HomeMy WebLinkAboutLZC200600003 Action Letter 2017-07-12COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone 434 296-5832 Fax 434 972-4126
March 9, 2006
TO: Virginia Housing Development Authority
601 South Belvidere Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
Attention: Jim Chandler
RE: LOCATION CERTIFICATION (Appendix A.1, Location Certification)
Name of Development:
Name of Owner/Applicant:
The Meadows
Crozet Meadows LP
Name of Seller/Current Owner: Jordan Development Co
The above -referenced Owner/Applicant has asked this office to complete or is completing this form letter
regarding the location of the proposed Development (more fully described below). This certification is
rendered solely for the purpose of confirming the location of the Development. It is understood that this letter
will be used by the Virginia Housing Development Authority solely for the purpose of determining whether the
Development qualifies for points available under VHDA's Qualified Allocation Plan for housing tax credits.
DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: (To be provided by the Owner)
Development Address: (Should correspond to I,A.2 on page 1 of the application)
5784 Meadows Drive, Crozet VA 22932
Legal Description: (Should correspond to the site control document in the application)
All that certain tract or parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, the rights incident thereto, and the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, situated on Meadows Drive (Virginia State Highway 1230) in the White Hall Magisterial District of Albemarle
County, Virginia, designated on the Albemarle County Tax Map as Parcel # 05600-00-00-014C, now containing 23.74297 acres,
more or less, but originally containing 27,893 acres, shown and described as "Parcel A" on a plat made by R.O. Snow and
Associates, Inc., dated May 11, 1978, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed
Book 651 at page 149; BEING the property conveyed to Jordan Development Corporation, a Virginia non -stock corporation, by
I:IDEP-RBCZS1Determin of Compliance12006 Compliance\LZC-2006-003 LocationCert Meadows.doc
Jim Chandler
March 9, 2006
Page 2
deed from the County of Albemarle, Virginia, dated July 14, 1978, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 651, page
147; LESS AND EXCEPT the off -conveyance of a 3.10003 acre parcel shown and described as "Parcel A-1" on a plat prepared
by Thomas B. Lincoln Land Surveyor, Inc., dated January 12, 1990, last revised September 14, 1990, and recorded with a deed
conveying said Parcel A-1 from Jordan Development Corporation to Meadows Housing Corporation, which deed is dated August
20, 1990, and recorded in said Clerk's Office, with said plat attached, in Deed Book 1120, page 459. This off -conveyance of
3.10003 acres left a residue of 23.74297 acres contained within said Parcel A (TMP 56-14C), as set forth on the aforementioned
plat recorded in Deed Book 1120 at page 464.
See Schedule A which includes T.M. 56- 14C1.
A. To be completed by the Owner/Applicant on owner's letterhead -
The above described Development is located in Census Tract
City / County of Albemarle
in the
Access the following website: http://map.sba.-gov/hubzone/init.asp and enter the property address requested.
Attach to this letter a color printout of the page (the color will delineate tracts and the page will include the
census tract number and the location of the development within the tract, noted with a "star"). If website does
not recognize property address, use Option B below or other means to provide census tract map showing
development location.
B. To be completed by the a ro riate local official on locality letterhead -
The above described Development is located in Census Tract III in the
City / County of Albemarle
Attach map showing census tract boundaries and location of development.
Local Official or Owner completing this information check any of the following as appropriate:
❑ If requesting QCT points: The above -described Development is located in a Qualified Census Tract as
identified above.
❑ If requesting "Revitalization Area" points: The above -described Development is located within a
redevelopment project, conservation project, or rehabilitation district established by the city or county
pursuant to Chapter 1 (§36-1 et seq.) of Title 36. The Revitalization Area has established boundaries at
least a year old at the time the Application is submitted. Attach supporting documentation. (Note: if this
box is selected, the Development is in a Revitalization Area and Appendix A.2 need not be completed.)
I: IDEPTIBCZS1Determin of Compliance12006 CompliancelLZC-2006-003 LocationCert Meadows.doc
Jim Chandler
March 9, 2006
Page 3
Printed Na/:3�5�fof��Y-ff zo�
Title: C)tr 7-pK f lu , Ab MfAIS WW
Phone: 4�34' 2-016 5332 is 102.3
Date: MOH Zoo
1. Return this certification to the developer for inclusion in the tax credit application package.
2. Any change in this form may result in a reduction of points under the scoring system. If you have any
questions, please call Jim Chandler at VHDA (844) 343-5786.
1ADEPTOUSTetermin of Compliance12006 Compliancel W-2006-003 LocationCert Meadows.doc
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phoree�434 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
March 9, 2006
TO: Virginia Housing Development Authority
601 South Belvidere Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
Attention: Jim Chandler
RE: Appendix M: Zoning Certification
Name of Development:
Name of Owner/Applicant:
Name of Seller/Current Owner:
The Meadows
Crozet Meadows LP
_ Jordan Development Corp -
The above -referenced Owner/Applicant has asked this office to complete this form letter
regarding the zoning of the proposed Development (more fully described below). This certification is
rendered solely for the purpose of confirming the zoning status of the Development. It is understood that
this Ietter will be used by the Virginia Housing Development Authority solely for the purpose of
determining whether the Development qualifies for points available under VHDA's Qualified Allocation
Plan for housing tax credits.
DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: (To be provided by the Owner)
Development Address; (Should correspond to I.A.2 on page 1 of the application)
5784 Meadows Drive, Crozet VA 22932
Legal Description: (Should correspond to the site control document in the application)
All that certain tract or parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, the rights incident thereto, and the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, situated on Meadows Drive (Virginia State Highway 1230) in the White Hail Magisterial District of Albemarle
County, Virginia, designated on the Albemarle County Tax Map as Parcel # 05600-00-00-014C, now containing 23.74297 acres,
more or less, but originally containing 27.893 acres, shown and described as "Parcel A" on a plat made by R.O. Snow and
Associates, Inc., dated May 11, 1978, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed
Book 651 at page 149; BEING the property conveyed to Jordan Development Corporation, a Virginia non -stock corporation, by
deed from the County of Albemarle, Virginia, dated July 14, 1978, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 651, page
147; LESS AND EXCEPT the off -conveyance of a 3.10003 acre parcel shown and described as "Parcel A-1" on a plat prepared
I:IDEPTIBCZS1Detemtiin of Compliance12006 CompliancelLZC-2006-003 Zoning Cert Meadows.doc
March 9, 2009
Page 2
by Thomas B. Lincoln Land Surveyor, Inc., dated January 12, 1990, last revised September 14, 1990, and recorded with a deed
conveying said Parcel A-1 from Jordan Development Corporation to Meadows Housing Corporation, which deed is dated August
20, 1990, and recorded in said Clerk's Office, with said plat attached, in Deed Book 1120, page 459. This off -conveyance of
3.10003 acres left a residue of 23.74297 acres contained within said Parcel A (TMP 56-14C), as set forth on the aforementioned
plat recorded in Deed Book 1120 at page 464.
See Schedule A which includes T.M. 56 — 14C1
Proposed Improvements: (Should correspond with I,B & D and III.A of the application)
❑ New Construction:. 38 # Units 12 # Buildings 27740 Total Gross Floor Area
❑ Adaptive Reuse: # Units # Buildings Total Gross Floor Area
❑ Rehabilitation: 28 # Units 7 # Buildings 18928 Total Gross Floor Area
Current Zoning: PRD with proffers per ZMA-2003-005
Other Descriptive Information: (Should correspond with information in the application)
The application plan for ZMA-2003-005 permits 28 existing units and 29 new units for
a total of 57 units, a density of 2.4 D.U./acre on Parcel 14C, containing 23.743 acres.
The application plan for ZMA-2003-005 permits 30 existing units and 9 new units, a
density of 12.6 D.U. / acre on Parcel 14C1, containing 3.100 acres and described as
Parcel A-1 in the above legal description. A site development plan for this project will
be required. A copy of the approval letter, proffers and application plan are enclosed.
LOCAL CERTIFICATION. (To be completed by the appropriate local official or Civil Engineer)
Check one of the following as appropriate:
�A site plan for the proposed units will be required.
❑ The proposed development described above is consistent with existing zoning requirements
applicable to the site or a special use permit has been issued. To the best of my knowledge, there
are presently no zoning violations outstanding on this property. No further zoning approvals
and/or special use permits are required.
I:IDEPTIBCZSIDetermin of Compliancek2006 CompliancekLZC-2006-003 Zoning Cert Meadows.doc
March 9, 2006
Page 3
The proposed development described above is an approved non -conforming use. To the best of
my knowledge, there are presently no zoning violations outstanding on this property. No further
zoning approvals and/or special use permits are required.
1-1 There are no zoning requirements currently applicable to the site described above.
The above zoning approval is in effect until: The PRD zoning will not expire.
Print Name: (V S1`fE?osp-D
Title: VAA4{rF2 OH Zo la d NG "tu l ? 47i a` �
Phone: 434 21 C - 30�3
Date: i%CL� c�C►�
NOTE TO LOCALITY: Return this certification to the developer for inclusion in the tax credit
application package.
NOTE TO LOCALITY: Any change in this form may result in a reduction of points under the
scoring system. If you have any questions, please call Jim Chandler at VHDA (804) 343-5786.
I:IDEPTIBCZSIDetermin of Compliance12006 CompliancelLZC-2006-003 Zoning Cert Meadows.doc
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone 434 296-5832 Fax 434 972-4126
March 9, 2006
TO: Virginia Housing Development Authority
601 South Belvidere Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
Attention: Jim Chandler
RE: Appendix L: Plan of Development Certification
Name of Development:
Name of Owner/Applicant:
The Meadows
Crozet Meadows LP
Name of Seller/Current Owner: Jordan Development Corp
The above -referenced Owner/Applicant has asked this office to complete this form letter
regarding the site plan of the proposed Development (more fully described below). This certification is
rendered solely for the purpose of confirming the status of plan of development or site plan approval of
the Development. It is understood that this letter will be used by the Virginia Housing Development
Authority solely for the purpose of determining whether the Development qualifies for points available
under VHDA's Qualified Allocation Plan for housing tax credits.
DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: (To be provided by the Owner)
Development Address: (Should correspond to I.A.2 on page 1 of the application)
5784 Meadows Drive, Crozet VA 22932
Legal Description: (Should correspond to the site control document in the application)
All that certain tract or parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, the rights incident thereto, and the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, situated on Meadows Drive (Virginia State Highway 1230) in the White Hall Magisterial District of Albemarle
County, Virginia, designated on the Albemarle County Tax Map as Parcel # 05600-00-00-014C, now containing 23.74297 acres,
more or less, but originally containing 27.893 acres, shown and described as "Parcel A" on a plat made by R.O. Snow and
Associates, Inc., dated May 11, 1978, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed
Book 651 at page 149; BEING the property conveyed to Jordan Development Corporation, a Virginia non -stock corporation, by
deed from the County of Albemarle, Virginia, dated July 14, 1978, and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 651, page
147; LESS AND EXCEPT the off -conveyance of a 3.10003 acre parcel shown and described as "Parcel A-1" on a plat prepared
by Thomas B. Lincoln Land Surveyor, Inc., dated January 12, 1990, last revised September 14, 1990, and recorded with a deed
conveying said Parcel A-1 from Jordan Development Corporation to Meadows Housing Corporation, which deed is dated August
I:IDEP-RBCZSIDetermin of Compliance12006 CompliancelLZC-2006-003 Plan of Dev Meadows.doc
March 9, 2006
Page 2
20, 1990, and recorded in said Clerk's Office, with said plat attached, in Deed Book 1120, page 459. This off -conveyance of
3,10003 acres left a residue of 23.74297 acres contained within said Parcel A (TMP 56-14C), as set forth on the aforementioned
plat recorded in Deed Book 1120 at page 464.
See Schedule A which includes T.M. 56-14C1
Plan of Development Number:
Proposed Improvements: (Should correspond with I.B & D and IILA of the application)
❑ New Construction: 38 # Units 12 # Buildings 27740 Total Gross Floor Area
❑ Adaptive Reuse: # Units # Buildings Total Gross Floor Area
❑ Rehabilitation: 28 # Units 7 # Buildings 18928 Total Gross Floor Area
Other Descriptive Information: (Should correspond with information in the application)
The application plan for ZMA-2003-005 permits 28 existing units and 29 new units for
a total of 57 units, a density of 2.4 D.U./acre on Parcel 14C, containing 23.743 acres.
The application plan for ZMA-2003-005 permits 30 existing units and 9 new units, a
density of 12.6 D.U. 1 acre on Parcel 14C1, containing 3.100 acres and described as
Parcel A-1 in the above legal description. A site development plan for this project will
be required. A copy of the approval letter, proffers and application plan are enclosed.
LOCAL CERTIFICATION: (To be completed by the appropriate local official)
Check one of the following as appropriate:
firA site plan for the new construction will be required.
❑ The proposed development described above has an approved final plan of development or site
plan (as applicable to the site). No further plan of development or site plan approval is required
before issuance of a building permit.
❑ The proposed development is an existing development with proposed renovations and no
additional plan of development approval is needed.
The above plan of development approval is in effect until: The
PRD zoning will not expire
Print Name: 1
I:IDEPi1BCZSIDetermin of Compliance12006 Compliance\LZC-2006-00 Plan of Dev Meadows. oc
March 9, 2006
Page 3
Title: of= 2-041AIC jU --17 CA -f
Phone: L(; -t 2°t 6 5V 3 2- To f 3
Date: 14 coo C.
NOTE TO LOCALITY: Return this certification to the developer for inclusion in the tax credit
application package.
NOTE TO LOCALITY: Any change in this form may result in a reduction of points under the
scoring system. If you have any questions, please call Jim Chandler at VHDA (804) 343-5786.
1:IDEPT)BCZS1Determin of Compliance12006 CompliancelUC-2006-003 Plan of Dev Meadows.doc
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5823 _ _ _ Fax (434) 972-4126
October 21, 2004
Brian P. Smith
Brian P. Smith PE Civil Engineering Inc.
105 West High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: ZMA 2003-005 The Meadows Expansion Amendment (Sign #57); Tax Map 56, Parcels 14C and
Dear Mr. Smith:
The Board of Supervisors approved your rezoning application on October 6, 2004. Your rezoning of
26.843 acres from PRD allowing 40 dwelling units to PRD allowing 96 dwelling units was approved in
accordance with the attached proffers dated September 29, 2004. An application plan/plan of
development dated September 29, 2004 was approved as part of the rezoning. Please refer to these
documents for any future applications and requests on this property.
Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the
project noted above, no uses on the property may lawfully begin until all applicable approvals
have been received and conditions have been met. This includes compliance with:
• compliance with applicable PROFFERS;
approval of and compliance with a SITE PLAN; and
If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact
Keith Lancaster at 296-5832.
U . W�L'
V. Wayne Ci berg
Director of Planning
Cc: Amelia McCulley Bill Fritz Tex Weaver
Chuck Proctor Steve Allshouse Keith Lancaster
Date: October 6, 2004
ZMA #2003-005
Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 56-14C & 14C1
Original Proffer
Amended Proffer
(Amendment #
26.843 acres to be rezoned from PRD allowing 40 dwelling units to PRD allowing 96 dwelling units.
Pursuant to Section 333 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby
voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are
proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the
conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request The proffers apply to rezoning and
the Application Plan prepared by Brian P. Smith, P.E. and dated September 29, 2004.
1) Maximum Units. The maximum number of residential units is ninety-six.
2) Occupancy. Occupancy shall be limited to persons aged sixty-two years or older, low and moderate income elderly
and/or disabled persons who qualify as such under regulations established by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development. A husband and wife occupying a dwelling unit shall be qualified occupants
provided that one of the spouses is at least sixty-two years old.
3) Walking Path. The walking path (identified on the Application Plan as "Proposed Walking Path") -shall be located
as shown on the Application Plan and shall be shown on every subdivision plat or site plan. The path shall be no less
than five feet in width, except where, existing landscaping or utilities prevent the full five foot width The subsurface
shall be four inches of crushed stone and the surface shall be asphalt, prime and seal, recycled pavement, crusted
stone, or any other hard surface approved by the County Engineer.
4) Temporary Construction Easement. The Owner shall reserve that area identified on the Application Plan as "20'
Wide Temporary Construction Easement..." Upon the request of the County, the Owner shall grant to the County a
twenty -foot wide temporary construction easement m the location shown on the Application Plan to facilitate the
construction of a street on Tax Map 56 Parcel 17A connecting Crozet Avenue to the Old Trail Subdivision.. This
proffer and the Owner's grant of this easement shall be conditional upon the County agreeing in the deed of easement
to restore as nearly as possible the premises within the easement to their original condition by backfilling trenches,
replacing fences, trees and shrubbery, and reseeding or restoring groundcover, provided that the County shall not be
required to repair or replace any structures within the easement. If the County does not request the temporary
construction easement within ten years of the date of approval of ZMA 2003-005, this proffer shall expire and the
lands shall thereafter not be subject to this reservation.
5) Land Disturbance. Land disturbance shall be limited to those areas where a structure, utility, driveway, street,
parking area or other such improvements are shown on the application plan. Additional disturbance may take place if
the agent finds that the location, design, construction, and maintenance of these improvements will have the
minimum environmental impact on the area and yet allow the improvements to adequately serve the project. The site
plan shall include a Tree Conservation Plan as described in Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The tree
`reservation area shall be shown on the site plan.
Signature of Attorney -in -Fact Printed Name of Attomey4n-Fact
(Attach Proper Power of Attorney)
I Part 1
56A1 Part 2
,LL 4
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15nAg,3 ELL
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56 D
56 F
56E Part 1
56 G
56E Part 2