HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198500003 Action Letter I: [ (' [ r I. I. i ¡ I I ¡ " P. .Q '-. Q ¡:r; IJ 4-> s::: œ S p. 010 S:::,;-¡ -.-I œ s::: :> rl s::: œ rllt!Q (j)rl s::: ¡:l,.. >t s::: .¡J o 4-J-.-I , Q 0 s::: >t :oJ ri ~ 'HS (j) ¡:r;OS H .¡J 0 (j) i tI! UO U (j) (j) s::: S H '):) -.-I ru -.-I s::: U)~QIt! ~ o .Q It! (j) ..G .¡J 01 s::: ..-1 '):) . H (j) It! S 01 (j).¡J H U It! tI!.¡J s::: s::: H 0 (j) U U s::: 0 04-> U (j) H.¡J o cd .¡J 00·.-1 s::: 00 o œ '.-I..G 4-> 004-> (j) 0 :oJ s::: t;' o >t'):) s::: It! (j) 00 (j) cd :> (j) cdrl ..Gp. 'tJ.. ~ rl s::: :oJ 0 0·.-1 ..G.¡J tI! U cd :oJ 0'):) >t(j) 4-> 4-J0 HS::: (j)O ..GO) .¡J ,-1 . OM .¡J (j) 'Ö..G Q).¡J .¡J ";., s::: S 0 '.-1 rl'):) (j) (j) .p .Q cd U rl 0 r-Irl It! ..G :>: UJ 0 s::: >t .µ 01 H s::: (j)..-I P.rl Orl H (j) p.:>: '):) Q) ..Gr-I .¡J1t! ..-1 4-J.¡J Os::: Œ) Œ)'):) IJ)..-I ~... ro- C) r-I MHQ) It! U ..-1 01 H U s::: ¡¡j H''''¡ P. (j).¡J SOOŒ) S'''; H o :x: u OŒ)cd . N o .¡J 'Ö (j) 4J .,..¡ S .,..¡ rl (j) .Q rl rl It! ..G 00 rl OJ U H cd P. OJ I-! U cd . >t Orl "'S::: riO . MID N Œ)r--.. fjŒ) 4-> o :oJ .¡J 0 ¡:r; 00 00 (j) (j).¡J u cd U.¡J "¡¡U) . rl r-I cd .,..¡ U I-! o H (j) 0 .¡J(j)4-J.¡J s::: S 4-J Os:::"' 0 '0 00 I-! (j) O1.,..¡ 0 P. [J) S:::.¡J~ 00 .,..¡ .,..¡ 01 (j) .¡J.¡J O'S::: H (j) (j) o·,..¡'):) (j) p. :>: '):) "' 0 0 It! 'Ö.¡Jr-I OO(j) rl'Ö .¡J.¡J~OS::: .,..¡ IJ) r4 4-J cd (j) cd , .¡J :oJ.,..¡ (j) >t It! t;'.¡J..G (j) (j)S:::.¡JS::: 'H Q) H 00 'Ö..GO H (j).,..¡.¡J.¡J 0:> oo·,,;.¡J UJO(j):>:"¡¡ .,..¡ .Q ¡:r; :> nJ 'Ö' H (J) Q) , (j) H 1J1:> H 0,;:1 nJ 0 IJ ;:1 0 rl H U) :>1rl P. ,. ..-1 P. s::: 4-J Q) :> nJ '.-1 O:>~ cd o tl!t:Q '):)H¡:r;cd HP':>::<. cd p. ~ o ¡¡j S s::: t11 00 'Ö o H·.-1 H >t 4-> 4-J .¡J It! .¡J ..-1:>: s::: '):) t~ .¡J 'Ö .. :oJ (j) (j) (j) Ii1 >t O.¡JHp' rl o 0 U >trl :> It! [J).Q (j) (j) .,..¡ s::: rl'O..G'ÖS::: HLn"'E-i(j)O mCOrl S:::Q S",· IJ1 Q)r-!M _.1-1_ .Q ~tI!¡:r; r-t. .. (1) Q) ,,¡¡ ".j s::: U IJ1 tI! 0'''; s::: (j) OJ >t N 4-J.,..¡ S .<:: It! (j)4-J (j) ¡¡j E-i:<:I-!O.Q1J .. (j) .¡J ..-1 .C: :;:: . H :<: H IU (j) Q OJ .¡J .,..¡ § tI! nj rl IJ1 :oJ o Q M I Ln CO I ~ N .. [::J o '" II) '"'" IDa N .¡Jrl '.-1r--.~ '<::N:> :;:: :x: . [J) 0 (j) röt:Qrl M r-I tf¡ ....1"1 :oJrl:> o IJ) Q(j).¡J .¡J.¡J . ::J 0 ¡, 0 U ~¡:r;U) If) CO 0) r4 , M >t nj :<: ¡.. ;¡: !1J :¡¡ II. o ... lIS ::- ILl Q (þ >- '" ... U) - <t :æ: , =>"... :: IV 0 (I') ::·00) N 0'" '" '" (,) & ~ I.ð ~ - , 't1 :;: ~ (0 c: C > <n &-1"ü.;-", . CI::;;:: V Z > 0 .... Y"" ø CO Z 0 It Z"'t.... <C ~ .... ..2 A. :; .. .c O· (J I- Z w .:Ii l- I/: ~ II. W Q )-' "í- "0 ù lL. o \~~k -~- ~,- ---'~~-='~'---.~",.-~.~.,"~' "'--"""=---~="~"=-"~""T'-~-;__~'~_~'~~_~~"__~________ EHBjr/kn ~ Edward H. . Bain, °Jr. Attorney for Dougla$ White, (owner) Paul ~. Coleman (contract purchaser) 2. Comms:rcial U$e ofths: property shall be limíted. to the existing residential dwelling now located on the 3.190 acrs: parcel. 1. Access to the 3.190 acre parcel shall be limited to State Route 726 only. They .are willing to proffer the folJ.owing cond:i.tion$ as a part of the rezoning petition now before the County of Albemarle as follows: I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr. Douglas White, one of the owners of the property, and on behalf of Mr. Paul M. Coleman, contract purchaser of the 3.190 acre$ identified a$ tax map l30Al, parcel 49. Thi$ letter $hall provide certain proffers as a cond:i.tion pf the rezoning request on $aid parcel from VR, Village Residential, to CO, Commercial Office. Dear Mr. Donnelly: James R. Donnelly, Director of Department of Planning and Community Development County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 Re: ZMA-85-03-Douglas White '" 3 ApJ;"il 1985 c. TIMOTHY LINDSTROM MARK BRANDT TELEPHONE 977-6155 AREA CODE 804 .. R08:=:R:T P. BOYLE EDWARD H.BAIN, JR:. ROBERT H. DOWNER, JR. JAMES HINGELEY ,', """'''¡'''G D''''S''ON{ ".~,;",.1:~r:i't, ,§vt" I 420 PARK STRE£T P. Q. BQX 2616 CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22902 _ 21516 _..~ '-'< "-. C"-'~$æ¡-;::. ';'r;L~Þl{t·4·ìf~")~' ~lJ ~ - f¡~ j't:':::-".: \,;~1i~ \,¡ ~.~ If¡~ i ;¡",:"" i":"-' ,¡:L."'!o,' it ¡ S .f :\:~~_ ~j ~ ~ ·".ir~ ~.;:ø' , APR 4 1985 ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOYLE & SAIN