HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCP201700001 Staff Report 2017-04-18COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: St. George Ave. Cottages Staff: Elaine K. Echols, FAICP Planning Commission Pre -Application Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: Worksession: N/A April 18, 2017 Owners: Lynda K. Stephens, Executor for Applicant: Christopher Fuller Shirley M. Cook Estate Acreage: 5.52 Potentially Rezone from: R2 Residential to PRD or NMD TMPS: 056A1-01-00-07200, 056A1-01-00- By -right use: theoretically 15 units using density 073131, and 056A1-01-00-073B2 bonuses Location: 5658 St. George Ave. Proposal: Residential development with Requested # of Dwelling Units: 17 alternative design features including private streets and alleys Magisterial District: White Hall DA (Development Area): Crozet Character of Property: Mostly unforested, Use of Surrounding Properties: single family gently rolling vacant land surrounded by residential residential development RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Commission review the request and provide input on the design, potential use of private streets, and provision of detached accessory units for guidance to the applicant in a possible future rezoning. CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 1 STAFF PERSON: ELAINE K. ECHOLS, FAICP PLANNING COMMISSION: APRIL 18, 2017 CCP201700001 ST. GEORGE AVE. COTTAGES PRE -APPLICATION WORK SESSION REQUEST AND PURPOSE OF THE WORK SESSION The applicant, Christopher Fuller, is requesting preliminary comments on use of a private street and alternative standards and design for a 5.52 acre mostly vacant property in an existing neighborhood in Crozet. While it has been many years since the Commission was asked to provide input into a proposal prior to an application for a rezoning, the opportunity continues to exist for early input. The purpose is to identify any non-starters for a development and provide any initial guidance that will assist an applicant in a future rezoning submittal. DESCRIPTION PROJECT: CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: White Hall TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 056A1 -01 -00-07200, 056A1-01-00-073131, and 056A1 -01 -00-073B2 LOCATION: 5658 St. George Ave. PROPOSAL: Potentially rezone property to increase the number of units allowed by -right with a design, which requires a private road and non-standard alley construction PETITION: Potentially rezone 5.52 acres from R2 Residential Zoning District, which allows residential uses at a density of 2 units per acre to a different district, which allows density at 4 units per acre. A maximum of 17 units is being considered for a gross density of 3 units per acre. Proposed density of the project, based on the Master Plan (net density), is 3.76 units per acre. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Property is in the Crozet Development Area. Master Plan shows uses as Neighborhood Density Residential (3-6 units /acre) and supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools and other small-scale non-residential uses and Greenspace, which allows public parks, open space, environmental features. Allowable density according to the Crozet Master Plan is between 12 and 24 units. CHARACTER OF THE AREA An aerial image of the properties at their location on St. George Ave. (Attachment 1) shows them as mostly vacant. Thick vegetation and trees line the creek at the rear of the property. The site is within an older developed neighborhood in Crozet with an established development pattern of 1/3 to 1/2 acre lots. Crozet Elementary School abuts the property to the north. The properties are separated by a Parrott Branch creek that flows into Beaver Creek Reservoir. SPECIFICS OF THE PROPOSAL The applicant's request (Attachment 2) includes a concept plan showing the desired lot layout with houses, parking, and common area. A by -right development using density bonuses likely could be approved under the cluster provision of the Zoning Ordinance, using a cul-de-sac street and conventional subdivision design. For this project, the applicant is promoting an alternative design with 1) a central walkway/green that most houses front on; 2) a parking lot between the houses facing St. George Ave. and houses fronting the green such that people living in the houses fronting the green would walk to their homes rather than drive to them; 3) a narrow alley behind the houses facing the green for one car to park on the lot if necessary; 4) a CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 2 greenway trail dedicated to the County along the creek behind the development; and 5) 2 — 3 additional lots in excess of what would be allowed by -right using density bonuses. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY There is no past development history. COMMUNITY MEETING There has been no community meeting on this project, in part because of staff's recommendation that a check -in with the Commission occur to assess support for this alternative design. If the applicant wishes to pursue a rezoning after the work session, a community meeting will be required. Staff has asked the applicant to speak with owners of nearby properties before the work session. Staff has also sent out a notification of the work session to abutting property owners. CONFORMITY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan within the Development Areas is assessed at several different levels. These levels include Master Plan recommendations, the overall Comprehensive Plan, and specifically with the Neighborhood Model. Crozet Master Plan Land Use Plan The properties (outlined in magenta, below) are shown as Neighborhood Density Residential (in yellow) and Parks and Green Systems (in green) on the Land Use Plan in the Master Plan. Proposed density is within the range recommended in the Master Plan. The properties are located in an area north of downtown Crozet. Though historically thought of as Crozet, these neighborhoods did not receive Development Area designation until the 2004 Master Plan. Prior to 2004, the Development Area boundary followed the ridgeline draining away from the Beaver Creek drinking water reservoir. With the 2004 Plan, this part of Crozet was added when several large parcels along Route 250 were removed from the Development Area. A Neighborhood Density designation was given to the northern properties that was specifically intended to reflect existing development and ability to use properties under existing CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 3 zoning, not to encourage more intensive development. That language, however, was not reflected in either the 2004 or 2011 plan. Parks and Green Systems Plan As indicated on the Land Use Map, a portion of the property is shown as Parks and Green Systems to reflect the location of a stream, stream buffer, and desired greenway. The screen shot of the Parks and Green Systems Plan on the following page shows how a greenway trail along this property (denoted with a black star) would relate to the proposed trail system along Parrott Branch creek. The concept plan shows residential uses outside of the stream buffer and a trail where it has been recommended on the Master Plan. A construction standard for a trail will be worked out later in the process, should the applicant desire to continue the development process. Development Areas Chapter in the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan speaks to the importance of compatibility when introducing infill development to a neighborhood. Specific language includes: Strategy 5c: Encourage developers to build within the density range recommended in the Master Plans on infill sites. As with greenfields, the term infill has no formal definition. Typically an infill site is a vacant parcel surrounded or mostly surrounded by existing development. Expectations for infill are different than for greenfield sites. Within neighborhoods the development pattern has been set. Goals for density must be tempered with the need for compatibility with the neighborhood. If density were to be proposed at the high end of the range within a low density neighborhood, the change could be so dramatic that it would severely alter the character of the neighborhood. A medium density development next to a high density development may be more appropriate than high density to help create a variety of housing types within a neighborhood. Density for infill sites is determined largely on context and it should not be assumed that the high end of the range is more appropriate than the low end of the range. For this project, compatibility will be an important issue. If a rezoning is requested, the Commission will need to determine whether the design and density of the proposed development blend into the neighborhood or be so dramatically different that it would alter the CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 4 character of the neighborhood. Regarding density, the nearby neighborhoods have been developed at approximately 2 units per acre. The neighborhood of Wayland Park located to the east on McCauley Street has a gross density of 1.3 units per acre and a net density of 1.5 units per acre. The Wayland Park section to the south containing the Wayland Drive loop street has a gross density of 2.3 units per acre and a net density of 3 units per acre. The applicant is requesting a net density of up to 4 units per acre. This density is the mid -point between low and high density recommended in the Master Plan. Input from the Crozet community on this issue will most likely occur during the rezoning process, should a rezoning be requested. Compatibility with the neighborhood is discussed later in this report. Neighborhood Model Conformity with the Neighborhood Model is assessed below. Pedestrian Sidewalks are present on the north side of St. George Ave. west of Orientation Crozet Ave. but not on the east side of Crozet Ave. The proposed development would provide for an internal pedestrian orientation with the central green and walkway. Externally, the applicant will need to provide sidewalks across the frontage of the lots facing St. George Ave. unless a waiver is approved by the Commission. This principle is not shown as met on the concept plan but it appears that the principle could be met. Mixture of Uses A mixture of uses is not proposed nor viewed as necessary because of the close proximity to downtown. This principle is met in the context of a larger geography which includes the downtown area. Neighborhood Downtown Crozet is the closest neighborhood center and the Centers development is within approximately'/4 mile of downtown. This principle is met in the context of a larger geography which includes the downtown area. Mixture of Housing A mixture of housing types could provide a greater variety of housing Types and types in Crozet; however because the project is an infill project, a Affordability mixture of housing types is not viewed as essential. Provision of affordable units will likely be needed. If the applicant were to pursue the project by -right using density bonuses for affordability, 2 — 3 units would need to be provided as affordable units. The principle of affordability will need to be met. Interconnected Due to the infill nature of this project, connections to streets other than Streets and St. George Ave. would likely be difficult. The applicant is showing Transportation interconnections of a greenway trail which would allow for pedestrian Networks access to different locations in Crozet and in the direction of the Beaver Creek Reservoir. The principle is not met with streets but is met with the proposed greenway trail. Multi -modal There are no multi -modal opportunities on the site, other than walking Transportation paths. This principle is not met; however, in a broader context, the Opportunities principle is met because of proximity to downtown where Jaunt transit to UVA is under development. Parks, Recreational A greenway trail and community area near the trail are shown on the Amenities, and Open plan. Common area is shown near the trail. This principle is met. Space CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 5 Buildings and Space No information is provided on architecture or spatial relationships, nor of Human Scale is it necessary at this time. Relegated Parking The plan shows a relegated parking arrangement, both with the parking lot behind houses fronting on St. George Avenue and proposed alleys. This principle is met. Redevelopment Most of the site is undeveloped at present. This principle is not applicable. Respecting Terrain No information on grading is provided, nor is it necessary at this time. and Careful Grading The property is fairly unusual in the Development Areas because of its and Re -grading of relative flatness. While the principle is not met on the concept plan, it Terrain appears that this principle could be achieved. Clear Boundaries The project is located entirely within the Development Areas so this with the Rural Area principle is not applicable. QUESTIONS Layout, Design, and Compatibility Challenges are often present with infill development one of which is how to promote Neighborhood Model type development and additional density while respecting the character of the existing neighborhood. The proposed development with houses fronting St. George Avenue and an internal circulation system shows how a slightly more dense development could fit in with the neighborhood without creating a visibly contrasting development. The design consists of parking area for residents and their visitors and a central green with walkways, which would promote walking. The central green would have a structural base to support fire suppression equipment and act as a private street to allow lots to be subdivided. Narrow alleys are proposed behind lots to allow one car to be parked next to the house if necessary. The applicant has requested a reduction of alley width to minimize pavement on the site; however, County Engineer is concerned that with the compact residential lots, access easement width below the set standard would not be in the best interest of public safety. A modification to the pavement width could be considered, if garages will not be built off the alleys. Alley construction will also need special attention because alleys are proposed on the lot lines next to developed residential lots. One element of the proposed development is a more proportionate house to lot ratio than often occurs in compact developments. In a conventional by -right development, lots would range from 1/3 to'/2 acre, making house size a non -issue. However, many developments in Albemarle County's Development Areas with small lots have large houses covering almost the entire lot. Question for the Commission: /s the layout, including the interior parking area, an acceptable design for infill in an existing residential neighborhood? Staff believes that the Neighborhood Model principles of pedestrian access, relegated parking, and buildings and spaces of human scale could easily be met with the proposed design. The parking lot would need to be screened and access and circulation would need to meet County standards. Care would be needed with the alleys to make sure that they are not impacting adjoining residential lots. Garages should not be located in front of the houses on St. George Ave. CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 6 Private Street The applicant is proposing use of a private street, a major part of which does not look or feel like a street. Instead of a paved street with curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street trees, it would have be a "green" with structural support for emergency vehicles such as a fire truck. Residential units facing the green would have automobile parking in a parking lot, but narrow alleys behind the lots would provide house access with one parking space. Something similar to this arrangement was approved for the Riverside Village development, which is under construction in Pantops (see Attachment 3 for photos). The parking lot would also act as a private street for at least 2 units. Parking -lot streets are typically approved for townhouse units, which allows the lots to be subdivided. Section 14-233 of the subdivision ordinance allows approval of private streets in the Development Areas when: The proposed private street(s) would enable the principles of the neighborhood model to be more fully implemented than could be achieved with a public street, without diminishing other principles of the neighborhood model, in the following circumstances: (i) the subdivision would have a streetscape more consistent with the neighborhood model; (ii) the subdivision design would allow it to better achieve the density goals of the comprehensive plan; (iii) rear vehicular access to buildings would be provided so that the buildings may face a common amenity; (iv) a significant environmental resource would be protected; or (v) relegated parking would be provided to a greater extent than could otherwise be provided. The biggest difference between the proposed private street and a Neighborhood Model street is the expectation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street trees. Because pedestrian access would be provided and most houses would be facing a common amenity, staff believes that, in theory, the alternative design could be supported. The construction standard would either need to be a VDOT standard or alternative design, deemed adequate by the county engineer to be equivalent to or greater than the applicable standard in the design standards manual, so as to adequately protect the public health, safety or welfare. The County Engineer has said he is amenable to approving an alternative design, such as that proposed by the applicant, for a short length of private street provided it could meet Fire and Rescue, and other safety standards. The principal issue for consideration of non-VDOT type streets is maintenance. Except in neighborhoods with fairly high property values, high HOA dues, and/or maintenance costs shared by many owners, it is common for maintenance to fall short over time. In these cases, localities are often asked to repair non-standard roads and take them into the public system. If the County is ultimately going to be responsible for ownership and maintenance, preference is given to approving roads that could be brought into the public system most easily. Staff does not know how much of the development is intended as affordable dwellings meeting the County's definition for affordability. However, if affordability is the key reason for the non- standard road, staff wonders if the additional expense of private street maintenance, which would also include the parking lot, will allow houses to remain affordable. In Riverside Village, the houses fronting the walkway do not meet the County's affordability standard and the expense of private street maintenance is shared among the 69 properties. Question for the Commission: Would the Commission be supportive of private streets in this development? CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 7 Staff believes that the private street proposed in the form of a "structural green" could be approved if the neighborhood is not intended as affordable housing and if the applicant can demonstrate to the County Engineer that such a street meets health and safety requirements to the same extent as a public street. Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory apartments are allowed by -right in all residential districts, provided they are located within a single-family detached structure. At present, garage apartments or separate cottages on a single-family lot are not allowed except through rezoning. Recent zoning approvals, such as Belvedere, include provision for carriage units. Carriage units must be secondary (smaller) structures to the main house and one of the units, either the carriage unit or the main house must be owner occupied. The carriage units cannot be conveyed separate from the main house. Carriage units were intended as affordable units. In Belvedere, they are fairly large structures in relation to the house and lot and are not always used for the purpose they were intended. In this compact development, staff believes detached accessory units will pose many challenges, some of which may not be overcome. For example, Fire and Rescue requires that alleys serving detached accessory units be capable of withstanding fire trucks and not be impeded by cars. As such, alleys must be almost as wide as private streets. In addition, if proportionality of houses to lots is desirable, adding additional structures to the lots could result a lack of proportionality and very limited yard area. Question for the Commission: Would the Commission be supportive of detached accessory units Staff believes that in the proposed compact development, detached accessory units would create a disproportionality of buildings to lots and require large alleys, which would reduce the width of the community green. The development would need to be redesigned to make a one- way system of rear -loaded houses and accessory unit using private streets and provide more parking for the accessory units. Staff believes that accessory apartments within the main house would be more advantageous to the design. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review the request and provide input on the design, potential use of private streets, and provision of detached accessory units for guidance to the applicant in a possible future rezoning. ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1: Aerial Map ATTACHMENT 2: Applicant's request ATTACHMENT 3: Photos of Riverside Village private street CCP201700001 St. George Ave. Cottages PC April 18, 2017 Staff Report Page 8 asSO _rafT n_. na ad ��V'./ ;.'k r'.. r'�r .✓ ' / .w �A.eV�=IU"'U C�i' P� � 'iR"i if - _ � __ ... .. wL, r A f W -WOO , r �C -Z� aR '� � � r� f , I Application for Comprehensive Plan Compliance PROJECT NAME: (how should we refer to this application?): PROPOSAL (use separate sheet, if needed): COMPREHENSIVE COMP PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: LOCATION: TAX MAP PARCEL(s): MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Address Daytime Phone () Fax # Owner of Record Address Daytime Phone Fax # (� Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): Address Daytime Phone ( ) Fax # �) City E-mail City E-mail City E-mail State Zip State Zip State Zip Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any abutting property? If yes, please list those tax map and parcel numbers FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan (CCP) ❑ Special Use Permits: ❑ Variances: Concurrent review of Site Development Plan? CCP# History: ❑ ZMA's & Proffers: ❑ Letter of Authorization ❑ YES ❑ NO St George Cottages A small, vibrant community featuring small, well designed homes and beautiful outdoor spaces walkable to Downtown Crozet Existina Parcel Summa Address: 5658 St George Ave, Crozet, VA Tax Map: 56A1-01-72, 56A2-01-39A, 56A1-01-73B 1, 56A1-01-73B2 Gross Area: 5.52 Acres (GIS, boundary survey not completed) Adjacent neighboring properties are single family 1 and 2 story houses Crozet Elementary is across the creek to the north from the property Current Use: Single Family Residential, 2 Stories Current Zoning: R2 Current R2 By -right Gross Density: 2 DU/Acre: 11 DU Current R2 Bonus Gross Density: 50% -> 3.0 DU/Acre (For Reference): 16 DU Comprehensive Plan Land Use: Single Family Residential at 3 to 6 DU/Acre Proposed Development Summary: Proposed Use: Single Family Residential, 2 Stories Proposed Zoning: PRD Proposed Minimum Lot Size: 6,000 sq ft Proposed Minimum Lot Frontage: 50 ft Proposed Number of Lots: 17 DU Proposed Unit Gross Density: 17/5.52 = 3.08 DU/Acre Net Developable Area: 5.52 — 0.99 — 0.53 = 4 Acres Proposed Unit Net Density: 17/4 = 4.25 DU/Acre ** **This proposal is consistent with Albemarle County's Comprehensive plan. *waivers, exceptions and questions are: 1. Private street authorization required to extend Wayland Drive. 2. Private Street Exception required for Lawn and Fire access portion of Wayland Dr. 3. Subdivision of lots off of a pedestrian street that meets fire access standards. 4. Subdivision of lots off of a street with 90 degree parking. 5. Would the county be interested in accepting the stream buffer and perhaps the common area on north of site as parkland as part of the linear nature trail system proposed in the Comprehensive plan? 6. Are Accessory Dwelling Units allowed? St George Cottages Preliminary Site Plan COMMON HOUSE PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING PAVER SWM ,I i I i NEW 8" i SEWER MAIN I✓ I ��LOT 16 6209 SF ,EXl-TING SEW ER 1 9' WALKING 6282 SF PATH & "ALLEY" �1 LOT 1 6241 SF LOT 10 CROZET AVE 6193 SF �LOT 8_ SHARED GARAGE 6097 SF & ELECTRICAL CAR PARK PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING PAVER SWM 23 PARKING SPACES) I TRASH 0 ST GEORGE AVE ' I I I r�t_ Site Plan 1 " = 100,4, 12 i VEGETATION (BY OTHERS) MINOR RUTTING OF TOP SOIL SURFACE CAN BE EXPECTED UNDER REPEATED VEHICLE PASSES. STRATAW EB 356, 8-INCH (MIN.) BASE STABILIZATION co 1 VEHICULAR TRAVELWA_Y CROZET - FIRE LANE ACCESS ELEMENTAR - SECONDARY ACCESS STREAM BUFFER %! tEENWAY CROZET / 43246 SF \ AVE -_ COMMUNITY I GARDEN \ / WALKING PATHS ; JE EXISTING WATER MAIN ST GEORGE, , AVE I - I WAYLAND - SHARED LAWN �) Fire Lane Access 6136 SF I � / I - � ""' MCCAULEY LOT 9 'I ' � - 6083 SF I � 9' WALKING PATH I � & "ALLEY" � CAR�P�Rlk y 700 SI- PV SOLAR CANOPIES'I OVERFLOW PARKING WAYLAND DR LOT 5 2999 S 9 KIP (MAX.) PER SINGLE WHEEL (18 KIP MAXIMUM AXLE LOAD) 150 PSI (MAX.) TIRE PRESSURE PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE WHERE REQUIRED PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 2" (MIN.) COMPACTED GAB �- 8" COMPACTED SANDY BACK FILL FILL WITHIN STRATAW EB 356 EXISTING SUBGRADE OR PREPARED SUBGRADE CBR> 3% PERMEABLE LAWN, PARKING AND FIRE LANE ACCESS NOT TO SCALE (BASIS OF DESIGN: STRATA WEB 356)LO SUBDIVIDED PROPERTY SCHEDULE Lot Type Name Area Acreage Percentage COMMON LAND CAR PARK 12931 SF 0.30 acres 5% COMMON LAND CAR PARK 7009 SF 0.16 acres 3% COMMON LAND OPEN SPACE 23121 SF 0.53 acres 10% COMMON LAND: 3 43061 SF 0.99 acres 18% LOT ...... LOT 1 11051 SF 0.25 acres 5% LOT LOT 2 15238 SF 0.35 acres 6% LOT LOT 3 10631 SF 0.24 acres 4% LOT LOT 4 7413 SF 0.17 acres 3% LOT LOT 5 12999 SF 0.30 acres 5% LOT LOT 6 6110 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 7 6044 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 8 6097 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 9 6083 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 10 6193 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 11 6136 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 12 6241 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 13 6190 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 14 6282 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 15 6247 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT LOT 16 6209 SF 0.14 acres 3°/D LOT LOT 17 6192 SF 0.14 acres 3% LOT: 17 131358 SF 3.02 acres 55°/D -- - NEW 6"- WATER MAIN PARK LAND GREENWAY 43246 SF 0.99 acres 18% WAYLAND DR PARK LAND: 1 43246 SF 0.99 acres 18% RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT OF WAY 23004 SF 0.53 acres 10% RIGHT OF WAY: 1 23004 SF 0.53 acres 10°/D Copyright 2017, Chris Fuller: contact at Chris@thehousinglab.org Total Properties: 22 240667 SF 5.52 acres 100% Existing Zoning Summary Tax Map: 56A1-01-72, 56A2-01-39A, 56A1-01-7361, 56A1-01-7362 Address: 5658 St George Ave Gross Site Area: 5.52 Acres By -right Gross Density: 2 DU/Acre (11 Dwelling Units) R2 Bonus Gross Density: 50% -> 3.0 DU/Acre (16 Dwelling Units) • Maintain existing wooded areas on 15% of site : 5°/D Bonus • Additional street trees: 5% Bonus • Internal road system: 10°/D Bonus • Dedication of 0.99 Acres as park land to County: 15°/D Bonus • > 2 Affordable Housing Units: 30°/D Bonus Rezoning to PRD Proposed • Proposed Minimum Lot Size: 6,000 sq ft • Proposed Minimum Frontage: 50 ft • Proposed Number of Building Lots: 17 Dwelling Units (DU) Proposed Gross Density: 17/5.52 = 3.08 DU/Acre** Lots 1 through 5 to have option of adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Net Developable Area = 5.52 - 0.99 - 0.53 = 4 Acres Proposed Net Density: 17/4 = 4.25 DU/Acre'* Including 2 common buildings and 5 ADUs: 24/4 = 6 DU/Acre*"` **In Accordance with the Crozet Comprehensive Plan Private Street Authorization required to extend Wayland Dr. Private Street Exception required for Lawn and Fire access portion of Wayland Dr. DR 3 1/8' EAGLE BAY AQUA -BRIO 4 "L" PERMEABLE PAVERS WITH /B STONE IN JOINTS r2' g'8 STONE 4' COMPACTED STONE 72" COMPACTED B"+ ,y2 STONE FILTER FABRIC 18- (TYP) ON SIDES III fl I • I UNDERDRAIN III 12" (MIN.) (OPTIONAL) LCONCRETEID.1 RESTRAINT ADDITIONAL STONE Al SPECIFIED BASED AROUND PERIMETER ON STRUCTURAL AND HYDROLOGIC DESIGNS cEocRlD (OPTIDNAL) 4 PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING PAVER SYSTEM NTS (BASIS OF DESIGN: EAGLE BAY SWMPAVE) 5658 St George Ave PRESENTED BY EDUCATE +CONNECT +DESIGN ATTACHMENT 3 Private Street in Riverside Village Development