HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198500014 Action Letter
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401 MCintire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596
804 296-5823
20, 1985
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Claude Cotten
Box 7030
, VA 22906
ZMA-85-l4 Claude Cotten
Mr. Cotten:
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on May 15, 1985, approved by
of 6-0 the above-noted request to rezone with proffer, a~arcel of about 48 acres
PUD, Planned Unit Development to LI, Light Industrial. Property is lòcated on
east side of Fifth Street, about one-half mile north of 1-64 and is a portion of the
Planned Unit Development. Tax Map 76M(1), parcels 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 4B, 4C.
Magisterial District. This pet~tion was approved with proffer dated May
1985, (copy attached, hand delivered as noted, ".igned and dated May 13, 1985 by
Cotten) .
have any questions regarding· this acticn, please advise.
of Planning & Community Development
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Proffer for Vii II oughby Zon ¡ lit) Amendment
OThfe f.oHowing uses shan be permitted subject to the requirements and limitations
these regulations:
1. COlI\pounding.of drugs. including bioi og ical products, medical and
chemical a.s well as pharmaceutical.
2. Maqufacture, process.ing, fabricat ion, <JsS0rnbly, d i stribu t ion of
produ.cts suèh as, bu.!: not limi ted to (ref ercnce 5.1. 24): (Amended 12-2-81)
-Artists' suppl ies and equipment
-BusÎnesh office macl1ines and equi pmen t.
-Cosmetics, including perfumes, perfumed toiletries and perfumed tonet
-Drafting suppl ies ..nd eqúipment.
-Electrical lighting an.d wiring equipment.
-Electrical and electronic equipment and components inch,jding radio,
telephone, co¡n¡J.uter. communlçation eqiJipment,rv reçeivlng sets,
phonog raphs .
-Gifts, novelties including pottery, figurines ;;lnd similar cel'amic pl'oducts.
-Glass products made of purchased glass.
-Industrial controls.
.- -Je~el ry, s ilvel'Ware.
-lig'ht machinery and machine parts, including electrical household appl lances
but not including such things as clothes Ylashers, dryers and refrigerators.
-Muskal instruments.
-Paper products such as die-cut paperboard and cal'dboard, sanitary paper
products, bags and containers.
-Photographic equipment and suppl ies including processing and developing
-Rubber, metal s.tamps.
-SmaJi eleçtrical parts such as coils, condens!'!rs. transformers, çry.stal
-Surgical medical and dental instruments <Jnd supplies.
! :
-Toys, sporting aod athletic equipment, except firearms, affißlunition
. or f ¡reworks.
-Watches, clocks and similar timing devices.
3. Pub I ishing, printing. lithography and engr;¡lving. including but not
I imited to newspape~, periodical s and books.
4. Preparation of printi.ng plates including typesetting, etching and en-
5. Research and development activities including experimental testing.
6. Scientifiç or technical edu:cation facilities.
7. Public usesandbu.jjdjngs such as sclipol s, offices, parks, playgrounds
and rpads funded, owned or operated by iocal, state or feder:al agencies
(reference 31.2.5).
8.. Temporary constructionpses (reference 5.1.18).
9. Business and professioneJ office buildings.
1(1. Engineering, engineering "",sign, assembly and fabricetion of machinery
and cQlllponents, in:cluding such on-site accessory uses eS machinin<¡, babbitt..
ing, welding and sheet met..1 work """ploying machinery Oot exceeding fifteen
{IS} horsepower per unit and excludin(j such uses as drop hammering a.nd
foundry .
11. Electric, gas, oi I and communication fac i1 i ties exclud ing mul t H egged
tower structures end including poles, 1 ines, transformers, pipes, rtlêters
and related facilities for distribution of local service end owned ,md
operated by a publ ic util ity. Weter distribution end sewerage collection·
.. 1 ines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned and operated by the
Albemarle County Service Authori ty., Except as otherwise ex.pressly
pro>1ided, central water suppl ies and central sewerage systems in
conformance with Chapter 10 of the Code of Albemarle and a11 other
appl icable law.
The following uSeS sha1l not be permitted;
1. Fi re and rescue squad stations (reference 5.1.9).
2. Food products, such as bakery goods. dairy products, candy, beverages,
including bottl ing plants.
3. Wood cabinets and furniture, upholstery.
4. Assembly and fabrication of I ight aircraft from component parts manufactured
off~s i te.
5. Contractor's office and equipment storage yard.
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~.'I-\mitted byspeÇÎaj \,Ise permit:
(,j' 1. I.abor<\tories, medic.alor pharmace\,ltlcal.
2. Movlngbusihesses, inc:1uding storáge fadi ities.
3. Wareno\,lse facilities.
4. Wholesale bU.sinesses.
5. Temporary event$ sponsored by local nonprofit organizations
(reference 5.1.27). (Added 7-7~82).
6. Retlstop or heJiport (reference 5.1. 1)
I'Iot Permitted by special use permi·t:
1. Airport.
2. Assembiy of mod\,llar buitding units.
3. Tl"\Jck terminal.
4. Electrical power substations, transmhsion lines and related ,towers;
gas or oil tr<\nsmlssion Hnes, pumping st¡¡tions and appurtenances;
unmanned telepnOtle exchangE!! ¢enters; micro~wi'!vE!! i'!nd ri'!dio~wi'!ve trans~
mission and I'élay tower$, substations i'!nd apþUrtenances.
Buffer Areas
1. the appiican.t witl provide a tree buffer aion.g the property bQundQry
by h64 to screen the prpperty from the. west bound lane of 1~64.
2... The ~istin9 naturi'!1 bt,rffer between the property i'!nd the Willo\,lghby
Re$ld,entiai StJbdiiilsion wil1 be undisturbed In the area between the
exi!¡.ting road to M. C. Tholl1i'!s Warehouse and Hoore's CrE!!ek.
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