HomeMy WebLinkAboutCTB 6Yr Improv Plan 97-98 Vol2...... I ]1 - ! I ! I ! ! ! I - ! '! I ! i I i I ! FISCAL YEARS 1997-98 THRU 2002-2003 Improvement Program Interstate, Primary, Urban and Secondary Highway Systems Public Transit, Ports and Airports © 1997, Commonweallh of Vi[ginla TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME H CMAQ Program RegiOns Fredericksburg Northern Virginia Hampton Roads Richmond 2 3 9 20 Safety Improvement Program Hazard Elimination Bristol 64 Culpeper 65 Fredericksburg 66 Lynchburg 67 NOrthern,Virginia 70 ~chm°nd. :.;: :: .::' ' ';~ :~ ::7 - ':~ 7-11 U.S. Route 58 CDP DiStriCt Bristol 128 Salem ........ 134 LYnchburg 139 Riehmond 14:1 SaffOlk '-- 14Zl Enhancement Program i~ddt°n .:/:: iii!:::! !:.i;i R~lHig, h!i~d~iGrade 'Crossing:.i:::: i i ii i:~.: !::!:iiiii::ii:.~:~ [20 DRPT Program . '! ! . I I I I ! I I ! ! .i. i !_. !. ! i i. ! . CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR OUALITY IMPROVEMENT The "ISTEA Integrity Restoration Act" does not identify a specific set aside for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), the Commonwealth Transportation Board has chosen to hold the three non-attainment areas harmless by providing regional allocations equivalent to those of thc FY97 CMAQ and Regional Surface Transportation Programs. The list of CMAQ projects are shown only to reflect previous funding designated by the local Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). Additional funding from Regional Surface Transportation Program funds for those projects are shown in the individual districts. Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAM and specific project etJgibJ[Jty (in Thousands of Dollars) FREDERICKSBURG REGION determination by FHNA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADDIL COUNTY/CITY TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIREDFUND[NG ALLOCAT]oNACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCETo HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 PROdECTS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY VDOT Stafford Improve Access from PE 133 Brooke Route 1, Andrew R~ 238 Commuter Rail chape[ Road and CH 1,380 Station Brooke Road TO 1,751 1,387 14 - 14 1,401 CH (VOOT) 1477'5 CH ROOO-O89-VO2,PE101,CS01 I ~ i ' I I - I I I I I ! ! I i i I ! ' I '1 I Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by TPB CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thoussnds of DoLLars) NORTHERN VIRGINIA REGION determination by FHUA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADDtL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 PROJECTS TO BE AOMINISTERED BY VOOT ArLington High~ey Signs[izatior PE 346 CN 2,000 TO 2,346 (2400) - 2,346 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY PLans and Contract Administration by County (VDOT) 13555 CH TSUO-OOO-FOI,PEIO1,MS01 ArLington OLd OominlJon Dr. PE 163 Bike Trail TO 163 130 - - 130 CH PLans and CoNtract Administration by County (VOOT) (PE ONLY) 16100 CM (NFO) UOOO-OOO-117,PE101 City of Improve Bus Stop PE ALexandria AccessibiLity CN TO 50 40 - 40 CM CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY PLans and Contract Administration by C ty (VDOT) 14862 CH UOOO-lOO-V14,PElO1,HS01 City of Highgay Sfgnatizstion PE 140 ~ * Addltiona[ STP Regional Funding ALexandria RW Provided in Urban System Program CN 1,360 TO 1,500 1,500 * ' - 1,500 CH PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 13464 CM UOOO-100-V12,PElO1,NS01 City of HOV Access Ramp at PE 188 ALexandria Seminary Rd CN - TO 188 150 - 150 CM PLans and contract Administration by C ty (¥DOT) (PE ONLY) 16099 CM (NFO) UOOO-lOO-116,PE101 City of Transit Center at PE ALexandria Landmark Matt CN 125 TO 125 100 - - 100 CH PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) CM ' (NFO) U000-100-117, C501 I 3 Contingent Upon inclusion in TIP by TPB CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ' and specific project eLigibiLity (in Thousands of DoLlars) NORTHERN VIRGINIA REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 City of Highway SJgnaLizatJor PE 47 Fairfax R~ CN 353 TO 400 400 . 400 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER NAY PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 13466 CH UOOO-151-VO4,PE101,NS01 City of Purchase and InstaLl PE Fairfax Bus SheLters R~ CN TO 200 160 - 160 CH PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 14863 CH UOOO-151-VO6,PE101,MS01 Fairfax Transit Station PE 600 Tysons Corner R~ (~estpark Site) CN 1,900 TO 2,500 2,000 - 2,000 CH (VDOT) 16181 CH 0123-029-131,PE101,C501 Fairfax Purchase and InstaLL PE - Bus SheLters RN - CN 150 .., TO 150 (140) - . . 1ZO'CH PLans and Contract Administration by county (VDOT) 16182 CH BSOO-96A-lO1,PE,101,CS01 Fairfax Central Computerized PE 737 Loudoun Traffic Signal R~ Prince ~itLiam System and Control CN 26,488 Signal Monitoring TO 27,225 9,700 12,275 9,615 System 9,700 CM * 5,250 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY TSUO-96A-1F1,PE101; TSUO-~ 6A-1Fl,CS01 (rOOT) 12380,12821,13453 CM TSUO-96A-101,PE102 ADDITIONAL AL.OCATiONS SHOIIN ON PRIMARY SYSTEM City of Highway SignaLization PE 10 FaLLs Church R~ CN 140 TO 150 150 - . 150 CM PLans and Contract Administration by C!ty (VDOT) 14624 CM UOOO-110-VO3,PE101,C501 I * Federal Demonstration Project Apportionment ! I ! I ]1 I ! ! I . ! I I ! I I . .I ~ .i_ ' ! '1 . Contingent upon inclusion in TiP by TPB CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) NORTHERN VIRGINIA REGION determination by FNWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER ' FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002'03 To~n of Htgh~ay SignaLization'PR 20 Herndon RW - CN 180 TO 200 200 - - 200 CH (VDOT) 13467 CH UOOO-235-VO8,PE101oM501 City of High~ay SignaLization PE 52 Manassas R~ - CN 608 TO 660 (701) - - 660 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY PLans and Contract Administration by C!ty (VDOT) 13465 CH UOOO-155-V11,PE101,HS01 Northern Alternative Fuels PE - Virginia Program RN - Regionwide CN - TO 750 750 - - 750 OM (VDOT) CH Northern Purchase and Install PE · Virginia BicycLe Racks at R~ - Regionwide SeLected Locations CH TCH-ZOA TO 67 54 .... 54 CH (VOOT) CH BROO-96A-lO1'PE101,N501 Prince Cherry Ni[t Station PE 750 ~iLtiam Access Road RW Virginia CN 2,500 RaiLway TO 3,250 2~600 - - - Express 2,600 CH (VDOT) 14748 CH 0635-076-VO3,PE101 PROJECTS TO BE ADHINISTERED BY DRPT City of Teteconatuting PE Atexandrta PiLot Program RN - CN TO 100 80 - - 80 CM (DRPT) CH Contingent upon inclusion in TiP by TPB CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHEflT PROGRAH and specific project eligibility (In Thousands of Dollars) NORTHERN VIRGINIA REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUSiREQUIRED ALLOCATION TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Arlington Metro-Chek PE RW CN TO 400 200 - . 200 CH CDRPT) CH City of Trolley Bus PE Fairfax RW CN 350 TO 350 280 - . 280 CH (DRPT) 12879 CH FaJrfax Bicycle Lockers and PE Purchase and Racks at Reston Park R~ Installation and Ride Lot CN TO 37 30 30 CN 13682 (DRPT) 13681 CH BLOO-O29-VO1,NSO1,N502 Fairfax Expand TDN Program PE CN TO 200 200 - 200 cH (DRPT) CH Metropolitan Pub[lc Education PE Washington Campaign Air Quality CN Council TO 542 488 - 488 CH (DRPT) CH Hetropolitan Regional Ridesharing PE ~ashington Progarm R~ - Council of CH - Governments TO 133 133 - - 133 CH (DRPT) CH 6 ~ ! 'l ' ! i ! I I ! I ! I I ! ! ' ! I ! I I Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by TPB CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) NORTHERN VIRGINIA REGION determination by FHgA/FTA, FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRiPTiON ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998"99 1999"00 2000'01 2001'02 2002'03 I Northern RJdeshare PE Virginia Program RN Expanded CN TCM-47 TO 444 444 . 444 CM (ORPT) CM Northern EmpLoyer Outreach PE Virginia TCM-47C RW Guaranateed Ride CN Home TO 739 739 . 739 CM (DRPT) CM Northern Support PE Virginia ImpLementation R~ Regionwfde Tetecommuttng CN TCM-92 TO 878 702 - 702 CM (DRPT) CM Potomac Commuter Buses PE Rappahannock RN transportation CN 1,150 :ommission TO 1,150 920 - - _ 920 CM (DRPT) 12880 CM Potomac Rideshare PE ' * AdditJonmt STP Regional Funding Rappahannock Program ~RN - Provided in Primary S~,stem Program Transportation!Enhancements CN 200 Commission TO 200 200 * - - - 200 CM (DRPT) CM Potomac New Bus Service PE Rappahannock Start-up R~ Transportation CN Commission TO 3,125 2,500 . 2,500 CM (DRPT) CM Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by TPB CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAH and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of Do[tars) NORTHERN VIRGINIA REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADDIL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTIO~ EST1HATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND " COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Prince WJ[[Jam!Woodbridge Co~nuter PE 1~1 Rail Station - RW Second Passenger CN 800 PLatform TO 941 753 - - 753 cH i (DRPT) CH Washington RepLacement Buses PE * Additional STP Regional Funding Hetropotitan RW - Provided in Primary System Program Area Transit CN 29,321 ** Matched Regional STP Funds Authority TO 29,321 22,337 * .... 22,337 CH *'1,400 1,120 STP (DRPT) 12878 CM/STP 8 } '} I _ I ! ~1 ....! '~_ .! _ ]1 'l I ! ! ! I ! I I Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and specific project eligibility (In Thousands of Dollars) HAMPTON ROADS REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION EST[MATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998-99 1999'00 2000'01 2001'02 2002'03 PROJECTS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY VDOT City of Re-time Interconnect PE 16 Chesapeake Signal System on RW Re-time Greenbrier Parkgay CN 104 Interconnect and Western Branch TO 120 120 - - _ System Boulevard 120 CM CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 13535 CH UOOO-131-V1?,PE101,MS01 City of Various Locations PE 13 Chesapeake RW Re-time 25 CN 48 Isolated TO 61 50 11 11 Signals 61 CH CONSTRUCTION COHPLETE (VDOT) 13469 CH UOOO-131-V16,PE101,MS01 104 - Improve Great Bridge PE 8 City of Boulevard RW 20 Chesapeake Intersection CN 842 .... Dominion Geometric and Signal TO 8?0 680 16 - - Boulevard Improvements 696 CM CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY Plans, Right of Way and Contract Admin'stration by :ity (VOOT) 12965 CH 0104-131-VOS,PE101,CS01 168 - Improve Great Bridge PE 5 City of Boulevard Rg - Chesapeake Intersection CN 101 Battlefield TO 106 85 ' Boulevard 85 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY Ptans and Contract Administration by City (VOOT) 12966 CH 0168-131-VlO,PE101,C501 City of Upgrade Traffic PE 19 Chesapeake Signal System ~ith Rg Interconnect CN 26 TO 45 45 45 CH (VDOT) 12964 CM UOOO-131-V14,PE101,MS01 City of Greenbrier Parkuay - PE 16 ' Chesapeake Route 64 R~ Military lc, 84 Nigh~ay TO 100 100 - signal 100 CH Interconnect CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 13468 CM UOOO-131-V15,PElO1,MS01 Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEHENT PROGRAM and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) HAMPTON ROADS REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND .... COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 City of Various Locations PE Chesapeake RW Re-time 25 CN 80 isolated TO 80 80 - - SignaLs 80 cH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY (VDOT) 16108 Cfi (NFO) UOOO-131-126,PE101, 501 City of T~o Bridges PE Chesapeake R~ Signat CN Interconnect TO 80 80 - - 80 CH (VDOT) 16109 CH (NFO) City of Dock Landing Rd - PE 20 Chesapeake JotLiff Rd RN Bikeway CN 180 ... TO 200 160 - - - 160 CH (VDOT) 16110 CH (NFO) UOOO-l. 1-128,PE101,CS01 City of Upgrade Signal PE 98 Hampton Equipment at ?0 RN Intersections CN 1,266 TO 1,362 1,362 - 1,362 CH CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 12967 CH UOOO-114-F18,PE101,CS01 City of Intersection Loop PE Hampton Upgrade RN - · ' CN 75 I 75 CM I CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) . 16111 CH (NFO) U000-114-122,C501 City of Provide SateLlite PE 174 Hampton Parking near RN - PenT?an North King Street and CN 345 SateLLite Nest Pembroke Ave. TO 519 380 35 - Parking 415 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 13477 CH UOOO-114-V19,PE101,M501 10 Contingent upon inctusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and specific project eligibility (In Thousands of Dollars) HAMPTON ROAOS REGION determination by FHNA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 12001-02 !i2002-03, City of Cityuide Signal PE 450 * Additional STP Region Funding Har~oton System Upgrade RN Provided in Urban System Program CN 4,050 . . TO 4,500 100 4,400 - - 4,500 CH (VDOT) 16102 CH (NFO) UOOO-1'4-121,PE101,~ 501 City of Citywide Signal ~PE 41 Newport News System Re-time and RW - Update CH 164 TO 205 205 - - - 205 CM CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 12968 CM UOOO-121-V13~PElOl,MS01 City of J. Clyde Morris PE 26 Newport News Boulevard Corridor RW - Bikeway Int Route 64 - CN 221 Phase I Jefferson Avenue TO 247 183 15 - 15 198 CH CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VOOT) 12969 CH UOOO-121-V14wPElO1,MS01 City of d. Clyde Horrts PE 25 Newport News Boulevard Corridor RN Bikeway Jefferson Avenue - CH 160 ~ Phase II Mariners Museum TO 185 148 - - - 148 CH (VDOT) 13478 CH UOOO-121-V14,PE102,MSO2 City of J. Clyde Morris PE 20 Newport News Boulevard Corridor RN Bikeway Thimble Shoals Btvd - CN 250 Phase III Midd[eground B[vd TO 270 216 ..... (Along Cannon Bird) 216 CM (VDOT) 14625 CH O017-121.-VOS,PE101,C501 City of d. Clyde Morris PE 24 ~ Newport News Boulevard Corridor RN Bikeway Middteground Btvd - CN 215 Phase IV Jefferson Ave TO 239 t91 .... (Along Cannon Btvd 191 CH and Oyster Point Rd) (rOOT) 16103 CH (NFO) UOOO-1~1-122,PE101,~501 Contingent upon inctusion in TIP by HPO COMGESTIOH HITIGATIOH AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH and specific project etigibiIity (In Thousands of Dollars) HAHPTOH ROADS REG[OM determination by FH~A/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPT[OM ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REOU~RED ALLOCATIOM TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 60 - Oyster Point Rd PE 225 City of Intersection RN 54? Newport Ne~s CH 728 Left and Right TO 1,500 1,200 - - - Turn Lanes 1,200 CH (VDOT) 12970 CH O060-121-F131PE101,R~201,.501 City of Patrick Henry PE 15 Newport News Commerce Center R~ Bikeway CN 82 -- Phase I TO 97 78 - - 78 OM (VDOT) 13470 OM UOOO-121-V16,PE101,HS01 City of Patrick Henry PE 20 Newport News Commerce Center Bikeway CH 185 Phase II TO 205 164 - - 164 CH (VOOT) 14747 OM UOOO-121-V16,PE102,HS02 , City of Coordinate 70 PE 1 Newport Hews Signals RN CN 329 TO 330 330 - - - 330 CH , CONSTRUCTION UHDER~AY (VDOT) 16104 CH (NFO) UOOO-121-123~PE101,,501 City of Netttes Lane - PE 26 Newport News Box[ey B[vd/Oyster R~ ~ar~ick Btvd Point Rd CH 237 Bikeway TO 263 210 - - - 210 CH (VDOT) 16105 CH (NFO) UOOO-l~l-lZ4,PE101,oS01 City of Boxtey Btvd/Oyster PE 14 Newport Heus Point Rd - R~ Bikeuay Henchvi[[e Rd. CN 190 163 - - - TO 204 163 CH (VDOT) CH 12 Contingent upon inctusion in TiP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and specific project eLigibiLity (in Thousands of DoLLars) HAMPTON ROADS REGION determination by FHNA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 City of Computerized Signal PE 1,200 NorfoLk System Expansion - RW Phase I CN 1,500 TO 2,700 2,700 - 2,700 CM CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 12971 CM UOOO-122-F23,PE101,C501 City of Computerized Signal PE NorfoLk System Expansion RW Phase Il CN 5,902 TO 5,902 5,902 - 5,902 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY (VDOT) 14746 CH UOOO-122-F23,CS02 City of Ctty~ide PE 67 Portsmouth Signal system RW Upgrade CN 1,445 Phase ! TO 1,512 1,512 - 1,512 cH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY PLans and' Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 12972 CH UOOO-124-VO8,PE101,C501 City of Citywide PE 250 Portsmouth Signal System RW Upgrade CN 1,838 Phase Il TO 2,088 2,088 - - 2,088 CM PLans and Contract Administration by C ty (VDOT) 16196 CH U000-124-111,C502 City of Signa[ System UpgradeiPE 18 SuffoLk RW East and West CN 353 Washington TO 371 371 - - Streets 371 CH CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE PLans and Contract Administration by C~ty (VDOT) 12974 CH UOOO-133-VO5,PE101,MS01 City of Constance Road PE 10 SuffoLk Intersection RW Main Street Improvement CN 690 Ooub[e Left TO 700 560 .... Turn Lanes 560 CM CONSTRUCTION UNOERWAY PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 12973 CH UOOO-133-VO&,PE101,CS01 J I I Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM and specific project etigtbtJity (In Thousands of Dollars) HAMPTON ROADS REGIO~ determinationby FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROdECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 City of North Main St PE 17 Suffolk Signal Loop RW CN 168 TO 185 185. - - . .- 185 CM ' Plans and contract Administration by Clty (VDOT) 16197 CM U000-133-108,C501 City of Completion of PE 15 Suffolk Downtown Signal R~ System Phase III CN 130 TO 145 145 - 145 CM ' ' Plans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 17531 CM UOOO-133-111,PE101,C501 City of Signal Retiming PE 36 Virginia Beach Citywide RW Phase I CN 242 TO 278 278 . 278 CM - CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 12975 CM UOOO-134-V34,PE101,M501 City of Interconnect end PE 45 Virginia Beach Controller Upgrades CN 255 TO 300 300 - 300 CM (VOOT) 12976 CM UOOO-134-V35oPElO1,MS01 City of Southbound Turn Lane PE ir Virginia Beach at Viking Drive RW - Lynhaven Pkwy CN 276 Right Turn TO 293 234 - Lane 234 CH CONSTRUCTUON UNOER~AY Plans and Contract Administration by City (VOOT) 13689 CM UOOO-134-V41,PElO1,RW201,CS01 City of 70 Locations and PE 14 Virginia Beach Citywide Signal RW Signal Rettming Phase II CN 331 Re-timing TO 345 195 - 195 CM 150 STP (VOOT) 16106 CM/STP (NFO) UOOO-1.4-168,PE101,C501 / 14 I '.! I I ] I i ! ' -!I ! ! I ~ I I ./ I I Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by NPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEMEN~ PROGRAM and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) HAMPTON ROADS REGION determination by FNNA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADDWL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIREDi ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 City of Computer System PE Virginia Beact Upgrade Rg CN 70 TO 72 72 - - . 72 CM CONSTRUCTION UNDERgAY PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 16531 CM (NFO) UOOO-13&-151,PE101,N501 City of 15 VariabLe PE 150 * Additiona[ STP Regional Funding Virginia Beach Message Signs Rg Provided in Urban System Program CN 1,350 TO 1,500 96 * 1,404 - - 1,500 CM PLans and Contract Administration by City (VDOT) 16107 CM (NFO) UOOO-134-149,PE101,C501 James City Centervitte Rd PE 10 Bikeuay. Rg CN 115 TO 125 100 . 100 CH (VOOT) 16462 CH (NFO) BgOO-O~?-IOI,PEI01,C501 James City RegionaL Bikeuay PE Z53 * Additional STP Regional Funding York and Netuork Rg - Provided in Primary S'~stem Program City of CN 2,967 gittiamsburg TO 3t220 2,421 * 155 2~576 CM PLans, Right of gay and C)ntract Administration by lames City county (VDOT) 13500 CH BgOO-965-FOl~PElO1,N501 James City Regional Bikeway PE 4 York and Signage City of CN 30 WiLLiamsburg TO 34 27 - 27 CM (VOOT) 16463 CM (NFO) BgOO-gu5-101,PE101,11501 17 - Lakeside Drive PE 62 York Intersection Ooubte Left CN 398 Turn Lane TO 460 368 - - - . 368 CH (VDOT) 12962 £M O017-099-V20,PE101,M501 Contingent upon inctusion in TIP by HPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEMENT PROGRAH and specific project eligibility (In Thousands of DoLlars) HAHPTON ROADS REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADDtL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Region-Wide Build 2 Vehicle PE Emissions Inspection RW Stations CN - TO 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 cH (VDOT) 16161 CM VE00-965-101,C501 PROJECTS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY DRPT Peninsuta Purchase 2 - 40 ft PE Transportation Buses District CN 420 Commission TO 420 336 - - 336 CH (DRPT) CH Peninsula Purchase 4 Neu Buses PE Transportation RN District CN 880 Commission TO 880 . 704 704 CM (DRPT) CH Peninsula Purchase 5 NeH Buses PE Transportation for York County and District X-Roads Service CN 1,100' Co~ission TO 1,100 880 - 880 CH (DRPT) CH Peninsula Transit Service PE Transportation to York County RW District CN - Commission TO 100 80 - - . Phase I 80 CM (DRPT) CM Peninsula Transit Service PE - Transportation to York County RW - District CH - Commission TO 4?0 376 Phase II 3?6 CH (DRPT) CM 16 I I -_! I '! ! ' ! . ~ ..... ! ! ! ! ! I I ! I I Contingent upon inctusion in TIP 'by HPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY iHPROVEHENT PROGRAH and specific project etigibitity (in Thousands of Dottars) HAHPTOH ROADS REGION determination by FHNA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD~L COUHTY/CITY FUNDI#G ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRiPTiON ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATIOH TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Peninsuta Transit Service PE Transportation to York County RW District CN Commission TO 400 320 - ~ - - - Phase III 320 CH ~ (DRPT) CH Peninsula Cross Roads PE Transportation Connecting Service Rg District CN Commission TO 350 280 - - - Phase Il 280 CH (DRPT) CH Peninsula Cross Roads PE Transportation Connecting Service Rg District CN Con~ntssion TO 500 400 - - Phase Iii 400 CH (DRPT) CH Peninsuta Mercury/Centrat PE * Additionat STP Reglonat Funding Transportation Shuttte RN - Provided in Primary S 'stem Program District CN - Con~ntsston TO 260 80 * - - 80 CH (ORPT) CM Peninsuta Sunday Transit PE - * Additionat STP Regional Funding Transportation Service R~ - Provided in Primary S 'stem Program District CN - Commission TO 790 320 * - 320 CH (DRPT) CH Tidewater New Park & Ride PE - Transportation Service between RM - District Virginia Beach & CN 1,083 Commission Downtown Norfolk TO 1,083 866 - - 866 CH (DRPT) CH Contingent upon inclusion in TiP by HPO CONGESTION H[TIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH and specific project eLigibiLity (in Thousands of DoLLars) HAHPTON ROADS REGION determination by FHNA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND CQHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Tidewater Purchase 8 Buses for PE - Transportation New Service Rg - District CN 1,720 Commission TO 1,720 1,376 . 1,376 CH (DRPT) CH Tidewater Purchase 20 Transit PE Transportation Coaches for new HOV Rg District Express Bus Service CH 4,300 Commission TO 4,300 3,440 3,440 CM (DRPT) CM Tidewater Ridesharing and PE Transportation TDH Program Rg District CN Commission TO 462 462 - - 462 CH (DRPT) CH Tidewater Bus Rte {44 thru PE * Additional STP Regional Funding Transportation Midtown Tunne[= R~ Provided in Primary Sl,stem Program District Van/BuspooL Service CN Commission From Church[and, TO 1,392 954 * - Great Bridge, HiLLtop 954 CH and other Park end (DRPT) Ride Lots CH Tidewater BOY Express Bus PE Transportation Service to NorfoLk RN District Naval Base From CN Commission 4 Park and Ride Lots TO 150 120 - 120 CM (DRPT) CH James City Regional PE County Commuter Service RN Transit CN TO 169 135 - - 135 CH (DRPT) [ CH 18 Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by HPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR DUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH and specific project eligibility (in Thousands of DolLars) HAHPTON ROADS REGION determination by FHWA/FTA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO HANAGER FUNDING/FUND. . COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000'01 , 2001-02 , 2002-0, James City Richmond Rd PE * Additional STP Region [ Funding County Tourist ShuttLe RW Provided in Primary S~,stem Program Transit CN TO 1,049 434 * 434 CH (DRPT) CH York Yorktoun TroLLey PE RN CN TO 185 148 - (DRPT) CH Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eLigibiLity (in Thousands of DoLLars) HOPEWELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determinationby FHWA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CiTY COUNTY ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST iPREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER !FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-0t 2001-02 2002-03 PROdECTS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY VDOT 1/54 - Town of ReduCe Single PE 6 AshLand OcCupant VehicLe RW instaLL Trips Between High CN 190 57 SidewaLks in Density Residential TO 196 100 - - Prior. 1 Area and Commercial Areas 157 CM 57 of Master PLan PLans and Contract Administration by Town (VDOT) 12930 CH O001-166-VOS,PE101,MS01 Town of Intersection PE 32 AshLand Route 1 and RW 53 ~ Construct Route 54 CN 190 ~ iTurn Lanes TO 275 (242) 220 CH I PLans, Right of Way and Contrect Administration by ;own (VDOT) 13463 CM O001-166-VO6,PElO1,RW201,MSOi Town of Route 1 and Junction PE 3 AshLand Orive & Route 54 and RW - Pedestrian Cottage Drive CN 54 Signal Heads, TO 57 57 - - Activators, 57 CH Pave. Markings PLans and Contract Administration by Town (VDOT) 13462 CH O001-166-VOT, PE101,MS01 Town of ALong and Adjacent PE 6 AshLand to Route 1 and RW Install Route 54 CN 48 SidewaLks TO 54 43 . . 43 CH PLans and Contract Administration by Town (VDOT) 13461 CM O001,166-VO8,PElO1,MS01 5 - At Route 106 PE 26 CharLes City RW Left Turn Cfi 259 Lanes TO 285 148 80 - 228 CM ' I ' 80 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE ALt ' (VDOT) 12951 CH O005-018-VO4,PE101,MSOl,M);02 5 - At Route 155 PE 160 (I) STP R'egi)naL ocatlon CharLes City RW 78 * Additional STP Regional Funding Intersection CN 1,040 Provided in Primary S~stem Program improvements TO 1,278 375 * 478 . 1,022 CM (1)169 (VDOT) 12952 CH O005'018'VOS,PElO1,RW201~m1501 20 Contingent upon inctusion in TIP by HPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHHOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project etigfbittty (In Thousands of Dottars) HOPENELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHNA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CITY COUNTY ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO .ANAGER FUNDING/FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ZOO0-01 ' 2001-02 ' 2002-03 5 - At Route 607 'PE 20 ~ * AdditJonatl!STP Region t Funding Char[es City RN 10 Provided in Primary S~stem Program Left Turn Lane CN 133 TO 163 75 * 55 - - 130 CH (VDOT) 16477 CH (NFO) O005-O'8-107,PE101,IW201,CS01 155 - At Route 602 PE 29 m Char[es City RN 29 , Intersection CN 128 Improvements TO 186 72 77 '- 77 149 CH (VDOT) 16095 CM (NFO) 0155-0 8-103,PE101, N201,C501 10 - At Rte 145 PE 173 Chesterfietd RN 259 Ouat Left Turn CN 1,244 Lanes TO 1,656 1,270 55 ' 55 1,325 CM (VDOT) 16098 CH (NFO) 0010-0~0-128,PE101, g201,C501 10 - At Courthouse Rd and PE 45 Chesterfietd At Nhitepine Rd RN Ouat Left Turn, CH 572 Lanes and TO 617 (512) - Extend Left 494 CM Turn Lanes CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY (VDOT) 16096 CH (NFO) 0010-020-129,C501 I 36 - At Route 600 PE 25 Chesterffe[d (Pickette Avenue) RN 129 Left Turn gatoaca CN 407 ~ Lane TO 561 365 84 - 84 449 CH (VDOT) 14742 CH O036-020-VO3~PE101,RN201, 60 - At Ctoverteaf Matt PE 40 Chesterfietd Bus Putt-Out and RN Bus Putt-Out/ Operating Funds for CN 48 Route Extension of GRTC TO 88 (250) - - . Extension Service 70 CH CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VOOT) 14744 CH O060-O20-V17, PE101,M501 Contingent upon inclusion in TiP by HPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AiR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAfl RICHHOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project etigibi[tty (In Thousands of Dottars) HOPEgELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHNA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CITY COUNTY ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCR]PTIOM ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 60 - At Old Buckingham Rd/ PE 205 Chesterfietd WaLton Park Rd RW 1,070 Improve CH 1,180 Intersection TO 2,655 168 1,796 ' 1,796 1,964 CH (VDOT) 17432 CH 145 - 0.2 Nile North Route PE Chesterfield 145/144 - RW Construct L & 0.2 Hi[e South Route CN 560 RTL southbound 145/144 TO 560 313 135 - 135 LTL Northbound 448 OM & Signalize CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 11927 CH 0145-020-VO2,PE101,Rg201,11501 360 - At Did Hundred Road PE Chesterfield RW Construct Dua[ CN 1,000 Left Turn TO 1,000 800 - Lanes, Extend 800 CH Ramps CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED (VDOT) 12931 OM 6360-020-F26,PE102,CS02 637 - Meadowdale B[vd - PE 20 Hopkins Rd Chippenham Pk~y RW 5 Chesterfield CN 125 Sidewalks and TO 150 120 - - - . Curb and 120 OM CONSTRUCTIONUNDER WAY Gutter Plan and Contract Adminis~:ration by County (VOOT) 17370 CH 0150-020-115 PE101,C501 647 - At Turner Rd PE 117 Wa[mstey B[vd R~ 129 Chesterfield CN 650 Extend Left TO 896 700 17 ' 17 Turn Lane 717 CH (rOOT) 16338 CM 0647-020-278,PElO1,Rg,201,CS01 647 - At Newbys Bridge Rd PE 50 * Additional STP Regional Funding ga[mstey Btvd R~ 150 Provided in Primary S*~stem Program Chesterfield CN 300 · Extend Left TO 500 247 * 153 Turn Lane 400 CH Ptan and Con:tact Adminis ration by County (VDOT) 17147 OM 0647-020-285,PE101,RN,201,CS01 22 Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) HOPEWELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determinstion by FHWA. FY 98 'thru FY 2003 CHARLES CITY COUNTY ROUTE ADD"L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING/FUND COMPLETE, SOURCE t997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2ooo-ol I 2ool-o2 / zoo2-o3 647 - At Rte 2162 PE 35 * AdditionsL STP Region t Funding WatmsLey Btvd (Hotridge St) RW 130 - Provided in Primary S 'stem Program ChesterfieLd CN 235 ~ Turn Lane TO 320400 CH 125 * 195 - n/1 ' PLan and Co tact Adminis':ration by Cotnty (VDOT) 17148 CM 0647-020-285 PEIO2,RW,202 M502 ChesterfieLd Intersection of PE Signal and Providence Road RN Turn Lanes and Etkhardt Road CN 1,118 TO 1,118 894 - - 894 CM CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 13552 CH 0678-020-VZ2,PE101,C501 1 - Fairfax Avenue - PE 116 City of Wright Avenue RW 146 Cotonlat CN 655 Heights TO 915 659 73 - 73 Left Turn 732 CH Lanes CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY (VDOT) 12953 CH O001-106-VO8,PE101,RW201,C501 360 - At Route 665 PE 180 Hanover (Lee Davis Road) RW 1,000 Intersection CN 1,200 Improvements TO 2,380 568 1,336 1,336 1,906 CH (VDOT) 13551 CH 0360-062-V16,PE101,CS01 360 Rte 360 Corridor PE Hanover R~ InstaLl C[osedi CN 120 Loop Traffic TO 120 120 - - Signat System 120 CH (VDOT) 16097 CH (NFO) 0360-0,~2-118,C501 663 At Rte 156 PE 65 * Additional STP Regional Funding aanover RN Provided in Primary S~tem Program Turn Lanes and CN 424 Modify Signal TO 669 250 * 125 375 CM PLans and Right of Way by_County (VDOT) CM / Contingent upon inclusion tn TiP by HPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH RtCHHOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eLigibiLity (in Thousands of DoLLars) HOPENELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHNA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CiTY COUNTY ROUTE AOD~L I COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REGUIRED ALLOCATION TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 656 - At Route 643 PE 9 Hanover Rg Right Turn CN 75 Lane TO 84 60 7 - 7 67 CH PLans and Right of Way by County (VDOT) 16925 CH 0656-042-287 PE101,R~201,M501 1261 - At Route 656 PE 5 Hanover RW 31 Right Turn CN 76 Lane TO 112 40 50 - 50 90 CH PLans by County (VDOT) 16926 CH 1261-042-288 PE101,R~201,11501 64 - Gaskins Road PE Henrico Interchange Rg Construct (Eastbound 1-64 to CN 875 Loop Ramp and Northbound Gaskins TO 875 (720) - - ELiminate Hovement) 700 CH Signal CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VOOT) 12936 CH O064-043-V19,PE101,C501 156 - At White oak Road PE 97 Henrico Rg 241 Reconstruction CH 56r TO 905 718 6 - 6 724 OM CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY (VDOT) 12935 CH 0156-O&3-VOT, PElO1,RW201,1:501 250 - At G[enside Drive PE 49 Henrico RW 13~ Right Turn CN 594 Lane TO 7?6 (627) - 621 CH CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY (VDOT) 12937 CH O250-043-V19,PElO1,R~210.11501 301 - At Parham Road PE I Henrico Rg Extend Left CN 90 Turn Lane TO 90 (84) 72 CH CONSTRUC~ION COMPLETE (VDOT) 12941 C~, 0307-043'VO4IPE101,H501 24 . I i! | I __I ! !__ I _ I ..... I ! _ __l__ ! _ ! __1 '_l_ .... ! ....... ! .......... l .... Contingent upon inctusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project etigibitity (In Thousands of Dottars) HOPEWELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHWA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CiTY COUNTY ROUTE ADDIL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ; ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Anoka Road - At Skipwith Road PE 60 Henrico RW - Reconstruct CN '340 Intersection, TO 400 320 - - - Provide 320 CH Signal Ptan and Contract Administration by County (VDOT) 12938 CH ROOO-O43-V02 P2101,C501 springfield/ Improve Intersection PE 103 Gasktns/ and Modify Signa[ Rg 164 Hungary CN 200 Henrtco TO 467 374 - - 374 CM CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VDOT) 12939 CM 0157-043-VO9,PE101,CS01 Ridgefte[d At Gaskins Road PE 8 Parkway RW - Nenrico CN 42 Right Turn TO 50 40 . Lane 40 CM i Plans and Contract Administration by County (VOOT) 12940 CM ROOO-O43-VO3,PElO1,M501 Laburn~ At Austin Avenue PE 11 Avenue RW - Henrico CN 59 Signat{zation TO 70 70 - - Improvement 70 CM Plans and Contract Administration by County (VDOT) 12942 CH ROOO-O43-VO4,PE101,MS01 Laburnt~n At Chartes City Road PE 11 Avenue RN Henrico CN 59 Signatization TO 70 70 Improvement 70 CM P[ans and Contract Administration by County (VDOT) 12943 CH ROOO-O43-VOS,PE101,M501 Laburn~ At Darbytown Road PE 11 Avenue RW Henrico CN 59 Signatization TO 70 70 - - Improvement 70 CM Ptans and Contract Administration by County ,(VDOT) 12944 CM ROOO-O43-VO61PE101,M501 { { Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by gPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAH RICHMOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eligibility (In Thousands of DoLLars) HOPEWELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHNA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CITY COUNTY ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROdECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUSiREOUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING! /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 HenriCo Countywide Traffic PE 33 Traffic Signal Signal Control RN System System CN 188 TO 221 221 - - 221 CH Plans and Contract Administration by County (VDOT) 12945 CH ROOO-O43-VO? PElO1,MS01 Henrico Countywide PE 75 Computerized RN SignaLization CH 425 System TO 500 500 .- 500 CH PLans and Contract Administration by County (VDOT) 13553 cH ROOO-O43-VO8,PE101,M501 Henrico iParham Road and PE 75 Intersection iMaytand Drive Rg Improvements CN 425 TO 500 400 - . 400 CH - PLans and Contract Administration by Ccunty (VDOT) 13554 CH ROOO-O43-vog,PE101,M501 10 - At Hummel Ross Road PE 9 City of RN - HopeweL[ CN 106 Coordinated TO 115 60 55 - - 55 Traffic 115 CH signals (VDOT) 12955 CH O010-116-VO8,PE101,M501 City of ArLington Road to PE 5 HopeHe[L Nestover Avenue RN - ChurchiLL Dr.- CH 153 RebuiLd Median TO 158 (165) - - Extend Left 126 CH Storage Lane CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE (VOOT) 13460 CM UOOO-116-VO6~PE101,NS01 City of 8road Street PE 96 Richmond Corridor RN SignaLization CN 641 Improvements TO 737 (760) - 737 CH CONSTRUCTION UNOER NAY (rOOT) 13458 CM 0250'127'VOllPElO1,MS01 I 26 _ _ / ...... I .......... ! / " i ___ !_ _ !. _ I __ I ! ....I /_ _ / __1_ I _ I ! ........... ! ........... ] Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHHOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) HOPENELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHNA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CITY COUHTY . ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPT[OM ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 City of Monument Avenue PE 96 Richmond Corridor R~ SignaLization CN 686 Improvements TO 782 760 22 - - 22 782 OM CONSTRUCTION UNDER gAY (VDOT) 13459 CM UOOO-127-V3; PE101,MS01 Capital Region Airport lhtermoda[ PE * Additional STP Regional Funding Airport Transportation R~ Provided in Primary S'~stem Program Co~mission FaciLity PLan CN - ModaL TO 1,200 430 * 530 - Compatabittty 960 OM Study (VDOT) .17371 OM CRAC-964-101PEI01 PROJECTS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY DRPT City of FeasibiLity and PE - Richmond Design Study for RN - Main Street Regional CN - Station Transportation TO 250 200 Phase I Center 200 CM (DRPT) 12946 OM UOOO-127-126,PE101 City of Renovation and PE Richmond RehabiLitation of RN Main Street Mu[ti-Modal Center CN 2,250 Station TO 2,250 1,800 . Phase 1I 1,800 CH (DRPT) 12947 CM UOOO'12?'V26,CS01 City of ImpLement Strategies PE Richmond Recon~ended in the RN Comprehensive Comprehensive CN 1,420 Transit Transit PLan TO 1,420 1,136 - - - Plan 1,136 CM (DRPT) CM City of GRTC Service Area PE Richmond R~ Bus SheLters CN 250 and Benches TO 250 200 200 CM (DRPT) CH Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by gPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eLigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLLars) HOPENELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHWA. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CiTY COUNTY ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CiTY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO MANAGER FUNDING /FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998'99 1999'00 2000'01 2001'02 2002-03 City of GRTC Service Area PE Richmond R~ Rideshare CN 200 Program TO 200 200 . 200 (DRPT) CH City of One Year Operating PE * Additional STP Regional Funding Richmond Funds R~ - Provided tn Primary S,~stem Program GRTC TroLLey CN TO 1,275 370 * 650 . 1,020 CH (DRPT) CM Greater ALternative Fuel PE Richmond Buses R~ Transit CN Company TO 458 458 - 458 CM (DRPT) CH Greater Transit Service Area PE Richmond RN Transit CN Company TO 18r 150 - - Universities 150 CM Pass Program (DRPT) CM Greater Paratransit Service PE Richmond Area: Automate R~ Transit ScheduLing, CN Company Reservations, and TO 200 160 - - - ScheduLing AppLication 160 CM Software Procedures (DRPT) CH Greater Transit Service Area: PE Richmond Introduce ELectric RN Transit and CNG Buses to CN Company PubLic TO 350 280 - - - Marketing 280 CM Campaign (DRPT) CM 28 Contingent upon inclusion in TIP by HPO CONGESTION HITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH RICHHOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project eligibility (In Thousands of Dollars) HOPENELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FHgA. ' FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CITY COUNTY ROUTE ADD'L' COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO HANAGER FUNDING /FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 ~000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Greater Transit Service Area= PE - Richmond Repair/Upgrade Older Rg - Transit Buses CN Company TO 350 280 - - - 280 CH (DART) CH Greater Transit Service Area= PE - Richmond Engine Retrofit Rg - Transit Program: Phase I, II CN - Company And Ill TO 1,000 300 500 - 500 800 CH (DART) CH Greater Transit Service Area: PE - Richmond Van Shuttle= Phase I. R~ - Transit Il and ill CH - Company TO 813 200 450 - 450 650 CH (DART) CH Greeter Transit Service Area: PE Richmond Information System Transit Upgrade CN Company TO 250 200 - 200 CH (ORPT) CH Greater Transit Service Area: PE Richmond Smart Card System: R~ Transit Phase I and II CN Company TO 625 250 250 - - 250 500 CH (DRPT) CH Greater Alternative Fuel PE Richmond TrolLey Vehicte R~ Transit Replacement CN Company TO 225 180 - 180 CM (DART) Contingent upon inctusion in TiP by MPO CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND REGION INCLUDING and specific project ekigibiLity (In Thousands of DoLtars) HOPEWELL, COLONIAL HEIGHTS AND determination by FH~A. FY 98 thru FY 2003 CHARLES CiTY COUNTY ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO .ANAGER FUNDING/FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01J 2001-02 / 2002-03 Compoo[, Inc, Regionwide PE *AddJtJonatl~sTP Region I Funding (Ridefinders) Air Po[tution RW Provided in Primary S',stem Program Air PottutJon Reduction Program CN Reduction TO 940 550 * 390 - - Program 940 CM (DRPT) CH Compoo[, Inc. Vanpoo[ Freer PE ' (Ridefinders) Expansion R~ CN TO 250 50 200 200 250 CH (DRPT) DEQ/HRAQC Nonattainment Area PE * Additional STP Regional Funding Enhanced Ozone R~ Provided in Primary S~'stem Program Advisory CN Program TO 150 50 * 100 (Ridefinders) 150 CH (DRPT) CH 3O TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Dollars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY AOD'L ALLOCATION OESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER ' COST FUNOING REQU]REO (Federal Share) City of This project ~ould plan, design and construct a one-mile pedestrian/bicycle trail PE 50 Virginia Beach along the existing salt-marsh environment. CN 450 Arts Center/ TO 500 400 Oceanfront Connector Trail EN94-134-V22,PElOI,PE102,C501 15150 400 EN City of Restoration Nould include repair and maintenance of the structure as we(t as PE Virginia Beach improvements necessary to make the lighthouse more accessible to the pub(lc. CN 164 Cape Henry TO 200 160 Lighthouse Restoration EN94-134-VZl,PElOl,PE102,CS01 15149 160 EN City of 6.2 mile long lO-foot wide asphalt surfaced pedestrian/bicycle trail on abandoned PE 59 Virginia Beach Norfo[k/Southern RaiWoad right of Nay. Trail to include two rest stops, appropriate Landscaping, interpretive signage and a bridge over West Neck Creek. CN 586 Pungo - Park TO 645 516 Connector Trail Facility Phase I EN93-134-V12,PElO1,PE102,CS01 13771 516 EN City of Williamsburg,. ~hase I financing for 10.0 miles of bikeuays which are both separate facilities or PE 291 James City County and paved shoulder lanes. RW 423 York County CN 1,636 TO 2,350 960 Bikeways and 13764 Bike Lockers EN93-965-V11,PE101,PE102,RW201,NSO1,NS02 13765 13766 960 EN York County Pedestrian linkage between visitor attractions including streetscape improvements and PE 35 riverNa[k along the York River. RW 100 Yorktown Water CN 525 Street RiverNaLk TO 660 528 EN94-O99-VO8,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 15145 528 EN STATEWlDE Central Virginia The project intends to improve and interpret civil'war sites between Fredericksburg PE 140 Civil War Consortium and Petersburg accessible from the north and south. The promotion is to be nationally and internationally marketed. CN 370 The Fina[ Campaign TO 510 408 51 Historical Sites EN94-969-V30,PElOl,PE102,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 15107 408 EN 6O I I i ! ! I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Dot[ars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADDIL ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) ..... PE ' City of Newport News Commercial district facade and streetscape improvement project. Phase Il RN 40 HiLton ViLLage CN 854 TO 894 715 - EN94-121-V17, PE101,PE102,R~201,CS01 15147 715 EN City of Norfo[k Pedestrian walkway along Church Street, Henry Street, Virginia Beach BouLevard, PE 25 and Princess Anne Road. RN Attucks Historic CN 894 Pedestrian ~atkway TO 919 250 250 (NFO)EN97-122-126,PElO1,PE102,CS01 17591 250 EN Northampton County Scenic and historic corridor which travels Length of County along designated Virginia PE 96 Byways, coastal routes and rural highways. Project wilt include trail center, RN Heritage Trail historic Eastvit[e Inn renovation and miLL restoration which wilt be used as an CN 644 industrial museum. TO 740 580 EN94-O65-V13,PEIO1,PE102,CS01 15144 580 EN Town of Onancock Restoration of historic blacksmith shop and development of blacksmith shop museum. PE 10 RN 6 Samuel b. Outlaw CN 72 BLacksmith Shop and TO 88 70 Museum (NFO)EN96-273-115,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 16537 70 EN Town of Smithfield Landscape and streetscape reconstruction to promote appropriate historical design. PE 54 Historic Smithfield R~ 307 Inc. CN 359 Revitatization TO 720 420 EN94-300-V12,PE101,PElO2,R~201,CS01 15151 420 EN City of SuffoLk Restoration of a historicaLLy significant railroad station for contemporary use as a PE t0 S.O.S Committee and museum and visitor information center. R~ 5 Oowntown SuffoLk CN 285 Assocation TO 300 240 CSX Hain St. Raj[road Station Restoration (NFO)EN96-133-116,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 16538 240 EN 59 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) City of Emporia To acquire and complete renovation of the interior of the CSX depot according to PE 23 Department of the Interior standards for historic preservation and current ADA RN 114 Train Depot requirements. CN 313 Rehabilitation TO 450 360 - ZN93-109-VZ4,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 13768 360 EN City of FrankLin Proposed project includes installation of sidewalks, historic trait, historic PE 45 Lighting, historical markers and aignage, Landscaping, and relocation of utilities. RW 210 Barrett'sLanding CN 480 TO 7'55 514 - CNFO)EN95-145-102,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 16066 514 EN City of Hampton Project involves decorative Lights, pedestrian signage, appropriate Landscape PE 3 buffer, attractive signage, street furniture, etc.[ Lining both sides of SettLers RW Settt.ers Landing Road Landing Road from Eaton Street to Bridge Street and Kings Way from SettLers Landing CN 497 SZreetscape to Kings Way. TO 500 400 - Improvements EN93-114-VO4,PE101,PE102,CS01 13769 400 EN City of Hampton Project involves Landscaping the.median of the Hampton Roads Center Parkway between PE Interstate 64 and Magruder BouLevard and high visibility areas at the respective RW Hampton Roads Center interchange. CN 50 Parkway Landscaping TO 50 40 EN94-114-V40,PElOl,PElO2,L801 15146 40 EN IsLe of Wight County CompLete renovation of the structure in order to provide for a tourist center, a PE 25' museum annex and public use areas. RW - Boykin's Tavern CN 415 Restoration and TO 440 75 75 Preservation (NFO)EN97-O46-127,PElOl,PE102,CS01 17592 75 EN City of Newport News Replacement of existing sidewalks and facade improvements within the historic PE 50 commercial district. Project to include decorative pavers, landscaping, improved RW 40 Nistoric HiLton drainage system, handicapped accessibility and street furniture.CN 660 ViLlage TO 750 600 Facade and Street Improvements EN93-121-V16,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 13770 600 EN 58 I I I I I I I I TRANSPORTATION ENNANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Do[tars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD*L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Town of TimbervitLe InstaLL 1,800 feet of sidewalk on Route 42 and Route 800 in the Town of Timbervitte. PE 4 R~ 19 Routes 42 and 800 CN 52 East SidewaLk Project TO 75 60 EN94-312-V46wPE101~PElO2~RW201wNS01 CONSTRUCT[ON UNDER WAY 15115 60 EN City of Winchester Part of Larger muttJphase project to establish Civil War BattLefieLd Tour NetWork in PE 63 Frederick County Winchester/Frederick County and is critical to fu[[ implementation of Shenandoah EW 2,700 VaLLey Civil War National BattLefieLd Park. Phase [ is to acquire Grim Farm site CN Civil War which represents central portion of Kerstown BattLefieLd. TO 2,763 1,090 BattLefieLd Tour ~hase I EN94-O34-V31,PE101,PElO2,RN201 15122 1,090 ENi City of Ninchester RehabiLitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or PE 21 PLanning Department facilities including historic railroad facilities. Rg 239 B&O Raj[ Station and CN 260 Environs TO 520 114 RehabiLitation I Project (NFO)EN96-138-124,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 16544 114 City of Winchester RehabiLitation and operation of historic B&O transportation building. PE 21 R~ 239 B&O Raft Station and CN 260 Environs TO 520 75 75 RehabiLitation - Phase Il (NFO)EN97-138-121,PElO1,PE102,RW201,CS01 17586 75 EN SUFFOLK DISTRICT Accomack County To improve and existing con~nerciaL docking facitity on Tangier Is[and and to PE 80 purchase and improve an existing cor~nercia[ docking facility and develop a recreation RW 205 Tangier/Harborton boat ramp and parking in the To~n of Harborton. CN 497 WAterborne Activity TO 782 ZOO 200 (NFO)ENg?-oo1-128,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 17593 200 EN City of Chesapeake Construct 5~ paved bike Lanes with stripe on each side of Dock Landing Road from PE 5 Portsmouth BouLevard to near Devon Drive (approximateLy 1.8 miles). ALso construct RW 254 Bikeway Loop 5~ paved bike [aries with stripe on each side of Jo[iff Road from the intersection of CN 516 David's MiLt Drive to Portsmouth BouLevard (1.9 mites) and east along both sides of TO 775 620 Portsmouth BouLevard (0.6 mite). Phase ! EN94-131-V27,PElO1;PElO2,RW201,CS01 15148 620 EN 57 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY AODIL ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST :UNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Shenandoah county To acquire ownership of the 102-year old Strasburg Depot Buitding, which houses the PE 20 Strasburg Museum. Restore, renovate and stabilize this architecturaLLy-significant RW 125 Strasburg Museum structure that is showing the effects of old age. CN 195 Strasburg Depot TO 340 207 BuiLding EN93-O85-voa,PElO1,PElO2,RW201,C501 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 13782 207 EN Shenandoah County Project is designed to restore the Fort Defiance railroad station built in the Late PE 1 19th century to its original condition. RW Fort Defiance CH 94 Depot Restoration TO 95 76 76 (NFO)ENg?-o85-119,PElOl,PE102,CS01 17582 76 EN Shenandoah County The preservation and maintenance of'existing rail corridors by implementing alternate PE 158 considerations for use by supporting new opportunities in Intermoda[ Transportation RW 160 Shenandoah Rail which uiLL preserve resources while supporting a regional effort to promote heritage CN 322 'l:nitiative tourism. TO 640 35 35 (NFO)EN97-O85-120,PElO1,PE102,CS01 17583 35 ENi City of Staunton Project wiLL aLLow City of Staunton to purchase Land and acquire a railroad turntable PE 20 to support operation of Virginia Central Scenic Raj[road from its base near restored RW 20 Virginia Central Staunton Station. This project will provide the only reguLarLy scheduled scenic CN 408 RaiLroad and RaiLroad operation in the Cona~onweaLth of Virginia. TO 448 337 - - Historic Staunton Station EN94-132-V18,PE101tPE102,RW201,CS01 15119 337 EN City of Staunton/ Landscaping along Interstates 81 and 64 at the Frontier Cutture Huseum to preserve PE 21 Augusta County historical interpretation. RW CN 319 Landscape Screening TO 340 50 50 & Scenic Enhancement (NFO)EN97.132L124,PE101,PE102,C501 17589 50 EH Frederick County Improvement of Main Street business area and historic district by comp[eting and PE 5 Stephens City upgrading the pedestrian sidewalks, designating a bicycle area and Landscaping the RN - designated historic area. CN 70 Hain Street TO 75 60 - Historic District EN93-304-V15,PElOl,PE102,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNOER WAY 13783 60 EN 56 I I I i I I I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Do[tars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Highland County To plan for the enhancement and interpretation of the transportation corridors and PE 40 related [ands and historic structures associated with the McDowe[[ Civil War RW McDowe[[ Battlefield/ Battlefield. CN '. Parkersburg Pike TO 40 32 EN94-O45-V32,PE101,PE102 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 15121 32 EN Highland County Scenic conservation easement acquisition, trait construction and planning, and PE 53 driving tour construction. RW 228 McOowett Battlefield/ CN 245 Staunton to TO 526 65 65 Parkersburg Pike (NFO)ENg?-o45-11?,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 17580 65 EN City of Lexington Purpose is to construct [ow water concrete pedestrian bridge Linking Lexington PE 34 terminus to rest of trail. Also connect Woods Creek Trait to Chessie Nature Trail. RW Chessie Nature CN 175 Trail Footbridge TO 209 124 (NFO)EN95-11?-120,PE101,PE102,CS01 16084 124 EN City of Lexington/ Construct a pedestrian/bicycle trait and enhance the aesthetic value of Lee Highway PE 90 Rockbridge County that connects the City of Lexington with Rockbridge County. RW 10 CN 525 Lee Highway TO 625 65 65 Enhancement (NFO)ENg?-ll?-118,PElOl,PEIO2,RW201,CS01 17581 65 EN Town of Mount Sidney Construction of pedestrian/bikeway to [ink the residential, commercial, and PE 29 Augusta County recreational areas to the village. RW - CN 185 Pathway to the Past TO 214 50 40 40 (NFO)ENgZ'OO7-123,PElO1,PE102,C501 16543 90 EN Rockfngham County Installation of exhibits' in the River room of the Port Republic Nuseum and PE 1 contemporary wayside exhibits in th village to interpret the history of this early RW Interpreting The barge-town as a major transportation center. CN 9 History of an Early i TO 10 8 8 3arge Town (NFO)EN9?-O82-125,PE101,PE102,CS01 17590 8 EN 55 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROdECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Clarke County Improvements consist of Landscaping, mitigation of poLLution due to highway runoff, PE 8 bury eLectricaL/teLephone cables, reconstruct mi[[ headrace/taiLrace and construct RW 50 BurwetL-Morgan MiLL toiLetfaciLities. CN 77 Site Improvements TO 135 40 40 (NFO)EH97-O21-122,PEIO1,PE102,CS01 17587 40 EH City of CLifton Forge This project consists of the planned p~eservation and rehabilitation of the City of PE 19 CLifton Forge's Con~nerciaL Historic District. RW CLifton Forge CN 224 Con~nercial TO 243 190 Historic District EN94-105-V28,PE101,PE102,CS01 15118 190 EN Town of Elkton Removal of transportation obstacles and creation of visual enhancements. PE 63 Elimination of RW 463 ~ransportation and CN 92 Streetscape TO 618 300 Improvements Phase I (NFO)EN96-216-121,PE101,PElO2,RW201,C501 16541 300 EN :rederick County Proposed 2.5 mile pedestrian facility wiLL provide a network connection between PE 18 various high density residential subdivisions along the Route 277 corridor. RW Sherando Area CN 287 Pedestrian and TO 305 171 Bicycle FaciLity EN93-O34-V25,PE101,PE102,RW201,C501 13784 171EN Town of Front Royal Design and construction of walking/biking traiL.' Off road, para[ie[ to Commerce PE 16 Avenue and Happy Creek. RW 99 Happy Creek Trail CN 214 TO 329 163 - (NFO)EN96-112-127, PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 16547 t63 EN City of Harrisonburg Project is Located at old Chesapeake Western RaiLway Train Station and Freight PE 74 Depot. The museum wilt be utilized as a muLti-functionaL facility serving tourists RW 220 Harrisonburg Visitor and area residents with ~istorical Linkages between agriculture and transportation. CN 650 Center and RaiLroad/ TO 944 420 - AgricuLturaL Heritage ~useum (NFO)EN95-115-116,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 16080 420 EN 54 ! I ! i I I I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) ALLeghany County Construction of a wetland on property west of the Church to stow down and treat the PE 15 Historical Society flow of storm runoff and highway drainage before it reaches the Jackson River. RN 3 CN 151 OakLand Presbyterian TO 169 134 Church Cemetery (NFO)EN96-OO3-122,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 16542 134 EN ToNs of Berryvitte Proposed 550~ sidewalk extension is Located in the northern section of the town along PE 2 Route 340. This would connect new sidewalks in a developing section of toNn. RN 4 Route 340 CN 44 SideuaLk Extension TO 50 40 EN94-168-V42,PElOl,PE102,R~201,C501 15116 40 EN Town of Bridgewater DeveLopment of park, street beautification, and pedestrian/bikeway on North Hain PE 1 Street in the Town of Bridgeuater. R~ 10 Harm Springs CN 246 Turnpike Park TO 257 129 (NFO)EN96-176-125,PE101,PElO2,R~Z01,C501 16545 129 EN ToNn of Broadway Construction of a pedestrian facility to Link residentiaL, commerciaL, and PE 1 Pedestrian FaciLity recreational areas of the to~n. RN 15 CN 116 to Link Residential, TO 132 105 Commercial and Recreational Areas (NFO)EN96-177-126,PE101,PE102,R~201,C501 16546 105 EN Clarke County Restore railroad passenger and freight terminal building into museum. PE 5 Boyce RaiLroad CH 94 Station Restoration TO 100 80 (NFO)EN95-O21-126,PE101,PE102,R~201,CS01 16089 80 EN CLarke County ApproximateLy one acre of Landscaping at the intersection of Route 7 Bypass and Route PE 7 Business. This ui[[ serve as a Oateuay project for the Toun of Berryvi[Le and R~ Route 7 Clarke Codnty. CN 6 Beautification TO 6 4 Project EN93-O21-VOT,L801 13781 4 EH 53 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 .(In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) City of Roanoke Trail for pedestrians and bicyclists. Historic interpretations and signage. PE 53 PLanning and Landscape improvements. R~ Community DeveLopment! CN 627 TO 754 240 The MiLt Mountain Prospect Green~ay (NFO)EN96-128-102,PElO1;PElO2,RN201,CS01 16610 240 EN City of Roanoke Trail for pedestrians and bicyclists. Historic interpretations, signage and PE 60 Landscape improvements. RN 20 The Mi[[ Mountain/ CN 674 ~rospect GreenNay - TO 754 150 150 )hase II (NFO)EN97-128-114,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 17577 150.EM Roanoke County First phase of tho phase project. IncLudes traits, Landmark preservation, PE 68 storm~ater control and transformation/enhancements. The Trait ~itt [ink the City of The Hanging Rock SaLem ~ith the Hanging Rock Civil War battle site and provide 4.76mites of ~aLking CN 781 BattLefieLd Trail and biking trails. TO 849 549 (NFO)EN95-O80-104,PE101,PE102,CS01 16067 549 EN ~oanoke County TraiLs for ~atking and biking~ pedestrian and bike bridges; preservation of historic PE sites and structure. RN 112 The Hanging Rock CH 560 BattLefieLd Trail - TO 717 - 200 200 Phase II (NFO)ENg?-oso-115,PE101,PElO2,RN201,CS01 17578 200 EN To~n of Rocky Mount The acquisition, renovation and expansion of the Rocky Mount RaitHay Station to PE become a Netcome Center/Area Museum. Landscaping and pedestrian/bike facilities are RaiLway Station included. CN 256 TO 310 256 Phase I & II ENg3-157-V30,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 13820 256 EH STAUNTON DISTRICT A[Leghany County DeveLoped to atLeviate safety hazards and enhance convenience of access. Link PE 22 parking Lot to overlook by bridge and sidewalk. RN 6 FaLLing Spring CN 95 OverLook Project TO 123 98 (NFO)EN95-OO3-117,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 16081 98 EN 52 I I I I i I I I I i I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Patrick County DeveLopment of gate~ay signage, native Landscaping and informational kiosks. PE 8 Ecomonic DeveLopment RW 12 CN 60 Pride 2020 GateNay TO -80 30 Project (NFO)EN96-O70-104,PE101,PE102,RW201,C501 16607 30 EN PuLaski County Safety improvements to the Ne~ River Trait at intersections ~ith Route 693 and public PE 5 ,oarktng areas at A[ttsonia and Hi~assee. RW 10 Ne~ River Trail I Cfi 35 Safety/Access TO 50 40 EN93-OT?-V17,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 13827 ' 40 EN PuLaski County StabiLize and repair picnic shelters/ upgrade restroom facilities; upgrade trait PE 18 system; implement vegetation management practices; define parking ares; upgrade RW Draper Mountain Lookout sites and seating areas. CN 132 Overtook and TO t50 120 - Wayside (NFO)EN96-O77-103,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16608 120 EN To~n of PuLaski Location from terminus of Ne~ River Trait (near Route 99) to downtown PuLaski. PE 50 Proposes to connect trail to to~n~ ending at PuLaski Train Depot. Extension RW 100 Ne~ River includes acquisition of approximately 1.2 mites of right of way adjacent to active CN 800 Trail Extension NorfoLk Southern rail and Peak Creek. TO 950 200 - (NFO)EN95-125-106~PElOl,PElO2,RW201~CS01 16069 200 EN City of Roanoke OeveLopment of pedestrian elevated ~atkway between historic market district and PE 333 transportation museum. RW 195 Raj[side Linear Park CN 2,021 TO 2,549 300 (NFO)EN95-128-112,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 16071 300 EN City of Roanoke Renovation and construction improvements to the existing front facade of the Museum's PE 35 msin facility, Roanoke~s Historic Freight Station. RW Virginia Museum of CN 345 Transportation TO 380 228 EN94-128-V20,PE101~PE102,C501 15222 228 EN 51 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal TYPE OF PROJECT .. PROJECT NUMBER COST Share) City of Richmond Originate the Amtrak trains at the Main Street Station, provide Amtrak layover and PE 50 servicing facilities, and construct roadway and accessimprovements. RN - Main Street Station CN 1,200 Renovation TO 1,250 250 - (NFO)ENgS-127-110,PE101,PE102,CS01 1607Z 250 EN City of Richmond The proposed restoration wit[ construct 3 railroad sidings in the origina[ track PE 85 atignments. Two of the tracks wilt house permanent exhibits. RN - Science Museum CN 8,324 of Virginia TO 8,609 616 - (NFO)EN95-127-109,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16076 616 EN SALEM DISTRICT City of Bedford Ma[king and biking path from Route 63 north to Route 122 south. Project inctudes PE 10 signage, path construction, landscaping and bike racks. RN Bicycle/Pedestrian CN 196 Pathway TO 206 164 - EN96-161-V16,PElO1,PEI02,CS01 15223 164 EN City of Ga[ax Extension of the New River Trail into the City of Ga[ax to connect businesses, PE 20 'esidential and pub[ic areas. RN - Gatax Trail CN 199 TO 219 50 50 EN97-113-116,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 17579 50 EN City of Martinsvitte ReaLignment of Liberty Street and Uptown Rail TraiL. Existing vegetation ~i[[ be PE 25 Community Devetopment created to create an approximate 30-60 foot ~ide traitway and paved pedestrian/bike RN 63 path. Rait spur wi[[ be restored and tandscaped and steep embankment to the south CN 585 Uptown Rail Trai.[ ~t[[ be manicured and safety fencing ~itt be instal[ed. TO 653 75 (NFO)EN96-120-105,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 16609 75 EN Montgomery County A proposed six-mite Project that witt be buitt on the abandoned Huckteberry Raitroad PE 45 Line between B[acksburg and Christiansburg. The[raiL originates in downtown RN 10 Nuckteberry Trait Btacksburg, passes through VPI and ends at the New River Vattey Matt. CN 856 TO 909 689 RaiLs to TraiLs EN93-O60-V28~PElO1,PE102,RN201,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNDER NAY 13817 689 EN 50 ! I I I ! I ! I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 " (in Thousands of Dollars) i997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED~ (Federal Share) City of Petersburg This project includes rebuitding and restoring the historic cemetery walls that line PE 10 Crater Road and Rochelle Lane along the Western boundary of the cemetery. Blandford Cemetery CN 183 Walt Restoration and TO 193 121 Crater Road Corridor PLan EN94-123-V48,PE101,PE102,CS01 15105 121EN City of Petersburg The proposed project wilt implement the addition of curbs and curb cuts, new street PE 60 surfaces and crosswalks, crosswalks across alleys, utilities, street Lighting and RW 60 Grove Avenue public signs. CN 780 Streetscape TO 900 480 Enhancement (NFO)EN95-123-118,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 16082 480 EN City of Petersburg introduction of historically compatible street lighting, consolidation of PE Historic Foundation utility lines and introduction of appropriate street signage. RW 60 Grove Avenue CN 210 Streetscape TO 300 200 Enhancement Phase ii (NFO)EN96-123-111,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 16619 200 EN City of Richmond Preliminary engineering and design of a Historic ELectric Streetcar System for PE 100 Downtown Richmond. RW Central Business CN District Steel TO 100 80 Raj[ Tro[[ey EN94-127-V36,PElO1,PE102 15106 80 EN City of Richmond Complete tandscape/streetscape treatment to improve the aesthetics of the entryway PE 290 corridor on [-64 west from Nine Hile Road through 1-64/I-95 Interchange and Belvtdere Entrance to City of Interchange down to Canal Street. Phase funding. CN 2,610 Richmond TO 2,900 274 EN93-127-V36,PElO1,PE102,CS01 13791 274 EN! City of Richmond Partial funding for the Richmond Riverfront Development Program and the James River PE 500 and Kanawha Canat/Tripte Cross Connector project which wilt link two major sections RW 750 James River and of canat and urban greenway. Restoration and reconstruction of James River and CN 5,600 Kana~ha Canal Kana~ha Canal; fabrication of canal gate, watkways, Landscaping, Lighting, TO 6,850 1,250 interpretive signs and exhibits. EN93-127-V13,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 13792 1,250 EN~ 49 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION'FISCAL YEAR"1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS :UNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) City of Hope~eLt Project is envisioned as a continuous pedestrian trail extending along the streets PE 30 if the City Point National Historic District in Hop~e[[. Project is intended to RW 95 City Point's improve pedestrian circulation and deter vehicular usage in the historic district. Cg 175 RaiLs and Waterways TO 300 - 150 150 Htstory~a[k (NFO)EN97-116-139,PElOt~PElO2~R~201~CS01 17604 150 EN Town of Lawrencevi[[e Landscaping, streetscaping, scenic beautification and provision of facilities for PE pedestrians. R~ 78 Dream La~rencevit[e CN 186 2000 - Phase I TO 286 150 150 (NFO)ENS?-251-161~PElOl,PElO2,R~201,CS01 17606 150 EN MeckLenburg County RehabiLitation of Inn for use as a hoteL, conference center and museum. PE 21 R~ Boyd Tavern CN 105 Foundation TO 126' 100 Restoration (NFO)EN96-O58-113,PE101,PE102,CS01 16618 100 EN New Kent County Repair and improve sideHa[k in and around the County Government CompLex. PE 15 R~ 2 New Kent County CN Government CompLex TO 71 57 57. Pedestrian PLan (NFO)EN97-O63-146,PE101,PElO2,R~201,CS01 17609 57 EN City of Petersburg Renovation of historic passenger train station and planning Land acquisition and at PE 115 Least partial construction of approximately two mi[es of pedestrian /bicycLe trail R~ 150 Appomattox River along the Appomattox River. CH 535 Heritage Trail TO 800 660 EN93-123-V20,PE101,PE102,RN201,C501 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 13789 640 City of Petersburg Partial restoration of historic passenger train station; planning, Land acquisition PE 186 and construction of pedestrian/bicycLe trail along river. R~ 60 Rppomattox River CN 686 Heritage Trail - TO 908 - 121 121 Phase II (NFO)EN97-123-160,PElO1,PElO2,R~201,CS01 17605 121EN 48 I I I I i { I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCAT]Of DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) ChesterfieLd County The planned bike Lane wit[ involve widening the pavement on Smoketree Drive by paving PE four feet of the existing six foot shoulders from 0.1 mite west of Courthouse Road RN Smoketree Bike Lane to Gordon School Road, a distance of 1.7 mites. CN 67 TO 70 56 56 (NFO)EN97-O20-145,PE101,PE10Z,CS01 17610 56 EN Town of Crewe 2,640 foot Long 6-foot wide path through and around ~agberg Park. PE Nottoway County RN Crewe-Burkevitte CN 13 Chamber of Commerce TO 13 10 Hagberg Park Wa[king Path EN93-203-VlO,PElO1,PElO2,C501 13793 10 EN Dinwiddie County EstabLish interpretation and Landscape management program, including Land and PE 2 Association for the vtewshed protection measures, site maintenance, visitor safety measures, and trail RW Preservation of Civil construction. Cfi 19 War Sites, Inc. TO 21 17 White Oak BattLefieLd Site Interpretation EN94-O26-V41,PE.101,PE102,CS01 15110 17 EN Hanover County Proposes to rehabilitate tavern by making it handicapped accessible, adding new PE 195 kitchen, reworking eLectricaL/mechanicaL systems, Landscaping, and expanding The Campaign to existing parking Lot. CN 655 Preserve Hanover TO 850 ~9 Tavern (NFO)EN95-O42-114,PE101,PE102,CS01 16079 449 EN Henrtco County Landscaping and streetscaping of Lakeside Avenue from the Richmond City tine at Bryan PE 84 Community Development Park to CLub Lane and the entrance to Lewis Ointer Botanical Garden. CN 683 From the Park to the TO 76? 300 Garden: The Lakeside Avenue Enhancement (NFO)EN96-O43-110,PElOl,PElO2,CS01 16617 300 EN City of BopeweLL Project is to design pedestrian wayside exhibit system. WiLL include Landscaping, PE 5 improvements of sites and pedestrian paths and relocation of utilities underground. City Point's CN 67 RaiLs and Waterways TO 72 58 I - (NFO)EN95-116-108,PElOl,PElO2,RW201,CS01 16075 58 EN 47 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Town of AshLand To provide 0.7 mite sidewalk and 0.7 mite bicycle trail in the Town of AshLand. PE 1 RN 5 SidewaLk and CN 119 BicycLe Trait TO 125 - 100 100 (NFO)EN97-166-142,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 17607 100 EN ToNn of Burkevi[te ReLocation and restoration of a historicaLLy significant railroad station for use as PE 10 a railroad museum, a community center, bus stop, tourist and bikers rest stop. RN 15 BurkvitLe NorfoLk CN 500 Southern RaiLroad TO 525 .- 75 75 Station Restoration (NFO)EN97-181-143,PE101,PE102,RN201~CS01 17608 75 EN Char[es City County Highway Historic Harkers wiLL present the rich and cuLturaLLy-diverse history of PE I Historical Society twenty-three distinct and identifiable, significant~ historic communities on RN Four Centuries of fifteen highway historical markers throughout rural CharLes City County. CN 21 Community History TO 22 18 - in CharLes City County Virginia I(NFO)EN96-108-112,PE101,PElO2,CS01 16615 18 EN ChesterfieLd County Construct a Linear park with muLti-purpose traits and historical interpretive areas. PE 20 Rg 42 Phase I CN 188 Lower FaLLing Creek TO 250 185 Greenway (NFO)EN95-O20-123,PE101,PE10Z,RN201,CS01 16086 185 EN ChesterfieLd County PLanting of perennial flowers, trees and additional sidewalks on Midtothian Turnpike PE between OLd Buckingham Road and just west of LeGordon Drive. RN ViLLage of CN ~0 Midtothian TO 20 t6 Landscaping EN94-O20-V24~PElO1,PElO2,L801 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 15108 16 EN ChesterfieLd COunty Phase I is designated to construct a brick sidewalk on the south side of Route 10 to PE Board of Supervisors connect historic MagnoLia Grange PLantation House with the historic courthouse R~ complex and Landscape the area. CN 76 Route 10 Landscaping TO 80 40 Phase I (NFO)EN96-O20-114,PE101,PE102,C501 16616 46 ! ! I I I I I I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD"L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Loudoun County This project wilt provide site improvements and stabilization to the E. E. Lake PE 60 General Store in Dtuemont. Site improvements wit[ include: handrails, handicap RW - E.E. Lake General accessibility, concrete and step upgrades as we[[ as interpretive signs, [andscaping Cfi 120 Store StabiLization and bicycle parking. TO 180 80 80 (NFO)EN97-O53-137, PE101,PE102,CS01 17602 80 EN ToNn of Lovettsvi[[e Project NiL[ design and construct a 6-mite netNork of sidewalks and bike paths to PE 48 [ink cor~nunity, sociaL, and business centers together. RN 113 Lovettsvi[[e CN 251 Pedestrian/Bike Path TO 612 50 50 Network (NFO)EN97-255-136,PEIO1,PE102,RW201,CS01 17601 50 EN City of Manassas The rehabilitation of historic train station. FaciLitate daily passenger service. PE 15 Potomac and RN 60 Rappahannock CN 345 Transportation TO 420 336 - Commission - Historic RaiLway Station EN93-155-V18,PE101,PE102,R~201,CS01 13787 336 EN To~n of Quantico Construct a separate bicycLe/pedestrian transportation trail starting at the PE 17 ANTRAK/VRE Station, construction of a paved parking ID[, paved and grave[ed RN 1 Quantico Potomac ~a[kways, and timber deck traiL/aquatic marine river study area. CN 210 Transportation TO 228 100 100 FaciLity (NFO)EN97-287-135,PElO1,PE102,RN201,CS01 17600 100 EN Town of Vienna Street improvements along 3 separate streets that connect 2 para[Lei renovated PE 56 streetscapes; includes ne~ brick side~atka, cross~atks and planters. R~ - Streetscape CN 226 Connection TO 280 120 120 Project (NFO)EN97-153-133,PElOl,PE102,CS01 17598 120 EN I .. RICHMOND DISTRICT AmeLia County Land acquisition and scenic easement to preserve civil Nar battLefieLd. PE - Department of RW 201 Conservation and CN Recreation TO 201 136 - Say[er~a Creek Enhancement EN96-OO4-V15,PE101,PE102,R~201 15109 136 EN 45 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADDIL ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Town of Herndon Appropriate Landscaping to visuaLLy enhance the Washington and OLd Dominion Trait and PE - )edestrian PLaza at the Hunicipa[ Center. EW - Washington and OLd CN 50 Dominion Raj[road TO 50 40 - Park at Herndon Nunicipat Center EN94-235-V34,PElO1,PE102,CS01 15162 40 EN Town of Haymarket InstaLLation of five-foot wide brick sidewalks; storm drainage system; coLoniaL PE 105 Prince WiLLiam County style streettights; street trees and planter boxes; street furniture; designated RW - bicycle Lanes and bike racks. CN 922 Naymarket TO 1,027 300 (NFO)EN96-233-128,PE101,PE102,CS01 16637 300 EN .oudoun County Restoration of this station wiLL be a significant element in the planning of the PE 54 future development of Western Loudoun County. Purce[tviLte CN 156 Train Station TO 250 200 EN94-O53-V39,PElO1~PE102,RW201,CS01 15158 200 EN Loudoun County Project wilt plan, design and stabilize historic structure. Church was a Landmark PE 90 for both Federal and Confederate troops during Civil Nar. Hount Zion Church CN 102 StabiLization TO 240 192 - (NFO)EN95-O53-124,PE101,PE10Z,RW201,CS01 16087 192 EN Loudoun County Project wilt enable the restoration of the site back to a more aestheticaLLy pleasing PE 14 sight. The Civil War Honument wiLL be cleaned and puLL-off areas cleared and fiLLed Snickersvitte with grave[. Signs relating to historic site identification wiLL be instaLLed. CN 56 Turnpike Restoration TO 70 56 and Beautification (NFO)ENgS-O53-113,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16078 56 EN Loudoun County RehabiLitation of mi[[ headrace and [taiLrace to provide water as a source of power PE Board of Supervisors to the mitt, Landscaping along new pedestrian trails, construction of interpretive signs and archaeoLogicaL evaluation. CN 408 A[dJe Hit[ Site TO 498 389 Improvement Project (NFO)EN96-O53-129,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16638 389 EN 44 i.~ ! ! I ! ! ! ! I ! I I TRANSPORTATION ENNANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUHD ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUHDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Pairfax County This 990~ trail wiLL be instaLLed along the east side of Great FaLLs Street from the PE 12 intersection of Crutchfie[d Street to the intersection of Hutchtson Street. The' RW 124 Great FaiLs trail wiLL facilitate pedestrian access to the West FaLLs Church Netro Station. CN 223 Street Trail TO 359 287 EN94-O29-V29,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 15157 287 EN Fairfax County Construction of 30 bus shelters at highly utilized bus stops in Fairfax County. PE 15 RW 15 BUS PassengerCN 270 Waiting SheLters TO300 75 75 (NFO)EN97-OZ9-138,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CSOl 17603 75 EH City of Fatrfax Proposes facility for bikes and pedestrians, beautification, Landscaping and PE 105 historic preservation. Project ~iLt Link trails Located in the City to those in the Accotink Gateway County. CN 988 Connector Trail TO 1,093 311 - (NFO)EN95-151-127, PE101,PE102,CS01 16090 311EN City of Fairfax CompLete a paved trait for the entire 5.6 mites, plus Landscaping for four points of PE 45 access and interpretation of three historic sites adjacent and visible from the trail RW - Accotink Gateway CN 612 Connector Trait TO 657 50 50 Phase II (NFO)EH97-151-134,PE101,PE102,CS01 17599 50 EN Fairfax County Proposes paving parking Lot, constructing cemen~ walk to caboose and extending PE .1 electricity to caboose. Improve PubLic Access CN 8 to Fairfax Station TO 9 8 - RaiLroad Huseum (NFO)EN95-O29-125,PE101,PE102,CS01 16088 8 EN City of Fairfax This 0.6 mile segment of Lighting and Landscaping between Judicial Drive and PE 2 University Drive wiLL promote the aesthetic, historical and safety aspects of this Route 123 Lighting/ southern gateway to the National Register H{storic District. CN 198 Landscaping TO 200 160 - EN94-151-V47, PE101,PE102,CS01 15160 160 EH 43 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCERENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of Oottars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER .COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) City of ALexandria Design features a 30* taLL topiary and smaLL sunken garden at Hestern edge fit[ed PE 218 with cattails and water irises, recaLLing the marsh which once occupied this parcel RN 400 King Street Gardens of Land and was purchased by the City in 1989 with the idea of developing an urban CN 420 park for its citizens. TO 1,038 i t25 EN94-100-VO4,PElO1,PElO2,RW201,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 15159 125 ArLington County 1.2 mile 8-foot wide bicycle and pedestrian paths utilizing off-road traits, side PE 60 roads and both sides of CoLumbia Pike to provide a safer and more convenient RW - CoLumbia Pike- alternative for commuters. CN 240 Pentagon Trail TO 300 240 EN93-OOO-VO6,PElO1,PE102,C501 13776 240 ArLington County This project wiLL undertake the surveying, engineering, final planning, permit PE 250 preparation and right of way acquisition required for the development of a 0.5 mite RW 50 Four RiLe Run Trait Long bicycLe/pedestrian trait with a grade separated crossing of ShirLey Highway CN (1-395). TO 300 230 Additional Funds provided in Primary System Program. EN94-OOO-V25-PE101,PElO2,RW201 15156 230 EN ArLington County Design for canopy over existing escalators. PE 30 Transit Program CN 200 Protective Canopy for TO 230 18 CLarendon Retrorait Station EscaLators (NFO)EN96-O00-131,PE101,PE102,C501 16635 18 EN Town of CLifton Project wiLL provide a pedestrian/bicycLe walkway, sitting area and Landscaped PE 2 observation platform. ALso, facilitates improved pedestrian access to railroad RW Rain Street caboose which is being restored as a railroad museum. CN 28 Pedestrian/BicycLe TO 30 24 - PLaza and Pathways Phase I EN94-194-V35,PE101,PE1020CS01 15161 24 EN Town of Clifton Pedestrian/bike path to circulate from the center of the town (Phase I) to the PE adjacent parks and to the nearby CLifton ELementary School. Construction of a grass RW - CLifton strip and Landscaping for a pedestrian/bike path to run across the five acre parcel CN 41 Hain Street recently purchased by the CLifton Betterment Association (CBA). TO 45 36 - - =edestrian/Bicyc[e PLaza and Pathways (NFO)EN96-194-130,PE101,PE102,C501 16636 36 EN 42 I [ I I [ [ I I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CiTY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) City of Lynchburg Acquisition and rehabilitation of the Kemper Street Station, construction of a PE 117 bike/hike trail and acquisition and development of [and adjacent to the station RN 200 Kemper Street into a park area including street front Landscaping. CN 933 Amtrak Station TO 1,250 I 225 225 (NFO)EN97-118-113,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 17576 225 EN Town of Pamptin City Acquiring the historic Pamptin Depot from the NorfoLk-Southern RaiLroad Corporation PE 58 and restoring the facility to its original form. RN 89 Town of PampLin City CN 298 Depot Renovation TO 445 25 25 (NFO)EN97-277-131,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 17596 25 EN Pittsytvanfa County Propose to acquire Land and structure~ create muLti-purpose trail for PE 60 pedestrians/bikes, restore a historic depot into a visitor center; Landscape. RN 150 Richmond and CN 540 DanviLLe Trail TO 750 450 Phase i (NFO)EN95-O71-115,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 16072 450 EN Prince Edward County To construct a pedestrian and bike trail along the Sandy River Reservoir. PE 10 RN 1 Sandy River Reservoir CN 113 Pedestrian and Bike TO 124 25 25 Trail (NFO)EN97-OTS-132,PE101,PElOZ,RN201,CS01 17597 25 EN Town of South Boston PLan to restore a historic warehouse "The Prizery" into a co.unity, fine arts, and PE 430 welcome center in downtown South Boston. RN 400 "The Prizery": A CN 3,610 Community, Fine Arts TO 4,440 75 75 & We[come Center EN97-130-129,PE101,PE102,RW201,C501 17594 75 EN NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT City of ALexandria rPhase ! funding for improvements to the main station building and smaLL adjacent PE 84 building. This main building houses the ticket office, baggage office and passenger RN Union Station facilities. CN 756 RehabiLitation and TO 840 672 Renovation EN93-100~V14,PElO1,PE102,CS01 13779 672 EN TRANSPORTATION ENNANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Do[tars) 1997-98' COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS :UNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) City of DanviLLe The development of a trai*[ system to scenic and historic sites along the Dan River. PE 150 DeveLopment of new pedestrian and bicycling paths connecting the DanviLLe Train R~ DanviLLe Train Station Complex and Auctioneer's Park to the Dan Daniel Memorial Park and Civil War CN 1,150 Station Comp[ex historic st~es. TO 1,300 500 Phase (NFO)EN96-108-lO6~PElO1,PE102,CS01 16613 500 EN City of DanviLLe Phase IV, the development of a trait system to scenic and historic sites along the PE 100 Dan River. Engineering services wilt be sought to analyze needed improvements to the R~ DanviLLe Train historic rail trestle that crosses the Dan River. ALso, the excavation and reopening CN 1,300 Station Comp[ex of historic canals along the southern bank of the Dan River. TO 1,400 - 130 130 Phase IV (NFO)EN97-108-112,PE101,PE102,CS01 17575 130 EN Town of Gretna Enhance the aesthetics of the area surrounding the caboose by planting grass, PE 1 flowers, trees and shrubs. ALso constructing a smaLL concrete apron and installing RN Gretna Transportation several park benches~ and antique railroad station Lanterns. This project wilt CN 26 Park enhance the aesthetics of downtown Gretna and Main Street (Route 29). TO 27 20 - (NFO)EN96-227-109,PE101~PE102,CS01 16612 20 EN City of Lynchburg & A major component of the downtown riverfront revitalization plan including connecting PE 40 Amherst County a natural recreation trait to downtown and providing a connecting link to a proposed RY 95 Central Virginia PDC city park. CN 795 TO 930 744 Conversion of Rails to TraiLs EN93-118-V23,PE101,PE102,R~201,CS01 13826 744 EN City of Lynchburg This phase of development wiLL build on the previously approved ISTEA projects by PE acquiring and beginning development of approximately 7.5 acres of Land. The [and RN Riverfront currently contains extensive open space, an 1885 depot building and a portion of CH - RevitaLization 1840 James River and Kanawha CanaL. TO 348 278 - EN94-118-V26,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 15227 278 EN City of Lynchburg Improve vehicular access to Point of Honor~ provide a direct pedestrian connection PE to Point of Honor from downtown Lynchburg, from the redeveloping riverfront area and Point of Honor ~ercivat~s IsLand Recreation Trait, and from the Btackwater Creek Natural Area CN 136 Access Improvement TraiL. TO 150 111 (NFO)EN96-118-108,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16614 111EN 4O ! i ! ! I I I I' ! i ! TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of Do[tars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CiTY ADDIL ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Town of Urbanna Rehabilitation of the Old Tobacco Narehouse as visitors center. PE 5 RW 100 Old Tobacco Narehouse CN 194 Visitors Center TO 299 239 (NFO)EN96-316-11'7,PE101,PE102,R~201,CS01 16555 239 EN LYNCHBURG DISTRICT Town of Amherst Relocation and renovation of Amherst Depot into a Multi-Use Community Facility. PE 42 RW 195 Amherst Depot CN 344 Renovation and TO 581 - 25 25 Relocation (NFO)EN97-163-130~PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 17595 25 EN Town of Appomattox Relocate utility lines, instal[ period Lighting, define bike trait, and install PE 16 landscaping at dountown Appomattox Virginia Depot located on Main Street. Bike path RN 18 Hain Street fo[toNs the Joel Sweeney foot race route around downtown. CN 182 Enhancement TO 216 100 (NFO)EN96-165-107,PElO1,PElO2,RN201,CS01 16611 100 EN Charlotte County Rail to trail conversion to connect a significant civil war site and towns; provide PE 118 Old Dominion bicycle/pedestrian facilities, preserve and rehabilitate historic site. R~ 1,008 Resource Conservation CN 659 TO 1,805 781 Southern Virginia Rail - Trail ENg]-o19-V]l,PE101,PElO2~RW201,CSO1,B601 CONSTRUCTION UNDER W~Y 11815 781EN Halifax County and Phase I1 of Southern Virginia Rail-Trail project. Project includes purchase and PE 20 Charlotte County restoration of historic railroad depot to be utilized as visitor center; exhibits RN 750 and historic markers; restoration and preservation of earthworks, cannons and CN 980 Staunton River batteries. TO 1,750 500 Battlefield (90 Acres) (NFO)EN95-969-l11,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 16070 500 EN City of Danville Purchase additional property from N&S Railway, provide off street parking for Amtrak PE 50 and Danville Science Center; purchase, rehabilitation and enhancement of historic RW ]65 Rail Passenger Southern Railway Freight Depot for Farmer's Market and convert inactive historic CN 910 Station Train Trestle into pedestrian/bicycle bridge and streetscape improvements on TO 1,325 1,000 - Rehabilitation Crafghead Street. Phase Il EN94-108-VO2,PE101,PE102,RN201,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 15226 1,000 EN 39 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Dollars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Middlesex county >reservation of a farmer's market in the Village of Saluda with provisions for PE - parking and shelter. R~ SaLuda Farmer's CN 33 ~arket TO 33 24 EN9~-osg-v~,PEIO1,PEI02,CS01 1511~ 2~ EN Northumberland County Proposes to restore and convert facility for public use. Project includes PE 45 0edestrian/bicycLe facilities, acquisition of site from Northumberland County RN Rice's Hotel/ ~tstoricat Society, landscaping, and renovation of structure. CN 447 Hughtett's Tavern TO 492 375 - (NFO)EN95-O66-107, PE101,PE102,CS01 16074 375 EN Spotsy[vania County Phase I of the bicycle/pedestrian corridor consists of constructing a 1.25 mile PE 10 section that will provide access from residential areas to commercial and RN Central Railways recreational facilities. CN 220 Trails TO 230 182 - EN93-O88-V32,PElO1,PE102,MS01 13785 182 EN Stafford County Construction of a bicycle/pedestrian trail and sidewalk improvements. PE 104 R~ 53 Belmont/Ferry CN 294 Farm Trail TO 451 175 175 (NFO)EN97-O89-107, PE101~PE102,RN201,CS01 17570 175 EN Fredericksburg - ~aved trail on north side of Rappahannock River from U.S. Route 1 to State Route 3. PE Stafford Park Trail to Link historic, archeotogicaL, con~nercia[ destinations and transportation RN Authority facilities. CN 236 TO 236 189 Hiking/Biking Trait EN94-O89-V33,PElO1,PE102,C501 15112 189 EN Town of West Point Roadside bike trait from Local school complex to riverside park areas and downtown PE 25 historic locations. RN 80 Bike Trail and CN 319 River Park TO 424 306 - EN94-325-V16,PE101,PE102,RN210,CS01 15111 306 EN 38 I i ! ! I ! I I ! ! TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Dollars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADDmL ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federni Share) Toun of Colonial 2,400 foot tong 8' to 10' wide bike/pedestrian path parallel to Euclid Avenue from PE 3 Beach the Bluff Point neighborhood to the Classic Shores neighborhood. RW CN 32 Bike/Pedestrian TO 35 28 - Pathway EN93-199-VO9,PE101,PE102,CS01 13788 28 EN City of The rehabilitation of historic train station. Facilitate daily passenger rail PE 60 Fredericksburg service. RW Potomac and CN 640 Rappahannock Trans. TO 700 500 Comm. - Historic Raj[way Station EN93-111-Vt8,PElO1,PE102,RW201,CS01 13786 500 EN GLoucester County The -roject begins'at the historic court circle and continues for a distance of PE 40 Office of Community roughly 1,200 Linear feet along Main Street. RW 150 Development CN 527 TO 717 150 100 100 Colonial Courthouse Village Enhancement (NFO)EN97-O36-108,PElO1,PElO2,RW201,CS01 16554 250 EN Lancaster County Landscaping and preservation of the view of Historic Christ Church through the PE 5 removal of power lines. RW 5 Christ Church CN 37 Historic Site TO 47 37 37 (NFO)EN97-O51-111,PE101,PE102,RW201,C501 17574 37 EN Mathe~s County Mathe~s County Land Conservancy intends to acquire this property to preserve PE 83 significant historio features of this local landmark while creating a comtemporary RW 440 Williams Wharf use for the public. Floating dock stage wilt be constructed to recreate historical CN 377 Landing aspects of Chesapeake Bay culture. TO 900 702 EN94-O57-VO6,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 15113 702 EN Mathews County Developing the DJ[ dock complex into a Regional Small Craft/Handling Facility PE 41 Mathews County Land providing a unique, historic and scenic site that wilt give visitors a clear RN 165 Conservancy concept of small craft use, marine shipping and water transport. CN 556 TO 762 100 100 Williams Wharf Landing - Phase II (NFO)EN97-O57-109,PE101,PE102,RU201,CS01 17572 100 EN 37 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS =UNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federai Share) Madison County This project provides enhancements and improvements to the five vi[La~es along scenic PE 20 Chamber of Commerce Byway 251. It enhances each hamlet's unique history and details scenic By~ay 231 RW 5 role as an integral part of Madison County's economic development plan. CN 205 The ViLLages of TO 230 184 - Madison's Scenic Byway (NFO)EN96-O56-120,PElO1,PE102,R~201,CS01 16540 184 EN Orange County Project wiLL encompass 220 acres along Rapidan River at existing historic site. PE 65 Objectives are to establish a visitor center, a new 400' asphalt entrance, and a RN - Germanna CoLonies trail that ~i[L wind around site. CH 745 Visitor Center on TO 810 325 Route 3 (NFO)Ef195-O68-119,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16083 325 EH Town of Orange Conversion of a historic train depot into a community and regional transportation PE 45 facility. FaciLity to include visitor's center, parking, transportation museum, RW Orange Transportation ticketing, "festival plaza", and retail shops. CN 555 Center TO 600 480 EN94-275-V37,PE101,PE102,CS01 15155 480 EN Town of Orange Phase 11 consists of a set of integrated streetscape improvements for Madison Road, PE 71 Orange Downtown Main Street, Byrd Street, Church Street and Short Street, aL[ of which directly RW ALLiance relate as gateways, or approaches to the Orange Transportation Center. CN 777 TO 848 200 200 Orange Transportation FaciLity - Phase 1] (NFO)EN97-Z75-104,PE101,PE102,RW201~CS01 17565 200 EN town of Warrenton Conversion of abandoned rail Line to trail for educationaL, historic, PE 20 recreational, naturaL, economic and transportation purposes. Beginning between RW 530 Warrenton Spur FrankLin and Lee Streets in downtown Warrenton; traversing through town and into CH 325 Greenway the county across Route 29. TO 875 443 EN93-156-V21,PE101,PE102,R~201,CS01 13774 443 EN FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT Town of BowLing To improve the Main Street transportation corridor for pedestrians, bicyclists, and PE 4 Green motorists. Project includes removing abovegr°und utility Lines, replacing existing RW 20 broken sidewalks with new brick sidewalks, Landscaping, decorative streettJghts and CN 98 Main Street street furniture, TO 122 97 97 Enhancement (NFO)EN97-O16-110,PElO1,PE102,RW201,CS01 17573 97 EN 36 I I I I I I I I TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEHENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-9B COUNTY/CITY ADD~L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal *~ Share) ALbemarLe County Phase I! - including safety and aesthetic improvements, pedestrian and bicycle PE 150 access to MonticeLLo and Park/Arboretum devetol~nent. RW 450 Thomas Jefferson CN 1,035 NemoriaL Foundation TO 1,615 1,000 Thomas Jefferson Parkway EN94-OO2-VO~,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 15152 1,000 ALbemarLe County CompLetion Phase - Stone bridge and tunnel crossings of Route 53 to provide access PE 225 for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists. IncLudes trails, plantings and overlook. RW Thomas Jefferson CN '2,025 Hemoriat Foundation TO 2,250 500 Thomas Jefferson Parkway (NFO)EN96-OOZ-119,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16539 500 EN City of The restoration of the seriously deteriorated historic train station building and PE 506 CharLottesviLLe supporting infrastructure. Funding approved with the exception of the Crock Tower. RW 987 CN 5,332 Union Station TO 6,825 762 EN93-104-VO2,PElOl,PElO2,RN201,CS01 13775 762 EH City of Widening of Rugby Road from University Avenue to Wayside PLace, so that designated PE 130 CharLottesviLLe bicycle Lanes can be incorporated into the roadway. A sidewalk is proposed.for the RW 110 east side of the road. CN 760 University of TO t,000 800 Virginia Rugby Road 16085 EN94-104-VOS,PElO1,PEIO2,CSO1;(NFO)EN95-104-121,PElO1,PElO2,RW201,CS01 15153 800 ENi City of Pedestrian, BicycLe, and AOA AccessibLe trail connecting Rivanna GreenbeLt to Pen PE 5 CharLottesviLLe/ Park and Darden Towe Park. RW ALbemarLe County CN 142 TO 150 120 120 Rivanna GreenbeLt Extension (NFO)ENg?-IO4-106,PEIO1,PEIO2,RW201,C501 17567 120 EN Town of CuLpeper Renovation and rehabilitation of depot building into a useable transportation PE 55 facility, beautification of surrounding area and addition of Amtrak waiting room. RW 60 Depot RehabiLitation CN 760 TO 875 700 EN94'204-V11,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 15154 700' EN 35 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (In Thousands of Dotters) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL ~REVIOUS :UNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUHBER COST !FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Lee County The acquisition of the historic Karlan property for a visitor information center. PE 25 The proposed hiking/biking equestrian trait wilt tie aLL the components of the park WiLderness Road system together. Partial funding. CN 2,050 Project TO 2,075 360 - EN93-O52-V22,PE101,PE102,N501 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 13824 360 EN Lee County Continuation of the WiLderness Road Trail project consisting of an 8 mile segment PE 3 from CayLor to'Rose HILL. RW - WiLderness Road CN 482 Project TO 485 385 Phase II (NFO)EN96-O52-101,PE101,PE102,CS01 16606 385 EN RusseLL County Construction of kiosks with regional maps which have Local information about area. PE 30 At kiosks there will be bicycle racks and aLI areas will be Landscaped with trees, RW - Trip Through the flowers and shrubs conducive to that environment. CN 77 Heart of TO 107 86 AppaLachia (NFO)EN95-O83-tO3,PElO1,PE102,CS01 16065 86 EN Smyth County OeveLop a $.2 mile greenbelt waLking/bicycLe path along the MiddLe Fgrk of the PE 19 HoLston River through the Town of Marion. RW 20 Grassroots CN 76 Conservancy TO 115 92 "RiverwaLk" EN94-O86-V19,PE101,PE102,RW201,C501 15218 92 EN Smyth County The trail wiLL provide a scenic facility for pedestrians and bicyclists and will PE 5 foLLow Hungry Mother Park from the entrance to Hungry Mother Park to the MiddLe Fork RW 60 Hungry Mother of the HoLston River, a distance of approximately five miles. CN 115 Creek Trail TO 180 120 EN93-O86-V26,PE101,PEIO2,RW201,C501 13823 120 EN CULPEPER DISTRICT ALbemarle County Phase I - financing to develop traffic corridor as'a true parkway, this wiLL include PE 190 Thomas Jefferson scenic and safety enhancement of roadside Landscaping,. a bike-hiking trail RW 200 Parkway - Roadside, connecting visitor's center to MonticeLLo, a native plant arboretum, scenic CN 1,990 Safety, & Aesthetic overlooks and pond and foot trails. TO 2,380 1,500 ImprOVements and Biking & Hiking Trail EN93-OO2-VOS,PE101,PElO2,RW201,CS01 13772 1,500 EN 34 I I I ! I I I ! ! I ! i TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION F'ISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of Dot[ars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY ADD% ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) BRISTOL DISTRICT ToNn of Abingdon Reconstruction and restoration of 'the bridges and trestLes'on the Virginia Creeper PE 50 USDA Forest Service' National Recreation Trait RN CH 500 Virginia Creeper TO 550 100 100 Trait Restoration (flFO)EN97-140-103,PE101,PE102,CS01 17564 100 EN To~n of Big Stone Gaplproposes to create a greenbelt trail and complete a historic waLking'tour. PE 66 R~ 180 Greenbett Trail & CN 484 ~atking Tour TO T~O 150 150 (NFO)EN97-101-lO2,PElO1,PElO2,RW201,CS01 17563 150 EN BLand County Proposal includes architecture and engineering for a museum building, Indian Village PE 58 reconstruction, construction of traits, and landscaping. RW 278 Center for Eastern CN 749 American Indian TO 1,085 256 Culture (NFO)EN95-O10-lOS,PE101,PE102~RW201,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 16068 256 EN Bland County Recreation of an Indian Village site to serve as living museu~as wet[ as maintain PE 5 a museum for artifacts. RW 5 Wolf Creek Indian CN 407 Village & Museum TO 417 250 250 Phase I! (NFO)EN97-O10-101,PE101,PE102,RW201,CS01 17562 250 EH Town of Gate City Central Business District streetscape along town's main thoroughfare would include PE ~Lanting trees, installing antique-styLed Lighting to provide a more aesthetic Downtown Sidewalk design in order to attract ney business establishments and retain those already CN 207 Revitalization Located there. TO 207 166 EN94-221-V43,PElO1,PE102,CS01 CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 15219 166 EH Town of Grundy This proposed 3.5 mite lO-foot wide trait wilt provide a transportation link between PE 75 the Royal City area of Grundy and the downtown area. RW 100 OLd Kentucky Turnpike CN 100 Bicycle and TO 275 220 Pedestrian Trait EN94-E29-V44,PElOl,PE102,RW201,CS01 15220 220 EN 33 3. Scenic or historic programs; 4. Landscaping and other scenic beautification; 5. Historic preservation; 6. Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities including historic railroad facilities and canals; 7. Preservation of abandoned railway corridors including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian and bicycle trails; 8. Control and removal of outdoor advertising; 9. Archaeological planning and research; and, l 0. . Mitigation of pollution due to highway mn-off. The Commonwealth Transportation Board allocates funds to specific projects on a statewide, competitive basis. Project Proposals are examined by a VDOT Transportation Enhancement Selection Panel. Based upon the recommendations of the Selection Panel and a review by the Commonwealth Transportation Board's Environmental Committee, projects are selected for implementation. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -[ I TRANSPOR TA TION ENHANCEMENTS The "ISTEA Integrity Restoration Act" provides for the continuance of an Enhancement Program, which allows the Department to take unique and creative actions to integrate transportation into our c6mmunities and the natural environment. This program provides a means of financing activities that go beyond the normal elements of a transportation improvement project. Transportation enhancement activities are funded under the Streamline Surface Transportation Program. Transportation enhancement activities can be a stand-alone project or can be implemented as part of an on- going project. In either case it must relate to the intermodal transportation system in function, proximity, or impact. Transportation enhancement activities are activities which increase the value or worth of a project or make it more aesthetically pleasing. It should provide a "quality-of-life" benefit. A project is enhanced by doing something that is not common practice. Eligible transportation enhancement activities must fall into one or more of the following categories: 1. Provision of facilities for bicycles and pedestrians; 2. Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites; I I } I i ! I I ! I I i ! I I I I I ! TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATION FISCAL YEAR 1998 (in Thousands of DoLLars) 1997-98 COUNTY/CITY AOD'L ALLOCATION DESCRIPTION TOTAL PREVIOUS FUNDING TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER COST FUNDING REQUIRED (Federal Share) Virginia*s Civil Nar Project spans 58 sites statewide. Inctudes facitities for bicyctes and pedestrians, PE 30 Trait Consortium offers Landscaping for sites that need it, create atmosphere for preservation and appreciation for historic symbols. . CN 550 TO 580 464 (NFO)EN95-969-101,PElOt,PE102,CS01 16064 464 EN Metro Richmond Documentation and interpretation of additional 49 Civil gar sites including PE 40 Convention & Visitors Landscaping and facilities for bicycles and pedestrians. ' Rg Bureau (MRCVB) CN 510 Virginia~s Civil Yar TO 550 Trait Phase III (NFO)EN96-969-132,PElOl,PE102,CS01 16620 440 EN Rmherst and Bedford {ehabititate piers and abutments of bridge over James River. Piers have been PE Counties abandoned and unused since 1956. Project wilt provide facilities for pedestrians RN 262 Hatura[ Bridge crossing AppaLachian Trail that are presently using Route 501 bridge. This would CN 670 AppaLachian Trail 3rovide a safer crossing. TO 962 700 CLub - James River Foot Bridge EN94-969-V49,PElOl,PE102,C501 15295 700 EN Highway Marker Conduct research and draft new Historic Marker texts. RepLace erroneous and/or PE 25 RepLacement Program missing markers. Rg Va. Department of CN 225 Historic Resources TO 250 200 (NFO)EN96-969-133,PElOl,PElO2,C501 16621 200 EN Fauquier and Loudoun Construction of a scenic overlook, the instaLLation of historic markers, the creation PE 5 counties of historic markers, the creation of a native plants and ~ettands ~atk, and R~ stabilization of the bridge. CN 131 Goose Creek Historic TO 136 113 113 Bridge Site Improvement (NFO)EN97-969-105,PElO1,PE102,R~201,CS01 17566 113 EN Total 97-98 Enhancement ALLocations 4,510 61 I I I ! ! ! I I I i I ! I ! I ! I SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS The "ISTEA Integrity Restoration Act" does not identify a specific set-aside for the Safety Program, however safety activities are eligible for funding. The separate Safety Program is continued with the funding based on the average annual ISTEA level. Projects are selected by the Commonwealth Transportation Board on a statewide competitive basis. This will provide the Board an opportunity to' continue the program begun by ISTEA. Rather than charging the full cost of an improvement to a locality's construction allocation, the locality will be able to use the state matching share from its construction allocation to leverage the federal funding available for the proposed improvement. The improvements identified in this program were selected from a statewide priority list for hazard elimination improvements and rail-highway grade crossings to provide for the safety and convenience of the travelling public. 62 SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (In Thousands of Dollars) 199%1998 through 2002-2003 FEDERAL FUND ALLOCATIONS SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS 12,908,iiiiii'~ 7,788 iiiiii 7,788 iii'?~ 7,788 '~iiiii 7,788 !iiili 7,788 iii:~iil 51,848 ~o~'~'~'~°~~ 2,~oo ~', ~ 2,200 63 ! -! I I I ! ! I ! ! I I I I I I ! I ! HAZARD ELIHINATION SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY05 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of Do[tars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 71 - 0.19 Mi E Rte 72 - PE 30 Scott ROUTE 719 RW InstaL[ CN 270 Guardrai[ & TO 500 270 0 - - - Remove Fixed 27O STP Objects 1.57 Mi 16465 STP 0071-084-S02 PElO1,NS01 85 - 4.5 km. East of PE 95 Buchanan Route 659 RW 157 ReaLign Curve CN t76 TO 428 385 0 385 STP 0.2 km 14815 STP 0083-013-V12 PEIO1,RW201,C501 94 * Int Route 52 PE 6 Wythe RW 6 Construct Right CN 47 Turn Lane TO 58 52 52 - 52 STP 17528 STP 0094-098-105 PE101,RW201,,,501 ~. 647 - 16.1Km East of PE 500 Washington Bristol - East RW 200 .. Widen Pavement Corporate Limits CN 2,500 and Improve Bristol TO 3,000 2,?00 0 - ALignment 2,700 STP 16.1 km 14812 STP 0647-095-258 PEIO1,RW201,1 501 64 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 CULPEPER DISTRICT (in Thousands of DoLtars) ROUTE ADDWL .... COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 ~002-03 28 - Route 29 - pE 1 ~ Fauquier Manassas South C.L. R~ InstaLL Raised CN 110 .., Pavement TO 111 100 100 ~ Harkers 100 STP 22 Mi. STP 0028-030- 631 - Route 29 - pE 46 ~ Fauquier Manassas South C.L. R~ 176 Widen ShouLders, CN 660 Improve Horizontal TO 660 596 596 - ALignment~ Const Turn 596 STP Lanes & InstaL[ 1 Hi. GUardrait STP :0631-002- 763 - Route 29 - PE 1 (HydrauLic Rte 1655 R~ Road) CN 275 ALbemarLe ~estripe roadway to TO 276 268 268 . Incorporate a 5-Lane 268 STP ISection & Appropriate lnt Signal Mod. STP 0?63-002- 65 I ! ! I ! I I ! I I I I ! ! i I HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dottars) ROUTE ADD"L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 1 - Route 1 Bypass - PE 15 Spotsytvania Four-Mite Fork RN - Extend or Add CN 277 Left-Turn TO 292 263 0 - - Lanes at 6 263 STP Crossovers Construction Comptete 14736 STP 0001-088-V17 PElOl~MS01 1 - 0.25 Mi North US-17 - PE 11 Spotsytvania 0.17 Mi S 1-95 SBL RN 17 on Route 1 CN 171 :onstruct 2~ TO 198 178 178 -- Raised Median 178 STP Strip 17529 STP O001'088'122rPE101,RN201,r[501 218 ' Intersection PE 85 Stafford Route 606 RN 86 Cut Stope and CN 167 ~ Improve Grade TO 338 304 0 304 STP 14739 STP 0218-089-V11,PE101,RN201,CS01 218 - 0.3 km N. Route 1161 PE 140 Stafford 0.3 km E. Route 1161 RN 160 Construct TNo- CN 350 Way Left-Turn TO 650 585 0 Lane 585 STP Construction UnderNay 6.4 km 13847 STP 0218'089'V09 PElO1,RN201,~501 635 - 1.1 km West of PE 3 Essex Route 17 - Route 639 R~ 15 Reatign Curves CN 225 and Construct TO 243 219 0 - Shoulders 219 STP Construction UnderNay 2.9 km 15669 STP 0635-028-S63 PE101,Rg201,1:501 66 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT (In Thousands of Oo[Lars) ROUTE AOO,L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 29 Bus. - Intersection PE 6 (Memorial Route 501 Bus. RW Avenue) (Langhorne Road) CN 50 Lynchburg TO 56 50 0 - Mast Arm 50 STP Signals with Contract Administration b' City Backp[ates 15817 STP 6029-118-S08 PElOl~NS01 29 - N.C.L. a Carter PE 6 (Lynchburg GLaSs Bridge - RN 0 Expressway) Route 501 Bus. CN 76 Lynchburg TO 81 7"5 73 . Instal[ Raised 73 STP - Pavement Marker 17520 STP 0029-118-109 PE101,C501 29 - James Street PE 11 (Lynchburg Interchange - RW 0 Expressway) Route 501 Interchange CN 118 Lynchburg TO 129 116 116 Install Raised 116 STP Pavement Marker STP 0029-118- Nor Dan Drive Intersection PE 5 Danville Nelson Avenue RW 'Realign CN 259 Intersection TO 336 303 0 302 STP Construction Underway Contract Administration b City 15816 STP 0029-108-S06 PE101,MS01 29 - At Hotbrook Avenue PE I (Main Street) R~ 2 DanviLle CN Upgrade Signal TO ?6 68 68 ' - Controtand 68 STP last Arms N/Backp[ates 17521 STP 0029-108-107 PEIO1,RN201,1 501 45 - 0.35 km S Route 602 PE 120 Cumberland Route 602 R~ 52 .... Straighten CN 123 Curve & Correct TO 295 266 0 Drainage 266 STP 0'35.,,. km 16431 STP O045~024-S061PElO1,RW201,11:501 67 I ' I ! ! I 'i I I I ] i I ! i ! '1 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT (In Thousands of OoLiars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 360 - Intersection PE 6 Hatifax Route 626 R~ 0 Etiminate "Y" CN 33 Intersection TO 39 35 0 35 STP 16430 STP 0360-041-S17 PElO1,R~201,~:501 501 - intersection PE 6 HaLifax Route 783 Rg 11 Insta[[ CN 66 Traffic Signal TO 8] 75 0 - and Turn Lanes 75 STP 16429 STP 0501-041-S25 PE101,R~201/:501 501 Bus. - intersection PE 6 (Langhorne Rd) Murrett Road R~ ~:' Lynchburg CN 50 Mast Arm TO 56 50 0 - - SignaLs with 50 STP BackpLates Contract Admlnistration b City 15841 STP 0501-118-S04 PE101,NS01 501 - Rt. 29/501 PE 6 (Lynchburg Interchange - R~ Expressway) Bus. 460 Interchange CN 94 Lynchburg TO 99 89 89 - lnstat[ Raised 89 STP Pavement Marker STP 0501-118- 501 - Rt. 460 Bus. - PE 6 (Lynchburg Rt. 221 RN ~xpress~ay) CN 151 .ynchburg TO 156 141 141 - - InstaLL Raised 141 STP Pavement Marker STP 0501-118- 630 - US 360 - PE 20 Prince Edward US 15 RN 10 Improve (Spot improvements at CN 137 Sight Distance four locations) TO 167 150 0 - and Verticat 150 STP ALignment 17016 STP 0630'OTS'S921PElO1'R~201''5011 68 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IHPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT (tn Thousands of Dot[ars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998-99 1999'00 2000'01 2001'02 2002'03 678 ' Route 681 - PE 37 Halifax County 0.3 km East of RW 18 Improve Route 682 CN 193 Horizontat and TO 248 223 0 - Vet[ica[ 223 STP Atignment 1.6 km 15818 STP 0678-041-306 PE101,RW201,~:501 680 - 0.8 km South of PE 16 Chartotte Route 652 RW Straighten CN 34 Curve TO 52 47 0 - - 47 STP 0.2 km 15819 STP 0680-019-S02 PElO1,N501 696 - 0.5 Mi S Rte 636 - pE Prince Eduard 0.8 Mi S Rte 636 Rg 6 Cut down hit[ CN 46 and straighten TO 55 50 50 Curve 50 STP STP 0696-0T5- 729 - Route 1303 - PE 44 Halifax Route 360 R~ 94 Improve CN 446 Verticat and TO 583 525 525 - Horizon[at 525 STP Alignment 2.14 Mi. STP 0729-041- 69 ! ! '! ! i ! ! I i ! i I i I i I ! HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 NORTHERN VIRG'INIA DISTRICT (In Thousands of Oottars) ROUTE AOD'L I COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNOING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 50 - 1.0 km West of PE 120 Artington Route 27 - 0.2 km RW 20 lnstatt West of North Jackson CN 305 Concrete Street TO 445 401 0 - ~edian 401 STP Barrier 0.8 km 9195 STP O050-O00-V17PE101,RW201,~:501 50 - (Artington B[vd) PE 1 Fairfax At Rte 669 RW - Instatt 4' ~ide Annandate Rd. CN 26 raised median TO 25 23 23 a~ong Rte 50 & 23 STP the Service Rd at Rte 669 17526 STP 0050-029-135 PE101,MS01 266 - South Veitch Street - PE 60 Artington South Courthouse Rd RW 125 Widen North CN 95 Side and TO 280 252 0 - - Adjust Signat 252 STP Construction Underway 0.486 km 16695 STP 0246-000-V08 PElO1,RW201,,,501 611 - 0.28 Mi N Rte 3180 - PE 88 (Old Co[chester 0.60 Mi N Rte 3180 RN 0 Road) CN 275 Fairfax Improve Horizontat & TO 363 327 327 - Verttcat Atignment by 327 STP Widening Roadway & Shoulders STP 0611-029- 621 - At Rte 660 PE 13 Prince Wittiam Bethteham Rd. RW 6 Construct Turn Lanes CN 86 Widen Approaches TO 102 92 92 - Reatign, & Add 92 STP Shoutders & Pavement 0.3 Mi. Markers STP 0621-029- 1570 - At Rte 1572 PE 11 ~ (Countryside Peyton Road R~ 11 ~ Boutevard) CN 99 Loudoun TO 121 109 109 - Tristar[ Signat 109 STP 0.3 Mi. STP 1570-053- I 7O HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 RICHMOND DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 J 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 1 - GayLand Avenue - PE 60 ChesterfieLd Park Lee PLace RN 140 ~iden Pavement CN 500 and Improve TO 700 630 0 - Sight 630 STP Distance 0.5 km 13843 STP 0001'020-V28 PEIO1,RN201, 501 1 - Intersections Route PE 177 Hanover 783 and Route 802 Rg 767 Add Left-Turn CN 834 Lanes, ReaLign TO 1,778 1,600 0 - : Route 783, 1,600 HES/ Signalize STP HES/ Construction Underway Route 802 11925/14743 STP 0001-042-S10 PE101,RN201,11501 1 - Intersection PE 15 (Beividere St) Leigh Street R~ - City of CN 78 .. Richmond TO 93 84 0 . Construct Left 84 STP Turn Lane and Plans and Contract Administration by C ty Adjust Phasing 15852 STP 000!-127-S07 PElO1,MS01 1 - Leigh Street - PE 9 (BeLvidere St) Spring Street RN City of (Spot Locations) CH 58 ... Richmond TO 67 60 0 Upgrade Signals 60 STP Plans and Contract Administration by City 14734 STP 0001-127-V06 PE101,MS01 5 - Mil! Road - muffin PE 120 Henrico Road RW 33 Reconstruct CN 437 Third Lane for TO 590 531 O, . 2-~ay Left- 531 STP Turn Lane 1.4 km 13844 STP 0005-043-V03 PEIO1,RN201,CS01 33 - Leigh Street/Adams PE 47 (Leigh St) Street - 4th Street RN City of cg 229 Hchmond TO 276 248 0 - Upgrade Signals 248 STP Plans and Contract Administration by Clty 15850 STP O033-127-SOZjPE101,NS01 JI 71 i i ] i i i i I ! I I ] I i ! HAZARD ELIHINATION SAFETY INPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 RICHHOND DISTRICT (in Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 60 - lnt Crutchfietd PE 18 (Roanoke Street RW 0 Street) CN 68 Richmond TO 86 77 77 - - Channettzation 77 STP and New Signal PLans and Contract Administration by C~ty 17530 STP 0060-127-107 PE101,HS01 60 - At Intersection PE 55 , (Government ~dmiraL GraveLy RW 44 Road) BouLevard CN 175 Richmond TO 274 247 247 - Channetization 247 STP and New Signal PLans and Contract Administration by City STP 0060-127- 144 - Intersection PE 17 -- ChesterfieLd Routes 1520/1523 R~ 286 ReLocate Route 1523 CN 138 & Provide Left Turn TO 440 396 396 - Lanes ALong Route 10 396 STP for Both Intersections STP 0144-020- 147 - First Street - PE 40 (Hain St) Eighth Street Rg City of CN 200 Richmond TO 240 216 0 - Upgrade SignaLs 216 STP and Pedestrian PLans and Contract Administration by City Indicators 15849 STP 0147-127-S04 PE101,NS01 147 - 15th Street - PE 93 (Hain St) Laurel Street R~ City of (Spot Locations) CN 365 Richmond TO 458 412 0 - - Upgrade SignaLs 412 STP PLans and Contract Administration by Cty 16435 STP 0147-127-S05 PE101,NS01 147 - First Street - PE 53 (Cary St) Ninth Street R~ City of CN 267 Richmond TO 320 288 0 - Upgrade SignaLs 288 STP and Pedestrian PLans and Contract Administration by Clty Indicators 15848 STP 0147'127-S031PE101'NS01 I 72 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 RICHMOND DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 147 - Intersection PE 11 (Cary St) Cherry Street RN City of CN 57 Richmond TO 68 61 0 - - Install New 61 STP Signal PLans and Contract Administration by cry 15847 STP 0147-127-S02 PE101,NS01 156 - Int. Route 1155 PE 11 Hanover RN 52 ---_ CH 101 Construct TO 164 148 148 - - Southbound 148 STP Left Turn Lane 17527 STP 0156-042-107 PEIO1,RN201,1 501 161 - Intersection PE 16 (Casttewood Rd) Bells Road RN City of CN 62 ~~. Richmond TO 78 70 0 - - Install New ?0 STP Signal PLans and Contract Administration by City 16432 STP 0161-127-S04 PE101,NS01 250 - Intersection PE 11 (Broad St) DMV Drive R~ City of CN 56 Richmond TO 67 60 0 - - Install New '60 STP Signs[ Plans and Contract Administration by City 15866 STP 0250-127-S02 PE101,N501 360 - Route 604 - PE 37 Chesterfield Route 7'50 RN Crossover CN 390 Improvements TO 427 384 0 - - 384 STP 12.8 km 16433 STP 0360-020-S29 PE101,C501 360 - Ramp to 1-64 - PE 6 (Mechanicsvit[e Springdate Road RN 0 Turnpike) CN 492 Henrico TO 497 297 150 150 - - Install Roadway 447 STP # Lighting 17526 STP 0360-043-1011PE101,C501 # Transferred from Previous ALLocations 73 i ! i ! ] ! i ! ] I i I I I i ! i i I HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 RICHMOND DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE AOO'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998:99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 360 - Intersection PE Z2 (Hull St) DerNent Road and Hey RW 33 City of Road CN 111 Richmond TO 166 149 0 - Install New 149 STP Signal Plans and Contract Administration by City 15845 STP 0360-127-S20 PEIO1,RW201,N501 651 - Rte 653 (Qualla Rd) - PE 3 (Newbys Bridge 0.38 Mi E Qualla Rd RW 0 Road) CN 669 Chesterfield Improve Horizontal TO 672 550 55 55 - Curve & Shift 605 STP # Structure STP 0651-020- Forest Hill Intersection PE 17 Avenue - Bliley Road RW 17 ' City of CN 83 Richmond TO 117 105 0 - - Install New 105 STP Signal Plans and Contract Administration by City 15851 StP UOOO-127-S35.PElOI,RW201,NS01 Walmsley Blvd - Chippenham Parkway - PE ~3 City of Belmont Road RW 107 ~ Richmond CN 610 Widen Pavement TO 760 686 0 - 684 STP Plans, Right of Way and Contract Adminlstrationby :ity 1.6 km 14735 STP UOOO'127'V33,PElO1,RW201,CS01 8th St - Clay Street - PE 46 City of :ranklin Street RW Richmond CN 178 .. Upgrade Signals TO 224 202 0 - and Pedestrian 202 STP Indicators Plans and Contract Administration by City 16434 STP UOOO-127-S42 PE101,N501 # Transferred from Previous Allocations 74 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SALEM DISTRICT (in Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADO'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE OESCRtPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNOING STP FUNO COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 8 - Int. Route 869 PE 11 Hontgomery R~ 33 Construct CN 132 Turn Lanes TO 176 158 158 - 158 STP STP 0008-060- 8 - Route 836 - PE 5 Patrick 0.3 km N. of R~ Improve Route 836 CN 79 Alignment and TO 84 76 0 Instal[ 76 STP Guardrai[ Construction Underway 0.3 km 16298 STP 0008-070-107 PE101,M501 57 - Intersection PE 58 Henry Route 609 (2.6 km R~ 77 Lower Grade, East of Route 220) CN 335 Add Left-Turn TO 470 423 0 Lanes, Remove 423 HES/ ' . Island, Close STP HES/ Construction Underuay Entrance 11938 STP 0057-044-V16 PElO1,R~201,11501 57 - 1200' ~ Rte 9201 - PE 11 Henry 1200~ E Rte 683 RN 17 CN 165 Construct TO 193 17-5 17-5 . Center Left 17'5 STP Turn Lane 17523 STP 0057-044-117 PE101,R~201,~IS01 220 - 0.3 km S Rte 902 - PE 125 Henry 0.3 km N Rte 902 R~ 520 Intersection CN 130 Improvements TO 775 258 258 ** 517 258 STP 517 S** ** Cooperative project uith Primary and Secondary Funds 17257 STP 0220-044-121PElO1,R~201,CS01 [ SO1 - 2.7 km South PE 120 * Revenue Sh~ring Funds Bedford Route 611 - R~ Bridge 0.8 km South CH 1,115 Replacement Route 611 (South of TO 1,235 1,235 * 1,035 Big Island) 200 STP 1,035 S* 15756 STP 0501'O09-RO81PE101,R~201,?O1,B610 75 ! ! ' I i I i ' ! I ~ I I I I I i I I i i I HAZARD ELININATION SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAN FY98 thru FY03 SALEH DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dotters) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS' BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Otd Hountain Intersection PE 20 Road - Ne[ms Lane RW 19 city of CN 188 Roanoke TO 227 204 0 - - Widen Pavement 204 STP Construction Under~ay and Improve Ptans and Administration by City Atignment 14558 STP UOOO-128-V21PE101,R~201,H501 King Street Intersection PE 15 City of Berkiey Road RN 16 Roanoke CN 108 Intersection TO 139 125 0 - ' - - Improvement 125 STP Construction U~deruay Ptans and Administration by City 14829 STP UOOO-128-V22 PEIOI~RW201~C501 76 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of Do[tars) ROUTE ADD~L - COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATEO PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 33 - Intersection PE 11 ' ' Rockingham Route 655 RW - ReaLign WBL CN 280 to ELiminate TO 291 262 0 "Y" Type 262 STP Intersection 15854 STP 0033-082-S28 PE101,C501 33 - West Virginia State PE 25 Rockingham Line RW Remove Berm, 3.90 Mi W West CN 375 InstaLL Virginia State Line TO 400 360 0 Guard?aiL 360 STP 3.90 Hi 15853 STP O033-082-S27,PE101,H501 6Z - Route 739 - PE 38 Augusta Route ?60 RW 28 Improve CN 334 Horizontal TO 600 360 0 - A[ignment 360 STP ' 0.8 km 15855 STP 0042-007-S12 PE101,RW201,,501 56 - 1.6 km East of PE 25 Rockbridge Stee[es Tavern - RW 10 Remove Rock, NeLson County Line CN 600 Widen TO 435 392 0 ShouLders, 392 STP InstaLL Guard?aiL (7.0 km) 13807 STP 0056-081-V02 PElO1,RWZ01,11501 60 - Route 66 Westbound PE 25 A[[eghany Ramp - West Corporate RW - Upgrade Fixed Limits Covington CN 526 Objects TO 549 494 0 - - 496 HES/ STP HES/ Construction Underway 6.92 km 12344 STP 0060-003-V10 PE101,NS01 2~0'- 4.3 km West of PE 1 High~and Route 652 ~ RW InstaLL 5.1 km West of · CN 33 __ Guard?aiL Route 652 TO 34 31 0 - . 31 STP Construction Underway 0.8 km 15858 STP 0250-045-S12.PE101,H501 77 I I I I i I ! I ! I ! I ! ! I ! I ! ! HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of Do[tars) ROUTE AOD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 259 -. Route 612 - PE 2 Rockingham Route 819 RW Instat[ CN 120 110 Guardrail TO 122 0 - - - 110 STP Construction Underway 7.8 km 15860 STP 0259-082-S06 PE101,MS01 340 - Intersection PE 2 Augusta Route 778 RN Channe[ization CN 11 TO 13 12 0 - 12 STP 16440 STP 0340-007-S13 PE101,C501 340 - Nindmi[t Square PE 2 Augusta Shopping Center RN 25 Instal[ CN 125 Traffic TO 152 137 0 Signal 137 STP 16441 STP 0340-007-S14 PElO1,RN201,11501 340 - At Intersection PE 12 Augusta Route US-11 RW ~econstruct CN 405 ~ Intersection TO 417 375 375 - To Etiminate 375 STP Y" & Signalize STP 0340-007- ~22 - Intersection PE 4 Widen ramp to Route 37 NB off ramp RN two fanes, CN 57 Optimize TO 61 55 0 adjacent signal 55 STP timings 16439 STP 0522-034-S20 P101,C501 608 - Ramp from !-64 NB - PE 9 ,, Augusta Route 935 RW 11 CN 292 Instatt Left TO 311 * 280 280 - Turn Lanes & 1 280 STP Traffic Signat (* EXc[udes:160,O00 from other fund sources) STP 0608-007- I I I 78 HAZARD ELIHINATION SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAN FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADDWL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 ~002-03 ReservJor Neff Avenue PE 17 Street - RW Harrisonburg CN 116 TO 132 * 84 84 Instat[ Traffic 84 STP Signal * Includes $~8 from the City of Harrisonburg STP U000-115- 79 i I ! i ! ! I ! I I I I I i I I I I ! HAZARD ELIHINATION SAFETY INPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE AOOeL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999'00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 60 - Intersection PE 17 (Kecoughtan Rd) Ivy Home Road RN 28 Hampton CN 122 InstaLL Left- TO 167 150 0 - Turn Lanes & 150 STP New Signal 15820 STP O060-114-SOl,PElO1,RN201,1:501 60 - Intersection PE 2 (Narwick Bv[d) OLd Courthouse Nay RN Newport News CN Hedian TO 16 14 0 - Improvements 14 STP PLans and Contract Administration by City 15821 STP 0060-121-S15 PElO1,HS01 60 - At Lucas Creek Road PE 9 Newport News RN (Narwick Road) CN 83 , · InstaLL TO 91 82 82 - Traffic Signal 82 STP 17519 STP 0060-121-116 PElO1,NS01 60 - AtLantic Avenue - PE 50 (Shore Drive) Fort Story Nest Gate Virginia Beach CN 500 Widen TO 550 495 0 - - ShouLders 495 STP PLans and Contract Administration by City 13978 STP 0060-134-V05 PE101,HS01 60 - Fort Story Gate - PE 100 (Eastern Shore 83rd Street RN 0 Dirve) CN 560 Virginia Beach TO 660 594 594 Widen ShouLder 594 STP and Removal of Fixed Objects 17518 STP 0060-134-106 PElOl,HS01 143 - Intersection PE 17 (Jefferson Ave) ShieLds Road RN 11 Newport News CN 133 InstaLL TO 161 145 0 - Left Turn Lanes 145 STP PLans and Contract Administration by C!ty 15822 STP 0143-121-S071PElO1,RN201,~501 I 80 HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of Doltars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING STP FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 143 - Intersection PE (Jefferson Ave) ~oodcreek Road R~ Newport Ne~s CN 50 Install TO 53 48 0 . Left Turn Lanes 48 STP Ptans and Contract Administration by Clty 15823 STP 0143-121-S08 PE101,C501 143 - Denbigh Boulevard to PE 1 (Jefferson Ave) Fort Eustis Boulevard R~ Newport Ne~s and Intersection CN 309 Street Realignment at TO 310 279 0 Lighting and Industrial Park Drive 279 STP Realign Plans and Contract Administration by City Intersection 13979 STP 0143-121-V06 C501 Route 152 - Intersection PE 12 (Main Street) Beech Orive RN NeHport News CN Add Center TO 75 68 0 - - Turn Lane 68 STP Plans and Contract Administration by City 14724 STP 0152-121-V02 PE101,C501 Route 152 - Intersection PE 1 (Main Street) Tyter Avenue R~ - . Newport News CN 10 Channelization TO 11 10 0 - - 10 STP Utilities an~ Contract Administration ~y City 13980 STP 0152-121-V03 R~01,C501 460 - intersection PE 1t (Granby St.) Granby Street and Rg - Norfolk Admiral Taussig CN Install Boulevard TO 55 50 0 . Left Turn Lanes 50 STP 15824 STP 0460-122-S04 PE101,C501 Armisted Avenue Intersection PE 11 Hampton Sacramento Drive Rg 7 Instal[ CN 95 Ne~ Traffic TO 113 102 0 - Signal 102 STP Plans and Contract Administration by c!ty 1643~ SiP UOOO*l14'S241PElO1,R,201,~501 I 81 ! ! - ! I I I ! I I I I 11 I I I I I ! ! HAZARD ELIMINATION SAFETY IMPROVEHENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (in Thousands of Dottars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL ~ PROdECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REGUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTfl COST FUNDING STP FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Southeast 17 Intersections in PE 1 Community - an area bound by IR~ ~e~port Ne~s 25th St., 39th St., CN 75 Upgrade Madison Avenue, and TO 76 68 0 - - Traffic the East Corporate 68 STP Signat Heads Limits Contract Administration b City 13981 STP UOOO-121-V17 fl501 Henchvitte Boxtey Boutevard - PE 91 Road - Warwick Boutevard RN 100 -- . Newport News CN 767 Upgrade to TO 958 862 0 - City Standards 862 STP Plans and Contract Administration by City 14722 STP UOOO-121-V19 PEIO1,RN201,CS01 ~ar~ick Between East~ood PE 1 Boutevard - )rive and Denbigh R~ Newport Ne~s Boutevard CN 108 Add Left-Turn TO 109 98 0 - ' Lane and 98 STP Construction Underway Traffic Signal Plans and Contract Administration by City 14723 STP UOOO-121-V20 C501 UO00 - At Briarfietd Road PE 33 Newport News Rg (Chestnut Ave) Shift Atignment to CN 242 Improve Sight TO 275 248 248 Distance & Reptace 248 STP Signa[ w/ Mast Arm Upgrade 17522 STP U000-121-126 PE101,NS01 State~ide Future Projects to be Determined (Hazard Elimination - roadway) 1,297 4,362 4,362 4,362 4,362 4,362 Statewide Total Hazard Elimination Program 7,407 4,362 4,362 4,362 4,362 4,362 - 82 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of DolLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CiTY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTEO ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998'99 1999'2000 2000'01 2001-02 2002'03 58 ALt - .01 Mi. g. Rt.640 PE Lee RW CN 45 Crossing Surface TO 45 41 0 - Improvements 41 STP (DOT # 339550S) 15082 STP 0058-052~S30 FS701 58 ' To~n of Coeburn PE Wise 0.11 Mi. NE Rt. 72 RW CN 103 Add Gates and Upgrade!TO 103 10 83 83 FLashing Lights 93 STP (DOT # 469021S) 16397 STP 0058-097-S20 FS701 63 - .04 Mi ~ Rt. 83 PE Oickenson RW CN 90 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 90 81 0 - FLashing Lights 81 STP (DOT # 243819A) 15711 STP 0063-025-S06 FS702 67 - 4.45 Mi S Rt, 620 PE razewetL RW CN 80 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 80 72 0 - - FLashing Lights 72 STP (DOT fl 469044Y) Construction CompLeted 15709 STP O067-092-SOS,FST05 67 - 3.76 Mi, S, Rt, 620 PE Taze~e[[ RW CN 80 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 80 72 0 - FLashing Lights 72 ST~ (DOT # 469046M) Construction Completed 15708 STP 0067-092-s06 FS706 68 - 1.18 Mi. E. Rt. 763 PE Wise RW cg 102 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 102 92 0 FLashing Lights 92 STP (DOT # 714934J) Construction Compteted 15713 STP O068-097-SOS, FST02 83 I I I I ! I ! I ! I I I I I I I I ! I RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 Z001-02 2002-03 72 - 0.19 NJ. S. Rt. 65 PE Scott R~ CN 90 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 90 81 0 - FLashing Lights 81 STP (OOT# 243904P) 15714 STP 0072-084-S06 FS701 78 - 0.45 Hi. N. Rt. 685 PE Wise RW CN 80 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 80 72 0 FLashing Lights 72 STP (DOT # 714804M) Construction CompLeted 15712 STP 0078-097-S0] FSTO] 352 - 0.70Mi. NE Rt. 421 PE Lee RN C~ 102 Add Gates and Upgrade ?0 102 92 0 - - FLashing Lights 9Z STP (DOT # 714964B) Construction CompLeted 15710 STP 0352-052-S05 FS702 381 - Int. HighLand PE Bristol R~ CN 125 CantiLever FLashing TO 125 113 0 Lights 113 STP (DOT # 15716 STP 0381-102-S04 FST01 421 - 0.03 Hi. N. 3rd St. PE Bristol R~ CN 68 Crossing Surface TO 68 61 0 - - Improvement 61 STP (DOT # 469842~) 15704 STP 0421-102-S01 FS701 603- 5.51 Mi. N. Rt. 23 PE InstaLL FLashing CN 100 ' Lights and Gates TO 100. 90 90 90 STP (DOT # 714916L) STP 0603-097- 84 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM.FY98 thru FYO] BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION EST[MATEO PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNOING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-0] 605 - 0.20 Mi. W. Wise CL PE Lee RW CN 70 InstaL[ FLashing TO 70 65 65 . Lights and Gates 6] STP - (DOT # ]]9602G) 17297 STP 0605-052- 620 - 0.43 Mi. N. Rt. 701 PE Wise RW CN 106 Hashing Lights and TO 106 96 0 - . Gates 96 STP (DOT # 714886W) 10276 STP 0620-097-S4~ FS~34 623 - 0.03 Mi. SE Rt. 606 PE Lee RW CN 85 TO 85 77 0 = FLashing Lights 77 STP - (DOT # 714935R) Construction CompLeted 16864 STP 0623-052-S37 FS722 626 - 0.10 Mi. N. Rt. 11 PE Smyth RW CN 93 FLashing Lights and TO 93 77 ? 7 . Gates 84 STP (OOT# 469737V) Construction CompLeted 16876 STP 0626~086-S36 FS713 642 ~ 0.05 Mi. N. Rt. 11 PE Smyth RW CN 108 Upgrade FLashing TO 108 98 98 . Lights and Add Gates 98 STP (DOT # 469770V) STP 0642-086- 643 - 0.20 Mi. E. Rt. 624 PE Taze~ett RW InstaLL FLashing CN 99 Lights and Gates TO 99 89 89 . Widen Surface & 89 STP - Approaches (DOT # 469060H) 17298 STP 0643-092- !1 I ! ! I I I ! I I I ! I I I ! I I ! RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of Oottars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROdECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REGUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000. 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 654 - 0.01 Mi. N. Rt. 871 PE Scott FLashing Lights and CN 125 Gates, and Improve TO 125 113 0 - - - ALignment 113 STP (OOT# 715045V) 16969 STP 0654-084-S22 FS?IO 654 - 1.13 Mi, S. Rt. 667 PE Wythe RN CN 102 FLashing Lights and TO 102 92 0 - Gates 92 STP (OOT# 469703B) Construction CompLeted 16386 STP 0654-098-S81 FS?08 656 ? 0.15 Mi. N. Rt. 650 PE Taze~ett R~ CN 114 FLashing Lights and TO 114 103 0 -. Gates 103 STP Construction CompLeted (OOT# 468812B) 16869 STP 0656-092-S74 FS711 660 - 0.01 Mi. N. Rt. 11 PE Smyth R~ C~ 85 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 85 77 0 - FLashing Lights ?? STP (DOT # 669765Y) Construction CompLeted 16878 STP 0660-086-S35 FS712 674 - 0.01 Mi, N. Rt. 616 PE gythe Rg Torn of CN 103 Rural Retreat Add Gates and Upgrade TO 103 93 0 - - FLashing Lights 93 STP (OOT# 469716C) 16993 STP 0674-292-S41 FS709 679 - 0.20 Mi. S. Rt. 11 PE Smyth RN CN 108 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 108 98 98 FLashing Lights 98 STP (DOT # 469728N) STP 0679-086- 86 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY ]HPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD~L COUHTY/ClTY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION EST]HATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998'99 1999'2000 2000'01 2001-02 2002'03 684 ' 0.10 Mi. N. Rt. 11 PE Smyth RN CN 92 Ftashing Lights and TO 92 83 0 . Gates 83 STP (DOT # 469731E) 16882 STP 0684-086-S34 FS?11 685 - 0,02 Hi. N. Rt. 11 PE Smyth R~ CH 97 FLashing Lights and TO 97 88 0 Gates 88 STP Construction CompLeted 16883 STP 0685-086-S37 FS?12 685 - lnt, Rt. 693 PE Otckenson R~ Town of Haysi CN 90 Gates and FLashing TO 90 81 0 - - Lights 81 STP (DOT # 243807F) 16956 STP 0685-234-S47 FS70? 691 - 0.15 Hi. S. Rt. 11 PE Smyth RW CN 85 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 85 57 0 - FLashing Lights 7Z STP (DOT # 469752X) Construction CompLeted 16884 STP 0691-086-S38 FS?15 698 - 0.08 Hi. S. Rt. 635 PE Taze~e[[ RW CN 103 Gates and FLashing TO 103 93 0 . Lights 93 STP (DOT # 468868V) 16871 STP 0698-092-S36 FS713 738 - 0.06 Hi. N. Rt. 620 PE Hse RW CN 95 Gates and FLashing TO 95 81 5 5 - . Lights 86 STP (DOT # 714877X) 16983 STP 0738-097-S651FS735 87 I I I ! I ! ''l I I I I ! !1 ! !1 ! I I I RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIREDI ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 t999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Rte 763 0.01 Mi. S. Park St. PE Park Dr. - R~ Scott CN 100 Town of FLashing Lights and TO 100 90 0 - Gate City Gates 90 STP (DOT 736291V) Matching Funds to be Provided by Norfo,k Southern RaiLway Corporation 16398 STP XOOO~2ZI-S01FST01 805 - 0.05 Mi. N. Rt. 80 PE Washington RN CN 108 Gates and FLashing TO 108 98 0 ~ - Lights 98 STP (OOT # 469800K) Construction CompLeted 16162 STP 0805-095-S56 FS713 866 - 0,06 Mi. g, Rt. 609 PE Washington R~ CN 93 Gates and FLashing TO 93 77 7 7 Lights 86 STP (OOT # 669802Y) 16976 STP 0846-095-S66 FS716 855 - 0.10 Mi. S. Rt. 762 PE Wise R~ CN 100 FLashing Lights and TO 100 90 0 - Gates 90 STP (DOT 469015N) . 16986 STP 0855-097-S67 FS737 966 - 0.01 Mi. S. Rt. 870 PE Scott R~ InstaLL FLashing CN 90 Lights and Gates TO 90 81 81 - 81 STP (OOT # 715069X)' 17299 STP 0966-086- 1007 - 0.07 Mi. S. Rt. 610 PE Wythe Rg InstaL[ FLashing CN 100 Lights and Gates or TO 100 90 90 - CLosure 90 STP (DOT # 669679C) STP 1007-098- I 88 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thoussnds of DoLLsrs) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 1114 - 0.05 Mi. N. Rt. 23 - PE Scott RW Neber City Upgrade FLashing CN 90 Lights, Add Gates TO 90 81 81 - 81 STP (DOT # T34307P) STP 1114-324- 1129 - PE Nise 0.04 Mi. S. Rt. 813 RW Toun of Coburn CN 89 TO 89 81 0 .. Add Gates 81 STP (DOT # 469004B) 16985 STP 1129-198-S46 FS736 1412 - PE Scott 0.01 Mi. S. Rt. 23B RN Town of CN 90 Gate City Gates and Ftashing TO 90 81 0 Lights 81 STP (DOT # 7~4287F) 16970 STP 1412-221-S23, FS711 Pine Street - ChiLhouie= PE Smyth 0.01 Mi. N. Ratroad R~ CN 117 Gates and FLashing TO 117 106 0 - - Lights 106 STP (DOT # 469775E) 15707 STP XOOO-189-S01FST01 Grace Street - Grade Spring: PE ~ashington Int. Evergreen RN CN 140 Gates and FtashJng TO 140 126 0 - Lights 126 STP (DOT # 469787Y) Construction Compteted 15706 STP XOOO-222-S01FS701 RandaLL St. Int. Scott Street PE Bristot R~ CN 80 Crossing Surface TO 80 7Z 0 . Improvement 72 STP (DOT # 734420H) 15484 STP UOOO-102-sogiFT01 89 I I '! ! ! ! - ! ! 11 i ! I J I II ! ! I ! RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 BRISTOL DISTRICT (In Thoussnds of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Rutherford Rd. 0.01 Mi. NN Rt. 637 PE RusseLL R~ ToNA of Honaker CN 70 InstaLL FLashing TO 70 63 63 Lights and Gates 63 STP * Hatching Finds Provided by NorfoLk Southern RR Company (DOT # 468914U) 17285 STP XOOO-239-S01FST01 12th Street - 0.11 Hi. SE Rte 58 PE City of Norton RN InstaLL FLashing CN 70 Lights and Gates TO 70 63 63 63 STP * Hatching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern RR Company (DOT # 469017C) STP UOOO-146- HitLer Street - 0.01 Mi. S. RaiLroad PE Rural Retreat RN InstaLL FLashing CN 100 Lights and Gates or TO 100 90 90 - CLosure 90 STP LOOT # 669719X) STP XOOO-292- 5th Street - 0.01 Hi. N. Rt. 67 PE Richtands RN CH 80 InstaL[ FLashing TO 80 72 72 - Lights and Gates 72 STP * Hatching Funds Provided by Norfotk Southern RR Company (DOT # 669038V) 17284 STP U000-148~S10 :S704 90 RAIL/HIGN~AY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 CULPEPER DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 28 - 0.01 Hi. SN Rt. 616 PE Fauquier R~ Flashing Lights & CN 137 Gates & Crossing TO 137 137 0 Surface Improvement 137 STP* Construction Complete * 100% STP Setaside (Rail Safety Program) (DOT # 714624P) 15782 STP 0028-030-S10 FS701 628 - 0.27 Hi, NE Rt. 55 PE Fauquier RN CN 74 Flashing Lights & TO 74 74 0 Gates 74 STP - (DOT # 714375L) 11975 STP 0628-030-S92 FS717 639 - 0.01 Mi. SE Rt. 642 PE Orange RN Upgrade FLashing CH 79 Lights & Gates - Road TO 79 71 0 Relocation 71RRP (DOT # 225178X) 8150 RRP 0639-068-S48 FST02 682 - 0.23 Mi. S. Rt. 250 PE Albemarle R~ CN 87 Flashing Lights & TO 87 79 0 .. Gates 79 RRP (DOT # 224693U) 9385 RRP 0682-002-S33 FSr12 700 - 0.30 Mi SE Rt. 67~ PE Orange R~ Install Flashing CN 100 Lights and Gates TO 100 90 90 - 90 STP (DOT 714710L) 15326 STP 0700-068- 1004 - Town of Gordonsvi[te: PE Orange 0.05 Mi. E. Rt. 1002 RN CN 63 TO 63 57 0 Flashing Lights 57 STP (DOT # 225171A) 8153 STP 1004-225-S82~FST05 91 '1 I I ! ! I ! ! ! ! ! I ]1 ! '1 I '1 I ! RAIL/HIGH~AY GRAOE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PRO6RAM FY98 thru FY03 CULPEPER DISTRICT (In Thousands of Oottars) ROUTE AOO~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE t997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000'01 2001-02 2002-03 Concord Iht ALbemarLe Ave. PE Avenue - CharLottes- CN 120 viLLa FLashing Lights & TO 120 108 0 - Gates 108 STP Construction CompLeted (DOT # 714764S) * * Matching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation 14963 STP U000-104-S10 Fa707 9th Street & 0.07 Mi. S. Main St. PE * lOth Street - Grade Separation R~ 700 CharLottes- North of Main Street CH 2,500 - vitte (Underpass) TO 3,200 2,880 0 Construction Underuay (OOT# 714770V & 2,880 STP * ReguLar Urban Funds 22467'5H) STP ** Cooperative Funding ~i:h CharLottesvilLe Urban Project 2525 UOOO-104-V08 PE101,R~201,C501,B605,B606 Preston St. - 0.01 Mi. Ng 4th St. PE CharLottesviLLe R~ CN 33 InstaLL Concrete TO 33 30 0 . Crossing Surface 30 STP (DOT # 714768U) 16344 STP U000-104-Sll FST08 Shamrock Rd - 0.07 Mi. S. Jefferson PE CharLottesviLLe R~ Add Gates and Advance CN 100 Amber Hashers TO 100 90 0 (~B Approach) to 90 STP Interconnect U/FL (DOT # 714771C) 16343 STP U000-104-S12 FS?O~ Chandler St - 0.7 Mi. E, East St. PE Cutpeper R~ CN 101 Add Gates TO 101 91 0 - - 91 STP 14964 STP U000-204-S06 FS703 Spencer St - Int. Fairfax PE CuLpeper R~ Upgrade FLashing CN 100 Lights, Add Gates TO 100 90 90 90 STP . (DOT 714680N) 1T361 STP UOOO-204-SOS~FST02 92 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 CULPEPER DISTRICT (In Thousands of DolLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE · SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 T~an 0.12 Hi. S. Rt. 20 PE Street - R~ Orange CN 110 Gates and Flashing TO 110 99 0 _ Lights 99 STP (DOT # 714720S) 15691 STP UOOO-275-S02 FS701 93 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY INPROVEHENT PROGRAN FY98 thru FY03 FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT (in Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COI~PLETE SOURCE 1997-98 t998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 218 - 0.01 NJ. E. Rt, t107 PE Stafford RW CN 86 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 86 77 0 - Flashing Lights 77 STP (DOT # 860345T) 15692 STP 0218-089-s12 FS702 601 - 0.80 Mi. N. Rt. 3 PE Stafford RN CN 54 TO 54 49 0 - Flashing Lights 49 RRP (DOT # 860357N) 13089 RRP 0601-089-S17 FST09 603 - 0.58 Mi. NW Rt. 3 PE Stafford Rg Hashing Lights and CN 130 Improve Sight TO 130 117 0 - Distance 117 STP (OOT# 860361C) 16269 STP 0603-089-S39 FS705 607 - 0.20 Mi. N Rt. 218 PE Stafford RN Upgrade Flashing CN 100 Lights and Add Gates TO 100 90 0 - 90 STP (OOT# 860343E) 17271 STP 0607-089- 6T~ - 0.90 Hi. SN Rt. 633 PE King ~iltJam RW Install Flashing CN 60 Lights and Gates TO 60 54 54 54 STP (OOT# 714256C) 17289 STP 0673-050- 713 - 0.05 Hi. N. Rt. 3 PE Stafford RN CH 80 TO 80 72 0 Flashing Lights 72 STP (DOT # 860349V) 16270 STP 0713-089-S2617S710 94 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADO'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 15 - 0.02 Mi. S. Rt. 1003 PE Buckingham CN 44 Add Gates TO 44 40 40 40 STP (DOT # 224227N) *Matching Funds Provided ~y Buckingham Branch RR Company STP 0015-014- 15 Bus. - Keysvi[[e: PE Charlotte 0.02 Mi. SE Rt. 40 CN 47 Crossing Surface TO 47 42 0 - - Improvement 42 STP (DOT # 714096R) 15089 STP 0015-019-S04 FST02 58 - 0.20 Mi. W. Rt. 501 PE Halifax RW CN 44 40 0 - - Crossing Surface TO 44 Improvement 40 STP Construction Completed (DOT # 470524G) 15090 STP 0058-041-S13 FST02 501 - 0.02 Mi. N. WaLL St PE Main Street South Boston Upgrade Ftashing CH 125 Cantilever Lights TO 125 113 113 - - and Add Gates 113 STP * Hatching Funds Provided by Norfolk Southern RR Company (DOT # 714029W) STP 0501-130- 601 - 1.45 Mi. N. Rt. 460 PE Prince Edward CN 72 TO 72 65 0 - - Flashing Lights 65 STP (DOT # 467875C) 17014 STP 0601-0T5-S88 FS714 610 - 0.30 Mi. S. Rt. 606 PE Prince Edward CN 72 Ftashing Lights TO 72 65 0 - - 65 STP (DOT # 467867K) 17015 STP 0610-073-S891FS715 95 ! } '~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ~J " ! ! ! ]! ! ! I I II RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE AOD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTEO ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE OESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNOING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 617 - 0.15 Mi. ~. Rt. 15 PE Buckingham RN CN 48 FLashing Lights TO 48 23 20 20 - 43 STP (DOT # 224210K) Matching Fun(s Provided b Buckingham ranch Railwa Company 17217 STP 0617-014-S52 FS705 ' 622 - 0.40 Mi. ~. Rt. 683 PE Campbell R~ CH 200 Grade Separation TO 200 '180 180 - 180 STP (DOT # 713894K) +Joint Funde¢ Project w/0{,22-015-187, C501 17~02 STP 0622-015- 670 - 0.05 Mi. N. Rt. 671 PE Prince Edward RN CN 74 TO 74 67 0 = - Flashing Lights 67 STP (DOT # 467958R) 3857 STP 0670-073-S55 FS710 671 - 0.01 Mi. E. Rt. 660 PE CharLotte RN CN 125 FLashing Lights and TO 125 113 0 - - improve Grade 113 STP (DOT # 467960S) 17218 STP 0671-019-sll FS718 704 - 0.79Mi. S. Rt. 58 PE Halifax R~ CN 88 FLashing Lights TO 88 79 0 - 79 STP (DOT # 470526V) Construction Completed 15213 STP 0704-041-S99 FS733 751 - 0.05 Mi. S. Rt. 460 PE Prince Edward RN CN 78 Flashing Lights TO 78. 59 11 11 - 70 STP (OOT # 467907F) 17056 STP 0751-OTS-S87{FS713 96 RAiL/HiGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY INPROVEMENT PROGRAH.FY98 thru FY03 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CiTY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTEO ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUNO COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 7?4 - 0.02 Mi. W. Rt. 632 PE NeLson RW CN 100 InstaLL FLashing TO 100 90 90 - . Lights and Gates 90 STP (DOT # 713818S) * Matching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern RR Company 16319 STP Appomattox 0.02 Mi. N. 3rd St. PE Street - RH FarmvitLe CN 94 Gates and FLashing TO 94 85 0 .... Lights 85 STP (DOT # 467890E) 15715 STP UOOO-144-S02 FS701 1106 - Town of Brookneat: PE CampbeLL 0.01 Mi. S. Rt. 501 RN CN 150 FLashing Lights & TO 150 135 0 - . Gates 135 STP (DOT # 15217 STP 1106-179-S83 FS713 Concord 0.01 Mi. NE Winston PE Turnpike - RN Lynchburg CN 118 FLashing Lights & TO 118 106 0 Gates 106 STP (DOT # 224551D) Construction CompLeted 15087 STP UOOO-118-S15 FS?02 Car?oft 0.20 Mi. NW CLover PE Avenue - Lynchburg CN 140 Upgrade FLashing TO 140 126 0 - Lights and Add Gates 126 STP Construction CompLeted (DOT # 713878B) * * Hatching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation 15088 STP UOOO-118-S16 FSTO$ Mayflower Dr - 0.60 Mi. NE AvaLon PE Lynchburg CN 94 FLashing Lights & TO 94 85 0 - . Gates 85 STP (DOT # 16399 STP UOOO-118-S181FST04 97 i I ' I ]1 _1 I ! !t ! ! I I ! I ! ! I ' I I _ P r r i RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVENENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT (In Thoussnds of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION. TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND I COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 29 - 0.02 Mi W Rte 55 PE 0 Prince ~ittiam RW 0 Upgrade FLashing CN 156 - Lights & Add Dual TO 156 139 0 Gates 139 STP (DOT # 716363S) 15132 RRP 0029-076-S12 FST02 Roberts Pkwy. 0.06 Mi. N. Rt. 653 PE 550 651 - RW 769 Fatrfax CN 1,000 TO 2,299 1,169 900 300 300 300 Grade Separation 2,069 STP (DOT # 716337C) ** ** Cooperative Project Wi h Fairfax County 15132 STP 6197-029-325 PE101,RN201,CSO1,B617 668 - 0.05 Mi. N. Rt. 676 PE Prince WiLLiam RW Road ReLocation and CN 217 Upgrade FLashing TO 217 195 0 - - - Lights & Gates 195 RRP (DOT # 714356G) 8871 RRP 0668-076-S77 FS716 2735 - 0.08 Mi. E. Rt. 5211 PE Fairfax RW CN 70 InstaL[ FLashing TO ?0 63 63 '- - - Lights and Gates w/ 63 STP Motion Detectors *Matching Funds Provided )y NorfoLk Southern RR Company (DOT 716326P) STP 2735-029- Hain St - 0.06 Mi. S. Center PE Hanassas RW CN 80 InstaLL Concrete TO 80 72 0 - - Crossing Surface 72 STP (DOT 716366B) 16365 STP U000-155-S16 FS708 StonewaLL Ave - 0.12 Mi. SE PE Manassas WeLLington CN 95 InstaL[ FLashing TO 95 86 86 Light and Gates 86 STP *Matching Funds Provided ~y NorfoLk Southern RR Company (DOT # 714350R) STP uooo-~ss- ,,I I 1 98 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT (in Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 StoneNaiL Ave - 0.09 Mi. E. PE 4anassas WeLLington RW CN 95 InstaL[ FLashing TO 95 86 86 . Light and Gates 86 STP *Matching Funds Provided ~¥ NorfoLk Southern RR Con mny (DOT # 714351X) STP U000-155- 99 I I I I I ! ! I I I I ! ! ! I ! I I 11 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 RICHHOND DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 156 - 0.49 Hi. S. Rt. 33 PE Henrico R~ CH 75 Crossing Surface TO 75 68 0 . Improvement 68 STP (OOT # 714239L) 15688 STP 0156-043-S09 FS702 156 - 0.06 Mi. NE 1st St. PE Hope~ett R~ CN 67 Crossing Surface TO 67 60 0 - Improvement 60 STP (OOT # 467506F) 15689 STP 0156-116-S03 FS?03 602 ? 0.01 Mi. S~ Rt. 629 PE New Kent R~ CN 169 FLashing Lights & TO 169 152 0 . Gates 152 STP (OOT # 224267L) Construction CompLeted 8575 RRP 0602-063-S41 FS709 604 - 0.07 Mi. S. Rt. 622 PE Powhatan Rg CN 82 Add Gates & Upgrade TO 82 74 0 - FLashing Lights 74 RRP (DOT # 715230D) 12425 RAP 0604-072-S48 FS705 631 - 0.20 Hi. E. Rt. 604 PE AmeLia RN CN 91 FLashing Lights and TO 91 82 0 Gates 82 STP (DOT # 715217P) 16834 STP 0631-004-S36 FS703 685 ' 0.05 Hi. S. Rt. 360 PE Lunenburg Rg ~CN 40 TO 40 36 0 FLashing Lights 36 STP <DOT 71s147c) 11034 STP 0685-055'?~IFS712 lO0 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 RICHMOND DISTRICT (in Thousands of DotLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 754 - 0.47 Mi S Rt 751 PE Din~iddie R~ CN lOO InstaLL FLashing TO 100 90 90 - Lights and Gates 90 STP (DOT 467574G) 17290 STP 0754-026- 1005 - 0.21 Mi. SW Rt. 1020 PE Nottoway RW Town of Crewe CN 234 Ftashing Light~ and TO 234 104 107 107 . Gates 211 STP (DOT 467646H) 16949 STP 1005-203-S42 FS?O? Agnew Street - 0.01 Mi. N. Rt. 624 PE BurkevitLe RW CN 95 Upgrade Flashing TO 95 86 86 - - Lights, Add Gates 86 STP * Hatching Finds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation (DOT # 467859T) STP XOOO-181- Main Street - 0.01 Mi. S. City PE Hopewe[[ Point Road RW CN 70 InstaLL FLashing TO 70 63 63 - Lights and Gates w/ 63 STP Motion Detectors * Matching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation (DOT # 4675020) STP UOOO-116- Dock Street - 0.04 Mi. W Pear St. PE City of RW Richmond CN 137 Ftashing Lights and TO 137 124 0 . . Gates 124 STP (DOT # 714227S) * Matching Funds Provided by Norfotk Southern Corporation 15690 STP U000-127-S34 FST08 Forest Hi[[ Ave 0.04 Mi. S. Powhite PE Richmond Pkwy RW CN 100 Add Gates and TO 100 90 0 - . Interconnect with 90 STP traffic Signal (DOT # 71407-5J) 16346 STP UOOO-12?-S41|FS709 101 ! ! I i i I I ]1 11 ! I I I ! I ! I I ! _ RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 RICHMOND DISTRICT (In Thousanda of Do[tars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATIONi TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND ICOMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Be[ts Rd - 0.07 MJ E Con~nerce PE Richmond R~ Interconnect SJgnats CN 20 w/ Pre-Emption at TO 20 18 18 - Commerce Road 18 STP (DOT # 62357'5E) 17281 STP UOOO-127-S44 FS710 Brood Rock Rd - 0.08 Hi N Rt. 161 PE Richmond RN Interconnect Signals CN 19 w/ Pre-Emption at TO 19 17 17 Dock Street 17 STP (DOT #.623668fl) 17278 STP 0010-127-S02 FS702 14th Street - Iht Byrd Street PE Richmond R~ Interconnect Signats CN 18 ~/ Pre-Emption at TO 18 16 16 Rt. 161 16 STP (DOT # 71~220U) 17280 STP 0360-127-S25 FST05 102 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 SALEH DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dot[ars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION 'TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 1608 - 0.10 Hi NE Rt 622N PE iBotetourt RN InstaLL Flashing CN 90 Lights and Gates TO 90 STP 81 81 - 81 (OOT 224596K) 17'500 STP 0608-011- 608 - 0.20 Mi. S. Rt. 609 PE Bore[Butt RW InstaL[ Ftashing CN 100 Lights and Gates TO 100 STP 90 90 . 9O (DOT 2245950) STP 0608-011- 616 - 0.10 Mi ERt 601 PE Roanoke. RW InstaL[ FLashing CN 90 Lights and Gates TO 90 STP 81 81 81 (DOT 468286R) 17301 STP 0616-080- 686 - 0.40Mi. E. Rt. 1612 PE Franktin R~ CN 90 Upgrade FLashing TO 90 81 81 Lights, Add Gates 81 STP (DOT # 468053u) STP 0684-03~- 822 - 0.11 Hi. N. Rt. 753 PE Montgomery R~ CN lO0 Flashing Lights & TO 100 90 0 Gates 90 STP (OOT # 469415G) Construction CompLeted 16262 STP 0822-060-S07 FS709 Bridge 0.05 Mi. S. Patterson pE Street - R~ Roanoke CN 65 TO 65 59 0 - Add Gates 59 STP (DOT # 468594N) Construction CompLeted 15085 STP UOOO-128-S~4jFSTO~ 103 i '! ! ! · I I I ! I ! I '1 I ' ! I ! ! I I RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SALEH DISTRICT (In Thousands of Oottars) ROUTE ADDSL COUNTY/CITY FUNOING ACTUAL PROJECTEO ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REGUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNOING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Atbemarte 0.01 Mi. E. PE I Avenue - WitLiamson RW City of CN 115 loanoke Upgrade FLashing TO 115 104 0 - . Lights & Add Gates 104 STP (OOT # 468019M) Construction Compteted 15084 STP U000-128-S23 FS702 Lottter St. - 0.01 Mi N Commerce ~PE City of RW PuLaski lnstatL FLashing CN 175 Lights and Gates~ TO 1Z5 158 158 . Improve 158 STP Horizontal ALignment (OOT # 469668P) 17283 STP UOOO-125-S12 FS?02 104 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of ROUTE ADD,L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATEO PREVIOUS REGUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND , COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 7 - 0.10 Mi. SW Rt. 615 PE Ctarke CN 56 Crossing Surface TO 56 56 0 - Improvement 56 S/ (OOT # 468599F) STP Construction Completed 13901 STP 0007-021-V12 C501 130 - 0.40 Mi. W. Rt. 501 PE Rockbridge Upgrade Flashing CN 125 Lights, Add gates TO 125 113 113 113 STP (DOT # 224569N) STP 0130-08t- 185 - 0.18 Mi. W. Rt. 11 PE Shenandoah CN 25 Crossing Surface TO 25 25 0 Improvement 25 S (DOT # 714527F) 13900 S 0185-085-V02 C501 256 - 0.23 Mi. W. Rt. 750 PE Augusta CN 22 Install Rubberized TO 22 19 19 - Crossing Surface 19 STP (DOT 860036F) 16342 STP 0256-007-S03 FS702 608 - 0.05 Mi. S. Rt. 639 PE Augusta RW CN 60 Crossing Surface TO 60 54 0 - - Improvement 54 STP (OOT 468135B) 17266 STP 0608-007-S66 FS744 611 - 0.95 Mi. NE Rt. 658 PE Page CN 133 Gates and F~ashing TO 133 120 0 .- - . Lights 120 STP (DOT # 468684V) Construction Completed 16291 STP 0611-069-S57~FS708 105 I ! I I I ! I 11 ! i ! I I I ! ! -I t I RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADDSL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIREO ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 621 - Int. Rt. 619 PE Page RW CN 90 Upgrade FLashing TO 90 81 81 - Lights, Add gates 81 STP (DOT # 668718M) STP 0621-069- 629 - 0.31 Mi. N~ Rt. 360 PE Page Rg CN 96 Gates and FLashing TO 96 87 0 Lights 87 STP (OOT# 668706T) Construction CompLeted 16290 STP 0629-069-S91 FS713 656 - 0.20 Hi. S. Rt. 657 PE Augusta R~ CN 89 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 89 80 0 FLashing Lights 80 STP (DOT # 668139D) 17267 STP 0656-007-567 FS761 658 - 0.69 MJ NE Rt 522 PE Warren RN CN 92 Add Gates and Upgrade TO 92 83 83 FLashing Lights 83 STP (DOT # 6686365) 17293 STP 0658-093- 661 - 0.26 Mi. SE Rt. 675 PE Warren RW CN 107 TO 107 97 0 Construction CompLeted Add Gates 97 STP (OOT# 668631N) * Matching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation 15137 STP 0661-093-S76 FS707 662 - 0.12 Mi. N. Rt. 608 PE Augusta Add Gates CN 75 TO 75 68 68 - 68 STP (DOT # 668169d) STP 0662-007- 106 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CiTY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-0Z 2002-03 679 - 0.03 Hi. NW Rt. 704 PE Rockingham R~ CN 71 TO 71 64 0 - FLashing Lights 22 RRP (DOT # 859989Y) 42 STP RRP 13282 STP 0679-082-192 FS716 680 - 0.15 Hi. S. Rt. 340 PE CLarke RN CN 90 Gates and FLashing TO 90 81 0 - Lights 81 STP (DOT # 468601E) Construction CompLeted 15621 STP 0680-021-S45 FS713 909 - 0.05 Hi. E. Rt. 340 PE Augusta RN Add Gates CN 60 TO 60 54 54 - 54 STP (DOT 468137P) STP 0909-007- 1212 - 0.02 Hi. E. Rt. 608 PE Augusta CN 92 - TO 92 83 0 - FLashing Lights 83 STP (DOT # 468159P) 8719 STP 1212-007-S55 FS?40 1301 - Iht Rt 696 PE A[Leghany RN InstaLL CantiLever CN 120 FLashing Lights & TO 120 108 108 Gates 108 STP (DOT # 224514B) 17292 STP 1301-O03- Nashington 0,01 Hi. E. Liberty PE Street - RN Harrisonburg CN 140 FLashing Lights & TO 140 126 0 - Gates 126 STP (OOT # 714604D) * * Hatching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation 16981 STP UOOO'llS-SOSIFST01 I,, / 107 i ! I i ! ! ! ! I I I I I ! I ! I i RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (in Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD"L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 i 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 200~-03 MaryLand 0.05 Hi. W. Hain St. PE Ave - ~arrisonburg CantiLever FLashing CN 160 Lights, InstaLL TO 160 144 0 - Rubberized Crossing 144 STP Surface (DOT 8599?8L) 16340 STP UOOO-115-S08 FS?03 Reservoir St - 0.06 Mi. E. Cantre[ PE HarrJsonburg J RW CN 125 CantiLever FLashing TO 125 113 0 Lights and Gates 113 STP (DOT 842233W) 16339 STP UOOO-115-S07 FST02 Rock St - Int. Liberty St. PE Harrisonburg RW CN 130 TO 130 117 0 - . InstaLL FLashing 117 STP Lights (DOT 8599700) 16341 STP UOOO-115-SO9.FST04 Gay Street - 0.03 Mi W N Hain PE Narrisonburg InstaLL FLashing Lights and Gates & CN 100 Interconnect w/ TO 100 90 90 - Pre-Empt at N Main 90 STP & Liberty (DOT # 859969M) 17362 STP U000~115-S10 FS705 ELizabeth 0.04 Mi. W. Liberty PE Street - Harrisonburg InstaLL FLashing CN 100 Lights and Gates & TO 100 90 90 Interconnect w/ 90 STP Pre-Empt at Liberty (DOT # 859972V) STP UOOO-115- Grace Street - 0.15 Mi. W. Main PE Harrisonburg InstaLL FLashing CN 70 Lights and Gates TO ?0 63 63 w/ Motion Oetectors 63 STP (DOT # 859977E) STP U000-115- I 108 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY INPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 STAUNTON DISTRICT (In Thousands of Do[tars) ROUTE ADDIL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE! SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Good, in Hall Rd On JHU Campus PE Harrisonburg RN Install Flashing CN 70 Lights and Gates TO 70 63 63 - 63 STP (DOT # 8~2234D) * Hatching Funds Provided by Norfolk Southern RR Co~=any 1T517 STP 0331-115-S01FST01 Paul Street - 0.01 Hi. E. Cantre[[ PE Harrisonburg instaLL Flashing RN Lights and Gates & CN 92 Interconnect w/ TO 92 83 83 - Pre-Empt at Cantre[ 83 STP (DOT # 860075~) 17'518 STP UOOO-115-S11 FST06 ~. Harket 0.04 Hi. W. Liberty PE Street - R~ Harrisonburg InstaL[ Flashing CN 100 Lights and Gates & TO 100 90 90 - Interconnect w/ 90 STP Pre-Empt at Liberty (DOT # 8599~C) 17'516 STP 0033-115-S04 FS701 Powerhouse Rd - On JHU Campus PE Narrisonburg R~ InstaL[ FLashing CN 70 Lights and Gates TO 70 63 63 - - 6~ STP (DOT # 8~6S) STP 0331-115- 109 I I I I I I ! I I ! I i 11 - ! I _1 I ! ! _ RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLlars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTINATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998~99 1999"00 2000-01 2001'02 2002'03 17 * 0,43 Hi. S. Rt 17B PE York RW CN 112 CantiLever FLashing TO 112 61 40 40 Lights and Gates 101 STP (DOT # 224157B) 16400 STP O017-099-S241FS?02 60 - 0.10 Hi ~ James City PE York Co, Line RW Add Dual Gates & CN 150 CantiLever FLashing TO 150 135 135 - Lights (Both 135 STP Directions) (DOT 224178U) 1~65 STP 0060-099-S07 FST01 601 - 0,01 Hi ERt 13 PE Accomack instaLL FLashing RN Lights and CN Interconnect Signal TO 70 63 63 N/ Pre-empt at Rt 13 63 STP (DOT 532181B) 17291 STP 0601-001- 603 - 0.01 Hi. E, Rt, 13 PE Accomack RN CN 50 TO 50 56 0 - - . FLashing Lights 56 STP . (DOT # 532179A) Construction CompLeted 11280 STP 0603-001-S91 FS?06 614 - 0.03 Mi, S, Rt. 460B PE Nansemond R~ Add Gates CN 55 TO 55 50 50 . 50 STP (DOT # 623784B) STP 0614-061- 615 - 2.70 Mi. S. Rt. 58 PE IsLe of ~ight RH CN 102 FLashing Lights & TO 102 87 5 - 5 . Gates 92 STP (DOT # 464188L) 14993 STP 0615-046- I 110 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY ]HPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLlars) ROUTE ADD~L iBALANCE COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 Z000-01 2001-07 ZOOZ-03 617 - 0.01 HI. E. Rt. 13 PE Northampton RN CH 55 TO 55 10 ~0 ~0 - FLashing Lights 50 STP (DOT # 530568Y) I~11 STP 0617-065-S59 FSTO~ 688 - 1.42 Hi. S. Rt. 58B PE Nansemond R~ CN 55 Add Gates TO 55 50 50 50 STP (DOT # 464158U) STP 0688-061- 718 - 0.21 Mi. g. Rt. 1T5 PE York RW CN 75 TO 75 68 0 - - Flashing Lights 68 STP (DOT # 224154F) 13716 STP 0718-099-S78 FS704 IHoover 0.16 Hi. S, Park Ave PE Avenue - RW Chesapeake CN 98 :FLashing Lights & TO 98 88 0 - - Gates 88 STP (DOT # 467698A) Construction Completed 14958 STP U000-131-S24 FS708 FrankLin 0.36 Hi. S. Porttock PE Street - RN Chesapeake CN 98 FLashing Lights & TO 98 88 0 Gates 88 STP (OOT # 467382P) Construction CompLeted 14956 STP U000-131-S22 FS706 MiLitary 0.50 Mi. N. Canal Dr PE Highway - RN Chesapeake CN 67 Instatt Rubberized TO 67 60 60 Crossing Surface 60 STP I *Hatching Funds Provided ~y AtLantic Energy/CoranonWeatth Propane (DOT # 467389M) 1735~ STP- O013-131-SOSIFS701 J//' I 111 I i ! I ! ! i I I ! ! I - ! ! I ! I I ! RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Homestead St. -,0.06 Hi. N. CLay St. PE 52 FrankLin R~ 30 CN 223 FLashing Lights, TO 305 275 0 and Improve Grade 275 STP (OOT # 464204T) 15469 STP UOOO-145-V13PE101,R~201,,501,FST05 "G" Street - Int. pembroke Ave. PE Hampton R~ FLashing Lights and CN 136 Gates, InstaLL Rubber TO 136 122 0 - - Crossing Surface 122 STP (DOT 224878B) 16401 STP U000-114-S23 FS702 OLd Aberdeen RdO.02 Hi N Pembroke PE Hampton Interconnect Signal RN N/ Pre-empt at CH 15 Pembroke Ave TO 15 14 14 - - 14 STP (DOT # 224882R) 17356 STP U000-114-S25 FS703 134 - 0.34 Hi. N. Pembroke PE Hampton Rg CN 61 Crossing Surface TO 61 55 0 '- - Improvement 55 STP (DOT # 224857N) 15703 STP 0134-114-S03 FS701 ~ar~ick Int. Ft. Eustis BLvd. PE BouLevard - RN Newport NeNs CN 107 Add CantiLever TO 107 97 0 - FLashing Lights 97 STP (DOT # 224170P) 14952 STP U000-121-S21 FS704 Ruthven Road - Int. International PE NorfoLk Terminal Rg CH 100 FLashing Lights & TO 100 90 0 - Gates 90 STP (DOT # 857676C) 14953 STP UOOO-122-S251FST07 112 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE AOD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REGUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Diven Street - Int IntL Terminal PE Norfolk RY CN 105 Flashing Lights & TO 105 95 0 - - Gates 95 STP (DOT # 857677J) 14954 STP U000-122-S26 FS708 Argonne Ave - 0.20 Mi. NE Cromwell PE Norfolk RW CN 100 Flashing Lights & TO 100 90 0 - - Gates 90 STP (DOT # 467667B) 16404 STP UOOO-122-S30 FS712 Rzatea Garden 0.09 Mi. S~ Rt. 194 PE Road - R~ Norfolk Upgrade Cantilever CN 150 Flashing Lights, Add TO 150 135 0 - - Gates ~ith Motion 135 STP Dectors (OOT # 735343N) 16403 STP UOOO-122-S29 FS?11 St. du[ian 0.01 Mi. E. Bo[ton St PE Street - RN Norfolk CN 110 Upgrade FLashing TO 110 99 0 - Lights, Add Gates 99 STP (OOT # 46T558N) 16402 STP U000-122-S28 FS710 Park Ave, - Int. Claiborne Ave PE NorfoLk Rg CN 60 InstaLL Flashing TO 60 54 54 - Lights 54 STP * Matching Funds Providedby Norfolk Southern RR Company (OOT # 465224H) STP U000-122- Rush St - 0.02 Mi. E. Cape PE Boulevard - Henry RN NorfoLk CN 92 Install Flashing TO 92 83 83 - Lights and Gates 83 STP (DOT # 465ZOSY) 17360 STP UOOO-122-S31,FS731 I 113 ! ! I I i ! ! I I i I ! ! I ! ! I ! i RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Granby St - 0.10 Mi H LittLe PE NorfoLk Creek R~ Interconnect Signal CN 30 w/ Pre-empt at TO 30 27 27 - - - 1-64 Ramp 27 STP (DOT # 467660D) 17279 STP 0460-122-S01 FST01 H. NorfoLk Rd - 0.06 Mi ~ Litac Dr PE Portsmouth CN 68 InstaLL FLashing TO 68 61 61 - - Lights and Gates 61 STP * Hatching Funds Provided by Cofll~on~ea th RaiLroad, Inc. (OOT # 464112F) 1T564 STP UOOO-124-S01FS701 Cedar Lane - 0.09 Hi. N West PE Portsmouth NorfoLk Rd. CN 85 InstaL[ CantiLever TO 85 77 77 - - - FLashing Lights 77 STP * Hatching Funds Provided by Commonwea th RaiLroad, Inc. (DOT # 464108R) STP CLeveLand 0.03 Mi. W. Lee Ave PE Street - R~ Portsmouth InstaLL FLashing CN 55 Lights and Gates TO 55 50 50 - - 50 STP * Matching Funds Providec by NorfoLk Portsmouth BeLt Line RR Company (DOT # 856090S) 17'563 STP UOOO-124-SO2,FS702 County 0.14 Mi. S. Madison PE Street - SuffoLk CN 120 FLashing Lights & TO 120 108 0 . Gates 108 STP Construction CompLeted (DOT # 464151W) * * Hatching Funds Providedby NorfoLk southern Corpo-ation 14960 STP UOOO-133-S06 FS?01 Hadison Ave - 0.6 Mi. E. County St PE SuffoLk 0.8 Mi. E. County St CN 169 FLashing Lights & TO 169' 152 0 - Gates 152 STP (OOT # 467T59C & 626026d) 16405 STP 114 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IHPROVEHENT PROGRAH. FY98 thru FY03 SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of DoLlars) ROUTE ADDaL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND "' COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Cu[todan - 0.04 Hi. S. Knight PE Suffolk RN InstaLL FLashing CN 85 Lights and Gates TO 85 77 77 77 STP * Hatching Funds Provided by NorfoLk Southern Corporation (DOT # 4641520) STP U000-135- Nsshington St - 0.4 Hi. E. County St PE SuffoLk 0.10 Hi. E. County St RN CH 250 FLashing Lights & TO 250 225 0 .... Gates 225 STP (DOT # 467T58V, 464149V & 626027R) 16406 STP UOOO-13~-S10 FS703 EucLid Road ~ 0.01 Hi. S. Southern PE Virginia R~ Beach CN 109 CantiLever FLashing TO 109 99 0 - - Lights 99 STP (DOT # 465242F) 14961 STP U000-134-S43 FS703 Independence 0.05 Mi S CoLumbus PE B[vd - R~ Virginia Beach Interconnect Signal CN 8 w/ Pre-empt at TO 8 7 7 - CoLumbus Ave 7 STP (DOT # 465249D) 17357 STP 0225-1~4-S0~ FST01 Kef[am Lane - 0.05 Hi. S. CoLumbus PE Virginia Beach R~ CN TO 84 76 0 - - FLashing Lights 76 STP (DOT # 465244U) 15705 STP UOOO-1~4-S44 FS704 Lynnhaven lnt Southern Btvd PE Turnpike - RN Virginia Beach Interconnect Signal CN 8 ~/ Pre-empt at TO 8 7 ? - - S Lynnhaven 7 STP (DOT # 7361240) 17358 STP UOOO-134-S52~FS706 115 ! ! i I I I i i ! I i i ] I ! I I I i RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FYO$ SUFFOLK DISTRICT (In Thousands of Oottars) ROUTE ADDtL COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL -' PROJECTEO ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE OESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED~ ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNOING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998'99 1999'00 2000'01 2001'02 200~'03 Rosemont Rd - Int Bonney Rd PE Virginia Beach RW Interconnect Signat CN 8 w/ Pre-empt at TO 8 ? 7 - Va Beach Btvd 7 STP (DOT # 465228K) 17359 STP 0411-134-S01FS?01 Thatia Rd - 0.01 Mi. S. Southern PE Virginia Beach RW CN 73 TO 73 66 0 Flashing Light 66 STP (OOT# 465236C) 16407 STP U000-134-S50 FS705 Witchduck Rd - 0.01 Mi S Southern PE Virginia Beach RW Interconnect Signat CN 8 ~/ Pre-empt at TO 8 7 ? Cotumbia Ave ? STP (DOT # 465248W) 17355 STP 0190-134-S05 FST01 Witchduck Rd - 0.01 Mi S Southern PE Virginia Beach RW Interconnect Signat CN 8 w/ Pre-empt at TO 8 7 7 - Cotumbia Ave ? STP (OOT# 465248W) 17355 STP 0190-134-SOSIFs?01 116 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Statewide Ref[ectorization PE Program RW (Crossbucks and CH 600 Advance Warning TO 600 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Signs) 600 STP STP RFCU-969-101 N501 Statewide Future Grade Crossing PE Surface Improvement RW Projects to be CN Determined TO 0 1,7'56 1,T56 1,7'56 1,7'56 1,7"56 STP Statewide Future Projects to be PE Determined RW (ELimination of CN Hazards & High TO 628 1,476 1,286 1,513 1,T56 1,7'56 ProfiLe Crossings - Rail) STP Stateside Total Rail/Highway PE Grade Crossing RW Program CH (Section 130) TO 5,501 3,472 3,472 3,472 3,472 3,472 STP Stateuide Total Safety Program PE Sections 152 & 130 RW and Optiona[ Safety CN TO 12,908 7,788 ?,788 7,788 7,788 7,788 STP 117 i ] '! ! I " ! I ! I ! ! ~i ! I ! ! I I ! HIGH SPEED RAIL CORRIDOR SAFETY INPROVEHENT PROGRAH FY98 thru FY03 SECTION 130 (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE AOD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTLMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00' 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 722 - CSX RaiLroad Crossing PE 195 CaroLine 0.1 MiLe West of RW 425 Grade Route 628 CN 1,806 Separation (860-534P) TO 2,426 347 873 200 450 223 - 1,220 STP Joint Funded Project with Section 1010 Funds 100% Federal Funds 13918 STP 0722-016-S89 PEIO1,RW201,CS01 636 - Constant Warning PE 2 Spotsy[vania Detectors RW (12" Lens) CN 100 102 0 - (860-557~1) TO 102 STP Construction CompLeted * * 100% Federal Funds 13919 STP 0636-088-S28 PEIO1,FS703 605 - Constant Warning PE 2 CaroLine Oetectors RW (12" Lens) CH 68 ?0 0 - (860-539Y) TO TO STP Construction Comp[eted * * 100~ Federal Funds 13917 STP 0605-016-S90 PElO1,FS711 606 - Constant Warning PE 2 CaroLine Detectors RW (12" Lens) CH 123 125 0 - (860-545C) TO 125 STP Construction CompLeted * * 100% Federal Funds 13913 STP 0606-016-S91PE101,FS?12 609 - Constant Warning PE 2 CaroLine Detectors RW ¢12" Lens) CN 108 110 0 - - (860-541A) TO 110 STP Construction CompLeted * * 100~ Federal Funds 13914 STP 0609-016-S92 PE101,FS?13 660 - Constant Warning PE 2 CaroLine Detectors RW (12,, Lens) CN 69 rl 0 - (860-547R) TO 71 STP * * 100% Federal Funds 13916 STP 0660-016~sga.PE101,FS?15 I 118 HIGH SPEED RAIL CORRIDOR SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY98 thru FY03 SECTION 130 (In Thousands of Dollars) ROUTE ADD,L COUNTY/CITY FUHDIHG ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION EST]MATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 626 - Constant ~arnJng PE 2 Hanover Detectors R~ (12" Lens) CN 109 111 0 - - (860'645X) TO 111 STP Construction Completed * * 100~ Federal Funds I~922 STP 0626-042-S76 PElO1,FS714 State~ide Total High Speed Rait PE Corridor (Funded Section 130) CN TO 0 200 450 223 0 0 119 i I I I ! I ! I I I i i I i i I ! ! I RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SECTION 1010 PROGRAH (100% Federal Funds) FY 98 thru FY 03 (in Thousands of Dotters) ROUTE AOD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 ChandLer BLock Crossing with PE Private Gate RN Crossing - CN CaroLine TO I HSR 1 0 . 15179 HSR 9999-016-S01 C501 dories Private FLashing Lights and PE Crossing - Gates/CUT Detectors RN CaroLine (DOT # 8605&3N) CN TO 100 HSR 100 0 - 15180 HSR 9999-016-S99 FS716 Private FLashing Lights and PE Crossing - Gates/CUT Detectors RN CaroLine (DOT # 860531U) CN TO 150 HSR 150 0 - 15178 HSR 9999-016-S00 FS717 RJxey Private FLashing Lights and PE 2 Crossing - Gates R~ CaroLine (OOT #860-540T) CN 118 TO 120 HSR 120 0 - - - 17258 HSR 9999-016-S03 PElO1,FS719 601 - 3.8 Hi S.E. PE 2 CaroLine Route 1207 RN CN 98 Upgrade Signal TO 100 HSR 100 0 Dectectors r (DOT 860-527E) 16187 HSR 0601-016-S04 PE101,FS720 656 - 0.38 Mi S. Route 207 PE 2 CaroLine CN 98 Upgrade Signet TO 100 HSR 100 0 - Oectectors (DOT 860-525R) 16188 HSR 0656-016-SOS~PE101,FS727 120 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SECTION 1010 PROGRAH (100~ Federal Funds) FY 98 thru FY 03 (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE t997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 722 - CSX RaiLroad Crossing PE 195 CaroLine 0.1 MiLe West of RW 425 Grade Route 628 CN 1,806 Separation (860-534P) TO 2,426 1,206 345 330 331 200 - 1,206 HSR Joint Funded Project with Section 130 funds 13918 STP 0722-016-S89 PEIO1,RW201,C501 ITolson Private CLose Crossing and PE Crossing - Provide Access RW Stafford (DOT # 560582E) CN TO 104 HSR 104 0 15177 HSR 9999-089-S19 C501 629 - RehabiLitation PE Stafford Grade Separation RW CN 100 TO 100 NSR 100 100 (DOT 860 -S80R) 15458 HSR 0629-089-216 C501 658 - Constant Warning PE 2 Stafford Detectors and Lens RW (DOT # 860581X) CN 58 TO 60 HSR 58 2 2 - 13890 HSR 0658-089-S15 FS708 ~77 - Constant Warning PE 2 Stafford Detectors and Lens ~' (DOT # 860578P) CN 108 TO 110 HSR 106 4 4 - 13891 HSR 0677-089-S14 FS707 Pedestrian Pedestrian Overpas~ PE 276 Crossing - (oor fl 860626C) R~' 40 Pr. WiLLiam CN 1,077 TO 1,393 HSR 210 1,183 303 300 280 300 15172 HSR 9999-076-SO4jPE101~RWZO1,?O1,B643 121 ! ] ! I I ! ! I I '! I i I ' i - RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SECTION 1010 PROGRAH (100~ Federat Funds) FY 98 thru FY O] (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997'98 1998"99 1999"00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-0] Cherry HiLt FLashing Lights and PE Road (Private Gates RW Crossing) - (DOT # 860601G) CN Pr. WiLLiam TO 108 HSR 10] 5 5 . Construction CompLete 1188] HSR 9999-076-S99 FS720 636 - Grade Separation PE 50 Feather Stone (DOT # 860600A) RW Road - CN Pr. WiLLiam TO 50 HSR 50 0 ~PE to Oetermlne Appropriate Construction - Grade Se ~aration or Road ReLocation 11885 HSR 0636-076-S00 PEI01 Richmond to instaLL Event PE ' Washington Recorders at 30 RW Corridor Crossings within CN 75 Corridor TO 75 HSR 75 0 - ~ 16820 HSR 9999-016-S02 PE101,FS718 616 Curtis Street PE 2 ChesterfieLd Upgrade FLashing RW Lights & Gates CN 119 InstaLL CWT TO 121HSR 0 121 121 . Predictors & Event Recorders (DOT 62]-68]P) HSR 0616-020- 620 - 0.31 Hi. E. Rte. 1 PE 2 ChesterfieLd RW Upgrade Light SignaLs CN 110 & Add CWT Detectors TO 112 NSR 112 112 (DOT62,-687S) 06;0020S871 16816 HSR - - PE101,FS743 625 - 0.08 Hi E Rte 1158 PE 2 ChesterfieLd RW InstaLL FLashing CN 113 Lights & Gates/ TO 115 HSR 115 115 - - Oectectors/Event Recorders (DOT 623 -692N) 16821 HSR I 0625-020-S88[PE101,FS74~ 122 RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SECTION 1010 PROGRAH (100~ Federal Funds) FY 98 thru FY 03 (In Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD'L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND COMPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 1106 - Dupey Ave PE 2 ChesterfieLd Upgrade FLashing RW Lights & Gates CH 119 InstaL[ CUT TO 121HSR 121 121 - ~redtctors & Event Recorders (DOT 623-693U) NSR 1106-020- 1144 - 0.40 Mi. E. Rte. 1 PE 2 chesterfield RW Upgrade Light SignaLs CN 113 & Add CUT Detectors TO 112 HSR 112 112 - (DOT 623 -688Y) 16818 HSR 1144-020-S89 PEIO1,FST45 1514 - West Street PE 2 ChesterfieLd Upgrade FLashing RU Lights & Gates CN 120 InstaLL CUT TO 122 HSR 122 122 - Predictors & Event Recorders (DOT 623-684W) HSR 1514-020- 2001 - 0,12 Hi. W. Rte 145 PE 2 ChesterfieLd RW CN 110 Upgrade Light SignaLs TO 112 HSR 112 112 - & Add CWT Detectors (DOT 623 -680U) 16819 HeR 2001-020-S90,PE101,FS?46 707 - FLashing Lights and PE 2 Hanover Gates/CUT Detectors RW (OOT# 860447L) CN 119 TO ' 121HSR 121 0 13892 HSR 0707-042-S78 PE101,FS716 Smith Private CLose Private PE Crossing - Crossing and Provide RU Hanover Access CN 21 (DOT 860-446E) TO 21HSR 21 ' 0 HSR 9999-042- 123 I I ! I ' ! I I I I i 1 ! '1 ! __1 'il I-- -! '1 - RAIL/HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SECTION 1010 PROGRAH (100~ Federat Funds) FY 98 thru FY (In Thousands of DoLtars) ROUTE ADD~L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUSiREQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND ' COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998'99 1999'00 2000'01 I 2001-0Z 2002'03 Hountain Constant Warning PE Road - Detectors and Lens RN Henrico (DOT # 860438H) CN TO 80 HSR 77 3 3 - - 13894 HSR 7SS8-043-S74 FS719 HountainHenrico Road - Gateslnsta[t (4) Quadrant RwPE (DOT 860-438H) CN 125 TO 130 HSR 130 0 16186 HSR 7558-045-S78 PElO1,FS721 Grimes Rd. - 0.02 Hi. E. HaLifax PE 2 Petersburg Rd. RW InstaLL FLashing Cg 113 Lights & Gates TO 115 HSR 115 115 CWT Dectectors & Event Recorders (DOT 623 -701K) 16821 HSR UOOO-123-S16 PEIO1,FST02 HaLifax Road - ' PE 2 Petersburg Upgrade FLashing Lights & Gates CN 120 InstaLL CNT TO 1Z2 122 122 Predictors & Event 122 HSR Recorders (DOT 623-706U) HSR UOOO-12~- Lincoln PE 2 Street - Upgrade Flashing Petersburg Lights & Gates CN 120 lnstat[ CWT TO 122 122 122 - Predictors & Event 122 HSR Recorders (DOT 623-699L) HSR U000-123- 645 - PE 2 James City Upgrade FLashing Lights & Gates CN 120 InstaLL CWT TO 122 HSR 122 122 - Predictors & Event Recorders (DOT 224-233S) HSR 124 RAIL/HIGHNAY GRADE CROSSING SECTION 1010 PROGRAN (100~ Federal Funds) FY 98 thru FY (in Thousands of DoLLars) ROUTE ADD"L COUNTY/CITY FUNDING ACTUAL PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED PREVIOUS REQUIRED ALLOCATION TO LENGTH COST FUNDING FUND , COHPLETE SOURCE 1997-98 1998'99 1999'00 2000-01 2001-02' 2002-03 CLose Private Construct ALternate PE 2 Crossing - Access RN James City CN 18 TO 20 HSR 20 20 - HSR 615 - PE 2 New Kent Upgrade FLashing Lights & Gates CN 120 InstaLL C~T TO 122 HSR 122 122 - Predictors & Event Recorders (OOT 224-274W) HSR 0615-063- Statewide Total Section 1010 PE Funds RW CN (Federal RaiLroad TO 2,200 630 611 500 0 0 0 Authoity Grant) I 125 I I ! I "1 I ! I ! ! ! I U.S. ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The Virginia General Assembly, through the enactment of House Bill 1836 in the 1989 session, created the U.S. Route 58 Corridor Development Fund for the purpose of providing an adequate, modem, safe, and efficient highway system along the southern boundary of the Commonwealth. 'The U.S. Route 58 Corridor Development Fund of the Transportation Trust Fund is supported from an appropriation of $42 million from state real estate recordation tax receipts. In the April 1989 Special Session of the General Assembly, legislation was enacted which authorized the issuance of $600 million in Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Revenue Bonds under the provisions of Article 10, Section 9(d) of the Constitution of Virginia for the development of the U.S. Route 58 Corridor. The Commonwealth Transportation Board is charged with the responsibility of defining the U.S. Route 58 Corridor and administering the program. Needed improvements of this corridor have been considered by the Board when allocating funds for highway improvements. Toward this end, the Commonwealth Transportation Board is actively pursuing the objectives of this legislation. To date, the Board has sold $404.0 million in bonds. Future bond issues are planned over the next several years to meet the project development schedules. At the current time, preliminary engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction are being carried out on various segments of the program. While some sections are further advanced than others, some preliminary engineering has been 126 accomplished throughout the entire corridor. In this update, the program is shown in its entirety. proposed, as well as those projects that have or are anticipated to receive bond funds. beyond any current funding program. It shows those projects that have been completed, under way, or Also, included are those projects that are The solid time line identifies those projects that are funded or anticipated to be funded from existing sources of revenue which include bond funding, highway construction allocations, etc. X's identify those projects proposed to be financed with future bond funds to be sold within the $600 million bond authorization approved by the General Assetnbly. Those projects identified as needs, but with no funds anticipated within the current funding program, are shown in the far right-hand column as amounts in the "Balance to Complete" column. To date, $550.6 million in bond funds and highway construction allocations have been dedicated to the corridor. Projects to use these monies are identified as being completed, underway, or with a solid time line showing implementation in the near future. Another $142.1 million has been identified with the X's time line as being funded from future bond issues. An additional $747.5 million has been identified in the "Balance to Complete" column with no funds programmed. The Board is continuing to place all possible emphasis toward completing the Route 58 corridor improvements within the program guidelines established by the General Assembly. 127 I I ! I 11 I I I i I II ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BRISTOL DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currentty Avaitabte COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds Jn Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATEO TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - Carrott County PE 1,254 Grayson, Line - RN -- Smyth and Abingdon CN -- Nashington TO 1,256 (PE On[y) StudyC°rrid°r ~E 0 75.7 Mites 9683 0058-961-E01,1 10 58 - Abingdon - PE 627 Nashington, Jonesvitte RN Scott and Lee CN (PE Onty) TO 627 Corridor Study STUDY COMPLET:D 92.5 Mites 10068 O058-961-EO2,PElO0 58 - Shagnee (At Tennesse PE Lee State Line) - Hagans RN 260 (RN Onty) CN TO 260 ,. ACQUISITION C(~PLETED 8865 0058-052-114,RN201 58 - 0.1 Mite East PE Lee Route 25 East at RN 360 Paratte[ Cumbertand Gap - CN Lane 2.2 Mites East TO 360 (RN Onty) Route 25 East at Cumbertand Gap PRELIMINARY EIIGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Y NATIONAL PAI~K SERVICE 2.1 Mites 11916 O058-052-E22,RN201 58 - 2.2 Mites East PE 1,325 Lee Route 25 East.at RW 963 )aratte[ CumberLand Gap - CN 3,887 Lane 0.4 Mite Nest TO 6,175 L & N Raitroad at Gibson Station CONSTRUCTION INOER NAY 1.3 Mites 9893 O058-052-E15,PElO1,RW201,CS, 1,PARK,0618 58 - 0.6 Mite Nest PE 1,270 Lee L & N Raitroad RN 3,035 Parattet at Gibson Station - CN 9,816 ' Lane 1.0 Mite Nest TO 14,121 Route 689 at Etydate School 9896 CONSTRUCTION UNDER NAY 3.8 Hires O058'052'E16,~E101,R~201,CSi1 128 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPNENT PROGRAH BRISTOL DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currentty Available COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED TO LENGTH COST COHPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 1.0 Nile Nest PE 1~511 Lee Route 689 at RW 2,621 Para[ret Etydate Schoo[- CN 10,664 ~= Lane 0,1 Mite East TO 14,796 Route 698 at Cowan Mit[ !CONSTRUCTION INOER NAY 4.3 Hires 9895 O058-052-E17,PE101,RW201,CS~ 1,B612oB613,B ,14,B615,D619,1~620 58 - 0.1Hi[e East PE 1,299 Lee Route 698 at RW 1,817 Parattet Cowan Hill - CN 6,326 Lane & 4 Lane 0.1 Mile East TO 9,442 Relocation Route 879 Near WaLker School CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 3.5 Mi[es 9892 O058-052-E18,PElO1,RW201,CSli1,D616,D61Z 58 - 0.1 Mile East PE 1,600 Lee Route 879 Near RW 3,536 ~4 Lane Watker Schoo[- CN 13,266 ~ 'Relocation 0.1 Mile West TO 18,402 Route 667 at Rose HiLl CONSTRUCTION ,NDER WAY 4.1 Hi[es 9891 O058-052-E19,PElO1,RW201,CSII1 158 - 0.1Hi[e West PE 919 ~Lee Route 667 at RW 1,553 Para[lei Rose Nil[ - CN 7,955 Lane 0.1 Mile West TO 10,428 Route 621 at Hardy Creek CONSTRUCTION COHPLETE i 3'1Hites 9890 O058-052-E20,?E101,R~201,CSIiI1 i58 - 30 km W Route 621- PE 1,385 Lee W. Int. Route 899 RW 509 ~ew Location CN 21,572 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , TO 23,466 2.1 km 13379 0058-052-E23, ElO1,RW201,CSiI1 58 - W. Int. Route 899- PE 1,390 Lee 0.1 km East Route 75 RW 604 Para[Lei (near Dry Creek) CN 9,510 .ane TO 11,504 5.5 km 13380 O058-052~E24,?E101,RW201,CS[~1,D623 129 J ! ! ! I I I I I I ! I ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BRISTOL DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currentty AvsiJsble COUNTY/CITY' xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorizstion BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 0.1 km East Route 75 PE 900 Lee (near Dry Creek)- RW 2,158 Para[teL CN 4,665 Lane 0.5 km W. West TO 7,723 Route 647 (West End Prop. 1.8 km Jonesvit[e Bypass) 13381 O058-052-E25,I,ElO1,RW201,C5 ~1 58 - JONESVILLE BYPASS: PE 1,726 , Lee 1.6km/1.0 Mite W. RN 936 936 New Location West Corporate Limit ON 16,017 16,017 Jonesvit[e - TO 18,679 0.3km/O.2 Mite W. 6.1 km/ Route 641 3.8 Mites 15166 6058-052-E31,~ E101,RN201,CSl~1 I 58 ALt. - 4.8km/3.0 Mi. E. PE 1,447 J Lee North Corporate EH 1,070 ~arattet Limits Jonesvitte CH 9,316 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lane (Ben Hut) - TO 11,833 0.8km/0.5 NiLe N. of 2.9 km/ West Corporate Limit 1.8 Mites Pennington Gap 13382 6058-052-E26, J EIOI,RW201,CSIJl 58 Att. - PENNINGTON GAP PE 1,246 Lee County BYPASS: RN 2,600 2,600 New Location 1.6 km E. Route 421 CN 15,600 15,600 0.7 km E. ECL TO 19,446 Pennington Oap - 5.3 km/ 3.3 Mites ~ 15163 6058-052-E32, E101,RN2010CSII1 58 AIL. - 1.6 km/O.9 Mite E. PE 5,500 .ee ~oute 421 - 0.6 RN 7,102 ParaLLeL km/0.4 Mite E. Route CN 36,400 xxxxxxxx Lane 752 (E. of Dryden) TO 49,002 8.4 km/ 5.2 MiLes 13387 6058-052-E27, E101,RN201,CS~I1,B624,B625,B 26,B627,B628,11629,B630,B631 I 58 Att. - 0.6 km/0.4 Mite E. PE 1,565 J J Lee Route 752 (E. of RN 3,495 I I >araIte[ Dryden) - 1.5 km/0.9 CN 11,550 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lane MiLe E. Route 620 TO 16,610 i (Near O[tnger) 6.6 km/ 4.2 Mites 13388 6058'052'E28,11'E101,RN201,C571~ 130 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BRISTOL DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds tn Bond Authorization. BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST .. CORPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 ALt. - 1.5 km/0.9 MiLe East PE 1,722 Lee Route 620 (Near RW 5,811 Parattet Otinger) - CN 15,637 15,637 Lane and Wise County Line TO 23,170 New Location 5.8 km/ 3.5 Mi res 13389 6058-052-E29,1~E101,RW201,C5(~1 58 Att. - Lee County Line - PE 550 Wise 1.3km/0.8 MiLe W. of RW 2,811 ParaLLeL West Corporate Limit CN 6,263 Lane Big Stone Gap TO 9,626 (Nest End Big Stone 2.1 km/ Gap Bypass) 1.3 Rites 13390 6058-097-E17,1 E101,RW201,C5{~1 58 - BIG STONE GAP BYPASS PE 1,936 Wise 1.3km/0.8 Mite W. of RW 1,250 1,250 New Location West Corporate Limit CN 12,825 12,825 Big Stone Gap - TO 16,009 Route 23 5.0 km/ 3.1 Mites 15166 6058-097-E18,1~EIO1,RW201,CSi~1 58 - Routes 621/23 PE 351 Scott (Ouffietd) - 0.2 Mit RW 500 Improve to West of Route 606 CN 3,657 ~ 5 Lanes TO 6,508 CONSTRUCTION JNDER WAY 1.0 MiLe 11917/15426 O058-084-ElO,PElO1,R~201,CSl~1 58 - 0.2 MiLe West of PE 755 Lee Route 621 (Dot) - RW 900 Reconstruction 0.1 MiLe South of CN 23,903 and 2 Lanes on Route 702 TO 25,558 New Location (Stickleyvi[te) CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 6.3 MiLes 570 OO58-052-110,;E100,RW201,CS{~l 58/23 - GATE CITY: PE 765 Scott Intersection RW 1,600 -- Intersection Route 23/58 and Bus. CN 6,365 ~-- ~odification Route 23/58 TO 8,730 and FLyover 13724 O058-084-E11,Ii~E101,RW201,CSi1,B601 ~ 131 _~1 } ! I ! I ! ! I I I I i ! I ! ! I I ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BRISTOL DISTRICT RouTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST I COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 200%02 2002-03 [ 58 - Route 23 at ~eber PE 12,338 12,338 Scott and City - Route 81 at R~ 5,634 5,634 Nashington Bristol CN 82,253 82,253 Oevetop to TO 100,225 6 Lanes 21.5 Niles 58 - 5.1 MiLes Nest of PE 10 Scott Nashington County RN -- Improve Curve Line - 4.9 Hi[es CN -- Nest of Nashington TO 10 County Line PROJECT CLOSED ' TO BE IMPROVED NITH ULTIMATE ROUTE 58 MPROVEMENT 0.2 MiLe 9830 O058-086-EO9,~E101,MS01 58 - 0.6 MiLe East PE 218 I Nashington Route 11 - Rg 410 Develop to 0.1 MiLe Nest CN 1,522 6'Lanes Route 11 TO 2,150 CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 0.6 Mite 11660 O058-095-EO?,FElO1,Rg201,C5t~l,B601,B602 58 - 0.2 km East Route 11 PE 820 Nashington (Abington) - RN 3,?50 3,750 ParaLLeL Lane 0.3 km East CN 6,100 6,100 Route 638 East TO 8,670 *$328 Funded ;rom Primary Funds 6.8 km 16386 O058-095-108,fElO3,RN203,CS03 58 - 0.3 km East PE 560 560 Nashington Route 638 Nest - RN -- ParaLLeL Lane 0.2 km Nest CN -- Route 712 Nest TO 560 (PR Only) 4.5 km 16383 O058-095-108,1E102,RN202,CSi2 58 - 0.2 km Nest PE 860 860 ~ashington ~oute 712 Neat - RN -- Parallel Lane 0.2 km Nest Nest CN -- Corporate Limts TO 860 Oamascus (PR OnLy) 5.0 km 16382 O058-095-108,1~ElO1,RN201,CSl~1 132 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAH BRISTOL DISTRICT ROUTE ~ Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST , COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - BridLe Creek West PE 402 Grayson of Independence - RW. 1,141 lDeVe[op to 2.0 Mites West of !CN 3,684 3,684 i4 Lanes Independence TO 5,227 3.5 Mi[es 8376 O058-038-112,1'E101,RW201,C5 1 [58 - INDEPENDENCE BYPASS:PR 2,294 :Grayson 0.2km/0.1 Hire Hast ~RW 1,100 1,100 Ne~ Location of Route 703 - iCH 15,295 15,295 1.3km/0.8 Mite West TO 18,689 Route 274 5.6 km/ 3.5 Mites 15165 O058-038-E14,1'ElOO,PE101,RW~01,C501 58 - 1.9 Hi[es East of :PE 2,025 Grayson East Corporate RW 195 Parat[e[ Limits Independence CN 15,796 Lane 0.01 Mi[es East TO 18,016 Route 631 (East of Ne~ River) 4.7 NJ[es 13383 O058-038-E13,1'E102,R~202,C5 2,B613 58 - 0.01 MiLes East 'PE 1,131 Orayson Route 631 (East of RW 5 4 Lanes on Ne~ River) - CN 5,284 ... New Location 2.1 Mi[es West TO 6,420 of West Corporate Limits Ga[ax CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY 3.5 Mites 13345 OO58-038-E13,PE101,RN201,C5 1 58 - Damascus - pE 2,000 , Washington and VD[ney RW -- Grayson CN -- TO 2,000 Improvements to Existing Road PRIORITES TO IE OETERMINED Smyth and Route 58 at VD[neyRW -- Grayson !CH -- :TO 2,000 Improvements to Existing Road PRIORITES TO ~E DETERMINED 133 ! I ! I ! I ! i ! I I i ! ! I II I ! 11 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SALEM DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currentty Available COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - At Route 706 (West PE -- Carrot[ of Route 77) RW *- Intersection CN 37 Improvement TO CONSTRUCTION ~OMPLETE 9835 O058'017'EO9,N501 58 - TOWN OF HILLSVILLE: PE 93 Carrot[ Route 52 - Route 221 RW 531 Widening with 959 Curband ~ 1,583 Gutter CONSTRUCTION gOMPLETE 0.3 Mite 656 OO58-O17-108,PElO1,R~201,C51)l 58 - Route 703 West of PE 4~500 Carrot[, FLoyd, Hittsvi[te - 0.? Mit RW -- and Patrick North of North CN -- Fins[ Location Corporate Limits TO 6,500 Studies OnLy Stuart 36.2 Mites 13386 6058-962-EO2,iElO0 58 - Iht Route 703 (West PE 3,160 Carrot[ of Nit[svi[[e) - RW 2,600 2,600 DeveLop to Int Route 669 CN 58,292 58,292 6 Lanes (East of Hittsvitte) TO 66,052 4.3 Mites O058-017-E13,1'ElO1,RW201,CSI)l 58 - Int Route 669 PE 3,636 I CarroLL (East of Hittsvi[te) RW 3,640 3,440 DeveLop to Big Reed IsLand Cree CN 66,360 66,360 6 Lanes (East of Route 844) TO 73,616 6.9 Mites O058-017-E12,1'ElO1,RW201,CS~H 58 - Big Reed IsLand PE 2,723 Carrot[ Creek (East of RW 3,470 3,470 DeveLop to Route 846) - CN 49,088 69,088 6 Lanes 0.25 Mite East Route TO 55,281 632 (Mapteshade Road) - !E101,RW201,C511 5.8 Miles 0058-017-Ell, 134 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SALEM DISTRICT ROUTE ~ Funds Currently Available COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST ...... COHPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 0.25 Mite East Route PE 2,990 Carroll, FLoyd, 632 (MapLeshade RW 2,760 2,760 and Patrick Road) - CN 30,208 30,208 Develop to Int. Route 795 (East TO 35,958 4 Lanes of Meadows of Dan School) 5.7 Miles 0058-962-E02,' EOlO,R~201,CSII1 58 - 0.1 Mile West of PE 245 Patrick Route 8 (Cruzes R~ -- Reconstruction Store) - Route 640 CN -- TO 245 PROJECT CLOSEI - NEW LOCATION DETERMINED 1.5 Mites 4328 6058-070-111,PE101 58 - North Fork Mayo PE 247 Patrick River (0. 5 Mile RW 100 Bridge and West of Stuart) CN 931 Approaches TO 1,278 CONSTRUCTION oOMPLETE 0.2 Mites 4327 6058-O?q-110,PElO1,R~201,CSII1,B616 58 - Int. Route 795 (East PE 2,590 "' Patrick of Meadows of Dan RW 31,20~ 3,120 Develop to 4 School) - CN 37,477 37,477 Lanes 0.5 Mile East TO 71,271 Route 610 4.0 Miles 0058-070-E19, E101,RW201,CSII1 58 - 0.5 Mile East PE 3,745 ....... Patrick Route 610 - R~ 2,700 2,700 OeveLop to 4 0.? Mile North of CN 62,918 62,918 Lanes North Corporate TO 69,363 Limits Stuart 7.8 Miles 0058-070-E18, E101,RW201,CSlI1 58 - STUART BYPASS: PE 1,700 =atrick 0.7 Mile North of RW 1,165 .. New Location North Corporate CN 8,000 8,000 Limits Stuart - TO 10,865 0.2 Mile (0.3 km) West Route 835 (East 1.7 Mites of Stuart) 13392 6058'O?O'E20'IE103'R~203'CSIGI 135 J _ I i ! I 'l ! i I I ! ! ! I I I ! ! ! ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SALEM DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CtTY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds Jn Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRtPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST , COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 Z000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 0.3 km/O.Z Mite West PE 1,195 Patrick Route 835 (East of RN 798 ParaLLeL Lane Stuart) - 0.7 km/ CN 7,765 0.4 MiLe West of Wes TO 9,758 Route 625 3.9 km/ 2.4 MiLes 13384 6058-O70-E20,I.E104,RN204,CS~4,B619,B620 58 - 0.7 km/0.4 Mite West PE 1,586 Patrick of West Route 625 - RN 1,262 ParaLLeL 0.2 km/0.1 MiLe West CN 6,183 Lane of Route 653 (West o TO 9,031 Nettteridge) 6.2 km/ 3.8 MiLes 13385 6058-OZO-E21,1ElO1,RN201,CSiI1 58 - 0.3 km/O.2 MiLe West PE 965 Patrick of Route 653 (West o RN 635 ParaLLeL Nettteridge) - CN 6,500 , Lane 0.6 km/0.4 Mite West TO 8,100 Route 831 3.9 km/ (Nettteridge) 2.5 MiLes 13396 6058-070-E22,1'E101,RN201,CSII1 58 - 0.6 MiLe West PE 2,700 Patrick Route 831 RN 515 DeveLop to 4 (Nettteridge) - CN 5,815 2,000 Lanes 2.6 Mites West Henry TO 9,030 County Line (Route 697) 3.3 Mites 9871 6058-070-E18,i'E101,RN201,C5111 58 - 2.6 MiLes West Henry PE 1,136 Patrick County Line RN 1,366 - - DeveLop to 4 (Route 697) - Cg 6,685 1,000 Lanes Henry County Line TO 7,183 2.6 Mites 9872 6058-070-E19,!E101,RN201,CSII1 58 - Patrick County PE 1,181 Henry Line - RN 964 DeveLop to 4 5.9 MiLes West CN 3,027 1,000 Lanes of Route 220 TO 5,152 2.8 Mites. 9873 6058~046-E14,1E101,RN201,CSI~1 136 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SALEM DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy Available COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 5.9 Mites West PE 1,081 Henry of Route 220.- RW 2,504 )evetop to 4 2.7 Mites West CN 5,938 .aries Route 220 Bypass TO 9,523 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 3.2 MiLes 9875 6058-044-E15,PE101,RW201,CSlil,B621,B622 58 - 2.7 MiLes West PE 687 Henry Route 220 Bypass - RW 2,514 DeveLop to 4 1.4 MiLes West CN 2,644 ~ Lanes Route 220 Bypass - TO 5,845 CONSTRUCTION INDER WAY 1.3 Mites 98r4 6058-044-E16,PE101,RW201,C5~U 58 - 1.4 MiLes West PE 424 Henry Route 220 Bypass - RW 935 DeveLop to 4 0.2 MiLe West CN 2,023 Lanes Route 220 Bypass TO 3,382 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 1.2 MiLes 690 O058-044-104,PE101,RW201,CS~I1 58 - MARTINSVlLLE BYPASS: PE 139 Henry 0.6 MiLe East RW -- ParaLLel Lane Route 220 South - CN 3,243 Route 650 TO 3,382 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 2.6 MiLes 9888 6058-044-EO3,PE104,CSO4,B60~,B606 58 - MARTINSVILLE BYPASS= PE 233 Henry Route 650 - RW -- 2 Lanes on Route 58 East of CN 806 6-Lane R/W MartinsvitLe TO 1,039 & Signs 9887 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE) l; 3.7 MiLes 11705 6058-044-EO3,PE105,CSO3,B60~ S901 58 - LEATHERWOOD CREEK PE 129 Henry 5.9 MiLes West of RW -- RepLace Bridge Pittsytvania County CH 711 on WBL Line TO 840 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 0.1 Mile 9889 O058-044-E17, PE101,CSO1,B621 137 .J I I ! - i I ! ! i I I ! i i ! ! ! ! ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPHENT PROGRAH SALEH DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIHATED TO LENGTH COST COHPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - Grayson County Line PE 701 FLoyd, Route 220 Nest of RN -- Patrick and Hartinsviile CN -- Henry TO 701 ' Location Studies STUDIES COHPE:TE 71.8 HiLes 9484 O058-962-EO1,PElO0 138 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM LYNCHBURG DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currently Availabte COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds Jn Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE OESCRIPTION ESTIHATEO TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - DANVILLE BYPASS: PE 4,000 Pittsyivania Route 29 South - RN 31 ~ Lanes on Route 58 ~est CN New Location TO 6,031 7.0 Mites 9885 6058-071-E15,IEIOO'RW200 58 - DANVILLE BYPASS: PE 3~250 Pittsytvania Int. Rte. 58 - R~ 4,076 I 6 Lanes on Int. Rte. 29/265 CN 57,000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx New Location TO 64,326 9885 6058-071-E15~ EIO1,RNZOI,CSIU 265 - DANVILLE BYPASS: PE 294 City of Route 86 South - RN -- Oanvitle Route 58 East CN 6,712 Parallel Lane TO 7,006 CONSTRUCTION ,OHPLETE 3.5 Mites 9946 6265-071-EO1,PElO4,CSOg,B60toB613,B616,D6~l 58/265 - Interchange at PE 962 City of Dan Oaniet Memoriat R~ 121 Danvitte Parkway in Danvilte CN 5,310 Construct TO 6,373 Interchange .13725 6265-108-EOS,iE101,R~201,CS~)1 58 - Interchange with PE 59 City of Oanvitte Expressway R~ -- Oanvitle East of Danville Cg 5,968 Construct TO 6,007 Interchange CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 0.5 Mile 9965 6265-071-EO1,PElO5~C510,B6111,B619,L801 58 - 0.2 Mite East of PE 116 Pittsy[vania Route 62 - 0.1 Mile RW 6 Improve West of Route 62 CN -- Atignment TO 120 PROJECT CLOSE, DUE TO HIGH :OST OF CLERRIG CONTAH,NATE, LAND 0.3 Mile 9886 OO58-071-E16,~E101,R,Z01 I 139 i ! i i ! ! ! ! ! ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM LYNCHBURG DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TO TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED LENGTH COST COHPLETE ~' t997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - RIVERDALE: PE 1,200 HaLifax 1.9 MiLes Nest of RN 3,200 - Route 501 - CN 6,302 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Improve Existing Road 0.7 Mite Nest of TO 10,702 Route 501 2.6 Mites 11918 O058-041'E12,1'E101,R~201,CS'~1 58 ' Route 501 - PE -- HaLifax 0.2 Mite East R~ -- ~dd Fifth Route 501 CN 83 Lane TO 83 CONSTRUCTION COHPLETE 0.2 MiLe 9866 O058-061-E100NS01 306/360 - JOHN RANDOLPH BRIDGE PE * HaLifax and 0.3 km/0.2 Mfte Nort Rg 1,800 South Boston of Route 36 - CN 18,679 18,679 OeveLop to Route 58 TO 20,679 6 Lanes 2.1 km/ * PreLiminary Engineering Financed with Primary System :unds 1.3 Mites 984 6360-041-E15,RN201oC501,B608, BSOB,B610 58 - At Route 360 South PE 20 HaLifax of South Boston Rg 9 Intersection CN 266 Improvement TO 295 CONSTRUCTION :OHPLETE 6280 OO58-061-S09,PE101,R~201,M5 1 58 - Districtwide PE 9 Oistrictwide RW PreLiminary CN Studies TO 9 STUDIES COMPLETE 9485 O058-963-EO10PElO0 140 ROUTE 58 CORR,DOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM R,CHMOND DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 15 - CLARKSVILLE BYPASS: PE 110 MeckLenburg (Proposed Crossing) RW 1,185 = ParaLLeL Lane 1.2 Mites South of CN 950 Route 58 in TO 2,245 Ctarksvitte - 0.8 Mite South of Route 0.4 MiLe 58 in CLarksviLte 15538 0015-058-E07,1 ElO1,RW201,CSI~l 58 - CLARKSViLLE BYPASS: PE 6,000 MeckLenburg 3.1 Mites East RW 7,559 4 Lanes on Route 15 North - CN 90,321 90,321 Ne~ Location 2.7 Mites West TO 103,880 Route 15 South 9878 7.7 MiLes 13835 6058-058-E26,1 E100,PElO1,RW~01,CS01,B610 58 - 0.4 Mite East PE 1,300 MeckLenburg Route 15 - RW 593 ParaLLeL Lane 3.7 MiLes East CN 6,906 ..... Route 15 TO 8,799 3.3 Mites 9879 6058-058-E25,1 ElO2,R~202,CS(~2 58 - 3.6 MiLes East PE 1,741 Hecktenburg Route 15 - RW 1,236 ParaLLeL Lane 0.1 Mite West West CN 28,500 Corporate Limits TO 31,477 Boydton 4.8 Miles 9880 6058-058-E25,'~E101,R~201,CSI~l,B613,B616,B, 37,8638 58 - BOYDTON BYPASS: PE 234 MeckLenburg 0.1 MiLe West RW 99 ParaLLeL Lane ~CL Boydton - CN 2,180 0.7 MiLe East TO 2,513 Route 92 CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 1.7 Mi Les 9881 6058-058-E17, r E102, RW203,C51 14,D626 58 - BOYDTON BYPASS: ~E 136 MeckLenburg 0.7 Mite East RW 236 ParaLLeL Lane Route 92 - CN 1,757 1.9 Mites East TO 2,129 Route 92 CONSTRUCT,ON :OMPLETE 1.2 Mites 11635 6058-058-E17,PE103,RW204,CS,,5 141 ! i ! I I i I i ! I I ~ 1 I ! 1 I ! ! ! ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND DISTRICT ROUTE - = Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTIO~ ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST .. COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 1.9 NiLes East PE 1,680 MeckLenburg Route 92 - RW 1,632 ParaLLeL Lane 0.5 Mite West CN 9,936 Route 6 TO 13,268 CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY 3.6 Mites 9882 6058-O58'E26,PE102,RW202,C5 2,B611,B628,BU29,8630 58 - 0.5 MiLe West PE 866 MeckLenburg Route 6 - RW 1,669 ParaLLeL Lane 0.6 MiLe West Route CN 10,306 (at Big Fork) TO 12,839 CONSTRUCTION INDERWAY 4.2 MiLes 9883 6058-058-E26-PE101,RW201,CSI~1,B615,B627 58 - 0.686 Mi. E. Int. PE 165 MeckLenburg ROUTE 92 - RW 13 RehabiLitate/ 1.882 Mi. E. Int. CN 1,966 Reconst EB Lane ROUTE 92 - TO 2,142 CONSTRUCTION INDERWAY 1.2 MiLes 16093 6058-058-E30,FE101,RW201,C5(~l,D631 58 - 0.6 MiLe West Route PE 500 MeckLenburg (at Big Fork) - RW 2,339 DeveLop to 0.9 MiLes South SoutlCN .2,510 6 Lanes Corporate Limits TO 5,369 South HiLL 3.5 NiLes 11316 6058-058-E28,1'E101,RW201,C5 58 - SOUTH HILL BYPASS: PE 2,000 MeckLenburg 1.9 MiLes South Sout RW 6,99? 6 Lanes on Corporate Limits CN 20,683 New Location South HiLL - TO 29,680 (PreLiminary 0.6 NiLe East of Engineering) Route 85 5.2 NJ[es 9886/10178 6058-058-E23,1~EtOO,R~201,C5 1,B636,B635,B~G6 58 - DJstrictwide PE 5 Districtwide RW -- PreLiminary CN -- Studies TO 5 STUOIES COHPLI!TE 9686 O058'966-EO1,~ElO0 142 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM RICHMOND DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currentty kvaitabte COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds (n Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST '" COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 175 M East Rte. 15 N PE Mecktenburg 558 M East Rte 15 N RW Bridge Bridge over Sandy CN 1,800 -- River TO 1,800 16647 6058-058-E26, ElOl,CSO2,B64, 143 _ _ I / I ! I ! I I ] I I i i 1 i I ! I ! ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUFFOLK DISTRICT ROUTE -- Funds Currentty Avaitabte COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE OESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST . COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - At Route 95 PE 64 Greensvitte and Three Creek RW -- Wet[ands CN 1,254 Mitigation TO 1,298 Site iCONSTRUCTION ~OMPLETE 12300 6~58-O~O-EO5,~ElO3,MS04 58 - EMPORIA BYPASS: PE 669 [ Greensvitie 0.6 Mite West RW -- Para[ret Lane Route 301 - CN 7,766 1.3 Mites East TO 8,435 Route 301 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 1.7 Mi[es 9876 6058-040-EOS,PE102,CS03,B60!,B607,B609,B6 1,8613 58 - West of the PE -- Greensvi[te Southampton County RW -- Under Drains Line CN 24 TO 24 CONSTRUCTION COHPLETE 10037 6058-040-104,C502 58 - Greensvitte County PE 33 Southampton Line - 2.7 Mites RW 435 Parattet Lane East of Greensvitte CN 3,149 County Line TO 3,617 · CONSTRUCTION LOMPLETE 2.7 Mites 2008 6058-087-102,PE110,RW210,CSI3 58 - 2.7 Mites East of PE 18 Southampton Greensvi[te County RW 100 Paratie[ Lane Line - 4.6 Mi[es CN 2,384 East of greensvit[e TO 2,502 County Line CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 2.0 Mi[es 2002 6058-087-102,PE109,RW209,CS'2 58 - 4.6 Mites East of PE 26 Southampton Greensvitte County RW 515 Parattet Lane Line - 6.5 Mites CN 1,848 East of Greensvi[te TO 2,389 i County Line CONSTRUCTION ,OMPLETE 1.9 Mi[es 1989 6058-087-102,~ElOa,RW208,CS'II~ 144 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUFFOLK DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currently Available COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 ,J 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - 6.5 Mites East of PE Southampton Greensvitte County RN 205 Parallel Lane Line - 6.9 Mites CN 2,902 Nest of East TO 3,147 Corporate Limits Capron CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 2.6 Mites 1971 6058-087-102,PE107, RN207, C5 0 58 - 6.9 Miles Nest of PE Southampton East Corporate Limit RN 95 Parallel Lane Capron - 4.8 Mites CN 2,939 West of East TO 3,067 Corporate Limits Capron CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 2.1 Mites 1964 6058-087-102,PElO6,R~206,C5 9 58 - 4.8 Mi[es Nest of PE 146 southampton East Corporate Limit RN 130 Parallel Lane Capron - 2.5 Mi[es CN 3,365 Nest of East TO 3,641 Corporate Limits Capron CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 2.3 Mites 1963 6058-087-102,PElOS~RN205,CSI 8,B617 58 - 0.4 Mites East Prop. PE 469 Southampton Interchange Route 58 RN 250 Construct and Route 35- CH 4,396 Interchange 0.3 Mi[es Nest Prop. TO 5,115 Interchange Route58 and Route 35 CONSTRUCTION NOER NAY 0.7 Mites 13958 6058-087-E10,PElO1,RN201,CS~I1,B635 58 - COURTLAND BYPASS: PE 162 Southampton 0.7 Mile Nest RN -- Parallel Lane Intersection CN 1,726 Route 35 - TO 1,888 1.3 Miles Nest Notto~ay River CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 1.2 Miles 9877 6058-087-E04,P2102,C504 58 - COURTLAflD BYPASS: PE 387 Jouthampton 1.3 Miles Nest RN 565 ~arattet Lane Nottoway River - CN 6,604 1.5 Miles East TO 7,556 Nottoway River CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 2.8 Miles 10066 6058-087-E04,PE103,RN205,C515,B631,B632 145 I I I I i ! I I ! I I I I I i ! ! ! I ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUFFOLK DISTRICT ROUTE Funds Currently Available COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bond Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH I COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - At Route 58 Business PE 300 Southampton (East End RW -- Construct Courttand Bypass) CN -- Interchange TO 300 6058-087- 58 - FRANKLIN BYPASS: PE 567 Southampton 3.3 Mites West RW 9 Parattet Lane Route 258 - CN 7,755 0.1 Mite West TO 8,331 Route 258 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 3.2 Mites 9867 6058-087-EO3,PE103,RW203,C5116,B606,8606,B,[08 58 - FRANKLIN BYPASS: PE 307 Southampton 0.1 Mite West RW 85 Para[Let Lane Route 258 - CN 5,269 2.9 Mites East TO 5,661 Route 258 CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 2.9 Miles 9869 6058-087-EO3,~E105,RW206,CS(~6,B610,B627 58 - FRANKLIN BYPASS: PE 67 ~uffo[k & 2.9 Mi[es East RW -- Southampton Route 258 - 3.2 Mite CN 3,042 >ara(tel East Route 258 TO 3,109 Bridge and Approaches CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 0.3 Mite 9868 6058-087-EO3,PE106,C505,B61~ 58 - FRANKLIN BYPASS: PE 142 Suffolk 3.2 Mites East RW -- Parallel Lane Route 258 - CN 6,117 & Interchange 5.6 Mites East TO 6,259 at Route 260 Route 258 CONSTRUCTION :OMPLETE 2.6 Mites 9870 6058-061-EOT,PE102,C504,B65 58/258 Conn. - Route 58 Bus. and PE 1,250 Isle of Wight Route 258 - RW 187 2 Lanes on 2.5 Miles South CN 6,346 4-Lane Right Route 58 Bus. and TO 7,781 of Way Route 258 2.5 Mites 9865 O058-046-EOS,I'E104,RW204,C5 4,8605 146 ROUTE 58 CORRIDOR DEVELOPHENT PROGRAM SUFFOLK DISTRICT ROUTE Funds CurrentLy AvaiLabLe COUNTY/CITY xxxxxxxxxxxxx Future Funds in Bend Authorization BALANCE TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED TO LENGTH COST COMPLETE 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 58 - Route 169 - IsLe of PE 22 SuffoLk Wight County Line RW -- 2 Lanes on CN -- 4-Lane Right TO 22 of Way PROJECT CLOSEI - NOT FEASIB.E 9866 0058-061-E10, 58 - PreLiminary Studies PE 4 Oistrictwide RW -- TO 4 STUDIES COMPLliTE 9&87 O058-965'E01,PE100 I 147 i i ! ! i I ! ! I ] I i ! i i I ] I FY 1998-2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD Introduction The Public Transportation Improvement Progratn provides a detailed list of local public transportation projects for FY1998 in each of Virginia's Construction Districts. In addition, it provides estimates of federal funds by Construction District for operating and capital projects in the second and third years of the Program. A summary of State Aid to Public Transportation fund sources and their distribution to the subprograms is shown. Federal Assistance for transit systems in non-metropolitan areas and for Specialized Transportation projects (FTA Sections 5311 and 5310 Programs) is programmed one year at a time. Therefore, only FY1998 funding is shown for the non-metropolitan area transit systems. A summary table of the FTA Section 5310 projects for FY1998 is included. Federal Assistance for transportation planning and research in Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), rural areas and statewide is provided with FTA Section 5303, 531 l(b)(2) and 5313(b) funds. A summary table of the total funds provided in those programs is included. State funded formula, capital, ridesharing, demonstration, technical, and transportation demand management projects are also programmed for one year at a time. Funding for these programs appears in the Program only for FY 1998. The 1997 13eneral Assembly authorized additional, special appropriations for public transportation in Virginia. The appropriations are in Item 516G of the approved 1997 Budget Bill. The programs and the appropriated amounts are: Item 51613 - Capital Projects receiving Federal Surface Transportation StateWide Discretionary Funds ($1.2 million statewide, $2.4 million to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority); Item 516 G1 - Supplemental Operating Assistance ($4.1 million statewide) and Item 516 G2 - Capital Assistance for Specialized Transportation Vehicles ($400,000 statewide). The final table is a listing of the Phased Rail Improvement Program for the Washington, D.C. to Richmond Corridor for FY1998- 2000. This program is funded using Statewide Surface Transportation Program funds. 148 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD BRISTOL DISTRICT Recipient] Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY t999 FY 2000 Appalachian Agency on Aging Other Purchase 1 raised roof van ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 Other Total $0 $31, 088 $0 $31,088 Appalachian Agency on Aging Total $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 .............................. Bluefleld Operating Graham Transit Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $42,475 $12,821 $29,654 $84,950 $42,475 $42,475 Operating Total $42,475 $12,821 $29,654 $84,950 $42,475 $42,475 Capital 1 Minlvan and radio Item 516 G/Capital $16,400 $1,312 $2,788 $20,500 Capital Total $t6,400 $1,312 $2,788 $20,500 Bluefleld Total $58,875 $14,133 $32,442 $I105,450 $42,475 $42,475 Bristol Virginia Transit Operating Bristol Formula Bristol Virginia Transit Total ---/Supplemental $0 $12,526 $0 $12,526 .............................. FT^ - 53071Formula $48,857 $62,486 $223,059 $334,402 $48,857 $48,857 Operating Total $48,857 $75,012 $223,059 $346,928 $48,857 $48,857 $48,857 $75,012 $223,059 $346,928 $48,857 $48,857 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 149 ! I I i ! I ! ! I i I I i i I 1 i ! FY '1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD BRISTOL DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Buchanan Co. Transp. Operating Buchanan Formula ---/Formula $0 $52.242 $263.562 $315.804 Operating Total $0 $52,242 $263,562 $315,804 Capital 2 Vans ---/Capital $0 $16,000 $34,000 $50,000 Capital Total $0 $16, 000 $34,000 $50,000 Buchanan Co. Transp. Total $0 $68,242 $297,562 $365,804 Dlckenson Co. Transp. Operating Dickenson Formula --4Formula $0 $7.858 $28.772 $36.630 Operating Total $0 $7,858 $28,772 $36,630 Capital 1 Bus ---/Capital $0 $27.132 $57.656 $84.788 Capital Total $0 $27,132 $57,656 $84,788 District III Operating Other Dickanson Co. Transp. Total $0 $34,990 $86,428 $121,418 District III Formula Purahase 1 body on chassis bus FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $253.425 $142.342 $111.082 $506.849 $253.425 $253.425 Operating Total $253,425 $142,342 $f11,082 $506,849 $253,425 $253,425 --41tern 516 G2 $0 $41.938 $0 $41.938 Other Total $0 $41,938 $0 $41,938 District III Total $263,425 $t 84,280 $111,082 $548,787 $253,425 $253,425 *Local shara is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 150 FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD BRISTOL DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/Stata Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Mountain Empire Transit Operating Mountain Empire Formula Other Purchase 1 body on chassis bus FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $234,470 $104,784 $129,686 $468,940 $234,470 $234,470 Operating Total $234,470 $104,784 $129,686 $468,940 $234,470 $234,470 ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $38,047 $0 $38,047 .............................. Other Total $0 $38,047 $0 $38,047 .............................. Mountain Empire Transit Total $234,470 $142,831 $129,686 $506,987 $234,470 $234,470 Russell Co. Public Transp. Operating Russell Formula ---/Formula $0 $27,531 $114,075 $141,606 .............................. Operating Total $0 $27,53'1 $114,075 $141,606 .............................. Russell Co. Public Transp. Total $0 $27,531 $114;075 $14t,606 .............................. Tazewell County Operating Tazewell Formula ---/Formula $0 $14,272 $53,764 $68,036 .............................. Operating Total $0 $14,272 $53,764 $68,036 .............................. Capital 1 Small Bus ---/Capital $0 $16,000 $34,000 $50,000 .............................. Capital Total $0 $t6,000 $34,000 $50,000 .............................. Tazewell County Total $0 $30,272 $87,764 $118,036 .............................. BRISTOL DISTRICT TOTAL $595,627 $608,378 $1,082,099 $2,286,104 $579,227 $579,227 *Local sham is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 151 I i ! i ! I ! ! ! I I I I ! I i ! I FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD BRISTOL DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Operating Capital Other Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 Federal/State Dollars Dollars Total Total Total ---/Formula $0 $101,903 $101.903 .............................. ---/Supplemental $0 $12.526 $12,526 .............................. FTA - 5307/Formula $48,857 $62.486 $111,343 $48,857 $48,857 FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $530,370 $259,947 $790,317 $530,370 $530,370 ---/Capital $0 $59,132 $59,132 .............................. Item 516 G/Capital $16.400 $1,312 $17,712 .............................. ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $111,073 $111,073 .............................. Bristol District Total $595,627 $608,378 $1,204,005 $579,227 $579,227 152 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD CULPEPER DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Charlottesville Transit Operating Charlottesville Formula Capital Transportation Center - Rail Pass Imp. Support vehicle, capital maint Transportation Center - Phase II Charlottesville Transit Total Greene County Transit Operating Greene County Formula Other FTA - 5307/Formula $316,389 $354,325 $414,992 $1,085,706 $316,389 $316,389 ---/Supplemental $0 $81,114 $0 $81,114 .............................. Operatin9 Total $316,389 $435,439 $414,992 $1,166,820 $316,389 $316,389 ---/Capital $0 $160,000 $340,000 $500,000 .............................. FTA- 5307/Capital $203,200 $16,256 $34,544 $254,000 $203,200 $203,200 FTA-5307/Capital $1,000,000 $80,000 $170,000 $1,250,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Capital To~l $1,203,200 $25~256 $544,544 $~004,000 $1,20~200 $1,203,200 $1,619,589 $691,695 $959,536 $3,170,820 $1,619,589 $1,519,689 FTA -. 5311 .Operating/Formula $112,625 $46,681 $65,944 $225,250 $112,625 $112,625 Operating Total $112,625 $46,681 $65,944 $225,250 $112,625 $112,625 Pumhase 1 body on chassis bus Greene County Transit Total ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $36,498 $0 $36,498 Other Total $0 $36,498 $0 $36,498 $112,625 $83,179 $65,944 $261,748 $112,626 $112,626 *Local share Is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 153 I I I I ! i I I I I I i I I II I I I ! FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD CULPEPER DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 ProJected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Jaunt Operating Capital JAUNT Formula 2 Body on Chassis - 13 passenger 2 Body on Chassis - 18 passenger 6 raised roof vans FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $368,428 $334,529 $558,521 $1,261,478 $368.428 $368,428 Operating Total $368,428 $334,529 $558,521 $1,261,478 $368,428 $368,428 Item 516 G/Capital $64.160 $5.133 $10,907 $80,200 Item 516 G/Capital $80,960 $6,477 $13,763 $101.200 Item 516 G/Capital $158,400 $12.672 $26.928 $198,000 Capital Total $303,520 $24,282 $51,598 $379,400 Jaunt Total $67t,948 $358,810 $610,120 $1,640,878 $368,428 $368,428 Rappahannock-Rapldan CSB Operating Rapp-Rap CSB Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $140,879 $63,665 $77,213 $281.757 $140,879 $140,8~9 * .. Operating Total $140,879 $63,665 $77,213 $281.757 $140,879 $140,8~9 Item 516 G/Capital $28,160 $2,253 $4,787 $35,200 Capital Total $28,160 $2,253 $4,787 $35,200 Capital 2 Mini vans $169,039 $65,917 $82,001 $316,957 $140,879 $140,879 ---/Ridesharing $0 $20,000 $10,000 $30,000 ---/TEIF - Rldeshare $0 $20.000. $0 $20,000 Other Total $0 $40,000 $10,000 $50,000 Rappahannock-Rapidan CSB Total Rappahannock-Rapldan PDC Other RIdeshare Program $0 $40,000 $10,000 $50,000 .............................. Rappahannock-Rapldan PDC Total *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 154 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD CULPEPER DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Thomas Jefferson PDC Other Rideshare Program -.*/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $36,000 $0 $38,000 ---/Rldesharing $0 $38,000 $19,000 $57,000 Other Total $0 $76,000 $19,000 $95,000 Thomas Jefferson PDC Total $0 $76,000 $19,000 $95,000 .............................. CULPEPER DISTRICT TOTAL $2,473,201 $1,315,601 $1,746,601 $5,535,403 $2,141,$21 $2,141,621 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 155 ! ! ~i ! _1 I ! I i I ! I ! ! ! FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD CULPEPER DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 Federal/Stata Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating Capital Other ---/Supplemental $0 $81,114 $81.114 .............................. FTA - 5307/Formula $316.389 $354,325 $670,714 $316,389 $316,389 FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $621.932 $444,874 $1,066.806 $621.932 $621.932 ---/Capital $0 $160,000 $160,000 .............................. FTA - 53071Capital $1,203,200 $96,256 $1,299,456 $1,203,200 $1,203,200 Item 516 G/Capital $331,680 $26,534 $358,214 .............................. --4Item 516 (}2 $0 $36,498 $36,498 .............................. --./Rldesharing $0 $58,000 $58,000 .............................. ---/TEIF - Ridoshare $0 $58,000 $58,000 .............................. Culpeper District Total $2,473,20t $1,3t5,601 $3,788,802 $2,t41,521 $2,t4t,521 156 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Category Project Description Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Colonial BeachTransit Operating Colonial Beach Formula Capital 1 Body on chassis bus FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $40,675 $19,631 $21,044 $81,350 $40,675 $40,675 Operating Total $40,675 $19,631 $21,044 $81,350 $40,675 $40,675 Item 516 G/Capital $51,200 $4,096 $8,704 $64,000 Capital Total $51,200 $4,096 $8,704 $64,000 Colonial BeachTransit Total $9t,875 $23,727 $29,748 $145,350 $40,675 $40,675 Fredericksburg Operating Fredericksburg Formula Capital Facility Improvements 1 Bus 18 Bus stop shelters Other Spotsylvanla Transit Initiative Purchase 1 body on chassis bus Terminal Improvement Feasibility Study ---/Formula $0 $91,612 $295,388 $387,000 Operaling Total $0 $91,612 $295,388 $387,000 ---/Capital $0 $4,800 $10,200 $15,000 ---/Capital $0 $19,968 $42,432 $62,400 ---/Capital $0 $22,176 $47,124 $69,300 Capital Total $0 $46,944 $99,756 $146,700 ---/TEIF $0 $105,760 $26,440 $132,200 --4Item516 02 $0 $51,300 $0 $51,300 --4P&O $0 $4,500 $4,500 $9,000 Other To~l $0 $161,560 $3~940 $192,500 Fredericksburg Total $0 $300,116 $426,084 $726,200 .............................. *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 157 I I ] / ~ / J ! I '! I I I ! ! I I I I FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Sham Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Gloucester County Other Start Rural Transit Service - Ray Transit ---/Experimental $0 $76.950 $4.050 $81.000 Other Total $0 $76,950 $4,050 $81,000 Gloucester County Total $0 $76,950 $4,050 $8t,000 .............................. Middle Peninsula PDC Other Rideshare Pmgram ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $22.500 $0 $22.500 ---/Ridesharing $0 $22.500 $11.250 $33.750 Other Total $0 $45,000 $11,250 $56,250 Middle Peninsula PDC Total $0 $45,000 $11,260 $66,260 .............................. Northen Neck Middle Peninsula Area Agency on Aging Other Purchase 1 raised roof van --41~m516 G2 $0 $31.088 $0 $31.088 O~erTotal $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 Northen Neck Middle Peninsula Ama Agency $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 .............................. Northern Neck PDC Other Rideshare Program ---/Ridesharing $0 $16.237 $8,118 $24.355 ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $16.237 $0 $16.237 Other Total $0 $32,474 $8,118 $40,592 Northern Neck PDC Total $0 $32,474 $8.1t8 $40.592 .............................. *Local share Is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 158 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Category Project Description Funding Federal State Local FY98 Federal/State 'Share Share Share* Total Projected Federal Dollars FY 1999 FY 2000 RADCO Other Rideshare Program ---/Rldesharing $0 $81,726 $40,862 $122,588 ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $81,726 $0 $81,726 Other Total $0 $163,452 $40,862 $204,314 RADCO Total $0 $163,452 $40,862 $204,314 .............................. FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT TOTAL $91,875 $672,807 $520,112 $1,284,794 $40,675 $40,675 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 159 I } ! / J / ]1 ! I ! I ! I I ' '! I ! I I FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD FREDERICKSBURG DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY t999 FY 2000 Federal/Stata Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating Capital Other --4Formula $0 $91,612 $91,612 .............................. FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $40,675 $19,631 $60,306 $40,675 $40,675 ---/Capital $0 $46,944 $46,944 .............................. Item 516 G/Capital $51,200 $4,096 $55,296 .............................. ---/Experimental $0 $76,950 $76,950 .............................. ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $82,388 $82,388 .............................. ---IP&O $0 $4,500 $4,500 ....... : ...................... ---/Ridesharing $0 $120,463 $120,463 .............................. ..-/I'EIF $0 $105,760 $105,760 .............................. ---/TEIF - Rldeshare $0 $120,463 $120,463 .............................. Fredericksburg District Total $91,875 $672,807 $764,682 $40,675 $40,675 160 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD LYNCHBURG DISTRICT ReclplentJ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 CPAC Operating CPAC Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $101.012 $44,902 $102,449 $248.363 $101.012 $101.012 Operating Total $101,012 $44,902 $102,449 $248,363 $101.012 $101,012 CPAC Total $t01,012 $44,902 $102,449 $248,363 $101,012 $101,012 Danville Operating Danville Formula Capital 2 Medium duty buses FTA - 53071Formula $120,167 $165.505 $125.262 $410,934 $120,167 $120,167 ---/Supplemental $0 $30.808 $0 $30,808 .............................. Operating Total $120,167 $196,313 $126,262 $441,742 $120,167 $120,167 Item 516 G/Capital $136.000 $10.880 $23.120 $170.000 Capital Total $136,000 $10,880 $23,120 $170,000 Danville Total $256,167 $207,193 $148,382 $611,742 $120,167 $t20,167 Farmville Area Bus Operating Farmville Formula FTA - 531 t Operating/Formula $82.400 $55.339 $27.06t $164,800 $82.400 $82.400 Operating Total $82,400 $55,339 $27,061 $164,800 $82,400 $82,400 Capital 2 Body on chassis and 1 van Item 516 G/Capital $82.480 $6,598 $14,022 $103.100 .............................. Capital Total $82,480 $6,598 $14,022 $103,100 .............................. Farmville Area Bus Total $164,880 $61,937 $41,083 $267,900 $82,400 $82,400 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any repoded revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 161 I ! / I ~1 '1 } } I ! 'l ! ! I ! ! I I I FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD LYNCHBURG DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/Stata Share Share Share* Total FY t999 FY 2000 GLTC (Lynchburg) Operating Lynchburg Formula Capital Other FTA - 53071Formula $536,821 $556,903 $423,507 $1,517,231 $536,821 $536,821 ---/Supplemental $0 $137.076 $0 $137,076 .............................. I service vehicle, rehab, imp, Transit Development Plan Operating Total $536.821 $693.979 $423.507 $1.654.307 $536.82~ $536,821 FTA - 5307/Capital $587,482 $46,998 $99,872 $734,352 $587,482 $587,482 Capital Total $587.482 $46,998 $99.872 $734,352 $587,482 $587.482 -.4P&O $68,000 $8,500 $8,500 $85.000 Other Total $68,000 $8.500 $8,500 $85,000 GLTC (Lynchburg) Total $t,192,303 $749,471 $83t,879 $2,473,659 $1,124,303 $t,124,303 LYNCHBURG DISTRICT TOTAL $1,714,362 $1,063,509 $823,793 $3,601,664 $1,427,882 $1,427,882 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 162 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD LYNCHBURG DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Operating Capital Other Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 Federal/State Dollars Dollars Total Total Total ---/Supplemental $0 $167,884 $167,884 .............................. FTA - 5307/Formula $656.988 $722,408 $1,379,396 $656,988 $656,988 FTA- 5311 Operating/Formula $183,412 $100,240 $283,652 $183,412 $183,412 FTA - 5307/Capital $587,482 $46,998 $634.480 $587,482 $587,482 Item 516 G/Capital $218,480 $17,478 $235,958 .............................. ---/P&O $68,000 $8,500 $76,500 .............................. Lynchburg District Total $t,714,362 $1,063,509 $2,777,871 $1,427,882 $1,427,882 163 LI } } I I '1 } I I I ]1 I i ! } I I ! FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Category Project Description Funding Federal State Local FY98 Federal/State Share Share Share* Total Projected Federal Dollars FY 1999 FY 2000 Arlington County Other Rideshare program Commuter Assistance Program Commuter Assistance Program Enhancement ---/TEIF- Rideshare $0 $150,000 $0 $150,000 -.-/Rldesharing $0 $150,000 $75,000 $225,000 --4R-STP $0 $250,000 $0 $250,000 --./1'ELF $0 $130,000 $32,500 $162,500 OtherTo~l $0 $68~000 $10~500 $78~500 Arlington County Total $0 $680,000 $107,500 $787,600 ............................ City of Alexandria Other Rldeshare Program Transit Store Funding ---/Ridesharing $0 $78,100 $39,050 $117,150 ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $78,100 $0 $78,100 ---/R-STP $0 $250,000 $0 $250,000 Other Total $0 $406,200 $39,050 $445,250 City of Alexandria Total $0 $406,200 $39,050 $445,250 .............................. Fairfax County Other Rideshare Program ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $97,880 $0 $97,880 -.4RIdesharlng $0 $97,880 $48,940 $146,820 Other Total $0 $195, 760 $48,940 $244,700 Fairfax County Total $0 $t95,760 $48,940 '$244,700 .............................. *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 164 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Loudoun Co. Transp. Operating Loudoun County Transp Formula Capital I Van FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $195,951 $63,279 $132,673 $391,903 $195,951 $195,951 Operating Total $195,951 $63,279 $132,673 $391,903 $195,951 $195,951 Item 516 G/Capital $25,600 $2,048 $4,352 $32,000 Capital Total $25,600 $2,048 $4,352 $32,000 Loudoun Co. Transp. Total $221,551 $65,327 $137,025 $423,903 $195,951 $195,951 Loudoun County Other Rideshare Program ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $44,000 $0 $44,000 ---IRidesharing $0 $44,000 $22,000 $66,000 Other Total $0 $88,000 $22,000 $110,000 Loudoun County Total $0 $88,000 $22,000 $110,000 .............................. Metropolitan Wash. Council of Govt. Other Regional TCMs Commuter Connection Program ---/R-STP $0 $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 ---/R-STP $0 $91,000 $0 $91,000 Other Total $0 $1,591,000 $0 $1,591,000 Metropolitan Wash. Council of Govt. Total $0 $1,591,000 $0 $1,591,000 .............................. *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 165 ! ~1 ! I I ! ~1 . I ! ! ! I I ! il ! I ! ~ FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State ,Share Sham Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 NVTC Operating Capital Other NVTC Formula Annual Metrobus Capital Contrib. WMATA Capital Improvement WMATA Debt Service WMATA Metmrall Northern Virginia Transit Operators WMATA Metrobus Purchase WMATA Suburban Bus Annex Electric Bus Service Collection of Bus Rldership Information FTA - 5307/Formula $2.034,785 $40,766.508 $38,868,776 $81,670,069 $2,034,785 $2,034.785 ---/Supplemental $0 $1,412.957 $0 $1,412.957 .............................. Operating Total $2,034,785 $42,179,465 $38,868,776 $83,083,026 $2,034,785 $2,034,785 FTA - 53071Capital $11,373,552 $428.172 $909,867 $12.711,591 $11,373,552 11,373,552 Item 516 Gl $2,400,000 $0 $0 $2,400.000 .............................. ---/Capital $0 $2.371,996 $5,040,490 $7.412,486 .............................. FTA- 5307/Capital $64,036.779 $11.806.977 $25.089.825 $100.933.581 $64,036,779 64,036,779 ---/Capital $0 $3.535.297 $7,512.507 $11,047,804 ...................... -~ ...... Capital Total $77,810,331 $18,142.442 $38,552,689 $134,505,462 $75,410,331 75,410,331 ---/R-STP $0 $3.000.000 $0 $3,000,000 ---/R-STP $0 $900,000 $0 $900,000 ---/TEIF $0 $345,000 $90,000 $435,000 ---IP&O $40.000 $5,000 $5.000 $50,000 Other Total $40,000 $4,250,000 $95,000 $4,385,000 NVTC Total $79,885,116 $64,571,907 $77,516,465 $221,973,488 $77,445,116 77,445,116 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 166 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC' TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Sham Sham* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 NVTCIPRTC Operating Capital VRE Formula VRE Debt Service Track Improvements Track and Facility Improvements Rolling Stock Acquisition Other Express Link FTA S-STP/Formula $3,053,857 $3,669,765 $2,341,971 $9,065,593 Operating Total $3,053,857 $3,669,765 $2,341,971 $9,065,593 ---/Capital $0 $2,264,835 $4,812,775 $7,077,610 .............................. FTA S-STP/Capital $448,774 $35,902 $76,292 $560,968 .............................. FTA - 5307/Capital $2,888,000 $231,040 $490,960 $3,610,000 $2,888,000 $2,888,000 FTA - 53071Capital $1,600,000 $128,000 $272,000 $2,000,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 Capital Total $4,936,774 $2,659,777 $5,652,027 $13,248,578 $4,488,000 $4,488,000 ---/Experimental $0 $71,250 $17,812 $89,062 Other Total $0 $71,250 $17,812 $89,062 NVTCIPRTC Total $7,990,631 $6,400,792 $8,0'1%810 $22,403,233 $4,488,000 $4,488,000 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 167 ! ! '! ! i ! ~1 ! I . ! ' ! ! I ! } I I it FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Category PRTC Operating Capital Other Project Description PRTC Formula VRE Cher~y Hill & Woodbridge Platform Debt Service and Equipment Funding Federal State Local Federall8tate Share Share Sham* FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Total FY 1999 FY 2000 FTA - 5307/Formula $40,400 $1,322,290 $3,964,531 ---/Supplemental $0 $154,573 $0 Operating Total $40,400 $1,476,863 $3,964,531 $5,327,221 $40,400 $40,400 $154,573 .............................. $~481,794 $4~400 $4~400 FTA - 5307/Capital $2,753,000 $220,240 $468,010 $3,441,250 $2,753,000 $2,753,000 ---/Capital $0 $455,234 $957,373 $1,422,607 .............................. Capital Total $2,753,000 $675,474 $1,435,383 $4,863,857 $2,753,000 $2,753,000 Rideshare Program Completion of Transit Center Rideshare Pmgram New Services Marketing Support Completion of ITS Operational Test -../TEIF - Rideshare $0 $41,860 $0 ---/Ridesharing $0 $41,860 $20,930 ---/R-STP $0 $1,000,000 $0 --4R-STP $0 $250,000 $0 --/TEIF $0 $200,000 $200,000 -.-/TEIF $0 $232,000 $57,500 Other Total $0 $1,765,720 $278,430 $41,860 $62,790 $1,000,000 $25O,OOO $4OO,OOO $289,50O $~04~150 PRTC Total $2,793,400 $3,918,058 $5,678,343 $t2,389,801 $2,793,400 $2,793,400 Tytran Other Dulles Corridor Transportation Home Page .--/Experimental $0 $32,300 $11,614 $43,914 .............................. Other Total $0 $32,300 $11,614 $43,914 .............................. Tytran Total $0 $32,300 $11,614 $43,914 .............................. NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT TOTAL $90,890,698 $71,949,344 $9t,572,747 $260,412,789 $84,922,467 $84,922,467 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 168 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD NORTHERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 Federal/Stata Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating Capital Other ---/Supplemental $0 $1,567,530 $1,567,530 .............................. FTA - 5307/Formula $2,075,185 $42,088,799 $44,163,984 $2,075.185 $2,075,185 FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $195,951 $63,279 $259,230 $195.951 $195,951 FTA S-STP/Formula $3.053,857 $3.669.765 $6,723,622 .............................. ---/Capital $0 $8,627.362 $8,627,362 .............................. FTA - 53071Capital $82,651,331 $12,814,429 $95,465,760 $82,651,331 $82.651,331 FTA S-STP/Capital $448,774 $35,902 $484,676 .............................. Item 516 Gl $2,400,000 $0 $2,400,000 .............................. Item 516 G/Capital $25,600 $2,048 $27,648 .............................. ---/Experimental $0 $103,550 $!03,550 .............................. ---IP&O $40,000 $5,000 $45,000 .............................. ---/R-STP $0 $7,241,000 $7,241,000 .............................. ---/Ridesharing $0 $411.840 $411,840 .............................. ---/TEIF $0 $907,000 $907,000 .............................. ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $411.840 $411,840 .............................. Northern Virginia District Total $90,890,698 $77,949,344 $168,840,042 $84,922,467 84,922,467 169 I I I I ! I I I ! I ! I ! I ! ! ! ! FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD RICHMOND DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/Stata Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 City of Richmond Other GRTC Trolley Operating Funds GRTC Equipment Request ---/R-STP $0 $450.000 $0 $450.000 .............................. --4R-STP $0 $268,000 $0 $268,000 .............................. O~erTotal $0 $718,000 $0 $71~000 .............................. City of Richmond Total $0 $718,000 $0 $718,000 .............................. DRPT Other TDM Database Upgrade Transit Intern Program Urban Transit Training/Transit Safety Progra ---IP&O $0 $35.000 $0 $35.000 ---/Experimental $0 $184.816 $0 $184.816 -*-IP&O $0 $61.500 $0 $61.500 Other Total $0 $28~,316 $0 $281,316 DRPT Total $0 $281,316 $0 $281,316 .............................. Greater Richmond American Red Cross Other Purchase 1 raised roof van ---/Item 516 G2 Other Total $0 $30.102 $0 $30,102 $0 $30.102 $0 $30, ~02 Greater Richmond American Red Cross Total $0 $30,102 $0 $30,102 .............................. *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 170 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD RICHMOND DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Sham* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 GRTC (Richmond) Operating GRTC Formula Capital 19 vehicles, equip, facility imp. Other ORTC Commuter Van Subsidy Program Maintenance Facility Expansion ---/Supplemental $0 $624,615 $0 $624,615 .................. ~ ........... FTA - 5307/Formula $867,420 $4,589,653 $6,940,510 $12,397,583 $867,420 $867,420 Operating Total $867,420 $5,214,268 $6,940,510 $13,022,198 $867,420 $867,420 FT^ - 5307/Capital $3,589,120 $287,130 $610.150 $4,486,400 $3.589,120 $3,589,120 Capital Total $3,569,120 $267,130 $610,150 $4,486,400 $3,589,120 $3,589,120 ---/TEIF $0 $240,000 $60,000 $300,000 ......... -~ ................... ---/R-STP $0 $1,300,000 $0 $1,300,000 .............................. Other Total $0 $1,540,000 $60,000 $1,600,000 .............................. GRTC (Richmond) Total $4,466,640 $7,041,398 $7,6t0,660 $t9,108,598 $4,456,540 $4,456,640 New River Valley Senior Services Other Pumhse I raised roof van ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 Other Total $0 $31,088 $0 $31, 088 New River Valley Senior Services Total $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 .............................. *Local share Is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 171 '1 I i ! I ' I Il I' ! ! '~ } I ! } i ! '! I il FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD RICHMOND DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Petersburg Area Transit Operating Petersburg Formula FTA - 5307/Formula $416,974 $227,932 $189,042 $833,948 $416 ~974 $416,974 Operating Total $416,974 $227,932 $189,042 $833,948 $416,974 $416,974 Capital Radios, facility repair FTA - 5307/Capital $35,200 $2,816 $5,984 $44,000 $35,200 $35,200 Capital Total $35,200 $2,816 $5,984 $44,000 $35,200 $35,200 Other Petersburg Area Transit Planning Studies --4P&O $0 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 Other Total $0 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 Petersburg Area Transit Total $452,174 $240,748 $205,026 $897,948 $452,174 $452,174 Richmond Rldeflndera Other Basic Air Quality and Rideshare Rldeshare Program Enhanced Ozone Advisory Program ---/R-STP $0 $195,000 $0 $195,000 -.-/TEIF - Ridoshare $0 $74,000 $0 $74,000 ---/Ridesharing $0 $74,000 $37,000 $111,000 ---/R-STP $0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Other Total $0 $393,000 $37,000 $430,000 Richmond Rideflnders Total $0 $393,000 $37,000 $430,000 .............................. Virginia Transit Association Other Promoting Public Transportation in Virginia --4Experimental $0 $28,500 $1,500 $30,000 Other Total $0 $28,500 $1,500 $30,000 Virginia Transit Association Total $0 $28,500 $1,800 $30,000 .............................. RICHMOND DISTRICT TOTAL $4,908,714 $8,764,152 $7,854,186 $21,527,052 $4,908,7t4 $4,908,714 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 172 FY t998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD RICHMOND DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY t999 FY 2000 Federal/Stata Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating Capital Other ---/Supplemental $0 $624,615 $624,615 .............................. FTA - 53071Formula $1,284,394 $4,817,585 $6,101,979 $1,284,394 $1,284,394 FTA - 53071Capital $3,624,320 $289,946 $3,914,266 $3,624,320 $3,624,320 ---/Experimental $0 $213,316 $213,316 .............................. ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $61,190 $61,190 .............................. ---IP&O $0 $106,500 $106,500 .............................. ---/R-STP $0 $2,263,000 $2,263,000 .............................. ---/Ridesharing $0 $74,000 $74,000 .............................. -../I'EIF $0 $240,000 $240,000 .............................. ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $74,000 $74,000 .............................. Richmond District Total $4,908,7t4 $8,764,152 $13,672,866 $4,908,714 $4,908,714 173 I I I ! ! ! } ! I ! ! ! I ! i ! It I ! FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SALEM DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Blacksburg Transit Operating Blacksburg Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $687,320 $408,570 $278,749 $1,374,639 $687,320 $687,320 Operating Total $687.320 $408,570 $278,749 $1,374.639 $687,320 $687,320 Capital 2 Body on chassis vans Item 516 G/Capital $90,384 $7,231 $15,365 $112,980 Capital Total $90,384 $7.231 $15,365 $112.980 =.ADAR Capital Blacksburg Transit Total Roanoke Operating Pumhase 1 body on chassis bus $777,704 $4t5,801 $294;1t4 $1,487,619 $687,320 $687,320 ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $37,983 $0 $37,983 Capital Total $0 $37, g83 $0 $37, g83 RADAR Total $0 $37,983 $0 $37,983 RADAR Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $43,968 $13,778 $30,189 $87.935 $43,968 $43,968 Operating Total $43,968 $13.778 $30,189 $87,935 $43.g68 $43,968 Capital I Mini van for RADAR Item 516 G/Capital $14,400 $1,152 $2,448 $18,000 Capital Total $14,400 $1.152 $2,448 $18,000 Roanoke Total $68,368 $14,930 $32,637 $105,835 $43,968 $43,968 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost, 174 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SALEM DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Roanoke Valley Metro Operating Roanoke Formula Other Rideshare Program FTA - 5307/Formula $574,140 $830,560 $974,567 $2,379,267 $574,140 $574,140 ---/Supplemental $0 $147,197 $0 $147,197 .............................. Operating Total $574,140 $977,757 $974,567 $2,526,464 $574,140 $574,140 ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $6,760 $0 $6,760 ---/Ridesharing $0 $6,760 $3,380 $10,140 Other Total $0 $13,520 $3,380 $16,900 Roanoke Valley Metro Total $574,140 $991,277 $977,947 $2,543,364 $574,140 $574,140 SALEM DISTRICT TOTAL $1,410,212 $1,459,991 $t ,304,698 $4,174,901 $1,305,428 $1,305,4'28 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 175 I 11 I I ! -'11 il ! 11 ' ! I I ! ! ! ! !t I FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SALEM DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY t999 FY 2000 Federal/State Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating Capital Other ---/Supplemental $0 $147,197 $147,197 .............................. FTA - 53071Formula $574,140 $830,560 $1,404,700 $574,140 $574,140 FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $731,288 $422,348 $1,153,636 $731,288 $731,288 ---/Item 516 (}2 $0 $37,983 $37,983 .............................. Item 516 G/Capital $104,784 $8,383 $113,167 .............................. ---/Ridesharing $0 $6,760 $6,760 .............................. .-./TEIF. Rideshare $0 $6,760 $6,760 .............................. Salem District Total $t,4t0,212 $t,459,991 $2,870,203 $1,305,428 $1,305,428 176 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD STAUNTON DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federel/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Harrisonburg Operating Harrisonburg Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $382.250 $274,423 $107,827 $764.500 $382.250 $382.250 Operating Total $382,250 $274,423 $107,827 $764,500 $382,250 $382,250 Capital 3 Buses Item 516 G/Capital $396.000 $31,680 $67.320 $495.000 Capital Total $396,000 $31.680 $67,320 $495,000 Harrlsonburg Total $778,250 $306,t03 $175,147 $1,259,500 $382,250 $382,250 Lord Falrfax PDC Other Rideshare Program --/Rldesharing $0 $20.000 $10.000 $30.000 ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $20.000 $0 $20.000 Other Total $0 $40,000 $10,000 $50,000 Lord Falrfax PDC Total $0 $40,000 $10,000 $$0,000 .............................. Staunton Operating CATS Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $60.584 $51.755 $53,079 $165,418 $60.584 $60.584 Operating Total $60,584 $51,755 $53.079 $165,418 $60,584 $60,584 Capital I Body on chassis bus Item 516 G/Capital $36.000 $2.880 $6,120 $45,000 .............................. Capital Total $36,000 $2,880 $6,120 $45,000 .............................. Staunton Total $96,584 $54,635 $59,199 $2t0,418 $60,584 $60,584 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any repoded revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 177 I I I i I I I i ]1 I I I -I - I ! 11 ! I FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD STAUNTON DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description FederallState Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Winchester Transit Operating Winchester Formula FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $172,850 $78,794 $94,056 $345,700 $172,850 $172,850 Operating Total $172,850 $78,794 $94,056 $345,700 $172,850 $172,850 Winchester Transit Total $t 72,850 $78,794 $94,056 $345,700 $172,850 $172,850 STAUNTON DISTRICT TOTAL $1,047,684 $479,532 $338,402 $1,865,618 $616,684 $615,684 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the repoded project cost. 178 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD STAUNTON DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Projected Federal Dollars Funding Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 Category Federal/State Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating FTA- 5311 Operating/Formula $615,684 $404,972 $1,020,656 $615,684 $615,684 Capital Item 516 G/Capital $432,000 $34,560 $466,560 .............................. Other ---/Ridesharing $0 $20,000 $20,000 .............................. -../TEIF. Rideshare $0 $20,000 $20,000 ............................... Staunton District Total $1,047,684 $479,532 $1,527,216 $615,684 $615,684 179 ]1 11 I I I i ]1 I ! ! ! -! ]1 - 'i ! ! ! ! '- -! FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SUFFOLK DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/Stata Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Accomack-Northampton TDC Other STAR Transit --4Experimental $0 $33,250 $1.750 $35.000 Other Total $0 $33,250 $1, 750 $35,000 Accomack-Northampton TDC Total $0 $33,260 $1,750 $35,000 .............................. Eastern Shore Operating Eastern Shore FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $71,830 $37,254 $34,576 $143,660 $71,830 $71,830 Operating Total $71,830 $37,254 $34,576 $143,660 $71,830 $71,830 Capital 1 Mini*van Item 516 G/Capital $14.400 $1.152 $2.448 $18.000 .............................. Capital Total $14,400 $1,152 $2,448 $18,000 .............................. Eastern Shore Total $86,230 $38,406 $37,024 $161,660 $71,830 $7t,830 James City County Transit Operating James City County Formula Other Richmond Road Tourist Shuttle Bus Shelters ---/Supplemental $0 $131.884 $0 $131.884 .............................. FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $139.591 $86.387 $0 $225.978 $13g.591 $139.591 Operating Total Sf39, Sgl $2~8,27t $0 $357,862 $~3§,591 $139,591 --4R-STP $0 $723.000 $0 $723.000 --4R-STP $0 $48.000 $0 $48,000 Other Total $0 $771,000 $0 $771,000 James City County Transit Total $139,591 $989,271 $0 $t,128,862 $139,$91 $139,591 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 180 FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SUFFOLK DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/Stata Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Newport News Other CSX Corridor MIS --4R-STP $0 $300,000 $0 $300,000 Other Total $0 $300,000 $0 $300,000 Newport News Total $0 $300,000 $0 $300,000 .............................. Peninsula Area Agency on Aging Other Purchse 1 raised roof van ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $31,088 $0 $31,088 Other Total $0 $31,088 $0 $31, 088 Peninsula Area Agency on Aging Total $0 $31,088 $0 $3t,088 .............................. Pentmn Opemting Capital Other PENTRAN Forroula 12 vehicles, equip, facility imp. Replacement Buses Coliseuro Central Trolley Shuttle Sunday Transit Service Purchase 2 Trolley Buses ---/Supplemental $0 $380,619 $0 $380,619 .............................. FTA - 53071Forroula $1,045,000 $2,786,207 $3,897,502 $7,728,709 $1,045,000 $1,045,000 Operating Total $1,045,000 $3,166,826 $3,897,502 $8,109,328 $1,045,000 $1,045,000 FTA - 5307/Capital $1,062,166 $82,813 $175,979 $1,320,958 $1,062,166 $1,062,166 Capital Totai $1,062,166 $82,813 $175,979 $1,320,958 $1,062,166 $1,062,166 -.-/R-STP $0 $2,000,000 $0 $2,000,000 ---/R-STP $0 $200,000 $0 $200,000 ---/R-STP $0 $487,500 $0 * $487,500 .--/R-STP $0 $400,000 $0 $400,000 Other Total $0 $3,087,500 $0 $3,087,500 Pentran Total $2,107,t66 $6,337,139 $4,073,481 $t2,5t7,786 $2,107,166 $2,107,166 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 181 I ! '! '1 ! I I i ! ! I I ] ! '1 I I ! i FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SUFFOLK DISTRICT Recipient/ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/Stata Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 Sevamp Other Pumhase 1 body on chassis bus --4Item 516 G2 $0 $3g,780 $0 $39,780 Other Total $0 $39,780 $0 $39,780 Sevamp Total $0 $39,780 $0 $39,780 .............................. Tidewater Regional Transit Operating Tidewater Formula Capital 31 vehicles, equip, facility imp. Other Bus Route 44 Midtown Extension Route 12 Indian River Road Route 15 Crosstown Regional TDM Proram: TRAFFIX Military Highway Alliance TMA Sta~tup Welfare to Work: Public Transpodation's Role Light Rail Transit PE/DEIS FTA - 53071Formula $2,752,518 $5,083,860 $7,581,593 $15,417,971 $2,752,518 $2,752,518 ---/Supplemental $0 $986,078 $0 $986.078 .............................. Operating Total $2,752,518 $6,069,938 $7,581,593 $16,404,049 $2,752,518 $2,752,518 FTA - 5307/Capital $4,347,540 $304.403 $646,857 $5,298.800 $4,347,540 $4,347,540 Capital Total $4,347,540 $304,403 $646,857 $5,298,800 $4,347,540 $4,347,540 --4R-STP $0 ---/R-STP $0 --4R-STP $0 --4R-STP $0 ---FI'ElF $0 --4Experimental $0 ---/R-STP $0 Other Total $0 $250 000 $320 000 $250 000 $1,100000 $50 000 $52 488 $3,000,000 $~022,488 $0 $250,000 $0 $320,000 $0 $250,00O $0 $1,100,000 $12,500 $62,500 $2,762 $55,250 $0 $3,000,000 $1~262 $~03~750 Tidewater Regional Transit Total $7,100,058 $11,396,829 $8,243,712 $26,740,599 $7,100,058 $7,100,088 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 182 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SUFFOLK DISTRICT ReclplenfJ Funding Federal State Local FY98 Projected Federal Dollars Funding Category Project Description Federal/State Share Share Share* Total FY 1999 FY 2000 York County Other Multimodal Lot ---/R-STP $0 $40,800 $0 $40.800 .............................. Other Total $0 $40,800 $0 $40,800 ............................. York County Total $0 $40,800 $0 $40,800 .............................. SUFFOLK DISTRICT TOTAL $9,433,045 $19,206,563 $12,355,967 $40,995,575 $9,418,645 $9,418,645 *Local share is calculated by subtracting any reported revenue, federal or state dollars from the reported project cost. 183 i 11 I I ! i I I I I 11 I '11 I FY 1998 -2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD SUFFOLK DISTRICT SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Projected Federal Dollars Funding Federal State FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 Federal/State Dollars Dollars Total Total Total Operating Capital Other ---/Supplemental $0 $1,498,581 $1,498,581 .............................. FTA - 53071Formula $3,797,518 $7.870,066 $11,667,584 $3,797,518 $3,797,518 FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $211,421 $123,641 $335,062 $211.421 $211,421 FTA - 5307/Capital $5,409,706 $387,217 $5,796,923 $5,409,706 $5,409,706 Item 516 G/Capital $14.400 $1,152 $15.552 .............................. ---/Experimental $0 $85,738 $85,738 .............................. ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $70,868 $70.868 .............................. --4R-STP $0 $9.119.300 $9.119.300 .............................. --4TEIF $0 $50.000 $50,000 .............................. Suffolk District Total $9,433,045 $19,206,563 $28,639,608 $9,418,645 $9,418,645 184 FY 1998 - 2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD STATEWIDE SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Funding Category Funding Federal State FY98 Source/Type Share Share Total Projected Federal Dollars FY 1999 FY 2000 Operating Capital Other -.-/Formula $0 $193,515 $193,515 ---/Supplemental $0 $4,099,447 $4,099,447 FTA - 53071Formula $8,753,471 $56,746,228 $65,499,699 FTA - 5311 Operating/Formula $3,130,733 $1,838,932 $4,969,665 FTA S-STP/Formula $3,053,857 $3,669,765 $6,723,622 ---/Capital $0 $8,893,438 $8,893,438 ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $37,983 $37,983 FTA - 53071Capital $93,476,039 $13,634,846 $107,110,885 FTA S-STP/Capital $448,774 $35,902 $484,676 Item 516 Gl $2,400,000 $0 $2,400,000 Item 516 G/Capital $1,194,544 $95,564 $1,290,108 ---/Experimental $0 $479,554 $479,554 ---/Item 516 G2 $0 $362,017 $362,017 -.-/P&O $108,000 $124,500 $232,500 ---/R-STP $0 $18,623,300 $18,623,300 -.-/Ridesharing $0 $691,063 $691,063 ---/TEIF $0 $1,302,760 $1,302,760 ---/TEIF - Rideshare $0 $691,063 $691,063 $8,753,471 $8,753,471 $3,130,733 $3,130,733 $93,476,039 $93,476,039 Statewide Totals $t12,565,418 $111,519,877 $224,085,295 $105,360,243 $105,360,243 185 I I ! ! I I -! ! I ! ! i I 'i ! 11 ! FY 1998-2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD Federal STP Discretionary Funds -- Item 516 G Capital Grants Recipient Amount Recipient Amount Blacksburg $90,384 Bluefield $16,400 CATS (Staunton) $36,000 Colonial Beach $51,200 Danville $136,000 Farmville $82,480 Harrisonburg Jaunt Loudoun County Rappahannock-Rapidan Community Services Board STAR Transit -Eastem Shore Unobligated Balance $396,000 $303,520 $25,600 $28,160 $14,400 $5,456 Item 516 G Program Total $1,200,000 186 FY 1998-2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD Federal STP Discretionary Funds -- Item 516 G1 Supplemental Operating Assistance Recipient Amount Recipient Amount Bristol $12,526 Charlottesville $81,114 Danville $30,808 James City County $131,884 Lynchburg $137,628 NVTC (WMATA) $1,412,957 Pentran $380,619 PRTC $154,573 Richmond $624,615 Roanoke $147,197 TTDC $986,078 Item 516 G1 Program Total $4,100,000 187 ! I I ! ! I ! i ! ! ! I I I I I I ! FY 1998-2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD Federal STP Discretionary Funds -- Item 516 G2 Capital Assistance for Specialized Transportation Vehicles Recipient Amount Recipient Amount Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens District III Governmental Cooperative City of Fredericksburg Greater Richmond Chapter American Red Cross Green County New River Valley Senior Citizens, Inc. $31,088 $41,938 $51,300 $30,102 $36,498 $31,088 Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc. Northern Neck Middle Peninsula Agency on Aging Peninsula Area Agency on Aging Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia UHSTS/Radar - Roanoke County $38,047 $31,088 $31,088 $39,780 $37,983 Item 516 (52 Program Total $400,000 188 FY 1998-2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD FTA Section 5303 and Section 5313(b) State Planning and Research Federal Financial Assistance Planning, Research and Technical Studies $188,674 MPO Metropolitan Planning and Pass Through $885,950 Section 5303 and 5313(b) Program Total $1,074,624 FTA Section 5311(b)(2) RTAP Program Federal Financial Assistance lntercity Bus Program $17,600 $100,582 ITraining and Technical Assistance 189 I ! I I ! ! I I ! ! I ! I I ] i ! I ! FY 1998-2000 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD Phased Rail Improvement Program -- State Surface Transportation Program Funds Washington, D.C. to Richmond Corridor Description of Improvement Project Cost Phase 3 (FY 1998) Increase Superelevations, Straighten Curves Add New Signals Subtotal $3,000,000 Phase 4 (FY 1999) Add New Signals Track and Safety Improvements (Maintenance Level) Eliminate Diamond at Doswell Subtotal $2,000,000 Phase 5 (FY 2000) Upgrade Signal System Install New Crossovers Track and Safety Improvements (Maintenance Level) Subtotal $4,000,000 Total Project Cost $9,000,000 190