HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198200006 Action Letter --- ,.--~,__~"_--~,--'~,~,~'c"=,~,",~, --_~'__~~~'_~~'"=,,~=---';_~.__,~~__ slr cc: Mr. David J. Wood, Jr. Nr. Th<Jmas Lincoln _I. f;iúML StUart L. Rîchard Depari:rænt of Planning Sincerely, "HCJ ,J-In is nOil reapplying for t.'J.e Sarra C-l corrmercial zoning with the sama proffered conditions except that the size Qf the building will nCM be 2,579 square feet measuring (42 feet x 61 feet, 4 inches) .~' ¡fyou ¡¡muld have any questions w,ith regard to this actiön and notification, you rnàycontactMr. Ronald S. Keeler at 296-5823. .TheAlbe!1larle County Board .0£ Supervisors, at its meeti.nç on June 2, 1982, voted to approve YQurabovè-referenced. rezoning request, subject to the sama cmutions contained in the previousJ,.y approvedZMA-8l-7 NalcoJm J. Reid as stated in the PROFFER given belCM, as contqined in Mr. David J. Wood, Jr. 's letter of April 2, 1982, adðressed to the IJepårt:Iænt of Plann:i,.ng: Gentlerren: Re: Z)YIA-82-6 WITH PROFFER KATHERINE L. IMHOFF Planner Hop-In Food Store" Inc. Post OffiƓ ]3Qx' 260 Roanoke, Virgirlia 24002 Senior Planner RONAI..D S, KEELER AssistantOir~ tor of 'PLanning R, KE!TH MABE Principal Planner NANCY MASON CAPERTON DEPARTMENT of PLANNING 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Va. 22901-4596 804-296-5823 June 4, 1982 ROBERT W, TUCK~R, JR, Oirecto'rof ,Planning :0 0 ~ ,\""'l r".) j --~------- ,-- ....',....-. -- 'T' ---"F- ------, '-. -',~ DJW, Jr/ddm YQur consideration of the abo,!:ematter will be appreciated. Hop-In Food Stores, Inc. has now purchased the 1. 27 acré tract and desires to construct the COn- venience stQre on the new prQperty. Hop-In is now reapplying for the sameC-l Commercial zoning with the same proffered conditiQns except that the size of the building will now be 2579, sq. ft. measuring 42x61. 4. At the Board's hearing it was the applicants in- tentiQn and, I bélieve, the Board's understanding that a building identical to the existing Hop-In Store would be built.on the new IQt. By mistake the proffer referred to a 23.00 sq. ft. building measuring 42x51.4. This should have been 2579 sq. ft. fQr a building measuring 42x61.4. The Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on March 18, 1981, apprQved the petition tQ rezone tQ C-l Com- mercial a 1.27 acre tract at the intersection Qf Hydraulic ~Qad and GeQrgetown RQad. This rezQning was made·s'Ubject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant in its letter Qf·March l3, 1981. A copy of the Board's actiQn and the conditiQns Qf proffer are sét forth in YQur letter of March 20" 1981, heretQ attached. Re: Relocation Qf Hop-In FQod StQres, Inc. Hydraulic RQad Gentlemen: Department of Planning CQunty Qf Albemarle County Office Building McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 April 2, 1982 AREA CODE 804 TELEPHONE '296- 61)8 22902 230 COURT SQUARE 1". O. BOX 471 DAVID.J. WOOD (1897-1966) DAVID _L WOOD, .JR. .JOSEPH M. WOOD, II CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGIN'IA LAW OFFICES WOOD, WOOD AND WOOD ATI'ACHI'IENT A " -~~~','~,"-~-- --""~'C~_,",__~,,"_,_ ThQrnas Lincoln Gloeckner, Lincoln & Osborne, Inc. 710 E. High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 cc Hop-In FQQd Stores, Inc. P. O. Box 260 Roanoké, Virginia 24002 Department of Planning April 2, 1982 Page 2 ,~-~ ....