HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198200002 Action Letter -, ,_.-.~,,-,-, .,.,."'..=--,....."-,-~ "<,~,,,~~., ._~ ".- --,- 2. The dwelling contains 1,196 sqtlare feet. of living area and a walko tit basement containing the same ntlmber of sqµare feet. Of this space, approximately 800 sqtlare feet of the present living area on the first floor will be devoted to the proposed commercial tlse as a crafts and fabric .Shop: Three htlndred-fifty-fotlr (square) feet will provide living space for Mr. & Mrs. Hogshead. The bath, 42. square feet, will serve both the family and their customers. Four hundred square feet of the basement area would be reserved 1. The dwelling's present exterior residential appearance will be maintained, and no alterations will be made. This letter is intended to stlpplant my letter of Febrtlary 5, 1982, in order to incorporate into the Hogshead's proffer the oral changes which have subsequently been made. Ptlrsuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zorling Ordinance ,the following conditions are proffered to be applied to POlly Hogshead's proposed rezoning: Dear Mr. Keeler: Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Albemarle County Planning Department County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia Re: Polly Hogshead - Application for rezoning ZMA-82-2 proffer as ZMA-82-2, Polly B. Hogshead with Proffer; read as fOllOWS~ d. &¿ CONfdld 1982 - . . "March 2, the Regarding amended shoµld Mr. Robert W. Ttlcker, Jr., Director of Planning Barbara J. Flammia, Deputy Clerk May 24, 1982 Amendment, Action Letter of March 17, 1982 Board of Sµpervisors' Meeting. SU BJSCT; DA.TE: FROM: TO: PLAt,lWL'\!G DEPT~ fJY~ ~ . MEMORANDUM OF AL..S£'M At¡y X~.A¿lJ~ . .'(~ ~*6 '" ~1 j))~({;lli:HW!!;'Jìi)D ~'G¡~" U~~ ll;;w¡ COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING MA Y .21) 1982 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 ~~1:"'( 0° (-~/ ~~ --~'.'._---- --~'_~_---=-,"C_="___~~""=---==_'~~"~ .__. «",..;; /.....~. /~ "f . -,- r..L"" ,/ ". .- C"'_..,_:,¿--=~..-:<::,.._ .- " -(-;;"___''''",.-...-.~..,.r:'''' ..--> - - ,~ /' // CC: M. Caperton 1. Cortez S. Richard G. St. John Engineering B. Woodzell Zoning Administrator bjf/ (signed) Catherine J. Womack" Sincerely, If I can provide any cJ..arification or additional information cOncerning this proffer, please do not hesitate to contact me. 6. All parking wOtlld be on a portion of the property which is visually screened and hidden from all adjacent roads and neigh- boring properties. 5. Signs to be used in connection with the btlsiness will be restricted to the nameplate on the Hogshead's mailbQx, One free_ standing business sign not to exceed It square feet, and one wall business sign not tQ exCeed 2 square feet. 3. No Part of the balance of the aCreage in this parcel would be developed fQr cQmmercial Use. 4. The only commercial use tQ ~hich the prQperty will be devQted is Mrs. Hogsþead's proposed small shop. She will Qffer a small selection of fabrics, notiQns, and trims frQm which her custQmers may purchase Qr make selections for items tQ be hand- crafted by Mrs. HQgshead. She will sell her Qwn handcrafted items and possibly some consignments of handcrafted items by others. She will alsQ cQnduct small sewing clasSes. Mr. & Mrs. Hogshead will initially operate the shop alone. They do not ant:\.cipate a need to add even a part-time employee until Qne or tWQ years in the future. At no time will they employ more than tWQ full-time employees. fQr storage and possible future eXpansion Qf the business. The ,balance of the basement WQuld be utilized for personal stQrage or living area. Page 2 May 24, 1982 Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr. DirectQr of Planning ./ r ,.0---", ........,. -~~,'-~,~~,~=""-~;"~~, ~-- 4. The Qnly.CQmmercial use to which the property will be de- voted is !·Irs. Hogshead I s prQPosed small shop. She will offer a small selection Qf fabrics, notions, and trims frQm which her cUßtomers may purchase Qr make selectiQns for items tQ be hand- crafted by Mrs. Högshead. She will sell her Qwn handcrafted items 3. NQ part Qf the balance Qf the acreage in this parcel would be developed for cQmmercial use. 2. The dwelling contains l,l96 square feet of living area and a walJ<out ba?ement cQntaining the same number of square feet. Of this space,apprQximately 800 square feet of the present living area on the first floor will be devoted to the proposed commercial use asa crafts and-fabric shQP; Three hundred fifty-four feet will provide living spaCe for Mr. & Mrs. Hogshead. The bath, 42 square feet, will servebQth the family and their custQmers. Four hundred square feet Qf the basement area WQuld be reserved for stQrage and possiblÈ; future expansion of the business. The balance of the basement would be utilized fQr persQnal storage Qr living area. l. The dwelling's present exterior residential appearance will be maintained, and no alteratiQns will be made. This letter is intended to supplant my letter of February 5, 1982, in order to incorpQrate into the Hogshead.'s proffer the oral changes which have subsequently been made. Pursuant to SectiQn 33.3 Qfthe Albemarle CQunty ZQning Ordinance, the fol- lowing conditions are proffered to be applied tQ Polly Hogshead's prQPosed rezoning: Dear Mr. Keeler: Re: Polly Hogshead - Application for rezoning ZMA~82-2 Mr. RQnald S. Keeler Albemarle County Planning Department County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia March 2, 1982 TELEPHONE (804) 296-2137 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 RALPH L. FElL JAMES N. DEINLEiN DAViD H. PETTiT J. PAGE WILLIAMS CATHERiNE J. WOMACK 416 PARK STREET ATTORNEYS AT LAW FElL, DEINLEIN, PETTIT ¡¡>, WILLIAMS '--/ ~. ;J,,, ---,-- ------~ ------~~~ ~'~".-~ ---- - ,,'~" -~"'-'~~~'-~'f~'~"--~'-''''~'-''-'-~=-----'-"'=--=-=''_=C,.=,,,,=,,= _,=,_,~ CJW/sh Sincerely, ~9·~ Catherine J. Womack If I can provide any clarification or additional informatiQn concerning this proffer, please dQ not hesitate to contact me. wall 5. Signs to be used in connection with the business will be restricted to the nameplate on the HQgsheads' mailbox, one free-standing business sign not to exceed 3 square feet, and Qne business sign nQt tQ exceed 4 square feet."" " 6. All parking WQuld be on a portion of the property which is visually screened and hidden from all adjacent roads and neighboring properties. and possibly some consignments of handcrafted items by others. She will also conduct small sewing classes. Hr. &'Mrs. HQgshead will initially operate the shop alQne. They do not anticipate a need to add even a part-time employee until Ohe or tWQ years in the future. At nQ time will they employ mQre than two full- time emplQyees. Hr. Ronald S. Keeler Page Two Harch 2, 1982 "'-...._,/ ~,' ~ ......0.'-, .._"~'~-~_...--, ¿ ,Þ.,;;'