HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199900016 Action Letter Zoning Map Amendment 2000-04-27
LIVltt ïC¡-lb
Department of Planning & Community Development
40 I McIntire Road, Room 2 I 8
Charlottesville. Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296 - 5823
Fax (804) 972 - 4012
April 27, 2000
Don Franco
The Kessler Group
POBox 5207
Charlottesville, VA 22905
RE: ZMA-99-16 Glenmore Associates Limited Partnership
Tax Map 79, Parcels 34, 35A, 35" 28, and Tax Map 93"Parcel 62
Dear Mr. Franco:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on April 19, 2000, approved the
above-noted request to rezone 37.96 acres from Rural Areas to Planned Residential
Development to add acreage to the Glenmore PRO, increase the maximum allowable single
family units in the Glenmore PRO from 775 to 889, and to modify proffers. Please note that this
approval is subject to the attached proffers
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
U,W U .
V. Wayne ~~rg '------..
Director Of~~~~~~g & Communi Development
Cc: Amelia McCulley
Jack Kelsey
Tex Weaver
Steve Allshouse
Bob Ball, VDOT
Date: 4/5/00
Original Proffer
Amended Proffer X-
(Amendment # 1)
PROFFER FORM 79-34, 79-35A, 79-35
7 01 79-32, 79-28, 93-62
ZMA # 9- 6 Tax Map Parce/(s) #
Acres to be rezoned from
. Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarte County Zoning Ordinance the owner or
Its duly authonzed agent. hereby voluntartly proffers the conditions listed bel~w which shall
be apphed to the property. If rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the
requeste~ :ezonrng and It IS agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for
the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning
1. The development of the Property will be limited to those uses allowed by right under Section 19.3.1
(1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10) of the Zoning Ordinance of Albemarle County, Virginia (hereinafter
referred to as the Zoning Ordinance) as that Section is in effect on April 16, 1997, with a residential
development not to exceed 813 single family units together with a site for a schooL and a site for a fire
. house, either of which sites may be used for other public use facilities, and development ofa private
country club and recreational facilities including but not limited to tennis, swimming, a golf course \\lith
related club house, and equestrian center. To be excluded ÍÌ"om use by right or special use permit under
the Zoning Ordinance are Section 19.3.1 (2) and (3); and Section 19.3.2 (1), (3), (5), (6) and (7).
2. Upon the request of Albemarle County, Virginia, to donate by gift to Albemarle County or its designee,
subject to items of record affecting title, for a public school or other public use facilities as the County
may select a parcel of approximately 27.0 acres as shown on the Application Plan for GIenmore made
by Clower Associates, Inc. dated November 2, 1990, together with an appropriate right of way,
provided owner may require reasonable visual screeninglbuffering of the 27 acres.
If the County does not request the referenced land by April 12, 2010 or the parcel is no longer
necessary for the designated uses, the referenced land shall be returned to Glenmore Associates or its
3. Upon the request of Albemarle County, Virginia, to donate by gift to Albemarle County or its designee,
subject to items of record affecting title, for a fire department or other public use facilitiesas the
County'may select a parcel of approximately 6.0 acres as, shown on the Application Plan for Glenmore
made by Clower Associates, Inc. dated November 2, 1990, together with an appropriate right of way,
provided owner may require reasonable visual screeninglbuffering of the six acres.
. If the County does not request the referenced land by April 12, 2010 or the parcel is no longer
necessary for the designated uses, the referenced· land shall be returned to Glenmore Associates or its
4. At the time of closing of the sale of each residential lot or the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for
each residential lot, whichever first occurs, to contribute $1000.00 to an escrow fund to be established
by Albemarle County for (1) a school capital improvement fund for use by Albemarle County to either
expand the capacity of Stone Robinson Elementary School or to construct a new school on the site
described in paragraph 2 of this proffer, or (2) the costs, including any awards to the owner of the
mineral rights for the property described in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this proffer, or (3) other items in the
Albemarle County Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) related to this project (Glenmore) or to other
items not normally included in C.I.P. directly related to this project (Glenmore).
These funds shall be held by the County in an interest bearing account with an annual accounting to the
owner. All interest earned on the account shall be used for the same purposes as the original $1000.00
contribution. It is requested that Frank A. Kessler or his family be consulted in connection with naming
of any facilities for which these funds are used.
If the County does not use the established fund by April 12, 2015, all funds in the escrow account shall
be returned to Glenmore ~sociates or its designee.
5. To provide water and sewer collection, distribution and treatment facilities at the owner's expense for
the residential lots in Glenmore and private club and to dedicate such facilities to the Albemarle County
Service Authority and/or the Rivanna Service Authority. These facilities are to be built at no cost to
the taxpayers of Albemarle County or to the customers of the Albemarle County Service Authority.
6. To reserve along the boundary ofthe Property adjacent to the Rivanna River a 100 Foot wide green
belt. No buildings shall be constructed, or erected within the green belt without the consent of J
Albemarle County and it shall be preserved in its natural state except for building of pedestrian and
riding trails and general beautification including but not limited to the clearing of underbrush, removal
of dead trees and shrubs, and cleanup of the river. The owner may grant across the green belt utility
easements, access easements to the Rivanna River for residents of Glenmore and members and guests
of the private country club and may build riding trails or make sinùlar uses of the area.
At such time as the County of Albemarle decides to establish along the Rivanna River a public area or
park, the 100 foot wide green belt area, upon the request of Albemarle County, will be conveyed by
gift and dedicated to the County, provided the uses allowed for utilities, accesses to the river, and
riding trails, etc. are reserved in the deed of gift and provided further that the green belt area will
continue to be counted a s open space for the purposes of the Glenmore Master Plan and required
density. The green belt may continue to be maintained by the owner of the property, however in the
absence of such maintenance Albemarle County at its option may maintain the 100 foot wide green
If the County does not request the referenced land by April 12, 2010 or the parcel is no longer
necessary for the designated uses, the referenced land shall be returned to Glenmore Associates or its
7. (a) Road A as shown on the Application Plan of Glenmore made by Clower Associates, Inc. dated
November 2, 1990 shall be built at time of residential lot development to VDOT standards and placed
. in the State Secondary System :trom U.S. Route 250£ to Point A as shown on the aforesaid
Application Plan of Glenmore.
(b) Upon request of Albemarle County, Virginia, to dedicate as right-of-way for public road purposes
(i) a strip ofland not to exceed sixty (60) feet in width :trom Point A to Point B as shown on the
aforesaid Application Plan ofGlenmore and (ü) an existing strip ofland of variable width owned by
Glenmore Associates and known as Ashton Road, :trom the terminus ofGlenmore Way (SR 1054)
through the entrance to the last private lot served by this road.
(c) At the time of recordation of the final plat for Section S4, to contribute $70,000 to an escrow fund
to be established by Albemarle County for master planning, road design and construction in the Village
ofRivanna .
If the County does not request the referenced land by April 12, 2010 or the parcel is no longer
necessary for the designated uses, the referenced land shall be returned to Glenmore Associates or its
If the County does not use the established fund by April 12, 2010, all funds in the escrow account shall
be returned to Glenmore Associates or its designee.
8. (a) To construct within the existing right-of-way ofU. S. Route 250£ and ifnecessary partially on the
property currently owned by owner an ultimate entrance to serve Glenmore. This shall be constructed
at the time of initial residential lot development in Glenmore or at a later date if approved by VDOT.
(b) To install upon the request ofVDOT on U. S. Route 250£ at the entrance to Glenmore a traffic
signal, provided the request :trom VDOT is made prior to completion of Glenmore which for purposes
of this paragraph shall be deemed to be the day thetast residential lot is sold to a third party purchaser
or April 12, 2010, whichever first occurs.
(c) At the time of closing of the sale of each residential lot henceforth or issuance ofa certificate of
occupancy for each residential lot, whichever first occurs, to contribute $1,300 to an escrow fund
established by Albemarle County for a capital improvement fund for use by Albemarle County and
VDOT for (1) public right of way improvements on Richmond Road (SR 250) between Louisa Road
(SR 22) and Glenmore Way (SR 1054)" or any other transportation related improvement items in the
Albemarle County Capital Improvement Program and relating to the Village ofRivanna and the Route
250£ corridor.
Ifthe County does not use the established fund by April 12, 2010, all funds in the escrow account shall
be returned to Glenmore Associates or its designee.
9. In the event that there shall not have been substantial performance ofproffers contained in paragraphs
2,3,4 and 5 within ten (10) years from the date offinal approval ofZMA 90-019, then the
undersigned applicant agrees to waive his rights under Virginia Code Section 15.2-2303. Substantial
performance shall include (1) donation of the land described in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this proffer, if
requested bv Albemarle County. (2) payment of at least $150,000.00 in cash pursuant to paragraph 4-
of this proffer, and (3) construction and dedication to the appropriate authorities of the public water
and sewer facilities pursuant to paragraph 5 of this proffer.
10. Development shall be in general accord with the Application PIan dated November 2, 1990 and last
revised April 12, 2000, and Glenmore Rezoning Application dated September 24, 1990 and amended
April 12, 2000 including textual program of development as approved under ZMA 99-016 and
amended by prior rezoning actions.
11. Maintenance of private roads and private drives serving two lots will be in accord with Section 18-7
and Section 18-36 of the County's Subdivision Ordinance as it exists on April 16, 1997.
12. At least one deputized security officer (special police officer) shall be employed for security purposes.
13. Vehicular access to Section 41 ofGlenmore will be through the existing private road network within
Glenmore. Ashton Road may be used for emergency access. This proffer does not affect Proffer 7
t.1 ThÞ~ n...n.fFpr~ arp. ~l1h~titllted in Dlace ofDloffers dated February 11, 1998.
Printed Names of All Owners
(TMP 79-32) qÆ~.
. Ignatures of All Owners .
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(Attach Proper Power of Attorney)
(~MP 79-28, 93-62)'
Printed Name of Attorney-in-Fact
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Rev. December 1994
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