HomeMy WebLinkAboutLZC201500002 Action Letter 2017-07-12 (2)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 -_ Fax (434) 972.4126
January 30, 2015
IVI Assessment Services, Inc.
55 West Red Oak Lane
White Plains, NY 10604
ATTN: Will Parra
RE: LZC2015-00002 TMP 03200-00-00-04400, ARCP KO CHARLOTTESVILLE VA LLC
Dear Mr. Parra:
In response to your request for a Letter of Zoning Compliance for the above referenced
Property, please be advised of the following for TMP 03200-00-00-04400, ARCP KO
Towncenter Lane in Albemarle County, Virginia, on which parcel Kohl's Department Store currently
operates (the "Property").
■ The Property lies within the boundaries of Albemarle County and, as a Principal Planner for
the County I am authorized to execute this letter.
■ The Property is zoned Planned Development -Mixed Commercial (PD-MC) and is located in
the Entrance Corridor Overlay District (EC).
The most recent zoning map amendment (ZMA) approved for this Property
(ZMA201200005), amended the proffers of the ZMA that originally allowed the parcel to be
rezoned to PD-MC. This ZMA was approved December 1, 2013 with proffers. A copy of the
approval letter with the approved proffers is attached.
• A discount department store is permitted by right within the PD-MC zoning district
■ The existing Kohl's Store is developed in accordance with an approved site plan
(SDP200800113) approved December31, 2008.
■ In the event of casualty, the Property may be rebuilt substantially in its current form,
including no material loss of square footage, in the same footprint, upon satisfaction of
building code requirements.
■ The current use of the Property by its present owners is a permitted use under the Zoning
Ordinance without the necessity of any rezoning, special exceptions, use permits, variances
or other new approvals. We are not aware of any other permit or license required by this
jurisdiction that a purchaser must obtain before it may acquire the Property (other than a
new zoning clearance for the owner name change) or before the Property may continue to
be used in the manner in which it is presently being used.
■ To the best of my knowledge, the current use and improvements are in compliance with all
other applicable rules and regulations of the zoning ordinance, including parking
January 30, 2015
Page 2
■ No application for rezoning of the Property, or for a special or conditional use permit or
variance in connection with the Property, is now pending. No proceeding to challenge the
zoning or other governmental approval or use of the Property is pending, or, to the best of
our knowledge, overtly threatened.
■ Copies of site plans, erosion & sediment control plans and certificates of occupancy can be
obtained from this office with a request through the department's Records Manager, Ester
Grace, 434-296-5832 exL 3823.
Please contact me if you have questions or require additional information.
Sinter ,
rancls H. MacCall
Principal Planner
Designee to the Zoning Administrator'
Attachments: Zoning Map, Copy of approval letter and proffers for ZMA201200500
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Ro4.d, North Wtng
Charlattesville, Virginfa 22902-4596
Rome (434) 296-5832
January 10, 2014
Fox 434 9n-4126
Wendell W Wood or Nena Harrell
P.O. Box 5548 i
Charlottesville, Va. 22905 i
RE. MA 2012-00005 hicllyrn$ad TgM CenlerA�4l �
TAX VA 32, PARCELS 4 2A. and 46 (portion); TAX MAP 46, PARCELS 5 and 5A
Dear Mr. Wood or Ms, Harrell:
On December 11, 2013, the Board of Supervisors approved your request to amend the PD-MC
zoning on the above noted parcels in accordance with the attached proffers dated October 1,
2013 and an amended application plan dated March' 13, 2006. Please refer to these documents
for any future applications and requests on this property.
Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action
on the project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully
begin until all applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been mot
This includes:
compliance with applicable PROFFERS;
approval of and compliance with a SITE PLAN; and
If you have questions or comments regarding the above, -noted action, please do not hesitate -to
contact Rebecca;Ragsdale at 296-5832, '
V, Wayn Pllmberg
Director of Planning
Cc; Rebecca Ragsdale, Zoning '
Elise Hackett, GDS -
Tex Weaver, GDS
File `-- -- -
Amended Proffer: X
Date: October 1, 2013
ZMA 20 f 2-00005 Hollymead Town Center Area A- l
Tax Map Parcel plumbers: 32-42A, 32-44 (portion), 32-45 (portion) and 46-5
31 Acres to be rezoned from PD-MC to PD-MC
Map Parcel Numbers: 32-42A, 32-44 (portion), 32-45 (portion) and 46-5, comprising
approximately 59.162 acres are subject to rezoning application ZMA 2010-00014 and to this Proffer
Statement (the "Property"). The Property is described with more particularity on a plan entitled "ZMA
Application Plan for PD-MC Portion of Hollymead Town Center Area A, Sheets A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Exhibit
A, and Exhibit 13," approved September 12, 2007, hereinafter- referred to as "the Project," prepared by
Dominion Development Resources LLC, (the "Application Plan"), The Owner of the Property is Route 22,
LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (the "Owner").
The Owner hereby voluntarily proffers that if the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors acts to
rezone the Property to Planned Development Mixed Commercial (PD-MC) as requested, the Owner shall
develop the Property in accord with the following proffers pursuant to Section 15.2-2303 of the Code of
Virginia, 1950, as amended, and pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance.
These conditions are voluntarily proffered as part of the requested rezoning, and the Owner acknowledges
that the conditions are reasonable. These proffers supersede those accepted in conjunction with ZMA 2005-
015 provided that, if rezoning application ZMA 2010-00014 is denied, these proffers shall immediately be
null and void and of no further force and effect, and the proffers accepted in conjunction with ZMA 2005-015
shall remain in ful I force and effect.
L Road Improvements - To the extent not currently completed, the Owner shall design, construct and
dedicate to public use for acceptance by VDOT, the following roads as provided herein:
A. Design, construct and dedicate. The road improvements listed below shall be constructed in
accordance with road plans submitted by the Owner and approved by the Virginia Department of
Transportation ("VDOT"). All of the foregoing improvements shall be constructed to VDOT
design standards pursuant to detailed plans agreed to between the Owner, the County and VDOT.
Except for Meeting Street and Town Center Drive as provided in Proffer 1A(3) below, the road
plans will be submitted to VDOT and the County with the first site plan or subdivision plat, and
will be constructed and accepted by VDOT within two years from the date of approval of the first
site plan or subdivision plat, except as described in Proffer 1 A(3) below:
l . A continuous right turn lane on Route 29 soutlibound from the intersection of Town Center
Drive to the southern boundary of Area. A. This proffer, identified as .Proffer ]A from ZMA
2005-00015, has been satisfied.
2. An entrance to Route 29 southbound (right in / right out only) in the area to the south of
building B, as shown on the Application Plan. This proffer, identified as Proffer I from
ZMA 2005-00015, has been satisfied.
3. Within one (1) year after the date of approval of this rezoning (ZMA 2005-00015), the
following streets shall be completed:
Meeting Street from the intersection of Town Center Drive to the northern boundary of
Area A. Meeting Street will .have two northbound and two southbound travel lanes, one
northbound and one southbound bicycle lane, Initially, one lane in each direction may be
utilized as on -street parking.
Town Center Drive (previously Access Road A) from the eastern edge of the NMD zoning
boundary at the intersection of Meeting Street to its intersection with State Route 606, also
known as Dickerson Road. This section of Town Center Drive shall be constructed to
accommodate two travel lanes, with a cross section approved by the County and 'VDOT in
a minimum 60-foot wide right-of-way.
For purposes of this Proffer 1A(3), construction of each street shall be deemed complete
when it is ready to be recommended by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors for
acceptance into the statc-maintained system, and the owner has obtained from the County
Engineer a written determination that the street is safe and convenient for traffic.
B. Reserve and dedicate. The Owner shall reserve for dedication and dedicate to public use, upon
the written request of the County, the right -of. -way for Meeting Street from the intersection of
Town Center Drive to the southern boundary of the Property. The land reserved and dedicated
shall be at least the minimum width necessary to comply with applicable VDOT standards for the
construction and maintenance of the road, and include all necessary easements. The right-of-way
shall be dedicated within the period specified by the County, wbich period shall not be less than
90 days. If the right-of-way is not dedicated in conjunction with a subdivision plat, the Owner
shall be responsible for the cost of a survey and preparing the deed to convey the right-of-way to
the County,
2. Regional Transportation Sturm - The Owner shall contribute $59,000.00 cash 'to the County or
VDOT for the purposes of funding a regional transportation study for the Route 29 corridor. The
$59,000.00 cash contribution shall be made, prior to the first site plan approval for Area A-1.
This proffer, identified as Proffer 2 from ZMA 2005-00015, has been satisfied.
3. Public Transit Stop Construction - The Owner has constructed one public transit stop within
Hollymead Town Center Area A-1 and 2 benches shall be installed within 30 days after transit service
is established to the transit stop:
4. Public Transit Operating Expenses - Within thirty days after demand by the County after public
transportation service is provided to the Project, the Owner shall contribute $50,000 cash to the
County to be used for operating expenses relating to such service, and shall contribute $50,000 cash to
the County each year thereafter, for a period of nine (9) additional years, such that the cash contributed
to the County pursuant to this Proffer 4, shall total Five .Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The
cash contribution in years two through ten shall be paid by the anniversary date of the first
5, Intersection Analysis - The Owner shall submit an analysis of the Conner .Drive and Town Center
Drive intersection with the first site plan for the Project. The analysis shall be prepared by a qualified
traffic engineer for the purpose of determining when the intersection would need to be signalized. The
analysis should take a five (5) year projection to determine, based on the submitted site plan, when the
intersection would require a signal. The analysis shall be submitted for review and approval by the
County} Engineer. If that analysis concludes the need for the intersection .to -be signalized within the
five (5.) year projection period, the Owner shall pay for the cost of the signal and synchronization when
VDOT determines the signal is needed. This proffer, identified as Proffer 5 from ZMA 2005-00015,
has been. satisfied.
6. Community Development Authority - Upon the request of the County, the Owner shall petition for
and consent to a Community Development Authority ("CDA") established pursuant to Section 15,2-
5152, et seq. of. the Code of Virginia ("Code") to be created for the purpose of financing, funding,
planning, establishing, constructing, reconstructing, enlarging, extending, or maintaining (except to the
extent VDOT maintains any public improvements) Route 29, and roads and other improvements
associated. therewith.
Critical Slopes, Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management
A. Critical Slopes, The Owner shall apply for critical slope waivers for any roads located in critical
slopes governed by § 18-4.2 et seq. of the Albemarle County Code,
B. Erosion and Sediment Control. The Owner shall, to the maximum extent practicable as
determined by the County's Program Authority, provide additional erosion and sediment controls
to achieve a sediment removal rate of eighty percent (80%) for the Property. (As a reference,
current regulatory structural measures achieve a 60% optimal removal rate.)
C. Revegetation. Within nine (9) months after the start of grading under any erosion and sediment
control permit, permanent vegetation shall be installed on all the dcnuded areas, except for areas
the Program Authority detennines are otherwise permanently stabilized or are under construction
with an approved building permit. A three (3) month extension for the installation of permanent
vegetation may be granted by the Program Authority due to special circumstances including but
not limited to weather conditions.
D. Stormwater, The Owner shall, to the maximurrt extent practicable as determined by the County's
Program Authority, provide additional. storinwater management to achieve a removal rate 20%
better than would otherwise be required by the Water Protection Ordinance (Albemarle County
Code § 17-100 el seq.) tip to a maximum of an eighty percent (801/6) removal rate for each phase.
8. Greenway Dedication - The Owner has dedicated in fee simple a minimum 4.5 acre "Greenway" to
Albemarle County. The land dedicated as the Greenway is identified on the Application PIan as
"Greenway Arco dedication to Albemarle County, " and shall include all flood plain area along Powell
Creek. The Owner shall construct a greenway trail pursuant to the attached trail standard (Exhibit B)
and identified by the yellow dashed line on the attached map (Exhibit C) from the detention pond to
Meeting Street. Such trail shall be complete prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for
Buildings B or C. In the event Meeting Street is not constructed to intersection with greenway at tithe
Certificate of Occupancy is required for Building B or C, Parks and Recreation shall. determine the
location for an alternate tie in. The owner shall design and construct stairs located in between
Buildings B and C. Such stairs shall be subject to easement and approval of. Rivanna Water & Sewer
Authority. Stairs shall be 36" wide and constructed of natural material consistent with the trail
standard. Final stair design shall be approved by Parks and Recreation, The trail and stairs will be
deemed complete upon approval by Parks and Recreation. Due to terrain, stairs and trail shall not be
built to ADA accessible standards.
Greenwa ry Connection - Upon the request of the County, the Owner shall contribute $50,000 cash to
the County to provide pedestrian access to and costs for a signalized, at -grade pedestrian crossing
across Route 29 to connect Hollymead Town Center. with Hollynnead Drive. The final location and
construction elements for the trail shall be.determined .by .the Director of Parks and Recreation in.
consultation with the County Engineer. The location for the at -grade crossing and signal shall be
determined by the County .Engineer in consultation with the Director of Parks and Recreation and
VDOT. This proffer, identified as Proffer 9 from ZMA 2005-00015, has been satisfied.
10. LEED Standards for Core and Shell_ Development - The Owner shall cause the commercial buildings
in the Project to be designed and constructed to meet minimum standards for certification (twenty-three
(23) credit points) under LEED Green Building Rating System for Core and Shell Development as set
forth in the U.S. Green Building Rating System, Version 2.0, July 2006. Prior to the issuance of a
building permit, the Owner shall submit a certification from a LEED certified architect to the Director
of Community Development that the buildings meet LEED standards. Before the Owner requests that a
certificate of occupancy for any building for which a licensed architect rendered such a certificate, the
Owner shall submit to the County's Director of Community Development a written statement from the
architect that the building was built to the plans on which the certificate was based.
11. Additional Public Space - The Owner shall construct a plaza area, as identified as "Plaza Amenity" on
the Application Plan, within the Project of no Iess than 5,000 square feet for the purpose of public
,gathering and passive outdoor recreation. The plaza shall contain Areas of permanent outdoor seating, a
water feature, and landscaping, the design and construction which shall be subject to final site plan
review and subiect to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning.
WITNESS the following signature:
By: �-L,2 - -
W66dell W. Wood
Operating Manager
CITY/COUNTY OF (kreal-(e
The foregoing instrument vtras acknowledged before me this _ day of 0e4& be.f , 2013, by
Wendell W. Wood, Operating Manager for Route 29, L C.
My Commission expires: Af k LAd!7
Notary Pu is
Notary registration number. NENA L NARREl1
APRIL 30. 20t 1
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