HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO200800018 Application 2017-06-30Application for
Home Occupation Class A Permit
Home Occupation Class A Permit = $13.00
Name of Business: r, u n, cC
Tax map and parcel.MBdd d.9P.—;W_ Magisterial District: 7 Zoning: eA
Physical Street Address (if assigned): 7zfy-1 F'ta k JZ.A. AOva r. V
Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other):
Cantact'Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): ?,
Address -7 `I y'r P L k- RA • _ City 6- --, state V A Zip ai I arz
Daytime Phone (J M q6:Z (oR 3 2 _ _ Fax # L _)
Owner of Record L' o,raw—)o%�
E-mail is
Address 74 i'M PleAs 9A. City A44w, state VA Zip _22
Daytime Phone {tEAJ 9 S - — 7 3 (a0 Fax # (____) E-mail c- —�- 6,-,�i�a�e
Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): .-5 W c. oy4wL:J- Ia.Q ,-*c2 a
Daytime Phone C_)
Fax # (_,_,_)
State Zip
Fee Amount r Date Paid ��.�' (-�i By who? ft0QL, Receipt # Ck# 355 By: 1!
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5932 Fax: (434) 9724126
Tyre of Business0"V. ply `.
Does the Public visit the site`.' :"es or Ne
This certificate in confunction %vith a business license; represents zo-ung approval to conduct the home Uccupanon tCent:tied above.
Home Occupations, Class c must be conducted a) entirely within :he dwell: _g and are not allowed in any accessory structure. such as a
detzcl cd ?arage; and b) must be conducted by the o,imevapplicart {and ether family members] residing in the dv-e'Iling. Home
Occupations, Class A are also su ject to the following restrict—
1) Employees not living in `lie dwelling n_ are not alloxi ed.
2; T here shall be no chanze in the outside appearance of the buildings or premises, or other visible evidence of tre conduct of such
home occt t;ation.
1) Outside storage of materials used in the home occupation is not allowed.
4) On -premise sales of goods, o*her than items hand-crafted on the premises, is nwt allowed.
51 No store than 25% of the floor area of the dwelling may be devoted to the Home Cccupation; and the total area devoted .o such
occupation shall not exceed 1,500 square feet.
61 No traffic shall be generated in greater vclurnes thhan wouid no=ally be expected in a residential neighborhood.
?j Any need to parking shall be met off the street.
8) Al.' home occupations shall comply with performance standards set fort. in Section 4.14.
Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sian
i hereby apply for approval tc conduct the Home Occupation identiled above, and cer ify that th s address is ny legal
residence. 1 aase oertifv :hat 1 have read the on Home Occupations, t; at 1 understand them; and that : -will ab;de
by them..
Sig ature of oritract Purchaser, Aa _t
P C cx iS 5 (2—
Prr Name
j-- 3 (_. o
Daytime phone n=ber of Sign atory
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