HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700074 Application 2017-07-19Albemarle Ctour Planning Application Community Cevelopment Cepartmwd 401 itire Road Charloftesville. VA22932-4596 -ojce: (434:,29&-RM Fax: 5434,S.72-4126 -EMPI 0760R-IDG-90-0451ILC owner(s)- SH CHARLOMSIMLE LLC Application #I AR8201700074 I I Legal Description [ACRar--E WINTERGRM FARM Magisterial Dist.. Samuel Flitter Land Use primary Forest Current AFD Not in A/F District j Current Zoning Primary III ResWential INFORMATION Street Address Entered By Application Type Architeaural Review Board JenniFer Smith v 1 0.!2c 17 Project JOAK HILL Received Date F077/ Jig I J L F Received Date Final Submittal Date 107/24117 Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final!— — —I Total Paid I EEEI Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB A PPLICATION(s) APPLICANT /CONTACT INFORMATION Narm V% SM CHLJOTTESWLLE U-C P-,-7vy ZZ.-tact #TA615 'EkE - CAROUSEL SIGNS Aedress C RoreQ0 I 11711) PL-;Z.-; AFIEFUCA FR­S-FE-�RESTOrl V A. 12312 COMMERCE CENTER DR. I I Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Appucanon ana Lnecmut for Sign Yermit I*tA: Aft =d Pamd Project Na t: k Ads; 1132 14xt rt Ta: asp MW�S): 0 U 0 - d - t7 0 - 0 `l L O z0aft: - Costact Perm Cfto should we csil/%mte cw carnmS this project?): —{{ - fra VIE:, (6-- Address Z3l2 Coftmer CC CA or.city_ C.i[ J'l State Vt zip 2j (LIt� Daytime Phone { 0 - �;;3 3 Fax # t _) E-mil at, 510 C4kt111'i4P &1Af.. L0 Owner Of Wear& l �1 _ rA irw4- Address t IVI C V 1 dl r f i t 5 d� 1 l�C 1 �1Lcity-�Stte _b �LL C�L Daytime Phone r `�9Y _ 1a c �3 Fan # c--) Contractor Nam Name: E-mail CV^ Address r ! t City _ Vt Q state t/ Zip Zc� q ( Daytime Pbone —) Zb -3 Z io Fax # —)E-mail � V( k. 6mum!J 7 PA.-4 3.0 Nit ift. 1. Sip Permit — Pk we mete *A" sign type yom ere app#ft for: Freestanding Or Monument Sign: $91.64 If a footing is required, an additional fee is required: $32.64 ❑ Wail Sign anv1n*ng propmw mvnin& fuelPuiW cw ", signs): $91.64 ❑ Sup Refacing: $59.00 2. Electrial Peru -- W ill the stn be it xm*taw? ❑ Yes (illuminated signs requite an electrical pawdr and an elecafeal schenode.) S48.96 No S 0.00 3. ARB Review - Will the permanent dgn(s) be constrstMd In an Entranm Con*br? (See the EWr0nce Cotyrdvr rump in the Sign Pw-mjtdppliartionpaatet for a list ofEhtrance Corridors.) ❑ Yes On sign %III be conso7wed in an Ehtra w Corridor and a does not mewthe conditions ofa $129.00 Camprehwunre Srgn Review,. SwARB requirements nmt pages.) ❑ Yes (this sign xdll be constr?rcted in an Entrance Corridor and it dates meet the conditions ofa Waive Fee Comprehmsive M9n Review: SeeAM requirements next pages.) ❑ No (This sign wdll not be constructed in an Entrance Corridor) S 0.00 FEE TOTAL (Please add all the amounts checiaad in sections 1- 3): S Fit OFFICE USE ONLY —' QM r�� Fee Amount S f Z LtiS - Date Paid 17�18 7.vlZ[il � By vho? &a&bwat # im Check # -3&!1 By County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 Akfutlre Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice. (434) 296-SM Fax: (434) 972-4126 11/I/2015 Page 1 of Part .pbvd Note. e M1W4ft-kA0s1id. Aft' ►1 neoey. a4ppi��erit•il'al I SECnON 1: FREESTANDING, SUBDIVISION OR DIRECTORY SIGNS I A. Submittal Requirements ❑ Site plan or latest approved plat showing, to scale, the proposed location of the sign(s) with dimensions. ❑ Distance from the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VDOT right-of-way. ❑ A footing/foundadon diagram showing bow the base or pole will be anchored in the ground. ❑ If the sign will be located in an easement, a letter of approval from the easement holder will be required. ❑ A to -scale color iMustratim of the proposed sign showing ❑ Dimensions of the sign, including overall height from tie ground; cabinet size, length, width and depth; base size, etc. (Be sure to also include these dimensions an the Adgi ms pl-ovided in rhos Sign permit.lpplicaffm pocket) ❑ Proposed lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location. ❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor, also provide a color Illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing: o If internally illuminated, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated, Internally ill urnindW cabinet signs nwd hweopaquebecltgrotnds (Opaquemsteridsdon'tallow light to peas ftough. . When lit only from behind, the color of an opaque material cannot be detected tsar can objects be seen through it.) o Identification of proposed materials and colors. Include standard color id numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all materials. text, graphics, base, faces, trim caps, returns, etc. o Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) o Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sizes. o Additional submittal materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. (The applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.) B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Signs ❑ Applicant must mark the location of the property lines and the location of the sign with stakes in preparation for a preliminary zoning inspection. (All four corners of tale sign must be marked with stakes that are easily risible to all inspectors.} ❑ A preliminary zoning inspection must be completed to verify the location of the sign before the permit can be issued. ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have tooting inspections. (scheduled by applicant} ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (scheduled by applicant) ❑ Freestanding signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections. (scheduled by applicant) 11/1/2015 Page 2 of 4 j SECTTON 2: WALL SIGNS 1 A. Submittal Requirements ❑ A drawing, to scale, showing dimensions of the sign (length, height, depth). ❑ Elevation drawing(s) or modified photograph of the entire building, to scale and in color, showing ❑ The dp location on the building, sign height above grade, and the length of buitdiag fivotage. (Be sane to also mdmk these dimensww on the &wa=pmv&d WAppendix B,) ❑ Sign lettering andfor graphics in their proposed location. ❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: if the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor also provide a color illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing: o hWkation of sign type (channel letters, cabinet, panel, etc.). o Indicate on the drawings the proposed materials and colors. Include standard color identification numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, faces, trim caps, etc. For channel letter signs, indicate on the drawing that the raceway color shall match the color of the wall to which the raceway is attached. o Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in the sign, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.) a Location of proposed light Axtures and manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17. o For internally illuminated signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. (Opaque rrdarids don't Maw light to panttva*. When lit orgy from behind, ttat odor of an apeque materal calrlot be detected nor can objects be seen through it. Internally illuminated cabinets must have 00aaue backmnun&.1 B. Inspection Requirements for Wall or ❑ Wall and projecting signs are required to have electrical lnspectious if illuminated. (Scheduled by applicant) Wall and projecting signs are required to have final building and SECTION 3: ILLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS A. If tie proposed sip is to be alosalasted, the appikaat mast pmMV the fWtarving: ❑ Electrical permit ❑ Electrical schematic ❑ The location of proposed light fixtures identified on a plan and/or elevation ❑ Manufacturer cat sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17 of the Zoninit Ordinance. SECTION 4: WORK VALUATION 11 Jl/201 S Page 3 of 4 A. Work Valuation I g 2 S m d Piwt 1): AppUcant Agmemeat Applicant most read and sign itch application paclmge must coutam 4 folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. only l set of matffwVOolor samples is inquired. Ail submittal items become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies in their own files. LJ the application pacicsge is not eamplete whhout this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the inquired mbnikW materkh bAcated an the chechUsL I hereby cert#y that the information proilded on this applicatian and accompanving ii&manon is accurate, true and correct to the hest of my +ham+*ledge and belief and contains all information required by these checklists S' of person completing checklist Date ap3 - 5; 313 Printed Name / Title Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Conmuulty Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 2%-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax www.albemade.2M 11/1/2015 page 4 of P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Ph one 434 296-5832 Fax 434 972-4126 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION Dear Sign Permit Applicant: Thank you foryour inter"st in aSign Permitwith theAlbeiineCountyDepartment of CommunityDevdcpmert. The inf melon in this packet has been assembled to assist you in the sign application and installation process. Endosed you will fi nd: FOR PERMANENT SIGNS FOR TEMPORARY SIGNS o 5ign PlerrrdtApplicafion and Cheddist o EntranceCarridors ft o Devdopmmtsvv/C mprdmnsiveSgnCriteiia o Sign Diagrams o Temporary Sign Permit lnfcrrrraklon o Application for Temporary Sign Permit Please review the and owd inforn ation and, for perms d signs, complete the attached Sign Permit Application and Cheddist The cornpteted Application and Cheddid may be mailed b the address in the letterhead or it may beddiveraad to the Community Development 47 afficeat 401 McIntire Road, le Floor, No th Wing. (For ternporary signs, see theTemporayS'ign Permit Info sheet) Comp! dad appi ications one processed and reviewed as quickly as possible. An Intake Specialist will be assigned to your application fa review and processing and may contact you to discuss the application. A Wcal application requires 7 to 10 business days to review, pus additional time far review of applications for signs in the County's BArance Corridors. Approval times vary depending an staff workload and ft complexity and completeness of your application. Your application will be oon,4deed ready for review when: a The application has been completed and all the required submittal materials have bean provided. o All applicable Slide and County Contractor License Infarnnation has been provided. o All permit fees and anther related fees have been paid. Please note drat if you do not provide ail required documentation for this appl ication within six (6) months of your initial application date, your application will becomeVOID. Should you wish to continuevctth your project at a later date, you will be required to initiate anew applicallon, comptetewith nowdloanrnehtation and fen Please rote the special requirements outlined in theApplication and Cheoklist for sighs Iodated in the County s Entrance Corridors. Entrance Corridors are identified an the Entrance Corridors Map. In the Entrance Corridors, signs intended for buildings that house multiple businesses must fdlow the Comprehensive Sign Critrxiathat have been established fox those propelles. Properties for which Comprehensive Sign Criteria have been established are identified in the list entitled Developments Wih Comprehensive Sgn Criteria. The sign crit3ertafor each property can be found online at the Community Deveoprme t Forms Center. Signs meeting all the criteria establishM far their respective property maybe rerieswedlapproved by staff without review by the ARB. Once yaw application has been reviewed and approved, you will be issued a Certificate of Appropriateness and a Bui Icing Permit. Your Building Permit must bean site throughout the building process and available for public inspecdcn. Oncedsplayed, you are ready to begin work. To keep your Building Per sit autive t wouglmxA the buildng prooess, YOU MUST COMMENCE WORK WIT14IN SIX MONTHS OFTHE ISSUANCE DATE AND YOU MUST REQUESTAT LEAST ONE (1) INSPECTION WITHIN A SIX-MONTH TIME PERIOD until the proj ed is complete: If you are not ready for a specific inspectio n type, you may keep your permit activeby providng adwavidence#Wwork isbeirngperforrmed.AN APPROVED FINAL INSPECTION will serveas your find Countyapprvval. We hope that you find this irnfa r4on packet usdiul when applying far a sign permit. Questions, comments and s gpd cans may be submitted i n writ ng or by calling our department at 434-2W5832. You may track the status of your Sign Permit and sdhedule required inspections via the web at h Jlcou ieww eb albernarle. Sinowdy, Community Development Staff W17IN 96" 19.25" X 36" OAK HILL FARM SIGN CD PROJECT: OAK HILL FARM SALESPERSON: TC DATE: 7/13117 R1 SCALE: 314"=1' CLIENT: X 7JOB--9157 DESIGNER: JW heeo pre*rod�ucmtloil papgln e=med al thedmwV. hasbeen approved w9 be done e1 the arsEanare wpenm CAROUSEL 2312 COMMERCE CENTER DR, STE 0. ROCKWUe. VA U146 WWW.CAROUSELSIGNS.COM p804.620.3100 SIGNATURE: � SIGNS & DESIGNS This;ewingwascmWdandeapyriphtedbyCarousalSfgnsBDa*ns.RmeynotbeusedorreprodmedInpartorwolewifhoutthewftmoamardofCarousel 6pnsdDeatgas. 9(p if 9 ., ,k© J, } 20 ski Uowkn 4 -L eCAA v 3Ur�a �5i f �...m IMA-611iiL/6. - MM VA VT Hg3LLOVJ*C - MMMIS MUM LBl W E) N I ti 3 3 N 19 N 3 5 N 1­11 OD MD s+ra�srn3a All e 5 IL 5 %! 5 € t F, a�fila Ill Ill I--t �&te3$•e f( o-f � �. �ti,ln,j�r 9gtl�[fa -�_`w•;•a_ `` �+ � / ''� l�lf�� �3 �a��a �_1ai31! 3S �E31�... � - � `��'''i` { ill �' �� � � 5 5 •`•,\� g�g7� r fi 11M. d3 �3s. isi tila;! • • { \ G� Ala ��#�E �al�a �� ��f l�l�la }t �rl�a ltl�la �tll�a -.r .• � • a i s s s ' $ t 6 aa'} i bi _' § HIS § IL : $ 1.i: : 4 s3 a±± a ► f . ;i a•k s a�� a a a n 3 a _ :.- 11! 3 k Ill ; Ill Ill 1 = Ill I 11� }l5 411 a13i�HIAlMIll SRIAll IIll3�)h � � � � q � tto ,�;; : �i�rt a 0 a� t. get !s°xa %i?i s s�R.�f Bid �tr�::�a �iii�si°to ib/i�s Ali.§ �$ �iAi$i i �atss �° �: . tt �a4'�i °ft7+ ! Itith gja! S a fm a ft I'll$ It �Siga 19a}a3 ft 'It 1111M It afaga It 1111111 as a it �!lt�a �al3aa i�l a ial�a Jim €ill, lilfla }f 11l�a � m A Ln m F cs c C' c: m l:l m 3- CD 0 Muir -III ITLE, SELTCH SHOWING ROUDABUSIL GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. )HEFT NO: RAMAREERS, SUMMYORS AND LAND PLAAYWHERS PROPOSED ENTRANCE COLUMNS Wl #r A PROffg&#ONAL CORPORATION vi I OF 1 WINTERGREEN FARM SUBDIVISION BE VING VIROINiA 81MCM 1041FA M4 M MOKFIMINOW -CHPJLL1Jr- VmWm� — ALBEMAIU COUNTY, VA FHOWFAXGrFE9V434 ]ATE 6/15/2017 EVAL 9909FANEPAUSHMM