HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201700071 Review Comments Final Plat 2017-06-26County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Frederick A. Gibson
From: Paty Saternye- Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: June 26, 2017
Subject: SUB-2017-71 Stanley J. Thomas - Boundary Line Adjustment
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the
Final Plat referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each
comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning
Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
1. [Comment] Attached find the Boundary Line Adjustment checklist. The
comments listed below are items either not included in the plat or that need
revisions to what has been provided.
2. [14-302(A)(1)] Name of Subdivision. Rename the subdivision plat so that it
includes unique identifiers such as including in the name the specific tax map
parcel numbers impacted by the plat.
3. [14-302(A)(2)] Vicinity map. Include a vicinity map in the place as specified (see
attached checklist"
4. [14-302(A)(3)] Existing or platted streets. It appears from the proposed plat that a
portion of State Route 640 is partially a prescriptive easement and partially a
right-of-way. However, the labels only specify a prescriptive easement. County
GIS appears to show prescriptive easements across all roars frontages. Clarify
the status of the road along the frontage of all lots and revise the notes and/or
the road right-of-way lines and prescriptive easement lines to fully represent the
road as appropriate. Show Grove Hill Lane on the plat and label it as specified in
(See 14-303(E) below).
5. [14-302(A)(4)] Private Easements. There appears from the County's GIS to be a
private road that cross TMP 66-73A into TMP 66-75 and TMP 66-74. A road,
possibly where Grove Hill Lane is shown on the GIS, also appears to be shown
o� � the plat included in Deed Book 439 Page 321. This should be shown on the
plat if it currently serves TMP 66-75 as its access to the pubiic road andior
crosses through the portion of TMP 66-75 that is being added to TMP 66-73A. If
it is shown then all required information on the road and any easement for the
road, including road name, owner and deed book and page number of the
easement plat, should be provided (See 14-303(E) below).
6. [14-302(A)(5) & 14-303(L)] Public Easements; Public utility, drainage and sight
distance easements. Revise the plat to show any existing public easements.
The plat included in Deed Book 439 plPage 321 shows an existing underground
telephone cable (Deed Book 356 Page 154) that may reside on the portion of the
parcel that is being given to TMP 66-76 and therefore should be shown on the
BLA plat.
7. [14-302(A)(6)] Alleys and shared driveways. Revise the plat to show any
driveway that crosses a subject properties to reach a different property. If it is a
shared driveway that too should be specified (See 14-303(E) below)_
8. [14-302(A)(7)] Existing and departing lot lines. Address the following:
• The existing property lines shown on the proposed plat, and those shown
on the recorded plat recorded in Deed Book 439 Page 323, do not match
those shown on the County's online GIS or County Tax Maps. Please
confirm that the County's GIS is incorrect and that the most resent plat for
the property is Deed Book 439 Page 323.
• In the recorded plat at Deed Book 4548 Page 270 the existing
southwestern property line for TMP 66-75 appears to come from the back
of TMP 66-76 and not from the road. Please confirm that this is not
correct since it does not agree with the proposed plat.
9. [14-302(A)(9)] Building sites on proposed lots. Address the following:
• Add a building site note to the plat that states "Parcels [letter or numbers]
each contain a building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of the
Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance." Include each of the parcels
impacted by this plat in that note.
• Add a building site rectangle to the plat for TMP 66-75 since the parcel is
reducing in size. As specified in the Code that building site rectangle
should be 30,000 square feet in size and meet the minimum requirements
specified in 4.2.1(A) & 4.2.2(A)(1) of the Albemarle County Zoning
10. [14-302(A)(10)] Right of further division of proposed lots. Provide a note that
specifies the current and proposed right of further division for each of the parcels
that is modified in this plat. If no development rights for a specific parcel are
transferred with the transfer of land the existing development rights and a
statement that not development rights are transferred still reed to be specified in
a note.
11. [14=302(A)(15)] Identification of all owners and certain interest holders. Provide
the name and addresses for each owner of the parcels as well as he holders of
any easements affecting the property.
12. [14-302(B)(1)] General information. Provide on the plat the date of the plat, any
revision dates for the plat and, if applicable, the number of sheets that are part of
the plat.
13. [14-302(B)(5)] Zoning classification. Provide a note on the plat that states the
zoning classification of each of the properties.
14. [14-302(13)(7)] ,Reservoir watershed; agricultural -forestal district. Provide on the
plat a note stating which watershed the property is in and whether it is within the
"watershed supply protection area".
15. [14-302(B)(10)] Stream buffers. Provide on the plat a note that states "The
stream buffer(s) shown heron shall be managed in accordance with the
Albemarle County Water Protection i� Ordinance."
16. [14-303(A)] Statement of consent to division. Provide on the plat, for each parcel
impacted by the plat, a statement of consent to division for each owner of the
specific parcel and with a place for the owner's signature below the statement.
The note should read "The platting or dedication of the following described land
[insert a correct description of the land subdivided] is with the free consent and in
accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors and trustees,
if any." For each parcel the note must be unique including the description of that
parcel in the area specified for the description to be inserted.
17. [14-303(C) & 14-303(H)] Boundary lines; Monuments. Clarify if the boundary line
between TMP 66-75 and TMP 66-74 is a "proposed" parcel line or an existing
one and adjust the plat to represent it accordingly_ Address the following:
• It is shown with the same linetype as the "proposed" parcel lines and
there is an "Old parcel line" labeled next to it.
• No "Parcel V label has been included to identify the area.
• No calculation is shown for how much property would be transferred
between the two parcels with the proposed boundary change.
• It appears to have "Pipe Found" along its edge that would seem to mean
it is an existing boundary line.
18. [14-303(C) & 14-303(H)] Boundary lines; Monuments. Clarify if the boundary line
between TMP 66-75, TMP 66-76 and TMP 66-78 is changing. Address the
• As mentioned above, the existing property lines shown on the proposed
plat, and those shown on the recorded plat recorded in Deed Book 439
Page 323, do not match those shown on the County's online GIS or
County Tax Maps. Please confirm that the County's GIS is incorrect and
that the property lines represented in this plat are the most current.
• The 192.91' long property line to the adjoining church property (TMP 66-
78) is shown as a "Proposed" parcel line style but the source plat
specified shows it as existing.
• There are two new "Rod set" labels along the property line when for an
existing lot line two "rod found" labels would be expected.
• If any property is being added to TMP 66-76 from TMP 66-78 then TMP
66-78 and its owners should be added to the calculations, owner
information, consent to division, etc. for the plat.
19. [14-303(D)] Acreage of lots. Revise the plat to address the following:
• Show the existing acreage of TMP 66-75.
• Show the calculations for the changes in acreage for TMP 66-75.
• There is a label that shows "2.7685 Acres" that is shown within TMP 66-
75. Either remove this label or clarify what it is for.
• If there is property being moved from TMP 66-75 and TMP 66-74 show
the size of the area being transferred, the proposed size of TMP 66-74
and include this area as being subtracted in the calculations for TMP 66-
20. [14-303(E)] Dimension standards and information on all lots, streets, alleys
easements, and shared driveways. Revise the plat to include all required
dimensions and information. See the attached Boundary Line Adjustment Plat
Checklist for all of the required information but it includes:
Easement shown for private streets, alleys and shared driveways shall be
labeled as "private street easement", "alley easement" or "shared
driveway easement".
• The easement holder(s) shall be identified o� � the plat.
• If there are any existing easement along any private streets, alleys or
shared driveways provide the required information for those easements
as specified in 14-302(A)(4).
21. [14-303(F)] Identification of sections, blocks and lots. Provide a label for
the portion of TMP 66-75 that is being given to TMP 66-74.
22. [14-303(0)] Signature Panels. Provide on the plat signature panels for
each owner of parcels impacted by this plat and for the County agent.
23. [14-303(P)] Notary panels. Provide notary panels for the notary to acknowledge
the signature for each of the owners.
24. [14-312] Location of existing buildings. Provide the location of any existing
building within 50' or any proposed boundary line.
25. [14-400] Minimum Lot Requirements. Address the following:
• Provide on the plat the front boundary line for TMP 66-73A & TMP 66-76.
s Ensure that the reduction of it roars frontage does not bring it to below the
minimum w d road frontage.
Please contact Paty a. ny at the Department of Community Development 296-5832
ext. 3250 for furthe - inf �mation.
CC: Stanley J. Thomas