HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198400006 Action Letter }\:tt~ch¡:rient sIr ~{~ StÙ~rtL.. Richard Dep~rtment of Planning and Community Development Sincerely, Xf you should have any questions concerning this action, please contact Mr. Ronald S. Keeler, Chief of Planning D;br:ision, at 296-5823. The Albemarle. County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting of; Marcho21,l984, approved your above-referenced rezoning request, subject to the two attached proffers. Therefore, the 1.16 acres contained in County Tax Map 61, part of Parcel 124C, are rezoned from R-IO Residential to CO Commercial Office. Dear S:t.rs: Re: zMA-84-6R.D. Wade B.uilder, Incorporated R. D, W~deBuilder, Xncorporated 1495 E~st Rio Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Marc.h26, .1984 OF ALS~1I1. ,i" ~~A<e~"f,. ~J?(~ i~¡! I~' 6¡¡GŒ\~ DEPARTMENT of PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 401 Mcintire Road.' " Charlottesville, VA 22901'4596 804-296-5823 0~"('( cP I~ , ~ VIRGINIA REGISTERED CONTRACTOR NO. 21013 Herbert T. Fischer Property Manager Charles T. Lebo Sales, Manager Doris B. Garrison General Manager Richard M_ Slosson Production Manager RANDOLPH D. WADE President . RDW/abc ;f~ ;:;-U::h- Randolph D. Wade President Yours truly, rhe recommendation that the area proposed for rezoning be accessed only from the proposed road that is to serve the rest of the future development is perfectly acceptable to and desired by me. Dear Mr. Keeler: RE: ZMA-84-6 REZONING REQUESr Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning Department of Planning and Community Oevelopment County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 March 6, 1984 R.D. WADE BUILDER, INC. . 1495EASTRlOROAD . P.O. BOX 1288 . CHARLOTTESVlLLE,VA22902 . (804)973-7841 t'iC¡II'i!EJI)) VVtM 6 1984 pLANNiNG DEPT. aY_S~. . - ~adc~, ~{).JJles '-",-::.e', VIRGINIA REGISTERED CONTRACTOR NO. 21013 Herbert T. Fischer Property Manager Charles T. Lebo Sales Manager Doris B. Garrison General Manager Richard M. Slosson Production Manager RANDOLPH D. WADE President RDW/abc Yours truly, ¡f~dd¡ÞL Jj-U£~ Randolph D. Wade President I hereby agree that a financial institution, having a drive-up window that would generate unusual traffic flow, may be excluded as a "by right" usage of subject property, if rezoning is granted. Dear Mr. Keeler: RE: ZMA-84~6 REZONING REQUEST Mr. Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning Department of Planning and Community Development County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charl ottesvi 11 e, Vi rgi ni a 22901 March 6, 1984 R.D. WADEBUlLDER,INC. . 1495EASTRlOROAD . P.O. BOX 1288 . CHARLOTTESVlLLE, VA 22902 . (804)973-7841 ~a{1c ~ T , "1