HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Fin Rept FY End 6/30/98 HEN~-IVE,ANNUAL, FINANCIAL II. PORT ~'AR ENDED JUNE 3 O, 19 9 8 COUNTY OF VIRGINIA' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998 Prepared By: Melvin A. Breeden Director of Finance COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY 'SECTION Title Page ........................................................ Table of Contents .................................................. Letter of Transmittal ............................................... Organizational Chart ............................................... Directory of Officials ............................................... Certificate of Achievement .......................................... FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors' Report General Purpose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet--All Funds, Account Groups, and Discretely Presented Component Unit ............................... Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--All Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit ............................................... Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual--General, Special Revenue, and Capital Projects Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit ........ Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings/ Fund Balance--All Proprietary and Nonexpendable Trust Funds ......... Combined Statement of Cash Flows--All Proprietary and Nonexpendable Trust Funds ...................................... Notes to Financial Statements ....................................... Exhibit 2 4 Page i lll-Vll ix-xv xvii xviii-xix PaRe 1-2 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 11 13-49 111 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Combining Financial Statements: Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet .......................................... Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances .................................................. Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual .................................. Debt Service Funds: Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual ....................................... Capital Projects Funds: Combining Balance Sheet .......... , ............................... Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances .................................................. Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual .................................. Intemal Service Funds: Combining Balance Sheet .......................................... Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Equity ........ Combining Statement of Cash Flows ................................. Fiduciary Funds: Combining Balance Sheet .......................................... Nonexpendable Trust Funds--Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances ............... 2 ....... ' ...... Nonexpendable Trust Funds--Combining Statement of Cash Flows ......... Agency Funds--Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities ............ General Fixed Assets Account Group: Schedule of Fixed Assets by Source--Primary Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit ................. Schedule of Fixed Assets by Function and Activity--Primary Government and Discretely Presented. Component Unit ................. Schedule of Changes in Fixed Assets by Function and Activity--Primary Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit ... Exhibit A-1 A-2 A-3 B-1 B-2 C-1 C-2 C-3 D-1 D-2 D-3 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 F-1 F-2 F-3 Page 54 55 56-59 63 64-65 68 69 70-72 74 75 76 78-79 80 81 82-83 86 87 88 iv COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Discretely Presented Component Unit - School Board: Combining Balance Sheet .......................................... Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances ....................................................... Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual ...................................... Supporting Schedules: Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit--Schedule of Revenues--Budget and Actual ....................... Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit--Schedule of Expenditures--Budget and Actual ................... Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability ....................... Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the County--Ail County Funds and Component Units ............................... Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the Commonwealth .... Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the Charlottesville- Albemarle Joint Health Center Building Fund .......................... Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the Albemarle- Charlottesville Regional Jail Authority ............................... Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the Emergency Operations Center ................................................ Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the Darden Towe Memorial Park .................................................. Exhibit G-I G-2 G-3 Schedule 2 3 4 5 90 91 92-94 Page 97-104 105-110 111 112-113 114 115 116 117 118 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the Region Ten Community Services Board ........................................ Schedule 10 Page 119 STATISTICAL SECTION General Governmental Expenditures by Function--Last Ten Fiscal Years ...... General Governmental Revenues by Source--Last Ten Fiscal Years .......... General Governmental Tax Revenues by Source--Last Ten Fiscal Years ....... Property Tax Levies and Collections--Last Ten Fiscal Years ............ Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property --Last Ten Fiscal Years . '.... ,. ............................. Property Tax Rates--Last Ten Fiscal Years ....................... Special Assessment Billings and Collections--Last Ten Fiscal Years ....... Computation of Legal Debt Margin, Direct and Overlapping Debt and Revenue Bond Coverage ................... : .............................. Ratio &Net General Obligation Bonded Debt to Assessed Taxable Value and Net General Obligation Bonded Debt Per Capita--Last Ten Fiscal Years. .... Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Obligation Bonded Debt to Total General Governmental Expenditures--Last Ten Years ............. Demographic Statistics--Last Ten Fiscal Years .......................... Property Value, Construction Activity, and Bank Deposits--Last Ten Fiscal Years Principal Real Property Taxpayers .................................... Miscellaneous Statistics .................. ......... : ................ Table Pa~e 1 122-123 2 124-125 3 126-127 4 128-129 5 130-131 6 132 7 133 8 134 9 135 10 136 11 137 12 138 13 139 14 140 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS COMPLIANCE (SINGLE AUDIT SECTION) Report on Compliance and on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards ......................................... Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to Each Major Program and Internal Contro. 1 Over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 ...................................................... Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards ...................................... Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs ....................................... Page 143-144 145-146 147-148 149 vii COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Finance 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Telephone (804) 296-5855 December 15, 1998 The Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle Commonwealth of Virginia Ladies and Gentlemen: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the County of Albemarle, Virginia for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998, is submitted herewith. Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the data presented and the fairness of the presentations, including all disclosures, rests with the County. We believe the data presented is accurate in all material aspects; that it is designed and presented in a manner to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operations of the County as measured by the financial activity of its various funds; and that ali the necessary disclosures have been included to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the County's financial affairs. This report is presented in four sections: introduction, financial, statistical, and compliance. The introduction sections includes this transmittal letter, the government's-organization chart, and a list of principal officers. The financial section includes the general purpose financial statements and notes, combining and individual fund and account group financial statements, supporting schedules and the independent auditors' report. The statistical section includes selected fi n ancial and demographic data, general ly presented on a m u Itl-year basis. The single audit is required under the provisions of the Single Audit ACt of 1984 and U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States. Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations. The financial statements of Albemarle County are prepared in accordance with accounting and reporting principles as determined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The financial statements distinguish between the primary government and its component units. The financial reporting entity includes all the t:unds and account groups of the primary government, as well as all of its component units. Component units are legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable. The Albemarle County FAX (804) 296-5811 TDD (804) 972-4012 School Board is reported as a component unit of the Albemarle County government. The County provides a full range of governmental services. Major programs include administration, judicial, public safety, public works, human development, parks and recreation, education and community development. The County also serves as fiscal agent for several City/County jointly governed entities which include the Charlottesville-Albemarle Joint Health Center Building Fund, the Emergency Communications Center, the Darden Towe Memorial Park, and Region Ten Community Services Board. The County also serves as fiscal agent for the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail Authority. ECONOMIC CONDITION AND OUTLOOK The County of Albemarle was formed from the County of Goochland in 1744 by an act of the Virginia General Assembly. The County is named for William Anne Keppel, the Second Earl of Albemarle, who was at that time the Governor-General of Virginia. Scottsville was the original County seat until 1761 when the County Government was moved to Charlottesville. The present boundaries of the County were established in 1777. The development of the County and its 740 square miles is such that although it retains a large urban area, it also has a considerable amount of agricultural, commercial and industrial land. The County also boasts its historical heritage including Thomas Jefferson's residence, "Monticello"; James Monroe's home, "Ashlawn',; Dr. Thomas Walker's 1765 Plantation, "Castle Hill"; the birth site of George Rogers Clark; Patrick Henry's family tavern, "Michie Tavern"; and Albemarle County's 1830 Court House. The County is also home of the University of Virginia, the Foxfield Races, and the Virginia Festival of American Film. Albemarle County's rich historical heritage also plays a part in the area's economic growth. Government, manufacturing, and service industries continue to lead area employment. Major employers in Albemarle County include the University of Virginia, Albemarle County, G E Fanuc Automation, State Farm Mutual Insurance Company and ConAgra. Based on available economic data, Albemarle County's economy continues to maintain itself. According to the Virginia Employment Commission, 1998 Unemployment in the County declined from the previous year figure of 2.2% to 1.7%. Compared to the 4.0% state unemployment rate and 4.9% national unemployment rate, Albemarle is in very good condition. Retail sales in the County continue to grow: 1997 retail sales total'ed $759 million as compared to $720 million in 1996. The first quarter of 1998 also shows the promise of continued growth with $165.7 million in retails sales being reported compared to $164 million for the same period last year. MAJOR I N ITIATIVES Current Initiatives Initiatives were undertaken by the County during Fiscal Year 1997 in several areas including Education, Parks and Recreation, and Public Safety. Education initiatives included the construction of Monticello High School, the County's fourth high school. Substantial renovations and additions were also undertaken at Stony Point and Brownsville Elementary Schools, Walton Middle School, and the Murray High School. Parks and Recreation initiatives included major improvements at C~hris Greene and Walnut Creek beach areas to make the parks more handicapped accessible. The County also participated in the creation of a newsoftball field for Dixie Little League at Mclntire Park as well as substantial improvements to the Crozet baseball. Public Safety initiatives saw the hiring of an additional six career firefighters to expand the number of career firefighters to nine. These career firefighters support the efforts of our volunteer-based fire and rescue system. The County also purchased a 100-foot aerial ladder truck to enhance fire protection in the urban ring. The Police Department also established expanded it community policing unit and established another satellite facilities at W.D. Ward Center in Esmont. The Police Department, inconjunction with the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia also established a regional crime analysis program. Other initiatives include the continued contribution by the County toward a sinking fund for the construction of a new fire/rescue and Emergency Communications Center building. Future Initiatives Future initiatives include improvements to the public safety communications system. This upgrade in the communications system will increase the coverage and decrease communication congestion on the system. It will also increase inter-operability in times of emergencies. Education initiatives include addition to Stone Robinson Elementary School, renovations at Western Albemarle High School, and continuing to improve and upgrade computer technology in all schools. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Internal Control Structure. The management of Albemarle County is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls. Estimates and judgments by the management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of internal control policies and procedures. Internal COntrols are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance (1) that County assets are safeguarded against unauthorized use or disposition and, (2) financial transactions are conducted properly and in accordance with County policY. Budgetary Controls. Budgetary controls are established to ensure compliance with the annual appropriation ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors. General, School, Debt Service, and School Self-Sustaining Funds are included in this ordinance. A separate appropriation is approved by the Board of Supervisors for the General Government and Education Capital Improvement Funds. Budgetary controls are maintained at the department level. All purchase orders are reviewed prior to issuance to confirm sufficient appropriated balances exist. Purchase orders which would result in over-expenditures are not released until additional funds are appropriated. Open encumbrances ar~ carried forward at year-end and generally reappropriated. General Government Functions. General Government Function revenues, which include General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects Funds and the Component Unit - School Board, totaled $133,048,166 in fiscal year 1997/98. This represents a 4.47% increase from FY 1996/97. General property taxes $ 59,736,838 44.90 2,638,471 4.62 Other local taxes 23,140,529 1 7.39 2,860,156 14.10 Permits, privilege fees 999,107 .75 53,973 5.71 and regulatory licenses Fines and forfeitures 216,888 .17 (30,248)' (12.24) Revenue from use of 2,330,261 1.75 (274,328) (10.53) money and property Charges for services 4,594,379 3.45 (674,836) (12.81) Miscellaneous 527,858 .40 40,813 8.38 Recovered costs 2,571,115 1.93 (499,154) (16.26) Intergovernmental 38,931,191 29.26 1,575,834 4.22 TOTAL $133,048,166 100.00 $ 5,690,681 4.47 General Property Tax revenue, which is comprised of both Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes, increased 4.62% from 1996/97. This increase, in a non-reassessment year, shows that the area's economy remains in good condition. Other local taxes increased 14.10% over last fiscal year due primarily to the implementation of the meals and beverage tax effective January 1, 1998, and the full-year collection of the increased Transient Occupany Tax. Consumer utility tax, Business License tax, Sales & Use Tax, and the Motor Vehicle decal registrations xii all show increases over FY 96/97. Fines and forfeitures show a decrease of $30~248 after a significant increase in FY 96/97 of $77,363. This decrease can be attributed to increase public awareness of enforcement of fire lane parking violations. General Government Function expenditures increased $8,215,955 over FY 1996/97. The largest increase came in the area of Capital Improvements which increased $1,978,426. During the fiscal year, the construction of the new Monticello High School was completed as well as additions and renovations to several elementary and middle schools. The 11.06% increase in the area of Public Safety resulted from the increased funding of the Magistrate's Office which is jointly funded by the City of Charlottesville and the County. The increase in Health and Welfare is attributed primarily to an increase in public assistance and employment services. In the area of Community Development, the increase is due primarily to the increase in the revenue sharing .payment to the City of Charlottesville. General government $ 5,574,630 3.74 $ 347,774 6.65 administration Judicial administration 2,078,915 1.39 206,960 11.06 Public safety 11,578,473 7.76 412,377 3.69 Public works 2,299,190 1.54 64,291 2.88 Health and welfare 9,082,674 6.09 889,199 ' 10.85 Education 76,622,637 51.38 3,431,637 4.69 Parks, recreation, and cultural 2,933,075 1.97 29,564 1.02 Community development 9,789,023 6.56 698,907 ~'.69 Capital projects 21,946,149 14.72 1,978,426 9.91 Debt Service: Principal retirement 4,288,752 2.88 42,657 1.00 Interest and other fiscal charges 2,942,321 1.97 114,163 4.04 TOTAL $1'49,135,839 100.00 8,215,955 5.83 Proprietary Fund Type Operations The County maintains an internal service fund for health self-insurance. The health insurance fund is funded by contributions from' the County, other participating entities and their employees. xiii Fiduciary Fund Type Operations The County maintains various non-expendable trust funds. These funds were created under specific agreements with the County as trustee. Expenses are as specifically directed under the various trust agreements. Debt Administration On November 20, 1997, the County issued, through the Virginia Public School Authority, $20,455,000 in General Obligation School Bonds to fund several school related construction projects including the new high school.. The total outstanding General Obligation School Bonds is $63,425,000. Combined with the outstanding state literary loans, capital lease obligations, and the VRS Early Retirement System obligation, the total long-term obligations are $70,736,883. This results in a debt per capita of approximately $890.00. Cash Management The County uses a pooled cash approach which allows a greater degree of investment flexibility and return on investment. Investments are competitively bid among local banks to obtain the highest rate available. All County funds are invested in instruments allowed by the Code of Virginia, Chapter 3, Title 26. The County utilizes the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) and other money market funds that hold only government securities. Risk Management The County participates in a public entity risk pool that provides consolidated health care benefits plan for their employees. The plan is based on a service contract with a private carrier in which bills are derived from actual expenses incurred or claims filed. The participating entities have established that a reserve fund meet the excess claims. Each participating entity is responsible for payment amounts billed by the County. Accounting is made in an internal service fund as previously discussed. The County and School Board contracts with the Virginia Municipal Group Self-Insurance Association to provide worker's compensation coverages. The Association may assess all members based on the proportion which their premium bears to the total premium of all members should the Association suffer a deficit and depletion of all its assets. Property damage, employee crime and dishonesty and general liability coverages are contracted with a private insurance carrier. Public Officials and Law Enforcement Liability coverages are through the Virginia Department of Risk Management and are similar to the Virginia Municipal Group Self-Insurance Association. xiv General Fixed Assets The County undertook during fiscal year 93/94 the inventorying of fixed assets. The current policy requires only assets with an original cost of $5,000 or greater to be included. Assets, as defined in this policy totaled $175,702,050 as of June 30, 1998 for the County and component unit School Board. Since this figure represents the original cost it is considerably less than their present replacement cost. Depreciation on general fixed assets is not required and has not been recorded on the County's accounting system or reflected in the financial statements. Other Information Independent Audit. The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that the financial statements of the County be audited by an independent certified public accountant. The accounting firm of Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates has performed an audit for the County for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997. The auditor's opinion is included in this report. Certifiate of Achievement. The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the County of Albemarle, Virginia, for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997 The Certificate of Achievements is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of a state and local government financial reports. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. The CAFR must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report continues to conform to the Certificate of Achievement program requirements, and we are submitting it to the GFOA. Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to the staff of the Finance Department for their commitment and dedication to the financial management of the County and the preparation of this report. I would also like to thank the County Board of Supervisors and the County Executive Staff for their support of the County's financial operations in a responsible and progressive manner. Melvin A. Breeden Director of Finance THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY COUNTY GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHANT COURT' JUOGE COURT JUOG~ I CIRCUIT COURT J~ [ ,, t BOARD OFFIC£ ZONING A~P~AL$ I SOCIAL BOARD VOTERS I CLERK ATTORNrV BOARD OF I ~IP£RVI~ORS REGIONAl. ~, J PL;~J~TNING & C~ SOCIAL SERVICES [ ~"'O-°'~T/ I I S~ILA~TrR I [ I GOVERNOR I I rl~Nl£S W~DCN NIGH~V CCiMIS~ION R£SIDENT ENGINEER ICXECUTIVE: Ti'iF. BOARD ~I2ATION JOINT CITY/COUNTY I .RE I I...I NZV NkTEN I I JOINT 'crClmIl~vl I I viSITORS I I D~.GENCY I RIV~NA I [ ~T~ I IRIV. ~lO I I CHILD.~QUTH I ] ' P~K I I RE~S I l~E ~H, I [ C~I~ION I [ AI~T I I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA David P. Bowerman Charlotte Y. Humphris BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Forrest Marshall, Chairperson Charles S. Martin, Vice-Chair Ella W. Carey, Clerk Walter F. Perkins Sally H. Thomas R. Madison Cummings Susan C. Gallion Jeffrey D. Joseph SCHOOL BOARD John E. Baker, Chairperson Stephen H. Koleszar, Vice-Chair Tina Pendleton Fuller, Clerk Diantha H. McKeel Dr. Charles M. Ward Arthur Brown, Jr. Michael Brown Martha Orton WELFARE BOARD Martha Harris, Chairperson Patricia Ewers, Vice-Chair Mary Timbeflake, Clerk Karen Powell Roxanne White xviii COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA OTHER OFFICIALS County Executive ................................................... Robert W. Tucker, Jr. School Superintendent ................................................... Kevin C. Castner Deputy County Executive ................................................ Richard E. Huff, II Assistant County Executive .............................................. Roxanne W. White Clerk of the Circuit Court ................................................ Shelby J. Marshall Judge of the Circuit Court .............................................. Paul M. Peatross, Jr. Commonwealth Attorney ............................................. James L. Camblos, III County Attorney .......................................................... Larry W. Davis Director of Information Services ............................................... Fred Kruger Director of Engineering and Public Works ............................... William I. Mawyer, Jr. Extension Agent ......................................................... David H. Vaden Director of Finance ................................................... Melvin A. Breeden Clerk of the General District Court ......................................... Phyllis W. Tignor Judge of the General District Court ........................................ Stephen H. Helvin Director of Building Codes and Zoning Services ........................... Amelia G. McCulley Director of Emergency Operations Center .................................. Thomas A. Hanson Director of Parks and Recreation ........................................ Patrick K. Mullaney Director of Human Resources .......................................... Michael R. Thompson Director of Planning and Community Development ........................ Vincent W. Cilimberg Chief of Police ........................................................... John F. Miller Registrar ............................................................. James M. Heilman Sheriff ............................................................... Terry W. Hawkins Director of Social Services ............................................ Katherine A. Ralston Water Resource Manager .............................................. David J. Hirschman " xix CertifiCate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to County of Albemarle,, Virginia For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. President F_.xecutiue Director ROBINSON, FARMER, COX ASSOCIATES .4 PROFESSIONAL LIMTfED LL4BIL17T COMP~4NY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements and the combining financial statements of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, as of and for the year ended June 30, 1998, as listed in the Table of Contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the County's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the provisions of Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations; and the Specifications for Audits of Counties, Cities and Towns issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, as of June 30, 1998, and the results of operations and cash flows of its proprietary fund types and nonexpendable trust funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Also, in our opinion the combining and individual fund and account group financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the individual funds and account groups of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, as of June 30, 1998 and the results of its operations of such funds and cash flows of individual proprietary fund types and nonexpendable trust funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 9, 1998 on our consideration of the County of Albemarle, Virginia's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole and on the combining financial statements. The accompanying financial information listed as supporting schedules in the table of contents, including the schedule of expenditures of federal awards required by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations, is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements of the County of Albemarle, Virginia. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose and cOmbining financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the financial statements of each of the respective individual funds and account groups taken as a whole. The statistical tables listed in the Table of Contents are not a req.ui'red part of the basic financial statements, and we did not audit or apply limited procedures to such information. Accordingly, we do not express any assurances on such information. Charlottesville, Virginia October 9, 1998 2 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combined Balance Sheet - All Funds~ Account Groups: and Discretely Presented Component Unit At June 30:1998 ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Receivables (net of allowances for uncollectibles): Taxes including penalties Accounts Inte~st Due from other governments Due from other funds Inventory, at cost Prepaid items Advances to other entities Restricted assets: inves~nents Fixed assets Other Debits: Amount available for debt service Amount to be provided for the retirement of general long-term debt and accrued leave Governmental Fund T},pes Proprietary Fiduciary Funds Fund T~pes Special Capital Internal Trust and General Revenue Projects Service Agency $ 13,255,699 $ 2,499,635 $ 5,582,234 $ 2,918,832 $ 1,139,749 93,536 44,438 599,836 24,937 6,759 12,362 5,268 ~ 1,819 725,492 36,974 3,071,339 1,133,349 122,314 2,526,346 254,583 51,806 35O 1,732,599 294,874 Total assets LIABILITIES~ EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Compensation payable Accrued liabilities Due to other funds Amounts held for others Deferred revenues Accrued vacation and sick leave General obligation bonds payable State literary fund loans payable Capital lease obligations payable Note payable VRS early retirement incentive obligation Total liabilities Equity and other credits: Investment in general fLXed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for health insurance claims Unreserved Fund balances: Reserved for inventory Reserved for endovanents Reserved for advances to other entities Unreserved'. Designated: Subsequent year's expenditures Debt service Capital projects Undesignated Total equity and other credits Total liabilities, equity and other credits $ 20,415,786 $ 3,325,422 $ 7,408,607 $ 3,523,936 $ 1,461,379 $ 471,887 $ 276,430 $ 53,855 $ 99,794 $ 1,188 27,129 531,258 1,142,711 232,787 21~96 470,608 3,207,020 114,566 $ 4,210,165 $ 536,346 $ 53,855 $ 1~357,071 $ 493,592 $ $ - $ $ $ - 1,847,366 - 3 ! 9,499 51,806 !,852,473 967,787 804,673 - 500,000 - 14,849,142 2,789,076 5,502,279 $ 16,205,621 $ 2,789,076 $ 7,354,752 $ 2,166~865 $ 967~787 $ 20,415,786 $ 3,325,422 $ 7,408,607 $ 3,523,936 $ 1,461,379 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 4 Exhibit 1 Account Groups General Fixed Long-term Assets Debt Totals Totals "Memorandum Component "Memorandum Only" Unit Only" Primary School Reporting Government Board Entity $ - $ $ 33,968,679 $ 33,968,679 1,752,430 !,752,430 25,396,149 $ 24,471,472 $ 49,867,621 3,071,339 3,071,339 1,896,096 237,951 2,134,047 148,522 9,034 157,556 3,288,812 2,491,337 5,780,149 254,583 254,583 51,806 269,648 321,454 350 2,376 2,726 1,732,599 1,732,599 294,874 294,874 33,968,679 141,733,371 175,702,050 2,666,847 2,666,847 1,752,430 66,317,606 68,070,036 71,856,239 $ 238,199,642 $ 310,055,881 $ $ $ 1,213,764 233,311 305,355 $ 1,752,430 $ 33,968,679 $ $ 903,154 $ 2,699,129 $ 3,602,283 27,129 7,654,470 7,681,599 1,673,969 1,673,969 254,583 254,583 470,608 470,608 3,321,586 ! 31,220 3,452,806 1,213,764 826,867 2,040,63 I 63,425,000 63,425,000 3,325,256 3,325,256 233,311 233,311 305,355 305,355 1,407,330 I ~407,330 8,403,459 $ 79,469,272 $ 33,968,679 $ 141,733,371 87,872~731 175,702,050 1,847,366 1,847,366 3 i 9,499 319,499 51,806 269,648 321,454 967,787 967,787 1,852,473 1,852,473 804,673 586,978 1,391,651 2,666,847 2,666,847 6,002,279 10,590,699 16,592,978 17,638,218 2,882,827 . 20,521,045 $ 33,968,679 $ $ .. 63,452,780 $ 158,730,370 $ 222~183,150 $ 33,968,679 $ 1,752,~30 $ 71,856,239 $ 238,199,642 : $ 310,055,881 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances All Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Year Ended June 30, 1998 Revenues: General property taxes Other local taxes Pcrraits, privilege fccs and regulatory liceuscs Fines and forfeitures Revenue fi.om use ofmouey and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue fi.om the Federal Government Total revenues Expenditures: Current: General government adminisuation Judicial administration Public safety Public works Health and welfare Education Parks, recreation, and cultural Community development Capital projects Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and other fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Proceeds fi.om long*term debt Operating transfers in Operating mmsfers out Operating transfers from primary government Operating transfers to primary government Operating transfers flora component unit Operating mmsfers to component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balance at beginning of year Residual equity transfer (Note 23) Fund balance at end of year Governmental Fund T~pes Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Project Fund Funds Funds Funds $ 59,736,838 $ $ 22,427,021 713,508 999,107 216,888 1,347,673 73,898 955,777 35,443 160,952 86,668 1,111,089 35,291 5,088,271 2,032,397 2,458,915 2,016,091 $ 94,502,531 $ 4,993,296 67,734 129,294 $ 197,028 $ 5,574,630 $ $ 2,032,549 46,366 10,118,837 1,459,636 2,205,642 93,548 5,967,402 3,115,272 8,284 2,933,075 8,053,598 1,735,425 $ 36,894,017 $ 6,450,247 $ 151,41! 45,617 197,028 $ 57,608,514 $ (1,456,951) $ $ $ $ 81,122 1,741,087 (3,484,866) (143,122) 43,000 225,000 (54,932,537) $ (58,293,281) $ 1,822,965 $ $ (684,767) $ 366,014 $ 16,965,795 2,347,655 (75,407) 75,407 $ 16,205,621 $ 2,789,076 $ 157,567 5,466 6,000 44,584 34,382 $ 247,999 1,797,826 $ 1,797,826 $ (1,549,827) $ 1,810,735 (4,956) 052,451) $ 1,453,328 $ (96,499) 7,451,251 $ 7,354,752 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 6 Exhibit 2 Totals "]~mol'andnnl Only" Primary Government $ 59,736,838 $ 23,140,529 999,107 216,888 1,646,872 996,686 382,914 1,190,964 7,155,050 4,475,006 99,940,854 $ 5,574,630 $ 2,078,915 11,578,473 2,299,190 9,082,674 8,284 2,933,075 9,789,023 1,797,826 151,411 45,617 Component Unit School Board 683,389 3,597,693 144,944 1,380,151 24,654,002 2,647,133 33,107,312 $ 76,614,353 20,148,323 4,137,341 2,896,704 Totals "Memorandum Only" Reporting EntiO~ $ 59,736,838 23,140,529 999,107 216,888 2,330,261 4,594,379 527,858 2,571,115 31,809,052 7,122,139 133,048,166 5,574,630 2,078,915 11,578,473 2,299,190 9,082,674 76,622,637 2,933,075 9,789,023 21,946,149 4288,752 2,942,321 $ 45,339,118 $ 103,796,721 $ 149,135,839 $ 54,601,736 $ (70,689,409) $ (16,087,673) $ $ 3,632,944 (3,632,944) 268,000 , (55,284,988) $ (55,016,988) $ $ (415,252) $ 26,764,701 20,455,000 $ 295,922 (295~22) 55,284,988 (268,000) 75,471,988 $ 4,782,579 $ 12,214,420 20,455,000 3,928,866 (3~28,866) 55,284,988 (268,000) 268,000 (55,284,988) 20,455,000 4,367,327 38,979,121 $ 26,349,449 $ 16,996,999 $ 43,346,448 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE? VIRGINIA Combined Statement of Revenues~ Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance~- Budget and Actual-General? Special Revenue~ and Capital Projects Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Year Ended June 30v 1998 General Fand Special Revenue Funds Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Aedual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) General property taxes Other local taxes Permits, privilege fees and regulatory licenses Fines and forfeitures Revenue from use of money and prope~y Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue eom the Commonwealth Revenue f~om the Federal Government Expenditures: Current: General government administration Judicial administration Public safety Public works Health and welfare Parks, recreation, and mdtural Community development Cnpitai projects Debt service: Integer and other fi~l char~s Total cxpenditurcs Excess (deficiency) of revenues Other fi~ncJn~ sources (us~): Proceeds from long-term debt Operating tnmsfers in Operating transfers out Operating transfers from primary government Operating transfers to primmy government Operating transfen from component unit Operating transfers to component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balance at beginning of year Residual equity transfer (Note 23) Fund b~lance at end of year $ $ 61~855,420 $ 59,736,838 $ 20,842,000 22,427,02 i 863,800 999,107 193,700 216,888 1,780,400 1,347,673 764,675 955,777 153,377 160,952 945,504 !,11 i,089 4,943,393 5,088,271 2,273,787 2,458r915 $ 94,616,056 $ 94,502,531 $ (2,118~82) $ 1~85,021 650,000 135,307 23,188 (432,727) 81,525 191,102 ~575 130,388 165,585 12,788 144,878 2,02~538 185r128 2,227,947 (113,525) $ 5,130~186 $ 713,508 73,898 35,443 86,668 35,291 2~32,397 2p16r091 4,993,296 ' $ 63,508 (7,627) 35,443 (43,720) 22,503 4,859 (211,556) (136,890) 5,796,141 $ 5,574,630 $ 221,511 $ 2,095,434 2,032,549 62,885 88,213 10,328,536 10,118,837 209,699 1,533,564 2,431,564 2,205,642 225,922 183,120 6,089,044 5,967,402 121,642 3,183,996 8,284 8,284 3,012,876 2,933,075 79,801 8,371,528 8,053,598 317,930 2,123,600 $ 46,366 41,847 1,459,636 73,928 93,548 89,572 3,115,272 68,724 !,735,425 388,175 $ 38,133r407 $ 36,894,017 $ 1,239r390 $ 7~112~493 $ $ 56,482,649 $ 57,608r514 $ !,125~865 $ (1,9827307) $ S $ $ S $ 81,122 81,122 - 1,747,503 (3,558,238) (3,484,866) 73,372 (I 14,000) 43,000 43,000 225,000 (54,962,537) (54r932,537) 30,000 (58,396,653) $ (58,293,281) $ 103,372 $ 1,858,503 $ (i,914,004) S (684,767) $ 1,229,237 $ (123,804) $ 1,976,004 16,965,795 14,989,791 61,804 (62,000) (75,407) (13,407) 62,000 $ 16,205,621 $ 16,205,621 $ $ 6,450,247 S 662,246 (1,456,951) $ 525,356 $ 1,741,o87 (6,416) (143,122) (29,122) 225,000 1,822,965 $ (35,538) 366~14 $ 489~18 2~47~55 2,285,851 75,407 13,407 2,789,076 $ 2,789,076 *lam The aocompanying notes to financial statemcnLs arc an inicgral part of this statmnent. 8 Exhibit 3 Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget , Actual ~Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Component Unit School Board Budget Aclual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) S S S S S S $ S S 68,000 67,734 (266) 157,567 157,567 160,300 683,389 2,593 5,466 2,873 3,663,915 3,597,693 129,500 129,294 (206) 18,000 6,000 (12,000) 134,805 144,944 44,584 44,584 !,508,256 1,380,151 188,234 34,'~82 (153,852) 24,879,283 24,654,002 2r595,522 2,647,133 197,500 S 197,028 S (472) S 208,827 S 247,999 $ 39,172 $ 32~.942,081 $ 33,107~312 $ 523,089 (66,222) 10,139 (128,105) (225,281) 51,611 165~31. $ S S S S S S S S 151,100 46r400 197,500 $ 151,411 45,617 197,028 $ S $ $ S S S 6,644,330 1,797,826 4,846,504 (311) '/83 472 S 6,644,330 $ 1,797,826 S 4,846t504 $ (6,435,503) S (1,549,827) S S $ $ 1,810,735 1,810,735 (4,956) (4,956) S S S S S S S S S S $ 77,851,121 76,614,353 33,124,772 20,148,323 4,137,341 4,137,341 · 3,604,461 2?896,704 118,717,695 $ 103,796,721 $ 4,885,676 $ (85,775,614) S (70,689,409) S 052,451) (352,451) 1,453,328 $ 1,453,328 $ $ (4,982,175) S (96,499) S 4,885,676 S 5,282,175 5,451,251 169,076 23,451,367 S 20,455,000 S 295.922 295,922 (295,922) (295,922) 55,314,988 55,284,988 (268,000) (268,OOO) 1,236,768 12,976,449 707,757 14,920,974 15,086r205 (2,996,367) (30,000) 78,498,355 S 75,471,988 S (3,026,367) (7,277,259) S 4,782,579 S 12,059,838 7,437,290 12,214,420 4,777,130 S 300tO00 $ 5.354~752 S 5~054,752 S 160r031 $ 16:996,999 S 16~836r968 9 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balance- All Proprietary and Nonexpendable Trust Funds Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit 4 Operating revenues: Charges for services Interest income Miscellaneous revenue Total revenues Operating expenses: Health insurance claims Duplicating costs Education Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Non-operating revenues (expenses): Interest income Gain on sale of.inVestments - Trigon Healthcare, Inc. Total non-operating revenues Net income Retained earnings / fund balances at beginning of year Retained earnings / fund balances at end of year Fiduciary Proprietary Funds Funds Non- Internal expendable Service Trust $ 5,940,105 $ - 78,575 12,159 64,088 $ 5,952,264 $ 142,663 $ 5,982,167 $ 132,491 $ 6,114,658 $ 9,415 9,415 $ (162,394) $ 133,248 $ 44,801 $ 363,893 $ 408,694 $ $ 246,300 $ 1,920,565 $ 2,166,865 $ 133,248 834,539 967,787 $ $' Totals "Memorandum Only" 5,940,105 78,575 76,247 6,094,927 5,982,167 132,491 9,415 6,124,073 (29,146) 44,801 363,893 408,694 379,548 2,755,104 3,134,652 The accompanying notes to fmancial statements are an integral part of this statement. 10 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Combined Statement of Cash Flows- All Proprietary and Nonexpendable Trust Funds Year Ended June 30, 1998 Cash flows from operating activities: Operating income Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Interest reported as operating income Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in: Accounts receivable Interest receivable Increase (decrease) in: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Deferred revenues Net cash provided by operating activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest income Proceeds from sale of investment Purchase/acquisition of investments Total from investing activities Increase in cash and cash equivalents for the year Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Proprietary Funds Internal Service (162,394) $ (598,504) (55) 43,272 268,313 34,870 (414,498) $ 44,801 $ 672,748 717,549 $ 303,051 $ 2,615,781 2,918,832 $ Fiduciary Funds Non- expendable Trust 133,248 $ (78,575) 2,000 (114) 56,559 $ 70,160 $ (42,946) 27,214 $ 83,773 $ 584,555 668,328 $ Total cash and cash equivalents above Cash and cash equivalents for Agency Funds Combined total cash and cash equivalents $ 2,918,832 $ 2,918,832 $ 668,328 $ '471,421 $ 1,139,749 $ The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Exhibit 5 Totals "Memorandum Only" (29,146) (78,575) (596,504) (169) 43,272 268,313 34,870 (357,939) 114,961 672,748 (42,946) 744,763 386,824 3,200,336 3,587,160 3,587,160 471,421 4,058,581 I1 TI-IlS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: The County of Albemarle was formed in 1744. The County is govemed by an elected six member Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors appoints the County Executive, and the School Board is governed by seven elected members. The County provides a full range of services for its citizens. These services include police and fire protection; recreational activities; cultural events; education and social services. A. Financial Reporting Entity_ The basic criterion for determining whether a governmental department, agency, institution, commission, public authority, or other governmental organization should be included in a primary governmental unit's reporting entity for general purpose financial statements is financial accountability. Financial accountability includes the appointment of a voting majority of the organization's governing body and the ability of the primary government to impose its will on the organization or if there is a financial benefit/burden relationship. In addition, an organization which is fiscally dependent on the primary government should be included in its reporting entity. These financial statements present the County of Albemarle (the primary government) and its component units. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the government's operations and so data from these units are combined with data of the primary government. Each discretely presented component unit, on the other hand, is reported in a separate column in the combined financial statements to emphasize it is legally separate from the government. B. Individual Component Unit Disclosures Blended Component Unit. The County has no blended components to be included for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998. Discretely Presented Component Units. The School Board members are elected by the County voters and are responsible for the operations of the County's school system within the County boundaries. The School Board is fiscally dependent on the County. The County has the ability to approve its budget and any amendments. The primary funding is from the General 'Fund of the County. The School Board does not issue a separate fmaneial report. The financial statements of the School Board are presented as a discrete presentation of the County financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998. 13 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) Other Related Organizations Included in the County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report None Jointly Governed Organizations Excluded from the County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Jefferson-Madison Regional Libra~_ The Jefferson-Madison Regional Library provides library services to the Counties of Albemarle, Louisa, Madison, Greene and the City of Charlottesville. The participating localities provide annual contributions for operations based on book circulation. No one locality contributes more than 50% of the Library's funding nor can impose its will on the organization, and there is no financial benefit/burden relationship. The County appropriated to the Library $1,685,260 in operating funds in fiscal 1998. The County has no equity interest in the Library. A lbemarle-Charlottesville Jail A uthori~_ The City of Charlottesville and the County provide the financial support for the Authority and appoint its governing Board, in which is vested the ability to execute contracts and to budget and expend funds. No one locality contributes more than 50% of the Complex's funding nor can impose its will on the organization, and there is no financial benefit/burden relationship. The localities, are charged on a per diem rate for their respective prisoner days. Other localities, the state and the federal government also reimburse the Authority for prisoner care. The County has no equity interest in the Jail Authority. Emergency Qvercttions Center The University of Virginia, the City of Charlottesville, and the County provide the f'mancial support for the Center and appoint its governing Board, in which is vested the ability to execute contracts and to budget and expend funds. No one locality or organization contributes more than 50% of the Center's funding nor can impose its will on the organization, and there is no financial benefit/burden relationship. The County has no equity interest in the Center. 14 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) C. Other Related Oreanizations (Continued_] dtlbcmarle Count. Service .4uthori~_ The Authority was created by the Board of Supervisors to operate the County's water and sewer system. The County has no control over Authority fiscal matters, board members have no continuing relationship with the County, the Authority board approves its own budget and appoints management, the County is neither legally nor morally obligated for the Authority's debt, the County has no claim on surpluses or responsibility for financing deficits, and the Authority sets its own rates. The County has no equity interest in the Authority. Charlottesville-.4 lbemarle .4 irport A uthori~_ The Authority is excluded from the reporting entity because the County has no control over Authority fiscal matters. Board members have no continuing relationship with the County, the Authority board approves its own budget and appoints management, the County is neither legally nor morally obligated for the Authority's debt, the County has no claim on surpluses or responsibility for financing deficits, and the Authority sets its own rates. The County has no equity interest in the Authority. Rivanna Water .4 t#hori~_ and Rivanna Solid Waste .4 uthori~_ The Authorities are excluded from the reporting entity because the County has no control over either Authority's fiscal matters. Both Authority boards approve each their own budget and appoint management; the County is not legally or morally obligated for their Authority debt, has no claims on surpluses, or responsibility for financing deficits, and the Authorities set their own rates. The County has no equity interest in either Authority. ~ Region Ten Communi~. SerVices BOard The Region Ten Community Services Board was created to provide Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services to the residents of the City of Charlottesville. and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, and Nelson. The Board members are appointed by each participating locality. No locality appoints a majority of the Board members. The participating localities contribute annual operating grants to the Board, but are not required to do so. The participants have no ongoing financial responsibilities to or equity interest in the Board. The County appropriated $334,365 for an operating grant to the Board in fiscal 1998. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) Other Related OrganiZations (Continued) Financial reports for the jointly governed organiZations can be obtained as follows: Albemarle-Charlottesville Jail Authority and the Emergency Operations Center Director of Finance County of Albemarle ~ 401 Mclntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spomap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Director of Finance City of Charlottesville city all Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Authority Airport Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority and Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Franklin Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Region Ten Community Services Board Forrest Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 D. Financial Statement Presentation The accompanying financial statements are prepared in accordance with pronouncements issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The principles prescribed by GASB represent generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental units. The County applies all GASB pronouncements as well as the Financial Accounting Standards Board pronouncements issued on or 'before November 30, 1989 unless these pronouncements conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements. 16 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) D, Finalacial Statement Presentation: (Continued) The accounts are organized on the basis of fund classifications, each of which is considered to be a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for by providing a separate set of self-balancing accounts which comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures or expenses. The various funds are grouped in the financial statements as follows: Governmental Funds - account for the expendable financial resources, other than those accounted for in Proprietary and Fiduciary Funds. The Governmental Funds utilize the modified accrual basis of accounting where the measurement focus is upon determination of financial position and changes in financial position, rather than upon net income determination as would apply to a commercial enterprise. The individual Governmental Funds are: Qeneral Fund - accounts for all revenues and expenditures applicable to the general operations of the County which are not accounted for in other funds. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than those derived from special assessments, expendable trusts, or dedicated for major capital projects) requiring separate accounting because of legal or regulatory provisions or administrative action. Special Revenue Funds consist of the Federal/State Grant Fund and Enhanced 911 Fund. A description of the nature and purpose of each fund follows: Federal/State Grant Fund - accounts for various federal and state grant funds including the funding for the Comprehensive Services Act program, criminal justice grants, Section 8 housing program' and other related programs. Enhanced 911 Fund - accounts for County revenues assessed for the operation and maintenance of the Enhanced 911 emergency response system. Courthouse Maintenance Fund - accounts for courthouse maintenance fees collected resulting from traffic and related fines. Tourism Fund - accounts for funds appropriated for tourism projects.' Debt Service Funds - The Debt Service Funds account for the accumulation of resources for and the payment of general long-term debt principal, interest and related charges. The Debt Service Funds consist of the General Debt Service Fund and the Visitor Center Debt Service Fund. A description of the nature and purpose of each fund follows: General Debt Service Fund - accounts for payments on general obligation debt of the County. Financing is from General Fund revenues. 17 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) D. Financial Statement Presentation: (Continued) Visitor Center Debt Service Fund - accounts for payment on the Visitor Center general obligation debt. Financing is provided by rentals received fi.om the Visitor Center. Capital Projects Funds - The Capital Projects Funds account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. Capital Project Funds consists of the Fire Service Fund, General Capital Improvements Fund, Storm Water Control Fund, and the Jail Reserve Fund. A description of the nature and purpose of each fund follows: Fire Service Fund - accounts for advance and loans to volunteer fire and rescue organizations which serve the County. Financing is provided fi.om General Fund revenues and repayments of advances and loans. q~eneral Capital Improvements Fund - accounts for capital project expenditures for general public improvements and large equipment acquisitions. Financing is provided by governmental grants, capital leases and general fund revenues. Storm Water Control Fund - accounts for expenditures for drainage and other systems for storm water control. Financing is provided primarily fi.om General Fund revenues. Jail Reserve Fund - accounts for resources accumulated for the County's share of the regional jail expansion. 2. Proprietary. Funds - The Proprietary Funds account for operations that are financed in a manner similar to private business enterprises. The Proprietary Fund measurement focus is upon determination of net income, financial position and cash flows. The Proprietary Funds consist of the Internal Service Funds. Internal Service Funds - account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the County government. The Internal Service Funds consist of the Health Insurance Fund and the Duplication Fund. Health Insurance Fund - accounts for all activities of the County and School Board employee health insurance program. Other jointly governed organizations also participate in the program. Duplication Fund - accounts for revenues received for copying, printing and, related services. 18 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS:- JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) D. Financial Statemem Presentation: (Continued) 3. Fidtlciary Fun&q (Trust and Agency Funds) account for assets held by the County in a trustee capacity on behalf of others. Trust funds account for assets held by the government under the terms of a formal trust agreement. A description of the nature and purpose of each fund follows: Trust Funds: H, & L, Qraves Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by a private donor, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used by property owners in the Walnut Creek Park area in the event of flooding extends beyond the boundaries of an easement. Mclntire Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by a private donor, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest and other earnings on assets may be used for educational purposes. Juani~¢ Dyer Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for college scholarships for a graduate of one of the County high schools. Nicole Thompson Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for college scholarships for special education or economically disadvantaged students who graduate from the County school system. Weinstein Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for the installation of traffic control devices for a certain area of the County. Crozet Crossings Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for assistance to persons who qualify for the purchase of homes in the Crozet Crossings project. Proffer Trust Fund - to account for funds received for proffers for two communities located in the County. Earnings on these funds may be used for the construction of or upgrade of certain public improvements in the communities. 19 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) D. Financial Statement PresentatiOn: (Continued) Agency Funds: Special Welfare Fund - accounts for monies provided primarily through private donors for assistance of children in foster care, needy senior citizens and others. This fund is also used to account for monies received from other governments and individuals (i.e., social security and child support) to be paid to special welfare recipients. Hunting and Fishing License Fund - accounts for funds received for state hunting and fishing licenses. The funds are remitted to the state on a periodic basis. Deferred Compensation Fund - accounts for assets representing employee deferral of salaries to future years plus accumulated earnings thereon. The plan was established pursuant to IntemaI Revenue Code Section 457. This fund was discontinued in fiscal 1998. Drug Fund - accounts for monies received from state and federal authorities for the prevention of drag abuse and distribution of illegal substances. Payroll Suspense Fund - accounts for various employee payroll withholdings and payments of employee benefits. Performance Bond Fund - accounts for the receipt and disbursements of performance bonds required by the County for erosion and sediment control, and other items relative to construction by private developers. Fire Program Fund - accounts for fire program funds received from the state. The funds are allocated to the various County volunteer fire companies. HUD Family Self Sufficiency Fund - accounts for funds received from various sources for families participating in the County housing programs. Teen Program Fund - accounts for funds received from various sources for teen programs. 4. Account Groups are used to account for general obligation long-term debt and general fixed assets. The following are included in the County's account groups: 20 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) D. Financial Statement Presentation: (Continued) General Fixed Assets Account Group - This account group is established to account for all fixed assets of the County. All fixed assets in this account group are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual cost is not available. Donated fixed assets are valued at fair market value as of the date received. Fixed assets used in governmental fund type operations (general fixed assets) are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group, rather than in the governmental funds. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, and drainage systems, are not capitalized along with other general fixed assets. General Long-Term Obligations Account Group - This account group is established to account for all long-term obligations of the County, which are expected to be financed from governmental funds. 5. Component Unit School Board - A description of the nature and purpose of the School Board fund and account groups follows: School Fund - accounts for the operation of the County's public school system. Financing is provided primarily by state and federal grants and appropriations from the County of Albemarle. School Cafeteria Fund - accounts for operations of the County's school food service program. Financing is provided primarily by .food sales and transfer from the School Fund. School Debt Service Fund - accounts for debt service expenditures for the school system for the payments of principal and interest on the school system's general long-term debt. Financing is provided by appropriations from the County of Albemarle. School Capital Projects Fund - accounts for school construction expenditures. Financing is provided primarily .from debt proceeds, construction grants and appropriations from the County of Albemarle. Account GrOups: General Fixed Assets Account Group - accounts for general fixed assets of the school system. General Long-Term Obligation Account Group - accounts for all general long-term obligations of the school system including general obligation debt, capital leases, and claims, judgements and compensated absences. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) D. Financial Statement Presentation: (Continued) Ee Combined/COmbining Format - Combined Financial Statements are referred to as General Purpose Financial Statements and provide a summary overview of the financial position Of all funds and account groups and of the operating results of all funds. All funds and account groups of a sPecific fired classification are combined and presented as one in the financial statements. For example, all fimds classified as Special Revenue Funds are combined and presented under the · caption "Special Revenue Funds". Budgetary. Comparison Statements - The Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual, compare budget and actual data for all governmental funds for which budgets were adopted. A review of the budgetary comparisons presented herein will disclose how accurately the governing body was able to forecast the revenues and expenditures of the County. o Total Columns on the Combined Statements - Overview - The total columns on the combined statements - Overview are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these eolunms do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in cash flow in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. Basis of Accounting Governmental Funds - Governmental funds utilize the modified accrual basis of accounting under which revenues and related assets are recorded when measurable and available to finance operations during the year. Accordingly, real and personal property taxes are recorded as revenues and receivables when billed, net of allowances for uncollectible amounts. Property taxes not collected within 45 days after year-end are reflected as deferred revenues. Taxes collected during the year and taxes due at June 30 collected within 45 days after that date are recognized as revenue in the accompanying financial statements. Sales and utility taxes, which are collected by the State or utilities and subsequently remitted to the County, are recognized as revenues and receivables upon collection by the State or utility, which is generally 30 to 60 days preceding receipt by the County. Licenses, permits, fmcs and rents are recorded as revenues when received. Intergovernmental revenues, consisting primarily of Federal, State and other grants for the purpose of funding specific expenditures, are recognized when earned or at the time of the specific expenditure. Revenues from general purpose grants, such as entitlement programs, are recognized in the period to which the grant applies. 22 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) E. B0~is of Accounting (Continued) Expenditures, other than compensated absences and interest on long-term debt, are recorded as the related fund liabilities are incurred. Compensated absences are recorded as a general long- term obligation when incurred and recorded as an expenditure of the appropriate fund when paid. Interest on general long-term debt is recognized when due except for the amount due on July 1, which is accrued. o Proprietary_ Funds - The proprietary funds account for operations that are financed in a manner similar to private business enterprises. The Proprietary Funds utilize the accrual basis of accounting where the measurement focus is upon determination of net income, financial position, and changes in financial position. The Proprietary Fund consists of the Internal Service Funds. Internal Service Funds - The internal service funds account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the County government. e Fiduciary_ Funds - The nonexpendable trust fund utilizes accounting similar to the proprietary funds. Using the accrual basis of accounting as described above, nonexpendable trust funds account for assets of which the principal may not be spent. The agency funds are custodial in nature and do not present results of operations or have a measurement focus. Agency funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. These funds are used to account for assets that the government holds for others in an agency capacity. F. Budgets and Budgetary_ Accounting Budgets were legally adopted and employed as a management control device during the year for the following funds: General Fund Federal/State Grant Fund E-911 Fund Courthouse Maintenance Fund Tourism Fund General Debt Service Fund Visitor Center Debt Service Fund Capital Improvement Fund Storm Water Control Fund Jail Reserve Fund School Fund School Cafeteria Fund School Debt Service Fund School Capital Projects Fund Budgets were not adopted for the Fire Service, Health Insurance and Duplication Funds. The budgets as presented are prepared on the same basis of accounting as the basic financial statements described above. The following procedures are used by the County in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 23 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) F. Budgets and Budgetary_ Accounting (Continued) Prior to 'March 30, the County Executive submits to the Board of Supervisors a proposed operating and capital budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The operating budget and capital budget include proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain citizen comments. 3. Prior to June 30, the budget is legally enacted through passage of an Appropriations Resolution. The Appropriations Resolution places legal restrictions on expenditures at the fund, function and department level. The appropriation for each fund, function and department can be revised only by the Board of Supervisors. However, the School Board may transfer budgeted amounts within the School system's categories at the function level. The Director of Finance is authorized to transfer amounts between line items at the department level. Supplemental appropriations in addition to the original budget were made during the year. 5. All budgets are adopted on the modified accrual method used for financial statement purposes. 6. Appropriations lapse on June 30, for all County and School Board funds. 7. All budget data presented in the accompanying finanCial statements is the revised budget as of June 30. If budget amendments exceed 1% of the original adopted budget, or $500,000, whichever is less, the Board of Supervisors may legally amend the budget only by following procedures used in the adoption of the original budget. There were no budget amendments that exceeded the 1% or $500,000 limitation. This space left blank intentionally. 24 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) F. Budgets and Budgetary_ Accounting (Continued) Go Ho Reconciliation of Exhibits 2 and 3 for the Capital Projects Funds: Exhibit 2 Adjustments Exhibit 3 Total revenues ..................... $ Total expenditures .................. Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures .................. $ Total other financing sources - net ...... Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses .......... ' ...... $ Fund balance, beginning ............. 247,999 $ $ 1,797,826 - (1,549,827) $ $ 1,453,328 (96,499) $ - $ 7,451,251 2,000,000 247,999 1,797,826 (1,549,827) 1,453,328 (96,499) 5,451,251 Fund balance, ending ................ $ 7,354,752 _$ 2,000,000 $ 5,354,752 Adjustments Total revenues .................................. $ Fire Service Fund ............................... Total expenditures: Fire Service Fund ............................... $ Fund balance, beginning, Fire Service Fund ............ Fund balance, ending, Fire Service Fund ............... $ 2,000,000 2,000,000 Cash Equivalents - For purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash equivalents are defined as short-term highly liquid investments that are both (a) readily convertible to known amounts of cash, and (b) so near the maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of ehange~ in interest rates. Generally, only investments with original maturities of three months or less meet this definition. Investmen~ - Investments, consisting of common funds, U.S. government securities, the local government investment pool and the state non-arbitrage program are stated at fair value. These investments are reported in the accompanying financial statements as cash equivalents. Investments of the Nonexpendable Trust Funds are also reported at fair value. 25 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE I--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (Continued) Inventory_ - Inventories are accounted for under the consumption method where purchases of goods are recorded as expenditures when the goods are used. Inventories are valued at last invoice price which approximates the first in, first out method. Compensated Absences - Vacation and sick leave expenditures are recognized in the governmental fund types to the extent paid during the year and the unpaid vested amount which is expected to be paid within ninety days after year-end. The liability for the amount expected to be paid within ninety days of year-end is included in compensation payable. The liability for the remainder of the vested vacation and sick leave is recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. Allow0nce for Uncollectible Accounts - The County calculates its allowance for uncollectible accounts using historical collection data and, in certain cases, specific account analysis. The allowance amounted to $470,000 at June 30, 1998 and is composed solely of proPerty taxes. Fixed Assets - Fixed assets used in goVernmental fund types of the government are recorded in the general fixed assets account group at cost or estimated historical cost if purchased or constructed. Donated fixed assets are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of donation. Assets in the general fixed assets account group are not depreciated. Interest incurred during construction is not capitalized on general fixed assets. Public domain (infrastructure) general fixed assets (e.g., roads, bridges, sidewalks and other assets that are immovable and of value only to the government) are not capitalized. The cost of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend assets' lives are not included in the general fixed assets account group or capitalized in the proprietary funds. Retirement Plan - Retirement Plan contributions are actuarially determined and consist of current service costs and amortization of prior service costs over a 30-year period. The County's policy is to fund pension cost as it accrues. 26 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEME?~S JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 2--CASH AND INVESTMENTS: ~ - At year-end the carrying value and bank balances of the primary government and components included in the reporting entity were as follows: Bank Balances Carrying Bank Insured and/or Value Balances Collateralized Primary Govemment .................... $ (2,985,247) $ 548,337 $ 548,337 Component units: School Board ........................ Total cash in banks .................. $ (2,985,247) $ 548,337 $ 548,337 Under the Virginia Security for Deposits Act, banks holding public deposits in excess of the amounts insured by FDIC must pledge collateral in the mount of 50% of excess deposits to a collateral pool in the name of the State Treasury Board. Savings and Loan institutions are required to collateralize 100% of deposits in excess of FDIC limits. The State Treasury Board is responsible for monitoring compliance with the collateralization and reporting requirements of the Act and for notifying local governments of compliance by banks and savings and loans. The State Treasury Board may make additional assessments against participating financial institutions in the event the pool earmot cover losses. The security for bank balances of deposit are U.S. government securities. The funds covered under the'Act are considered to be collateralized. The collateral is held in the name of the State Treasury Board rather than the name of the locality. Deposits covered under the Act are considered to be insured. Investments - Statutes authorize the County to invest in obligations of the United States or agencies thereof, obligations of the Commonwealth of Virginia or political subdivisions thereof, obligations of the Intemational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, commercial paper rated A-1 by Standard and Poor's Corporation or P-1 by Moody's Commercial Paper Record, banker's acceptances, repurchase agreements, the state Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP), and the Virginia State Non-Arbitrage Program (SNAP). In addition to the County's investments, investments were included for the Nonexpendable Trust Fund which consists of common funds and U. S. Government securities held in trust. Investments are categorized into these three categories of credit risk: (1) Insured or registered, or securities held by the government or its agent in the government's name. (2) Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counter-party's trust department or agent in the government's name. 27 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 2--CASH AND INVESTMENTS: (Continued) Investments -(ContinueO) (3) Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counter-party or by its trust department or agent but not in the government's name. At year end, the government's investments are categorized into these three categories of risk: Primary Government: Category Not Carrying Fair 1 2 3 Categorized Amount Value U.S. government securities $ 15,000 $ Repurchase agreements ... $ - $ $ 15,000 $ 15,000 5,058,061 5,058,061 5,058,061 Total ............... $ 15,000 $ - $ 5,058,061 5,073,061 5,073,061 Common funds ......................................... Virginia Local Government Investment Pool ................. Money market mutual funds .............................. 281,324 281,324 281,324 23,215,738 23,215,738 23,215,738 103,022 103,022 103,022 Total investments .................................... $ 23,600,084 $ 28,673,145 $ 28,673,145 Component Unit School Board: Virginia State Non-arbitrage Program (SNAP) ............. $ Virginia Local Government Investment Pool ............... Total ............................................ $ Total investments ............................... $ 9,136,211 $ 9,136,211 $ 9,136,211 15,334,686 15,334,686 15,334,686 24,470,897 48,070,981 $ 24,470,897 $ 24,470,897 $53,144,042 $ 53,144,042 28 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 2--CASH AND INVESTMENTS: (Continued) The following is a reconciliation of cash and investments: Summary of cash and investments Primary School Government Board Total Cash on hand ............................... $ Deposits ................................... Investments ................................. 3,125 $ 575 $ 3,700 (2,985,247) (2,985,247) 28,673,145 24,470,897 53,144,042 Total ................................... $ 25~691~023 $ 24,471~472 $ 50~162,495 Per financial statements Cash and cash equivalents .................. $ 25,396,149 $ 24,471,472 $ 49,867,621 Investments - restricted .................... 294,874 - 294,874 Total ................................ $ 25,691~023 $ 24~471~472 $ 50,162,495 NOTE 3--TAXES RECEIVABLE: Taxes receivable at June 30, 1998 include: Uncollected real and personal property taxes ............. Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts .................. Total ............................................ $ 3,541,339 470,000 $ 3,071,339 Property is assessed at its value on January 1. Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are payable in two installments for both real and personal property on June 5th and December 5th. The County bills and collects its own property taxes. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 4--DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL UNITS: Amounts due from other governmental units are summarized as follows: Commonwealth of Virginia: Special Capital Component General Revenue Projects Unit School Fund Funds Funds Board Rolling stock tax ....................... Local sales tax .......................... State sales tax ........................... Other State aid and reimbursements .......... Public'assistance and welfare administration... Comprehensive Services .................. Other ................................... Total from Commonwealth of Virginia ...... $ $ 116,571 $ ! ,378,830 442,643 10,640 145,347 566,735 2,083,391 $ 577,375 Federal Government: Federal categorical aid .................... $ Public assistance and welfare administration ... Planning grant .......................... Criminal justice grants .................... Transportation grant ...................... Total due from Federal Government ........ $ 33,795 409,160 $ 33,744 4,300 88,336 21,737 442,955 $ 148,117 Total due from other governmental units .... $ 2,526,346 $ 725,492 36,974 $ 36,974 $ $ - $ $ 36~974 $ 1,125,663 651,188 1,776,851 714,486 714,486 2,491,337 This space left blank intentionally. 3O COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 5--ADVANCES TO OTHER PUBLIC ENTITIES: The Board of Supervisors entered into various agreements with certain volunteer fire companies and rescue squads. These agreements provide for the County to advance funds to these organizations, and accordingly, these funds have been reserved and reflected as unavailable for appropriation. Repayments of these advances are to be used to fund future advances to the volunteer fire companies and rescue squads. The balances of these advances at June 30, 1998 are as follows: Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad ........................ Crozet Volunteer Fire Company ............................... Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company ............................ -North Garden Fire Department ................................. Scottsville Rescue Squad ..................................... Scottsville Volunteer Fire Company ............................ Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Company ........................ Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company ........................... Western Albemarle Rescue Squad .............................. East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Company .......................... Total advances .......................................... $ 18,000 269,238 177,055 100,185 283,778 155,508 35,498 341,937 49,000 302,400 $ 1,732,599 NOTE 6--1NTERFUND BALANCES: The following is a summary of interfund balances at June 30, 1998. Receivable General Fund .................................... $ Federal/State Grant Fund ........................... Payroll Suspense Fund ............................. Teen Program Fund ............................... Total ........................................ $' 254,583 $ 254,583 $ Payable 232,787 21,457 339 254,583 NOTE 7--MCINTIRE TRUST FUND: The revenues and expenses from the McIntire Trust Fund are shown in Exhibit 4. Endowment principal can increase or decrease depending on sales and purchases by the trustee during the year. The principal of the fund was held in trust as follows on June 30, 1998: Investments (at cost): Common funds: Wachovia Bank, Charlottesville, Virginia, Trustee ...................... $ NationsBank, N.A., Charlottesville, Virginia, Trustee ................... Treasurer of Virginia (Series G Bonds) ............................... 168,344 111,530 15,000 Total investments ........................................... $ 294,874 31 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 8 - FIXED ASSETS: The following is a summary of changes in the general fixed assets account group during the fiscal year: Primary Government: Balance Balance July 1, 1997 Additions Deletions June 30, 1998 Building and building improvements .......... Improvements other than buildings ........... Machinery, furniture, fixtures, and equipment... Vehicles ................. ; .............. $ 2,870,812$ $ $ 2,870,812 16,504,013 147,184 16,651,197 5,075,695 60,551 5,136,246 4,310,651 59,466 903 4,369,214 3,846,992 1,171,461 77,243 4,941,210 Total Primary Government ................ $ 327608~163 $ 1~4387662 $ 78~146 $ 33~968~679 Component Unit--School Board: Building and building improvements .......... Improvements other than buildings ........... Machinery, furniture, fixtures, and equipment... Vehicles ................................ Construction in progress .................... Total Component Unit--School Board ......... $ Balance Balance July 1, 1997 Additions Deletions June 30, 1998 4,170,920 $ $ - $ 4,170,920 99,308,401 23,215,206 - 122,523,607 1,425,674 210,159 - 1,635,833 3,904,508 279,606 10,754 4,173,360 9,005,282 641,201 416,832 9,229,651 6,650,833 - 6,650,833 - 124~4657618 $ 24:3467172 $ %078,419 $ 141~733,371 32 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 9--DEFERRED REVENUE: Deferred revenue represents amounts for which asset recognition criteria have been met, but for which revenue recognition criteria have not been met. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, such amounts are measurable, but not available. Deferred revenue totaling $3,452,806 is comprised of the following: Primary Government: Deferred Property_ Tax Revenues Deferred revenue representing uncollected tax billings not available for funding of current expenditures totaled $2,685,829 at June 30, 1998. Property Taxes Received in Advance Real and personal property taxes for the second installment due December 5, 1998 were received in the amount of $521,191. Other Health insurance charges received in advance totaled $114,566. Component Unit-- School Board: S~arner School Tuition Summer school tuition received prior to June 30, 1998 for courses to be taken after July 1, 1998 amounted to $131,220. NOTE 10-CLAIMS, JUDGMENTS AND COMPENSATED ABSENCES: The County has accrued the liability arising from outstanding claims and judgments and compensated absences. Primary Government: County employees earn vacation and sick leave at various amounts depending on the length of service. Benefits or pay is received for unused sick leave or retirement bonus upon terminatiOn. There are various restrictions both for sick leave and retirement bonus upon termination of employment. Accumulated vacation up to 36 days is paid upon termination. The County has outstanding accrued vacation and sick pay totaling $1,213,764 in the General Long-term Obligation Account Group. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 10--CLAIMS, JUDGMENTS AND COMPENSATED ABSENCES: (Continued) Component Unit--School Board: Certain School Board employees accrue vacation and sick leave. The School Board has outstanding accrued vacation and sick pay totaling $826,867 in the General Long- term Obligation Account Group. NOTE II--GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS: Primary Government: Annual requirements to amortize long-term obligations, other than accrual for compensated absences, and related interest are as follows: Capital Lease Obligation Notes Payable Year Principal Interest Principal Interest 1999 $ 116,655 $ 12,639 $ 38,490 $ 29,243 '2000 116,656 12,639 42,626 25,107 2001 - 47,207 20,527 2002 - 52,279 15,454 2003 r - 57,897 9,837 2004 - - 64,118 3,615 2005 - - 2,738 3,037 Total $ 233,311 $ 25,278 $ 305,355 $ 106,820 34 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOrE Il--GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS: (Continued) The following is a summary of long-term obligation transactions for the year ended June 30, 1998: Total general long-term obligations at July 1, 1997 .............................. Increases in long-term obligations: Compensated absences * ..................... Compensated Capital Lease Notes Absences Obligation Payable $ 1,164,352 $ 349,966 $ 340, I 11 $ $ 49,412 $ $ $ Retirements: Capital lease obligation ..................... $ - Note payable ............................. Total retirements ......................... $ Total 1,854,429 49,412 Total general long term obligations outstanding at June 30, 1998 ................. *Gross increases and decreases are not available. $ 17213,764 $ 116,655 $ $ 116,655 34,756 34,756 $ 116,655 $ 34,756 $ 151,411 $ 233,311 $ 305?355 $ 1~752~430 A summary of general long-term obligations outstanding at June 30, 1998 follows: Notes payable: $ 575,000 issued August 1, 1984, due in monthly installments of $ 5,645, including interest at 10.25% through August 1, 2004, Thomas Jefferson Visitor Center revenues pledged as collateral (Note 16) .... Capital lease obligation: $ 466,621 issued August 1, 1995 due in installments of $129,294 including principal and interest at 6.9% ............................................................ Compensated absences .................................................................. Amount Outstanding $ 305,355 233,311 1,213,764 1~752,430 Total long-term obligations outstanding June 30, 1998 ....................................... $ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE Il--GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS: (Continued) ComPonent Unit School Board: Annual requirements to amortize long-term debt and related interest are as follows: General Long-Term Obligations: Year 'VRS School Ending Loans Bonds June, 30 Principal Interest Principal Literary Fund Loans Interest Principal Interest 1999 $ 183,336 $ 112,586 $ 4,370,000$ 3,551,528 2000 198,002 97,920 4,545,000 3,157,984 2001 213,843 82,079 4,215,000 2,926,013 2002 230,950 64,972 4,395,000 2,695,679 2003 249,426 46,496 4,095,000 2,462,209 2004 269,380 26,542 3,975,000 2,234,455 2005 62,393 4,991 4,075,000 2,005,044 2006 - - 3,945,000 1,773,068 2007 - - 3,870,000 1,254,996 2008 - - 3,770,000 1,323,594 2009 - - 3,765,000 1,104,822 2010 - - 3,570,000 891,138 2011 - 2,790,000 709,474 2012 - - 2,595,000 561,371 2013 - - 1,875,000 442,358 2014 - - 1,810,000 346,968 2015 - - 1,725,000 255,179 2016 - - 1,705,000 166,176 2017 - - 1,315,000 87,649 2018 - 1,020,000 26,648 $ $ 537,258 110,758 512,258 93,640 487,258 77,272 410,608 61,654 287,258 48,336 269,758 38,718 220,858 29,626 200,000 22,000 200,000 15,000 100,000 8,000 100,000 4,000 Total $ 1,407,330 $ 435,586 $ 63,425,000 $ 27,976,353 $ 3,325,256 $ 509,004 Compensated absences are not included in the schedule reflecting annual requirements to amortize long- term obligations since it cannot be estimated when they will be paid. 36 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 1 I--GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS: (Continued) Component Unit School Board: (Continued) The following is a summary of School Board long-term obligation transactions for the year ended June 30, 1998: VRS Compensated Literary School Early Absences Loans Bonds Retiremem Total Total general long-term obligations, July 1, 1997 ....... $ 778,534 $ 3,862,514 $ 46,400,000 $ 1,577,413 $ 52,618,461 Increases in long-term obligations: School bonds ................. $ Compensated Absences ......... $ $ 20,455,000 $ $ 20,455,000 48,333 48,333 Total increases ............... $ 48,333 $ Retirements: School bonds ................. $ State literary loans ............. VRS Early Retirement .......... Total retirements ............. $ Total general long-term obligations, June 30, 1998 ....... $ 537,258 $ 20,455,000 $ $ 20,503,333 $ 3,430,000 $ - $ 537,258 $ 3,430,000 826~867 $ 3,325~256 170,083 $ 170,083 $ 63,425~000 $. 1:407~330 $ 3,430,000 537,258 170,083 $ 4,137,341 $. 68,984,453 This space left blank intentionally. 37 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE II--GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS: (Continued) Component Unit School Board: (Continued) A summary of School Board general long-term obligations outstanding at June 30, 1998 follows: General Obligation Bonds: School Bonds: Amount Outstanding $ 20,455,000, 1997 1 series, issued November 20, 1997, maturity in various annual installments through January 15, 2018, interest at rates from 4.35% to 5.35% .......................... $ 20,455,000 $ 5,900,000, 1996B Series, issued November 14, 1996, maturing in annual installments of $ 295,000 through July 15, 2017, interest payable semiannually at various interest rates ....... 5,605,000 $ 7,850,000, 1995C Series, issued December 21, 1995, maturing in various annual installments of $395,000 and $390,000 through July 15, 2015, interest payable semiannually at various interest rates .......................................................................... 7,060,000 $ 450,000 issued November 22, 1994, due in various annual installments of $ 20,000 and $ 25,000 through July 15, 2014 interest payable semiannually at various rates ............... 375,000 $11,900,000 general obligation school bond, 1993 series, issued November 18, 1993, maturing in various annual installments through December 15, 2013, interest at 4.741% .. ...... 8,200,000 $ 24,710,000 general obligation school bond, refunding series 1994A, issued January 3, 1994 maturing in various annual installments through December 15, 2011, interest at 6.3314% ...... 17,645,000 $ 3,000,000, 1991A Series, issued May 23, 1991, maturity in various annual installments through December 15, 2010, interest at 6.454% ............................. $ 2,885,000, 1992B Series, issued December 1'], 1992, maturity in various annual installments through December 15, 2012, interest payable semiannually at various interest rates . Total school bonds ............................................................. 2,030,000 2,055,000 $ 63,425,000 This space left blank intentionally. 38 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 11 GENERAL LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS: (Continued) State Literary Fund Loans: Amount Outstandin~ $ 800,000 issued March 15, 1971, due in annual installments of $ 26,650 through March 15, 2001, interest payable semiannually at 3% ................................................. $ 700,000 issued April 15, 1972, due in annual installments of $ 23,350 through April 15, 2002, interest at 3% ................................................................... $ 500,000 issued January 15, 1979, due in annual installments of $ 25,000 through January 15, 1999, interest payable semiannually at 3% ................................... $ 500,000 issued June 15, 1980, due in annual installments of $ 25,000 through June 15, 2000 plus interest at 3% due semiannually ................................................. $1,000,000 issued June 15, 1981, due in annual installments of $50,000 through June 15, 2001, interest payable semiannually at 3% ..................................... $1,000,000 issued August 15,1981, due in annual installments of $ 50,000 through August 15, 2001, interest payable semiannually at 3% ................................... $1,000,000 issued June 15, 1982, due in annual installments of $ 50,000 through June 15, 2002, interest payable semiannually at 3% ..................................... $ 349,904 issued February 1, 1983, due in annual installments of $17,500 through February 1, 2003, interest payable semiannually at 3% ................................... $ 977,505 issued February 15, 1984, due in annual installments ors 48,900 through February 15 2004, interest payable semiannually at 3% .................................. $ 239,317 issued November 15, 1984, due in annual installments of $11,900 through November 15 2004, interest payable semiannually at 3% .......................... $179,152 issued December 28, 1984, due in annual installments of $ 8,958 through January 1, 2005, interest payable semiannually at 3% ............................. $ 2,000,000 completed July 21,1986, due in annual installments of $100,000 through July 21, 2006, interest payable semiannually at 3% ............................... $ 2,000,000 completed June 1, 1989, due in annual installments of $100,000 through June 1, 2009, interest payable annually at 4% ................................... 79,950 93,400 25,000 50,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 87,500 293,400 83,300 62,706 900,000 I,I00,000 Total state literary fund loans ...................................................... $ 3,325,256 VRS Early Retirement Incentive Obligation: $ 2,595,723 issued May 15, 1992, payable in annual installments through 2004, interest at 8% .... Compensated Absences ............................................................. Total long-term obligations ........................................................ 1,407,330 826,867 $ 08.984,45~ Prior Year Advance Refunding of Debt: On January 3, 1994, the County issued $24,710,000 General Obligation Bonds, Refunding 1994A Series to advance refund $14,095,000 of General Obligation Bonds, Series 1991 and $10,615,000 General Obligation Bonds Series 1989B. As a result, the 1991 Series and the 1989B Series bonds are considered fully defeased and the liability for those bonds has been removed from the general long-term debt account group. At June 30, 1998, $10,060,000 of the 1991 Series bonds are still outstanding and $7,585,000 of the 1989B Series bonds are still outstanding, respectively. 39 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 12--CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (INCLUDING FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS AND COMPLIANCE AUDITS): Eo Federal programs in which the County participates were audited in accordance with the provisions of U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits 0f States. Local Govemments and Non-Profit Organizations. Pursuant to the provisions of this circular all major programs and certain other programs were tested for compliance with applicable grant requirements. While no major matters of noncompliance were disclosed by audit, nonmajor matters are disclosed in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs. Further, the Federal Government may subject grant programs to additional compliance tests which may result in disallowed expenditures. In the opinion of management, any future disallowances of current grant program expenditures, if any, would be immaterial. At June 30, 1998 there were no matters of litigation involving the County which would materially affect the County's financial position should any court decision or pending matter not be favorable to the. County. On November 26, 1996, a citizen petition was filed by certain qualified voters of the City of Charlottesville to initiate a judicial determination as to whether the City should revert to Town status. On July 1, 1997, the court dismissed the petition because of the petitioners' failure to give proper notice. The petitioners and the City of Charlottesville have indicated they will appeal the dismissal.' Counsel is of the opinion that the earliest likely date a reversion could occur if a reversion is initiated.by the City would be the year 2000. If a change in status is ordered by the court, the County may be responsible for the provision of certain services provided by the City. The additional cost to provide such services is unknown at this time. The School Board has commenced the construction of a new school building for the Piedmont Regional Education Program. The estimated cost of the building is $3,000,000 which will be financed through the issuance of general obligation schools bonds. The School Board has expended approximately $108,000 on the project through June 30, 1998. The County has authorized the issuance of $10,000,000 in general obligation school bonds of which $3,000,000 is for the Piedmont Regional Education Program building, and $7,000,000 for other school projects. 40 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 13 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN: The County offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all County employees, permits them to defer the payment of a portion of their salary until future years. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. All amounts of compensation deferred, inclUding the investments and earnings thereon, are vested with the individual employees in trusteed plans, and are as such, not subject to the claims of the County's general creditors. The Deferred Compensation Fund, an agency fund, was discontinued in fiscal 1998. NOTE 14---PART-TIME EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANS: The County contributes to the County of Albemarle Pension Plan for Permanent Part-time Employees, a defined contribution plan for its permanent part-time employees. Under the terms of the plan administered, by Qualified Plans Services, employees are eligible to participate following five years of service. Between five and ten years of service participants receive a contribution of five percent (5%) of covered payroll. Between ten and ill'teen years of service participants receive a contribution of seven percent (7%) of covered payroll. Between fifteen and twenty years of service participants receive a contribution of nine percent (9%) of covered payroll. Participants with over twenty (20) years of service receive a contribution of eleven percent (11%) of covered payroll. The COunty and School Board provide all cOntributions to the plan (the employee makes no contributions to the plan). In a defined contribution plan, benefits depend solely on amounts contributed to the plan plus investment earnings. The County and School Board's contributions to the plan for fiscal year 1998 was $5,129 and $131,922, respectively. Total payroll for covered County employees was $75,959 and School Board employees was $2,042,308. The contribution averaged 6.75% and 6.46% of the covered payrolls of the County and School Board, respectively. The County and School Board had no investments with the plan at any time during the year. NOTE 15 ANNEXATION-AND REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT: An Annexation and Revenue Sharing Agreement dated February 17, 1982 between the County and the City of Charlottesville, Virginia was approved in a public referendum on May 18, 1982. The agreement requires the County and City annually to contribute portions of their respective real property tax bases and revenues to a Revenue and Economic Growth Sharing Fund. Distribution of the-fund and the resulting net transfer of funds shall be made on each January 31 while this agreement remains in effect. During the time this agreement is in effect, the City will not initiate any annexation procedures against the County. Also, pursuant to this agreement, a committee was created to study the desirability of combining the governments and the services presently provided by them. 41 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 15--ANNEXATION AND REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT: (Continued) This agreement became effective July 1, 1982 and remains in effect until: 1. The County and City are consolidated into a single political subdivision, or 2. The concept for independent cities presently existing in Virginia is altered by State law in such a manner that real property in the City becomes a part of the County's tax base, or 3. The County and City mutually agree to cancel or change the agreement. During the fiscal year, the County paid $5,518,393 to the City as a result of this agreement. -Amounts to be paid pursuant to this agreement are to be funded from revenues of the fiscal year in which paid. NOTE 16 THOMAS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL FOUNDATION: During 1985, the County and the City of Charlottesville jointly purchased a parcel of land from the Commonwealth of Virginia. The City subsequently conveyed its interest in the property to the County; however, the County has agreed to reconvey a one-half interest in the property back to the City after twenty years. The property has been leased to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation by the County for a period of twenty years with periodic lease payments of $67,734 per annum. The Foundation has assumed responsibility for substantiallY all operating costs relating to the prOperty such as utilities, repairs and insurance. At the end of the lease term, the County will retain title to the property, subject to the reconveying of the one-half interest to the City. The acquisition of the property by the County was financed with a twenty year revenue note totaling $575,000, which is carried as part of the County's general long-term debt and has a balance outstanding of $305,649 at June 30, 1998. The note is payable solely from revenues generated from the lease of property to the Foundation. The related revenues and expenditures are shown in the Debt Service Fund. NOTE 17--DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN: The County and Component Unit School Board participate in the Virginia Retirement System defined benefit pension plan. Plan DeScription: Name of Plan: Identification of Plan: Administering Entity: Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Agent and Cost-Sharing Multiple-Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plan Virginia Retirement System. (System) 42 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 17--DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN: (Continued) Plan Description: (Continued) All full-time, salaried permanent employees of participating employers must participate in the VRS. Benefits vest after five years of service. Employees who retire with a reduced benefit at age 55 (age 50 for participating law enforcement officers and firefighters) with at least five years of credited service are entitled to an annual retirement benefit payable monthly for life in an mount equal to 1.5 percent of their average final salary (AFS) up to $13,200 plus 1.65 percent of AFS over $13,200 for each year of credited service. An optional reduced retirement benefit is available to members of VRS as early as age 50 with 10 years of credited service. Employees with 35 years or more of credited service are entitled to an annual benefit, equal to 1.65 percent of AFS for each year of credited service. In addition, retirees qualify for annual cost-of-living increases beginning in their second year of retirement. AFS is defined as the highest consecutive 36 months of salary. Benefits are actuarially reduced for retirees who retire prior to becoming eligible for full retirement benefits. Participating law enforcement officers and firefighters may receive a monthlY benefit supplement if they retire prior to age 65. The VRS also provides death and disability benefits. Title 51.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, assigns the authority to establish and amend benefit provisions to the State Legislature. The System issues a publicly available comprehensive annual financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information for VRS. A copy of that report may be obtained by writing to the System at P.O. Box 2500, Richmond, VA 23218-2500. Funding Policy: Plan members are required by Title 51.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, to contribute 5% of their annual salary to the VRS. This 5% member contribution may be assumed by the employer. In addition, the County and School Board are required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund participation in the VRS using the actuarial basis specified by the statute and approved by the VRS Board of Trustees. The County and School Board non-professional employee contribution rates for the fiscal year ended 1998 were 6.61% and 4.30% of annual covered payroll, respectively. The School Board's contribution rate for the VRS statewide cost sharing pool for its professional employees was 7.28%. Annual Pension Cost; For fiscal 1998, the County's annual pension cost of $1,031,463 (does not include the employee share assumed by the County which was $780,229) was equal to the County's required and actual contributions. The required contribution was determined as part of the June 30, 1996 actuarial valuation using the entry age normal actuarial cost method. 43 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 17--DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN: (Continued) Annual Pension Cost: (Continued) In fiscal 1998, the County of Albemarle School Board's annual pension cost for the Board's non- professional employees was $160,499 (does not include the employee share assumed by the Board which was $186,627) which was equal to the Board's required and actual contributions. The required contribution w~as determined as a part of the June 30, 1996 actuarial valuation using the entry age normal actuarial cost method. The School Board professional employees are included in the VRS statewide cost-sharing pool. The Board's required employer and employee contributions to this pool was $2,858,946 and $1,963,562, respectively, and approximated 1.03% of the statewide contributions to the pool. The actuarial assumptions are as follows: County Non-Professional School Board Valuation date ....................... June 30, 1996 June 30, 1996 Actuarial cost method ................. Entry Age Normal Entry Age Normal Amortization method .................. Level percent, open Level percent, open Payroll growth rate .................... 4% 4% Remaining amortization period .......... 10 Years 30 Years Asset valuation method ................ Modified market Modified market Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return ~ ............ 8.00% 8.00% Projected salary increases ~ Non LED Employees ............. LED Employees ................. Cost-of-living adjustments ' 4.00% to 6.15% 4.25% to 6.00% 3.5% 4.00% to 6.15% 3.5% Includes inflation at 4%, 44 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 17--DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN: (Continued) Annual Pension Cost: (Continued) The following trend information is presented for one year only, since only one year's information is available. Annual Percentage Net Fiscal Year Pension of APC Pension Ending Cost (APC) (1) Contributed Obligation June 30, 1998 ................. $ School Board Non-Professional: June 30, 1998 ................. $ (1) Employer portion only 1,031,463 100% $ 160,499 100% $ - Required Supplementary Information: Schedule of Funding Progress Actuarial Actuarial Unfunded Value of Accrued (Excess Funded) Funded Valuation Assets Liability Actuarial Ratio Date (AVA) (AAL) Accrued Liability (2) (3) County: 06/30/96 $ 23,747,578 $ 23,164,742 ($ 582,836) 102.5% School Board Non-Professional: 06/30/96 $ 5,224,135 $ 5,274,266 $ 50,131 99.0% Annual Covered Payroll $13,120,323 $ 3,349,648 UAAL as % of Payroll (4) (6) (4.4%) 1.5% 45 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 18---LEGAL COMPLIANCE: A. Fund Cash Overdrafts: Warrants (checks) were issued in excess of available fund cash in the amounts as indicated: Federal / State Grant Fund ............................... Payroll Suspense Fund .................................. Teen Program Fund .................................... $ 232,787 21,457 339 Total ............................................. $ 254,583 These checks were issued in anticipation of state and federal grant and other reimbursements. These amounts are reported as due to the General Fund. See Note 6. Expenditures in Excess o.f Appropriations: Expenditures did not exceed appropriations in any fund at June 30, 1998. Fund Deficits There are no funds with deficit balances at June 30, 1998. NOTE 19~,SELF INSURANCE/RISK MANAGEMENT: The County administers employee health and unemployment insurance programs. The health insurance activity has accounting in an internal service fund. Unemployment programs have accounting in the General and School funds. Employee Health Insurance: Albemarle County, Albemarle County School Board, Albemarle County Water and Sewer Authority, and several other entities established a public entity risk pool to provide for consolidated health care benefits plan for their employees. The plan is based on a service contract with a private carder in which bills are derived from actual expenses incurred or claims filed. The plan includes a maximum liability amount of 25% over the annual estimate provided by the carrier. The participating agencies have established a reserve fund to meet the 25% potential liability. Each participating agency is responsible for paying amounts billed by the County. Liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses are estimated based on the estimated ultimate cost of settling the claims, including the effects of inflation and other societal and economic factors. 46 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 19--SELF INSURANCEfRISK MANAGEMENT: (Continued) Changes in the balances of claim liabilities during the past two years are as follows: Fiscal Year Claims Current Claims Liability Year Claims Claims and Liability Beginning and Changes Other End of of Year in Estimates Payments Year 1996 $ 546,000$ 4,872,568 $ 4,940,089 $ 478,479 1997 478,479 4,551,221 4,155,302 874,398 1998 874,398 6,250,480 5,982,167 1,I42,711 UncmplQyment Insurance: The County is fully self-insured for employment claims. The Virginia Employment Commission bills the County for all unemployment claims. The liability for billed but unpaid claims has been accrued in the General and School Funds. No liability has been recorded for estimated unreported claims. The amount of estimated unreported claims is not expected to be significant. Property_ and Casual _t3' Insurance: The County and School Board contracts with the Virginia Municipal Group Self Insurance Association to provide coverages. In the event of a loss deficit and depletion of all assets and available insurance of the Association, the Association may assess all members in the proportion which the premium of each bears to the total premiums of all members in the year in which such deficit occurs. The County and School Board contract with private insurance carriers for property damage, employee crime and dishonesty and general liability coverages. The property coverages are for specific amounts based on values assigned to the insured properties. Liability coverages are for $2,000,000. The County contracts with the Virginia Department of Risk Management for public officials and law enforcement liability coverages. This program is similar to the Virginia Municipal Group Self Insurance Association as described above. Liability coverages are for $1,000,000. Other: The County has not had reductions in insurance coverages or settlements in excess of insurance coverages for the past three fiscal years. 47 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE. 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 20--SURETY BONDS: The County is covered by surety bonds in the following amounts: Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland - Surety: Shelby J. Marshall, Clerk of the Circuit Court ............................ Melvin A. Breeden, Director of Finance ............ . .................... Terry W. Hawkins, Sheriff ........................................... Director of Finance and Subordinate EmployeesmBlanket Bond ............ United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company - Surety: ....................... Tina Pendleton Fuller, Clerk of the School Board ......................... All County Employees (Finance & Social Services) - Blanket Bond .......... Ella W. Carey, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ......................... Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive ............................... Sally H. Thomas, Supervisor ......................................... Charlotte Y. Humphris, Supervisor .................................... Walter F. Perkins, Supervisor David P. Bowerman, Supervisor .., ................................... Charles S. Martin, Supervisor ........................................ Forrest Marshall, Supervisor ...................................... 2.. 25,000 750,000 30,000 50,000 10,000 100,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 NOTE 21--ACCRUED LANDFILL COSTS: In 1991 the County transferred its share of the joint City-County landfill operations and the related assets and liabilities (including remediation and post-closure liabilities) to the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority. However, the Keene landfill site was not transferred as a part of this action. The Keene landfill was closed prior to OCtober, 1993 when the federal and state regulations required more extensive monitoring and post-closure care of the landfill site. The County performs routine maintenance and monitoring of the site on an annual basis. Future postclosure monitoring and maintenance costs are not expected to be significant. NOTE 22--OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Pursuant to County and School Board personnel policies, the County and School Board provide health · insurance benefits for persons who retire from County and School Board employment and meet certain other criteria. In fiscal 1998, sixty-three persons were in the program and the County and School Board combined cost was $98,142. 48 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1998 (Continued) NOTE 23 ~ACCOUNTING CHANGES: In fiscal 1998 the County implemented the provisions of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 31 which requires the County's investments to be valued at fair value. The effect of this change is as follows: All MeIntire Trust Funds Trust Fund Fund balances at July 1, 1997, as originally reported . .. $ 732,751 $. 141,725 Increase in investments to fair value ................ 101,788 101,788 Fund balances at July 1, 1997, as restated ........... $ 834,539 $ 243,513 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Federal/State Qran~ Fijnd - accounts for various federal and state grant funds including the funding for the Comprehensive Services Act program, criminal justice grants, Section 8 housing program and other related programs. Enhanced 911 Fund - accounts for County revenues assessed for the operation and maintenance of the Enhanced 911 emergency re.sponse system. Courthouse Maintenance Flmd- accounts for courthouse maintenance fees collected resulting from traffic and related fines. Tourism Fund - accounts for funds appropriated for tourism projects. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet At June 30, 1998 Exhibit A-I ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Due from other governments Federal/ Enhanced State 911 Grant Fund Fund $ $ 2,141,487 27,868 62,539 6,759 725,492 Total assets $ 753,360 $ 2,210,785 $ Courthouse Maintenance Fund 45,721 3,129 Tourism Fund $ 312,427 48,850 $ 312,427 $ Totals 2,499,635 93,536 6,759 725,492 3,325~422 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 276,430 $ - $ Compensation payable 27,129 Due to other funds 232,787 Total liabilities $ 536,346 $ $ Equity: Fund Balances: Unreserved: Undesignated 217,014 2,210,785 Total liabilities and equity $ 753,360 $ 2,210,78 $ - $ 48,850 48,850 $ 312,427 312,427 $ $ 276,430 27,129 232,787 $ 536,346 2,789,076 3,325,422 The accompanYing notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended June 30,1998 Exhibit A-2 Revenues: Other local taxes Revenue l~om usc of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Government Total revenues Expenditures: Current: Judicial administration Public safety Public works Health and welfare Community development Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Operating transfers fi'om component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Residual equity transfer Fund balance at end of year Federal State Enhanced Courthouse Grant 911 Maintenance Tourism Fund Fund Fund Fund $ 713,508 $ $ 699 73,199 86,668 35,291 2,032,397 2,016,091 35,443 $ 4,171,146 $ 786,707 $ 35,443 $ 46,366 $ $ 719,395 740,241 93,548 3,115,272 1,462,252 $ 5,436,833 $ 740,241 $ $ $ (1,265,687) $ 46,466 $ 35,443 1,155,487 $ (81,122) (62,000) 225,000 $ 1,299,365 $ $ (62,000) $ 33,678 $ 46,466 183,336 2,164,319 $ (26,557) 75,407 $ 217,01 $ 2,210,785 $ 48,850 Totals 713,508 73,898 35,443 86,668 35,291 2,032,397 2,016,091 $ - $ 4,993,296 $ $ 273,173 $ 273,173 $ (273,173) $ 585,6OO $ 46,366 1,459,636 93,548 3,115,272 1,735,425 6,450,247 (1,456,95 1,741,087 (143,122) 225,000 $ 585,600 $ 1,822,965 $ 312,427 $ 366,014 2,347,655 75~407 $ 312,427 $ 2,789,076 The accompanying notes to financial statcmcnts arc an intclp~al part of this statement COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues~ Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual-Special Revenue Funds Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Revenues: Other local taxes Revenue from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Government Total revenues Expenditures: Current: Judicial administration Public safety Public works Health and welfare ConununiW development Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Operating transfers from component unit Total Other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Residual equity transfer Fund balance at end of year Federal/State Grant Fund Budget Actual $ - $ $ 269 699 130,388 86,668 12,788 35,291 2,027,538 2,032,397 2,227,947 2,016,091 $ 4,398,930 $ 4,171,146 $ Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 430- (43,720) 22,503 4,859 (211,856) (227,784) $ 88,213 $ 46,366 $ 41,847 797,456 719,395 78,061 183,120 93,548 89,572 3,183,996 3,115,272 68,724 1,538,000 1,462,252 75,748 $ 5,790,785 $ 5,436,833 $ $ (1,391,855) $ (1,265,687) $ $ 1,161,903 $ 1,155,487 $ (52,000) (81,122) 225,000 225,000 $ 1,334,903 $ 1,299,365 $ $ (56,952) $ 33,678 $ 56,952 183,336 $ $ 217,014 $ 353,952 126,168 (6,416) (29,122) (35,538) 90,630 126,384 '217,014 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 56 -- Exhibit A-3 (Continued to next page) Enhance 911 Fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Courthouse Maintenance Fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 650,000 $ 81,256 731,256 $ $ 736,108 736,108 $ 713,508 $ 73,199 786,707 $ $ 740,241 740,241 $ 63,508 (8,057) 55,451 (4,133) (4,133) 51,318 35,443 35,443 $ - $ 35,443 35,443 (4,852) $ 46,466 $ 35,443 $ 35,443 - $ (62,000) (62,000) $ - $ (62,000) (62,000) $ (4,852) $ 4,852 46,466 $ 2,164,319 2,210,785 $ 51,318 2,159,467 2,210,785 (62,000) $ 62,000 - $ (26,557) $ 75,407 48,850 $ 35,443 13,407 48,850 57 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual-Special Revenue Funds Year Ended June 30~ 1998 (Continued) Revenues: Other local taxes Revenue from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Government Total revenues Expenditures: Current: Judicial administration Public safety Public works Health and welfare Community development Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating wansfers out Operating transfers from component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year ResidUal equity transfer Fund balance at end of year Budget - $ - $ - $ 585,600 Tourism Fund Actual - $ - $ - $ 273,173 $ 585,600 $ 273,173 $ $ (585,600) $ $ 585,600 $ (273,173) $ 585,600 $ $ 585,600 $ 585,600 $ $ $ 312,427 $ $ - $ 312,427 $ Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 312,427 312,427 312,427 312,427 312,427 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 8 Exhibit A-3 (Continued from previous page) Total Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ $ 650,000 $ 81,525 130,388 12,788 2,027,538 2,227,947 5,130,186 $ 88,213 $ 1,533,564 183,120 3,183,996 2,123,600 7,112,493 $ (1,982,307) $ 713,508 $ 73,898 35,443 86,668 35,291 2,032,397 2,016,091 4,993,296 $ 46,366 $ 1,459,636 93,548 3,115,272 1,735,425 6,450,247 $ (1,456,951) $ 63,508 (7,627) 35,443 (43,720) 22,503 4,859 (211,856) (136,890) 41,847 73,928 89,572 68,724 388,175 662,246 525,356 1,747,503 $ (114,000) 225,000 1,858,503 $ (123,804) $ 61,804 62,000 - $ 1,741,087 $ (143,122) 225,000 1,822,965 $ 366,014 $ 2,347,655 75,407 2,789,076 $ (6,416) (29,122) (35,538) 489,818 2,285,851 13,407 2,789,076 59 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Qenqral Debt Service Fund - accounts for payments on general obligation debt of the County. Financing is from General Fund revenues. visitor Center Debt Service Fund - accounts for payment on the Visitor Center general obligation debt. Financing is provided by rentals received from the Visitor Center. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Debt Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues~ Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit B-1 Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Debt service: Principal Interest Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year Visitor General Center Debt Debt Service Service Fund Fund 129,294 129,294 $ 116,655 12,639 $ 129,294 $ $ $ $ $ $ 67,734 67,734 34,461 33,273 67,734 $ $ $ Totals 67,734 129,294 197,028 151,116 45,912 197,028 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 63 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues~ Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual - Debt Service Funds Year Ended June 30~ 1998 General Debt Service Fund Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Budget Actual $ $ 129,500 129,294 (206) Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property Ivliscellaneous Total revenues $ 129,500 $ 129,294 $ (206) Expenditures: Debt service: Principal $ 116,600 $ 116,655 $ Interest 12,900 12,639 (55) 261 206 Total expenditures $ 129,500 $ 129,294 $ Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ - $ $ $ - $ Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses $ - $ - $ Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year $ $ - $ The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 64 Exhibit B-2 Visitor Center Debt Service Fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Total Budset Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 68,000 $ 67,734 $ (266) $ 68,000 $ 129,500 67,734 $ 129,294 $ 68,000$ 67,734$ (266) $ 197,500 $ 197,028 $ (266) (206) (472) $ 34,500 $ 33,500 $ 68,000 $ $ $ 34,461 33,273 67,734 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ 39 $ 227 266 $ $ 151,100 $ 46,400 197,500 $ $ $ - $ 151,116 $ 45,912 197,028 $ $ $ $ (16) 488 472 65 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Fire Service Fund - accounts for advance and loans to volunteer fire and rescue organizations which serve the County. Financing is provided from General Fund revenues and repayments of advances and loans. General Capital Improvemems Fund - accounts for capital project expenditures for general public improvements and large equipmem acquisitions. Financing is provided by governmental grants, capital leases and general fund revenues. Storm Water Control Fund - accounts for expenditures for drainage and other systems for storm water control. Financing is provided primarily from General Fund revenues. Jail Reserve Fund - accounts for resources accumulated for the County's share of the regional jail expansion. Exhibit C-1 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Capital Proiects Funds Combining Balance Sheet At June 30~ 1998 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Interest receivable Due from other governmental units Advanceg to other entities Total assets LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable Total liabilities Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for advances to other entities Unreserved: Designated for capital projects Undesignated Total fund balances Total liabilities and equity General Storm Fire Capital Water Jail Services Improvements Control Reserve Fund Fund Fund Fund $ 267,401 $ 1,732,599 $ 2,000,000 $ 4,082,904 $ 931,929 44,438 - 10,401 1,961 36,974 - 4,174,717 $ $ 47,950 $ $ 47,950 $ 1,852,473 $ - 147,527 4,126,767 $ 2,000,000 $ $ 2,000,000 $ 300,000 $ 933,890 300,000 $ 5,905 $ 5,905 927,985 4,126,767 $ 927,985 4,174,717 $ ,I 933,890 300,000 300,000 300,000 Totals 5,582,234 44,438 12,362 36,974 1,732,599 7,408,607 53,855 53,855 1,852,473 5,502,279 7,354,752 7,408,607 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- Capital Project Funds Year Ended June 30,1998 Exhibit Co2 General Storm Fire Capital Water Jail Service Improvements Control Reserve Fund Fund Fund Fund Totab Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous revenue Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Total revenues Expenditures: Current: Capital projects Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Operating mmsfers to component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year $ 133,109 $ 24,458 $ 2,593 2,873 6,000 44,584 34,382 $ 220,668 $ 27,331 $ 1,658,896 $ 138,930 $ 1,658,896 $ 138,930 $ (1,438,228) $ (111,599) $ 1,600,735 $ 110,000 (4,956) 052,451) $ 1,248,284 $ 105,044 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ (189,944) $ (6,555) $ 100,000 $ 4,316,711 934,540 200,000 4,126,767 $ 927,985 $ 300,000 $ 157,567 5,466 6,000 44,584 34,382 247,999 1,797,826 1,797,826 (1,549,827) 1,810,735 (4,956) (352,451) 1,453,328 (96,499) 7,451,251 7,354,752, The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- Budget and Actual-Capital Proiect Funds Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Funds for Which Budgets Were Adopted) General Capital Improvements Fund Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous revenue Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Total revenues $ 133,109$ 133,109 2,593 2,593 18,000 6,000 (12,000) - 44,584 44,584 188,234 34,382 (153,852) $ 208,827 $ 220,668 $ 11,841 Expenditures: Current: Capital projects Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Operating transfers to component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year $ 5,580,556 $ 1,658,896 $ 3,921,660 $ 5,580,556 $ 1,658,896 $ 3,921,660 $ (5,371,729) $ 0,438,228) $ 3,933,501 $ 1,600,735$ 1,600,735 $ (352,451) (352,451) $ 1,248,284 $ 1,248,284 $ (4,123,445) $ (189,944) $ 3,933,501 4,123,445 4,316,711 193,266 $ 4,126,767 $ 4,126,767 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 70 Exhibit C-3 (Continued to next page) Storm Water Control Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Jail Reserve Fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ $ 24,458 $ 2,873 $ $ 27,331 $ 24,458 2,873 $ $ $ 27,331 $ $ $ $ 1,063,774 $ 138,930$ $ 1,063,774 $ 138,930 $ $ (1,063,774) $ (111,599) $ $ 110,000 $ 110,000 $ (4,956) (4,956) $ 105,044 $ 105,044 $ 924,844 924,844 952,175 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ $ (958,730) $ (6,555) $ 958,730 934,540 $ $ 927,985 $ 952,175 (24,190) 927,985 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 71 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combinim~ Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances- Budget and Actual-Capital Proiect Funds Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued) (Funds for Which Budgets Were Adopted) Exhibit C-3 (Continued from previous page) Totals Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property charges for services Miscellaneous revenue Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Total revenues $ $ 2,593 18,000 188,234 $ 208,827 $ 157,567 5,466 6,000 44,584 34,382 247,999 $ 157,567 2,873 (12,000) 44,584 (153,852) 39,172 Expenditures: Current: Capital projects Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Transfers to component unit Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year $ 6,644,330 $ 1,797,826 $ $ 6,644,330 $ 1,797,826 $ $ (6,435,503) $ (1,549,827) $ 1,810,735 $ (4,956) (352,451) 1,810,735 $ (4,956) (352,451) $ 1,453,328 $ 1,453,328 $ (4,982,175) $ 5,282,175 (96,499) $ 5,451,251 $ 300,000 $ 5,354,752 $ 4,846,504 4,846,504 4,885,676 4,885,676 169,076 5,054,752 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 72 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Health Insurance Fund - accounts for ali activities of the County and School Board employee health insurance program. Other jointly governed organizations also participate in the program. Duplication Fund - accounts for revenues received for copying, printing and related services. Exhibit D-1 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Internal Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet At June 30, 1998 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Total assets Health Insurance Fund $ 2,597,910 $ 598,686 5,268 $ 3,201,864 $ Duplication Fund 320,922 1,150 322,072 $ $ Totals 2,918,832 599,836 5,268 3,523,936 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Deferred revenue Total liabilities Equity: Retained earnings: Reserved for health insurance claims Unreserved/undesignated $ 97,221 $ 2,573 1,142,711 - 114,566 - $ 1,354,498 $ 2,573 1,847,366 319,499 Total equity 1,847,366 319,499 Total liabilities and equity $ 3,201,864 $ 322,072 99,794 1,142,711 114,566 1,357,071 1,847,366 319,499 2,166,865 3,523,936 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 74 County of Albemarle~ Virginia Internal Service Funds Combininl~ Statement of Revenues~ Expenses and Changes in Equity Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit D-2 Operating revenues: Charges for services $ Miscellaneous revenue Total revenues $ Operating expenses: Health insurance claims $ Duplicating costs Total operating expenses $ Operating income (loss) $ Non-operating revenues (expenses): Interest income $ Gain on sale of investments - Trigon Healthcare, Inc. stock Total non-operating revenues $ Net income $ Retained earnings, beginning of year Retained earnings, end of year Health Insurance Duplication Fund Fund 5,721,797 $ 218,308 12,159 5,733,956 $ 218,308 5,982,167 $ - 132,491 5,982,167 $ 132,491 (248,21 l) $ 85,817 44,801 $ 363,893 408,694 $ 160,483 $ 85,817 1,686,883 233,682 $ 1,847,366 $ 319,499 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. $ $ $ $ $ Totals 5,940,105 12,159 5,952,264 5,982,167 132,491 6,114,658 (162,394) 44,801 363,893 408,694 246,300 1,920,565 2,166,865 75 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit D-3 Cash flows from operating activities: Operating income (loss) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in: Accounts receivable Interest receivable Increase (decrease) in: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Deferred revenues Net cash provided by operating activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest income Trigon Healthcare, Inc. stock received on the demutualization of Trigon Blue Proceeds from sale of investments Total from investing activities Increase in cash and cash equivalents for the year $ Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Health Insurance Fund (248,211) (598,687) (55) 49,164 268,313 34,870 (494,606) $ 44,801 $ 672,748 717,549 $ 222,943 $ 2,374,967 2,597,910 $ Duplication Fund 85,817 183 (5,892) 80,108 80,108 240,814 320,922 Totals (162,394) (598,5o4) (55) 43,272 268,313 34,870 (414,498) 44,801 672,748 717,549 303,051 2,615,781 2,918,832 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 76 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Tr~t Funds: H, & L,-Graves Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by a private donor, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used by property owners in the Walnut Creek Park area in the event of flooding extends beyond the boundaries of an easement. McIntire Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by a private donor, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest and other earnings on assets may be used for educational purposes. Juanise Dyer Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for college scholarships for a graduate of one of the County high schools. Niqole Thompson Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for college scholarships for special education or economically disadvantaged students who graduate from the County school system. Wein~tein Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for the installation of traffic control devices for a certain area of the County. Crozet Crossings Trust Fund - to account for monies provided by private donors, the corpus of which is nonexpendable. Interest earned on assets may be used to provide for assistance to persons who qualify for the purchase of homes in the Crozet Crossings project. Proffer Trust Fund - to account for funds received for proffers for two communities located in the County. Earnings on these funds may be used for the construction of or upgrade of certain public improvements in the communities. Special Welfare Fund - accounts for monies provided primarily through private donors for assistance of children in foster care, needy senior citizens and others. This fund is also used to account for monies received from other governments and individuals (i.e., social security and child support) to be paid to special welfare recipients. Hunting and Fishing License Fund - accounts for funds received for state hunting and fishing licenses. The funds are remitted to the state on a periodic basis. Deferred Compensation Fund - accounts for assets representing employee deferral of salaries to future years plus accumulated earnings thereon. The plan was established pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 457. This fund was discontinued in fiscal 1998. ~ - accounts for monies received from state and federal authorities for the prevention of drug abuse and distribution of illegal substances. Payroll Suspense Fund - accounts for various employee payroll withholdings and payments of employee benefits. Performance Bond Fund - accounts for the receipt and disbursements of performance bonds required by the County for erosion and sediment control, and other items relative to construction by private developers. Fire Program Fund - accounts for fire program funds received from the state. The funds are allocated to the various County volunteer fire companies. HUD Family Self Sufficiency Fund - accounts for funds received from various sources for families participating in the County housing programs. Teen Program Fund - accounts for funds received from various sources for teen programs. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Fiduciary, Funds Combining Balance Sheet At June 30, 1998 Nonexpendable Trust Funds H & L Juanise Nicole Crozet Graves Mclnfire Dyer Thompson Weinstein Crossings Proffer Trust Trust Trust Trust Trust Trust Trust Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Invesanents Investment with trustees, at fair value Accounts receivable Accrued interest Total assets $ 2,660 $ $ 8,436 $ 10,844 $ 65,400 $ 294,874 - - '20 25 156 $ 2,660 $ 294,87=l=l~4 $ 8,45~6 $ 10,869 $ 65,556 $ 26,126 $ 554,862 3,000 62 1,322 26,188 $ 559,184 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities: Ac, counts payable and accrued expenses Due to other funds Amounts held for others $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total liabilities $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - Equity: Fund Balances: Reserved for endowments Total liabilities and equity 2,660 $ 294,874 $ 8,456 $ 10,869 $ 65,556 $ 26,188 $ 559,184 2,660 $ 294,874 $ 8,456 5 10,869 $ 65,556 $ 26,188 $ 559,184 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 78 .E. xhibit E-I Hunting Special and Fishing Welfare License Drug Fund Fund Fund Agency Funds HUD Family Payroll Performance Fire Self Teen Suspense Bond Program Sufficiency Program Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Totals $ 37,347 $ 481 $ 59,117 $ 107 $ 37,34 $ 481 $ 59,224 $ $ 291,498 $ 51,294 $ 31,684 $ 21,598 - 127 339 $ 1,139,749 0 294,874 24,937 1,819 21,598 $ 291,498 $ 51,421 $ 31,684 $ 339 $ 1,461,379 $ $ 481$ 605$ 102 $ $ 21,457 37,347 58,619 39 291,498 $ 37,347 $ 481 $ 59,224 $ 21,598 $ 291,498 $ $ $ $ 339 51,421 31,684 !,188 21,796 470,608 51,421 $ 31,684 $ 339 $ 493,592 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 37,347 $ 481 $ 59,224 $ 21,598: $ 291,495 51,42~$ 31,684 $ $ 967,787 339 $ 1,461,379 79 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Nonexpendable Trust Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances- Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit E-2 H & L Graves Trust Fund Juanise Nicole Crozet Mclntire Dyer Thompson Weinstein Crossings Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Proffer Trust Fund Totals Operating revenues: Revenue from use of money: Interest and investment gains Miscellaneous revenue Donations Total revenues Expenses: Education Net operating income $ 63 $ $ 63 $ $ $ $ 63 $ Fund balances at beginning of year (Note 23) 2,597 Fund balance at end of year $ 2,660 $ 59,776 $ 244 $ 234 $ 1,892 $ 3,231 - 59,776 $ 244 $ 3,465 $ 1,892 $ 8,415 $ $ 1,000 $ - $ 51,361 $ 244 $' 2,465 $ 1,892 $ 243,513 8,212 8,404 63,664 294,874 $ 8,456 $ 10,869 $ 65,556 $ The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 741 $ 15,625$ 78,575 19,857 41,000 64,088 20,598 $ 56,625 $ 142,663 - $ $ 9,415 20,598 $ 56,625 $ 133,248 5,590 502,559 26,188 $ 559,184 $ 834,539 967,787 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Nonexpendable Trust Funds Combining Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit E-3 Cash flows from operating activities: Net operating income (loss) Adjustments to reconcile net operating income to net cash provided by operating activities Interest and investment gains reported as operating income Changes in operating assets and liabilities (Increase) decrease in: Accounts receivable lnterest receivable Juanise Nicole H & L Graves Mclntire Dyer Thompson Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund Trust Fund $ 63 $ 51,361 $ 244$ 2,465 (63) (59,776) (244) (234) i (10 Net cash provided by operating activities $ $ (8,415) $ ! $ 2,220 Cash flows from investing activities: Interest and investment gains $ 63 $ 51,361 $ 244 $ Purchase of investments (42,946) - Total from (to) investing activities Net cash flows 234 $ 63 $ 8,415 $ 244 $ 234 $ 63 $ $ 245 $ 2,454 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 2,597 8,191 8,390 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 2,660 $~ $ 8,436 $ 10,844 Weinstein Trust Fund Crozet Crossings Proffer Trust Fund Trust Fund Totals $ 1,892 $ 20,598 $ 56,625 $ 133,248 (1,892) (741) (15,625) (78,575) - 2,000 2,000 6 {48) (62) (114) 6 $ 19,809 $ 42,938 $ 56,559 1,892 $ 741 $ !5,625 $ 70,160 - (42,946) $ 1,892 $ 741 $ 15,625 $ 27,214 $ 1,898 $ 20,550 $ 58,563 $ 83,773 63,502 5,576 496,299 584,555 65,400 $ 26,126 $ 554,862 $ 668,328 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA ARencv Funds Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities Year Ended June 30, 1998 Exhibit E-4 (Continued to next page) Special Welfare Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities: Amounts held for others Hunting and Fishing License Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities: Accounts payable Drug Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accrued interest receivable Total assets Liabilities: Accounts payable Amounts held for others Total liabilities Deferred Compensation Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities: Amounts held for others Payroll Suspense Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Total assets Liabilities: Accounts payable Due to other funds Amounts held for others Total liabilities Performance Bond Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities: Amounts held for others Balance July 1, 1997 Additions $ 34,093$ 178,522$ $ 34,093 $ 178,522 $ $ 2,463 $ 10,498 $ Deletions 175,268 $ 175,268 $ 12,480 $ 2,463 $ 10,498 $ 12,480 $ 60,078 $ 40,019 $ 40,980 $ 141 107 141 $ 60,219 $ 40,126 $ 41,121 $ 14,849 605 14,849 45,370 39,521 26,272 60,219 $ 40,126 $ 41,121 $ 2,494,875 $ $ 2,494,875 $ $ $ 300,270 21,598 2,494,875 $ 2,494,875 $ $ 300,270 $ 300,270 $ 21,598 $ 300,270 $ 147 $ 102 $ 147 $ 300,123 21,457 300,123 39 - $ 300,270 $ 21,598 $ 300,270 $ $ 284,310 $ 269,739 $ 262,551 $ $ 284,310 $ 269,739 $ 262,551 $ Balance June30, 1998 37,347 37,347 481 481 59,117 107 59,224 605 58,619 59,224 21,598 21,598 102 21,457 39 21,598 291,498 291398 82 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Agency Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities Year Ended June 30~ 1998 (Continued) Exhibit E-4 (Continued from previous page) Fire Program Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accrued interest receivable Total assets Liabilities: Amounts held for others HUD Family Self Sufficiency Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities: Amounts held for others Teen Programs Fund: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Balance July 1, 1997 Additions $ 114,578 $ $ 288 127 Deletions Balance June 30, 1998 63,284 $ 51,294 288 127 $ 114,866 $ 127 $ 63,572 $ 51,421 $ 114,866 $ 127 $ 63,572 $ 51,421 $ 22,705 $ 8,979 $ $ 22,705 $ 8,979 $ $ 360 $ $ 360 $ 339 Total assets $ 360 $ 339 $ 360 $ Liabilities: Due to other funds Amounts held for others $ $ 339 $ 360 Total liabilities $ 360 $ 339 $ $ 360 360 $ 3,~049,798 $ 300,270 429 Totals-All Agency Funds: Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,013,462 $ 507,757 Accounts receivable 300,270 21,937 Accrued interest receivable 429 234 Total assets $ 3,314,161 $ 529,928 $. 3,350,497 $ Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 17,459 $ 11,205 Due to other funds 300,123 21,796 Amounts held for others 2,996,579 496,927 Total liabilities $ 3,314,161 $ 529,928 $ The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 27,476 $ 300,123 3,022,898 3,350,497 $ 83 $ 31,684 $ 31,684 339 339 339 339 471,421 21,937 234 493,592 i,188 21,796 470,608 493,592 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP To account for fixed assets not used in Proprietary Fund operations. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ 'VIRGINIA Schedule of Fixed Assets by Source - Primary Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit At June 30, 1998 Exhibit F-1 Primary Government ComPonent Unit - School Board Total Land Building and building improvements Improvements other than buildings Machinery, furniture, fixtures, and equipment Vehicles Total general fixed assets 2,870,812 16,651,197 5,136,246 4,369,214 4,941,210 $ 4,170,920 122,523,607 1,635,833 4,173,360 9,229,651 $ 33,968,679 $ 141,733,371 $ 7,041,732 139,174,804 6,772,079 8,542,574 14,170,861 $ 175,702,050 Investment in general fixed assets from: Proceeds from indebtedness General fund revenues Gifts and other miscellaneous revenue sources Total investment in general fixed assets $ 16,202,918 $ 17,107,919 657,842 40,652,928 101,080,443 $ 33,968,679 $ 141,733,371 $ 56,855,846 118,188,362 657,842 $ 175,702,050 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 86 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Schedule ofF/xed Assets by Function and Activity Primary Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit At June 30? 1998 Exhibit F-2 Primary Government: C, aneral Government AdminisUation: Board of Supervisors County Executive Tota~ general government administration General and Financial Management Finance Information services Board of Elections Total general and financial management Judicial Adminislration: Clerk of circuit court Sheriff Other courts Total judicial administration Public Safety: Police department Police animal control Fire and rescue Inspections Other public safety Total public safety Public Works: Engineering Staff Services Koene landfill Total public works Health and Welfare: Social services Joint health building Office of housing Total health and welfare Parks, Recreation and Cultural Community Development: Community development Zoning Total community development Total Primary Government Component Unit - School Board: Education Machinery, Building and Improvements Furniture & Building other than Fixtures, and Land Improvements Buildings Equipment Yehtcles Total 520,429 $ 7,949,206 $ 70,000 $ 37,683 $ $ 8,577,318 11~301 11,301 520,429 $ 7,949,206 $ 70,000 $ 48,984 $ $ 8,588,619 $ $ $ 157,937 $ 89,888 $ 247,825 1,928,673 1,928,673 359,420 359,420 $ $ $ 2,446,030 $ 89,888 $ 2,535,918 $ $ $ 126,328 $ $ 126,328 71,614 8,158 208,933 288,705 40,277 2,187,754 32,281 2,260,312 40,277 $ 2,259,368 $ - $ 166,767 $ 208,933 $ 2,675,345 6,575 $ $ $ 191,337 197,912 $ 266,784 $ 266,784 $ 1,736,943 1,736,943 $ $ $ 220~534 $ 220,534 $ 365,637 $ 2,746,569 $ 3,118,781 56,191 56,191 65,971 690,746 756,717 15,839 164,861 180,700 248,110 2,176,390 447,447 $ 3~906377 $ 6,288,779 11,838 $ 118~!8 $ 396,940 666,955 189,908 856,863 220,534 678,793 $ 308,226 $ 1374,337 $ 17,816 17,816 $ 1,827,594 $ 7,189 $ $ 854,635 861,824 $ $ 3,843,856 $ 4,772,166 $ 29,516 $ 133,963 $ .170,668 872,451 i,927 1,927 31,443 $ 133,963 $ 1,045,046 510,819 $ 195,383 $ 11,149,818 $ $ $ 73,546 $ $ 73,546 $ 16,651,197 $ 5,136,246 $ 2,870,812 $ 21,378 $ 7,755 $ 29,133 17,553 90,585 181,684 35~931 $ 98,340 $ 210,817 4,369,214 $ 4,941,210 $ 33,968,679 $ 4,170,920_$ 122,523,607 $ 1,635,833 $ 4,173,360 $ 9,229,651 $ 141,733,371 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 87 COUNTY OF ALBEIMARLEi VIRGINIA Schedule of Changes in Fixed Assets by Function and Activity Primary Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Exhibit F-3 Balance Balance July 1, June 30, 1997 Additions Deletions 1998 Primary Government: General Government Administration: Board of Supervisors County Executive Total general government administration $ 8,419,752 $ 157,566 $ $ 8,577,318 11,301 11,301 8,431,053 $ 157,566 $ $ 8,588,619 247,825 $ $ $ 247,825 1,928,673 1,928,673 344,075 15,345 359,420 General and Financial Management Finance Information services Board of Elections Total general and financial management $ 2,520,573 $ 15,345 $ $ 2,535,918 Judicial Administration: Clerk of circuit court $ 126,328 Sheriff 232,337 Other courts 2,260,312 $ $ $ 56,368 126,328 288,705 2,260,312 Total judicial administration $ 2,618,977 $ 56,368 $ $ 2,675,345 Public Safety: Police department $ Police animal contxol Fire and rescue Inspections Other public safety Total public safety $ · 2,769,860 .$ 411,728 $ 62,807 $ 3,118,781 56,191 56,191 97,941 658,776 756,717 187,918 7,218 180,700 2,176,390 2,176,390 5,288,300 $ 1,070,504 $ 70,025 $ 6,288,779 396,940 $ $ - $ 396,940 856,863 - 856,863 220,534 220,534 Public Works: Engineering Staff services Keene landfill Total public works $ 1,474,337 $ $ $ 1,474,337 Health and Welfare: Social services Joint health building Office of honsing Total health and welfare Parks, Recreation and Cultural $ 148,218 $ 29,668 $ 7,218 $ 170,668 872,451 872,451 1,927 1,927 $ 1,022,596 $ 29,668 $ $ 11,077,208 $ 73,513 $ 7,218 $ 1,045,046 903 $ 11,149,818 $ $ 29;133 35,698 181,684 35,698 $ $ 210,817 Community Development: Community development Zoning Total community development Total Primary Government Component Unit - School Board: Education $ 29,133 $ 145,986 $ 175,.119 $ $ 32,608,163 $ $ 124,465,61~$ 1,438,662__$ 78,146_ _ :$ 33,968,679 17,695,339 $ 427,586 $ 141,733,371 The accompanying notes to financial statements arc an integral part of this statement. 88 COMPONENT UNIT SCHOOL BOARD Governmental Funds: School Fund - accounts for the operation of the County's public school system. Financing is provided primarily by state and federal grants and appropriations from the County of Albemarle. School Cafeteria Fund - accounts for operations of the County's school food service program. Financing is provided primarily by food sales and transfer from the School Fund. School Debt Service Fund - accounts for debt service expenditures for the school system for the payments of principal and interest on the school system's general long-term debt. Financing is provided by appropriations from the County of Albemarle. School Capital Projects Fund - accounts for school construction expenditures. Financing is provided primarily from debt proceeds, construction grants and appropriations from the County of Albemarle. Account Groups: General Fixed Assets Account Group - accounts for general fixed assets of the school system. General Long-Term Obligation Account Group - accounts for all general long-term obligations of the school system including general obligation debt, capital leases, and claims, judgements and compensated absences. couNT~'OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Combining Balance Sheet Discretely Presented Component Unit - School Board At June 30~ 1998 Exhibit G-I School Fund Governmental Funds Account Groups School Debt Capital General General Cafeteria Service Projects Fixed Long-term Fund Fund Fund Assets Debt ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Assets; Cash and cash equivalents Receivables (net of allowances for uncolleetibles): Accounts Interest Dee from other gnvemments Inventory, at cost Prepaid items Fixed assets Other debits: Amount available for debt service Amount to be provided for the retirement of general long-term debt and accrued leave Total assets and other debits LIABILITIES~ EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Compensation payable Deferred revenues Accrued vacation and sick leave General obligation bonds payable State litermy fund loans payable VRS early retirement incentive obligation Total liabilities Equity and other credits: Inv¢s~mant in general fixed assets Fund balances: Reserved for inventory Unreserved: Designated: Subsequent year's expenditures Debt service Capital projects Undesignated Total equity and other credits Total liabilities, equity and other credits $ 8,949,871 $ 651,674 $ 2,666,847 $ 12,203,080 S $ $ 24A71,472 224,736 11,727 1,488 237,951 150 1,609 7,275 9,034 2,235,517 93,886 161,934 2,491,337 222~668! 46,980 269,648 2,376 2,3~6 141,733,371 141,733,371 $ 11,635,318 $ 2,666,847 2,666,847 66,317,606 66,317,606 805,876 $ 2,666,847 $ 12,373,777 $ 141,733,371 $ 68,984,453 $ 238,199,642 $ 9O3,837 $ 7,503,852 131,220 $ 8,538,909 $ 12,214 $ $ 1,783,078 $ $ 150,618 162,832 $ $ 1,783,078 S $ 2,699,129 7,654,470 131,220 826,867 826,867 63,425,000 63,425,000 3,325,256 3,325,256 1,407,330 1,407,330 $ 68~984~453 $ 79~469,272 $ 222,668 S S $ 141,733,371 S $ 141,733,371 46,980 269,648 586,978 2,286,763 $ 3,096,409 $ $ 11,635,318 $ - 586,978 2,666,847 2,666,847 10,590,699 10,590,699 596,064 2,882,827 643,044 $ 2,666~847 $ 10,590,699 $ 141,733,371 $ $ 158,730,370 805,876 $ 2,666,847 $ 12,373,777 $ 141,733,371 $ 68,984,453 $ 238,199,642 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues~ Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Discretely Presented Component Unit - School Board Year Ended June 30, 1998, Exhibit G-2 Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Governraent Total revenues Expenditures: Current: Education Capital projects Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Proceeds from long-term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Operating transfer from primary government Operating transfers to primary government Total other £mancing sources (uses) $ Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures & other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year School School School Debt Capital School Cafeteria Service Projects Fund Fund Fund Fund $ 108,856 $ 14,426$ 1,784,138 1,813,555 144,324 620 1,354,876 24,444,598 47,470 1,936,653 710,480 $ 29,773,445 $ 2,586,551 $ $ 74,284,357 $ 2,329,996 $ $ 74,284,357 $ $ (44,510,912) $ 2,329,996 $ 256,555 $ $ $ (295,922) 46,091,436 (268,000) 45,527,514 $ $ $ 1,016,602 $ 256,555 $ Totals - $ 56~107 $ 683,389 3,597,693 144,944 25,275 1,380,151 161,934 24,654,002 747,316 $ 2,647,133 33,107,312 4,137,341 2,896,704 7,034,045 20,148,323 $ 20,148,323 $ 76,614,353 20,148,323 4,137,341 2,896,704 $ I03,796,721 (7,034,045) 295,922 7,445,880 7,741,802 (19,401,007) $ 20,455,000 $ (70,689,409) 20,455,000 295,922 (295,922) 1,747,672 55,284,988 (268,000) $ 22,202,672 $ 75,471,988 707,757 $ 2,801,665 $ 4,782,579 2,079,807 386,489 1,959,090 7,789,034 12,214,420 3,096,409 $ 643,044 $ 2,666,847 $ 10,590,699 $ 16,996,999 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 91 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE! VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances-Budget and Actual Discretely Presented Component Unit - School Board Year Ended June 30~ 1998 R~Yeflu~$- Revenue from usc of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Government Total revenues Expenditures: Currenlc Education Capital projects Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Proceeds from long-term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Operating transfers from primary government Operating transfers to primary government Total other financing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures and other uses Fund balances at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year School Fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 60,300 $ 108,856 $ 48,556 $ 1,788,447 1,784,138 (4,309) 134,805 144,324 9,519 1,372,156 1,354,876 (17,280) 24,258,699 24,444,598 185,899 1,930,019 1,936,653 .. 6,634 $ 29,544,426 $ 29,773,445 $ 229,019 $ $ 75,424,597 $ 74,284,357 $ 1,140,240 $ $ 75,424,597 $ 74,284,357 $ $ (45,880,171) $ (44,510,912) 1,140,240 $ !,369,259 $ $ $ $ $ (295,922) (295,922) 46,121,436 46~91~36 (30,000) (268,000) (268,000) $ 45,557,514 $ 45,527,514 $ (30,000) $ $ (322,657) $ 1,016,602 $ 1,339,259 $ 322,657 2,079,807 1,757,150 $ $ 3,096,409 $ 3,096,409 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. School Cafeteria Fund Budget A~ual Variance Favorable ¢'Unfavorable) !,875,468 $ 14,426 $ 14,426 1,813,555 (61,913) 620 620 45,584 47,470 1,886 665,503 710,480 44,9?7 2,586,555 $ 2,586,551 $ (4) 2,426,524 $ 2,329,996 $ 96,528 2,426,524 $ 2,329,996 $ 96,528 160,031 $ 256,555 $ 96,524 $ $ $ $ 160,031 $ 256,555 $ 96,524 386,489 386,489 $ 160,031 $ 643,044 $ 483,013 92 - Exhibit ~ (Continued to next page) School Debt Service Fund Budget Actual $ $ $ Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Budget School Capital Projects Fund Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 100,000 $ 560,107 $ 460,107 136,100 25,275 (110,825) 575,000 ! 61,934 (413,066) $ $ $ 811,100 $ 747,316 $ (63,784) $ $ $ 4, ! 37,341 4,137,341 3,604,461 2,896,704 $ 7,741,802 $ 7,034,045 $ $ (7,741,802) $ (7,034,045) $ $ $ $ 295,922 295,922 7,445,880 7,445,880 7,741,802 $ 7,741,802 $ $ $ 707,757 $ - 1,959,090 $ $ 2,666,847 $ 707,757 707,757 707,757 707,757 1,959,090 2,666,847 $ 33,124,772 $ 20,148,323 12,976,449 $ 33,124,772 $ 20,148,323 $ 12,976,449 $ ~32,313,672) $ (19,401,007) $ 12,912,665 $ 23,451,367 $ 20,455,000 $ · (2,996,367) 1,747,672 1,747,672 $ 25,199,039 $ 22,202,672 $ (2,996,367) $ (7,114,633) $ 2,801,665 $ 9,9t6,298 7,114,633 7,789,034 674,401 $ $ 10,590,699 $ 10,590,699 93 Exhibit G-3 (Continued from previous page) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE: VIRGINIA Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances-Budget and Actual Discretely Presented Component Unit - School Board Year Ended June 30~ 1998 · Totals Budget Actual Revenues: P~venue from use of money and property $ 160,300 $ 683,389 Charges for services 3,663,915 3,597,693 Miscellaneous 134,805 144,944 Recovered costs 1,508,256 1,380,151 Revenue from the Commonwealth 24,879,283 24,654,002 Variance Favorable (UnfavOrable) Revenue from the Federal Government 523,089 (66,222) 10,139 (12S,105) (225,281) 2,595,522 2,647,133 51,611 TOtal revenues $ 3.2,942,081 $ 33,107~312 $ Expenditures: Current: Education $ 77,851,121 $ 76,614,353 Capital projects 33,124,772 20,148,323 Debt service: Principal retirement 4,137,341 4,137,341 Interest and fiscal charges 3,604,461 2,896,704 Total expenditures $ 118,717,695 $ 103,796,721 $ Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ (85,775,614) $ (70,689,409) $ Other financing sources (uses): Proceeds from long-term debt $ 23,451,367 $ 20,455,000 $ Operating transfers in 295,922 295,922 Operating transfers out (295,922) (295,922) Operating transfers from primary government 55,314,988 55,284,988 Operating transfers to primary government (268,000) (268,000) Total other financing sources (uses) $ 78,498,355 $ 75,471,988 $ Excess (deficiency) of revenues & other sources over expenditures and other uses $ (7,277,259) $ 4,782,579 Fund balances at beginning of year (Note 23) 7,437,290 12,214,420 Fund baiance at end of year $ . 160,031 $ 16,996,99~9 $ The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 165,231... $ !,236,768 12,976,449 0 707,757 14,920,974 15~86,205 (2,996,367) (30,000) (3,026,367) 12,059,838 4~777,130 94 - SUPPORTING SCHEDULES THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY COUNTY OF ALBEM ,ARLE~ VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30~ 1998 Schedule 1 (Continued to next page) Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source Primary, Government: General Fund: Revenue from local sources: General property taxes: Real property taxes Public service corporation taxes: Real and personal Personal property taxes Mobile home taxes Machinery and tools taxes Penalties Interest and costs Total general property taxes Other local taxes: Local sales and use taxes Transient lodging taxes Consumer utility taxes Motor vehicle licenses Bank franchise taxes Taxes on recordation and wills Business license taxes Utility company licenses Contractors licenses Sellers tax Meals tax Penalties and interest Total other local taxes Permits, privilege fees and regulatory licenses: Animal licenses Other permits, privilege fees and regulatory licenses Total permits, privilege fees and regulatory licenses Fines and forfeitures: Fines and forfeitures Revenue from use of money and property: Revenue from use of money Revenue from use of property Total revenue from use of money and property Budget $ 37,855,000 $ 1,540,900 20,623,420 74,300 1,019~00 484,200 2573oo $ 61,855,420 $ $ 8,078,400 976,000 5~55,200 1~91,100 139,100 45~ooo 3,433,000 411,000 533,600 202,000 63,600 $ 20,842,000 $ $ 18,100 $ 845fl00 $ 863,800 $ $ 193,700 $ $ 1,600,000 $ 180,400 $ 1,780,400 $ 97 Actual 38,242,856 1,640,177 18,199,626 57,449 983,809 393,547 219,374 59,736,838 8,060,633 887,406 5,111,344 1,322,802 211,901 538,716 3,835,233 432,130 647,695 204,259 1,137,362 37,540 22,427,021 13,611 985,496 999,107 216,888 1,192,883 154,790 1,347,673 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 387,856 99,277 (2,423,794) (i6,851) (36,091) (90,653) (38,326) $ (2,118,582) $ $ $ (17,767) (88,594) (143,856) 31,702 72,801 79,716 402,233 21,130 114,095 2,259 1,137,362 (26,060) 1,585,021 (4,489) 139,796 135,307 23,188 (407,117) (25,610) (492,727) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued) Schedule I (Continued to next page) Fund~ Major and Minor Revenue Source Primary Government: (Continued) General Fund (Continued) Revenue from local sources: (Continued) Charges for services: Charges for Commonwealth Attorney Police and sheriffdepartment fees Clerk's fees Charges for parks and recreation Charges for miscellaneous services Total charges for services Miscellaneous revenue: Miscellaneous income VPA refunds Total miscellaneous revenue Recovered costs: E-911 costs Other Total recovered costs Total revenue from local sources Revenue from the Commonwealth: Payments in lieu of taxes Non-categorical aid: ABC profits Wine tax Motor vehicle titling tax Mobile home titling taxes Leased vehicle tax Rolling stock-rails Total non-categorical aid Categorical aid: Shared expenses: Commonwealth Attorney Sheriff Finance Medical examiner Registrar/Electoral board Clerk of the circu/t court Total shared expenses Budget $ 1,600 238,445 159,700 227,030 137,900 $ 764,675 $ $ 106,101 $ 47,276 $ 153,377 $ 714,908 $ 230,596 $ 945,504 $ 87,398,876 $ 69,000 $ $ Actual 1~07 346,825 217,542 220,544 I69,659 955,777 102,340 58,612 160,952 737,903 373,186 1,111,089 86,955,345 70,974 $ 186,000 $ 116,488 94,000 93,054 5,000 5,172 80,000 110~69 212,000 274,448 118,000 116,570 $ 695,000 $ 98 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Variance Favorable CCnfavorable) (393) 108,380 57,842 (6,486) 31,759 191,102 (3,761) 11,336 7,575 22,995 142,590 165,585 (443,531) 1,974 (69,512) (946) 172 30,269 62,448 (1,430) $ 716,001 $ 21,001 353,770 $ 352,394 457,090 445,718 406,600 427,246 1,300 600 44,200 43,658 363,600 335~56 1,626,560 $ 1,604,872 (1,376) (! 1,372) 20,646 (700) (542) (28,344) (21,688) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued) Schedule 1 (Continued to next page) Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source Primatw Government: (Continued) General Fund (Continued) Revenue from the Commonwealth: (Continued) Other categorical aid: Police Department Recordation fees Virginia housing assistance program Public assistance and welfare administration EMS funds Multiple response system Crime control Fire program funds DCJS - COPS Medicaid UVA- State Arts grant Total other categorical aid Total categorical aid Total revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Government: Payments in lieu of taxes Categorical aid: HUD-moderate rehabilitation Medicaid COPS grant Gypsy moth FBI - tower rental Public assistance and welfare administration Total categorical aid Total revenue from the Federal Government Total General Fund Special Revenue Funds: Federal / State Grant Fund: Revenue from local sources: Revenue from use of money and property: Use of money Miscellaneous revenue: Miscellaneous $ $ Bu, d~et 593,400 528,200 55,900 933,200 34,500 10,000 190,833 87,500 I14,800 4,500 2,552,833 4,179,393 4,943,393 11,000 121,500 114,800 140,787 11,750 1,500 1,872,450 2,262,787 2,273,787 94,616,056 269 130,388 $ $ $ $ Actual 576,077 586,036 52,395 1,063,937 30,174 10,000 202,444 83,709 4,822 82,330 4,500 2,696,424 4,301,296 5,088,271 10;733 133,912 82,331 88,816 6,155 1,500 2,135,468 2,448,182 2,458,915 94,502,531 699 86,668 $ $ $ $ Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) (17,323) 57,836 (3,505) 130,737 (4,326) 11,611 (3,791) 4,822 02,470) 143,591 121,903 144,878 (267) 12,412 (32,469) (51,971) (5,595) 263,018 185,395 185,128 ,(H3,525) 430 (43,720) 99 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued) Schedule 1 (Continued to next page) Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source Primary Government: (Continued) Special Revenue Funds: (Continued] Federal / State Grant Fund (Continued): Recovered costs: City of Charlottesville: Other recovered costs Total recovered costs Total revenue from local sources Revenue from the Commonwealth: Other categorical aid: Comprehensive services grant Forestry grant Bright Stars grant Criminal justice grants Emergency medical services Other Total revenues from the Commonwealth Revenues from the Federal Government: Metro planning grant (CDBG) Transportation initiative Section 8 housing Child care grants Gypsy moth program Police overtime grant Transportation safety grant COPS grant Crime analysis grant Intake crisis manager Victim/witness Criminal planner grant Anti-drug abuse grant Crime prevention coordinator Total revenue from the Federal Government Total Federal / State Grant Fund Enhanced 911 Fund: Revenue from local sources: Other local taxes: E-911 tax Revenue from the use Of money and property: Revenue from the use of money Total Enhanced 911 Fund Budget Actual $ 100 $ 12,788 $ 35,291 $ 12,788 $ 35,291 $ 143,445 $ 122,658 $ 1,421,509 $ 1,000 101,606 441,462 11,930 5~031 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable), $ 22,503 $ 22,503 $ (20,787) 1,439,893 205 101,606 433,780 11,930 44,983 18,384 (795) (7,682) (5,048) $ 2,027,538 $ 2,032,397 $ 4,859 $ 35,200 $ 183,120 1,515,935 179,733 7,500 2,796 120,509 27,606 67,818 45,892 15222 26,616 $ 2,227,947 $ $ 4,398,930 $ 15,453 $ (19,747) 93,548 (89,572) 1,499,868 (16,067) 179,016 (717) (433) (433) 4,247 (3,253) 2,796 82,549 (37,960) 27,127 (479) 15,827 15,827 37,092 (30,726) 45,892 - 3,703 (11,519) 9,406 (17,210) 2,016,091 4,171,146 (211,856) (227,784) $ 65~000 $ 713,508 $ 63,508 81¢256 731,256 $ 73,199 786,707 (8,O57) $ 55,451 I COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30~ 1998 (Continued) Fund~ Maior and Minor Revenue Source Primary Government: (Continued) Courthouse Maintenance Fund Revenue from local sources: Charges for services: Courthouse maintenance fees Total Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds: General Debt Service Fund Revenue from local sources: Miscellaneous Visitor Center Debt Service Fund: Revenue from local sources: Revenue from use of money and property: Rent - Visitors center Total Debt Service Funds Capital Proiects Funds: General Capital Improvements Fund: Revenue from local sources: Revenue from the use of money and property: Revenue from the use of money Revenue from the use of property Total Revenue from the use of money and property Charges for services: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous revenue: Miscellaneous Recovered costs: Miscellaneous Total revenue from local sources Revenue from the Commonwealth: Categorical aid: VDOT Total revenue from the Commonwealth Total General Capital Improvement Fund Budset $ 5,i30,186 $ $ 129,500 $ $ 68,000 $ $ 197,500 $ $ $ Actual Schedule 1 (Continued to next page) Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 35,443 35,443 4,993,296 $ _ (136,890) 129,294 $ (206) 67,734 _ $ _ _ (266)_ 197,028 $ 133,109 $ $ $ 133,109 $ $ 2,593 $ 2,593 $ $ 18,000 $ 6,000 $ $ - $ 44,584 $ $ 20,593 $ 186,286 $ $ 188,234 $ $ 188,234 $ $ 208,827 $ 133,109 133,109 (12,000) 44,584 165,693 34,382 34,382 220,668 $ (153,852) $ (153,852) $ 11,841 101 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 307 19,98 (Continued) Schedule 1 (Continued to next page) Fund~ Major and Minor Revenue Source Capital Projects Funds: Storm Water Control Fund: Revenue from local sources: Revenue from use of money and property Revenue from use of money Charges for services Total Storm Water Control Fund TOtal Capital Projects funds Grand Total Revenues - - Primary Government Component Unit School Board: Special Revenue Funds: School Fund: Revenue from local sources: Revenues from use of money and property: Revenues from use of money Revenues from use of property Total revenues from use of money and property Charges for services: Summer school Vehicle maintenance fees Tuition from private and other sources Miscellaneous charges for services Total charges for services Revenue from local sources: Miscellaneous revenue: Miscellaneous Recovered costs: C.B.I.P. severe revenue ED program Personnel services Other Total recovered costs Total revenue from local sources Categorical aid: Share of State sales tax Basic school aid Special education Budget $ - $ $ $ $ 208,827 $ $ 100,152,569 $ $ 700 $ 59,600 Actual Variance Favorable , (Unfavorable) 24,458 $ 24,458 2,873 2,873 27,331 247,999 $ 27,331 $ ,39,172 99,940,8545 , (211,715) 1,628 $ 928 107,228 47,628 $ 60,300 $ 108,856 $ 48,556 177,375 $ 169,819 $ (7,556) 168,800 179,404 10,604 1,295,560 1,272,720 (22,840) 146,712 162,195 15,483 1,788,447 $ 1,784,138 $ (4,309) 6,360,190 $ 6,468,574$ 108,384 I1,875,193 11,863,328 (11,865) 2,169,141 2,174,070 4,929 $ 555,575 $ 550,471 $ (5,104) 585266 584,674 (592) 15~609 157,609 73,706 62,122 (11,584) $ 1,372,156 $ 1,354,876 $ (17,280) $ 3,355,708 $ 3,392,194 $ 36,486 102 $ 134,805 $ 144,324 $ 9,519 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30,1998 (Continued) Schedule 1 (Continued to next page) Jl l Fund~ Major and Minor Revenue Source Component Unit School Board: (Continued), Special Revenue Funds: (Continue,d), School Fund: (Continued) Categorical aid: (continued) Vocational education Remedial education Fringe benefits Other state funds Total revenue from the Commonwealth Revenue from the Federal Government: Chapter 1 and migrnnt education Chapter 2 Vocational education Title VI-B Preschool program Goals 2000 Technology Challenge Grant School food Total revenue from the Federal Government Total School Fund School Cafeteria l~nd: Revenue from local sources: Revenue from the us~ of money and property: Revenue from the use of money Charges for services: Cafeteria sales Miscellaneous revenue: Miscellaneous Total revenue flora local sources Revenue for the Commonwealth: Categorical aid: School food programs Revenue from the Federal Government: Categorical aid: School food programs Total School Cafeteria Fund Total Special Revenue Funds Budget 205,293 202,084 1,386,894 2,059,904 Actual 204,743 203,054 1,381,998 2,148,831 $ 24,258,699 $ 24,444,598 $ Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) (550) 970 (4,896) 88,927 185,899 $ 747,856$ 739,303 $ (8,553) 39,892 42,108 2,216 131,023 132,430 1,407 796,448 812,103 15,655 76,692 77, I93 501 98,247 98,247 39,861 21,083 (18,778) 14,186 14,186 $ 1,930,019 $ 1,936,653 $ $ 29,544,426 $ ,29,773,445 $ 14,426 $ 1,813,555 620 $ $ 1,875,468 $ 1,875,468 $ 1,828,601 $ 45,584 $ 47,470 6,634 14,426 (61,913) 62O $ (46,867) $ 1,886 $ 665,503 $ 710,480$ 44,977 2,586,551 32,359,996 $ 2,586,555 $ $ 32,130,98 $ $ $ . 229,015 103 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued), Schedule 1 (Continued from previous page) Fund, Ma|or and Minor Revenue Source Component Unit School Board: (Continued) Capital Pro|ects Fund: School Capital Pro|ects: Revenue from local sources: Revenue from use of money and property: Use of money Use of property Use of money Recovered costs: Contributions - Rt 20 Revenue from the Commonwealth: Categorical aid: Education technology grant Total School Capital Projects Fund Grand Total Revenues - - Component Unit - - School Board Grand Total Revenues - - All Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Budget , $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ 136,100 $ 575,000 $ 811,100 $ 32,942,081 $ 133,094,650 Actual 560,107 $ 560,107 $ 25,275 $ 161,934 $ 747,316 $ 33,107,312 $ 133,048,166 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 460,107 $ 460,107 $ (110,825), $ (413,066) $ (63,784) $ 165,231 $ (46,.484.) 104 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 Schedule 2 (Continued to next page) Fund, Function, Acti~,ity and Elements Primary, Government: General Fund: General Government Administration: Legislative: Board of Supervisors General and Financial Administration: County executive Community resourcc~ Personnel Legal services Director of f'mance Data processing Total general and financial administration Board of Elections: Electoral board and officials Total general government administration Judicial Administration: Courts: Circuit court General district court Magistrate Juvenile and domestic relations court Clerk of the cinmit court Sheriff Total Courts Commonwealth Attorney: Commonwealth attorney Total judicial administration Public Safety: Law Enforcement and Traffic Control: Police department 911 Service Total law enforcement and traffic control Fire and Rescue Services: Fire departments Fire/rescue Fire/rescue tax credit Fire prevention Ambulance and rescue service Fire extinction service Budget Actual $ 301,452 $ 290,417 $ $ 514,326 $ 483,626 $ 71,284 71,088 287,402 274,519 529,315 521,743 2,371,391 2,225,272 1,518,614 1,505,611 $ 5,292,332 $ 5,081,859 $ $ 202,357 $ 202,354 $ $ 5,796,141 $ 5,574,630 $ $ 76,580 $ 76,568 $ 15,665 10,935 17,588 15,046 78,382 68,723 536,742 495,273 ,904,388 , 904,374 $ 1,629,345 $ 1,570,919 $ $ 466,089 $ 461,630 $ $ 2,095,434 $ 2,032,549 $ $ 6,082,489 $ 5,980,271$ 734,716 734,716 $ 6,817,205 $ 6,714,987 $ 1,226,565 $ 477,950 63,420 190,656 192,495 13,800 2,164,886 $ 1,178,799 $ 460,857 63,775 207,690 188,169 13,758 2,113,048 $ Variance Favorable ,(Unfavorable) 11,035 30,700 196 12,883 7,572 146,119 13,003 210,473 3 221,511 12 4,730 2,542 9,659 41,469 14 58,426 4,459 62,885 102,218 102,218 47,766 17,093 (355) (17,034) 4,326 42 51,838 Total fire and rescue services $ 105 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued} Schedule 2 (Continued to next page) Fund~ Function~ Activin, and Elements Primary. Government: (Continued), General Fund: (Continued) Correction and Detention: Regional jail Juvenile detention home Offender aid and restoration Community attention home Total correction and detention Inspections Other Protection: SPCA shelter contribution VJCCCA gmat Budget Total other protection Actual Total public safety Public Works: Maintenance of Highways, Streets, Bridges and sidewalks: Engineering Street signs Water resources $ 236,585 $ 224,651 $ 123,905 123,468 39,680 39,680 63,915 63,915 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 11,934 437 $ 464,085 $ 451,714 $ 12,371 $ 676,372 $ 633,100 $ 43,272 $ 31,720$ 31,720$ - 174,268 174,268 - $ 205,988 $ 205,988 $ $ 1~328,536 $ 10,118,837 $ 209,699 $ 996,667 $ 863,716 $ 132,951 78,362 67,415 10,947 56,247 5~328 1,919 1,131,276 $ 250,835 1,049,453 6~370 $ 334,365 $ 360,273 ~726,342 884,651 229,593 220,000 665,450 5,086309 $ 6,089,044 $ Total maintenance of highways, streets, bridges and sidewalks $ Sanitation and Waste Removal: Refuse collection and disposal Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds: Stuff services Total public works $ Health and Welfare: Health: Supplement to local health department $ Mental Health and Mental Retardation: Region Ten Community S~rvices Board $ Welfare / Social Services: Welfare administration $ Public assistance Employment servic~ program Medicaid - University of Virginia Property tax rolief'for tho elderly Other social services 985,459 $ 239,294 980,889 $ 2,205,642 $ 668,370 $ 334,365 $ 327,868 $ 3,12~257 491,970 18~106 163,037 676,429 4,964,667 $ 5,967,402 $ Total welfare/social services $ 106 Total health and wclfar~ 145,817 11,541 68,564 225,922 32,405 098,915) 392,681 49,487 56,963 (10,979) 121,642 121,642 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30~ 1998 (Continued) Schedule 2 (Continued to next page) Fund, Function, Activity and Eleme, n~ _Primary Government: (Continued) General Fund: (Continued) Education: Contribution to community college Parks, Recreation, and Cultural: Parks and recreation Darden Towe Memorial Park Gypsy moth Albemarle Charlottesville Teen Center Total parks and recreation Library: Regional Library Cultural Enrichment: Miscellaneous contributions Total parks and recreation and cultural Community Development: Planning and Community Development: Planning Redevelopment and housing Zoning Contributions to other agencies Revenue Sharing Agreement- City of Charlotlesville Other Total planning and community development Environmental Management: Soil and Water Conservation District Cooperative Extension Program: Horticulture and Family resources Total Community Development Total General Fund Special Revenue Funds: Federal / State Grant Fund: Iudicial Administration Victim/witness Public Safety: Public safety grants Criminal justice Total public safety Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 8,284 $ 8,284 $ - $ 1,067,933 $ 1,012,502$ 55,431 108,990 106,132 2,858 23,500 12,483 11,017 8~233 76,238 9,995 $ 1,286,656 $ 1,207,355 $ 79,301 $ 1,685,260 $ 1,685,260 $ $ 40,960 $ $ 3,012,876 $ 40,460 $ 500 2,933,075 $ 79,801, 1,185fl01 $ 963,310 $ 388,979 336,656 525,222 501,214 535,697 535,141 5,518,393 5,518,393 51~00 35,648 $ 8,205,692 $ 7,890,362 $ 222,391 52,323 24,008 556 16,052 315,330 25 $ 21,780 $ 21,755 $ $ 144,056 $ 141,481 $ 2,575 $ 8,371,525 8,053,598 $ , 317,930 $ 38,133,407 $ 36,894,017 $ 1,239,390 $ 88,213 $ 46,366 $ 41,847 $ 213,834 $ 129,366 $ 84,468 583,622 590,029 (6,407) $ 107 797,456 $ 719,395 $ 78,061 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Expenditures = Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30, 1998 (Continued) Schedule 2 (Continued to next page) Fund~ Function., Activi .ty and Elements Primary, Government: (Continued), Special Revenue Funds: (Continued) Federal / State Grant Fund (Continued): Public Works: Public Works: Public works grants Transportation initiative Health and Welfare: Health and welfare Comprehensive services grant At risk 4 year olds Total health and welfare Community development: Metropolitan planning programs Gypsy moth program Moderate housing rehabilitation and related programs Total community development Total Federal / State Grant Fund Enhanced 911 Fund: Public Safety: Law Enforcement and Traffic Control: 911 Service Tourism Fund: Community development: Visitors Bureau Tourism development Rivanna greenway Other Total Tourism Fund Total Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds: General Debt Service Fund: Principal retirement Interest and other debt costs Total General Debt Service Fund Visitor Center Debt Service Fund: Principal retirement Interest and other debt costs Total Visitor Center Debt Service Fund Total Debt Service Funds Budget Actual Variance Favorable Qgnfavorab!e) $ 183,120 $ 93,548 $ 89,572 $ 285,006 $ 74,460 2,591,263 (4,109) 239,003 (1,627) $ 359,466 2,587,154 237,376 $ 3,183,996 $ 3,115,272 $ 68,724 $ 24,000 $ 15,129 $ 8,871 12,575 22,887 (10,312) 1,501,425 1,424.236 77,189 $ 1,538,000 $ 1,462,252 $ 75,748 5,436,833 $ 5,790,785 $ 353,952 68,000 $ 197,500 $ 108 $ 34,500 $ '33,500 $ 129,500 $ $ 116,600 $ 116,655 $ (55) 12,900 12,639 261 I21,224 $ 150,000 - - 167,000 1,949 145,427 273,173 $ 312,427 6.450,247 $ 662,246 129,294 $ 206 34,756 $ (256) 32,978 522 67,734 $ 266 197,028 $ 472 $ 121,224 $ 150,000 167,000 147,376 $ 585,600 $ $ 7,1t2,493 $ $ 736,108 $ 740,241 $ (4,133) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLF~ ,VIRGI~..L~,. Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30~ 1998 (Continued) Schedule 2 (Continued to next page) Fund~ Function~ Activin. an, dElements Primary. Government: (Continued) Capital Proiects Funds: Capital Improvements Fund: Capital Projects: Information systems Fire dcpartments aris service vchiclcs Street and sidewalks improvements Buildings, renovations and related itcms Parks and recreation Libraries Others Total Capital Improvement Fund Storm Water Control Fund: Capital projects Stormwater control Total Capital Projects Funds Grand Total Expenditures - - Primary Government Component Unit School Board Special Revenue Funds: .School Fund: Education: Instruction Administration, and attendsncc and health Pupil transportation s~n'vices Operation and maintenance Facilities Other Total School Fund School Cafeteria Fund: Education: Operating costs Total School Cafeteria Fund Total Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Fund: School Debt Service Fund: Principal retirement Interest and other d~bt costs Total Debt Service fund Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable} 267,809 $ 249,254 18,555 1,164,634 649,999 514,635 1,239,856 115,956 1,123,900 357,991 216,187 141,804 987,946 324,655 663,291 273,398 35,267 238,131 1,288,922 67,578 1,221,344 5,580,556 $ 1,658,896 $ 3,921,660 $ 1,063,774 $ 138,930 $ 924,844 $ 6,644,330 $ 1,797,826 $ 4,846,504 $ 52,087,730 $ 45,339,118 $ 6,748,612 55,237,876 $ 54,821,367 $ 416,509 3,326,588 3,123,090 203,498 4,871,850 4,711,2 32 160,618 7,101,271 6,811,100 290,171 109,634 90,396 19,238 4, 777,378 4, 727,172 50,206 $ 75,424,59 $ 2,426,524 $ 2,329,996 $ 96,528 $ 2,426,524 $ 2,329,99~ $ 96,528 $ 77,851,121 $ 76,614,353 $ 1,236,768 $ 4,I37,341 $ 4,137,341$ 3,604,461 2,896,704 707,757 $ 7,741,802 $ _ ~,034,045 $ 707,757 109 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Schedule of Expenditures = Budget and Actual Year Ended June 30~ 1998 (Continued) Schedule 2 (Continued from previous page) Fund~ Function~ Activi ,ty and Elements Component Unit School Board Capital Proiects Fund: School Capital Projects Fund: Avon Street - Rt 20 connector Monticello High School Technology equipment School building renovations and related items Other projects Total School Capital Projects Fund Grand Total Expenditures -. Component Unit - - School Board Grand Total Expenditures - - All Governmental Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit Budget 1,344,287 $ 21,544,189 1,308,839 3,681,458 5,245,999 $ 33,124,772 $ $ 118,717,695 $ Actual 1,046,731 $ 15,779,519 650,732 1,77%896 891,445 20,148,323 $ 103,796,721 $ Variance Favorable .. (Unfavorable) 297,556 5,76~670 658,107 1,901,562 4,354,554 12,976,449 14,920,974 $ 170,805,425 $ 149,135,839 $ 21,669,586 110 Schedule 3 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINLA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability At June 30, 1998 Assets held by the Director: Cash on hand/petty cash Cash in banks: Checking: Wachovia Bank One Valley Bank Nationsbank Investments: Wachovia Bank - repurchase agreements Wachovia Bank - performance bonds Capitoline Investment Services Local Government Investment Pool Virginia State Non-Arbitrage Program McIntire Trust Fund-Investments Regional Jail Authority Investments Total assets Liabilities of the Director: Balance of County fimds (Schedule 4) Balance of state account (Schedule 5) Balance of Charlottesville-Albemarle Joint Health Center Building (Schedule 6) Balance of Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail Authority (Schedule 7) Balance of Emergency Operations Center (Schedule 8) Balance of Darden Towe Memorial Park (Schedule 9) Balance of Region Ten Community Service Board (Schedule 10) Balance of Charlottesville-Albemarie Teen Center (Schedule 11) Balance of state account Other liabilities Total liabilities 3,700 (1,416,249) 2,660 55,509 4,603,727 291,498 557,356 38,550,424 9,136,211 296,324 8,481,461 $ 60,562,621 $ 50,162,495 101,362 9,866,800 294,022 (6,781) 135,575 9,148 $ 60,562,621 111 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability to the County, All Coun~ Funds and Component Units Year Ended June 30, 1998. Governmental Funds Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects Balance July 1, 1997 Adjustments due to residual equity transfers Balance July 1, 1997, as restated Receipts: General property taxes Other local taxes Permits, privilege fees and regulatory licenses Fines and forfeitures Revenue from use of money and property Charges for services Miscellaneous Recovered costs Intergovernmental Proceeds from indebtedness Total receipts Total available Disbursements (net): Warrants (checks) issued Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges 5; 14,709,114 $ 2,091,439 (75,407) 75,407 $ 14,633,707 $ 2,166,846 $ - $ 59,451,838 $ $ 21,241,526 713,508 999,107 216,888 1,348,205 73,898 955,777 35,443 160,952 86,668 1,111,089 35,291 7,464,224 4,048,488 $ 92,949,606 $ 4,993,296 $ 107,583,313 $ 7,160,142 $ 36,034,333 $ 6,483,472 Total disbursements $ 36,034,333 $ Interfund transfers: Transfers in $ 124,122 $ Transfers out (58,417,403) Balance, June 30, 1998 $ 13,255,699 $ 6383,472 i,966,087 (143,122) 2,499,635 Note: These schedule is reported on the cash basis. Revenues and expenditures reflected in the other supplementary data and basic financial statements are recorded on the accrual and/or modified accrual basis, except as otherwise noted. 67,734 129,294 $ 197,028 $ 197,028 $ 151,116 45,912 $ 197,028 $ $ - $ $ - $ 5,703,718 5,703,718 157,567 5,466 6,000 44,584 34,382 247,999 5,951,717 1,822,811 1,822,811 1,810,735 057,407) 5,582,234 112 Schedule 4 Proprietary Fiduciary Component Funds Funds Unit Total Internal Trust & School "Memorandum Service Agency Board Only" $ 2,924,635 $ $ 2,924,635 $ $ - $ 44,801 6,538,609 12,159 $ 6,595,569 $ $ 9,520,204 $ 6,601,372 $ $ 6,601,372 $ $ $ $ 2,918,832 1,244,128 $ I9,746,193 1,244,128 $ 19,746,193 $ $ $ 78,689 507,757 683,389 3,597,693 144,944 1,380,151 27,249,254 20,455,000 586,446 $ 53,510,431 $ 1,830,574 $ 73,256,624 $ 395,951 $ 96,768,095 $ 4,137,341 2,896,704 395,95I $ 103,802,140 $ $ !,434,623 $ 55,580,910 $ (563,922) $ 24,471,472 46,419,227 46,419,227 59,451,838 21,955,034 999,107 216,888 2,386,549 11,132,988 986,214 2,700,409 38,796,348 20,455,000 159,080,375 205,499,602 148,106,034 4,288,457 2,942,616 155,337,107 59,481,854 (59,481,854) 50,162,495 113 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability, to the Commonwealth Year Ended June 30, 1,9,98, Schedule 5 Balance July 1, 1997 Receipts Remittances Balance June 30, 1998 1998 Taxes: Estimated income taxes 1997 Taxes: Estimated income taxes Other Collections: Share of fees of sheriff and deputies $ 88,349 $ 88,349 (27) 518,046 518,019 (65) 86,011 Totals $ (92) $ 692,406 $ This schedule is presented on the cash basis. 85,946 692,314 114 Schedule 6 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability To The Charlottesville-Albemarle Joint Health Center Building Fund Year Ended June 30, 1998 Balance July 1, 1997 $ 55,592 Receipts 57,202 Total receipts and balance $ 112,794 Disbursements: Checks issued 11,432 Balance June 30, 1998 $ 101,36 This schedule is presented on the cash basis of accounting. 115 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability To The Albemarle -Charlottesville Regional Jail Authority Year Ended June 30, 1998 Balance July 1, 1997 Receipts Total receipts and balance Disbursements: Checks issued Balance June 30, 1998 Schedule 7 This schedule is presented on the cash basis of accounting. $ 1,331,888 14,384,975 $ 15,716,863 5,850,063 $ 9,866,800 116 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability, To The Emergency Operations Center Year Ended June 30, 1998 Schedule 8 Balance July 1, 1997 Receipts Total receipts and balance Disbursements: Checks issued Balance June 30, 1998 $ (40,203) 1,977,830 $ 1,937,627 1,643,605 $ 294,02 This schedule is presented on the cash basis of accounting. 117 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountability To The Darden Towe Memorial Park Year Ended June 30, 1998 Schedule 9 Balance July 1, 1997 Receipts Total receipts and balance Disbursements: Checks issued Balance June 30, 1998 $ (39,723) 225,391 $ 185,668 192,449 $ (6,781~ This schedule is presented on the cash basis of accounting. 118 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Schedule of Director of Finance's Accountabili ,t~ To The Reeion Ten Community Services Board Year Ended June 50, 1998 Balance July 1, 1997 Receipts Total receipts and balance Disbursements: Checks issued Balance June 30, 1998 This schedule is presemed on the cash basis of accounting. $ $ $ Schedule 10 108,284 13,975,737 14,084,021 13,948,446 135,575 119 TH/S PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY STATISTICAL TABLES COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA General Governmental Expenditures By Function Last Ten Fiscal Years General Judicial Health Fiscal Admini- Admini- Public Public and Year stration stration Safety Works Welfare 1989 $ 3,082,109 $ 1,138,140 $ 4,269,787 $ 1,615,332 1990 3,146,963 1, ! 76,793 5,060,428 1,651,055 1991 3,659,806 !,280,160 5,536,227 1,535,652 1992 3,720,634 1,250,310 6,139,038 1,394,094 1993 4,100,162 1,302,764 6,677,486 1,583,418 1994 4,175,173 1,371,235 7,006,265 1,792,164 1995 4,525,198 1,514,1 !6 7,780,936 1,989,329 1996 5,028,092 1,734,130 8,819,633 1,950,935 1997 5,226,856 1,871,955 11,166,096 2,234,899 1998 5,574,630 2,078,915 11,578,473 2,299,190 Note: (1) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Project Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit. $ 2,750,524 3,142,192 3,192,268 3,442,659 3,709,255 4,961,226 5,675,298 6,749,142 8,193,475 9,082,674 Education $ 45,849,627 50,283,049 54,557,352 55,142,637 58,549,105 61,140,363 65,475,319 69,212,453 73,191,000 76,622,637 122 Table 1 Parks, Recreation and Cultural 1,608,122 1,786,920 1,899,417 2,337,209 2,492,222 2,509,508 2,630,543 2,781,119 2,903,511 2,933,075 Community Development $ 4,788,375 5,164,766 5,250,748 6,168,473 6,992,704 7,273,781 7,717,868 8,537,897 9,090,116 9,789,023 Capital Projects 5,874,614 11,390,894 10,207,270 15,967,658 8,382,828 13,170,964 5,804,471 10,838,430 19,967,723 21,946,149 Debt Service 2,081,840 2,735,975 3,668,279 4,655,968 5,918,035 6,173,135 7,798,027 7,179,750 7,074,253 7,231,073 Total 73,058,470 85,539,035 90,787,179 100,218,680 99,707,979 109,573,814 110,911,105 122,831,581 140,919,884 149,135,839 123 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA General Governmental Revenues by Source (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Permit, Privilege General Fees and Fines Fiscal Property Other Local Regulntory and Yenr Taxes Taxes Licenses Forfeitures 1989 (2) $ 28,002,230 $ 12,018,095 $ 774,911 $ 131,998 1990 (2) 31,174,684 12,970,521 785,722 183,980 1991 39,460,352 13,834,927 654,497 187,434 1992 39,693,578 14,767,928 694,540 112,786 1993 41,868,387 16,626,535 716,188 169,631 1994 45,814,504 17,695,347 815,276 189,909 1995 49,057,317 18,744,077 794,158 155,715 1996 (3) 70,456,150 19,287,058 782,795 169,773 1997 57,098,367 20,280,373 945,134 247,136 1998 59,736,838 23,140,529 999,107 216,888 Notes: (1) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Project Funds and Discretely Presented Component Unit. (2) Recovered costs were classified as miscellaneous revenues. (3) First year of split-billing of real estate Revenues From Use of Money and Property $ 2,081,541 2,315,074 1,487,244 1,232,167 1,054,422 1,167,332 1,817,855 2,034,236 2,604,589 2,330,261 Charges for Services $ 2,309,002 2,591,605 2,944,887 3,747,690 3,432,631 3,695,994 3,782,524 4,680,429 5,269,215 4,594,379 124 Table 2 MisceL- laneous $ 1,327,645 $ 1,778,680 400,024 387,982 499,467 715,941 214,825 446,166 487,045 527,858 Recovered Costs Intergov- ernmental Total - $ 23,276,922 $ 69,922,344 - 24,325,791 76,126,057 2,490,070 26,158,153 87,617,588 1,536,697 24,917,448 87,090,816 1,568,013 29,132,827 95,068,101 1,340,059 30,501,342 i01,935,704 1,284,197 32,580,254 108,430,922 2,304,450 35,130,486 135,291,543 3,070,269 37,355,357 127,357,485 2,571,115 38,931,191 133,048,166 125 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA General Governmental Tax Revenues by Source Last Ten Fiscal Years (1) (Amounts Expressed in Thousands) Fiscal Property Year Tax 1989 $ 28,002 1990 31,217 1991 39,490 1992 39,694 1993 41,868 1994 45,815 1995 49,057 1996 (2) 70,456 1997 57,098 1998 59,737 Local Sales Transient Consumer Motor and Use Lodging Meals Utility Vehicle Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax 4,340 $ 352 $ $ 3,515 4,588 278 - 3,748 4,741 279 3,917 5,065 277 4,122 6,046 301 4,384 6,367 335 4,632 6,999 350 4,658 7,254 358 4,787 7,786 403 4,796 8,060 887 1,137 5,111 Notes: (1) Includes all governmental funds (2) First year of split-billing for real estate taxes Bank Franch~e Tax 738 $ 53 758 54 1,070 62 1,086 61 1,108 79 1,169 69 1,204 167 1,225 128 1,222 151 1,323 212 126 Table 3 Recordation and Wills Tax Business License Tax 463 $ 434 290 335 352 453 314 406 427 539 1,874 $ 2,172 2,468 2,456 2,685 2,854 3,186 3,323 3,519 3,835 ut~ty Company Tax 275 $ 299 255 271 357 383 385 391 423 432 Contractors License Tax 408 $ 494 494 433 441 560 526 518 ,643 648 Seller's Tax 130 129 130 166 138 172 189 204 E-911 Tax 129 532 566 578 584 661 671 714 Other 64 51 38 Total $ 40,020 44,142 53,325 54,461 58,317 63,381 67,568 89,743 77,379 82,877 127 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (1) (2) Current Percent Delinquent Total Tax of Levy Tax Tax Levy (1) Collections Collected Collections $ 27,916,752 $ 27,076,258 96.99% $ 509,348 31,182,140 30,147,129 96.68% 553,006 40,335,602 38,021,859 94.26% 633,452 39,963,612 38,549,230 96.46% 597,561 41,747,726 40,191,779 96.27% 992,785 46,269,210 44,499,274 96.17% 671,147 49,082,673 47,441,817 96.66% 884,225 (2) 70,483,330 69,025,719 97.93% 957,435 56,158,141 54,348,735 96.78% 2,096,760 59,986,411 57,198,574 95.35% 1,958,685 Total Tax Collections $ 27,585,606 30,700,135 38,655,311 39,146,791 41,184,564 45,170,421 48,326,042 69,983,154 56,445,495 59,157,259 Net of land use, tax relief, and fire / EMS deferrals and exemptions Increase in tax levy and current tax collections resulted from implementation of split billing of real estate rexes in fiscal 1996 128 ,! Table 4 Percent of Percent of Total Tax Outstanding Delinquent Collections Delinquent Taxes to to Tax Levy Taxes Levy 98.81% $ 1,900,843 6.81% 98.45% 2,319,308 7.44% 95.83% 2,449,398 6.07% 97.96% 2,910,523 7.28% 98.65% 2,950,092 7.07% 97.63% 3,809,572 8.23% 98.46% 3,658,270 7.45% 99.29% 4,495,656 6.38% 100.51% 3,614,212 6.44% 98.62% 3,574,245 5.96% 129 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Assessed and Estimated Actual Value (In Thousands) of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years Real Estate (5) Personal Property (2,4,6) Machinery and Tools Estimated Estimated Estimated Fiscal Assessed Actual Assessed Actual Assessed Actual Year Value Value (1) Value Value Value Value 1989 $ 2,454,222 $ 2,782,098 $ 199,876 $ 199,876 $ 18,872 $ 18,872 1990 2,280,357 3,280,811 213,436 213,436 16,883 16,883 1991 3,011,253 3,631,359 217,332 217,332 17,070 17,070 1992 3,725,844 4,041,149 276,431 276,431 17,718 17, 718 1993 3,881,444 4,190,227 276,539 276,539 17,884 17,884 1994 4,278,835 4,531,335 313,171 313,171 20,097 20,097 1995 4,412,887 4,568,206 351,455 351,455 20,131 20,131 1996 4,731,824 4,868,132 398,220 398,220 21,290 21,290 1997 4,798,901 4,952,426 434,291 434,291 22,231 22,231 1998 5,094,332 5,235,696 455,627 455,627 22,917 22,917 (1) Estimated actual value of real estate based on sales ratio percentages for the corresponding tax years as computed by the Virginia Department of Taxation. (2) Personal property includes personal property, business personal property and mobile homes. (3) Increase in tax assessment due to split billing and proration of personal property effective January 1, 1992. (4) Personal property, machinery and tools, and public utility property is assessed as 100% fair market value. (5) Real estate net of exemptions for land use deferral and tax relief for the elderly. (6) Personal property includes exemptions for mobile home tax relief for the elderly and the fire/rescue tax credits which went into effect January 1992. 130 Table 5 Public Utili~, Total Estimated Estimated Assessed Actual Assessed Actual Value Value Value Value 127,673 $ 127,673 $ 2,800,643 $ 3,128,519 137,360 137,360 2,648,036 3,648,490 140,822 140,822 3,386,477 4,006,583 159,849 159,849 4,179,842 4,495,147 171,429 171,429 4,347,296 4,656,079 176,368 176,368 4,788,471 5,040,971 195,279 195,279 4,979,752 5,135,071 222,883 222,883 5,374,217 5,510,525 201,471 201,471 5,456,894 5,610,419 228,208 228,208 5,801,084 5,942,448 131 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA P_roperty Tax Rates Last Ten Fiscal Years Table 6 Fiscal Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Notes: Public Service Real Personal Machinery Property Property and Tools Real Personal $ .72 $ 4.40 $ 4.40 $ .72 $ 4.40 .72 4.40 4.40 .72 4.40 .74 4.40 / 4.30 4.40 / 4.30 .74 / .72 4.40 / 4.30 .72 4.30 / 4.30 4.30 / 4.30 .72 / .72 4.30 / 4.30 .72 4.30 / 4.28 4.30 / 4.28 .72 / .72 4.30 / 4.28 .72 4.28 / 4.28 4.28 / 4.28 .72 / .72 4.28 / 4.28 .72 4.28 / 4.28 4.28 / 4.28 .72 / .72 4.28 / 4.28 .72/.72 4.28 / 4.28 4.28 / 4.28 .72 / .72 4.28 / 4.28 .72/.72 4.28 / 4.28 4.28 / 4.28 .72 / .72 4.28 / 4.28 .72/.72 4.28 / 4.28 4.28 / 4.28 .72 / .72 4.28 / 4.28 (1) 100% of fair market value (2) The assessed value of mobile homes is included in personal property. (3) Split billing and proration for personal property, machinery and tools and public service adopted fiscal year 1992. (4) The basis for property tax rates is $100.00 of assessed valuation. 132 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Special Assessment Billings and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Table 7 Special assessments of property taxes have not been made and, accordingly, are not presented. The County has not utilized special assessments for public works improvements or other purposes. 133 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Computation of Legal Debt Margin~ Direct and Overlapping Debt and Revenue Bond Coverage At June 30,1998 Table 8 Legal Debt Margi, n: The County of Albemarle is not subject to legal debt computations per the Code of Virginia. Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt The County of Albemarle has not issued any debt which is overlapping with other Governments during the last ten fiscal years. Since there is no overlapping debt with other governments, there is no table of property tax rates for all overlapping governments nor are there any computations of overlapping debt. Revenue Bond Coverage The County of Albemarle has not issued revenue bonds nor were any revenue bonds outstanding during the last ten fiscal years. 134 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Ratio of Net General Obligation Bonded Debt To Assessed Taxable Value and Net General Obligation Bonded Debt Per Capi.,ta Last Ten Fiscal Years Table 9 Fiscal (1) Year Population 1989 63,200 $ 1990 66,120 1991 68,040 1992 69,700 1993 70,300 1994 72,400 1995 74,300 1996 75,900 1997 77,000 1998 (4) 79,500 Less: Debt (2) Gross Payable from Net Assessed Bonded Enterprise Bonded Value Debt Revenues Debt (3) 3,148,803,890 $ 12,486,742 $ $ 12,486,742 3,645,051,845 24,498,089 24,498,089 3,394,267,979 25,375,252 25,375,252 4,773,691,256 39,293,415 39,293,415 4,920,818,467 39,257,526 39,257,526 5,581,065,455 50,287,511 50,287,511 5,737,717,742 46,311,072 46,311,072 6,160,785,549 48,199,772 48,199,772 6,378,332,299 50,262,514 50,262,514 6,608,803,080 66,750,256 66,750,256 Note: (1) Virginia Department of Taxation. (2) Includes land use and tax relief. (3) Does not include VRS Early Retirement obligation and capital leases. (4) Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service Ratio of Net Bonded Debt to Assessed Value 0.0040 0.0067 0.0075 0.0082 0.0080 O.OO90 0.0081 0.0078 0.0079 0.0101 Net Bonded Debt per Capita 198 371 373 564 558 695 623 635 653 84O COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Obligation Bonded Debt to Total General Governmental Expenditures Last Ten Years Total Total General Fiscal Debt Governmental Year Principal Interest Service (2) Expenditures (1) 1989 $ !,545,670 $ 536,170 $ 2,081,840 $ 67,183,856 1990 1,663,653 1,072,322 2,735,975 74,148,141 1991 1,957,353 1,370,102 3,327,455 80,579,909 1992 2,446,859 2,038,696 4,485,555 84,251,022 1993 2,900,066 2,484,800 5,384,866 91,325,151 1994 3,418,317 2,645,703 6,064,020 106,893,715 1995 4,880,437 2,849,856 7,730,293 110,911,105 1996 4,454,945 2,498,317 6,953,262 122,831,581 1997 4,129,440 2,815,519 6,944,959 140,919,884 1998 4,171,802 2,929,977 7,101,779 149,135,839 (1) Includes all Governmental Funds of the Primary Government and the Discretely Presented Component Unit -- School Board. (2) Does not include capital leases Table 10 Ratio of Debt Service to General Governmental Expenditures 3.10% 3.69% 4.13% 5.32% 5.90% 5.67% 6.97% 5.66% 4.93% 4.76% 136 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Demographic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years Table 11 Per Fiscal Capita Median School Unemployment Year Population Income (3) Age (5) Enrollment (1) Rate 1989 63,200 $ 17,718 28.9 9,693 2.50% 1990 66,120 19,218 31.6 10,144 2.70% 1991 68,172 20,124 31.6 10,188 3.70% 1992 69,500 21,015 31.6 10,436 4.40% 1993 70,300 23,973 31.6 10,581 3.20% 1994 72,400 24,837 31.6 10,889 3.20% (2) 1995 74,300 24,837 (4) 31.7 11,123 2.70% (2) 1996 75,900 24,837 (4) 31.7 11,344 2.10% (2) 1997 77,000 (4) 24,837 (4) 31.7 11,626 2.20% (2) 1998 79,500 (6) 23,357 (5) 31.7 11,513 1.40% (2) Source: Above information obtained from the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service unless otherwise noted. (1) Albemarle County Public Schools (2) Virginia Employment Commission (3) Includes City of Charlottesville (4) Estimate by Department of Finance (5) Bureau of Census (6) Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service 137 Table 12 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Property. Value~ Construction Activin. ~ and Bank Deposits, Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Property value (1) * Year Commercial Residential Exemptions 1989 $ 371,161 $ 2,759,074 $ 348,137 1990 455,041 3,238,533 412,763 1991 498,990 3,547,117 414,748 1992 536,104 4,098,437 593,392 1993 546,041 4,237,860 593,674 1994 612,664 4,689,827 771,156 1995 615,413 4,832,060 879,267 1996 692,929 5,170,761 985,521 1997 704,096 5,239,956 991,626 1998 729,017 5,598,135 1,091,456 Total $ 2,782,098 864 $ 77,678 3,280,811 1,065 84,037 3,631,359 661 51,179 4,041,149 780 67,153 4,190,227 640 59,510 4,531,335 886 88,554 4,568,206 533 65,254 4,878,169 541 82,761 4,952,426 620 93,041 5,235,696 575 95,765 * Amounts expressed in thousands (1) Estimated assessed value from Table 5 (2) Source: Financial Institutions Data Exchange - 1988 through 1996 (3) Source FDIC - includes financial institutions insured by the FDIC - 1997 Residential Construction # of Units Value * # of Units Commercial Construction Value * 253 $ 23,244 246 19,045 205 16,881 218 17,422 174 9,777 229 20,629 184 10,669 225 27,699 221 43,305 54 38,168 (4) Number of commercial units for 1998 include only new construction. Does not include alterations, renovations or additions. (4) Bank * Deposes(2)(3). 343,879 384,997 427,160 442,538 432,418 458,422 455,539 300,750 NotAvallable Not'Av~lable COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Principal Real Property Taxpayers Year Ended June ,30, 1998 Taxpayer JWK Properties Charles W. Hurt University Real Estate Foundation Shopping Center Associates Sa-Zan State Farm Insurance Company G E Fanuc Westminister - Canterbury First Interstate - Charlottesville Boar's Head Enterprises Totals Type of Business Individual Developer Retirement Community Shopping Mall Condominiums Insurance Manufacturer Retirement village Shopping Mall Hotel & Sports Club (1) Based on 1997 real estate tax assessment records. Amounts are in thousands. 1997 Assessed Valuation (1) 37,702 34,452 27,987 29,844 23,357 19,632 19,740 19,014 17,025 16,466 $ 245,219 Table 13 Percentage of Total Assessed Valuation 0.74% 0.68% 0.55% 0.59% 0.46% 0.39% 0.39% 0.37% 0.33% 0.32% 4.82% 139 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINI ,A Miscellaneous Statistics At June 30~ 1998 Table 14 Date of Incorporation Form of Government Area in Square Miles Number of Traffic Lights Number of Employees (excluding police and teachers): Fire Protection (all volunteer): Police Protection: Education: Recreation and Culture: Facilities and services not included in the reporting entity: Board of Supervisors/County Executive Classified Exempt Number of stations Number of calls answered Number of paid firefighters Number of stations Number of satellite stations Number of police personnel and officers Number of palxoI units Number of law violations: Physical arrests Traffic violations Number of elementary schools Number of elementary school instructors Number of secondary schools Number of secondary school instructors Number of community colleges Number of universities Community centers Parks (1) Park acreage (1) Tennis Courts Sewage system(ACSA) (2) Miles of sanitary sewers Number oftreatrnent plants Number of service connections Daily average treatment in gallons (3) (4) Maximum daily capacity of treatment plants in gallons (3) (4) (1) Includes schools which serve as community and district parks. (2) Source: Albemarle County Service Authority (3) Includes the City of Charlottesville, Virginia (4) Source - Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority 1744 742 42 1,290 136 7 3,154 9 1 4 117 97 3,684 6,769 15 426 8 248 1 1 3 32 2,800 32 156 5 12,050 11,847,000 15,000,000 140 COMPLIANCE THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY ROBINSON, FARMER, Cox ASSOCIATES ,4 PROFESSION`4L LIMITED LIABILITY COMP`4NY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS REPORT ON COMPLIANCE AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GO VERNMENT A UDIT1NG STANDARDS TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA We have audited the financial statements of the County of Albemarle, Virginia as of and for the year ended June 30, 1998, and have issued our report thereon dated October 9, 1998. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; Specifications for Audits of Counties, Cities and Towns, issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Compliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the County of Albemarle, Virginia's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Internal Control Over Financial Reportiw, In planning and performing our audit, we considered the County of Albemarle, Virginia's internal control over financial reporting in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration of the internal control over financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control over financial reporting that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses. 143 However, we noted other matters involving the internal control over financial reporting that we have reported to management in a separate letter dated October 9, 1998. This report is intended for the information of the Board of Supervisors, management and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distributi°n is not limited. Charlottesville, Virginia October 9, 1998 144 ~ ROBINSON, ~"ARM~R, COX ASSOCIATES .4 PROFESSIONAL LIM1TED LIABILITY COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Compliance We have audited the compliance of the County of Albemarle, Virginia with the types of compliance requirements described in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that are applicable to each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 1998. The County of Albemarle, Virginia's major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor's results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. Compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to each of its major federal programs is the responsibility of the County of Albemarle, Virginia's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the County of Albemarle, Virginia's compliance based on our audit. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about the County of Albemarle, Virginia's compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit does not provide a legal determination on the County of Albemarle, Virginia's compliance with those requirements. In our opinion, the County of Albemarle, Virginia complied, in all material respects, with the requirements referred to above that are applicable to each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 1998. 145 Internal Control Over Compliance The management of the County of Albemarle, Virginia is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with requirements of laws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to federal programs. In planning and performing our audit, we considered the County of Albemarle, Virginia's internal control over compliance with requirements that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. Our consideration of the internal control over compliance would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that noncompliance with applicable requirements of laws, regulations, contracts and grants that would be material in relation to a major federal program being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. · We noted no matters involving the internal control over compliance and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses. This report is intended for the information of the Board of Supervisors, management and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. Charlottesville, Virginia October 9, 1998 146 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Primary. Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit Year Ended June 30, 1998 Federal Granting Agency/ Recipient State Agency/ Grant PrOgram/Grant Number Primary, Government: Department of Agriculture: Pass Through Payments: State Department of Agriculture: Cooperative Forestry Assistance Department of Social Services: Food Stamp Program (12-35-5133) Food Stamp Administration Total Department of Agriculture Department of Health and Human Services: Pass Through Payments: Department of Social Services: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Foster Care - Title IV-E Social Services Block Grant Child Care and Development Administrative Cost of Medicaid Eligibility - University of Virginia Hospital Total Department of Health and Human Services Department of Housing and Urban Development: Direct Payments: Lower Income Housing Assistance Program (Section 8 - Existing Homing and State Agency Program) Moderate rehabilitation program (Section 8) Pass through payments: Departmem of Housing and Community Development: Development: Community Development Block Grant/States' Program - Planning Grant Total Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of the Interior:. Direct payments: Bureau of Land Management Number 97-258 (National Forest Acreage Payments) Department of Justice: Direct payments: Public Safety and Community Policing Grants Pass through payments: Department of Criminal Justice Services Juvenile Justice Grant Program Victim/Witness Anti-Drug Abuse Ac~ Total Department of Justice Federal Catalogue Number 10.664 1~551 10.561 Expenditures 5,722 1,330,592 621,962 $ 1,958,276 93.558 $ 174,065 93.568 9,065 93.658 373,055 93.667 711,753 93.596 424,584 * $ 93.714 14.156 14.182 14.228 82,331 1,774,853 1,499,868 133,912 15,453 1,649,233 10.665 $ 10,733 $ 171,365 15,827 37,093 86,128 16.710 16.548 16.575 16.579 $ 310,413 147 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE~ VIRGINIA Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Primary, Government and Discretely Presented Component Unit Year Ended June 30:1998 (Continued) Federal Granting Agency/ Recipient State Agency/ Grant Program/Grant Number Primary Government: (Continued) Department of Transportation: Pass through payments: Department of Motor Vehicles: State and Community Highway Safety Program Transportation Initiative grant Total Department of Transportation Total Federal Assistance - Primary Government Component Unit- School Board: Department of Agriculture: Pass Through Payments: State Department of Agriculture: Food Distribution National School Breakfast Program National School Lunch Program (SL-4) (SL-11) Child Care Food Program (After School) Total Department of Agriculture Department of Education: Pass through payments Department Of Education: Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981: Title 1: Educationally Deprived Children Migrant Education, Basic State Formula Title 2: Improving School Programs State Block Grant Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Title VI-B: Assistance to States for Education of Handicapped Children: Handicapped-State Grants Preschool programs Goals 2000 Literacy Challenge Grant Vocational Education Basic Grants to States Total Department of Education Total Federal Assistance - Component Unit- School Board Total Expenditures of Federal Awards - (Memorandum Only) - Reporting Entity (*) These programs are identified as major federal assistance programs. This schedule is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. 148 Federal Catalogue Number Expenditures 20.600 $ 7,043 20.600 93,548 $ 100,591 $ 5,804,099 10.555 $ 104,590 10.553 * 93,443 10.555 * 617,037 10.558 14,186 84.010 $ 84.011 84.151 84.027 84.173 84.267 84.318 84.048 829,256 617,073 122,230 42,108 812,103 77,193 98,247 21,083 132,430 $ 1,922,467 $ 2,751,723 $ 8,555,822 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Year Ended June 30, 1998 Section I - Summary of Auditor's Results Financial Statements Type of auditor's report issued: Internal control over financial reporting: Material weaknesses identified? Reportable conditions identified not considered to be material weaknesses? Noncompliance material to financial statements noted? Federal Award, Internal control over major programs: Material weaknesses identified? Reportable conditions identified not considered to be material weaknesses? Type of auditor's report issued on compliance for major programs: Any audit findings disclosed that are required to be reported in accordance with Circular A-133, Section .510 (a)? Identification of major programs: CFDA # Name of Federal Program or Cluster 10.551 10.561 10.555 10.553 10.555 14.156 Food Stamp Program Food Stamp Administration Food Distribution National School Breakfast Program National School Lunch Program Lower Income Housing Assistance Program Dollar threshold used to distinguish between Type A and Type B programs Auditee qualified as low-risk auditee? Section II - Financial Statement Findings There are no financial statement findings to report. Section HI - Federal Award Findingl~ and Questioned Costs There are no federal award findings and questioned costs to report. 149 Unqualified No None reported No No None reported Unqualified No Yes $300,000 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY