HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198200007 Action Letter -,-"~~ ~ ! , ,,~"(~ ov c; ~ OF , ~ ROBERT W, TUCKER, JR. 'Dtt,ecto,r of Pla,rfningc. DEPARTMENT of PLANNING 401 Mcintire Road' Chartottesville, Va. 22901-4596 804-296-5823 June 18, 1982 RONALD S. KEELER Assistant'Dlt-ector;Q'f,planrii.ng R. KEITH MABE Princ,ipal PI:ann:er NANCY Mi'<SON 'CAPERTON SeniorPlarin:er KATHER ;NE L. IMHOFF Planner First RiQ Road Land ,'L'i::Ust 500 Court Square, Suite 300 Charlottesville,- VirgÙ1ia 2290l Attentiön QfMr. Donald 1;<. Wright He: ZMA....82-7 First RiQ Rœd Land Trust (W.W.W. Electronics) WIT"tI PROFFER Gentlemen: The Al.bèrrtarle CQunty Board of SUperviso:tS, at its meeting of June 16, 1982, VQted to approve your abQVe'-referenced rezQning request (fran CO tQ LI WITH ProFFER), subject to the follaving prQffer: "proFFER Tne undersigned beneficial owner of the First Rio Road Land Trust àœs hereby Proffer' the following limitation for its request for LI zoning: . . Testing, !Œillufacturing and assembling of electrQnic cCi.TljJCJIlents. (signed) DcmaldR. Wright" If you shQuld have any questions w'it11regard to this action by t.lJ.e Bo,ard of Supervisors, please call Mr. Ronald S. Keeler at 296-5823. Sincerely, ~î~ Stuart'L. Richard Department Qf Planning slr cc: Mr. Leroy R. Hamlett, Jr. ~ "".....;,¡¡. /_r,\ I ) '"-",,, '\ ( :) \..J Lm fHs 2 :=¡ PROFFER The undersighèd benèficial Qwner Qf the First Rio Road Land Trust dQes hereby PrQffer the fQlIDwing limitatiQn for ,its request fQr t-l zQning: Testing, manufacturing and assembling Qf electrQnic compQnents. ~((.w 'J/ Donald R. Wright ~ 4''1.1+'" . '"-~-,---~-,._--"_.._,- . ..," .......---