HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198400026 Action Letter 2. The ownBrs be required to file a site plan for both the existing and expanded usage beforB commencing any expansion; and 1. The rezoning be limitBd to Bxpansion consistBnt with the existing commercial Use of the 11"40 -Hous'eup-roperty;--- "The owners proffer that£hëir reqtJest be aPproved on condition that: T'he AlÞema.de County Board of supBÍ:'vi$ors , at its meeting on February 6, 1985" 1.JIianimOllsly ap¡)roYBdyom; req1).est to rezone 1.0 acre fromRA, RUral Areas toc-l' commerdal.. . propBrty described as Tax Map 59, parcel15A (part), is located on the south side of . Routé 250 ¡,vest approximately 1500 feet. past the intersection of Routes 250 and 677. Samuel MiHer MagistBrial District. . A proffer dated January 28, 1985, addressed to Ronald S. Keeler was filed with this offiCB on FBbruary 5, 1985. The proffer, signed by Mr. R. LBCky Stone , Jr.¡attornBY for the applicant, was< pre¡:;entBd to the BOard and was amBndedat>the February 6, 19 85 meeting ,at which time ~1r. Stone ve:r;:þaUy.agreed to the changes. The rBquesi:: was APPROVED with the amended proffer: Dear Mr;and Mrs. Elder: RE: ZMA-84~26 Clarence & Mary Elder Clarence E.& Mary Ann EldBr Route 10, Box 114 Charlottesville, VA 22901 February 11, 1985 DEPARTMENT of PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 401 Mclntira Road Charlottel$vllle, VA 22901-4596 804 296-5823 0~"('( cP OF \'-cJ .F""-, /'~, RSK/jcw Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning f2llo1t1L Sincerely, If you should have any questions regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesi'tate to contact me. 3. The owners not be permitted any variance of the 150 foot scenic highway setback for the expanded use." Clarence & Mary Elder Page 2 PLANNING DIVISION RLSjljw cc: Clarence J. Elder wq), JAN28 1985 Very truly yours, /<~ R. Lecky Stone, Jr. I would request that you file this proffer with the Elder's application for consideration by the Board. Thanking you for your assistance and with best regards, I remain (3) The owners not be permitted any variance in excess of 15'7: of the 150 foot scenic highway setback for the expanded use." (1) The rezoning be, limited to expansion consistent with the existing use of the 1740 House propêrty; (2) The owners be required to file a site plan for both the existing and expanded usage before commencing any expansion; and In accordance with our discussions, please consider this letter as a proffer of conditions to be attached as an amendment to the Elder's zoning request before the Board of Supervisors on February 6, 1985: "The owners proffer that their request be approved on condition that: Dear Mr. Keeler: HAND DELIVERED Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Department of Planning County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Clarence and Mary Elder ZMA-84-26 Tax Map 59, Parcel 15 A (part) January 28, 1985 (804) 977_3143 FRI;;D G. WOOD. JR. R. LECKY STONE. JR. WOOD AND STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE B 100 COURT SQUARE: ANN@( P. O. BOX 97 CI-IARLOTTESVrLLE. VIRGINIA 22902 /""'"'.