HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199900001 Action Letter
qc:r - 01
February 28, 2000
Department of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 218
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296 - 5823
Fax (804) 972 - 4035
Mark Keller
301 East High St
Charlottesville, V A 22902
RE: ZMA99-01 Pan tops Place; Tax Map 78, Parcels 55Al and 55A5
Dear Mr. Keller:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on January 12,2000, unanimously .
approved the above-noted request to rezone 12.3 acres from R-1, R-6 and R-10 to PRD to allow
up to 130 dwelling units in retirement village. Please note that this approval is subject to proffers
outlined in a letter dated January 5. 2000 to Elaine Echols (copy attached).
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
. -..
Cc: Amelia McCulley
Jack Kelsey
T ex Weaver
Steve Allshouse
. Bob BalL VDOT
Dale: 1· \f..q<;\
ZMA 1t
Origini1J Proffer _
A"·u!lidcd Proffer
(Amendme:nl #--1
Tax Map Parcel(s) 1# PAACã\. «\0 (~ot.ù
Ar,res lo be rCloned {rom' R. c..
PurSU\1t1l to Section 33.3 of the AtbcmûJ"le COl:11ly Zoning OrdiliLlncc. lhe owner, or
its duly aUH10ri7.cd agent, hcrcby voluntarily proffers Ihe CO,,(/i[ion~ /i:;led be:ow w/1ich shéJlI
be applied 10 1he propcrly, if re7.oncdo Thr.sc cor.dilioc)~ f1rc proHer~d as a Pêlrt of the
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PerÅ“itta4 ~.e$ of ~he properey, and/or uses authori~ed by speç1al use
pe~t. shall in~lude only tho.e uses allowed in section 22 ot the
Albema~le County ZoninC Ordinance in effe~t on M~y 8. 1996. a copy of
tht se'tions being attached he.eto. except the follo~1ag~
Section 22.2.1
Section 22.2.1
Sec.tion 22.2.1
Sec.tion 22.2.1
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01/18/2S00 17:20
Date: Januaxy 5 2000 !
ZMA # 1999-001 Þ
Tax Map and Parcel Numbcr(s} Tax Maø 78 Parcels 5 A·l and 55 A.5
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12.3 A<:r<s to be rezoned fro.. R·I, R-6, ant R -10 Resid..tiaI .. PRD Planned R..idential District-
fntQl's Place
Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby
, voluntarily PJ:ofi'ers the conditions listed below WhiCh*hau be applied to the P, roperty, if rezoned, These conditions are
proffered as a pan of the requested rezoning and it is eed that: (I) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the
conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable elation to the rezoning request. '
(1) See Attach~d Letter to Elaine Echols, dated lanua~ 5,2000, relating to the Pantol's Place PRD.
Original Proffer _
Amended Proffer X_
(Amendment # 1)
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Printed N me of Attorney-in-Fact
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Original Proffer _
Amended Proffer K--
(Amendment # 1)
Date: Januarv 5.2000
ZMA# 1999-001
Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) Tax MaD 78 Parcels 55 A-I and 55 A-5
12.3 Acres to be rezoned from R-I, R~, and R-IO Residential to PRD Planned Residential District-
Pantops Place
Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby
voluntarily proffers the conditións listed below which shall be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are
proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the
conditions~ and (2) such conditions have a reasonab~e relation to the rezoning request.
(1) See Attached Letter to Elaine Echols, dated January 5,2000, relating to the Pantops Place PRD.
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Signatures of All Owners
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Printed Names of All Owners
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Signature of Attorney-in-Fact
(Attach Proper Power of Attorney)
Printed Name of Attorney-in-Fact
Page 1
January 5, 2000
Ms. Elaine Echols
Senior Planner
Department of Planning &
Community DeveJopment
County of Albemarle
401 Mcintire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: Pantops Place
Dear Ms. Echols:
The undersigned applicant makes the following proffers:
Development of the site will be in general conformity with the plan entitled,
"Pantops Place Preliminary Plan", dated February 22, 1999 and revised October
18, 1999, herein referred to as the Application Plan.
2. Residential density limits will be as follows:
The building(s) containing the Assisted Living area and the Independent Living
units will be no, greater than 110,000 square feet. The total number of assisted
living units and independent living units together shall not exceed 100; however,
up to twelve of the assisted living units may be two-bedroom units.
Independent Living Cottages
Maximum 30 Units
A preliminary traffic analysis will be performed prior to preliminary site plan
approval. The owner shall share in the cost of any comprehensive traffic study
deemed necessary subsequent to th~ review of the preliminary traffic analysis.
The amount of participation shall be based on a pro-rata share of the traffic
volume contributed to the site as determined by the Albemarle County
Engineering Department. At the request ofVDOT, the owner will enter into an
agreement among all parties whose property does or will contribute traffic to the
Pantops Mountain Road/Route 250 intersection, to make a pro-rata financial
contribution toward the installation of improvements related to the signalization of
the intersection.
Elaine Echols
County of Albemarle
January 5, 2000
Page 2
4. (a) Vehicular access to the site from Route 250 East shall be limited to a
single location, directly opposite the new entrance to the Martha Jefferson
office building development on Pantops Mountain Road, as shown on the
Application Plan.
(b) Prior to any development of the property, the applicant shall record an
access easement to serve the adjoining property described as Albemarle
County Tax Map 78, Parcel 55A3.
(c) The owner shall provide and maintain an asphalt path of no less than 5
feet to connect to an on-site tråil system at Westminster Canterbury,if
permission'is granted by Westminster Canterbury for such a connection.
(d) The owner shall provide shuttle service at a minimum of three times a
week to convey assisted living residents to appointments, shopping, and
other destinations,
During construction of the first phase of the development, the owner shall
perform grading in the r.o.w. for Route 250 or immediately adjacent to this r.o.w.
to facilitate the future installation of a sidewalk which would be part of any
reconfiguration of Route 250 to an "urban cross-section" roadway. If the grading
for the sidewalk would result in the sidewalk being on the Pantops Place
property, then the owner will grant the necessary easements for pedestrian
access along this section of his property, The final site development plan shall
reflect the grading to be performed with this proffer.
6. The owner shall provide a 15 foot buffer easement in width upon the property
along its entire common boundary with the Glenorchy subdivision as shown on
the ,Application Plan. The easement will be provided at construction of
improvements. The purpose of this easement will be to ensure the preservation
of an existing mature hedgerow and fieldstone wall along this common boundary
line. No plant removal, other than dead, diseased or noxious vegetation, shall
take place in this area. Only limited grading as shown on the approved site
plans, and only that which does not require the removal of trees, shall be
permitted, New beneficial plant material may be sensitively introduced to
augment the efficacy of the hedgerow as a screening element. Pedestrian
access to this area shall not be restricted.
The owner shall provide supplementål screening, to the satisfactiofl of the
Albemarle County planning staff, in addition to that required in Section 32~7.9.8 of
the Zoning Ordinance to ensure thatthe service areas for proposed buildings will
be properly screened from the Glenorchy subdivision. This landscaping shall be
shown on the Landscaping Plan to be submitted with the final site development
plan for this section.
Elaine Echols
County of Albemarle
January 5, 2000
Page 3
8. The owner will show the 25% open space on the preliminary and final site plans
and preserve and/or improve, for recreational and amenity purposes, all of that
land which lies east of the intermittent stream which transects the site. The land
will remain in its current state except as deemed necessary for the potential
construction of a pond, walking paths and other recreational features and
installation of landscape treatments as shown on the preliminary site
development plan.
9. A community association will be formed for ownership and maintenance of all
areas outside of the building envelopes. Owners of the development shall be
members of this community association.
Date / - ¡; - -:::z cJ ~
Virginia land Trust, Owner
Tax Mal> 78, Parcel 55-A-5 .
//'; jl ¡J .:::¿ / /
By: ~,~ ~ /4-,/
Charles W. Hurt, M.D., Trustee
Individual Owners
Tax Map 78, Parcel 55-A-(1)
Date l·5·~
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