HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198800016 Approval - County ZMA 1988-01-23 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296 5823 January 23, 1989 Forest Lakes Associates c/o Frank Kes:::ler POBox 520'7 Charlottesville, VA 22905 RE ZMA-88-16 Forest Lakes Associates Tax Ma~ 32, Parcels 36, 36F and 42 and Tax Ma~ 46, Parcel 29D; Route 29N Dear Mr Kessler: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on January 18 1989, unanimously approved the above-noted request to rezone 13 9264 acres from HC (Highway Commercial) R-l (Residential) and R-15 (Residential) to PD-SC (Planned Development-shopping Center) for a community shopping center of 71,800 square feet with an additional 3 96 acres in unspecified outlots Property, located on the east side of Rt 29 North and the north sidH of Timberwood Boulevard Rivanna Magisterial District PlE~ase note that this approval is subj ect to the following mod fications and agreements between the applicant and the county MODIFICATIONS TO APPLICATION PLAN. 1 Note on plan that outlots are not approved for uses involvinsr drive-in window To include revised access plans of entrance only and exit only as shown on sketch of Tiger Fuel sitE!, initialed by Mr. John T P Horne and dated January 18, 1989, 2 Relocate access near Timberwood for Outlot 1 to align with main ac~ess aisle parallel to Phase I of the shopping center; 3 Provide joint or cross easement between Outlots 2 and 3 Forest Lakes ~ssociates Page 2 January 23, 1389 AGREEMENTS !J1A:JE BY THE COUNTY AND THE APPLI CANT. 1 Agreem€:n-t to develop property in general compliance with the Application Plan variations may be permitted as provided in section 8 5 6 3 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2 Staff approval of shopping center subdivision plats and Tiger Fuel subdivision plat All plats shall reflect appropria.te access easements and carry notes regarding restriction of access to U S Rt 29 North to the satisfaction of the Planning staff, 3. Staff approval of site plan for Forest Lakes shopping center and revised site plan for Tiger Fuel service station Staff may request administrative approval of site plans for individual outlots Staff may approve an additional exit only to ~rimberwood Boulevard near Outparcel 3 To include revised access plan of entrance only and exit only as shown on sketch of the Tiger Fuel site, initialed by Mr John T P Horne and dated January 18, 1989; 4 Agreement by applicant that traffic generation from the :t24.2 acres of commercial zoning shall not exceed 10,350 vehicle trips per day If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me S' erely, L. '>-(~ !F#/2~ o T P H::>rne ,Q:j; ector of Planning & Community Development JTPH/jcw cc Kathy Dodson "'" r';' I ~ --'I k:1 .'" ~I ';?,j """ / ~ ~ / /' " "f. /' N .-- '" 6 --'> '1\ I V>;, ottt#5 ~ ij ~02. 0 " -~ ~ ~ . ~ . '" ~ ~ N ;\v.. - C" .r-.' !,CD~ ',-' 0 ~;o.D ~ I t.', ~ in 1 ~ ." 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RECEIVED JAN 7 1998 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road, Room 223 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Planning Dept Building Code Information (804) 296-5832 January 6, 1998 FAX (804) 972-4126 TTD (804) 972-4012 Zoning Information (804) 296-5875 )on Franco, P.E. The Kessler Group POBox 5207 Charlottesville, V A 22905 Re: Forest Lakes CommerCial Area Traffic Generation DeterminatIOn of Proffer Dear Mr Franco ] have revIewed the vehrcle tnp analyses by Wilbur Slllith AssocIates translllitted to you on August 27, 1997 and I (:oncur WIth theIr findrngs Btll Fntz, Semor Planner has also revIewed the mformatIon and reached the same (OnclUsIon. Therefore, the traffic proffer can be rnterpreted to allow a reductIon of the total SIte vehrcle trIps based on pass-by traffic between the hemes and Routes 29 and 649 and a further reductlOn of the vehrcle tnps based on multiple-use trIps. The redlCtlOn IS 12 percent for multIple land uses and 24 percent for pass-by traffic, WIth a total cf 36%. I agree WIth the m~thodology you suggest for traffic generatIon. 5th EdItIon ofITE Tnp GeneratlOn Manual 2nd weekday rates for the mdlVIdual uses usrng square footage as the mdependent vanable, adjusted by 36% to ilcCOunt for traffic generatlOn not Impactmg Route 29 I was useful to have actual data from traffic counts on 4/23 and 4/24 m addItlOn to analYSIS based on IrE trIp rates. i.s the report from Wilbur SmIth ASSOCIates notes, the fact that these numbers closely match lends credence to the presumptions m thIS analys s. We will appreciate the updatrng ofthese figures WIth each plan. In response to your questIOn about how to mclude traffic generation from addnonal property near the cemetery, I am not prepared to give a fmal answer It would be n:asonable to conSIder It under the same methodology If you have any questlOns, plcase do not hesItate to contact mc. Smcerely, litdi cd :11M~;d. / AmehaG McCulley,A{CP ~ Zomng Adtmmstrator Cl: Bill Fntz 1:\GENERAL\SHARE\BLD&ZONlAMELIA\FLKTRAF WPD January 6, 1998