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WPO201700033 Plan - VSMP WPO VSMP 2017-06-16
YVATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE SUBMITTAL NOTCH ' D i"r�P�� G OUNTI', vI SEFTEMBER 5O, 2015 -ER FROTEGTION ORDINf�NGE FFLIG/z TI ON 0-14 18 OF 23 EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE C-15.1 Iq OF 23 INITIAL PHASE - ER05ION CONTROL 4 5YVM PLAN 0-15.2 20 OF 23 FINAL PHASE - EROSION CONTROL 4 SHM PLAN C -lb 21 OF 23 INASE MAPS 0-17 22 OF 23 STORMYVATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE 0-I8 23 OF 23 5TORMYqATER DETAIL5 DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUN I TY DEVELOPMENT PLANNER/ZONIN6 DATE DATE BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEA HOARD DATE FIRE OFFICIAL DATE ALE3EMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY DATE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE E S and SNM Plan M I NOR -5--1 -TSV--PLAN- ��MENDMENT (SDF-200-0017E G) (REZONINC-,7 ZMA 201.-00g) VICINITY MAP 5GALE: I "= 1000' OWNER/APPLICANT: SITE ADVRE55: NOTCH'D LLC qO STOCKTON RIDGE PLACE GREENWOOD, VA 22943 THREE NOTCH'D rf"NTER 5374 THREE NOTCH'D ROAD CROZET, VA 229'32 ENGINEER: NP EN&INEERI% +680 I VY FARM DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 TELEPHONE - (434f 531-7387 �..�.� _ �'�acnL►oZ dot - �!!�! lUoLUin,dv(j luMAJU!UAU) Al!Lin�u�00 /W100 01JULUD(liv GLI), Ari 01=AddV SOURCE OF SURVEY: Dominion Development Resources, LLC SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: Dominion Development Resources, LLG DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: AU6U5T 2005 (Assumed datura BENCHMARK. Top of DI o Rte 240 (664.279 < COUNTY, STATE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WHITE HALL L TAX MAP 3RENGE: 56 A,(`3) - q ZONING: PD50, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: BUILDING - 30' FROM PUBLIC R.O.W. > PARKINS - 10' FROM PUBLIC R.O.W. D- Z EXISTING USE -5- COMMERCIAL _ PROPOSED USES: PDSC (COMMERCIAL CENTER/OFFICE) M Z ("(� LAND USE SCHEDULE: EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING 4,818.63 50. FT. 15,900.00 (15.74%) PAVED (OR GRAVEL) 27015.4q 50. FT. 58,785.84 FT. (58.185!5) 2121 D OPEN SPACE 68,40q.56 50. FT. 26,357.84 50. FT. (26.Og5i5) < PARKIN& SCHEDULE: PROPOSED OFFICE/COMMERCIAL LLQ PDSC EAST 5L.D6 (PD56 rat In office) = 8,000 gsf _ 7,300 SF GLA )NEST BLD6 (PDSC rat In off ice) 5,500 gsf 4,450 5F GLA TOTAL &LA SF IN PD5C = 12,250 SF 6LA o 5.5 5PACE5/1,000 GLA 5F = 67 SPACES REQUIRED OFFICE U5E EAST BLDG (2ND FLOOR) = 5,000 SF NET VC -5T BLDG (2ND FLOOR) = 3,400 5F NET Dr:9151SIM BY VAT' YVEST BLD& ORD FLOOR) = O 5F NET NP 5/s/13 DRAM BY DATE TOTAL NET 5F = 8,400 SF NP 15/s/13 o I SPACES/200 SF NET = 42 SPACES REQUIRED G,C-C,Q, BY IDATE TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED FOR TH15 51TE = 67 + 42 = IOq SPACES Fisc EDIT LESS 8.5% REDUCTION FOR SHARED PARKIN6 4 PEDESTRIAN OFFSET (9 � 5PACE5) zOUsE I -1/5/Oq TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 100 SPACES (5 HANDICAP ACCE551BLE) Sc,L IP=30' TOTAL PARKIN& SPACES PROVIDED = q5 5PA6E5 + 5 HANDICAP SPACES VRAH146 (MOTE - parkin does not include 3 speres designated vacuum/ ) 0—I FLar RESERVOIR WATERSHED: THE 51TE LIES WITHIN THE BEAVER GREEK RESERVOIR YVATERSHED FR,EOT _ FLOODPLAIN: THE 51TE DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 15 40' (see sheet 2) 516NA6E: ALL SICGN5 MUST BE APPROVED BY ARB OF 23 sHEffT NO. % % % % 1 � k k BONE SOURCE OF SURVEY: Dominion Development Resources, LLC SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: Dominion Development Resources, LLG DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: AU6U5T 2005 (Assumed datura BENCHMARK. Top of DI o Rte 240 (664.279 < COUNTY, STATE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WHITE HALL L TAX MAP 3RENGE: 56 A,(`3) - q ZONING: PD50, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: BUILDING - 30' FROM PUBLIC R.O.W. > PARKINS - 10' FROM PUBLIC R.O.W. D- Z EXISTING USE -5- COMMERCIAL _ PROPOSED USES: PDSC (COMMERCIAL CENTER/OFFICE) M Z ("(� LAND USE SCHEDULE: EXISTING PROPOSED BUILDING 4,818.63 50. FT. 15,900.00 (15.74%) PAVED (OR GRAVEL) 27015.4q 50. FT. 58,785.84 FT. (58.185!5) 2121 D OPEN SPACE 68,40q.56 50. FT. 26,357.84 50. FT. (26.Og5i5) < PARKIN& SCHEDULE: PROPOSED OFFICE/COMMERCIAL LLQ PDSC EAST 5L.D6 (PD56 rat In office) = 8,000 gsf _ 7,300 SF GLA )NEST BLD6 (PDSC rat In off ice) 5,500 gsf 4,450 5F GLA TOTAL &LA SF IN PD5C = 12,250 SF 6LA o 5.5 5PACE5/1,000 GLA 5F = 67 SPACES REQUIRED OFFICE U5E EAST BLDG (2ND FLOOR) = 5,000 SF NET VC -5T BLDG (2ND FLOOR) = 3,400 5F NET Dr:9151SIM BY VAT' YVEST BLD& ORD FLOOR) = O 5F NET NP 5/s/13 DRAM BY DATE TOTAL NET 5F = 8,400 SF NP 15/s/13 o I SPACES/200 SF NET = 42 SPACES REQUIRED G,C-C,Q, BY IDATE TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED FOR TH15 51TE = 67 + 42 = IOq SPACES Fisc EDIT LESS 8.5% REDUCTION FOR SHARED PARKIN6 4 PEDESTRIAN OFFSET (9 � 5PACE5) zOUsE I -1/5/Oq TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 100 SPACES (5 HANDICAP ACCE551BLE) Sc,L IP=30' TOTAL PARKIN& SPACES PROVIDED = q5 5PA6E5 + 5 HANDICAP SPACES VRAH146 (MOTE - parkin does not include 3 speres designated vacuum/ ) 0—I FLar RESERVOIR WATERSHED: THE 51TE LIES WITHIN THE BEAVER GREEK RESERVOIR YVATERSHED FR,EOT _ FLOODPLAIN: THE 51TE DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 15 40' (see sheet 2) 516NA6E: ALL SICGN5 MUST BE APPROVED BY ARB OF 23 sHEffT NO. SOI L5 MAP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consist of the construction of two building (approximately 2ci,140 sf) of office and commercial space, and associated parking areas. The; project scope includes grading and installation of asphalt travel ways and parking spaces, and utlittles. The dyysturbed area for the project is essentially the entire site of 2.32 acres. Erosion control for the site will be managed using perimeter controls and the existing basin on the adjacent parcel (north of site). EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: The site is located on Three Notch,,d Road (5R 240) approximately 0.10 miles west of the intersection with Parkview Drive. The site currently iaccupled by a parking area and two existing buildings. These buildings d. 'th and parking areas will be demolishee site slopes In general from from south to north at approximately 3 - 5% with some slopes exceeding 25% along the northern property line. ADJACENT AREAS: The site is bounded on the north by rural area, to the east by rural area, to the west by the Charlottesville Self Storage a Crozet facility andto the south by Three NotchA Road. Existing surface drainage Is directed north to an existing stream. OFF-51TE AREAS: Off-site areas to be disturbed are limited to the northern property line where the storm drainage outfall outlets in the existing erosion control basin. This area is delineated with a drainage easement. SO1L5: According to the U5DA 505 soils mapping, the project site Iles In soils: 4D - As -he Loom 3"183 - Hayesville Clay Loam 81B - Thurmont Loam 918 - Urban Land The soils are described as. 4D - Ashe loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes Properties and qualities Slope: 15 to 25ercent Depth to restrictive feature: 20 !tad 40 inches to lithic bedrock Drainage class: Somewhat excessive) drained Capacity of the most limiting layers to transmit water (Ksat). Very low to high (0.00 to 5.415 In/hr) Depth to water table: More than ,80 inches Frequency of flooding. None Frequency of ponding: None j Available water capacity: Low (about 3.2 inches) Typical profile O to 10 Inches: Loam 10 to 19 inches: Loam 19 to 24 inches: Sandy loam 24 to 79 Inches: Bedrock This soil is moderately deep, moderately steep, somewhat excessively drained soil. it is on narrow convex ridgetops on points of ridges, and on slide slopes. i Depth t bedrock is approximately 30 inches. Potential frost Permeability of this soli is moderately rapid. D p o app y action and shrink -swell potential is l,ow, The erosion hazard is severe in areas without adequate cover. 3703 - Hayesville clay loam, 2 to 7Oercent slopes, severely eroded Properties and quallEles Slope: 2 to 7 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Yslelt drained. Capacity of the most limiting layer jto transmit water (Keat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 In/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Avollable water capacity. High (about 10.6 inches) Typical profile O to 7 Inches: Cloy loam 7 to 58 inches. Clay 58 to 67 Inches: Sandy clay loam 67 to 83 inches. Fine sandy loam This soil Is deep, sloping and well dr',alned. Soli Is on narrow convex ridgetops. Slopes are smooth and about 200 to 400 feet long. Permeability and available water capacity of this soil is high. Depth to bedrock is approximately 80 inches. Potential frost action and shrink-swe,li potential is high, limiting the use of this soil as a bulldinq site or roodfill. SIB - Thurmont loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 7 percent Depth to restrlctive feature: More than 80 inches Drai class: 1Neil drained Gapa of the most limiting laayyer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table. About 48 to 741 inches Frequency of flooding.. None Frelc�uency of ponding: Atone Available water capacity. Moderate (about 8.3 inches) Typical profile O to ld inches: Loans 10 to 46 inches: Clay loam 46 to 56 inches: Loam 56 to 79 inches. Cobbly sandy loam This soil is deep, gently sloping and well drained. Soil is on elongated ridges. Permeability Is moderate and available water capacity of this soil is moderate. Depth to bedrock is approximately 80 inches. Potential frost action and shrink -swell potential is low. This soil is a good source of roadfil 1. 41I - Urban land Properties and qualities Slope: O to 25 percent Depth to restrictive feature. 10 inches to dense material Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low to high (0.00 to 13.04 in/hr) Typical profile Oto 6 inches: Variable 6 to 741 inches. Variable Considered developed soil. Areas are used for parking lots, schools, shopping centers, etc. CRITICAL EROSION AREAS: There are no areas defined as critically erosive. However, care should be taken on a daily basis to maintain the erosion control structures torevent silt from leaving the construction site. Specifically, slit fence Is to be constructed along the sides of the work zone to intercept and detain sediment. AA construction entrance Is to be provided to prevent tracking of mud into the public right-of-way by constructicn vehicles. !Nash water Is to be trucked in or obtained from a metered ACSA water connection."YVash water is to be directed to silt fence. Inlet protection is to be provided to prevent sediment from entering the storm droln system upon construction of the on-site storm drain inlets. CONSTRUCTION 5EGUE:NGE. Construction shall follow the follow sequencing to minimize erosion; 1) Install silt fence (517) along the all property Imes. 2) Install Construction Entrance (GE) as indicated on the pians and any tree protection. 3) Verify existin EC basin integrity and install silt trcps 4) Demolish existing Improvements and relocate existing utilities as required. 5) Clear and grub, strip top soil and stockpile for respread. Haul unsultable material off-site to on approved disposal location. 6) Rough grade site, Install new utilities (storm drain, sanitary, haul excess material off-site as necessary to an approved disposal location. 7) Install inlet protection (IP) around the proposed drop Inlets. 6) Proof roll subgrade in areas to receive asphalt pavement. Upon proof roll approval by geotechnical engineer, Install aggregate base, prime coat and asphalt paving per phasing sequence. Cl) Install building structures and stripe paving. 10) Provide temporary seeding and other erosion control devices to minimize transport of sediment. It) Prepare landscaping areas. 12) Apply permanent seeding (Pa), landscaping and mulch (MU) to all denuded areas as indicated on the plans as soon as possible. 13) Temporary sediment control structures are to remain in place and will be removed only when a satisfactory stand of permanent grass is present. pilon approval, remove temporary erosion control measures, remove unsuitable material to an approved location, and stabilize affected areas. 14) Convert ESG basin to a permanent storm water management basin. 15) Project closeout. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: The measures noted below and on the accompanying drawings are to be constructed and maintained by the contractor in accordance with the latest edition of the Albemarle County Code and the Virginlo Eroslon and Sedimentation Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992. Symbols, details, and dimensions used are taken from the handbook, as well as the Virginia Department of Transportation Road and 5rldge Standards, Volume 1, 2001 A. STRUCTURAL PRACTICES: I. Temporary construction entrance (615), 3.02: Temporary construction entrance shall be provided and motntained as shown on the plan sheet. 2. Silt Fence (5F), 3.05: Silt fence barriers shall be installed down slope of areas with minimal grades to filter EROSION 4 SEDIMENT CONTROL LEGEND 302 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE GE 3 D5 51LT PEW -E - - �a--- - 30 f STORM DRAIN iNLET PRoTEGTiON {ja alp 3.OG TEMPORARY DiVERSiON DIKE DD 3.I3 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP S l 3.t4 TEMPORARY 5MII- NT BASIN S� 3.18 OUTLET PROTECTION 332 PERMAWNT SEEDING �cJ 3 33 MULCMIN6 336 501L 5TA81LiZATION BLANKETS 338 TREE PRESERVATION d PROTECTION TP 33ci DU5T CONTROL S 0 EG LEGEND runoff from sheet flow as indicated on the plan sheet. 5. Storm Drain Inlet Protection (IP), 3.07: Storm main inlet protection shall be provided for inlets as shown on the plans. 4.Tem Temporary ny Diversion Dike (DD), 5 xi• TemporaYy diversion dikes shall be provided as shown on the pians or as needed to divert water to the sediment basin. 5. Rock Check Dams (GD), 320: Rock check dams are to be installed in the diversion ditches as needed to reduce velocity of concentrated flow and the potential of erosion. 6. Dust Control G), 3.39: Provide dust control In areas subject to surface and air movement of duct where on-site and off-site damage Is likely to occur if preventive measures are not taken. 7. Temporary 5ed4wnt Basin shall be installed and maintained per VESC 3.14. B.. VEGETATIVE MEASURES: 1. Topsolling 4 Stockpiling (TO), 3.30: Topsoil w111 be stripped from areas to be graded and stockpiled for later use. Stockpl es are to be stabilized with temporary vegetation and have slit fence installed along the lower perimeter. Stockpile locations to be approved lou Albemarle County. 2., Temporary Seeding (TS), 331: All denuded areas which will 6e left dormant for extended periods of time shat be seeded with fast germinating temporary vegetation Immediately following grading. Seed selection will be dependent on the t me of year in accordance with the 5G. 3. Permanent Seedingg (PS), 332: Permanent seeding shall be provided on site to provide stabilization for all disturbed areas. Seeding rates are In poundser acre. For high maintenance lawn areas apply 200-250 pounds of Kentucky 31 fescue, 2 pounds of redtopgrass, and 20 pounds of seasonal nurse crop. The seasonal nurse cropused Is based on the following seeding dates: a. From February Ithrough April, use annual rye b. From May I through August 15, use foxtall millet; c. From August 16 tffrough October, use annual rryye; d. From November through February 15, use winEer rye; All permanent seeding shall be fertiiized, limed and mulched at the following rates: Fertilizer 10-20-10 at a rate of 1000 pounds per acre: lime of acylcultural grade limestone at a rate of 2 tons per acre: and straw mulch at a rate of i .tons per acre. Before seedinngg, 4 inches of topsoil shall be spread In areas to be seeded. Apply fertilizer and lime uniformly and mix well -into, top 4 Inches of seed bed. Prepare soil for permanent Seeding by tillage of topsoil in place to loosen thoroughly and breakup all clods to a depth of 6 inches. Remove all stumps and roots, coarse vegetation, stones larger than I . inches and all construction debris. Soil shall be worked by suitable agricultural equipment to a depth of not less than 4 inches. Surface shall be uniform, smooth and drolnabfe. A firm and compact seed bed is required. 4. Mulching (MIA 3.35: All temporary and permanent seeding shall be straw mulched. G. MINIMUM STANDARDS - M5 -1 Stabtilization of denuded areas: Permanent or temuporary soil stabilization shall beapplied to denuded areas with 7 days after final grade Is reached on arty portion of the site. Temporary soll'stabiiizotion shall be applied withTn 7 days to denuded areas ffidt may not be at final grade, but will remain dormant or undisturbed for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one yeaar. M5-2 Stabiilization of soil stockpiles: Dung construction of the project, soil stockpiles and borrow areas shall be stabilized or protected with sediriment trap inqq measures. a contractor is responsible for temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all stockpiles on site as well as borrow areas and soil lnf,6ntionlly transported from the project site. M5-3 Permanent Vegetative Cover: A )permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently 5tdblllzed. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until a ground cover 15 achieved that, in the opinion of the E45 Inspector, is uniform and mature enough to survive and inhibit erosion. M5-4 Timing and stabilization of silt trapping measures. Storm inlet protection, silt fencing, and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in ang land disturbing activities and shall be made functional before upsiope land disturbance takes place. MSF -5 Stabilization of earthen structures: Stabilization measured shall be applied to earthen structures such as dikes and diversions immediately after installation. MS --6 Sediment basins and traps: Not used. MS -7 Gut to Fill slopes: Gut to fill slopes shall be constructed to a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent stabilization shall be provided with additional slope sta lbillzing measures until the problem is corrected. MS -8 Concentrated runoff down cut or fill slopes: Gonncentrated runoff shall not fiow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent charnel, flume or slope drain structure. MS -41 YYater seepage from a slope face. Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. E R05ION CONTROL NOTES i. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commemment of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to iminimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Gontrol Re mations. 5. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the fl;v step in clearin . 4. A copy f the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained at the site at atl limes. 5. Prior to commenclnc� land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these pians (including but not limited to off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. Ther contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final 5tabilizatlon is achieved. 6. During dewatering operations, water wi11 be pumped into an approved filterinngg device. 9. The contractor sfiall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and afWr each runoff -producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All [waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be Inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All Inert materials shall be transported In compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14, Borrow, fill or waste activity Involving Industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. 15, Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted 1n a safe manner that maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to an public street because of slides, sinking or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to Install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit or building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist of a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal 1Ninter Rye, or In March and April to consist of Annual RRyye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be !ted at 86 lbs/100 sf. !8. Pernnanent stabllizatlon shall be lime and fertlllzer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agriicultural ode limestone shall be app at QO Ibs11000 sf, incorporated into the top 4-b inches osotl. Fertilizer shall be applied L 00 !los/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mIx . Permanent seedinngg shall be plied at 18lacre and consist of 95515 Kentucky 31 or allFescue and 0-55151'errenlal Reye roes orcky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at &0 IbsIlO0 sf. Alternatives ares sect to approval by the County erosion control Inspector. I9. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or cioggin_ to structural measures i5 to be repaired Immediately. 511t traps are to be cleaned when 50% of�he wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment -to half their herght must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion aril sediment control measures are to be removed with 50 days of final site 5tabillization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. MS -10 Storm Inlet Protection: All storm inllets that are operable ct i tng construction shall beotected so that sediment laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. MS -II Stabilization of outlets: Not used. M5-12 Ylork In live watercourses: Not used. MS --13 Crossing a live watercourse: Not used. MS -14 Applicable Regulation: All applic6ble federal, state and local regulations pertaining to working in or crossing live watercourses shall be met. 1-15-15 Stabilization of bed and banks: Not used. MS -16 Underground utilities; Underground uFiiity lines shall be installed in accordance with the following standards, In addition to other applicable criteria - a. No more than 500 lined feet of trench may be opened at one time; b. Y#wo consistent with safety and space considerations, excavated material is to be placed on the uphill side of trenches, except for any diversion ditches; c. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed throes an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or offsite proper; d. Trench backfill materlal shad l be properly competed in order to minimize erosion and promote stabilization; e. Restabilization shat[ be accomplished In accordance with these regulations; f. All applicable safety regulations shall be compiled with at all times. MS -17 Construction access routes: Y*ere construction vehicle access routes Intersect paved or public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular tracking onto the paved surface. YVnere sediment is transported onto a paved or public road, the road surface shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment Is removed In this manner. This provision shall apply to individual development lots as well as larger land -disturbing activities. MS -18 Temporary Et5 Control measure removal: All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 50 days after final site stabliizatlon ,or after temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorizedthe local 1545 authority. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. MS -19 Adeoquacy of recelving charnels: Properties and waterways downstream from the development site shall be protected from sediment deiJosition, erosion and damage due to Increases in volume, velocity and peak flow rates of storm Hater runoff for the stated frequency storm of 24-hour duration. D. MAINTENAINCE: Ali erosion and sediment control structures and systems shall be maintained, inspected, and repaired as needed to Insure continued performance of their intended function. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be checked at the end of each day and after every rainfall event. I. Damage to erosion control measures caused by construction traffic or other activity shall be re aired before the end of each working day. 2. Maintain all seeded areas until a uniform stand is accepted. 3. Provide Nor equipment washing as needed to prevent the transport of soil onto existing asphalt roadways. 4. Both temporary and permanent roads and parking areas may require periodic top dressing with newravell. 5. Silt fence barriers will be checked daily for undermining or deterioraation of the fabric. Sediment shall be resmoved when the i®vel reaches half way to the top of the barrier. 6. Sediment !shall be removed from around the inlet protection trap structure and restored to its original dirmen5lons when the sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. The trap sltructures shall be removed and the area stabilized when the remaining drainage area has been properly stabilized. T TemporaN diversion dikes shall be Inspected regularly and repairs made If needed. 8. Sediment !accumulated within diversions shall be removed from the channel and repairs made as necessary. 9. Sediment should be removed from rock check dans when it reaches one-half of the origginal height of the measure. Regular inspections should be made to Insure that the center of tTe dam 1s lower than the edges. Eroslon caused by high flows around the edges of the dam should be corrected I immedlatelttyy IO.AII soil stabilization blankets and matting shall be inspected after rainstorms to check for erosion and undermiinlnclIf washout or breakage occurs, reinstall the material after repairing damage to the slope or ditch. K Nathaniel D. Perkht5 CERT. NO. 032304 DmieNm BY DATE NP 9!50/13 DRAM BY DATE NP ci/50/13 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT 5PROU5E - 5GALE I:'=310' DRAWING G-14 F PLOT PROJECT - 1 OE 23 SHEEIET No. i : s ti � F : r aemu DmieNm BY DATE NP 9!50/13 DRAM BY DATE NP ci/50/13 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT 5PROU5E - 5GALE I:'=310' DRAWING G-14 F PLOT PROJECT - 1 OE 23 SHEEIET No. �,�� ,' ���� ,� �� y i � 4 • � i 1 4 * 1 Y Y � k t f I ����� 5 7-0,,�Htl r/4 TER L9,6 vr/07Y- � 61L /T' ON THP 5614317 jBE USED FOR TH15 PROJECT FOR ER05108 CONTROL AND 5 TORMNA TER 12 E TEN TION (r:xJ EXI. 5 TIN&21,-'--ENT,6A51N R -W APO 200500012 W BE 1662 FOR ER05ION 6ON7'OL CONVER TO .5 0 WZ �170N POND AFBVAREA 155rAM-1259 \S, -REAM S7 0 OP TMP 56A-(3)--7 TH 56 9 - 7 iumm 6WRENT ZEIVIIVC: L GI R NT G5 F 5 T6?R'1414��E, -k 0/ QM E3tjpr 1 q6 2 19 Stre �q TP OW 11C s-------- - s IP 20' 5ovqer _Easement 0 Auto 0 662.6 0 .7 .7.0' x 20' (typ) b"i'mpster I 'Aplon s Fad ly 51 Co 60 x 20, Ik -4-or Screen t 0 14k -)od fen CO t ELW 41 ... . ....... n IP EQ 5 L e 5 c r I pb,'t I Y'PoiNer Ea5em' ti E3 OtOrl to be, field lor, 01%= yist Bldg. to rd 2 �61 Hood Privacy F 0jr 5MO Igst V1 -3 54' Pointed white [3 u - mat -building V match 665.11 �S V IK A . ......... cc W w --------- �w ENTRANGE W —W Y4 ROUTE 240 5TATE W 7 ... .... ................. SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION GONTROL. SYE3MOLS GE I GONSTRUGTION ENTRANGE IF = INLET PROTEGTION TS = TEMFOFAR"r SEED INCS OF = OUTLET FROTEGTION MU = MULGH SF = SILT FENGE PS = PERMANENT SEEDING i SB = TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN DC, = DUST GONTROL 61 WMR "P T1456 - 67 3EA VER CREEK HILL CORP. 61JRR,EIVT ZONINC,-7: R14 6VRR,E1VT115,E.- V146ANTIMOEVELOPE9 146R ,E146E // Iq 6146 FUTURE GONNEGTION TO ADJAGENT PROPERTY GO- Shared Driveway W adjacent parcel sub ex -t to joint access agreement as recorded in DB N)4-1/1`6 60cl (copy was submitted with plan). \Q� st Gable MLT I sm IP (tyr) ) MIMRZ 506E 20' Drainage otcwd Emt Th JEasemen, t3ul—N-1 nt 2 E?f3 58051 F& 51 lom .40 V, ' in R/K ENTf2,ANGE Clear Zone and I&Mtq-- EQ50 et-hT6igam' ire frontage THREE 50-, GRAPHIC SCALE I"=30' 0 30 60 •1 N. Nathaniel V. Perkins CERT. NO. 032304 ©©� tX ♦ - ��� �\ /11 I -i_ - -- -- .,y-,.- _ _ _ - - - - - —�, u ,` //f/� ,_ r -: �'� s= �: .ITI _ UTn,1 P' CSF �E i-'DPE + � �'.' \. re �vop- �- r _ :1'� t 1 1 _,�, PcIS� �e,relol�ecl �" _ - - 11y = I 1 _ ,'ice-} , V ,'. ,I\ '➢ -- ` ;' A` 2..'' 29 ,ac,. °i - e, 111i - o __: .- , re �• _ ,FDo, \I 1i' —,:v )�\`C __ =' 0.744 (post) , \ — - - > / _. �- - ' - ---- - -- -: - -__ ,_ 1 ,1 1 ----- - _ -- - - -l--- !P ,f -. _ I1'' 1 _ ' _ - ,• 5 0A - J� �, _ _ _ _ ---1 - -I - --�- I11 `, Cm _,. ` ;� 7 ` Gil I; 1 / �tF* - _ _ !11 jt, t r :J ._.-_--- ,, , . N 7 01' 1tV 1 1 I .:,5y1 -,X .. ,..K tiro - - I 1-1 " � - - 1 . \ ` RANG,JA LA A \ ``-� 1 I Q ,- '" . I \: i -- - , r F E - ` C\,r - ni C o \L L -:-,\J I;I-J C,( _, � -' -. - . _ " r,sr--4�./.._-1:r I,L._,V /.! POS 1 l�EEL(JPLJ) ' II I' _:l : .._ - 11,111. �, -.i� fir::. a` ' _ -- X11 p' r". I4\ 1. N \, -- 4 "_ p/��,,tl� ✓' �'./- ' -;,; ` ,\ - / -'. -;i I _-- - -- !. - I ;.,J r _ -- -- - -" - " ^I i r yj1 '..� I + 1 , ,, - --T— ?.-":` - 11, I \ ✓ \` �`a ~\ - , s �RAIiVAGE '4F;EA 'r , '� \ _ r IF THiS DRAWING IS A REDUCT!CN / e, + / \.-- T. U IN - I T E '. : - -- - _. GRAPHIC SCALE MiJST 8E USED I'_ - - - s Irr _ ! I } � = - L EGEiND '/ ---• - r)PA,INI AGE DIVIDE �x \\� .I, POINT R = /� NAI V-,11; Pt�)IN•r E?�_-CSEVE QPE � __ ,"{ Yi,,/' , � ,:' (i T -(i F''\/r ( "?P>r Y) `III;'' - , -.-ii L - '� _ - \- ,. r' , .'.•_ �.'�.11 7_- tom- .:-,�.y..- Z CA �LY�.IS ��I.d11T-� n I) 'I r JlIV I d _,- r -' i _ � /, -- � i -- _ *�' `\ ` f` 4.. s 11 %' >. ,I ,\_ - ,% � (PP:E DE -/ELOPED &- 1.__., ! I -, � '? - - E `a ` "`FOIST=aE�lELOPED) I-. „ "\ ':+i - V "i1' _ 1 , 11 �` x( , A �-c l \' Y u, : 1 _ -- i 'a , \ \ Tc; F'a+-1 �� , sC 1 � 1 ��� �\ /11 I -i_ - -- -- .,y-,.- _ _ _ - - - - - 1" " - \ _s.:,, �F //f/� ,_ r -: �'� s= �: .ITI _ UTn,1 P' CSF �E i-'DPE + � �'.' \. re �vop- �- r _ :1'� t 1 - t ti U1 /!! I. 1 �, I., 'I '',Y _,�, PcIS� �e,relol�ecl �" A' B 1. - 11y = I 1 _ ,'ice-} , V ,'. ,I\ '➢ -- ` ;' A` 2..'' 29 ,ac,. °i - J "� '� "' - F _ - 0'. 4 9 4 - __: � , re �• _ W \I 1i' —,:v )�\`C __ =' 0.744 (post) , \ — - - > / _. �- - ' - ---- - -- -: - =— �_— - _ ti3P D ) - ,i S T- E L E Painted white tom � __..._. !P ,f _ a e✓ 4 1.\fes _ [t1 " . i --�- I I - DRAINAGE MAP (Pre -I- Post- Development) -_- _ +. 1 -i_ - -- -- .,y-,.- _ _ _ - - - - - i I . \ ' 9 i - -f..r.-.- -- - - .. - _ - - -- ' /f y 1 I 111, , _ \Fr` -. , - f- - �. AINAGE. ARE/\ G _ - __: z ,C', r a 1 k - -�' W %— _- , ,.. - - - -- , . =— �_— - _ ti3P D ) - ,i S T- E L E Painted white tom � __..._. I rrratoh-building . . t JL ..- I' i I11 `, Cm -�-_- I; 1 / �tF* 1, _ _ DRAINAGE MAP (Pre -I- Post- Development) 5TORMl'1A TER ,DETENTION FACILITY ON 77-P.i7 TO BE U5E17 FOR' 7815 Pwo-EGT FOR ER05ION CONTROL AND 5TORMHA7E ' DETER/ON jr THIS RREDUCTION GRAPHIC SCALE MUST 9E USED fiir 0 �7' \, ,\ ,, \, ,�e \ ,` \ , , \ ',-----._ \ 'lT� _ \ 1. 8 11 I 51.13 5F 'll_ 0 (4 Inhir) 0.26 cf9 1 I _ _ _, - - --_.. - _ A = 027 Ac. ; G=O.CIO i 11 8= , qq , `7 a 4 I=! 3 1 fs ' D Aq=3,16i.' A-I.OIAc. I \ = 0.26; ifs G = 0.82 -- ---- - - n 4 fl# Uj,'A�'M ,�I ' I f i i a i s _7 � � � I 1-1 � -,-ki P £\ , - I i I . \ ' 9 i �N. X':. -..�, ll f.1 ' /f y r I 111, , patntad v,�itr , - - _ , ,'r _ ! I r - i.. { q I v ' z ,C', r a 1 k - -�' W 1 -i 11 I 11 1` , I I 14', Painted white tom � __..._. I rrratoh-building . . t JL I,ii I11 `, Cm 1% I; 1 / �tF* ,t S. !11 jt, t r :J ._.-_--- C: "" .:,5y1 -,X .. ,..K tiro rv:.G., . _.. 1-1 " � �,,� : (,. " 1 I Q '�\ .�. . I `,5, i -- - \' ' 3 ' j ;, -. - bs \ ' II I' _:l f' 11,111. �, -.i� fir::. /s, ' 5TORMl'1A TER ,DETENTION FACILITY ON 77-P.i7 TO BE U5E17 FOR' 7815 Pwo-EGT FOR ER05ION CONTROL AND 5TORMHA7E ' DETER/ON jr THIS RREDUCTION GRAPHIC SCALE MUST 9E USED fiir 0 �7' \, ,\ ,, \, ,�e \ ,` \ , , \ ',-----._ \ 'lT� _ \ 1. 8 11 I 51.13 5F 'll_ 0 (4 Inhir) 0.26 cf9 1 I _ _ _, - - --_.. - _ A = 027 Ac. ; G=O.CIO i 11 8= , qq , `7 a 4 I=! 3 1 fs ' D Aq=3,16i.' A-I.OIAc. I \ = 0.26; ifs G = 0.82 -- ---- - - n 4 fl# Uj,'A�'M ,�I ' I f i i a i s _7 � � � I 1-1 � -,-ki P £\ , - , i A�^a s- I' i I . \ ' 9 i �N. X':. -..�, ll f.1 , Iii° x 20' ', -'a :.' �7,i0Y' �J'Green.^ - - y _ ,,to G'-s+od farYis I 111, , patntad v,�itr , - - _ , 5 _ ! I r - i.. { q I v ' z ,C', r a 1 k - -�' W 1 -i 11 I 11 1` , I 'S? wood Privacy Pence _'" ," Painted white tom � __..._. I rrratoh-building . . t - .. .J i F -11 I11 `, Cm 1% I; 1 / �tF* ,t S. !11 jt, t r :J ._.-_--- r , .:,5y1 -,X .. ,..K tiro rv:.G., . _.. _.._ - - 0.90 : (,. " 1 I Q a (4 W rIrTF sD2 A=0.30 Ac. G = 0.85 -- - .. - - -- --- - , A 457 A. /% �N. X':. -' - I _ == - -- c - _ - 1 I r - i.. { q . c- i/ _ `` I . 1:' , I I -- 'I c 0'.� -, I ��J: —_ i A OB Ac,.' a _ r i, 40.90 - - - --- \— ,. 1% I _ A 0:18 Ac. ._ _ '' O ' _- . \I'`a - - 0.90 " _ A Q,;�3 Ac '�\ .�. =v (S, _ - _ \ - - -- - \' I` -. - A 1.4'4 Ac. \ ' II I' _:l f' 11,111. �, -.i� fir::. /s, -, _ ' ', Y� ` ' c S} 90 A 457 A. /% �N. X':. 0.90 f ,&, A 0?�7. Ac, A'' 4:555 Ac ��, P. ,' ;, 4�, f 1 I r - i.. { q . c- i/ _ `` I . 1:' , I I -- 'I c 0'.� -, I ��J: —_ i A OB Ac,.' a _ r I \— ,. 1% \ - , _ '-, r- ,' \\ --_ ' _- y ,. 'tT11 , - \I'`a l AI - L 1,:` - J \ �' } a - nr - i '�\ .�. f it - J ---- (S, _ - _ \ - - \-_,y �4 il, .) i 1 J'+ '�v - \ i� 11I -1r- --, - 3 C 0.' 8. fi', A -' 1.-, -. - A 1.4'4 Ac. 1, ' II I' _:l r1. 11,111. �, -.i� fir::. �J S c'' "J 1 \ E Orr -. - ,- /Na ,,. { '� -- : - ' ,r , ,, _ = ,_ ' -;,; ` ,\ - / -'. -;i I _-- - -- !. - I ;.,J r _ -- -- - -" - " II '" F;,;", - - I t., /" '..� I + 1 , ,, - --T— ?.-":` - 11, I ` Y -- 1 I I DRAINAGE MAP (from ady'ac,ert site) W -56 - 67 BEAVER GREEK MILL CORP. CURRENT ZONING: RA CURRENT b5E• VACANT/UhVEVaCFEV ACRE466 11./96 AC. FUTURE CONNEC'nON TO AD-L46ENT PROPEt2TY Shared Driveway W adjacent parcel subj�ecct to .Joint access agr^eefnerst as retorYied in DB 3549/26 509 , (copy was subrn►t ad with plat). ° , Post t C.i ,� li I � . . . . . . . I .. I . \,-z �� __ _i ,% *4J- �� __ aV I —1 � _ s4 \ ��� 1 !lam , d r • F \ _ . 3�-JO - __ ._G .. _.. _.. _ i 42 ' VhryJ, --------- ---l- ._. _..__ , ODD Ac. I O. I = G6-5 G = O.q 11 r,,1 t i • _ D = 6,8222 (tyro. RlYU j = O. ii DA 3 = 1, Ab.g2 nfi L = 0.13 Ac. . I a 4 in/tr� = • • = 020 G = 0.15— _ -�' 'I�11 • �G = 081 _ ENTRfWGE y-� _� Q.1 / i .. �. �� . . • . .� ,.,,_..,. i'LV - - _ - - ....... .,....... ... .. ........................ ....,........._....__. - .._- C�-iim_.,.....--- -_. - ENTRANCE T}R,EE NpTGH'D 1?O -- 0' R/►^t U.5. 5-> A, -r- p -F 244 DRA I NAGE MAP (Post -Development Gond it lens) 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTi=5 1. Ali dams and constructed fill to be within g35i6 of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. Ali fill material to be approved by a goetechnicar "Ineer. A geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector, K Nathaniel P. Perkins CERT. NO. 032304 7m�es�i Y� w. �N. Ill 0.90 f ,&, A 0?�7. Ac, wit....... ��, ,' ;, __ r 1 I r - i.. { q . c- i/ _ I I r -- - ( ti r \ I x' ,.� r 1 , , > -, I ��J: —_ i — a _ r ;/ �, - _ _ \ :i . - ----- _ _ \ - Baa© _ '-, r- ' _- a, l AI - L 1,:` - J \ �' } a - nr - i _-t �,,. _ t.. alk' , � (S, _ - _ \ - - \-_,y �4 il, .) i 1 J'+ '�v - g j 1 _ -. - 1, :\. r1. \ �J S c'' "J 1 \ E Orr _ /Na { '� '- ,r , ,, _ = ,_ _ - ` ,\ - - - -- _-- - -- ------ -- -- -- - -" - " 1_ - , -, -,. -I ,.., - Y _� )' ;i - % - -- r IF THiS DRAWING IS A REDUCT!CN -I---i �t-- \i,_-; - /..__-_ _ '. : - -- - _. GRAPHIC SCALE MiJST 8E USED I'_ - - - Irr DRAINAGE MAP (from ady'ac,ert site) W -56 - 67 BEAVER GREEK MILL CORP. CURRENT ZONING: RA CURRENT b5E• VACANT/UhVEVaCFEV ACRE466 11./96 AC. FUTURE CONNEC'nON TO AD-L46ENT PROPEt2TY Shared Driveway W adjacent parcel subj�ecct to .Joint access agr^eefnerst as retorYied in DB 3549/26 509 , (copy was subrn►t ad with plat). ° , Post t C.i ,� li I � . . . . . . . I .. I . \,-z �� __ _i ,% *4J- �� __ aV I —1 � _ s4 \ ��� 1 !lam , d r • F \ _ . 3�-JO - __ ._G .. _.. _.. _ i 42 ' VhryJ, --------- ---l- ._. _..__ , ODD Ac. I O. I = G6-5 G = O.q 11 r,,1 t i • _ D = 6,8222 (tyro. RlYU j = O. ii DA 3 = 1, Ab.g2 nfi L = 0.13 Ac. . I a 4 in/tr� = • • = 020 G = 0.15— _ -�' 'I�11 • �G = 081 _ ENTRfWGE y-� _� Q.1 / i .. �. �� . . • . .� ,.,,_..,. i'LV - - _ - - ....... .,....... ... .. ........................ ....,........._....__. - .._- C�-iim_.,.....--- -_. - ENTRANCE T}R,EE NpTGH'D 1?O -- 0' R/►^t U.5. 5-> A, -r- p -F 244 DRA I NAGE MAP (Post -Development Gond it lens) 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTi=5 1. Ali dams and constructed fill to be within g35i6 of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. Ali fill material to be approved by a goetechnicar "Ineer. A geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector, K Nathaniel P. Perkins CERT. NO. 032304 S-1 I 7m�es�i w. Ill wit....... __ r . c- I I I > No�� Baa© a, i x s l t on Irr S-1 I w. O wit....... __ r . c- I { 1 ... ;s ►�' w. O wit....... __ r . c- Rd 1 R � s :a t s 1 e •1 b i t W W Rd 1 R r Dune y Y t Y • 1 � guano