HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500059 Affidavit 2016-04-28 Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Land Trust,LLC
5735 S Laburnum Ave.
Richmond,Virginia 23231
Exhibit A
liability company(the"Company"),hereby certifies the following:
1. Pursuant to that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement dated April 12,2016 (the
"Agreement"), between the Company(as Seller) and 29 Rio XRoad,LLC ("Purchaser"),the
Company,for the benefit of the Purchaser, agreed to sell 0.48 pounds of nonpoint source
phosphorus Credits to Purchaser and retire the associated ratio of nonpoint source nitrogen
Credits at the credit generating facility in the amount of 1.79 pounds of nitrogen Credits;
2. The Company and the Purchaser; as of the date hereof,have closed the transaction
contemplated by the Agreement and the Company has sold to Purchaser the phosphorus
WITNESS the following signature:
a Virginia limited liability company
Date: Z B IL
Sworn to an, sus cribed before me this 1g day of A pri\ , 2016, by
Manager, on behalf.of Chesapeake Bay Nutrient
Land Trust, L C, a Virginia limited liability company.
My commission expires: Oc_ko\tle-r ) 0 City/County of: rA morA
Notary Public
Project Name: VSMP Plan(WP02015000591 for CVS Pharmacy Store#10746 CA YJ JENSEN
Tax Map and Parcels: 04510D-00-00-123R&06100-00-00-0123GO NOTARY PUBLIC
Project HUC Code: 02080204
Wildwood Farm-Bank Sponsor BUC Code: 02080203 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 10/31118
Permittee: 29 Rio XRoad,LLC
Phosphorus Credits:0.48 pounds
Associated Nitrogen Credits: 1.79 pounds
Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Land Trust.LLC
Wildwood Penn 7 4/28/2016
Purchase And Sale Agreement
Notice of Termination
General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10)
(Please Type or Print All information)
1. Construction Activity 0pmratmr.
Name: The Rebkee Company
Contact: Joseph Gibbons
Mailing Address: 15871 CIty View Drive, Suite 300
City: Midlothian State: �� zip: 23113 Phone: (804) 673-3882
Email address(if available): j9ibbona@rebkee.cmn
2. Name and Location of the Construction Activity:(As listed on the Registraon Statement.)
Name: CVS Pharmacy
Address(if available): NWC of Seminole Trail and Rio Road
City Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22901
County(if not located within a City): Albrmarle
Latitude(decimal degrees): 38.083" Longitude(decimal degrees): 78'e7*"
3. General Permit Registration Number: VAR101203
4. Reason for Terminating Coverage Under the General Permit: (The operator shall submit a Notice of Termination after one or
more of the following conditions have been met.)
3 A. Necessary permanent control measures included in the SWPPP for the site are in place and functioning effectively and final
stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which the operator is responsible. When applicable, long-term
responsibility and maintenance requirements for permanent control measures shall be recorded in the local land records prior
to the submission of a notice of temilnation;
F-1 B.Another operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized and obtained coverage
for the ongoing discharge;
| I C. Coverage under an alternative VPDES or state permit has been obtained;or
D. For residential construction only, temporary soil stabilization has been completed and the residence has been transferred to
the homeowner.
The notice of termination should be submitted no later than 30 days after one of the above conditions being met. Authorization to
discharge terminates at midnight on the date that the notice of termination is submitted for the conditions set forth in subsections B
through nlesotherwise otified by the VSMP authority or the Department. Termination of authorizations to discharge
for the conditions set forth in subsection A above shall be effective upon notification from the Department that the provisions of
subsection A have been met or 60 days after submittal of the notice of terminations, whichever occurs first.
5. Permanent Control Measures Installed: (When applicable, a list of the on-site and off-sl0w permanent control measures (both
structural and nonstructural)that were installed to comply with the stormwater management technical criteria.Attach a separate list
If additional space is needed.)
Permanent Control Measure#1
Type of Permanent Control Measure: N/A
Date Functional:
Address(if available):
City:_ Sta1a: Zip:
County(if not located within a City):
Latitude(decimal degrees): Longitude(decimal degrees):
Receiving Water_
Total Acres Treated: Impervious Acres Treated:
Page 1of2
Permanent Control Measure#2
Type of Permanent Control Measure: N/A
Date Functional:
Address(if available):
City: State: Zip:
County(if not located within a City):
Latitude(decimal degrees): Longitude(decimal degrees):
Receiving Water:
Total Acres Treated: Impervious Acres Treated:
Permanent Control Measure#3
Type of Permanent Control Measure: N/A
Date Functional:
Address(if available):
City: State: Zip:
County(if not located within a City):
Latitude(decimal degrees): Longitude(decimal degrees):
Receiving Water:
Total Acres Treated: Impervious Acres Treated:
6. Participation in a Regional Stormwater Management Plan: (When opp|kmbl*, information related to the participation In a
regional stormwater management plan.Attach a separate list if additional space is needed.)
Regional StmrmwaterManagement Fmci||tn
Type of Regional Stormwater Management Facility: N/A
Address(if avaiJable):
City: State: Zip.
County(if not located within a City):
Latitude(decimal degrees): Longitude(decimal degrees):
Total Site Acres Treated: Impervious Site Acres Treated:
7. Perpetual Nutrient Credits: (When applicable, information related to perpetual nutrient credits that were acquired In accordance
with§62.1-44.15:35 of the Code of Virginia.Attach a separate list if additional space is needed.)
Nonpoint Nutrient Credit Generating Entity
Name: Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Land Trust, LLC -Wildwood Facility
Perpetual Nutrient Credits Acquired(lbs/acre/year): 0.48 |bo
W. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Notice of Termination and that this document and
all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and
evaluated the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons
directly responsible for gathering the infbnnuUon, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true
accurate, and complete. I am aware that thmm a,- significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of
fine and imphnonmendfor knowing Wo/uUono.~
Printed Name:
_Joseph Gibbon
Title: Director Of Construction
� ` Date.
sign in� �� ^ hbCm���t�mnmust bmsigned bythe apRnmpdassociated wihthe operator 1den�fiedin