HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200300082 Staff Report 2003-06-24STAFF PE NI PLANNING COMNMS[IDN: MARGAJRET DOHERTY JUNE 14,200-3 HIDDEN ACRES PRIVATE ROAD ]REQUEST (SUB-Al-82) Project Description. Request ror rrindi ricution of Scen on 14-514, of the S ubdi vis! rmOrdlinancc, to altow a redualon in the private road s-tatidards. The propo%al would result III cjll� riviv lot and tit roconfiguratiori of Cour existing lots on -a fami road which WOUM not bG'LMPrOVe(1 10 meet minimurn _41andards. The property is zoned RA, Rural Areas. The propelly, (1c.scri"bed as Tax Nicap 30 Parcels 29A, 32B aryl 32C and Tax Map 31 Parcel 9 is located in the Rio Magisterial District on Link Evans Lane J,Routu #7641 approximalOy 2 miles (�rrcn the intersection. u(Roules 764 and 663. The: Comprehensive Plan dusigniates this property as Rural ArcalnMurat Area I. P16loscsL-et,licN'icijiitYN4ap'Lnc]Lide,,da&AttachmcniA- Proposal . Tiv private road standards from Section 14-514 are based on the number of lots. served. The applicant is proposing to rerconfigure ex i sti rig boundaries and creatt; Lgir-, new lot tin M-1 eX ktiflg] JT-1TL r(l,Ad, and have the stalidarils waived by the Plarming tiial-LiTilym[Tiln-Lalroad 'LrnproveniesilsUrri:rcqwired_ The LA)mbinud parcels liave.9 di;vc1opment rights and 6 potera I al lots of 211 acres or 3-noTv, for a possible [5 divisii J i ons. The applicant is r ui r-�;strict the development i o the Ind izatirarb of 8 &-vclopnien! n �lir3 on 5 lots (thrvc i) f I hk.- to is would have 2 &vulopment rights ea-uh), and restrict I uzzi 110,r subd i visi on, 1h:rcby fo regoing 7 pow-nual divisions, i n ex change for the lesser 1%1-a-d sturtdard. I flicy propose to improve portions of the existing Toad slighr ty, to a] I ow for passing of vP_Jii,C.le,5 by c:tvaliog pallovers- 'Ill ey Woutd also agree tG hay-t restrictions placed on the tols that. they may not be further subdivided without prior appm,val of [lie P[arining Commission. They propose to achieve these regirimom.- through the use ofnotcs on the filial plat aild m1rictiony, in tho deeds - Discussion. Section 14-5]4, Stai74 ImIs ror PrI vate roads, Table A, describes the mi ni mum design requireniffTits for private roads within a sirt�lt-family detached resirlmlial subdivision. Th-- pRiposod subdivision would require that the existing farm roads be improved to private road standards. A small portion of the road, would be required to he bUT11; to the VDOT niousitai no lis te.rrai n standards f6r 6 Or'FTLQFU JOES Up to t17e pai n I whurc It only s IMPrOvemciiLs would be j-edijced to a lesser standard, ervi�-d 3-5 tots, %whcr-c ffic: required i ap to the point Wlicre It only semed 2 bats, -where the standard wo u W be reduced, again. The applicant proposes to consi ruct a road which k,vou I if, cin ly meet the 2 lot slartdard over its entire len8fh. I P ursu t to SoclIoT, 14-2317, tlxCommission mission may waive, vary or accelrc substitution for these requirttrrvnts, if Lhcy find that: (i) because of unasual :size, topography, shape of the property, cation of the property or t-zher unusuA conditions, vxcludin the pr�aprietary in�rer gists of the devcbpv-r,. strict applical);)n o C the applicalale re�quircinumt.5 �w�c rind resrGlt in signiiicailt dc_awlation of 11io propeirty or land Pdjacent thcrcto; (i0 requiring Ote standard would not Comiard Chu purposes of this chapter or otherwise scare Nh public in.lcrust; and (i i l.) grantmg tlje Waiver cr variation wcul d not be detrimrntal to the pub li r� health, safely or wclf�@re, to the orderl • dcvclrVn nt of tL; area, to sound en0neering praci-[ es, or to adjacent land. The applicant conteiAs that slnct application of the requircnor nis would VC5UI L in s gni fic.anL degradation of the prop-crty, ti,at r+equi ing tlh � standard W o4rl(l 110L servc Chi: public Interest arlrl that no grar]ting the waivuT would be dolnrnental to thy: rural character of tlic ar-a. I the application maw ials, the applicalst states thal sCriot guidelines wi11 be imposed on the lots to pc(--,;erve the cxisling rural charm!ter, hicluding the pEacem.ont of hou$cs to the edges o C foccsls ur places velicre prev ious strU+ tunes or barris stood-, the preservation of hud.gero'-iArs and for"ts, the presurvation of the. major open f olds f6r bay or fa n animals; and the coil servatiun O' streams and stream bps. Additionally, in their jrrsti 1 Ication %e the rcqucsi, they f rlher st.a<e that the publi-c's interest is served by prescnmig dw niral countrysid-u, protecting -critical slapcs argil the watcrshod, and. GCfc irg open space For a local fox hunting chub to use for thulir horsc riding t�venths. Staff' cor�ld support the pi°c sal, for all tip:. rea cOS discusscel al-rr��.�e_ It should he noiccl that public-i-nFut scssicu,s regarding the proposed changes to ttn Rural Areas scution of the Comprehensive Plan have shown Ch.al mere is a c:Mtiniunity inlerest in preservins traditiupal rural rwt(ts, which lypicallya are mew)w ,and have long-standing tree plantings. along at �-ast one s�4le_ This property is also loc4aed in the write.rshed of Chu South Fork Pivatina. Reservoir, and the increased 4arthinoving required to build a road to a higher standard could c;wltr burs to 4n�:reascd s imentation impwts on ffif; reservoir. it is oritical however, that the sub -division lie restrictud as to fuCtrr� development mid that lL�r promises made try the applicant he enfom ihle condit ;rtis W thr PnVate road. Forther, staff dogs aft support the issuan-ce o f additional developmun:t ri.ghts on thte twee laeg st parcels to allriw• Coo gucs4 dwelli rigs. Allowing thhcsu dwellings cr-Cates a potential CCA)fl Let with future own(-m wanting to rent the horncs, such that private toad rcyuirerncnts may he circumv-mced. However, gucsC cE)tLa s whicls do not meet tlic ZAming Ordinancr, du.rinitio- fLy a dwelling unit would bQ allowed. The i'lanning Cornrnissiorl s -tti0 recognize t,hwt Lem lting this waiver dues not prcchlile future planning COOurli-S5iE)ns from allowing rnLTc develo-prnr:rll vid.+or requiring the roads be uF, ,r ded as part of a future slbdivisitun. Finally, upon approva I of th-M private road request, thr: L i ral plat may he approved i3Cln7 I nlstratively. . I Rg.,cernmended Action: Finding the rcqu csa rnccts the standards of Section 14-23 7, stir tf' T�Cornmen-ds approval of the Hidden }acres private road retul wli1lti reduce standards. withthe t`Iloirtg wnditions: 1 _ Only one dwelling per IoL; 2, No further division without Planning C onunissi0t5 approval; 3. paSiislI _ h �l_n:rowws and wooded arcas located adjacent the private marl %hall rcmain; 4, New struclures shall be local-ed to the edges of forests or places where previous structures or barns stood; 5. The applicant shall submii an instrurra�ent evidemwi ag mainton arrcc o f the private road; 6. The cxisting road shall be upgraded ',%'ith the placement a( more gravel Rom the junction of State Route 764 (Link ] 4 ims Road) to the driveway at the existing farwhou.q . taw? Th. P 10-29A 7. An additional passing turnout shall be consoucted on, the sou[la �ic3v (}f (,h4 exisring road at the. I tlfa..6 l' radius curs.°e; The appmximate 700'hmgth of lravclwvay proceeding southu%rest from the exi€tiing farmhuusc shall salasf y tlic two -lot subdivision road rquirernents stated helow: a_ The sui-veyor shall certidy^ an the final fart that thv, i�xistittig andlor pxropo.sed rigb1-01-w ix y is cif AcqL ale width and horizontal and vertical alignment to accommodate a tra-vetway passable by orrdinary passenger vehicles in all but temporary extreme weather conditir)n . t{I..;eiher with area adequate for maintenance of such travel way; and h. S ich cerli fi ration may hr, aocompli dl-ILA by the following wording on the l i iial plat. "This private road wail] pvo vidc reasonable access by motor vachic tc as required by Section 14 1 J. ,. C the A I I)ernarrle. C.ou_rxt w. Code ," .end'711c streets its this subdivision ia_xv rika 7iiuui the standards for a�:c epft nc.e i rilo tbx scvrand arkr system of ;statc I_i ghways and wl I I not be rnaintainect by the V rginia Departincnt of lr.ansportalion or tf)e county or Al'be lark." (14-303n) 3 Attach ments; B Applicant's cant's Proposal C13r :]iminary Plal E 0 ;�MwW. (;CvAVy VAV The ff'Apt*Tft.* 30,00a l�m6muftAem LOWJM Area of Interest 7M n P 29N326;32C 7M 31 P 9 nq ftKb EARL Of f rill Hidden Acres Road Waiver SUB - 03 - 82 c;:Y r yr_ POP ql TZ °r 4 �• I I 4 f W. 4V.D r Le Sh-"=5ix.;fl . 4b9lI: F1F nw okfmq�c P9p16 vd.;Yo WP¢I,S 'Lov,,+/+`'•Awi €` . wosotIDto aasm^ slot-o +a�csc�n Hidden Acres Road lea fiver SUB - 03 - 82 MT f., -_ LE r 1M- a V A N Y A N R E S A S S O C I A T E S CAMPUS P t A N N I N G + 5 1 T E DE51GIN 100 E 5OUTH ST • P.G_ BOX 82A • CHARLLTTES'VILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 43d 2'95•d73d * FAX 434-39.5-86dd t EMAIL •,yudvanyohrg;,,€om w w w, v a n ,y a h r e s. c o m A Rund Preserve Hidden Acres Albemarle County A..pn'f 16.2003 ROGER W. RAY & ASSOCIATES,, INC. LAND 5URVEYGRS LAND PLANNERS 717.19 ALLIED STREET ■ CHARLOrrESVILL.E. VIRGINIA 22902 434.2931195 • FAX 43A-291 4202 I ani submitting this ri?quest as the mano—ging partner o Hidden Ares LLB:_ Peg a• Ilart Yah res m HIDDEN ACRES In 1955 while hying in Riclumondb my mother and fadw, who brA grew up in Garonne ik btu& Hidden Acnz as a family b41p 6md xtrem bw $ nce th.crt, tine menibcr of my family or another Ius lived in die Farnalwu . C'.ur rndy my brrtrhm who resick on the illreer Cast;. and I own the farm and my evn Lives in the funnhuttsr. TIte httm contains abour 175 nuts, the majority open with al_xmx .40 acres in wno T6 rolling renrasn contains nwncmus streams, wing Its boundaries. Ind sweeping nu xwtain vie►Ys iD the west. DEVELOPMENT LCONCEPT # A RURAL PRESERVE Our +tision is to keep the Wra lookutg cssentiallr a it is today while alkrwing remit dev4mem- iE will Ix divided inra five IDES whit utiLt guidelines m preserve the rural chatacaer, bvJud* ■ the plaocmerz of houses, esaenrially loco 4 phew structures is the edges of faresu or places where prtykna muc arcs or barns stood, Elie pmtrr-awr, of lu trow>. and forma;. • die pratrwation oithe major for bay or faun animak, * the conservation of srtww and strearn hank. The major parr of the land, t4refore, gill be kh as open space, preservigg Elie mountain vwm for everyou s enjop=t. will a +skean a waldogiriding trail dU7110Dut the: pmptttim acmuWc for all h meownen. We will main the two smaller lots �br C my members, including the etitirrg pwzd whit the original Farmhouse and on eight —ere pmcrL We propm to divide the Termmning,land keno duce lots of appmxirnately 45 acres each. REQUEST TO IHE CCfi.lNTY We a& the County to allcrw w m craw Five 6tS (rani , one more than w .0 have k, right) and %vive the public and privare Woad reguinments with Elie exception of minor mcdi s - w passing pullovers along the main road, as required by the CounEy engineer. This Waiver -%dll Am us to retain the farm lanes Ehat ate curready in arisEenae and m=tr du m char have been - aradoncd, thus h,dping m preserve the Eural character of rite landscape. lot return Ae arc willing to give up s+cv= of *ur fifteen development rights as Iown on the map ob page faun. wikl use live develop- nwat rW= for the elrviion of dw land_ We W1 nerve 3 develop m ms rights so that the larger Jars, of appmx mattcly 45 acres a xh, c2a have a ,guest dwelling. However, the larger lots will haw a tcstric;fiDn p6ced an rhem char they cannot be Subdivided. These restriction will bm ineorporate:d an the plant with the Counry an d 'xt the deed Ehe sale of the properties. tlMden Arres, boated of We end of Link Evans raawc, a,pproxittipl#ly an@ mite from firer irrferrsedian of Rt 663 and R1 743 near the Eirriprille "neral Store. qu jllS71FCATK)N REQUEST The Cxwty ha$ hang been trying m protet open spaces, a iculrttral and fnresW lands. Hidden Area is i=t:d immediately adia,c nt ro two properties under pirotecd-we land restskdons - tC> [heWrsr,, a anstrtiatio t Etsermni as mpblm and 2o the east, an Agriculru a 1•oresrd ]. knot at Ckinic Fam Ow pmpomJ to Limit devtk rmrn:, rhm6re, will further the pnbliei hMTCSC in die preservation Qf rein a=Er}side, including the preser+alinn 4cr dcal slopes, the pmwtion o: wam sheds anti the continuition of P=1 lands fir a ti lwal pu-pasm Furdtermom hem these &= properties tDffer Matiguous OPM sic, a lDcal fay€ kusttng club has'bmi aisle to use the land for their horse 6&n, g ovm,s. Our pr pmA would allsaw this rural azaivicy to continue. Hidden Acres is alsn leeatod ac the i=aus of Link brans I Anc, a narr- w, windv mad, H&T,t3 r3ew houses, our turmt d .a4Wj:te+tt right, would further cr&rburden this road. With its ttanaw ri&4-v4y, VDOT wuuJd find it irrtFassible to improve rh,e road for this sort of trade incrM.C. 4 IL rr w EXISTING PARCELS AND POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT RIGHT X's .2gk 3 Cl (I� �IFIILS{. ,i �� �o.... u•w+_ e_ e .s�._.yr�" ,— rr T. M. 37-9 63.625 5, 3 acre k is r— �* if t` � J era T 1�i, V' t, } 7.L Are Il113 `���? y _ �....• �—� p. r/ _ ray !_ I u J O'3i � '1��� 15 r'J �r� IS ig �T uI ✓� err �' t �- ,y� i 4'fir•' 0 x SCHEMATIC LAYOUT OF PROPOSED LOTS ,ice huger 1•'uYE prel-rr_inar4 pla . fir a mf)r dc-ailed byaut) r J'raas I e� r Carm Lane; Po-r cwd Lor d� 1 41 31-'aa aprol.. A9 acre5 a I 4 1: stiff 30-32Q appum 8 acro. r �{ , ti:�v a #vi.�Snx 42 acres t ' • t � Nti M _�-,.r.,.� � . � ° �I ��� ,� �•,''y���I 1p A �• 4t �� ,+�l�f� � 1.7�� I � ° —�'�f `••; S f � h� � r r rl I � I � � ;�� �-.' _ L I e r �'��� � ��, ����� �•4� ti —`—� _ r � .- i.. a rssMic uu ila a! I ,r '► _ _ j4— I°4 r� ..�1 L �t'S k f I�° .a�''. i�•.. _ I X ii`f 13 rTp