HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198800017 Action Letter "AccE?-sS is E?-stablished in accordance with thE?- Virginia DE?-partmènt of Transportation's rE?-commE?-ndation as to minimum distancE?- from a crossover for a multi-lanE?- highway at the dèsign speE?-d dE?-tE?-rmined by VDOT as applicable to this SE?-ction of U.S. Rt. 250." ThE?- AlbE?-marlE?- County Board of Supervisors, at its mE?-E?-ting on FE?-bruary 15, 1989, unanimously approved the above-noted request to rezone 6.226 acres from R-l, Residential to R-I0, Residential. proPèrty is located on the north side of Rt. 250 East, adjacent to the west of Glenorchy Subdivision and to the east of the proposedWestn!inster Canterbury. Tax Map 78, Parcel 55A1. Rivanna Magisterial District. The Board approved the request as proffered by letter datèd FE?-bruary 9, 1989, signed by J. Todd Samperton, GE?-nE?-ral partnE?-r of BailE?-Y Realty Company, amending Item NO.3, verbally agreed to by the applicant as set out below with copy attached: Dear Mr. Samperton: RE: ZMA-88-17 J. Todd Samperton Tax Map 78, Parcel 55A1; Route 250E J. Todd Samperton Samperton Construction 8555 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815 February 27, 1989 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. oÍ PJanning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesvilie, Virginia 229014596 (804) 296-5823 <',....~.:'" "-"""~'-~~""'-'~"'="---~.~.._.-~ "~~->-'~-~""~,~=--==..,,,~-~._~= -~~"~.--~-..---~- cc: Kathy Dodson Virginia Gardner Jeff Echols JTPHjjcw Development Sincerely, n _// Æ~""" /·L T:PCi1J/ì~ I ' John T. P. Horne LDlrector of Planning & Community If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. J. Todd Sam pert on Page 2 February 27, 1989 -~\ '''''~-==.=.-'-'=---~~---,-~.~~~=,,-~~"~ -'.~-.~ -O"·'=cc"~".,-.="=",=._·,,,=~,,~_.__,,___=.,,~;_,._.,,,,,,,,,=,=__, _.-.=~-_';'_-.- __ -"-'-""'"'--'-'''"--''='''T'''""-'~'"=='''"''~'''~-_=~'~''''~-''''='=~= Samperton, General Partner Signed and Dated this 1st day of March, 1989: 5. Prior to any development of t~e property, the applicant shall grant access easements to serve adjoining properties. Such easements shall be located the distance from the right-of-wa1 of U,S. Rt. 250 in accordEince with Virginia Department of Transportation recommendations and shall serve the property described as Albemarle County Tax Map 78, Parcel 55A(3). 4. At such time as either,Condition 2 or 3 above is satisfied, this property shall enjoy a gross density of 10 dwelling units per acre, Nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of other County regulation at the time of sitè plan or subdivision review, as the case may be. 3. Access is established in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation's recommendation as to minimum distance from a Crossover for a multi-lane highway at the design speedd~termined by VDOT as applicable to this section of U.S. Rt. 250. 2. Access is established at a proposed crossover; or 1. Development of the property will not exceed a traffic generation of 60 vehicle trip~ per day as determined from the current edition of the ITE Traffic Generation Handbook, until such time as: We will agree to proffer the following: March 1, 1989 DATE: ZMA-88-17 RE: J. Todd Samperton, et al FROM: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors TO: 8555 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, Md. 20815 656-1121 Samperton Construction Co., Inc. " r----.., -,~-. -"'C"."_'~·' -"0 ___=._ _~""."~'~_~~'==-~"~"~.==="~_ '~"'.'~'" _~."'_~""_ .___ ~-"-I """"M&,se An Independently Owned and Operated Member at Coldwell Banker ResiDential Affitiates, Ine, 8amperton, General Partner Signed and Dated this 9th day of February, 1989: 1. Development of the property will not exceed a traffic generation of 60 vehicle trips per day as determined from the current edition of the ITE Traffic Generation Handbook, until such time as: 2. Access is established at a proposed crossover; Q£ 3. Access is established in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation's recommendation as to minimum distance from a crossover for a multi-lane highway with a 45 mph design speed. 4. At such time as either Condition 2 or 3 above is satisfied, this property shall enjoy a gross density of 10 dwelling units per acre. Nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of other County regulation at the time of site plan or subdivision review, as the case may be. 5. Prior to any development of the property, the applicant shall grant access easements to serve adjoining properties. Such easements shall be located the distance from the right-of-way of U.S. Rt. 250 in accordance with Virginia Departrnent of Transporta,tion recommen- dations and shall serve the property described as Albemarle County Tax Map 78, Parcel 55A(3). / -þ.. We will agree to proffer the following: TO: ALBEMARLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FROM: J. TODD SAMPERTON, ET. AL. RE: ZMA-88-17 DATE: 9 FEBRUARY 1989 BAILEY REALTY CO. 1455 E. RIO ROAD, PO. BOX 6700 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22906 r" ~j ¡ ! , " î! ¡ , ! 1 ; i ' :- Sinc!3r!31y, Samp!3rton Construction Co., Inc. ~ '"Oe:CCOID cc: Virginia Gardn!3r If you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have amended Item #3 to reflect the verbal agreement reached at the Board of Supervisors hearing on February 15, 1989. Enclosed please find my amended proffer pursuant to the r!3zoning approval of the above referenc!3d property. Dear Mr. Horne: parce 1 5 5Al , Z~~~l~ Tax 8, Rout!3 250 E Re: Mr. John T.P. Horne Director of Planning & Community Development County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 ~ PI A"'''''''I~ rw·!"'''''''~¡ _ !'\!inU'i¡;,.Ji u~ ¡¡ ~v{0,'!.¿ March 2, 1989 ~~ ~"~UI 6 1989 ,Ji) ! ¡ ! i.: 1: ~ ,j MAR zPlA ftu.- Sam per to n Construction Co., Inc. 8555 Connecticut Avenue Chevy C " ..1' - ----