HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198300019 Action Letter .'",..",-"=--~~"--=---.-."' -,'_._-~._....~-_. .'.....'..'......---.......'..... sIr Wl~ Stuart L. Richard Department of Planning and Community Development Sincerely, The Alhemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting of February 1, 1984, voted to approve the rezoning of 29,6 acre.S from R.,.l Rfi)sidentialto R-4 Residential with the proffer of a maximum res+~entia1 density of 1.7 dwelling units "per acre (proffer is sho~n on Zoning Map prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates, d<"ìted Decêìnber 8, 1983-Hollymead), and the rezoning of 23. acres from. B-1 Residential to R-15 Residential (County Tax Map 46, Parcel 29), excluding the commercial area of 37 acres on Route 29 North and. 8 acres on Proffitt Road. .,.: '. ' !f you shoµld have any questions concerning this action and notification, kindly contact Mr. Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of the Planning Division, at 296-5823. Gentlemen: / Re: ZMA-83-19 (Revised) Ho11ymead Land Trust and Albemarle Bank and Trust Company WITH PROFFER Hollymead Land Trust and Albemarle Bank and.TrUst Company Care of C. W. Hurt Post Office Box 8147 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 February 3, 1984 DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 401 Mclntlra Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 804 296-5823 0~1:'l vO OF ¿ ,..;j. '.,,,,,", I . ("'Ov-V?Y 0"'- 4é4tt'"/14A~é<:"- :r.rA/"é:' O".c- Þ""..ÿ4"'^"'-'''' ,TO ---T. .T/-/~ /.:7Æ"¿r4V",.veí /~"r~v"".:."""""r -...,;:r 4ç.<,N"t:;J_é~;P4¿r.o ðt:'/~<1' ~~ ,T-'Ý/::r /-l4Yo.& êQ~.A./.r y d,.c- 4¿-ð~MA;P¿¿:: ... ·¿-cJVA/.TYë::7".&-4éðê/14-"'1Râ:..· /<'4A./.I\///v'c CO-ffA?/"S"S-'OA/ -dO,.<:J.A?.o O,,;c: ::>G/,.-¿RV/:S-OAf"S" CêR/"/.".-".':-A/""c::,1.V.· .TN/::> ;,,::> -4 C:-OA'"RêC".TF "'¡C'C:-G/~?E C-HA/~~AA./ ..o~/ C:::;-,,\/,,¿f.?ê.o A <:i <:,".1\/ T J-.' ...-(R.?Ñ'cv...... ~ <,,".wh"''-'A"P:S- c-. <: ~ c-ç~';-'/"'<"".r"o/'>(' -.g, -"/~O /'7#5 dY A::r o_.-v'¿;e' ~;V/.T"""~"S MY C'O~,.w".~~",c:M/ cr--t//~<:.'":S- ."o.-4T¿: . '.o...¡~ . ,.vOT....,~y ~..gé-'C" ;V/.T-~~'S 4JY ) (. ê'7 ':0 ' t! I "E., " ~~ I 0' " ,JJ 0 \, !J oP . I¡J 11)' ~ .'\ ,t,. .!¡J\.. \"t-. tlj.:~ ~ R f" Brff ,~. ..~~ ,~~ iJ· . !;~i¿J{!)8 ~. .~ ~ .N j \ .? ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ð ~ ¡ , "ð. .. " ~~ ~~.\ ~~ ~8 ~ g t.~\~~ '.;5$~1 c , ~ ' KI:p' r- \J 'f t.j ,. ,,}1'-=::S?5.00 ~. I ~ ~' ~.~ NQ&~~ ß .t 4e. -rk? -aZ- /'Î / iJ k tJ: ~ K ~ Q :~ ~'~j~' \~ / I 'f;' (~~' Q' .~ ~ 0.13.7 PI / ~ t ~. , / / ~ ~~ ~I/ Gf,5". O;YA/é-·R'~ .4//,R'ov"'¡¿'.: 7~/5 :>C-/..&.o"V/~/Q,^", -':>~A.o¿: ,y/.;...y T'-"/¿ C7:7,¡v'=>~.I\/.T OF T~¿<= cV^","-:::>ë,e:Y/G;,\/ë~ o¿.y.l\/~'<-:> /,.pq.....~/¿:,rO,<!'"S A.I\/,o a<" T~.:/':>T<"'~~, .~e.. . -r: ¡.I> . . '.4'~G pAß: ,,~. .,$3 . tJf!? t ,J,~.IC, , ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... ......... ........... I. , t,¡ .l\ (¡ÖO~O .Iì fJ' .ß' -. .. r'/f~. e..9 7: M, 4<::;; .I-/OCC YMeA.o G--1NQ 7~C/I.5'/ /.::Jð. 7ðO r1C~€'6' ~ëMAIN/Ä./G ,0. ß. ?\3<ó - lIe:.. NO'rt!:!:: ,c'o"\'OM "øo/1\./7 -An ""7t7 PO/N7" "e;- !So</N'O....lfi:y "'r....I';'~ ,c'~"" ~'r ß'\"e:I"I-f~¿:O .ey W'~U-1M \$', /1'0(/.0"" -5V'SH, ~w E,.(..C- ;{>' C~Ee./< . t. .D~/VE... ð:J'~W jg r?' ~. B . ,Å.(ZQD.. ~ ÌM. ~ l-~ ~owæ\ (2-4 R.e-~e.....t& wI 0..- rczo[~ to ~ 1:J ~ -\-0 0.. ~~ ~ \.r¡ ~~ ~ ~C' ~st~ \\!21{?:Jf? ~LAT'-~;¡bi<l/NG"'; ~t ~ ~~ /'50. e/~. ~C~ë.~ 0;: c......-1NO Ål~ ~ . ßE:/NG PO~{/ONcr' 0,1: ¡Or<1~ce:c.. e...:::> ON //'tX M/"lP ~ ..-1N,o .r4 PO~7/0N Or JOA,kCEc:::... <re. ON T...-1X MA P \:s'"~ . . }-IO '- ,-:.y IV1 E A D ~ ¿, ß¿M...-1 ~ c:::...é:::~' COUA/-r'y' ~ V/~G/N / A OC TO 15 c/"- Jf?~/ /..;:Jðõ ~ ðoo lea::7 I ' ! G/f;"fjOh'IC \s'C;"f'C¿ 1M Fee. T . . -õ: ,4c../ðRêY #G///.A4A/V AA/O 4:5'~¿;C'/A.Tê-:5' ¿.TO ': ,/ . C'/J,o'/¿ ëA/G./A/ééRI,vC;-¿'AN'o -:F¿/RVêY/A/C;,-¿AN,O ".o¿ANN/N'G C'hlAR¿ð.T /é5 j//¿'¿' é Y/R<:;/N/A " -¡ " o ~ /~oo I . I. ,0/\5' 1'\ ~ c..I O.l3 I