HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA197900039 Approval - County 1979-11-21 _~"_,~c,> __',~~~_'_,~_~_~', _~~,'_'_'_ _="~~"___,_~,,___~_~__,_,_ , I j \Jane Gloeckner Planning Department jg/ cc: File ! Sincerely,· . ./1-O¿;)¿ßi¿þud .1 This is to advise. you that . the Albem"rlE! County <Board qf Supervis.or.. at its meeting Novelilber 21, 1979, approved your. request to rezone 0.686 acres from A-I to B~l. (County Tax-J'¡ap99 ,P~cellA ) - ",ubjectj:<>thepro-ffersubmij:j:ed as part of the appÜcation. .. . - . Dear.Sirs: . -- ~ Re.: Request for Z!.ß-79-39 BOARD "OF SUPERVISORS ACTION ~-'CETTE:C:H.ARLIE: KlrI.'SEY PLANNER J¡'rank.C., Mccue, III CliftonL~ Wright cfqCrqssRbadsStore North Gardeìi;'~VirgTnIaT~ 22959 PLANNER - "-f~~ÄN'¿YMÀsc)l\ì~CÅpitRTÓ~:/< November 27 ,1979 --0>,"-"-- --:--"." .- "-;,,," SENJOR ,P.LANNER '-~'..'- '-DoUGlAS W: ECKEL.: Department of Planning so4/296:o"se:.is 4t4~5~ MARKETST:~EE;T cHÄâL.ë>TT~SYI~i:e;.~~1R:Glt:iiIA,".ä:2901 ,~"-:;-;-',. "'- RON~CC:'S~'Ke:ELER ASSISTANTD1~EC1"OR 0cF ,PL..ANNfNq. Roa'ERrW.-TUCKER. JR. DIRECTOR'OF F'LANNfHG -, .ii::~"-OF-A~e€.. .-.. . ':~ \ ''''~J;> ,...V O. A¡:j¡ .'; ~ ,..y ..~. '."", '.... '-' L~,~ ·1;;1 ~ . , ':"''*~'.- . II Automobile sales, service and rental. Hotels and motels. Newspaper pubHshing. Public ut~lities: office, equipment, storage, dispatch centers and warehouse facilities. Theaters (indoor). Motor vehicles sale¡;;, service and rental. Printing shops. Condominiums with site plan approval. Retaì1 sales and service of fix.e extinguishers and safety and security products. A¡;;sembly and testing of. electrical appHances, ele¡:trop.ic instruments and devices, radios, and phopographs. Also the manufacture of smal1 P1i!:rts such as coì1s, . condensors, transfo:rmers, and crystal holders. (Adopted 9-20-78). Drive~intheaters. Machinery sales and service. Veterinary or dog or cat hospitals. Hholesaling and processing not objectionable because of dust, smoke, noise, odors, or heavy traffic. Mobile home and travel trailer sales and service. Private educational institutions. Harehousing, light (Adopted 3-26-75). 7-1-42(6) 7-1-42(7) 7-1-42(10) 7-1-42(2) 7-1-42(3) 7-1-42(4) 7-1-42(5) 7-1-2 7-1-17 7-1-21 7-1-29 7-1-39 7-1-42 7-1-43 7-1-44 7-1-46 7-1-48 (I) Excluded uses: uses by right or by special use permit as conditions for the rezoning of this parcel will bring the use of this parcel into conformity with the Comprehensive Plan as it is being implemented under the proposed zoning ordinance. Accordingly, and pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.1-491.2, the undersigned do hereby voluntarily proffer the conditions in said rezoning application that upon rezoning of said parcel to B-1 District the following uses permitted by right and by special use permit under the existing Zoning Ordinance be excluded or modified as hereinafter set forth: Zoning Ordinance. The elimination or modification of these certain The undersigned, Clifton L. Hright and Frank C. McCue, III, as a part of their application for the rezoning of Albemarle County Tax Parcel 99-lA from A-I to B-1, desire to proffer certain conditions which will eliminate or modify certain of the uses by right or by special use permit allowed in the B-1 District under the present ZMP! "PI ~ J1 PROFFERED CONDITIONS ---,-~.__.- / ~~~-','-"~-~'-~- '"'-~-=- - ~~,~- -,' ~~ ,,~, ------,-- /9 ~~~.?,~ølÁ-- Cl fton . Wrlg t DYgt~~.;..~oIÁ- Fr C. McCue, III WITNESS the following signatures this ~~day of October, 1979. Laundries, coin-operated (provided that an attendant shall be on duty at all hours during operation). As stated, but excluding multi-legged tower structures. Unless such uses are otherwise provided in this Article USES PERMITTED in Article 6, RESIDENTIAL, ,GENERAL DISTRICT R-3, in compliance with regulations set forth therein, and such conditions as may be imposed pursuant to Section 11,13 (Amended 3-15-77). . Helistop (Adopted 10-5-77). Contractor's office and equipment and material storage yard (Adopted 8-2-78). .._--~._----~ 7-1-42(9) 7-1-19 (2) Modified uses: 7-1-42(13) 7-1-42(14) 7-1-42(12) This record is missing the following: Attachment in file at Albemarle County Zoning and Current Development Office For assistance, please contact Sarah Baldwin at sbaldwin@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832.