HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA198900007 Action Letter x,"'~ ~, ~~'- '''11'' O:A,"~,'®'l ~, ,~ o m" ~ ü '"'"J~ ' t::J, ~., ,', ,:1r ''"'Þ¡~G"i~\'' ~ L J-" . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept of Planning & Community Qevelopment 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 January 29, 1991 Virginia Land Trust Charles Hurt & Shirley Fisher, Trs P. O. Box 8147 Charlottesville, VA 22906 RE: ZMA-89-7 Virginia Land Trust Dear Dr. Hurt & Ms. Fisher: At its meeting on September 13, 1989, the Albemarle County Board of supervisors ùnanimously approved the above-noted zoning map amendment. However, the action letter of September 20, 1989 incorrectly listed the acreage as being 17.3 acres. This letter is to correct that error. Please be aware that the Board's action approved a request to rezone 5.1 acres from R-l, Residential to HI, Heavy Industry as .amended. Property located on the west side of Rt. 29N about 1,800 feet south of .the North Fork Rivanna River Bridge. Please note that this approval is subject to the following proffers: 1. 50 foot buffer on rear of property; 2. 15 peopre employment maximum; 3. 20 foot parking line from right-of-way of Rt. 29 North; 4. Landscaping berm to be 16 to 20 inches high; 5. Plants to be of the azalea type, trees will be street type (Pinoak, Maple, etc.); 6. Storage of units to be worked on will be in rear of the property; , ~"~·O~___~~M·.,···..~.·~='~~·_j -'''~'''-~~"~-"''--'-~''-'~~~~='-''- _ ._ =~=~~",'_"'-'"~~"~=_ä·.'''.___'' ..·,,__~~.~·.'~_'ä."''''·;'' __·'_~~.~~'--------=-=~""·'__'ä"__~··;~_~·.·. .. ...C··"'-···...- ~A, , ;ill '\ \. Virginia Land Trust Page 2 January 29, 1991 7. I proffer out all the usages except: Mobile home manufacturing, distribution; fire and rescue squad stations; electric, gas, oil and communication facilities excluding multi-legged tower structures and including poles, lines, ,transformers, pipes, meters and related fac;ilities fordisturbance.of local, service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distriþµtiop and seW'frage collectiopliPr;;s, pumping stations. apd .i'ippµrtepap9r;;§ ,..()wnedapd oPe.J:'a,ted by the Albemarle,coun'tYßerviceAut;horit;y;al1d,pµblic uses andÞupd.i.!lgs s,uch as schools , offices, parks, playground~apd roads¡Êµpded, <owPeqor operated þy local, $t:at;e or fedr;;rala9'e.nciesCfeferenc;e, 31. 2 . 5) , public· wél,te.r and sewe.rt;+apsmiss~.()n" main or trunk lines, ,troe.i'itInent fa?il.i.tie.~, pUJ1).pip:~ stations and the like, own,e.q and; or operated by theVRivcmna Water and Sewer Authority. 8. A limit of 10 units to be displayed for the public with a setback and screening for the remaining units to be determined at the Boards' discretion during site plan review. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, . ()uJ . ~' ' V. waY~rnber / Director of Plann and Community Development VWC/mem cc: Babette Thorpe .~="~~='='" _"~"-.=O~'.-"'=''''=e~~_.~'-''_ Ce", '-'"'~",~'__~__~~~ ~,~~.'__~'"__c-_",',,< r",- f. " ,v ÎB REALTORS VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY OF CHAR~OTTE:SVILLE, INC. 195 RIVERBEND DRIVE 6. CWH/Jes " P.o.8OX8147 TELEPHONE (804) 979-8181 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2290.Q, FAX (804) 296-35l0 September 12,1989 Albemarle Caunty Ba.ard of Supervisian 401 MelntiI'e Road Charlattesville, VA 22901 Ref: ZMA 89-7 1. I will prafferthe fallowing on the zaning req¡;est. 1.Mf,)¡~ 9~<:""" ""-, Ç" I" V' "",'_ 'vfbul ~ ~ I,,'¡" \{N.- ~~'" <I\--- 50 ¡~r¡;et'àae.l( aR' Feal' sf flF13}?9:rty ~!Æ\it~rù...,.;~,,~ «,,¡~"-'\ 2 . 15 peap1e emp1ayment maximum ~ 20' parking line ~ right 3, .of wa y 01- (e.,t' 2"1 4. Land seaping burm ta be 16" ta 20" high 5. Plants to (Pil1aak, be .of the azalia type, Maple etc..) trees will be street type 1, Storage of units to be worked praperty It> /A"'~~~~~.%.~lt,~~... . I ìY,' 1j! f"ï \ """,J ~¡?, \,'fA' .i.,:~Uf~ ·.1.. ~ 'I. # ~ ~ ¡t~~;~~ --.>£"t§! t-~" j ',J t~ ;Ii\\i' s+;2~¡~ ïi\\, èili,)A ~~ ,', ~' SEP 12 1989 Sincerely, "/L . // u .' .?;1 ~ Charles Wm. Hurt on will be in rear .of the ~~'¡"'tf\.......... r-ðvt~ Þy ~ oY¥ "'~"¡~.H.!'H] DIVISION ~--Lh1""';¡~'" 4 BROKERS - BUILDERS· LAND DEVELOPERS - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT