HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200500205 Action Letter 2017-08-0207/26/2005 16:13 3012766685 GREG MASON Application for Zoning Clearance Zooing Clearance - $35 PLEA E REVIEW ALL 4 SHEETS OF]P'ICI� U EA CLE #Check0Receipt # t ^ Stall: PAGE 02 PARCEL INFORMATION r Tax Map and Pared:. Eldsting Zooinia�.,5 parcel owner., ®N Parcel Address; Ci - zi, ,APPLICANT INFORMATION � � 1 � � �� �r Who should we calywrite eancerdiog this project? " Address • i P n 0 City 0 State ii _ ZIP 7•t� Omce Phone: cL ? 16o %DO }Cell # Z S - _ Fox # 3Q L F-wail -� �q-0o----------- -.4, -4. ------------•------------•------------•------------ PROJECT INFORM,ATIUIV l� �� - Businm Nam1111elType; ekh ,.,,,-- - _- Previous Business on this site: Circle (if applicable): Fireworks / Christmas Tree SEE COIV MONS OF A "ROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREWORK OR CMUSTMAS TIUX SALES (Sheet 1 ) *-This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved- If you change, intensify or move the use to a neww location, a new Zanilirg clearance w0i be requited. I hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicawd on this application. 1 also eertiPy that the infornsadon provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approvall," I understand tbem, and that I will abide by 111rCrr1- 5ignantre Printed J LNG APPROVAL INFORMATION -k pproved as proposed ( } Approved with conditions Building Official Date Zoning Official Dote Other Mcial Date -------------- -------------- ------------------ ....-- County of Albemarle Department of CoMMURity Development ��� 401 McIntire Read Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 2%-5832 Fa=,'(43*V2 6 3/28105 Page 2 of 4 07/26/2005 16:13 3012766685 GREG MASON PAGE 03 Applicant to complete the following: C N ko you have one of the following? Tare Map and Parcel Number and Or; Address of use (include unit or floor if appropr W; Y po have a Floor Flan (sketch or an architectural drawing) that includes the followiM and if so please provide it with the application? The total square footage of the use and/or; The Square footage of each room or area of use; Use of each room or area If using less than the entire structure, note the location within the structure. Cif 11in"O J Wv"j Pt)M* Q�WW &T12.0 GTIuef-,• aIs SQ-ff to complete the Y 1 If sdj East: Varla ce• go. -List, Intake to complete the following: Y /O Is use in Ll, HI or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packet. YI wit ere be food preparation? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval f ni Health Deph FAX DATV- Y0.�Jori Is private well And septic? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval frottm Health Dept. FAX DATE IN on public water and sewers Y l Wil now be putting up a nesign of any kind? If sa, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit # . Y 1 Will e:re be any new construction or renovatio»s7 if so, obtain the; proper Permit. Perngt # Y 0 Is e s for sales of Fireworks? If so, obtain a copy Of It/R permit. Perenit # Promrs: Y If so, List: Y/N If so, List: 3/28/QS Page 3 of 4 07f 2612BOB Ira: 13 3$1 �75f69� GREG MASON PAGE 04 Ruykwer to CoMpkle the taUDwiat: l►1 Pcrmlumd as; J Undar Sman.25-7.1 sopplemmtR r reguingans qw on• — P#ri ng formula - — �� J �kpgplrud spew' Y ! f is verified in the field: Inspector NiLme & Daw Notes --10 3/28105 Page 4 of4 07/26/2005 16:13 3012766685 GRE=G MASON PAGE 01 WJ ,Applicant MUST HAVE the OCCUPANCY Clearance information to apply for a Zoning Clearance: 1) Tax Map and Parcel or Address with unit number or floor if appropriate. 2) A Floor plan - either a sketch or an architectural drawing a) If using less than the entire structure, note the location within the sttltOMM; b) Note the total square footage of the use; c) Note the square footage of each morn or area of use; d) Note the use of each room or area of use. Conditions gf A lroval FifREWORKS. I. No person shall sell, offer for sale, store, display or discharge any fireworks in any filling station or on any promises where gasoline or other inflammable liquids am stored or dispensed. (Code 1967 10.13.) County Code Section 6-200 and 6-300 and mast be a UdWnium of 100 ft from any gas pule Wpropaue distribution tame. 2. The site shall be cleaned and restored to its original condition on or before July I Ith. This shall include removal of all structures, signs, debris, and the like. 3. A thirty (30) foot front setback shall be maintained, Display shall be located so as to avoid traffic congestion. Modifications subject to Zoning Administrator's approval_ 4. Building permits shall be obtained for all proposed structures and/or Iighting. 5. Sign permits shall be obtained fm all proposed signage. r-HRISTMAS TREES: 1. The outside storage of combustible material or flammable materials shall be located so as not to constitute a hazard and shall riot be less than 15 feet from any building M the site. Any open burning must comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Codes and the Albemarle County Code. 2. The site shall be cleaned and restored to its original condition on or before January 2_ This shall include the removal of all structures, signs, debris, and the like. ./ 3. A thirty (30) foot front setback shall be maintained, Display shall be located so as to avoid traffic congestions. Modifications subject to Zoning AdministrauWa approval. 4. Building permits shall be obtained for all proposed structures and/or lighting. 3/28/05 Page 1 of 4