Nominations will be sought from categorical organizations, set forth in the
Act, by each planning district office,
2, Nomination forms will be received at the TJPDC office,
A committee of four CLEOs, two from each planning district, will meet to
prepare a slate of categorically mandated WIB members, distributed as
set forth in the Chart,
Full Board Appointments:
1, The full group of OLEOs will meet to affirm the categorical nominees and
the business and industry nominees,
2, The TJPDC will prepare the Certification Form and submit to the State for
the Governor's certification,
Vacancies: Vacancies will be filled using the same procedure in order to maintain
the correct geographic and categorical distribution of WIB members,
Organization of the WIB: It is the intent of the CLEOs to create the full WIB to cover
all the localities, It is the desire of the OLEOs that PDC-level regional committees be
formed by the WIB which will conduct planning and other activities to advise the WIB in
order that the distinct characteristics of each planning district area have an avenue for in-
depth focus,
Organization of the Consortium: The purpose of the Consortium is to maintain
communication with the WIB and perform oversight of certain WIB activities.
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 13)
The Consortium shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from its members, One
officer shall be from each planning district, The Consortium may elect to
elect two Co-Chairs,
Two additional members, one from each planning district, will be chosen
by the Consortium to serve on an Executive Committee of the Consortium
The Consortium will meet, as a body, at least quarterly, beginning in
March, 2000,
The Executive Committee will meet monthly or more frequently, as
Minutes of the Executive Committee will be distributed to the full
Consortium membership and to the Chief Administrative Officers of each
It will be the responsibility of the Chief Local Elected Official, acting with
the Chief Administrative Officer, to communicate the activities of the
Consortium and the WIB to their respective governing bodies,
Two members of the Consortium may, according to the By Laws of the
WIB, sit as non-voting members of the WIB,
Collaboration with the WIB
The Plan:
The WIB will submit the Plan to the Consortium for their concurrence,
Concurrence will be a simple majority of the Consortium present and
2. Budget:
The WIB budget will be submitted to the Consortium for approval,
Approval will be a simple majority of the members of the Consortium
present and voting,
3. Quarterly meetings:
The officers or Executive Committee of the WIB will meet with the CLEOs
at the quarterly meeting for the purpose of updating the CLEOs on the
activities and to seek advice from the CLEOs regarding the activities of the
4. One Stop Operator or System:
The WIB is charged with designating the One Stop operator or system, in
cooperation with the CLEOs,
A, The WIB shall submit the criteria for the One Stop to the CLEOs
for comment prior to selection of the One Stop operator,
B, The selection of the One Stop operator will be ratified by the
CLEOs by a simple majority of the CLEOs present and voting,
C, The Memorandum of Understanding establishing the One Stop
will be presented to the CLEOs for their concurrence,
D, Reports on the One Stop operation will be presented to the
CLEOs on a quarterly basis,
Youth Council:
The WIB is charged with appointing the Youth Council in cooperation with
the CLEOs,
The WIB shall present the names of the Youth Council
membership to the CLEOS for their concurrence prior to their
actual appointment to the Council, The Youth Council
membership will reflect the population distribution 59/41, PDC
The Chair or designated alternate will meet with the CLEO
Consortium on a quarterly basis,
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 14)
Local Workforce Investment Board
Proposed Composition
)rganization NOTES
~.--. ~. Required One-Stop Partners not
m c~ applicable for this region:
o ~ (0 ~) c ~ Indian/Native American Programs
c ~ "~ (~ Demonstration projects
0~ ;,= '~ v > c~. ~ National Emergency Grant
03 LLI ~3 0 0 .c ~
uJ 0 0 u~
/EC X 1 1 Employment Service, Trade
Adjustment Assistance, Veterans
Unemployment Insurance,
Migrant/Seasonal Farmworkers,
lob Corps X 1
~AA Agency X 1 Title V
)RHA X I HUD Training
)aA X X 1 Youth, Youth Opportunity Grants
{eg'l Econ. Dev. X 1 1
/oc. Rehab X 2 DRS and DVH
Yelfare to Work X 1 1 DSS, VIEW
.abor X 1 1
~ )ommunity College X X 2 1
! ~chool Board or X X 1 Adult Education & Superintendent.,
! ~uperintendent
-'ducation 1 1 Local educational entities,
including post-secondary
)ommunity Based X 1 2
)ther X 3 At the discretion of CLEOs
otal - Non-business 8 3 15
3usiness X 11 16 Must be majority of board
otals 19 3 31
Effective Dates of this Agreement:
This agreement shall take effect on the date of the last signature and shall remain
~'~ in effect until the WIA is no longer in effect.
Amendment of the Agreement:
A majority vote of CLEOs is required to amend this agreement.
Planning District 9 Planning District 10
John Coates Charles S. Martin
County of Culpeper County of Albemarle
Larry Weeks Virginia Daugherty
County of Fauquier City of Charlottesville
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 15)
David C, Jones
County of Madison
Clement L, "Sonny" Dodson Jr,
County of Orange
Charles Estes
Rappanahannock County
Stafford "Buck" Pace
County of Fluvanna
Kenneth Lawson
County of Greene
Edward Kube
County of Louisa
Harry Harris
County of Nelson
Nancy K, O'Brien, Thomas Jefferson PDC
Ms, Thomas said the Board was going back to discussion on the budget, but there are invited
guests present for the closed session, She suggested that the Board go ahead with Agenda Item No, 4,
Closed Session: Personnel, Land Acquisition and Legal Matters,
At 3:09 p,m,, motion was offered by Mr, Bowerman that the Board go into Closed Session
pursuant to Section 2,1-344(A) of the Code of Virginia under Subsection (1) to consider appointments to the
Workforce Investment Board; under Subsection (3) to consider the acquisition of property for a stormwater
basin and park facilities; and under Subsection (7) to consult with legal counsel and staff regarding specific
legal matters relating to an interjurisdictional agreement, The motion was seconded by Ms, Humphris,
Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin,
Agenda Item No, 5, Certify Closed Session,
At 4:59 p,m,, the Board reconvened into open session, Motion was immediately offered by Mr,
Bowerman that the Board certify by a recorded vote that to the best of each Board member's knowledge
only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia
Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion authorizing the closed session were heard,
discussed or considered in the closed session,
The motion was seconded by Ms, Humphris, Roll was called, and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas and Mr, Bowerman,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin and Mr, Dottier,
(Note: Mr, Dorrier returned to the meeting at 5:02 P,M,)
Agenda Item No, 6, Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the BOARD,
Ms, Thomas said the Board members came to a consensus during closed session concerning
appointments to the Workforce Investment Act Board,
Ms, Humphris offered motion to appoint Ms, Barbara Kessler, Ms, Susan Cabell, Mr, J, Walter
Levering, Mr, Brian Carlson, Mr, C, Henry Hinnant, Mr, Eddie Joe Lynch and Ms, Carole F, Clarke to the
WIA Board,
The motion was seconded by Mr, Bowerman, Roll was called, and the motion carried by the
following recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin,
Agenda Item No, 3, Budget Work Session (Continued from earlier in the meeting),
At this time, the Board returned to discussion of the budget, The staff had printed a new copy of
Attachment A during the break, Mr, Tucker went over the following chart explaining the changes which had
been made today,
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 16)
Attachment A
Board of Supervisors' FY 2000-01 Operating Budget
County General Fund
Beginning Board Reserves 92,874
Less County Executive Adjustments
Reduction in Legal Services Contingency Funds
Health Insurance Rate Reduction ($3035 to $2735)
Constitutional Officers Salary Adjustments
Miscellaneous Salary Adjustments
Less Board of Supervisors' Adjustments
Less Board Adjustments- Move Discovery Museum to Tourism
Plus Resource Changes
Transfer Adjustment- School Technical Suppor~
Revenue Adjustments (ABC Profits and Rolling Stock)
Reduction in Budgeted 599 Funds (based on General Assembly)
NetEnding Reserves 191,543
Board of Supervisor's Initiatives cos~* Funded
Election Official Pay Increase- Registrar
Local Stipend Increase for 5 staff members- Commonwealth's Attorney
Additional Operating Expenses- Sheriff ($725 Revenue Offset)
Public Safety
0.5 FTE Evidence Proper~y Clerk Expansion (Jan Hire)- Police Department
1,0 FTE Civilian Patrol Suppor~ Assistant- Police Department
2.0 FTE Traffic Officers- Police Department ($70,000 Revenue Offset)
Additional funds for Training and Continuing Education- Fire/Rescue
Reimbursement/Resale of Training Materials- Fire/Rescue ($2,900 Revenue Offset)
1.0 FTE Volunteer Coordinator- Fire/Rescue
Engineering & Public Works
1,0 FTE Engineering Inspector III for CIP- Engineering
0,5 FTE Expansion of Half-time Custodian to Full-time- Public Works
Human Development
GAIT Nursing Clinic- JABA
Parks and Recreation
Nor~hside Library Sunday Hours
Additional Staff Hours at Scottsville and Crozet Library Branches
Community Development
Local Funding for 1,0 FTE TJPDC Criminal Justice Planner
CTS Extended Bus Service to WaI-Mar~ on Route 29 North
CSA Fund
Full Funding
5,200 8,200
8,490 8,490
26,944 21,844
8,696 8,898
30,442 30,442
73,954 18,284
12,500 12,600
3,100 3,100
56,956 63,206
66,105 26,668
14,849 14,649
5,190 6,190
28,500 28,600
11,500 14,649
13,848 13,848
47,930 47,930
200,000 200,000
Additional Initiatives Funded 667,469 606,947
Remaining Board Reserve Fund (315,404)
* Net cost to County after offsetting revenues
General Government Available Fund Balance
Less One-Time Costs (Above)
Less Region Ten
Remaining General Government Fund Balance
School Division
Available School Board Reserves
One-Time (of $700,000 total)
Total School Board Resources
Unfunded School Board Initiatives:
One-Time Needs
Subtotal One-Time
Recurring Needs 1,285,758 1,286,768
Unfunded School Board Initiatives (772,768)
Remaining One-Time Funds Available for Additional Non-Recurring Needs: 67,000
March 20, 2000 (Adjourned Meeting)
(Page 17)
Mr, Tucker said staff had listed how much revenue one-half cent increments on the real estate tax
rate would bring in, Two cents would provide $1,29 million and provide the Schools with $774,000 which
would fund the shortfall shown above, and General Government would receive $516,000 funding its
shortfall as well, He would suggest that some portion of that additional money be put into the Debt Service
Mr, Bowerman asked the amount of the Capital Improvement Program shortfall from the second to
the fifth year of the capital plan, Ms, Gulati said it is about $14,0 million for school projects, not counting
Virginia Public School Authority bonds,
Ms, Thomas said at the end of year 2004, there was $25,5 million in unfunded capital needs, And
even if the capital needs are met, the five-year capital financing forecast said there would be a shortfall of
over $9,0 million due to the operating budget impact of planned capital projects, Mr, Tucker said a lot of
that has to do with the differentiated funding for the schools, A decision will have to be made at some point
as to whether to fund the CIP,
Mr, Bowerman asked if the Court projects are included in that figure, Ms, Thomas said they were
included in that figure,
Mr, Bowerman asked when the Board will have the first meeting with the financial advisors, Mr,
Tucker said that will take place in May, They will recommend what they think Albemarle can bear in terms
of a bond issue, It probably will not be the full $150,0 million over the next ten years,
Mr, Dorrier asked if staff is still considering a referendum, Mr, Tucker said "yes", The consultants
will be advising as to whether to have small bond issues every two or three years, or have a large issue, Mr,
Dorrier said he believes the Chairman should be present for this discussion, The other members agreed,
Ms, Thomas said if the Board can meet the School's needs, is there an amount of money that
could be put aside now that would reduce the impact of the rate increase that will come with the bond issue
that has been mentioned? Ms, Gulati said it is assumed that if nothing is done now, it will be approximately
a two-cent increase, That would include putting into reserves about $200,000 per year from now until time
to pay the debt service, To reduce that increase to 1,5 cents, it would take an extra $500,000 per year
being put into reserves,
Se~ing of Tax Rates for Public I-learin§,
Ms, Thomas said there was a consensus to wait until Wednesday to set the tax rates,
Mr, Davis said if the Board intends to adopt the budget on April 12, the public hearing
advertisement must show the maximum tax rate proposed for adoption,
Agenda Item No, 7, Adjourn, With no further business to come before the Board, at 5:15 p,m,,
motion was offered by Mr, Bowerman, seconded by Ms, Humphris, to adjourn this meeting until 1:00 p,m,
on Wednesday, March 22, 2000, Roll was called, and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Ms, Humphris, Mr, Perkins, Ms, Thomas, Mr, Bowerman and Mr, Dorrier,
NAYS: None,
ABSENT: Mr, Martin,
Approved by the
Board of County