HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198800019 Action Letter -~ . tree height of six to exceeding the minimum have a mini:¡num planting, thus We, propose to eight feet at requirements. 3. 2. We offer to plant atj,ý"enty foot wj.destagg$réð row ofevérgreens, spaced. fifteen feet on center. ...... ZMA-88-19 sub;ect to the followincr proffers: 1. There is a sight eê\sement requirement aoross. the front of Lots 12-1]L We prQpose to grade and smooth this, area. Grass will be planted and will be ma~ntained and mowed. We propose to plant shrubbery and landscape a strip of ground albng the f'ròntage of the property up to this sight easement. The landscaping and plantings would be at least equal to, and compatible with the present Robertson Electric and Berkmar Park landscap~ng. The AlbemarleÇountyBoar~ Of' superv;isors, at its meeting on February 20, :1;990, unanimous;ljy approved theabove...noted petitions. Please note that these approvals àre subject to the following conditions: Dear Mr. Robertson: ro'!;~ and Bill Robertson 2131 Berkmar Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE:V:MA-SS-19and SPT~~9 Bill Robertson Tax Map 6.~M, S¡¿1:i'6n12, Parcels 1M, 1K, Tax Map 61U, section 1, Parcel SA '>",":;;' ~ February 20, 1990 ø . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 "-:j" :x -, \'----.-,/ >~,.~ ~, ~.'.T_"'·_~"='=_'="'=-'=~'===="~=~=·'~·-~'·~'~'·-· cc: Kathy Dodson Richard Moring VWC/jcw community Development v. Way DirectÐr "4~ '. sincerely, If you should have any questions or comments regarding ,the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. ,. 3. Staff approval of sight easement plats. 2. Required site improvements shall be completed within eight months of the issuance of the special use permit, This permit shall expire eight months from the date Of approval if required improvements have not been completed; and 1. Planning commission approval of site plan; The recommended conditions of approval for SP-89-79 are: 5. If the adjacent Berkley owners do not agre~,to the planting on their property, we then offer to place the plantings on our own property; and 6. Proffers contained in letters dated July 20, 1989, and December 18, 1989, eliminating various uses under HC, Highway Commercial zoning. (copies attached) . 4. If the adjacent Berkley property owners agree, we propose this planting to be on the rear of their property. This is the higher 'ground and would make the screening more effective from the Berkley owners' point of view. Bill Robertson Page ,2 February 20, 1990 . -- =.=.~~.,~~-"~,,~--,., "_.~, .== __~.='._..~ ==7 BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT Sceptic tank sales and related services. 24.2.2 2. i\l, .,......... ,_,c' 3.7. Home a.nd:,Businessi ,Services. . . ; . . .... '.. .j,. ',' ,.' ',. .. 21.L~ght WarehQllsJ.ng¡ , ';. 22. Machinery and equipment sales, service and };\ental; 34. Wholes,á1e' Distribution; .- and PERMITTED USES 1. Automobile Laundries; 4. Building Material Sales; 8. Educational, Technical, and Trade Schools; 12. Fire Extinguisher and security Products, Sales Service; ,IJ' 24.2 , As as fOllow-up to my telephone message to you of today's date, this letter is intended to advise the Department of Planning & communit:r;,J:)evelopment that the applicant in the above mentioned matter.agre~s to pro fer out from its application those uses under HC~oningWhichMS. Patterson has concluded, by letter to me dated November ,30, '1989, would completely be permitted in HC zoning by special ,permit under section 24.2.2(8)jContractor's Office and Equip1tlentStorage Yard. The ,individual uses to which Ms. Patterson's opinion refers are as follows: Dear Mr. Fritz: Re: ZMA-88-16 & SP-89-79 22901, William Ð. Fritz Planner Department of Planning County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Rd., Charlottesville, Va. & Community Development December 18, 1989 !.UZAtETH P. COUGHTEP. '-'^MES P. cox m E. MWDALL 1\AUTON I'.OBEÌlT W JACKSON AUSON KITCH P. O. BOX· 208 THOMAS"'. MICHIE~ dR.. L!.1\OY k. HAMLETt; ..J1l. EDWAIlD e. LO\1VIlY IIlUC! D; Jlt,ASMUSSE'N kONALD I\..TWEEL CMY W. KENDAll. ..JOHN V.UTTU 1ŒV1N 'aVo kYAN CAlLE MtCHD01J\W TELEX 7œao7 (&04~.Q77"3300 . , lli), ~,/'":.. ·....':'r ....... ....-- , /", .i I', '",. .'" ,..... .~ / '\ J./,. ... ."'. ....". '. t .. ..... _,. ..... ~ ... \. .J .' >.' B1\x,EEÜ~~:~-"'~-' \~' l~Jt DEC 21 :J989 PLANNIN~'j,~ g¡ON CHA!l.LOTTESYI LLE. YI!l.cn-.1IA22902· 0298 "'--c/' MICHIE, HAMLETI; LOWRY, RAsMUSSEN ~TTACHMENT A ATTORNEYS AT lAW 500 COUkT $CUJAkE SUITE. 300 " -, '··')"~i;',;'.\i';'J11':i1'.'; r ¡ =~=,"r.~=~=~~ -'-'~,-__~"_.~_~_'~"='~ " ,-'.~~-'- ~-, ____=,~ ___~=_~,=~.~-===,~_-e- .' " f ,',. " " oM... . ,'~ RWJjamcf c: William Robertson, III Robert W. JacKson sincerely, Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. I look forward to hearing from your department as.soon as possible concerning the status of our pending application. 0< ',,-"--j ,/ ';-'" . ROBERTSON ELECTRIC CO., INC. 2131 BERKMAR DRIVE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901, (804) 973-4348 " : "'..:':< r,~~';: ,,~;, _''''''''''''<''''',C:ic:.,:,~:;:;:"",çÜ!;~.,.>.A'';A 3,i¡':¡'<~"';.':.~,k~à~¥?¡!AIi-''-:Y::·'"'<~:'"';;;'~'ij,~j::\;'-~~;;:J:,(¡;;~'?,:,*,;:r<;"B:';',:V:'4~:-¡;i::':,;;,,'m,>,' -",_, ,.,', -,-. .'-'<}i":"· " '," ""'.-,- ,', ,,',' '," .:", - ..0- ... . 'I"RANE- . j d " , .~1~ The immediate goals are topro'Vi4e space ,onLpt 12~l}.¡toallow more room forpar'ldng ane . storagf' , ThO\' long ter.m goa1s.are to build additional,newfacilities,to provide more efficient and larger space for company oper~tions. . 1 Robertson Eleçtric' sactivit:f.,es include Electrical, , Heating/Air Conditioning, and Plumbing Contracting.' Also includÈe .are sales, service, and maintenance of various products and services for home and industry. The requested new zoning is three properties to allow All three properties are now zoned C-l. The special use application includes all expa.nded operations of Robertson Electric. HC. the Robertson Electric ha.s been operating on Lot 8A/X and LotW for many years. The company desires to expand sales and supply operations onto Lot 12"1M. The following narrative is intended to be included with the rezoning application for these properties. I. Properties to be included: Lot 8A/X, Lot W, Lot 12-M, Berkmar Dr. Re: Rezoning application for: William Robertson, III Reference, original ZMA-88-19 ! ",~" County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 40l McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-296-5823 ~~. .;¡;),;...-, ,..t'O':~".~~~'!.'7"1>, '"""'q ~ '.i.~ ,< '9- ...', ...' 1.... ' ~~" (j '" JUt 21 )989 ' pLANNING pIVISION July 20, 1989 !\TTACHMENT B . '...UB£RTSUII £Jf'£¡, lJJj R'C HCAT~M". L. ,J! All( COlfOfTIOlfì",o/ ... ' " ' CL£CTR'CAL.~LUlilllII'1IO .' . ,,;-, ,,{'..4·,j4¡'!}"i> 17. Home <lni:1 business se1"1:!.ces such.><lS grdµndscare, cle<ln:!.ng, extermin<ltors, i<lndsc<lping <lnd other rep<lir <lnd m<linten<lnce services. 16. Food and: grocery stores :!.nctuding such speci<llty shops <ls'ôakery, c<lndy, milk dispensary, <lnd wine<lnd cheese shops. , PROFFER OUT .... '. 14. Funeral)lomes. ,; '\ . " 15. Furn:!.tur'~ stores. 13. F:!.re<lnd ,rescue squ<ld st<ltions. 12. Fire extinguisher <lnd security products, s<lles <lnd service. 11. Fin<lnci<ll institutions. 10. Feed <lnd seed stores. PROFFER OUT 9. F<lctory outlet s<lles - clothing <lnd f<lbric. PROFFER OUT 8. Educ<ltion<ll, technic<ll <lnd tr<lde schools. 7. Convenience stores. PROFFER OUT 6. Clubs, lodges, civic, fr<lternal, p<ltriotic. 5. Churches, cemeteries. 4. Building materi<lls s<lles. 3. Automobile service st<ltions. 2. Automobile, truck repair shops. ....,. 1. Automobile Laundries 24.2.1 BY RIGHT PERMITTED USES 24.2 " The following is a list of the Zoning Ordirumce permitted uses in HC. We request to be allowed all the uses except the uses noted "Proffer Out" in the leftma.rgin. Many uses <lre commonly <lllowed in C1, <lS well <lS HC. . II. Proposed Uses The <lpplic<ltion request is for three properties: Lot 8A/X, Lot W, <lnd Lot 12-1M to be rezoned from C-1 to HC. 2 r"'. , I <~/ ,\ 1 j / . _..~,.=~~ ",=="~~,,,,~~~£,,,"",,,,~~~=,,,,=_~~,-,_,--'-~7C___~<W~'~~~~~""._T'._.C_·'~ ,,'-,?;;j<¡~'; ;:·i~~~;. '. 36. Pu.blicuaes an.d b\1ildings such aa s,chools, offices, parks, playgrounds and rO'ads, fund~d, owned or operated bÿ local, state or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5); publ1cwaterandséwer transbdssion, ,main or trunk lines, treatment fàcilities, pumping stations ån.d the like, owned andZo~operátèd by the Rivanna Water and$ewer Authority '(R~ference 31.2.5; 5.1.12). 35. Electric, gas" oilatld c,ommunication facilities excludin,g multi-le$ed to,wer str1.l,cturea and itlcluding poles, lines, tr,anS'fopners.. pipe-s, metera, and related facilities for dist:ri1nìtionof local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage colleption lihes, pumping stations and appurtenances 'ownedandoper,ated'byt11e , Albemarle C01.lI\ty~ervice Author~ty. ,EJ!:ceptas?~berwise expressly provideã, centràl wate,r supplies and central aewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 10 of~the Code öfAlbemat'le and all othér applicable law. J,:; " .. " ",. 34. Wholesale distribution. PROFFER OUT 32. Sale of major recreational equipment and vehicles. PROFFER OUT 33. Wayside stands - vegetables and agricultural produce. 31. Retail nurseries and greenhouses. PROFFER OUT 30. Eating establishments; fast food restaurants. 29. Office and business machines sales and service. 28. Administrative, business and professional offices. 27. Newspaper publishing. 26. ~ew automotive parts sales. ..,,-;....,. PROFFEROUT 25. Motor vehicle sales, service and rentaL PROFFER OUT 24. Modular building sales. PROFFER OUT 23. Mobile home and trailer sales and service. 22. Machinery and equipment sales, aervice and rental. 21. Light warehousing. PROFFER OUT 20. Hotels, motéls and inns. 19. (Repealed 6-3-81). 18. Hardware. 3 ",'--"" "--, '-./ - , 13.Commercia¡ uses otherwise permitted having drive-in windows. ? 12.' Parking! structures located wholly or partly above .;¡, grade.' ':: . - indoor only. I Commerèial kennels ~ 11. 10. Unless such \tses ,are ()the'r'W:l.se þ'i-ov:l.ded in th:l.s section, uses,per¢.tted in Section 18.0 res,idential - F.-IS, in comPliance with regulations set forth therein, and such conditions as may b~ imposed pursuant to Section 31.2.4. 9. Auction houses. 8. Contractor's office and equip~ent storage yard. 7. Hosp:l.tals; nursing homes, convalescent homes. 6. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and r'elated towers; gas or, oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers, micro-wave and radio-wàve transmiasión and relay towers, substations and appurtenances. 5. Drive-in theaters 4. Vetêrinary office and hospital. 3. Livestock sales. 2. Sept~c tank sales and related service. 1. Commercial recreation estabiishment including but not limited to amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls. BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT 40. Temporary nonresidential mobile homes. 39. 'Heating oil sales and distribution. 38. Indoor theaters. : 37. Temporary construction uses. 4 ~- PROFFER OUT, PROFFER OUT PROFFER OUT PROFFER OUT PROFFER OUT 24.2.2 PROFFER OUT PROFFER OUT '- ' " " ¡..' , .. ... :\ >'-' .. 3. There is a s1.ght easement requirement across the- front' of Lot 12-1M. We propose to grade and smooth this area~ Gras'š will be planted and will be maintained and mbwed. We propose to plant shrubbery and landscape a strip of ground along the frontage of the, property up to this sight easement. The landscaping and plantings would be at least equal to, and compatib:i.e with the present Robertson Electric and Berkmar Park landscaping. ,\ 2. Use the Nbrthernmost entrance for bur ~aih ehtrance fbr trucks and main ope'rat::l.ons entrance" as :lS' preseþtly ourpract1ce. 1. Limit to the1>arest minimum, our usage of the Southernmbst entrance that has a vertical s:l.ght,distánce deficiency. Specifically, ve &&ree to the follQWingproposals in regard to access. The leasing of this additional warehouse space has had the effect of actually lessening the use of our existing three entrances. for new This allows site plan to This lease commitment mO,re or lesa ,sets our, timetable facility cbnstruct1bn to be completed about Jan. 1, 1991. plenty of time for orderly planning and construction, from final completion. In order to accommodate our present needs, Robertson Electric has recently leased approximately 9,000 square f,eetof space across the street on the north side of Berkmar Drive in the Berkmar Park compfèi. The term of this lease runs eighteen months from June 1, 1989. At such future time as a building and site plan is submitted, access '. requirements can be addressed toUt all the conditions, including the building size ,shape and use. The County, as well as VDOT, input could be incorporated at that time for maximum effectiveness. Our ultimate goal is simply to spread out our operations over a broader area. This wbuld include Lots 8A/X, Lot W, and Lot 12-1M. There are three parcels of property which provide a broad diversity and many options for traffic access. III. Access 5 '" --"/ ~-j f~" /'-,\ " "1\ " i,\' , ';. ~~ J',' \'~ 4. If the adjacent Berkley owners do not agree to the planting on their property, we then offer to place the plantings on our own property. 3. If the adjacent Berkley property owners agree, we propose this planting to be on the rear of their property. This is the higher ground and would make the screening more effective from the Berkley owners point of view. 2.' We propose to have a minimum tree height of six to eight feet at planting, thus exceeding the min~um requirements. 1. We offer to plant a twenty foot wide staggered row of evergreens, spaced fifteen feet on center. Specifica11y, we agree to the following proposa1s in regard to screening We offer to plant a buffer zone screening of evergreens between our commercial property and the Berkley residentisl property. IV. Buffer 6 -, ~._'-" ", . ,~ i i I "-.I . Yours truly, ~~æ~;7:rz: Williatll, Robertson, In II I \ \, ~, , Please contact tile if further clarificàtions are required. '. I believe this proposal substantially addresses the pertinent issues regarding this rezoning application. I;¡¡skthat the Planning Cot!U11ission schedule a hearing for the next convenient date to consider this request. The cotllpany has sitllply outgrown itå, space. Its goals are to expand in an orderly fashion and eventually construct new and proper sales and supply facilities on Berkmar Drive. This is a convenient and suitable location that will allow the cotllpany toèontinue to provide the local residents and businesses these services. The company has a long standing repµtation for keeping its facilities clean, orderly, and attractive. The building and grounds, as well as its vehicles, are kept in the ,best and nicest of conditions. The cotllpany has an excellent reputation for providing quality products and services for the residents and businesses of Albetllarle County. The cotllpany has over seven thousand (7,000) private owners and custotllers on its rolls, for whotll it is the chosen and exclusive supplier of these services and products.' With this large etllployment base, the cotllpany contributes significantly to the welfare of the County. Its large payrolls are paid to County residents who recycle the tIIoney into the local econotllY· The cotllpany etllployees tIIore than one hundred people who serve the private owners and residents, as well as the best of the new construction builders in the area. Robertson Electric is solely owned by Williatll Robertson, Ill. . Listed below is some additional infortllation which may be useful to this rezoning application. , , ~ ) , . . . , 7 /