HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200500302 Action Letter 2017-08-03COMMUNfTY DEVELOPMENTI Fax 434972412E Sep 29 2005 03;47pm P001 002 .x ;Aication for Zoning Clearance _ OmCF USE on Zoning Clearance in S,35 check Date: il-Z'I-Zi PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS Receipt # 'Stab; PARCEL INFORMATION Tax Map send Parcel. _(4- - - /� Existing zonia t-.t Fired Owner. /",`,not �l'll� 19i-� � . /�,�� � � ,°.�. Parcel Addrm.. ,,;, �t7 r —city . __ Cl ZX&kA � i'� fate ` fi �P ------------_----___-_----finctude spite or floor -:. ....-•----------------2-------- APPLICANT INFORMATION ..._..__... Who should we cahllwrlte eaneerning this project? Address- /().z LO p Y City, State ' C 14 Zip Orrice Pbone: ( ��-4?a23c� Cell # FIX # ~'- ----�— "� E-uteri -- pR03l�CTiN�'ORM-----------------------ma-f`l�d.- rc�-�------------------------------------. INFORMATION .Previous business on thus site: Coln .)dit 1 — Proposed - use: U00 f if applicable): Fireworks I Christmas Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREWORK OR CHRIST" TREE SAr ES- (Shy. Mis Cleamnce w1l! only he valid on the Psrccl for which it is approved, If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new.Zoning . Clearance will be mQuired. ' i hereby certify that I own or ha owllel+ issiott to use the space indicated on this application'.. I also cert6 that the infonm4on provided is aw and accurate to the wl I have read the co vA and I understand; them, and that 1 will abide by them,' Sigaattue Printed APPROVAL INFORMATION ( ) Approved as proposed ( ) Appmved with cozy Woos Building Official Dane . r l 0 Zoning official Date !I Other Offidal Dgte' __--.--...... _ .- - -- - -- - : - � ---------- ------ --- -....... County of Albemarle Department oI Community Develop - men# COMMUNITY DEYELOPMEND Fax 4349724126 Sep 29 2005 03:47pm P002/002 2005 Pne 2 of 3. Applioarnt MUST HAVE the following information to apply: 1) Tax Map and Parcel or Addmss with unit ninnber or floor tf a te. � e I� 2) A, Floor Plan - either a sketch or an architectural dca _��C� a) If us* less than the entire $ttit t=, rut the. fooation withio the stmct�; b) Note the total square footage of %a use; c) Note the square footage of each z u m or area of use; d) Note the use of each room or arcs ofusc. Intake to complete the following: Y I N Is the use in a LI, HI or PDIP zonal. If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packrct Can not issue uuW CER is approved by elk County Engineer. I Y / N Will there be food preparation? . j If so, fax application to Health Department. FAX DATE Can.nor issue until we receive approval from i;:iea#tb Dept Y I N , Is the parcel on private well and septic? If so, -fax. application to Health IhPartu=t. FAKDATE Can not issueuntil we receive approval from Health Dept. Y - / - N Ii the parcel on public water and seweer9 Y / N WM you be putting up a new sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit # Y I N Will there be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. pelrriAt # Y / N Is this for sales of Fi ewo1w. If so, obtain a copy of FIR per nt. Permft # Zoning Tech to complete the following: � �� _ ter■ �� .r AckaHaUCe: N if so, List 6 22 Revkwer to complete the following: ! N f soa'List: 1 N IfsoY List: Square footage of Use: _ f� g Pem3imd as, T Under Section• _ .. Z . iY. Supplementary regulations section: Part foruoatla ��QCdi. =:2eo Required spaces: Y CV Itow to be verified in the field: ®E