HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA199800001 Action Letter
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Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville. Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296-5823
May 28, 1998
Hunter E. Craig
Hunter E. Craig Company
POBox 6156
Charlottesville, VA 22906 ill
D\ to'{'ftt\
RE: ZM.~-98-~\Vestern Ridge Phase II
Tax Map 56, Parcel 93 (part of)
Dear Mr. Craig:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its May 13, 1998 meeting, approved the above-
noted request to rezone approximately 14.5 acres ITom S',-4 with proffers to Planned Residential
Development. Please note that this approval is subject to the attached proffers dated May 11,
1998, and signed by Hunter. E. Craig.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this action, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Amelia McCulley
Jack Kelsey
BOARD OF SUPERVISúl,$ Original Prorrer
. Amended Prorrer -
(Amendment # ) ..
Tax Map Parcel(s) # 5(,,£ . '8LC?Ct, Y¡QR.CÆL A.
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/4. >" Acres to be rezoned from 1<4 Lo 'Pæl;>
ZMA # qð',O!
Pursuanllo. S.eclion 33.3 of Lhe Albemarle Counly Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or
ils duly authorized agent, hereby volunlarily proffers lhe condilions lisled below which shall
be. applied lo the properly, if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a parl of lhe
requested rezoning and il is agreed Lhat: (1) lhe rezoning ilself gives rise Lo Lhe need for
Lhe condilions; and (2) such condilions have a reasonable relation Lo Lhe rezoning
See allachcù "Weslern Riugc Phase 2 ProBers" daleù May 11, 1998.
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( P¡:~T./,"-Q..)
/.þJ~~. U241/4
Prinled Names of All Owners
5". II. q.f
. Signa lure of Allorney-in-Fact
(Attach Proper Power of AlIorney)
Prinled Name of Attorney-in-Fact
Hc·,. [)c~clllbcr I g9·1
'VEST£~ _~"( H.IDGE PI-lASE 2 PR01_ ßRS
May 11, 1998
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The following proffers (1-4, 6-9 & 11) are the same as proffered and approved by the Albemarle
Board of Supervisors for ZMA 94-14 on March 20, 1995.
Owner will reserve a 110 foot strip of land in the approximate location shown on the Plan
as "proposed Crozet Route 240/250 Connector," (the "Reserved ~ea") and will dedicate
the Reserved Area to public use without compensation at such time as the County of
Albemarle or the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT) has acquired the balance
of the right-of-way required to build the proposed Crazet Route 240/250 connector road
utilizing the Reserved Area. Reservation of the Reserved Area shall not be deemed to
prohibit owner, successors, and assigns from construction a vehicular access at grade·
across the Reselved Area suflìcient to permit the full development and use of the adjacent
parcel labeled "INDUSTRIAL SERVICE" on the Plan. Reservation of the Reserved Area
shall not be deemed to prohibit owner from construction a two-lane road in the Reserved
Area in a manner which would not interfere with future construction of the connector
road, or making other temporary use of the Reserved Area not inconsistent with such
'construction, as determined by VDoT amlthcn-existing COllnty ordinances. No
residential driveways will access directly onto the 110 foot right-of-way.
Owner will construct a soccer field in the approximate location shown on the Plan. Owner
may provide recreational facilities in lieu of soccer field at owner's option, subject to
administrative approval of the County of Albemarle Planning Department. (As of March 4,
1998, this proffer is ·completed).
Owner will clean and repaint (interior and exterior, excluding attic) the existing two-story
residence building on the property, and place all heating, electrical and plumbing systems
therein in, good working order, trim shrubbery and clean up the yard, and convey such
building to~the Homeowner's Association for use as a clubhouse, to be operated and
maintained by the Homeowner's Association. The two-story hOllse may be used as a sales
center/clubhouse until all lots are ~old. (As of March 4, 1998, this proffer is completed).
Owner will reserve an average ora 50-foot wide greenbelt along each side of the stream in
the area identified as "GREENBELT" on the Plan, to the extent that the greenbelt would
be within the boundaries of the property. No buildings shall be constructed or erected
within the greenbelt without the consent of Albemarle County and it shall be preserved ÍIJ
its natural state except for the building of pedestrian trails and general beautification
including, but not limited to, the clearing of underbrush, removal of dead trees and shrubs
planting of trees and shll.lbs, cleanup of the stream and use for utilization for stream·
crossing for pedestrian or vehicular access in accòrdance with VDoT standards to adjacent
propenies. Owner dos not profTer to maintain the greenbelt, and may convey the
greenbelt to the Homeowners Association subject to the reservation set forth herein. The
proffer shall not be interpreted to prohibit the location of utilities and easements therefore
in the greenbelt. The reservation of the greenbelt will provide that at such time as the
May II, 1998
County of Albemarle commits to establish and maintain a public area, park or pathway,
and assumes responsibility for maintenance thereof, the greenbelt area, upon request of
Albemarle County, will be dedicated by owner of its successors to the County, subject to
the right of use for pedestrian trails by residents living on the property and subject to the
right to cross the greenbelt for vehicular access and underground utilities and easements
by owner or its successors.
5. Development within the Western Ridge development will be limited to a maximum of277
single-family attached and detached dwelling units on the property. The attached and
detached units will be located approximately in the areas shown on the Plan. The number
of units permitted in the area of Tax Map 5GE, Block 1, Parcel A shall be limited to a
maximum of 199 units.
6. Internal roads on the property will be located approximately as shown on the Plan.
Additional internal roads will be locatcd pursuant to normal subdivision review.
7. Owner will plant at such time "Proposed Crozet Route 240/250 Connector" is built, or'
before, two rows of white pine trees 15 feet on center (four feet to five feet tall) along the
east side of the "Proposed Crozet Route 240/250 Connector" 110 foot "right-of-way,"
which is contiguous with single-family attached or detached as is shown on the Plan.
The reservation set forth in paragraph one above and the possibility that a four lane road
will be constructed within the Reserved Area shall be clearly disclosed in the subdivision
covenants and restrictions and on the subdivision plat for all lots adjacent to the Reserved
9. OWl)e~will develop the property to accommodate a minimum of230 units, when
combined with any units included in the existing Western Ridge subdivision..
10. The setbacks within the area shown as Phase 2 on a plan titled "Western Ridge" prepared
by Muncaster Engineering and last revised 2/[3/98 shall be:
a. Front: 20 feet except that the front yard may be reduced to 10 feet for attached
garages for a maximum lineal distance of28 feet.provided tha~ thcrc shall bc nO'
openings e:~cept for garage doors in an)' exterior wall of the cRclosed structure
parallel to the street between 20 feet and 10 feet from the front lot linc.
b. Side: 10 feet except that the side yard may be reduced to zero (O) feet on one side
in accord with the following provisions:
All such structures for which separation and/or side yards are reduced shall be
constructed in accordance with the current edition of the Virginia Uniform
Statewide Building Code;
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May 11, 1998
.1.' ßl'\.i:)
In the case of yard reduction, the Albemarle County fire official may require such
guarantee as deemed necessary to insure compliance with the provisions of this
proffer, inclusive but not limited to deed restriction disclosures, and other such
instruments and the recordation of the same in the office of the clerk of the circuit
court of the county;
No structures shall encroach on any emergency accessway as may be required by
the Albemarle County fire official;
No structures shall encroach on any utility, drainage or other easement, nor any
feature required by the zoning ordinance;
The wall of the dwelling unit, parallel to the zero lot line, located within 3 feet of
the lot line shall have no window~, doors, or any other type of openings unless
permitted by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Bui:ding Code;
As necess,Ú)' in a particular case a perpetual wall maintenance easemcnt shall be
provided on the lot adjacent to the zero lot line property such that, with the
exception of fences. a total width bet ween dwelling units of six feet shall be kept
clear of all structures. This easement shall be shown on the final plat and
incorporated in each deed transferring title to the property. Roof overhangs may'
pelletratc the casemcnt Oil the adjaccnt lot a maximum of l wcnly-four (24) inchcs,
but the roof shall be designed, with standard gutters, such that ,Ýater runoff from
the dwelling placed on the lot line is directed to standard downspouts on the front
and back of the dwelling. Building footings may penetrate the easement on the
adjacent lot a maximum of eight (8) inches.
c. Rear: 20 feel.
11. The proffers contained herein supersede and are offered in lieu oral! previous proffers
offered by owner with regard to the property. All previous proffers are withdrawn.
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